Actionplanfe 2

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To contribute to the goal of preparing reflective practitioners, student teachers will write an Action Plan at the end of first, second, and third field
experience with input from their cooperating teacher and/or the University supervisor. The Action Plan synthesizes each field experiences
evaluation, links each field experience to the next, establishes goals for improvement, and forms an agenda for discussion between the student
teacher, the cooperating teacher and University supervisor at the beginning of the subsequent field experience. For First Field Experience only
(excluding Physical Education students), the Action Plan will be completed during the co-requisite Professional Seminar course.
Name ____________________________ Student Number ______________________
B.Ed. Program: _____________________ Field Experience: 1

I have shown thorough to advanced development in the following Professional Competencies developed
during this field experience:

I would like to improve my skills in the following Professional Competencies developed during this field

I will make use of the following strategies for improvement:

__________________________________ ____________________________________
Student teachers signature Date
This completed Action Plan is to be discussed with your cooperating teacher and McGill supervisor at the start of your subsequent
field experience.
Lindsey Johnson
Sec. Social Science
- Using ICT in lesson planning and lessons
- Effective communication with in the class and accommodating different learning styles
- Public speaking ability and engagement of the students
- Building rapport with students in formal and informal settings
- Positive and professional interaction with staff and peers
- Involvement in extracurricular sports and clubs
- Accepting criticism and suggestions for improvement in the future
- Increasing my spoken and written French language skills
- Having a stronger presence within the classroom and development of better classroom control
- Practicing rmness and fairness when students break the rules put in place by the teacher
- Multi-tasking skills and ability to watch students while doing other tasks
- Following through when students break the rules
- Speaking articulately and slowly to students
- Allowing longer wait-times in order for students to have more time to answer questions
- Keep in touch with my FE2 cooperating teacher to follow up on constructive criticisms
- Use research to improve my understanding of student learning
- Practice physical classroom presence by standing tall in front of the mirror (instead of arms
crossed, shoulders hunched)
- Volunteer with high school aged students to practice working around this age group
- Develop my public communication skills through presentations and public speaking
- Practice being alert and aware of my surroundings in public places to increase multi-tasking skills
May 19, 2014
Lindsey Johnson

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