Key Audit Areas in Manufacturing Company

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Process Sub- Process Design Control Operation Control

Rationale of BoM Interface with Fi /Co /MM Module

Configuration in SAP
Approval Process
Adherence to laid down Policy including
authorisation of test reports
Testing & Sampling Process Lab equipment / stores record keeping
Lab equipment up gradation
Timeliness of Sampling, Test Results & updation
of test records
Approval for variation
System of In & Out Legal Compliance
Authorisation, Recording & Reporting process Legal Compliance
Payroll Process
Measurement Process Physical stock taking process
Losses / Shortage Accounting Process Booking of shortage / excess process
Overall material balancing of key material
Long stocking materials
Log Book Log book maintenance process
Legal Compliance - Cost Record Rules, Boiler
Physical Stock
Movement of Fixed Assets
Integration with SAP records
Statutory Compliance
Preparation of Preventive Maintenance Process Maintenance backlog monitoring process
Material usage record keeping process
Spare requisition process (new / old items)
Requisition Process Timeliness of attending maintenance requisition
Authorisation Cost booking process
SAP Usage Schedule generation & updation Job Outside PM Module
Creation of Job Order & Purchase requisition Authorisation & Requisition process Timeliness of Job Order -
Authorisation & Compulsory Field
Completeness of required information in Vendor
Duplication of Vendor code
Periodical review of Vendor Master
Identification of inactive vendors & blocking
Approved Vendor List Authorisation & Configuration in SAP Transactions with unapproved vendors
Material Requirement Planning Determination of Minimum, Maximum & Re-order stock
level Process
Approval for the exception
System & authorisation of Purchase requisition Delay in processing of Purchase requisition
System to ensure that material already in stock
not requisitioned.
Request For Quotation (RFQ) Requirement of minimum nos. of RFQ RFQ Outside SAP
Requirement of minimum nos. of Quotations
Rationality of repeat order -
When prices are falling or frequent fluctuating
System of preparation of SOP Accuracy & Completeness of SOP
Standard format of SOP & SAP usage for SOP Approval of SOP
SOP Coverage
Rationality of repeat order -
When prices are falling or frequent fluctuating
Production Maintenance of BoM
Quality Assurance
Deployment of Contract Labour
Overtime Management
Material Accounting
Fixed Assets
Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Schedule
Work shop Maintenance
Material Procurement Vendor Master
Maintenance of Vendor master
Creation & approval of Purchase Requisition
Selection of Parties (SOP)
Purchase Order & amendments thereto
Process Sub- Process Design Control Operation Control
Production Maintenance of BoM Completeness & Appropriateness of General Terms &
Approval of POs having value significantly
higher then Purchase Requisition
Delays of unexecuted POs
Spares & equipment - Inventory build up
Approval of purchases without PO
Quantum with % to total purchase of such
Material wise, Area wise analysis of such
Approval Process
Quantum with % to total purchase of such
Rationale of such purchases
Balance Confirmations & Account Reconciliations System & periodicity of balance confirmation &
Balance confirmation & Reconciliation of key
Approval of Single source items
Quantum with % to total purchase of such
Basis of sole vendor
Statutory Compliance - Like Excise & VAT
Creation & approval of Job Requisition Authorisation Process Delay in processing Job requisition
Requirement of minimum nos. of Quotations
Rationality of repeat order -
When prices are falling or frequent fluctuating
System of preparation of SOP Accuracy & Completeness of SOP
Standard format of SOP & SAP usage for SOP Approval of SOP
SOP Coverage
Rationality of repeat order -
When prices are falling or frequent fluctuating
Completeness & Appropriateness of General Terms &
Analysis of JOCs having value
significantly higher then Job Requisition
Delays of unexecuted JOCs
SAP Authorisation for Service entry Timely creation of service entry
Measurement process of Work Done Timeliness of verification
Bill approval authorisation Adherence to authorisation
Statutory Compliance - Like Service Tax & Works
Contract Tax
Material coding system
Completeness of required information in Material
System of compulsory field in Material Master Duplication of Material code
Gate entry for inward & outward material Documentation Process Integration of Gate entry with that of Stores
Integration with SAP Accuracy of weighment
System of periodical calibration
GRN Creation Process Delay between Gate entry & creation of GRN
Reporting system of delays to management
Acceptance (Quality Assurance) of Materials Quality assurance Process Reporting system of delays to management
Rejected Material Status & delays of rejected material
Storage Bin card maintenance Process Adequacy of storage conditions
Periodicity of stock taking Accounting treatment of discrepancies
Physical verification of random selected items
Fixation of Inventory Levels,
Including Lead Times
System of fixation of inventory levels - Min, Max,
Average, Reorder levels
Approvals for exceptions
Indenting/ Issue from stores Authorisation for issues Charging of expense to correct Cost center
Material Procurement
Purchase Order & amendments thereto
Purchases without PO
Imprest Purchases
Single Source/ Sole Vendor Items
Services Procurement
Selection of Parties (SOP)
Job Order & amendments thereto
Bill Verification Process
Stores Management Material Master maintenance
Weighment at Weigh Bridge
Receipt of Materials & Creation of GRN
Physical Verification
Process Sub- Process Design Control Operation Control
Production Maintenance of BoM
System of monitoring of shelf life
Analysis of shelf life recorded vis a vis actual shelf
System of review & intimation to user deptt. for expiry of
the material
Documentation defining Non / Slow moving items Quantum with % to total store value
System of reporting non / slow moving items to
management & user deptt.
Detailed analysis of higher value items
System of identification, maintenance & approval. Stock out position of insurance spares
Quantum with % to total store value
System of recording RGP & NRGP Nature of material sent against RGP
System of control at security gate Status material sent against RGP
Follow - up system Reporting process for delays in RGP
Policy Documentation Policy adherence & variation management
- Scope Financial Delegation
- Authorisation
System review of followed practices evolved over
the period
Maintenance & Compulsory Field
Completeness of required information in
Customer Master
Duplication of Customer code
Authorisation Adherence to Pricing authorisation
Adherence to Financial Delegation
Effective Price Master Vs. Invocie Price
System review of process followed
Order Booking, Processing & Recording Process Unserved Order
Authorisation to create & change Sales Order in SAP Pending Sales Order Review
Credit Appraisal Process SAP Control over changes
Adherence to Credit Limit (Manual vs SAP
Review process of outstanding above Credit Limit
Payment Collection Process Timeliness of collection
CMS arrangements
Documentation Adherence to Discount Policy
Authorisation Adherence to authorisation
Authorisation & SAP Control System review of followed practices.
Reivew process Aging of Debtors
Litigated Parties & measures taken
Bad debts / Write off
Balance Confirmation & Reconciliation Balance Confirmation & Reconciliation Process &
Balance confirmation & Reconciliation of key
Policy Documentation Adherence to Security Deposit Policy
System review of followed practices.
Container Turnaround Monitoring Monitoring Process Timeliness
Statutory Compliance
Sales Tax Law, Industry specific law relating to
marketing - Gas Cylender Rule, Calcium Carbide
Rule, Explosive Act, Shop & establishment act,etc
Monitoring System at Marketing (HO) Timeliness of MIS from Locations
Stores Management
Shelf Lives
Slow/ Non-moving Inventory
Insurance Spares
Returnable & Non Returnable
Gate Pass (RGP & NRGP)
Depot & Godown Sales
Sales & Marketing Sales Policy
Customer Master
Order Procurement & Sales Order Creation
Credit Limit
Payment Collection
Credit Notes
Debtor Review
Security Deposits
Process Sub- Process Design Control Operation Control
Production Maintenance of BoM Prcoess review of Cash, Cheques, Stock & Fixed
Physical verification of maintenance of Cash,
Cheques, Stock & Fixed assets
Invoicing process & interface with HO (Marketing) Cash Imprest & settelement thereof
CMS arrangements Budgeted vs Actual exp.
Inter depot transfers - Process Review Rationale of Inter depot transfer
Attendance Process & Leave records Employee outstanding review
Statutory Complaince - Sales Tax, ESI, Income
Tax (TDS), Shop & Establishment Act, Minimum
C&F Agreement - Adequacy of terms & condition Timliness of renewal
Basis of calculation of C&F Commission Adherance to Agreement Terms
Accuacy of C&F Commission
Process Review Demurrage, detention charges
Monitoring & liasion system review Timliness of loading & unloading
Comparison of records of Sales cordination Deptt.
& Produciton Deptt.
Record updation
Process Review Demurrage, detention charges
Adequacy of terms & conditions in Transport
Adherence to Transporter Agreeement

Inter depot transfer management Process Review
System of verifiying bank charges Transaction processing
Review of non operative accounts
Cheque Book Custody
Fund avalilability process review
Fund transfers process
Treatment of funds in transit
Unutilised bank balances
Balance confirmation from Banks / Financial
Periodicity Review of Old outstanding entries
Process manual / computerised Timeliness & Completeness
Stale Cheques cancellation process
Control over cancelled cheques
Authorisation Timeliness
Monitoring Process Accuracy of Charges & Record keeping
Limits Cash Balance & Insurance Cover
Physical control Quantum of cash purchases
Cash transactions & authorisation
fidelity insurance
Physical verification
Invoice verification Process
Approval & Accounting of Demurrage, Detention
charges & LD Penalty, etc
Integration with other modules
Transporter bills - Contract terms & acknowledged
copy of consignment note
Accounting of associated cost like insurance, freight &
taxes & duties
Civil work - Signed measurement book & crossed
Depot & Godown Sales
C&F Agent
Logistics Railway wagon management
Trasporter Management
Sales & Marketing
Cash Balance & Payments
Invoice Verification
Finance & Accounts -Cash & Bank
Bank Accounts
Bank Reconciliations
Bank Guarantees & Letter of Credit
Process Sub- Process Design Control Operation Control
Production Maintenance of BoM Authorisation Compliance of TDS & Service Tax
Record Keeping
CAPEX Budgets Process
Test Run & Capitalisation Authorisation & Accounting Treatment Capitalisation
Project Accounting Project Monitoring Process
Fixed Asset Regiser in SAP Maintenance & Design Completeness
Capital Purchases Process Review
Verification & resultant adjustment in books Coding
Adjustment of discrepancies
Insured amount Insured Covers adequacy
Timeliness of renewal
Comparable quotation
Declaration to Insurance companies Process Coverage adequacy
Timeliness of filing claims
Pending claims analysis
Periodicity Old outstanding entries
Analysis of gaps
Adequancy of amount
Timeliness of payment
System Review Accuracy & Authorisation of Data
Adjustment of variation in physical stock
Process Review
Sales realised for later period but old outstanding
not recovered
Debtors having credit balance
Process Review Old advances
Authorisation Credit notes not adjusted
Penalty / Penal interest paid to creditors
Status of advances given to creditors
Payroll Advances to employees
Advance Process Statutory Compliances
Taxes & Duties Process Review Timeliness of returns & payments
Maintenance of Statutory Records CENVAT Credit & VAT input tax credit
Advance Tax Data Validation
New taxes introduced - VAT Subsidy Claims - like FICC, Sales Tax
Updation of records
Other applicable laws Non - Compliance & corrective action Timeliness of payment & return
Process Review
Access Controls & OS Security Authorization
IT Business Continuity/ Disaster Recovery Plan Access to Master Files & Modification
User's requirement / configuration
Physical Security of (Key) IT Assets
Adherence to Intellectual Property Rights
(i.e. Software Licenses)
Attendance Process Statutory Compliances
Debtors Review
Invoice Verification
Capital Expenditure
Physical Verification of Fixed Assets
Insurance Policy
Insurance Claims
Accounting & Reporting
Account Reconciliations (Debtors,Vendors,
Excise,VAT, Service tax) & Inter Unit
Deposit of Statutory Dues (TDS, PF, ESI, etc.)
Physical Verification of Stocks
Creditors Review
Statutory Compliance
ISD - Information
HR & Payroll
Finance & Accounts
Process Sub- Process Design Control Operation Control
Production Maintenance of BoM Leave recodring process Review of Employee's advances
Recruitment Process & Joining formalities Full & Final settelement
Legal cases against employees
Overtime & Contract Labour system
Deposit of Statutory Dues
Timeliness of Returns
Hazardous Inputs Process
Existence & Rollout of Health & Safety
Incident Reporting & Follow Up Process
Incident Reporting & Follow Up Process Monitoring of Health & Safety programmes
Availability of Safety Equipment / deployment
Identification & Disposal of Hazardous Scrap/
Compliance with Statutory requirements
Purchee management - System Review No Cane Situations
Cane Management - Process Review Status of Cane Advances
Cane Procurement Management - Process Review Status of Seed Loan
Cane Development Activities - Process Review Budgeted vs Actual exp.
Sugar related Cane Management
HR & Payroll
Safety, Health &

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