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Throughout this semester, it has been very stressful, yet a great learning experience.

Going into my first year of college not knowing what to expect was a rather scary challenge to
take upon; but I know Ill get through it over time. I am currently taking 14.3 units in this
semester. The time Ive spent in the courses Im currently taking, I have had a series of
successful and unsuccessful assignments/experiences.
My English course surprised me the most. I was fairly excited to take this course because
back in high school, I passed my English classes with all As, so I assumed I was pretty good at
English. The whole half of the semester, we were preparing on how to write an exemploratory
essay, I was pretty confident about how easy I was going to get an A. I was confident because of
how well I did back in high school. I was wrong. The assignment that I thought was the most
unsuccessful was my English essay that Ive written about Happiness. It wasnt the grade that
made me feel like it was unsuccessful, but it was the imense effort that Ive put in into writing
that essay. I had brainstormed, chronologically organized and labeled my essay as if it was an
outline to better perceive how Im going to write my essay, Ive asked my peers and professor to
take a look at my work to see if I am on the right track or not. All of that effor t I have put in, I
really thought I was going to get an A, but resulted with a B-. In the end, I just assumed that I
was over confident about getting a good grade that I didnt really understand the materials we
were going over during the time in class. But overall, Ill know better for my next essay that I
will write in the future.
In the first few months, I was told that I needed to join a club. So during Club Week, Ive
spectated around of all the clubs but none of the clubs really stood out to me, except one. I was
really involved in Key Club in high school, and I have heard about Circle K International which
is basically the collegiate level of Key Club. Therefore, I took the initiative to sign up. I had no
idea what I was in for, but thats the good thing about it; spontaneity. Joining Pasadena City
College Circle K International was definitely the best decision I have made so far in PCC. It has
been an incredible experience throughout the time I have spent in CKI. The club has helped me
improved in social skills, break out of my comfort zone, and built my courage that I have
actually applied for a leadership position. None of this could have happened without getting to
know the members and board members of this club. Not only Im improving on my personal
skills, Im also helping the community as well by volunteering at service events, and this is why
joining CKI is my most successful experience.

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