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Serves 4

For the Tofu + Marinade:

1/8 cup orange juice
1/8 cup tamari
1/8 cup toasted sesame oil
1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon finely grated ginger
1 clove garlic
2 teaspoons maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 package extra firm tofu
1. Preparing the Tofu !arinade" Preheat the oven to #$% degrees &ahrenheit. 'n a (o)l mix
together orange juice* tamari* sesame oil* olive oil* ginger* garlic* maple syrup* and cayenne and
set aside. +ut the tofu into 1,inch cu(es and place into a small (aking pan )ithout overlapping.
Pour the marinade over the tofu. Put the tofu into the oven and (ake for 1$ minutes* stir* and
(ake for 1$ minutes more until (ro)ned. -ith a slotted spoon* scoop out the tofu and place onto
a plate and allo) to cool. Pour the remaining marinade into a (o)l and set aside.
For the Salad:
.eftover marinade
/est of 1 lime
0uice of 1/2 lime
1/8 cup orange juice
# ta(lespoons seasoned rice vinegar
1ea salt to taste
1/2 package 2den 3uck)heat 1o(a 4oodles
1 stalk (roccoli* florets only
1 large carrot* peeled and cut into matchsticks
1 1/2 cups lacinato kale* de,ri((ed and cut into ri((ons
1/2 cup green ca((age* shredded
1/# cup cilantro* chopped
8 (asil leaves* chopped
1 ta(lespoon sesame seeds* toasted
1. Preparing the Thai citrus vinaigrette" 5dd the lemon 6est and juice to the remaining marinade.
+ontinue to add the orange juice* rice vinegar* maple syrup* and sea salt to taste. 1et aside.
2. Preparing the salad" +ook the so(a noodles as descri(ed on the package* rinse )ith cold )ater
and set aside. !ean)hile* (ring a small pot of )ater to a (oil* and (lanch the (roccoli florets for
#% seconds. 'mmediately strain the florets and rinse )ith cold )ater. Put the (lanched (roccoli
florets* carrot* kale* ca((age* cilantro* (asil* and sesame seeds into a large (o)l and toss. 7ress
the salad )ith the Thai citrus vinaigrette.
#. 1erve the salad topped )ith (aked tofu and garnished )ith sesame seeds.

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