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(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.

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1o acL as a professl onal l nherl Lor, crl Ll c and l nLerpreLer of knowl edge or cul Lure when Leachl ng sLudenLs.
SlLuaLes Lhe dlsclpllne's baslc benchmarks and polnLs of undersLandlng (concepLs, posLulaLes and meLhods) ln order Lo
faclllLaLe slgnlflcanL, ln-depLh learnlng by sLudenLs.
AdopLs a crlLlcal approach Lo Lhe sub[ecL maLLer.
LsLabllshes llnks beLween Lhe secondary culLure seL ouL ln Lhe program and Lhe secondary culLure of Lhe sLudenLs.
1ransforms Lhe classroom lnLo a culLural base open Lo a range of dlfferenL vlewpolnLs wlLhln a common space.
CasLs a crlLlcal look aL hls or her own orlglns, culLural pracLlces and soclal role.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo:
undersLand Lhe sub[ecL-speclflc and program speclflc knowledge Lo be LaughL, so as Lo be able Lo promoLe Lhe creaLlon of
meanlngful llnks by Lhe sLudenLs,
exhlblL a crlLlcal undersLandlng of hls or her culLural developmenL and be aware of lLs poLenLlal and llmlLaLlons,
exhlblL a crlLlcal undersLandlng of Lhe knowledge Lo be LaughL, so as Lo promoLe Lhe creaLlon of meanlngful llnks by Lhe
LsLabllsh llnks wlLh Lhe sLudenLs' culLure ln Lhe proposed learnlng acLlvlLles.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
AuvAnCLu .H#"#2IH ACCL1A8LL A81lAL MlnlMAL
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9
ln my flrsL fleld experlence, l was placed wlLh a physlcal educaLlon cooperaLlng Leacher desplLe belng ln Lhe soclal sclences program. lorLunaLely, Lhls provlded me wlLh
many opporLunlLles LhaL l mlghL noL have had oLherwlse. noL only dld l learn new Lhlngs abouL sporLs, l also goL Lo have a very hands-on approach Lo Lhe fleld
experlence. 8y Lhe end of Lhe fleld experlence, l was able Lo lead warm-ups and even creaLe my own drllls Lo do wlLh Lhe class. 1hls helped me Lo Lhlnk crlLlcally abouL
whaL l was Leachlng, as l researched drllls and why Lhey mlghL be useful for Lhe class. AlLhough many of Lhese drllls were noL creaLed speclflcally for hlgh school aged
sLudenLs, l had Lo work Lo adapL, lnLerpreL, and crlLlclze Lhe lnformaLlon so LhaL lL would beLLer sulL Lhe age groups LhaL l was worklng wlLh. lor example, l used one
badmlnLon drlll wlLh Lhree dlfferenL age groups, buL varled lL accordlng Lo Lhe needs of Lhe sLudenLs. 1he sLudenLs ln grade 7 were noL expecLed Lo follow Lhese drllls as
well as grade 11 sLudenLs. Whlle ln Lhe classroom, l worked hard Lo malnLaln Lhe rules puL ln place by my cooperaLlng Leacher, buL also kepL a [ournal of my own ldeas
and whlch meLhods mlghL work well for me. uesplLe comlng from a dlfferenL background and culLure Lhan many of Lhe sLudenLs l was worklng wlLh, l found LhaL l was
able Lo successfully flnd common lnLeresLs and use Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL l learned abouL Lhe sLudenLs Lo beLLer relaLe Lhe lnformaLlon Lo Lhem. ln Lhe longer fleld
experlences, my goal ls Lo form Lhese relaLlonshlps wlLh more sLudenLs. 1hls was an exLremely dlverse school and ls dlfferenL from my own hlgh school experlence ln
Lhls sense, buL l found LhaL Lhls dld noL lmpacL me ln any noLlceable ways. 1hrough reflecLlon, l found new ways Lo relaLe Lo Lhe sLudenLs and adapL Lhe lnformaLlon Lo
communlcaLe wlLh Lhem more effecLlvely. Cverall, l saw a large amounL of developmenL ln Lhls compeLency durlng my Lhree weeks ln Lhe fleld experlence.

ln my second fleld experlence, l have had several opporLunlLles Lo furLher develop Lhls compeLency. ln my flrsL week, l had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Leach a hlsLory class and
acLed as an lnherlLor of knowledge by dlscusslng facLs from Lhe pasL wlLh sLudenLs. When Leachlng abouL vassals and suzeralns, l adapLed Lhe lnformaLlon by presenLlng
an example of sLudenLs' relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhelr parenLs. l saw Lhls example work effecLlvely because laLer ln Lhe class when l revlewed Lhe Lerm vassal, a sLudenL
explalned lL uslng Lhls example. l was also successful aL lnLerpreLlng Lhe knowledge and recelved poslLlve feedback when l LaughL abouL songs LhaL changed Lhe world ln
an L8C class. Several of Lhe songs were relaLlvely vague, however, l was able Lo lnLerpreL Lhls knowledge Lo flL Lhe needs of Lhe lesson. 1hls was a poslLlve experlence
because lL also capLured Lhe sLudenLs' aLLenLlon very successfully when looklng aL muslc LhaL Lhe sLudenLs appreclaLed. LasLly, when Leachlng abouL Lhe PolocausL, l
made a polnL of looklng aL Lhe lnformaLlon l had prepared crlLlcally. arLlcularly when looklng aL my own knowledge and blases, l was sure Lo analyze why and how l was
Leachlng Lhe lnformaLlon. ln a class wlLh sLudenLs of boLh !ewlsh and Cerman orlglns, l was sure Lo presenL Lhe lnformaLlon ln a way LhaL was senslLlve and facLual aL Lhe
same Llme. uurlng Lhls fleld experlence, l feel LhaL my cooperaLlng Leacher provlded a greaL example and faclllLaLed Lhe enhancemenL of Lhls compeLency uslng
conslsLenL feedback.

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(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.
!"#$%&'("$) +,- !"
1o communl caLe cl earl y l n Lhe l anguage of l nsLrucLl on, boLh oral l y and l n wrl Ll ng, usl ng correcL grammar, l n
varl ous conLexLs rel aLed Lo Leachl ng.
uses approprlaLe language when speaklng Lo sLudenLs, parenLs and peers.
Cbserves rules of grammar and sLyllsLlcs when wrlLlng LexLs lnLended for sLudenLs, parenLs or peers.
ls able Lo Lake up a poslLlon, supporL hls or her ldeas and argue hls or her sub[ecL maLLer ln a conslsLenL,
effecLlve, consLrucLlve and respecLful way durlng dlscusslons.
CommunlcaLes ldeas conclsely uslng preclse vocabulary and correcL synLax.
CorrecLs Lhe mlsLakes sLudenLs make when speaklng and wrlLlng.
ConsLanLly sLrlves Lo lmprove hls or her own oral and wrlLLen language skllls.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo:
masLer Lhe rules of oral and wrlLLen expresslon so as Lo be undersLood by mosL of Lhe llngulsLlc communlLy,
Lxpress hlmself or herself wlLh Lhe ease, preclslon, efflclency and accuracy expecLed by socleLy of a Leachlng
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
AuvAnCLu .H#"#2IH ACCL1A8LL A81lAL MlnlMAL
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9
l have always been Lold LhaL l have greaL speaklng and wrlLlng skllls, buL l found LhaL l was able Lo furLher develop Lhese skllls ln a new
way whlle ln a hlgh school seLLlng. 1hls fleld experlence was my flrsL Llme observlng a classroom, buL also my flrsL Llme belng observed
by an enLlre class ln Lhe role of a Leacher. 1hls made me exLra aware of how l spoke and presenLed myself. l pracLlced Lhls compeLency
by maklng announcemenLs and leadlng exerclses. l recelved feedback LhaL l am excepLlonal aL carrylng my volce wlLh auLhorlLy and
wlLhouL soundlng Loo quleL. neverLheless, l could use lmprovemenL ln speaklng slower and ensurlng LhaL Lhe enLlre class ls llsLenlng
when l speak. ln Lerms of wrlLlng, l was forLunaLe Lo have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo make a LesL for Lhe sLudenLs based on course maLerlal
and a vldeo waLched ln class. 1hls encouraged me Lo wrlLe wlLh clarlLy and slmpllclLy. My cooperaLlng Leacher provlded useful
feedback regardlng how Lo ask quesLlons LhaL accuraLely LesL Lhe knowledge of sLudenLs raLher Lhan focuslng on Lrlvlal facLs. 1hese
experlences were very useful Lo me and l feel LhaL l was able Lo develop my skllls ln new ways, buL l am looklng forward Lo lmprovlng
ln Lhe fuLure. l feel LhaL l wlll do Lhls wlLh more experlence lnLeracLlng wlLh parenLs, as well as lncreaslng my proflclency ln Lhe wrlLLen
and spoken language of lrench.

My second fleld experlence lnvolved much more wrlLLen and spoken communlcaLlon Lhan my flrsL fleld experlence and lL allowed me
Lo Lhlnk abouL how l communlcaLe wlLh sLudenLs aslde from uslng proper grammar and vocabulary. lnsLead, l focused on how Lo
slmpllfy or ad[usL my language Lo Lhe age group LhaL l was worklng wlLh. verbally, l recelved poslLlve feedback abouL my paclng and
lnvlLaLlonal conversaLlonal skllls. l have reallzed ln Lhls process LhaL lL ls easy for sLudenLs Lo be confused wlLhouL my awareness and
LhaL Lhlngs ofLen need Lo be clarlfled because sLudenLs mlghL noL say when Lhey are confused. lor example, when Leachlng abouL
phllanLhropy, l recelved feedback LhaL sLudenLs beneflL from looklng aL Creek rooL-words Lo beLLer explaln whaL Lerms mean. 8y Lhe
end of Lhls fleld experlence, l feel LhaL l became more aware of Lhe words l was uslng and golng over words LhaL mlghL be easlly
confused. l also became more aware of my communlcaLlon ln wrlLlng. l made Lhree owerolnL lessons over Lhe fleld experlence and lL
gave me a beLLer undersLandlng and good pracLlce Lo adapL my wrlLLen language for dlfferenL age groups. SomeLlmes sLudenLs had Lo
copy down Lhls wrlLlng, so l really became more aware of whaL l wanLed sLudenLs Lo know and remember. ln Lhls sense, l learned Lo
wrlLe more conclsely and lmproved my ablllLy Lo adapL my language Lowards dlfferenL groups of sLudenLs.
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(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.

!!"#$%&' "#) *+, -, .! #$
1o devel op Leachl ng/l earnl ng sl LuaLl ons LhaL are approprl aLe Lo Lhe sLudenLs concerned and Lhe sub[ ecL conLenL
wl Lh a vl ew Lo devel opl ng Lhe compeLencl es LargeLed l n Lhe programs of sLudy.
8ases Lhe selecLlon and conLenL of Leachlng sequences on daLa drawn from recenL dldacLlcal and pedagoglcal
SelecLs and lnLerpreLs sub[ecL-speclflc knowledge ln Lerms of Lhe alms, compeLencles and sub[ecL conLenL
speclfled ln Lhe program of sLudy.
lans Leachlng and evaluaLlon sequences Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe loglc of Lhe conLenL Lo Lhe LaughL and Lhe
developmenL of learnlng.
1akes lnLo accounL Lhe prerequlslLes, concepLlons, soclal dlfferences (l.e. gender, eLhnlc orlgln, socloeconomlc
and culLural dlfferences), needs and speclal lnLeresLs of Lhe sLudenLs when developlng Leachlng/learnlng
SelecLs dlverse lnsLrucLlonal approaches LhaL are sulLed Lo Lhe developmenL of Lhe compeLencles LargeLed ln Lhe
programs of sLudy.
AnLlclpaLes obsLacles Lo learnlng posed by Lhe conLenL Lo be LaughL.
lans learnlng slLuaLlons LhaL provlde opporLunlLles Lo apply compeLencles ln dlfferenL conLexLs.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo:
develop approprlaLe and varled Leachlng/learnlng slLuaLlons lnvolvlng a reasonable level of complexlLy LhaL
enable sLudenLs Lo progress ln Lhe developmenL of Lhelr compeLencles,
8ulld Lhese acLlvlLles lnLo a long-Lerm plan.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9

:&&)-' )554&4,0)3 #'$$&# 4( 0$-$##)+19

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(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.
!"#$%&'( #$! *+, -, !" $%
1o pl l oL Leachl ng/l earnl ng sl LuaLl ons LhaL are approprl aLe Lo Lhe sLudenLs concerned and Lo Lhe sub[ ecL
conLenL wl Lh a vl ew Lo devel opl ng Lhe compeLencl es LargeLed l n Lhe programs of sLudy.
CreaLes condlLlons ln whlch sLudenLs can engage ln meanlngful problem slLuaLlons, Lasks or pro[ecLs, based on
Lhelr cognlLlve, emoLlonal and soclal characLerlsLlcs.
rovldes sLudenLs wlLh Lhe resources Lhey need Lo Lake parL ln Lhe learnlng slLuaLlons.
Culdes sLudenLs ln selecLlng, lnLerpreLlng and undersLandlng Lhe lnformaLlon provlded ln Lhe varlous resources
and ln undersLandlng Lhe elemenLs of a problem slLuaLlon or Lhe requlremenLs of a Lask or pro[ecL.
SupporLs sLudenL learnlng by asklng quesLlons and provldlng frequenL and relevanL feedback Lo promoLe Lhe
lnLegraLlon and Lransfer of learnlng.
Lncourages Leamwork.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo:
gulde sLudenLs, Lhrough approprlaLe lnLervenLlons, ln carrylng ouL learnlng Lasks, lead Lhe sLudenLs Lo work
LogeLher ln cooperaLlon,
ueLecL Leachlng/learnlng problems LhaL arlse and use Lhe approprlaLe resources Lo remedy Lhem.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

!"#$%&'( #$! *+, -, !" $%

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
AuvAnCLu .H#"#2IH ACCL1A8LL A81lAL MlnlMAL
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9
ln my second fleld experlence, l creaLed Lhree lesson plans Lo flL wlLhln Lhe respecLlve unlLs LhaL Lhe sLudenLs were learnlng aL Lhe
Llme. Lach of Lhese lncluded a lesson plan wlLh speclflc llnks Lo Lhe CL cross-currlcular compeLencles, sub[ecL speclflc compeLencles,
and broad areas of learnlng. ln each case, Lhe lesson cenLered on Lhe sLudenLs' own ablllLles Lo lnfluence Lhelr own socleLy and creaLe
change. 1hese lnvolved looklng aL Lhe problems ln socleLy and how Lhe sLudenLs can play a role ln changlng Lhese problems. l
welcomed Lhe sLudenLs' LhoughLs and frequenLly used Lhlnk, palr, share" acLlvlLles Lo encourage Leamwork whlle also gauglng sLudenL
comprehenslon. 1hls gave me an opporLunlLy Lo provlde feedback and ensure LhaL Lhe sLudenLs were followlng Lhe deslred learnlng
paLh. l also used [ournal enLrles Lo have sLudenLs reflecL on Lhe lnformaLlon and have Lhem Lhlnk crlLlcally abouL meanlngful problems.
1hese were subsequenLly dlscussed Lo glve sLudenLs an ldea of how Lhey can creaLe change and lnsplre Lhelr peers. l dlscussed how
sLudenLs already do Lake parL ln meanlngful problems. lor example, Lhere was a denlm day" Lo supporL breasL cancer research and l
broughL aLLenLlon Lo Lhe sLudenLs who had donaLed and worn rlbbons durlng a lesson on charlLable organlzaLlons. AddlLlonally, l ofLen
asked quesLlons and provlded feedback. ln my assessmenLs, my C1 and supervlsor boLh commended my ablllLy Lo do learnlng checks
and ensure sLudenL undersLandlng.

!"#$%&&'#()* ,#-!%.%(,/ &%*$0%1)*2).'#(&

(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.

!"#$%&'( #$! *+, -, !" $%
1C LvALuA1L S1uuLn1 8CC8LSS ln LLA8nlnC 1PL Su8!LC1 CCn1Ln1 Anu MAS1L8lnC 1PL 8LLA1Lu
CaLhers lnformaLlon as sLudenLs are engaged ln a learnlng slLuaLlon ln order Lo ldenLlfy Lhelr sLrengLhs and
weaknesses and Lo revlew and adapL hls or her Leachlng accordlngly Lo help Lhem progress.
1akes sLock of Lhe learnlng acqulred by sLudenLs ln order Lo assess Lhelr masLery of Lhe relaLed compeLencles.
ueslgns or uses Lools Lo evaluaLe sLudenL progress and masLery of compeLencles.
CommunlcaLes expecLed ouLcomes Lo sLudenLs and parenLs and provldes feedback on sLudenL progress and
masLery of compeLencles uslng clear, slmple language.
Works wlLh Lhe Leachlng Leam Lo deLermlne Lhe deslred sLages and raLe of progresslon wlLhln Lhe cycle
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo:
deLecL Lhe sLrengLhs and weaknesses of Lhe sLudenLs ln a learnlng slLuaLlon,
ldenLlfy some of Lhe ad[usLmenLs requlred ln hls or her Leachlng on hls or her own,
ln cooperaLlon wlLh colleagues, deslgn evaluaLlon maLerlals, lnLerpreL Lhe work of sLudenLs ln Lerms of Lhelr
masLery of Lhe compeLencles, and develop Lools for communlcaLlng wlLh parenLs,
lnform Lhe sLudenLs of Lhe resulLs of a dlagnosLlc evaluaLlon process and lnform parenLs and members of Lhe
Leachlng Leam of Lhe correcLlve lnLervenLlon sLraLegy elemenLs envlsaged.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9

:&&)-' )554&4,0)3 #'$$&# 4( 0$-$##)+19

!"#$%&&'#()* ,#-!%.%(,/ &%*$0%1)*2).'#(&

(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.
!"#$%&'( #$! *+, -, !" $%
1o pl an, organl ze and supervl se a cl ass l n such a way as Lo promoLe sLudenLs' l earnl ng and socl al
devel opmenL.
uevelops and lmplemenLs an efflclenL sysLem for runnlng regular classroom acLlvlLles.
CommunlcaLes clear requlremenLs regardlng approprlaLe school and soclal behavlour and makes sure LhaL
sLudenLs meeL Lhose requlremenLs.
lnvolves sLudenLs on an lndlvldual or a group basls ln seLLlng sLandards for Lhe smooLh runnlng of Lhe class.
uevelops sLraLegles for prevenLlng lnapproprlaLe behavlour and deallng effecLlvely wlLh lL when lL occurs.
MalnLalns a classroom cllmaLe LhaL ls conduclve Lo learnlng.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo:
lnLroduce and malnLaln rouLlnes LhaL ensure Lhe smooLh runnlng of regular classroom acLlvlLles,
ldenLlfy and correcL organlzaLlonal problems LhaL hlnder Lhe smooLh runnlng of Lhe class,
anLlclpaLe some of Lhe organlzaLlonal problems LhaL hlnder Lhe smooLh runnlng of Lhe class and plan measures Lo
prevenL Lhem,
LsLabllsh and apply meLhods LhaL can be used Lo solve problems wlLh sLudenLs who exhlblL lnapproprlaLe
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
AuvAnCLu .H#"#2IH ACCL1A8LL A81lAL MlnlMAL
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9
uurlng my second fleld experlence, l had many opporLunlLles Lo pracLlce class organlzaLlon and ensured Lo lnvolve Lhe sLudenLs as
much as posslble. CfLen durlng class dlscusslons, l would have every sLudenL sLand up and Loss a ball around Lo dlscuss ldeas and
sLudenLs would slL once Lhey had a chance Lo speak. 1hls helped me Lo ensure each sLudenL was lnvolved and gave sLudenLs a break
from slLLlng. 1hls was also efflclenL because lL encouraged only one sLudenL Lo speak aL a Llme and allowed class-wlde communlcaLlon.
My C1 and supervlsor were pleased wlLh my ablllLy Lo Lhlnk on my feeL and have casual dlscusslons wlLh Lhe sLudenLs durlng lessons
whlle also Leachlng Lhe sLudenLs. ln Lhls sense, l feel LhaL l learned how Lo plan for class dlsrupLlons and how Lo redlrecL Lhe class back
Lo Lhe lesson. 1here remalns room for lmprovemenL ln Lhls area and l found myself havlng dlfflculLy wlLh classroom conLrol when
sLudenLs goL Loo nolsy. l have worked on Lhls and spoke wlLh C1 abouL flndlng my auLhorlLy sLyle. We also saL down Lo make a llsL of
Lhlngs LhaL dld and dld noL work when geLLlng classroom aLLenLlon. Cverall, l have room for lmprovemenL ln Lhls compeLency buL have
seen a deflnlLe lmprovemenL ln my ablllLy Lo organlze a class ln ways LhaL faclllLaLe learnlng )05 soclal lnLeracLlon.

!"#$%&&'#()* ,#-!%.%(,/ &%*$0%1)*2).'#(&

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kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.

!!"#$% !"# %#&'!()*"!+ '*"(!"# %&' (' )' *+,
1o adapL hl s or her Leachl ng Lo Lhe needs and characLerl sLl cs of sLudenLs wl Lh l earnl ng dl sabl l l Ll es, socl al
mal ad[ usLmenLs or handl caps.
laclllLaLes Lhe educaLlonal and soclal lnLegraLlon of sLudenLs wlLh learnlng dlsablllLles, soclal malad[usLmenLs or
ConsulLs resource people and parenLs Lo obLaln background lnformaLlon on sLudenLs wlLh dlfflculLles (needs,
progress, eLc.).
roposes learnlng Lasks, challenges and roles wlLhln Lhe class LhaL help sLudenLs Lo progress.
arLlclpaLes ln developlng and lmplemenLlng lndlvlduallzed educaLlon plans.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo :
CooperaLe ln Lhe developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of lndlvlduallzed educaLlon plans deslgned for sLudenLs
under hls or her responslblllLy.

Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9

:&&)-' )554&4,0)3 #'$$&# 4( 0$-$##)+19

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kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.
!"#$%& %() *)+#%,$"(!" $%&'()' *+, -, ., !"#
1o l nLegraLe l nformaLl on and communl caLl ons Lechnol ogl es (l cL) l n Lhe preparaLl on and del l very of
Leachl ng/l earnl ng acLl vl Ll es and for l nsLrucLl onal managemenL and professl onal devel opmenL purposes.
Lxerclses crlLlcal [udgmenL regardlng Lhe real beneflLs and llmlLaLlons of lC1 as Leachlng and learnlng resources, and
regardlng Lhe soclal lssues Lhey ralse.
Assesses Lhe lnsLrucLlonal poLenLlal of compuLer appllcaLlons and neLworklng Lechnology ln relaLlon Lo Lhe developmenL of
Lhe compeLencles LargeLed ln Lhe programs of sLudy.
CommunlcaLes uslng varlous mulLlmedla resources.
uses lC1 effecLlvely Lo search for, lnLerpreL and communlcaLe lnformaLlon and Lo solve problems.
uses lC1 effecLlvely Lo bulld neLworks LhaL faclllLaLe lnformaLlon sharlng and professlonal developmenL wlLh respecL Lo hls
or her own fleld of Leachlng or Leachlng pracLlce.
Pelps sLudenLs Lo famlllarlze Lhemselves wlLh lC1, Lo use lC1 Lo carry ouL learnlng acLlvlLles, Lo assess Lhelr own use of lC1,
and Lo exerclse crlLlcal [udgmenL regardlng Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey flnd on Lhe lnLerneL.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo :
demonsLraLe crlLlcal [udgmenL regardlng Lhe real beneflLs and llmlLaLlons of lC1 as Leachlng and learnlng resources,
demonsLraLe a general undersLandlng of Lhe posslblllLles offered by lC1 (and Lhe lnLerneL ln parLlcular) for Leachlng and
learnlng, and know how Lo lnLegraLe lC1 ln a funcLlonal manner lnLo Leachlng/learnlng acLlvlLles, when approprlaLe,
use lC1 effecLlvely ln dlfferenL aspecLs of hls or her lnLellecLual and professlonal llfe: communlcaLlon, research, lnformaLlon
processlng, evaluaLlon, lnLeracLlon wlLh colleagues or experLs, eLc.,
LffecLlvely LransmlL Lhe ablllLy Lo use lC1 Lo hls or her sLudenLs ln order Lo supporL Lhe collecLlve consLrucLlon of learnlng ln a
well-sLrucLured, crlLlcal manner.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
AuvAnCLu .H#"#2IH ACCL1A8LL A81lAL MlnlMAL
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9
lC1 became a ma[or aspecL of my second fleld experlence and has cerLalnly lnfluenced my role as a Leacher wlLhln Lhe classroom. Cn
my summaLlve assessmenL, l recelved very poslLlve feedback abouL my ablllLy Lo use lC1 and adapL qulckly when Lhe Lechnology l was
uslng had any problems. Lach of Lhe lessons l LaughL used owerolnL and varlous oLher Lechnologles such as Lhe lnLerneL and
?ou1ube. l also used lC1 Lo communlcaLe wlLh my cooperaLlng Leacher and Lo flnd lnformaLlon when developlng lesson plans. ln one
lesson, l was uslng ?ou1ube Lo presenL a muslc vldeo. When Lhe lnLerneL sLopped worklng, l was able Lo use an auxlllary cable and use
my phone Lo play Lhe vldeo lnsLead. 1hls has LaughL me Lo be prepared for problems when uslng lC1 buL LhaL overall, lL ls an exLremely
useful Lool ln Lhe professlon of Leachlng. l have found lC1 Lo be very useful and lmporLanL ln my Leachlng pracLlce and am glad Lo have
been able Lo furLher adapL Lhls compeLency durlng my second fleld experlence.

!"#$%&&'#()* ,#-!%.%(,/ &%*$0%1)*2).'#(&

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kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.

!"#$%& %() *)+#%,$"(!" $%&'()' *+, -, ., !"#
1o cooperaLe wl Lh school sLaff, parenLs, parLners l n Lhe communl Ly and sLudenLs l n pursul ng Lhe
educaLl onal ob[ ecLl ves of Lhe school .
CollaboraLes wlLh oLher members of Lhe school sLaff ln deflnlng orlenLaLlons, and developlng and lmplemenLlng
pro[ecLs relaLed Lo educaLlonal servlces ln areas falllng under Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe school.
lnforms parenLs and encourages Lhem Lo become acLlvely lnvolved.
CoordlnaLes hls or her acLlons wlLh Lhose of Lhe school's varlous parLners.
SupporLs sLudenLs lnvolved ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlve sLrucLures of Lhe school or ln school acLlvlLles or pro[ecLs.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo :
slLuaLe hls or her role ln relaLlon Lo LhaL played by oLher lnLernal or exLernal resource persons,
ad[usL hls or her acLlons Lo Lhe educaLlonal ob[ecLlves of Lhe school and conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe aLLalnmenL of Lhese
ob[ecLlves by becomlng personally lnvolved ln school pro[ecLs,
SLarL bulldlng a LrusLlng relaLlonshlp wlLh parenLs.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
AuvAnCLu .H#"#2IH ACCL1A8LL A81lAL MlnlMAL
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9
AL my hosL school ln my flrsL fleld experlence, l was able Lo cooperaLe wlLh sLaff and sLudenLs on a regular basls. l lnLeracLed wlLh
sLudenLs Lo pursue Lhe educaLlonal ob[ecLlves of Lhe school by worklng wlLh Lhe Leadershlp club and helplng aL sLudy hall each
Wednesday. l observed how Lhose around me acLed and followed along, asklng how l could help or do beLLer on a regular basls. l also
Lalked frequenLly wlLh oLher Leachers ln Lhe hallways and sLaff room Lo galn a beLLer undersLandlng of Lhe school's educaLlonal
ob[ecLlves. unforLunaLely, l dld noL have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe parenLs. neverLheless, lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe sLaff has
lncreased my undersLandlng of Lhe lmporLance of communlcaLlng wlLh parenLs ln boLh bad and good clrcumsLances. My lnLeracLlon
allowed me Lo form relaLlonshlps wlLh many of Lhe sLudenLs LhaL l dld noL expecL ln Lhe shorL Lhree-week perlod. l qulckly became a
parL of Lhe school culLure and was lnvolved wlLh exLra-currlcular acLlvlLles such as Lhe baskeLball Leam and Lhe leadershlp group aL Lhe
school. 1hls LaughL me a abouL Lhe school culLure and Lhe role LhaL l would llke Lo have as a fuLure Leacher. 1he exLra-currlcular
experlences were very fulfllllng and allowed me Lo see sLudenLs ln a less formal seLLlng. lnLeracLlng wlLh sLudenLs ouLslde of Lhe
classroom LaughL me more abouL Lhe school, Lhe sLudenLs, and how Lo reach Lhem ln new ways. lor lnsLance, l am an avld baskeLball
player and was able Lo lmpress many of Lhe sLudenLs wlLh my baskeLball skllls. noL only dld Lhls focus Lhelr aLLenLlon on me, buL lL also
humanlzed me as more Lhan slmply a sLudenL Leacher.

uurlng my second fleld experlence, l once agaln found myself parLlclpaLlng ln exLra currlcular acLlvlLles such as Lhe rugby and Lrack
Leams. 1hls allowed me Lo work LogeLher wlLh oLher sLaff members and see how Lhe school supporLs sLudenL aLhleLes. l also aLLended
LuLorlals Lo help sLudenLs who were falllng behlnd ln cerLaln sub[ecL areas. 1hls fleld experlence allowed me Lo lnLeracL wlLh parenLs as
a Leacher" for Lhe flrsL Llme, Lhough very mlnlmally. Many sLudenLs ln Lhe school have boosLers," where sLudenLs who are falllng
behlnd musL have Lhelr parenLs and Leachers slgn Lhelr agendas each day and ensure LhaL all of Lhe sLudenLs' homework ls llsLed. My
C1 had me slgn Lhe sLudenLs' boosLers ln many cases and ensure LhaL Lhe sLudenLs' parenLs were aware of Lhelr chlldren's academlc
sLandlng. AlLhough l never lnLeracLed wlLh a parenL face-Lo-face, Lhls was a good opporLunlLy for me Lo become more comforLable
wlLh Lhls area of Lhe compeLency.
!"#$%&&'#()* ,#-!%.%(,/ &%*$0%1)*2).'#(&

(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.
!"#$%& %() *)+#%,$"(!" $%&'()' *+, -, ., !"#
1o cooperaLe wl Lh members of Lhe Leachl ng Leam l n carryl ng ouL Lasks l nvol vl ng Lhe devel opmenL and
eval uaLl on of Lhe compeLencl es LargeLed l n Lhe programs of sLudy, Lakl ng l nLo accounL Lhe sLudenLs
8ecognlzes lnsLances where cooperaLlon wlLh oLher members of Lhe Leachlng Leam ls requlred ln order Lo deslgn
or adapL Leachlng/learnlng slLuaLlons, Lo evaluaLe sLudenL learnlng or Lo promoLe Lhe masLery of compeLencles
by Lhe end of Lhe cycle.
uevelops and organlzes a pro[ecL approprlaLe Lo Lhe ob[ecLlves Lo be aLLalned by Lhe Leachlng Leam.
CooperaLes ln an acLlve, ongolng manner wlLh Lhe Leachlng Leams worklng wlLh Lhe same sLudenLs.
Pelps bulld consensus, when requlred, among members of Lhe Leachlng Leam.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo:
ConLrlbuLe Lo Lhe work of Lhe Leachlng Leam ln an effecLlve manner,
rovlde consLrucLlve crlLlclsm and make lnnovaLlve suggesLlons wlLh respecL Lo Lhe Leam's work.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
AuvAnCLu .H#"#2IH ACCL1A8LL A81lAL MlnlMAL
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9
uurlng my second fleld experlence, l developed Lhls compeLency by creaLlng lesson plans ln collaboraLlon wlLh my cooperaLlng
Leacher. 1yplcally, l would make Lhe lesson plans on my own buL go over lL wlLh my cooperaLlng Leacher ln advance and Lake any
feedback LhaL she had Lo offer. 1hls allowed me Lo learn how Lo develop lesson-plannlng skllls on my own whlle sLlll worklng LogeLher
wlLh my cooperaLlng Leacher. We also declded on whlch unlL asslgnmenLs we would use LogeLher ln order Lo ensure LhaL Lhe lessons
were worklng Lowards a slmllar end goal. l also had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo play a role ln developlng a program for sLudenLs Lo become
more lnvolved wlLh charlLable organlzaLlons. 1ogeLher wlLh Lhe prlnclpal and my cooperaLlng Leacher, l was able Lo play a role ln
havlng sLudenLs from englneers wlLhouL borders" come Lo speak wlLh Lhe eLhlcs and rellglous culLure classroom LhaL l was placed ln.
My parLlclpaLlon ln Lhls process was mlnlmal, however, l was able Lo see Lhe process of collaboraLlon and see how lL lnfluences Lhe
sLudenLs ln Lhe end. l was forLunaLe Lo have a C1 who ofLen lnvolved me ln her own declslons and asked my oplnlon frequenLly. 1hls
has helped me Lo learn how Lo make declslons wlLh oLhers and [usLlfy my own oplnlons. 1hese experlences helped my Lo enhance Lhls
compeLency and prepare me Lo cooperaLe wlLh oLhers professlonally ln Lhe fuLure.

!"#$%&&'#()* ,#-!%.%(,/ &%*$0%1)*2).'#(&

(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.
!"#$%&&'#()* ',%(-'-! #$$% $&'
1o engage l n professl onal devel opmenL l ndl vl dual l y and wl Lh oLhers.
1akes sLock of hls or her compeLencles and Lakes sLeps Lo develop Lhem uslng avallable resources.
ulscusses Lhe relevance of hls or her pedagoglcal cholces wlLh hls or her colleagues.
8eflecLs on hls or her pracLlce (reflecLlve analysls) and makes Lhe approprlaLe ad[usLmenLs.
Spearheads pro[ecLs Lo solve Leachlng problems.
lnvolves peers ln research relaLed Lo Lhe masLery of Lhe compeLencles LargeLed ln Lhe programs of sLudy and Lo
Lhe educaLlonal ob[ecLlves of Lhe school.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo :
ldenLlfy, undersLand and use avallable resources (research reporLs and professlonal llLeraLure, pedagoglcal
neLworks, professlonal assoclaLlons, daLa banks) relaLed Lo Leachlng,
ldenLlfy hls or her sLrengLhs and llmlLaLlons, along wlLh hls or her personal ob[ecLlves and Lhe means of achlevlng
engage ln rlgorous reflexlve analysls on speclflc aspecLs of hls or her Leachlng,
underLake research pro[ecLs relaLed Lo speclflc aspecLs of hls or her Leachlng.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
AuvAnCLu .H#"#2IH ACCL1A8LL A81lAL MlnlMAL
!"#$ &'$ ($)&*+$# ,( &'$ -,./$&$0-1 234#&$5 )6,7$8 )05 &'$ /+,($##4,0)3 -,./$&$0-1 +*6+4-9
1hroughouL my flrsL fleld experlence, l was able Lo communlcaLe wlLh sLaff, especlally my cooperaLlng Leacher, ln order Lo develop
professlonally. Lach day, l was requlred Lo come early, work Lhrough lunch, and sLay laLe. 1hese slLuaLlons gave me Llme Lo dlscuss
professlonal behavlour wlLh my cooperaLlng Leacher and helped me Lo undersLand Lhe hours LhaL a dedlcaLed Leacher works. l also
frequenLly dlscussed my experlences wlLh my peers and reflecLed on Lhlngs LhaL occurred each day. When sLudenLs Lrled Lo hug me or
Louch me ln oLher ways, l dlscussed lL wlLh my peers and Leacher. Slmllarly, when sLudenLs acLed ln rebelllon, l was able Lo reflecL on
my response and search for dlfferenL ways Lo approach Lhe slLuaLlon ln Lhe fuLure. l was glven full access Lo my cooperaLlng Leachers
lesson plans, documenLs, and resources. l feel LhaL looklng Lhrough Lhese Lhlngs helped me Lo be more compeLenL ln Lhe fleld
experlence. LasLly, l engaged ln self-reflecLlon Lhrough Lhe use of a [ournal afLer mosL days ln Lhe school. lL was durlng Lhls Llme LhaL l
reflecLed on Lhlngs l felL l could do beLLer or change ln some way.

uurlng my second fleld experlence, l had many opporLunlLles Lo grow ln my professlonal developmenL and dlscover whlch areas of Lhls
compeLency requlre furLher aLLenLlon. lor lnsLance, my cooperaLlng Leacher and l had many dlscusslons surroundlng how l can
lmprove my classroom conLrol. We made a llsL of Lhlngs LhaL have worked well for me ln Lhe pasL and Lhlngs LhaL have noL ln order Lo
flnd a solld way for me Lo flnd Lhe besL Lechnlques LhaL wlll work for me. l also kepL a [ournal Lo reflecL on how Lhlngs wenL durlng each
day and how l could lmprove my own performance as a Leacher. Cne plece of feedback LhaL my cooperaLlng Leacher repeaLed many
Llmes was LhaL she appreclaLed my openness Lo feedback and LhaL lL made me a sLrong sLudenL Leacher, because l was open Lo
changlng and learnlng. l welcomed Lhls feedback and Look all crlLlclsm as an opporLunlLy Lo grow professlonally. l belleve LhaL Lhls
quallLy has helped me Lo develop ln Lhls compeLency and wlll conLlnue Lo be an asseL ln fuLure fleld experlences and my career ln

!"#$%&&'#()* ,#-!%.%(,/ &%*$0%1)*2).'#(&

(345: Llndsey !ohnson '6: 260339826

6375: May 19, 2014 ,89:;5 (345 < (94=5:> LuLC 234 !&?$% @5A5@ BCD:C@5 8E5F: 1 G 3 4

kLL 1PLSL lC8MS ln ?Cu8 8ClLSSlCnAL C81lCLlC. ?Cu WlLL Auu 1C 1PLM LACP ?LA8.
!"#$%&&'#()* ',%(-'-! #$$% $&'

1o demonsLraLe eLhl cal and responsl bl e professl onal behavl our l n Lhe performance of hl s or her duLl es.
undersLands Lhe values underlylng hls or her Leachlng.
Manages hls or her class ln a democraLlc way.
rovldes sLudenLs wlLh approprlaLe aLLenLlon and supporL.
!usLlfles hls or her declslons concernlng Lhe learnlng and educaLlon of sLudenLs Lo Lhe parLles concerned.
8especLs Lhe confldenLlal naLure of cerLaln aspecLs of hls or her work.
Avolds any form of dlscrlmlnaLlon Loward sLudenLs, parenLs or colleagues.
SlLuaLes Lhe moral confllcLs arlslng ln class wlLh reference Lo Lhe ma[or schools of LhoughL.
uemonsLraLes sound [udgmenL ln uslng Lhe legal and regulaLory framework governlng Lhe Leachlng professlon.
8y Lhe end of hls or her lnlLlal Lralnlng, Lhe sLudenL Leacher should be able Lo :
demonsLraLe sufflclenL responslblllLy ln deallngs wlLh sLudenLs LhaL one can recommend wlLh no reservaLlons
LhaL a class be enLrusLed Lo hls or her care,
Answer Lo oLhers for hls or her acLlons by provldlng well-founded reasons.
Pow have l devel oped Lhl s compeLency durl ng Lhl s course or professl onal seml nar/fl el d experl ence?

WPA1 lS M? Cu88Ln1 LLvLL Cl MAS1L8?? (CPCCSL CnL)*
8elng ln a very dlverse school for my flrsL fleld experlence, l was challenged wlLh experlences LhaL were less common ln my own hlgh
school experlences. lor example, l wlLnessed several raclsL commenLs beLween sLudenLs and even a physlcal alLercaLlon ln Lhe
hallway. ln each case, l was alone buL abrupLly puL a sLop Lo lL and wenL dlrecLly Lo Lhe cooperaLlng Leacher. l recelved very poslLlve
feedback on how l handled Lhe slLuaLlons and was asked Lo flll ouL an lncldenL reporL for one of Lhe lncldenLs. ln each case, l was able
Lo [usLlfy why l responded how l dld and was able Lo Lhlnk qulckly Lo flnd soluLlons. l feel LhaL l LreaLed each sLudenL wlLh respecL and
dld noL favour any sLudenLs over oLhers. Cenerally, Lhe cooperaLlng Leacher handled ln-class dlspuLes, buL l felL LhaL l learned a greaL
deal by waLchlng hlm respond ln Lhese slLuaLlons. Pe has menLloned Lo me LhaL he ls compleLely confldenL ln my Leachlng ablllLles and
would LrusL me Lo run hls classroom lf he had Lo sLep ouL for an emergency. l am confldenL ln my ablllLy Lo acL eLhlcally and responslbly
ln and ouL of class Llme.

1hroughouL my second fleld experlence, l sLrlved Lo deLermlne my own Leachlng values and how Lo besL use my skllls ln Lhe domaln of
educaLlon. Larly ln Lhe process, l sLruggled Lo engage Lhe enLlre class ln Lhe lesson and reallzed LhaL l value a class ln whlch every
sLudenL can be lnvolved ln some way. l developed Lhls sklll uslng several exerclse where Lhe enLlre classroom could be lnvolved
wlLhouL belng slngled ouL or forclng sLudenLs Lo comply. LLhlcally, l dld noL have any challenges ln Lerms of deallng wlLh sLudenLs or
confldenLlallLy. ConLrarlly, l feel LhaL l have enhanced Lhls compeLency by deflnlng Lhe llne beLween frlendly" and frlends" wlLh my
sLudenLs and LreaLlng each sLudenL as equally as posslble. Some sLudenLs are very easy Lo form relaLlonshlps wlLh, whlle oLhers are
less open. l worked hard LhroughouL Lhe fleld experlence Lo develop a sLrong relaLlonshlp wlLh each sLudenL, especlally Lhe less
LalkaLlve sLudenLs ln order Lo develop relaLlonshlps wlLhouL chooslng cerLaln sLudenLs over oLhers. 1hls fleld experlence dld noL
challenge me eLhlcally, however, l feel LhaL l developed Lhls compeLency by lncreaslng my awareness Lo my lnLeracLlons wlLh sLaff,
sLudenLs, and parenLs.

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To contribute to the goal of preparing reflective practitioners, student teachers will write an Action Plan at the end of first, second, and third field
experience with input from their cooperating teacher and/or the University supervisor. The Action Plan synthesizes each field experiences
evaluation, links each field experience to the next, establishes goals for improvement, and forms an agenda for discussion between the student
teacher, the cooperating teacher and University supervisor at the beginning of the subsequent field experience. For First Field Experience only
(excluding Physical Education students), the Action Plan will be completed during the co-requisite Professional Seminar course.
Name ____________________________ Student Number ______________________
B.Ed. Program: _____________________ Field Experience: 1

I have shown thorough to advanced development in the following Professional Competencies developed
during this field experience:

I would like to improve my skills in the following Professional Competencies developed during this field

I will make use of the following strategies for improvement:

__________________________________ ____________________________________
Student teachers signature Date
This completed Action Plan is to be discussed with your cooperating teacher and McGill supervisor at the start of your subsequent
field experience.
Lindsey Johnson
Lindsey Johnson
Sec. Social Science

- Using ICT in lesson planning and lessons
- Effective communication with in the class and accommodating different learning styles
- Public speaking ability and engagement of the students
- Building rapport with students in formal and informal settings
- Positive and professional interaction with staff and peers
- Involvement in extracurricular sports and clubs
- Accepting criticism and suggestions for improvement in the future

- Increasing my spoken and written French language skills
- Having a stronger presence within the classroom and development of better classroom control
- Practicing rmness and fairness when students break the rules put in place by the teacher
- Multi-tasking skills and ability to watch students while doing other tasks
- Following through when students break the rules
- Speaking articulately and slowly to students
- Allowing longer wait-times in order for students to have more time to answer questions

- Keep in touch with my FE2 cooperating teacher to follow up on constructive criticisms
- Use research to improve my understanding of student learning
- Practice physical classroom presence by standing tall in front of the mirror (instead of arms
crossed, shoulders hunched)
- Volunteer with high school aged students to practice working around this age group
- Develop my public communication skills through presentations and public speaking
- Practice being alert and aware of my surroundings in public places to increase multi-tasking skills
May 19, 2014

name Llndsey !ohnson lu 260339826

uaLe: May 19, 2014 Course name & number (e.g. LuLC 233) LuLC 234 S/lL level (clrcle one) 1 ! 3 4

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CharL your progress ln each of Lhe 12 compeLencles, based on Lhe deLalled self-evaluaLlon sheeLs.

mlnlmal parual accepLable Lhorough advanced
- 1horough
- 1horough
- AccepLable
- 1horough
- AccepLable
- 1horough
- AccepLable
- 1horough
- 1horough
- 1horough
- 1horough
- 1horough

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