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B.Ed. Teaching Practice Lesson Plan

Date 26-10-2014 Student
Mouza Salem saeed
Time 10:00 to 10:25 School RAK Academy British
SST Mr. Vince bailey Class Grade 6
Lesson Guiding reading ( shock wave
basement mystery).
No of stu-
Context of the lesson
This is the guiding reading that talking about basement mystery . I should encourage students to discover and
participate in discussions .
Teaching goal
The major goals is for students to learn how to use independent reading strategies successfully .
Learning objectives Students will be able to:
Students will be able to use strategies before, during, and after reading to aid in the construction
and enhancement of meaning.
Students will be able to respond in discussions and in writing, using personal, literal, interpreta-
tive, and evaluative stances, to works of fiction and non-fiction.
Students will be able to identify and explain the function of essential short story elements in the
writers craft (title, character, setting, conflict, theme, point of view).
Students will be able to participate in discussions.

Assumptions about prior learning
Students will know about this topic .
Anticipated problems and possible solutions
Ss may not understand some words , so I will act and give simple meaning to be understand .
Personal focus for this lesson
I will make sure that a small group are understand the story and they develop their reading .
Target language
Spooky , scanned , voucher, cobwebs
Teacher language
What is today?
Whats the title of our unit?
Have a seat
Main tasks or activities
Teach new vocabulary.
Reading the task on the book.
Conservation between the students.
Dice questions.
Story map.
Draw favorite characters
Resources and teaching aids
Some prepared questions about the story
Story map paper

Consider these grouping strategies:
Group work

Consider where the children are working:
At their desk


Lesson Plan for the teaching of reading in a second/foreign language

Grade Level
Grade 6
Lesson Focus

basement mystery by Haydn Middleton using guiding reading approach , build
vocabularies and improve literacy skills .

At the end of this class, students will be able to tell the summary of the story . Also, students
will be able identify the characters , sitting , point of view . Checking if all the students are
understand the story be give them some questions .
Target lan-

Vocabulary like; Spooky , scanned , voucher, cobwebs
Some prepared questions about the story
Story map paper


Lesson Procedure (Pre-, While-, Post-)

Stage Teacher activity
(T will )
Student activity
(Ss will )

Relating prior knowledge and personal
experience to new texts.

Webbing an important
idea/theme/word .

Discussing a related work, theme, idea.

Completing and discussing question-
naires in cooperative groups.

Assessing what the student already
knows about the topic
Listing predictions.

Students will think or predict what is story
talk about it. Also, they will try to answer
their teacher.

Students will discover with the teacher the
parts of the book.


Listen to students individually read.
The reading will be influence and
with different body language and
different voice level and effects.
Teacher may pause the reading to
make students think and ask several

Students are following reading by reading
with others .
Students will be engaged to the story and
imagine it.
Students will have their time to think and
will predict answers and share information.


Talk about the text with the students
and encourage them to talk with
other by using a dice with many
question .

Encourage participation of all students.

Students will follow the instructions and listen

Students will participate in discussion of the
text .

Students will participate in discussion of que-
ries by sharing thinking and providing evi-
dence using the story.


Time & stage Inter-
Teacher activity
(T will )
Student activity
(eg. In groups ss will )


Teacher will give students a story
Teacher will give students many
card with sentence .

Teacher will point to the important
parts of the book (cover page, title,
writer and illustrator by asking the
students .
Students will understand the
structure .
Students will discover with
the teacher the parts of the
Teacher will read the story first
with the students pointing to the
The reading will be influence and
with different body language and
different voice level and effects.
Teacher may pause the reading to
make students think and ask sever-
al questions.
Students are following
reading .
Students will be engaged to
the story and imagine it.
Students will have their
time to think and will
predict answers and
share information.
Transformation S-S (
Teacher will give the students a
dice to through then read the ques-
tions and answer . for example : ti-
tle of the book, characters , setting
and the event.

The students will sharing in-
formation and answer the
questions .


S (indi-
Teacher will give the students story
map that illustration : title , charac-
ters , setting , author etc.
Students will listen to what
the teacher says.
The students will working
as a group to fill the

Reflection Individ-
ual (S)

Teacher will give each student card
to draw the picture of the favorite
character in the story and describe
the character .
The students will draw and
describe the character.

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