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Camille Yvette Neely

3434 Abram Drive. Conley, Georgia 30294

(404) 241-5555 (home) / (404) 23-4444 (mobile) (404) 343-3339 (!a")
#-mail$ %.neely225&ho'mail.%om
Objective: (o )'ili*e my e+)%a'ional e",erien%e an+ -no.le+ge 'o
!)r'her an+ broa+en my ,ro/,e%'ive.
0al+en 1niver/i'y2 #+.3 (ea%her 4ea+er/hi, (4-5/#+)%a'ional 3,e%iali/'
#6)ivalen') (Co)r/e.or-) 7an)ary 2008
(roy 3'a'e 1niver/i'y2 9.#+. #lemen'ary #+)%a'ion
:hoeni" Ci'y, A4. 7)ne 199
Clar- A'lan'a 1niver/i'y2 ;.A. #arly Chil+hoo+ #+)%a'ion
A'lan'a, GA. 9ay 1990
Educational Experience:
K-3 Grade Teacher Georgia #lemen'ary
Responsible for teaching various projects in team and independently.
Provide consolation for both students and their parents.
Responsible for teaching all core subjects
Responsible for ranking work and other activities.
Completed various other duties as assigned.
Grade level Chair person for each grade level taught
Member of technology committee
Member of school Leadership eam
echnology trainer !site"based and on"line#
Teach !or "merica !aculty "dvi#or
Georgia #lemen'ary 3)mmer <n/'i')'e- 200
:a)l 4. D)nbar 3)mmer <n/'i')'e - 2010
Responsible for sharing e$ective teaching materials and strategies.
Provide technical feedback.
Collaborate with corps members and each %or &merica sta$ to ensure
learning goals and objectives have been met.
Childcare $rovider =i++in Aro)n+ :re/%hool
'orked with children ages birth to ( years
Created lesson plans and curriculum
Planned )eldtrips and community outings
Camille Yvette Neely
3434 Abram Drive. Conley, Georgia 30294
(404) 241-5555 (home) / (404) 23-4444 (mobile) (404) 343-3339 (!a")
#-mail$ %.neely225&ho'mail.%om
elevant "ctivitie# and Experience:
*ummer Camp Counselor !+iddin &round#
%ood ,ank -olunteer
Girl *cout Group Leader roop. /0((
,eta Club *ponsor
Member of the ,oard of 1irectors for Georgia &ssociation of 2ducators
!G&2# 1istrict 3
Member of Leadership Committee
Member of the 4ational eachers *cience &ssociation !4*&#
Participant of Phil Mickelson *cience eacher &cademy
echnology Contact Person
5nech 5nstructor Certi)ed"677/
Mentor eacher
Pro)cient in Microsoft 'indows 3 2ssential 5 !course 87899#
Pro)cient in Microsoft PowerPoint 6787 !course 8760(#
Pro)cient in Microsoft 2:cel 6787 !course 87609#
C1& &dvisor !4ational Registry#
Computer Competency !5nech# 79;87;677/
2arly Childhood P"( !Passed# 79;87;80<0
Middle Grades *ocial *tudies ("<!Coursework# 7/;67;6779
eacher Leadership "9 !Coursework# 8;677<
eacher of the =ear> 6777

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