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Dixie State University

Second Semester Clinical Rotation

Final Evaluation
Spring 2074
Student: Lacy Salazar
Pitt, RN, BSN
Lacy is an excellent nursing student! Lacy was punctual to clinical rotations
each week and was fully prepared to perform patient care. She was consistently
aware of the daily plan and is overall a very organized student. She was able to
effortlessly organize and prioritize her time during the clinical shift to include
patient care, learning opportunities with her nurse, and the review of her patients
and assignments with me.
Lacy worked diligently throughout the semester to incorporate what she
learned from the classroom and textbook into her clinical experience. While
discussing her patients with her nurse and with me, she demonstrated excellent
nursing knowledge and critical thinking ability. Her care plans were always detailed,
extremely thorough, and contained interventions that were some of the most
inventive, well thought out, realistic interventions that I have seen in a clinical
setting. Lacy is a very motivated student and systematically a hard worker. She does
well when provided with initial direction and opportunity to observe. Once she
understands what is expected of her, she easily excels in what she is doing. She was
eager to learn as much as possible with each opportunity presented to her and was
receptive to all the constructive feedback and suggestions that I offered her
throughout the semester. She easily turned conversations involving feedback into
positive discussions and truly seemed appreciative.
Professionally, Lacy is very friendly and relatable, and readily gains the trust
and respect of her patients. She always approaches a situation from the perspective
of the patien! which allows her to provide excellent therapeutic communication.
She also readily engages with her classmates and the staff in the hospital.
Lacy's greatest strengths are her incredible drive and eagerness to learn, and
her ability to connect and relate to those that she comes into contact with. She was
very active during clinical assignments and in post conference discussions and
activities, and was able to offer insight into many concepts and topics as well as
garner new information from them. Lacy seems to perform best in a positive and
structured environment that offers reassurance. 0verall, she is a strong student
with great potential to be an excellent nurse, and likely to fit in with any
environment presented to her. I look forward to seeing her as a graduate.

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