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MUSIC ____________________________________________

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.
With God as Creator, family all are we.
Let us walk with each other, in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me; let this be the moment now.
With every step I take, let this be my oyous vow!
"o take each moment and live each moment, in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me#
Licensed Practitioners are available by appointment for treatment work$%&'$and
private, confidential counseling$%(). Licensed practitioner recommended fees$single,
%&'; one week of spiritual mind treatment work, %*)); one month of spiritual mind
treatment work, %+'). ,o one will be denied spiritual mind treatment because of the
temporary inability to pay. - treatment for the consciousness of prosperity will be
Rev. Nancy Hobbie-Lowe .*+/0.12)0(1
Rev. Davi !. Lowe .*+/0.12)0(1
Me"i##a B"evin#$ R.Sc.P. 3)3/+')2+3)3
Chri#ty Se%&"e$ R.Sc.P. .*+/0.*20+.(
Boar o' Tr(#tee#
4ev. 5avid -. Lowe, 6resident .*+/0.12)0(1
4ev. ,ancy C. 7obbie2Lowe, 8.6. 9 "reasurer .*+/0.12)0(1
Christy :emple ;*', :ecretary .*+/0.*20+.(
<elissa =levins, ;*( 3)3/+')2+3)3
4ebecca 7armon, ;*( .*+/(0)2*(+.
<argie 4ose, ;*0 .*+/.*32.31.
4ick :emple, >?2@fficio .*+/0.*20+.(
Boo)tab"e A Christy :emple, Coordinator .*+/0.*20+.(
Creative Corner A Boyce ,owak
Socia" Meia A 4ebecca 7armon, Coordinator .*+/(0)2*(+.
Mai"in* !re##
'+) :ycamore 4oad, :ewickley, 6- *'*.& .*+/0.12)033
+eb%a#ter A Colleen 7igbee .*+/1'+211))
E%ai" !re## A gtcrs*
Center for

Pittsburgh South
Sunday, November 2, 2014
10:30 a.m.
Rev. Nancy C. Hobbie-Lowe
Rev. David A. Lowe
A Spiritual Community teachin! practicin!
"sin the Principles o# the Science o# $ind
%hrouh lovin support.
The Center 'or S&irit(a" Livin*D Pitt#b(r*h So(th
+e"co%e# YOU-
+e"co%e Christy :emple, 4:c6
E6eace be unto thee, stranger, enter and be not afraid.
I have left the gate open and thou art welcome in my home.
"here is room in my house for all.
Fou will find comfort and rest within.
"he table is laid and the fruits of Life are spread before thee.
>at of the fruit and drink the wine.
-ll, all is yours, and you are welcome.G
Mornin* Son* Boy, Boy, Boy, Boy#
Creative !''ir%ation :heila <ac5onald, 4:c6 >meritus
EI 7ave <y =eing in :piritG
"oday I recogniHe the loving :pirit is within me and
e?ists at the center of my being. :pirit is all there truly is and It
is the invisible source that creates my world of effect.
:pirit is the resource and power that propels me forward
onto my path of unfoldment. I take one step at a time, moving
into the fullness of life, allowing myself to be fully awake and
aware of the loving God which continually takes care of me in
all ways.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was good
and very good. "his goodness perpetuates itself in my life on a
moment2to2moment basis because I -m fully aware of :pirit;s
presence in my life. I keep the high watch in thought, word,
and deed, and my life is marvelous.
I -m so oyously grateful for this "ruth that allows me to
be aware of the limitless potential that is mine at this moment,
realiHing life is abundantly good, knowing it is already so. -nd
:o It Is.
.(ie Meitation 4ev. ,ancy C. 7obbie2Lowe
!''ir%ation in Son*
"here is only love. "here is only love$love that heals, love that sets me
free. "here is on A ly love.
Tithin* !''ir%ation
<y tithe is my acceptance of God as the :ource of my supply and
symboliHes my faith in the abundant flow of this supply through me. <y
tithe blesses and multiples all that I have, all that I give, and all that I
receive. -nd :o It Is.
Creative Corner 5emonstrations
Le##on on Tr(th 4ev. 5avid -. Lowe
E:o What -re Fou Going to 5o with ItIG
C"o#in* Son* "he 6eace :ong
"he purpose of :cience of <ind of 6ittsburgh is to teach, practice,
and use the 6rinciples of :cience of <ind. >veryone who knows and uses
this spiritual philosophy of life is free to e?press the Infinite 6otential
within. "he possibilities for Good are limitless# "he Center for :piritual
LivingD 6ittsburgh :outh welcomes you into this spiritual consciousness
and community.
"he Center for :piritual LivingD 6ittsburgh :outh gives a 7ealing
<editation at 1!.' a.m on the first :unday of every month. 6lease oin us
with your reJuests for spiritual mind treatment and this inspirational and
profound way to begin the week.
If you want news regarding upcoming classes and events, please
fill out the name and address information on the back of the "reatment
4eJuest Korm and give it to the =ooktable Coordinator.
"here is @ne <ind$the <ind of God.
"here is @ne -ction$the -ction of God.
"he Center for :piritual LivingD 6ittsburgh :outh is a
consciousness of @neness. "his Center is my center,
established as a 5ivine Idea full and complete in my -ll2
Lnowing <ind of God. "he e?pression of this 5ivine Idea
continually e?pands and prospers as the -ction of God.
Infinite <ind reveals our Center to all who seek it. -ll
seats are filled with these seekers and finders, and we reoice in
the "ruth together. In our Center, God is the only speaker, and
God is the only hearer. I come with oyful e?pectation and go
forth healed. I love to give my support in every way.
Glorious appreciation flows to the @ne :pirit e?pressing
through all of us, individually and collectively as this Center. I
gratefully accept and reoice in the marvelous Good created as
my word is demonstrated right here and right now. -nd :o It

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