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Main Image This has been

included on the double page spread

because the image is of Eminem and
the whole story, front cover and
contents page is also based around
Eminem. The Image also links to the
colour scheme and cover line/story.
Logo This is branding for Eminem himself as
it is an image/logo that is always based
around /linked to Eminem himself so putting
this on the page shows that it is about
Cover line/story This is what the
story on the page is about. Yet again
it would be about Eminem as he is
the main character/artist that this
music magaine is based around. You
can also tell that it is a very personal
story as it is about death and the
image also links to the story as there
is blood on Eminem in the image.
Colour scheme This is a colour that isn!t
random and stays the same throughout the
whole double page spread, "hite, #ed and

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