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Apple-Pecan Tart

By Florence Fabricant
Time: 2 hours
1 1/3 cups flour, more for rolling
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 tablespoons cold unsalted butter
1 large egg yolk plus 3 large eggs
2 medium tart apples, peeled, cored and sliced
2 tablespoons light bron sugar
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped pecans
1 cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon !anilla e"tract
1 cup hea!y cream, hipped, for ser!ing#
1# $eat o!en to %00 degrees# &lace flour, sugar and salt in food processor# &ulse to blend# 'ice (
tablespoons butter, place in food processor and gi!e it about 20 )uick pulses, until butter is in
tiny lumps# Beat egg yolk ith % tablespoons ice ater# *pen co!er of machine and sprinkle in
egg mi"ture# &ulse briefly# +ngredients should start to clump together to form a dough, do not
allo a ball of dough to form# +f dough is too dry to hold together, add another teaspoon or to
of ater and pulse again#
2# Transfer dough mi"ture to lightly floured ork surface and gather together to form into a flat,
smooth disk# -oll to a circle about 13 inches in diameter and fit into a 10.inch fluted tart pan#
/ine ith foil, eight ith pastry eights and bake 10 minutes, until dry.looking# -emo!e foil
and eights, prick bottom of pastry in a fe places and bake until golden, about 20 minutes
more# -emo!e from o!en#
3# 0hile pastry is baking melt remaining 2 tablespoons butter in a skillet# 1dd apples and saut2
o!er medium.high heat until lightly broned# 3tir in bron sugar, then add pecans# 3aut2
another minute# -emo!e from heat and spread in baked pastry# Beat eggs, stir in syrup and
!anilla and pour o!er apples and pecans#
%# Bake 14 minutes# -educe heat to 340 degrees and bake until set and broned on top, about 24
minutes more#
5ield: ( to 10 ser!ings#

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