TSHF LP - Healthy Habits

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Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame

Lesson Plan:
Healthy Lifestyles
Elementary Edition
Healthy Lifestyles are about the whole person, not just individual parts. This
lesson plan will help guide you in teahing about healthy lifestyles and give
you ideas and tips to repliate in your own lassroom.
!ur bodies ahieve pea" performane by eating a variety of foods. The
following food groups should be inorporated into your daily diet.
Food Groups:
Grains: breads, ereals, rie: # $ %% servings
Fruits: & $ ' servings
Vegetables: ( $ ) servings
Protein: meat, beans, eggs, nuts: & $ ( servings
Dairy: mil", yogurt, heese: & $ ( servings
Sweets, Fats, ils: *se sparingly and in moderation.
o +ating by olor an help you remember what foods are better for you
than others.
o ,rightly olored foods li"e vibrant reds, greens, purples and yellows are
riher in antio-idants, vitamins and minerals.
o Foods that have no olor or are very bland li"e browns, grays, whites
and pale yellows arry no nutritional value and should be avoided.
+-eptions: !nions, auli.ower, hi"en, tur"ey, grains in original form.
o /etting ta"e0out or going through drive0thrus, although onvenient,
does not always provide our body with ade1uate nutritional value.
Proessed foods are:
High in sugar and trans fats
Lead to !veronsumption
2ontain arti3ial preservatives, olors, .avors and te-tures.
Low in nutrients and 3ber
4tivity 5deas:
o 5nvite students to write a story to e-plain how the raisin got its wrin"les, how
the tomato got its olor, how the peah got its fu66, or another fat about the
nature of fruits or vegetables.
o 5nvite students to hoose their favorite food produt 7peanut butter, mil",
bread8. How is that produt made9 Students an write or draw the se1uene
of events involved in the reation of that produt.
o Provide eah student with a blan" *.S. map. 5nvite students to use
enylopedias and other resoures to learn whih food produts eah state is
"nown for. !n the map, students should draw and label a fruit or vegetable
grown in at least ten di:erent states.
o 5nvite all the students in your lass to tra" the number of di:erent food
groups they eat in a wee". 4t the end of the wee", tally the servings of the
food group eaten by the students and reate a lass graph to show how many
servings of eah food group were onsumed. ;hat was the most popular food
o 2reate a lass nutrition boo". The boo" might inlude students< favorite
healthful sna" reipes or students< favorite food0related jo"es
o 2reate a bulletin board, or ut a large triangle out of mural paper or
ardboard. =ivide the triangle into setions that mirror those on the food
pyramid. Then invite students to bring to shool maga6ines and newspaper
irulars that inlude pitures of foods. Students an ut out food pitures
that fall into one of the si- setions of the pyramid and paste them in the
appropriate setion of the pyramid.
"#$ %ups &'(#)' oun%es* of water a day is the ideal amount that your body
needs to properly funtion. Water is a critical nutrient for our bodies. Dehydration can
cause muscle cramping and fatigue. =rin"ing any amount of water, espeially when
it is hot outside, will help your body maintain hydration and give your body
needed replenishment.
o =rin" more water and replenish your eletrolytes during physial
2a:einated beverages should be onsumed in moderation. 2a:eine wor"s by
stimulating the entral nervous system, heart, musles, and the enters that ontrol
blood pressure. !ver onsumption an ause long terms damage and irreversible
2hildren and adolesents should partiipate in at least #> minutes 7% hour8 or
more of physial ativity eah day. There are three di:erent ategories of
physial ativities that should be inorporated into daily ativity routines.
?emember: =aily e-erise may all for hanges for more protein in our diet.
Three Types of Physial 4tivity:
%. 4erobi 4tivity0 4erobi or endurane ativities inrease your
breathing and heart rate. They "eep your heart, lungs, and irulatory
system healthy and improve your overall 3tness. 4s a result, they
delay or prevent many diseases that are ommon in older adults suh
as diabetes and heart disease.
&. @usle Strengthening0 Strength e-erises ma"e your musles
stronger. +ven small inreases in strength an ma"e a big di:erene in
your ability to stay independent and arry out everyday ativities, suh
as limbing stairs and arrying groeries.
(. Fle-ibility0 Fle-ibility e-erises streth your musles and an help
your body stay limber. ,eing .e-ible gives you more freedom of
movement for other e-erises as well as for your everyday ativities.
4tivity 5deas:
o Ai"ball /ame
o Three0legged ?ae
o Bump ?ope 2ontest
o Hop0Soth Tournament
o ?elay ?aes
o !bstale 2ourse
Sleep e-perts reommend $."#/( hours of sleep for adolesents and
teenagers. To ahieve a healthy lifestyle, sleep must be made a high priority
despite obstales that an get in our way.
Helpful 0ips
o @a"e sleep a priority.
o Sleep in a room with little to no light.
o =o not fall asleep to the TC.
o 5nrease your sleep time several wee"s before a ompetition, big
test or important event.
o /o to bed and wa"e up around the same times every day.
o Set alarms to help
o Ta"e daily naps if you donDt get enough sleep eah night.
4tivity 5deas:
o ;hile youDre yling through the stages of sleep, your body is ta"ing a mini
vaationE ;rite a than"0you letter from the point of view of your body,
e-plaining why itDs grateful that you get enough sleep.
o 2reate a sleep yle hart to help students understand the importane of
eah yle and whih yles your body needs more of eah night.
o ,rainstorming 4tivity: F;hat is sleep and why do we need it9F Students will
pair up to respond to a series of 1uestions about sleep, and share their
3ndings with the lass. For homewor", students will reord a sleep diary for
one night. Then they will pratie math onepts by reating a hart based on
the data from the sleep diaries.
o Have students "eep a sleep reord of the times they go to sleep and wa"e up
eah day. Have students "eep a reord of the number of the number of hours
they sleep eah night. Have students ompare their reords and have a lass
disussion about the importane of sleep during the shool year.
Aeeping your body lean is an important part of "eeping you healthy and
helping you to feel good about yourself.
o Gou should brush your teeth twie a day 0 after brea"fast and before
you go to bed. Floss one a day to redue pla1ue build0up.
o =uring the day, 3ll your mouth with water and swish it around to get
rid of anything sti"ing to your teeth.
o ;ash your hands before and after every meal and after using the
o =aily bathing an help "eep your s"in and your body healthy and
o ;ashing your hair and trimming your nails on a wee"ly basis an help
avoid ases of lie, bateria or infetion.
o ;earing deodorant or an antiperspirant an help you avoid body odor
and "eep you smelling fresh throughout the day.
4tivity 5deas:
o Teah hildren about the spread of germs by showing how germs an live on
hands and the things they touh. Pretend to snee6e, and when you do, over
your hands in a washable paint. Then go about your business, touhing things
around the room. The "ids will see the transfer of germs. 4fter the e-erise,
have the "ids 3nd and tally all the surfaes where germs now live from your
transferring them around the room.
o Sprin"le glitter on your lassesD hands and hallenge them to wash o: the
glitter with soap and water. ,eause glitter is naturally sti"y, it will ta"e up
to (> seonds to srub the glitter away. 5ndiate to your lass that they
should srub o: germs li"e they srubbed o: the glitter eah time that they
o !n piees of paper, write %> good hygiene habits, suh as .ossing eah night,
washing for &> seonds or overing your mouth when you ouh. !n %> more
piees of paper, write down the bad habits. Fold all of the piees of paper and
plae them in a hat. The hildren an draw out one at a time and deide
whether it<s a good hygiene habit or a bad hygiene habit.
o Hygiene 2harades0 !ne hild pi"s an ation for hygiene, suh as brushing
teeth, oughing into a sleeve or ta"ing a shower. Then the hild ats out the
hygiene habit without using any words. The other hildren guess what ation
is being portrayed and then you tal" about the proper way to do eah
hygiene habit.
Positive thin"ing is a mental attitude that pereives situations in a positive
way. 2hildren get better at understanding positive thin"ing as they get older.
;hen it is nurtured, positive thin"ing is a powerful oping tool and helps
builds resiliene in a hild. Parents and teahers an enourage positive
thin"ing by modeling it in their own life.
@indfulness 4ttitude: =uring this time, students should be still. 1uiet and
sitting upright without any distrations. Ho restroom brea"s or getting up
during this e-erise.
o =evelop your own mindfulness pratie
o 2hoose a time to pratie mindfulness 7pi" a time where students
need a brea" during the day or before tests8
o 2reate the proper environment 7lear des"s, put away papers, move to
o /et your students involved 7have students ta"e turns leading eah
o Share your own e-perienes 7form a personal onnetion by sharing8
o Pratie every day 7inorporate into daily lesson plan8
o 4dd to the lassroom job list a Imindfulness helperJ to help enourage
mindfulness. They an be responsible for alerting the teaher and the
lass of mindfulness time.
o 4lways a"nowledge a negative situation or feeling. Then help your
lass see it in a way that is positive and produtive.
4tivity 5deas:
o /ratitude Bar0 /et a oo"ie jar and set it in a entral loation in your
lassroom. Have students write down one thing they are grateful for eah day
and put in the jar. 4t the end of the wee" or month, pull some out and read
them out loud to the lass. +mphasi6e to be grateful for what you do have not
what you donDt have.
o ,reathing0 Turn o: the lassroom light and have students sit with their eyes
losed. Have them pratie breathing in through their nose and out through
their mouth. Have students fous on alming their mind and erasing
distrations. Have students push out all thoughts and feelings that arenDt
o Bournal 4tivity0 Have students "eep a IPositive Bournal.J +ah wee" they
need to journal about one positive thing that happened to them or they did
for someone else.
o ?andom 4ts of Aindness0 Have your lass brainstorm a list of ats of
"indness they an do at shool and at home. !ne a wee", hoose an item
from the list and do it with the whole lass as a lassroom ativity. This will
help show students the bene3ts of doing nie things for others without
e-peting it. 5t will also help start a positive trend in your shool.
o Find the ,right Side0 2reate a list of bad or negative situations. 2hoose one
situation and have the students 3nd the bright side to the bad situation. ,ad
situations ould be: natural disasters, death, bullying, injuries, or a bad test
grade. ?emind students every day to 3nd the bright side and not dwell on the
bad. Loo" for the good in everything and everybody.
o 2lass 2hant0 2reate a lass hant that you an say with your lass eah
morning to emphasi6e the uni1ueness of eah hild and the unity within the
lassroom. 7+-ample0I5 am Speial. See the good in others. ?espet eah
other. 5 an ma"e a di:erene. ,e a hampion.J8

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