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Intitul du module: Pedagogical Trends and Educational System

Intitul de la squence: Introduction to Pedagogical Trends and Educational System
Activity one
Whats the relation between education and philosophy? (pp.!"#
Activity two
Co$$ent the %i&ure abo'e( entitled )propositions* in the course (pa&e +# to show the
di%%erence between )truths*( ),nowled&e* and )belie%s*.
Intitul du module: Psychopedagogy
Intitul de la squence: Introduction to Psychopedagogy
Activity one
)Is psycholo&y i$portant in teachin&? Why? -i'e e.a$ples* /a'e you e'er
used )psycholo&y* to sol'e a proble$ with a disobeyin& pupil? I% yes( to
what e.tent did it wor,?
Activity two
Su$$ari0e the basic branches o% psycholo&y accordin& to your lessons
online and speci%y the $ost i$portant one in teachin&.

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