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Educators are working every day with children that are classified as special needs (SEN)

these children have difficulties or a disability that prevents them for learning like their peers.
Many children with special educational needs can overcome their disadvantages when the laws
that are there to protect them are being used and implemented. This module will help educators
learn the proper way to find, achieve, and implement the laws that govern special educational
needs children.

Kemp Model: Analysis

As seen in Figure 1, three of the nine Kemp elements require design. These elements are
Content Sequencing, Instructional Strategies, and Designing the Message. The goal of
Content Sequencing is sequencing the content within each instructional unit for a logical
learning experience. The second element in the design group is Instructional Strategies.
Within this element, instructional strategies are designed so that each learner can master the
objectives of each instructional unit. The final design element is designing the Message. This
element involves developing the instructional materials for the instructional units within the
appropriate delivery system.

Figure 1

Content Sequencing
Based on the data that was gathered from the analysis phase, the content sequencing will take
place as follows:
1. Instructional Objective 1 - Faculty will learn to use the program Enrich, which will give
them access to special needs data.
2. Instructional Objective 2 - Faculty will learn how to classify the difference between
accommodations and modifications.
3. Instructional Objective 3 - Faculty will learn how to clearly identify and define special
need acronyms.

Instructional Strategies
Training on special needs is a sensitive and significant part of being an educator. This section
will explain and instruct new facility through videos that will enhance the learning in a timely
fashion. A common obstacle to technology training is time (Brack 2010). With many faculty
teaching, coaching, and pressed for time, it is extremely difficult to schedule training that is
convenient for everyone. As a result, this staff development plan will use an on-demand,
technology-rich delivery of instruction.

A. Instructional Platform: A Weebly site will be set up as the course container to guide
faculty through the staff development instruction. Web pages will be constructed with
narratives introducing each instructional objective with accompanying lessons.
B. Instructional Delivery: The individual lessons will be delivered as instructional videos.
The video tutorials will give learners the convenience of on-demand instruction while also
allowing the ability to review the material multiple times to reinforce the message.
C. Lesson Content: Each lesson will include a narrative with a video tutorial. Tutorial
videos will consist of a combination of screen recording videos and videos that show an
instructor demonstrating the tool within a lesson on an interactive whiteboard.
A Weebly site will be set up as a course container to guide faculty through the staff development
instruction. Web pages will be constructed with narratives introducing each instructional
objective with accompanying lessons and exercises. The Weebly site will provide a visually
appealing format and can be bookmarked for easy, on-demand access.

The individual lessons will be delivered as instructional videos. The videos will be recorded
using a screen recording software such as PowerPoint presentation or similar software. Screen
recording software can be used to address divers learning needs within the workplace (Selvester,
Mulholland, & Wong 2006). Learners will be able to access the tutorials on-demand at their

Designing the Message
This section will outline the process of each learning objective and the information covered.
Learning Objective Deliverables
Enrich Software Step by step into the program.
Read test scores
Read an IEP
Students performance levels
Accommodations and
Acronyms IEP
Section 504
Voc Ed


Brack, J. (2010). Unlocking the Potential of On-Demand Learning in the Workplace.
Retrieved on 10/19/2014 from
Hanley, H. (2009). Discovering Instructional Design 11: The Kemp model. Retrieved on
10/19/2014 from

Selvester, P., Mulholland, R. & Wong, P. (2006). Camtasia: A Tool for Universal Design
Learning. College & University Media Review, 12(2), 9-17.

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