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Repatriation, Reintegration, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (4Rs) in

North East Sri Lanka

The ILO, has since June 2004, been a part of the Danida funded inter UN Agency initiatie on !epatriation,
!eintegration, !ehabi"itation and !econstruction #4!$ targeting returning interna""y disp"aced popu"ations in %
districts in North &ast 'ri Lan(a) *ithin the 4! pro+ect, the ILO i,p"e,ents pro+ects in the fo""o-ing co,ponents.
Livelihoods and Income Generation
In co""aboration -ith UND/ and UNI0&1, the ILO has focused on the proision of support to "oca""y identified
co,,unity based s(i""s training and the estab"ish,ent of ,icro production centers to sti,u"ate "oca" econo,ic
dee"op,ent) To date, ,ore than 20 such centers hae been estab"ished in co""aboration -ith co,,unity based
organi2ations and range fro, co,,unity and ho,e far,s to catt"e and goat rearing, se-ing centers and
ba(eries) At the district "ee" i,p"e,entation is ongoing -ith strong district N3Os partnerships, that "in( -ith and
capacity bui"d the i""age "ee" organi2ations 4 fisheries cooperaties, far,ers associations and ,others groups)
The target is 500 beneficiaries 6 -o,en and chi"dren) The strategy, -hich introduces ne- production e7uip,ent
and training techno"ogies to these co,,unities has receied the support of the "oca" authorities)
ommunit! In"rastructure and Shelter
The ILO supported the dee"op,ent of training ,ateria"s and training progra,,es in the use of "abour4based
techno"ogies co,bined -ith cash for -or( as a suitab"e e,ergency response to post crisis "ie"ihood recoery)
This has been underta(en in co""aboration -ith UND/, the !oad Dee"op,ent Authority and the Inter,ediate
Techno"ogy Dee"op,ent 3roup)
Local Governance and apacit! building
In co""aboration -ith the ILO nationa" JO8sN&T pro+ect and se"ected North &ast District 0ha,bers of 0o,,erce, a
pi"ot "abour ,ar(et data co""ection syste, is being dee"oped to proide ,atching of e,p"oyab"e s(i""s to the
"abour ,ar(et needs of these areas) The oera"" 4! pro+ect is ,anaged by an inter4agency pro+ect steering
co,,ittee and at the district "ee" by a +oint steering co,,ittee) The ILO is a ,e,ber of both)

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