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Sister Amnas Classroom Newsletter

We read a short play called, The
Strongest One. The comprehension skill
was learning about facts and details. The
phonics skill was homophones.
Homophones are words that sound the
same such as hi and high, but hae
different spellings and meanings. Students
did seeral actiities to practice this
concept such as making flip flap booklets,
illustrating different pairs, and more.
We started pre writing and drafting the
ne!t writing assignment. Students wrote
an opinion piece about how they feel
about bugs. They went through writing in
the paragraph format that we are learning
about. Students will finish off final copies
ne!t week.
"n our weekly groups, we worked on the
concept of dialogue. Since this week#s
story was a play, students saw how to
write a dialogue and practiced writing a
short one on their own.
$or grammar, students continued to
reinforce concepts of types of sentences.
% declaratie sentence is a telling
statement with a period. "nterrogatie
sentences are &uestions. '!clamatory
sentences end with an e!clamation mark,
and imperatie sentences are commands.
MDQ Academy
Brentwood, New York
Oct . 27- 31
abai g@mdqacademy. or g
mdq2ndgr ader s. weebl y. com
This week in chapter 2, students learned
about the characteristics of reptiles,
amphibians, and fish. We did a few
cut/paste sorting activities for these
animals. The created a main idea and
details flap book for characteristics of birds.
!eptiles have dr, scal skin. "mphibians
have smooth, wet skin. #ish are covered
with scales.
The whole school en$oed a science show
with a person who came in and did man
e%periments with the audience&



'tudents finished up chapter 2. We learned how
to add or subtract () and ()) from a three*digit
number. We also learned about comparing
numbers using greater than/less than. + put the
pro$ector light onto the whiteboard. 'tudents
used their shadow against the light to create the
greater than/less than smbol on the white board
to compare two numbers + had written on either
side. The reall en$oed that& The watched a
couple of videos on this math concept. The week
ended with the chapter 2 test.
We started unit 2 on the government. This week
we touched on the concept of what a
government is. +t is a group of elected citi,ens
who are in charge or running a communit. The
leader of a cit/town government is called the
-"Y.!. /eople who help him make decisions
and laws are part of the 0.1N0+2. 2aws help
us sta safe and tell us what to do.
Language Arts: Review week of the
past 5 weeks
Math: chapter 3 addition concepts.
Lessons 3.1-3.4
Science: life cycles
Social Studies- city and state
U!"omin# E$ents/Re%&ests/Comments
() ish List- colored !"R#$%&!' the
type ( print math games and spelling words
on. %hank yo)..
*) The +huck '. +heese $undraiser is today.
Hope to see some of you there.
,) The first &uarter ended today. -eport
cards will be handed out on parent
teacher conferences at the end of .o.
/) 0espite many erbal warnings telling the
boys for two weeks not to bring in 1ego
pieces from home, some of them
continued to do it. They would trade, play
with them during class, and some got
upset because of trading issues, etc. "
kept on taking whateer " saw and said "
would return it in a week. 2ut the same
boys kept on bringing more in eery day,
so now all the ones " hae confiscated, "
will return to parents during parent3
teacher conferences.

() Sign and return math test
*) 'en if a math, science, or S.S.
test doesn#t hae the sign and
return, stamp on it, please do so
anyway. " only got back 4 S.S.
tests this week.
,) .e!t week in 1anguage %rts, it will
be a reiew week of preiously
learned concepts. The spelling test
will be a reiew spelling test of all
the past 5 lists. Students will only
need to know 1"ST % and 2OTH
words for this test, not list 2
words. On $riday, " will test them
on *6 random words from the past
5 weeks. 7lease student the cards
on the ring.
This week you will see a bar graph attached to the
top of the math test. I have been doing this for the
past few years and parents have told me it has
helped them understand how their child is
performing overall and where they could/should be
with more practice. The bar graph shows all the
possible scores received on the test across the
bottom. The left side is the number of students.
The graph tells how many students received each
score. I have highlighted your childs score on the
bar graph. No one else sees your childs score
except you. It can help you determine where the
class average is and where your child is falling.
hen you sign and return tests! this portion can
stay home. "lso! this will come home for math!
social studies! and science tests.
Test Gra!hs Ne't (ee)s Hi#hli#hts
Remin*ers to St&*ents/+arents

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