Ap WH Quiz 1 QTR 2 Chapter 7

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AP World History Quiz 1 (Quarter 2) The Empires of Persia

Multiple Choice (2 pts each)

1. The major early turning point in the rise of the Persian Empire was this:
a. victory of Darius at Salamis.
b. victory of Cyrus over y!ia.
c. victory in the Persian "ars.
!. !efeat of the Sasani! empire.
e. victory of Cambyses over #ome.
$. %e was the lea!er of the y!ians who fell to Cyrus:
a. Cambyses.
b. &iltia!es.
c. 'styages.
!. Croesus.
e. Darius.
(. )n organi*ing their empire+ Persian rulers relie! heavily on techni,ues of a!ministration from this early society:
a. y!ians.
b. Egyptians.
c. #omans.
!. Chinese.
e. &esopotamians.
-. ists the Persian empires in correct chronological or!er:
a. 'chaemeni!s+ Sasani!s+ Seleuci!s+ Parthians
b. Parthians+ 'chaemeni!s+ Seleuci!s+ Sasani!s
c. Sasani!s+ Parthians+ Seleuci!s+ 'chaemeni!s
!. 'chaemeni!s+ Seleuci!s+ Parthians+ Sasani!s
e. Sasani!s+ Seleuci!s+ Parthians+ 'chaemeni!s
.. The &e!es an! Persians were originally from:
a. )n!o/European tribes.
b. Semitic/spea0ing noma!s relate! to the %y0sos.
c. later &esopotamian petty 0ing!oms.
!. Dravi!ian tribes who ha! fle! before the arrival of the 'ryans in )n!ia.
e. minor 1abylonian rulers.
2. The foun!er of the 'chaemeni! Empire was:
a. 3er4es.
b. Cambyses.
c. Cyrus.
!. Darius.
e. 'le4an!er.
5. )n .$. 1.C.E. the Persian emperor Cambyses capture! which society:
a. y!ia.
b. Egypt.
c. northern )n!ia.
!. &e!ia.
e. 6reece.
7. The greatest of the 'chaemeni! emperors was:
a. Darius.
b. Cyrus.
c. 3er4es.
!. Cambyses.
e. &iltia!es.
8. The magnificent capital of the Persian empire constructe! by Darius was:
a. 1y*antium.
b. Pasarga!ae.
c. &arathon.
!. Susa.
e. Persepolis.
19. Satrapies were:
a. &esopotamian 0ings.
b. Egyptian a!ministrators.
c. Persian a!ministrative units.
!. !emons of the y!ian un!erworl!.
e. 'rabian merchants.
11. The Persian :eyes an! ears of the 0ing;:
a. was 'hura &a*!a.
b. were satraps.
c. was a popular e4pression that relate! to the !ivinity of the 0ing.
!. were spies.
e. were the cavalry.
1$. Darius pic0e! up the i!ea of a stan!ar!i*e! government/issue! coinage from this society:
a. 1abylonians.
b. Egyptians.
c. y!ians.
!. )n!ians.
e. Chinese.
1(. "hich of the following empires normally !isplaye! the greatest !egree of toleration towar! its subject peoples:
a. 'ssyrian
b. 6ree0
c. Egyptian
!. 'chaemeni!
e. <lmec
1-. The Persian 0ing who regulari*e! ta4 levies an! stan!ar!i*e! laws was:
a. Cyrus.
b. Cambyses.
c. Darius.
!. 3er4es.
e. 'le4an!er.
1.. The Persian legal co!e was !esigne! to !o this:
a. co!ify the laws of the subject peoples.
b. abolish the laws of in!ivi!ual lan!s.
c. impose a uniform law co!e on the entire empire.
!. terrify the subject tribes of the empire into submission.
e. enslave the con,uere! tribes.
12. The center of the Persian communications networ0 was:
a. #oyal #oa!.
b. qanat.
c. Emperor=s Trail.
!. use of 'ssyrian mercenary spies.
e. Persian navy.
15. %ero!otus use! the wor!s+ :>either snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointe! roun!s+; to !escribe this:
a. The #oyal #oa!
b. Persian courier service
c. Sea Tra!ers
!. The ?anat
e. @oroastrianism
17. The qanat were:
a. Persian un!ergroun! canals.
b. Persian oral historians.
c. the religious te4ts of the @oroastrians.
!. the priestly class of the Persians.
e. the parables of @arathustra.
18. Aor his !ecision to allow them to return to their capital city an! rebuil! their temple+ Darius receive! high praise from
these people:
a. 'ssyrians
b. Egyptians
c. &e!es
!. Bews
e. Dravi!ians
$9. The 0ing who faile! to follow the normal Persian governing policy of toleration was:
a. Darius.
b. 3er4es.
c. Cambyses.
!. Cyrus.
e. %ammurabi.
$1. This battle in -89 1.C.E. against the 6ree0s prove! to be a Persian loss:
a. 6augamela.
b. &arathon.
c. Persepolis.
!. )ssus.
e. 'thens.
$$. The !ecisive victory of 'le4an!er of &ace!on over the Persians was calle! the battle of:
a. 6augamela.
b. &arathon.
c. Persepolis.
!. )ssus.
e. 'thens.
$(. "hat three empires employe! a form of imperial a!ministration copie! from the 'chaemeni!s:
a. y!ia+ Egypt+ an! &e!ia.
b. 6reece+ Seleuci!+ Parthian an! >orth )n!ia.
c. Seleuci!+ Parthian+ an! Sasani!.
!. Egypt+ Sasani!+ an! Parthian.
e. Seleuci!+ Parthian+ an! y!ia .
$-. The empire comprising most of the ol! 'chaemeni! state that was ta0en by a general of 'le4an!er the 6reat was:
a. Parthian empire.
b. 'le4an!rian empire.
c. Sasani! empire.
!. Seleuci! empire.
e. 'ryan empire.
$.. The Seleuci!s were finally !efeate! in 7( 1.C.E. by this Empire:
a. Parthians.
b. #omans.
c. 'chaemeni!s.
!. Sasani!s.
e. 6ree0s.
$2. "hich )ranian state followe! the 'chaemeni!s an! rivale! the Seleuci!s in greatness:
a. Parthian
b. Sasani!
c. )n!o/European
!. &e!ian
e. Carthaginian
$5. The greatest Parthian ruler was:
a. Cyrus.
b. &ithra!ates ).
c. Ctesiphon.
!. Shapur ).
e. Darius.
$7. Ctesiphon was:
a. the greatest Parthian ruler.
b. the capital of the Seleuci! empire.
c. the prophet who transforme! Persian religion.
!. the capital of the Parthian an! Sasani! empires.
e. a 6ree0 philosopher.
$8. %e was the greatest Sasani! Cing:
a. Cyrus.
b. &ithra!ates ).
c. Ctesiphon.
!. Shapur ).
e. Darius..
(9. The Sasani!s were !efeate! in 2.1 C.E. by this group:
a. 1y*antine imperial forces.
b. #oman forces.
c. Parthian armies.
!. 'rab warriors.
e. the 6ree0 navy.
(1. The social structure of the &e!es an! Persians was originally very similar to this society:
a. &esopotamians.
b. 6ree0s.
c. 'ryans.
!. #omans.
e. Egyptians.
($. This Persian religion was allowe! to sprea! through its own merits:
a. Bews.
b. @oroastrianism.
c. %in!uism.
!. 1u!!hism.
e. Christianity.
((. @arathustra tal0e! about the battle between the :wise lor!; 'hura &a*!a an! this evil spirit:
a. 'vesta.
b. 'ngra &ainyu.
c. 'shur.
!. Ctesiphon.
e. Enlil.
(-. The Gathas were:
a. Persian un!ergroun! canals.
b. the laws that ma!e up the Persian legal co!e.
c. Persian a!ministrative units.
!. Persian a!ministrators.
e. @arathustra=s compositions.
(.. %ow !i! the basic tenet of @oroastrianismD that the view of the material worl! as a place of temptation that ha! to be
ignore! influence later religions:
a. create! the belief in a heaven an! hell
b. encouragement of high moral stan!ar!s
c. it ha! no influence on later religions
!. creates the !octrine that in!ivi!uals will un!ergo a final ju!gment
e. !evelope! the belief that each in!ivi!ual plays a 0ey role in !etermining his or her spiritual !estiny
(2. @arathustra viewe! the material worl! as:
a. as an illusion.
b. as a tric0 of 'ngra &ainyu to mislea! the faithful.
c. as the e,uivalent of hell.
!. as a gift from 'hura &a*!a that shoul! be enjoye!.
e. as a resting place for the reincarnate!.
(5. The wor!s :goo! wor!s+ goo! thoughts+ goo! !ee!s; were use! to sum up the view of morality of this group:
a. Bews.
b. @oroastrians.
c. %in!us.
!. 1u!!hists.
e. 6ree0s.
(7. This was the religious prophet who brought about a transformation of Persian religion:
a. Cyrus.
b. &ithra!ates ).
c. @arathustra.
!. Shapur ).
e. Darius.
(8. This group claime! to be !irect !escent from the 'chaemeni!s an! rule! from $$- to 2.1 C.E.:
a. Parthian
b. Sasani!
c. )n!o/European
!. &e!ian
e. Carthaginian
-9. %e was the Persian emperor who capture! Egypt:
a. Darius.
b. 3er4es.
c. Cambyses.
!. Cyrus.
e. %ammurabi
hort A!s"er# i! a simple para$raph a!s"er o!e of the follo"i!$ %uestio!s (2& poi!ts)
1. E4amine the role of tra!e an! agriculture in e4plaining the success of the Persian empires. "hy was the #oyal #oa!
so importantE
$. E4amine the !evelopment of the Seleuci!+ Parthian+ an! Sasani! empires. )n what ways were they a continuation of
the 'chaemeni! tra!itionE )n what ways were they !ifferentE
(. )n what ways+ both political an! religious+ !i! the later Seleuci!+ Parthian+ an! Sasani! empires try to position
themselves as the heirs of the 'chaemeni!sE "hy !i! they !o thisE %ow successful were they in this attemptE

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