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automacro XYY{

console /.*:\s+.?(one|two|thre|fr|fve|sx|svn|eght|nne|one|two|three|four|five|six|se
call XYY
macro XYY{
$h = @eval({"one" => 100,"two" => 200,"thre" => 300,"fr" => 400,"fve" => 500,"sx" =>
600,"svn" => 700,"eght" => 800,"nne" => 900,"three" => 300,"four" => 400,"five" => 5
00,"six" => 600,"seven" => 700,"eight" => 800,"nine" => 900}->{"$.lastMatch1"})
$pt = @eval({"ten" => 10,"eleven" => 11,"twelve" => 12,"thirteen" => 13,"fourtee
n" => 14,"fifteen" => 15,"sixteen" => 16,"seventeen" => 17,"eighteen" => 18,"nin
eteen" => 19,"tn" => 10,"elvn" => 11,"twlve" => 12,"thrtn" => 13,"frtn" => 14,"ff
=> 16,"svntn" => 17,"eghtn" => 18,"nntn" => 19}->{"$.lastMatch2"})
$res = @eval($h + $pt)
log $res
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--opause 5
do talk num $res

automacro XXX{
console /^.*:\s+.?(one|two|thre|fr|fve|sx|svn|eght|nne|one|two|three|four|five|six|s
call XXX

macro XXX{
$h = @eval({"one" => 100,"two" => 200,"thre" => 300,"fr" => 400,"fve" => 500,"sx" =>
600,"svn" => 700,"eght" => 800,"nne" => 900,"three" => 300,"four" => 400,"five" => 5
00,"six" => 600,"seven" => 700,"eight" => 800,"nine" => 900}->{"$.lastMatch1"})
$t = @eval({"twenty" => 20,"thirty" => 30,"forty" => 40,"fifty" => 50,"sixty" =>
60,"seventy" => 70,"eighty" => 80,"ninety" => 90,"twnty" => 20,"thrty" => 30,"frty
" => 40,"ffty" => 50,"sxty" => 60,"svnt" => 70,"eight" => 80,"nint" => 90}->{"$.lastM
$o = @eval({"one" => 1,"two" => 2,"thre" => 3,"fr" => 4,"fve" => 5,"sx" => 6,"svn" =>
,"eght" => 8,"nne" => 9,"three" => 3,"four" => 4,"five" => 5,"six" => 6,"seven" =>
7,"eight" => 8,"nine" => 9}->{"$.lastMatch3"})
$res = @eval($h + $t + $o)
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--opause 5
do talk num $res

automacro X0X{
console /^.*:\s+.?(one|two|thre|fr|fve|sx|svn|eght|nne|one|two|three|four|five|six|s
call X0X
macro X0X{
$h = @eval({"one" => 100,"two" => 200,"thre" => 300,"fr" => 400,"fve" => 500,"sx" =>

600,"svn" => 700,"eght" => 800,"nne" => 900,"three" => 300,"four" => 400,"five" => 5
00,"six" => 600,"seven" => 700,"eight" => 800,"nine" => 900}->{"$.lastMatch1"})
$o = @eval({"one" => 1,"two" => 2,"thre" => 3,"fr" => 4,"fve" => 5,"sx" => 6,"svn" =>
,"eght" => 8,"nne" => 9,"three" => 3,"four" => 4,"five" => 5,"six" => 6,"seven" =>
7,"eight" => 8,"nine" => 9}->{"$.lastMatch2"})
$res = @eval($h + $o)
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--opause 5
do talk num $res

automacro XX0{
console /^.*:\s+.?(one|two|thre|fr|fve|sx|svn|eght|nne|one|two|three|four|five|six|s
call XX0

macro XX0{
$h = @eval({"one" => 100,"two" => 200,"thre" => 300,"fr" => 400,"fve" => 500,"sx" =>
600,"svn" => 700,"eght" => 800,"nne" => 900,"three" => 300,"four" => 400,"five" => 5
00,"six" => 600,"seven" => 700,"eight" => 800,"nine" => 900}->{"$.lastMatch1"})
$t = @eval({"twenty" => 20,"thirty" => 30,"forty" => 40,"fifty" => 50,"sixty" =>
60,"seventy" => 70,"eighty" => 80,"ninety" => 90,"twnty" => 20,"thrty" => 30,"frty
" => 40,"ffty" => 50,"sxty" => 60,"svnt" => 70,"eight" => 80,"nint" => 90}->{"$.lastM
$res = @eval($h + $t)
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--opause 5
do talk num $res

automacro X00{
console /^^.*:\s+.?(one|two|thre|fr|fve|sx|svn|eght|nne|one|two|three|four|five|six|
call X00
macro X00{
$res = @eval({"one" => 100,"two" => 200,"thre" => 300,"fr" => 400,"fve" => 500,"sx" =
> 600,"svn" => 700,"eght" => 800,"nne" => 900,"three" => 300,"four" => 400,"five" =>
500,"six" => 600,"seven" => 700,"eight" => 800,"nine" => 900}->{"$.lastMatch1"}
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--odo talk num $res

automacro XX{
console /^.*:\s+.?(twnty|thrty|frty|ffty|sxty|svnt|eight|nint|twenty|thirty|forty|
call XX

macro XX{
$t = @eval({"twenty" => 20,"thirty" => 30,"forty" => 40,"fifty" => 50,"sixty" =>
60,"seventy" => 70,"eighty" => 80,"ninety" => 90,"twnty" => 20,"thrty" => 30,"frty
" => 40,"ffty" => 50,"sxty" => 60,"svnt" => 70,"eight" => 80,"nint" => 90}->{"$.lastM
$o = @eval({"one" => 1,"two" => 2,"thre" => 3,"fr" => 4,"fve" => 5,"sx" => 6,"svn" =>
,"eght" => 8,"nne" => 9,"three" => 3,"four" => 4,"five" => 5,"six" => 6,"seven" =>
7,"eight" => 8,"nine" => 9}->{"$.lastMatch2"})
$res = @eval($t + $o)
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--opause 5
do talk num $res

automacro YY{
console /^.*:\s+.?(tn|elvn|twlve|thrtn|frtn|fftn|sxtn|svntn|eghtn|nn
call YY
macro YY{
$res = @eval({"ten" => 10,"eleven" => 11,"twelve" => 12,"thirteen" => 13,"fourte
en" => 14,"fifteen" => 15,"sixteen" => 16,"seventeen" => 17,"eighteen" => 18,"ni
neteen" => 19,"tn" => 10,"elvn" => 11,"twlve" => 12,"thrtn" => 13,"frtn" => 14,"f
tn" => 16,"svntn" => 17,"eghtn" => 18,"nntn" => 19}->{"$.lastMatch1"})
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--opause 5
do talk num $res

automacro X0{
console /^.*:\s+.?(twnty|thrty|frty|ffty|sxty|svnt|eight|nint|twenty|thirty|forty|
call X0
macro X0{
$res = @eval({"twenty" => 20,"thirty" => 30,"forty" => 40,"fifty" => 50,"sixty"
=> 60,"seventy" => 70,"eighty" => 80,"ninety" => 90,"twnty" => 20,"thrty" => 30,"fr
ty" => 40,"ffty" => 50,"sxty" => 60,"svnt" => 70,"eight" => 80,"nint" => 90}->{"$.las
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--opause 5
do talk num $res

automacro X{
console /^.*:\s+.?(one|two|thre|fr|fve|sx|svn|eght|nne|one|two|three|four|five|six|s
call X

macro X{
$res = @eval({"one" => 1,"two" => 2,"thre" => 3,"fr" => 4,"fve" => 5,"sx" => 6,"svn" =

7,"eght" => 8,"nne" => 9,"three" => 3,"four" => 4,"five" => 5,"six" => 6,"seven"
=> 7,"eight" => 8,"nine" => 9}->{"$.lastMatch1"})
log -o--o--o--o--o- $res -o--o--o--o--opause 5
do talk num $res
It cannot answer numbers in hundreds because of "\s+and" << this line. When the
police asks you the question, it says (one hundred forty five, two hundred sixty
one, etc.) and not (one hundred and forty five, two hundred and sixty one, etc)
. So just remove the quoted line above and then the macro will work ^_^
Also, here's the monster talk if you havent found it yet:
automacro antiBotMonTalk {
console /^\[Guild\] .*: .*\s(\d+)\s.*$/
overrideAI 1
priority 1
call aBMT
macro aBMT {
pause 5
do talk num $.lastMatch1
release all
So for everyone out there with 3 botkillers (monster talk, word numbers, image n
umbers), we only got one thing left to fix>> image numbers or botkillerASCII. (t
his is the hardest method actually, since you need to manually input numbers, an
d your server can have as many diff type of numbers they want, or they can even
change it periodically.
Ok so next up,... does anyone know how to make a macro that automatically types
a set number when botkillerASCII is asked? Im trying but I dont know what condit
ions I can put for this to trigger. Thanks.

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