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High Tech Middle North County

Grade 2013-2014
Performing Arts

Talent is the desire to practice.

Malcolm Gladwell

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

William Shakespeare


Work Documentation
Students are responsible to photograph their work and collect artifacts for their
S.L.C.s and P.O.Ls

Instructor: Fernando F. Vega
(760) 759-2750

Location: Room 131

Goals and objectives of the course:

Broaden our understanding and deepen our knowledge of the world through
an exploration of the performing arts.
Explore the different styles of Drama through compassionate and honest
To integrate our academic content into exhibitions of beautiful, meaningful
and relevant work through the discipline of Drama.


This course will explore classical drama. This course will focus on the basics of the
creation of dialogue. We will edit our work with the help of peer critique. In addition,
we will incorporate performance to final drafts of beautiful work. Performance of
text will also be shaped by kind, specific and clear critique. We will perform using our
bodies and voices. Performances or exhibitions will be in the form of monologues,
scenes, one act plays and performance art. We will also interpret and at times write
adaptations of existing work in the public domain. Many projects will integrate with
existing themes being offered in the core disciplines of study.

Essential questions:

In what ways can the performing arts influence and enrich a society?

How can Shakespeare influence our community artistically?

Semester One 7th Grade

Content schedule
August 25 - September 29
Theatre Boot Camp : Games

September 01 -05
Write Autobiographical Monologue
Exchange Biographical Monologue

September 15-19
Memorize Autobiographical Monologue

September 22-23
Perform Autobiographical Monologue

September 15-19
Memorize Romeo or Juliet Side

September 22-23
Memorize Romeo or Juliet Side

September 24- 26
Auditions for Romeo and Juliet using Romeo or Juliet side

September 29
Begin rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet.

October 14th
Begin Blocking Romeo and Juliet

January 9
Tentative Class Performance


The student's class participation and effort grade will be based on attendance,
contributions to discussions/critique sessions, and overall behavior in the classroom.
While the class will be dominated by projects, both large (Multi week integrated en
devours) and small (shorter reading and writing assignments) field trips, text
development , and scene study will augment the overall experience in the course.
There will be NO group grades. All grades are based on the individual students
effort and behavior while working alone or in groups.

Self Assessments
Peer Assessments
Student-Teacher Assessment Conferences


Classroom Norms

Respect for self and others: Code of Conduct
High Tech Middle North County's community members are expected to support
each other, teaching and learning. Anyone engaged in any form of offensive
behaviors may be subject to discipline.(See the HTMNC student handbook)

Group Work and Discussion Norms

No one person should dominate the group.
Give other people a chance to talk.
Everyone should contribute equally to the group.
Ask for other people's opinions.
No one of us is as smart as all of us together.
You have the right to ask anyone in your group for help.
You have the responsibility to assist anyone who asks for help.
Help other members without doing their work for them.
Play your role in the group.
Encourage group members to find different ways to solve the same problem.
Be open to other people's ideas and willing to compromise.
Give reasons for your ideas and discuss many different ideas before reaching
a conclusion.
Be an active listener by paraphrasing and building on other group member's

Late Policy

Set Office Hours and Location
Office hours 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Wednesdays ( This may change throughout the year)
Location: Room 8 Benches outside
I am also available during lunch; Parents: please just email me so I can reserve
your time to meet.
The Basics
The rules and procedures of this classroom reflect the increased growth and
maturity of the 8
grade students who make up the class. Such rules and
procedures exist primarily to augment an already existing climate of respect for
one's self , environment and her/his peers coupled with a deep appreciation for
academic rigor and student responsibility. No gum, electronic devices , toys and
objects that are distracting. Please follow the dress code. Respect.

All monologues, scenes, plays, designs and proposals should be :
Typed in 12 point
Times New Roman
Double spaced
Heading should appear as: High Tech Middle North County

Dress Code:
The policy shall be strictly enforced at all times. Please read your student handbook
very carefully.

1. We will view and sign off on all required safety tutorials prior to using any
power tools.
2. We will wear proper safety eye wear when using power tools .
3. We will never paint outdoors.
4. We shall use language that excludes swearing
5. We all will mention the title of the Scottish play outside the theatre space.
6. We will memorize all dialogue and blocking by self imposed deadlines.
7. We shall practice providing technicians the exclusive traditional privilege of
whistling as a means of communication..
8. When rehearsing for a performance all persons not on stage should work on
blocking and dialog memorization.
9. When at all possible students will make video journal entries of our learning
10. All emotional risks taken in the theatre space will be respected. You are safe.
(especially because I am the most sensitive easy crier in the world)
11. It is OK to laugh or cry in the theatre. Emotional breakthroughs, coupled with
the use of technique, are important.
12. Whenever possible we will use recycled materials and design with a respect for
our earth.

Above all else

The golden rule applies here. Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Beyond Tolerance

We will treat each HTHMNC community member with respect regardless
of his
(whether emotional, cognitive or physical).

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