November 1, 2014 Yahrzeits

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Please inform the Usher if you wish the Rabbi to read a name
8 CHESHVAN 5775 NOVEMBER 1, 2014
9 CHESHVAN 5775 NOVEMBER 2, 2014
10 CHESHVAN 5775 NOVEMBER 3, 2014
11 CHESHVAN 5775 NOVEMBER 4, 2014
12 CHESHVAN 5775 NOVEMBER 5 2014
13 CHESHVAN 5775 NOVEMBER 6, 2014
14 CHESHVAN 5775 NOVEMBER 7, 2014
Lee Bernstein
Saul Blackman
Joan Dee Friedman
Florence Hermelin
Jack Karbal
Harry Paull
Henry J. Ulanski
Oshie I. Baker
David Baruch
Daniel Bayer
Rose Eppstein
Judith Amy Lowe
Manford D. Rosenbloom
Madeline Berman
William Biederman
Judyth Ribitwer
Anne Saperstein
Joseph Shewach
Eli Weinstein
Leo Bigelman
Nathan Butrimovitz
Max Freedman
Mae Goodman
Jerome Levy
Charles Weinstein
Sam Cohen
Esther Eichner
Esther Janiotis
Ruth Silber Katz
Ben Matz
Josephine Murawski
Harold Ressler
Esther R. Silverman
Alice Tabor
Abe Zeff
Ann Burstein
Jose Gordon
Blanche Haas
Bob Haber
Milford Keidan
Esther Sirlin
Elisie Weinstein
Julia Zechman
Yetta Borinstein
Ellen Rose Burnstein
Louis Cuttner
Minnie Fein
Joseph Feldman
Joseph I. Katz
Rose Liebergott
William Mazer Jr
David Shapiro
Kay Claire Shapiro
Florence C. Siegel
Ruth Stotzky

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