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back to jupiters transits

since bhrigu nandi nadi does not gives importence to

lagna; hence it gives to some thing else. ITS THE
again same thing is mentioned in deve keralam "hen
satrun trasist the navamsha dispositirs o# $th lord or
its trine some danger to mother. concluding deve
keralam too gives importence to trinal house
b.v.raman sir use to give "eightage to trines #rom
karaka to predict results. this con#ers importence o#
trinal houses.
jupiter is called jeeva% in nadi jeeva means native%
"hen jupiter transit in par&a&a over natal rahu mars
or shani% chances o# native #alling sick% missing
directions are likel& .. this ma& be ver& vauge
principle but i# blended "ith maraka dasha or 'th lord
dasha ma& give good hints. man& a time though bad
dasha is over still native continue to su##er in ne(t
like"ise "hen jupiter moves over natal sun% chances
o# getting promotion% enj&oing po"er etc #or )*
&ears. e(ac timing is not given but i# +, degree is )*
&ears or ', months then ) degree is * month. no" i#
aplied to a natal longitude #or e(ample i# sun is )*
degree o# sign then probable period o# promotion
honor etc ma& be a#ter * &ears jupiter c&cle starts
"hen jupiter transit natalmoon - change o# mind%
change o# place% native turns relegius% move back to

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