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Copyright 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter Six
Answers to Terminology Section (textbook pages 188192)
Terminology Meaning
cholangiectasis Dilation of bile vessel.
hematemesis Vomiting blood (from the digestive tract).
dyspepsia Difficult digestion; indigestion.
polyphagia Much (over) eating.
dysphagia Difficult swallowing.
abdominoplasty Surgical repair of the abdomen.
hemoptysis Spitting up blood (from the respiratory tract).
hemorrhage Bursting forth of blood.
gastrorrhagia Discharge of blood from the stomach.
herniorrhaphy Suture (repair) of a hernia.
diarrhea Loose, watery discharge of feces.
pylorospasm Involuntary contraction of the pyloric sphincter.
bronchospasm Sudden, involuntary contraction of bronchial tubes (as during an asthmatic attack).
cholestasis Stoppage of the flow of bile.
pyloric stenosis Narrowing of the pyloric sphincter.
atresia Not open (no opening).
esophageal atresia No opening of the esophagus (into the stomach).
biliary atresia No opening of the bile ducts (into the duodenum).
Combining Forms
buccal Pertaining to the cheek.
cecal volvulus Twisting of a part of the cecum upon itself.
celiac disease Autoimmune disorder of the small intestine; villi are damaged as a result of eating gluten.
cheilosis Abnormal condition of the lip.
cholelithiasis Abnormal condition of gallstones.
cholangitis Inflammation of bile vessels.
cholangiocarcinoma Malignant tumor of bile vessel.
cholecystectomy Removal of the gallbladder.
choledochal Pertaining to the common bile duct.
choledochectasia Dilation of the common bile duct.
colectomy Removal of the colon.
colonoscopy Visual examination of the colon.
dentalgia Pain in a tooth.
duodenal Pertaining to the duodenum.
gastroenteritis Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
Copyright 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
esophageal atresia Closure of the esophagus.
gastrojejunostomy New opening between the stomach and the jejunum.
gastrostomy New opening of the stomach to the outside of the body.
gingivectomy Removal of gum tissue.
glossectomy Removal of the tongue.
gluconeogenesis Formation of new glucose (by liver cells).
glycogen Storage form of sugar.
hepatomegaly Enlargement of the liver.
herniorrhaphy Suture of a hernia.
ileostomy New opening of the ileum to the outside of the body.
cholecystojejunostomy New opening between the gallbladder and the jejunum.
labiodental Pertaining to the lips and teeth.
sublingual Pertaining to under the tongue.
lipase Enzyme to digest fat.
cholecystolithiasis Abnormal condition of stones in the gallbladder.
periodontal membrane Membrane surrounding a tooth.
oropharynx The region of the throat near the mouth.
palatoplasty Surgical repair of the palate.
pancreatic Pertaining to the pancreas.
pancreatoduodenectomy Removal of the pancreas and duodenum; Whipple procedure.
proctosigmoidoscopy Visual examination of the anus and rectum.
pyloric stenosis Narrowing of the pyloric sphincter.
rectal carcinoma Cancer of the rectum.
sialadenectomy Removal of a salivary gland.
splenic flexure Area of the colon that bends downward near the spleen.
steatorrhea Discharge of fat in feces.
aphthous stomatitis Inflammation of the mouth with small ulcers.

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