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The skin has three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis
or subcutaneous which containing fat layer, blood vessels and nerve, under the
skin there are tissues such as muscle, fascia and bone.
First degree burn or
superficial affects only the
Second degree burn involves
the epidermis and upper
dermis part and lower dermis.
It is characterized by:
-The burn site is red and wet.
-Presents blisters.
-Painful burns.
Third degree burn is
extended throughout the
dermis and associated with hypodermic area. It is characterized by:
-Color from white to brown.
-Dry and leathery texture.
-Little or no pain.
In the treatment of burn has been important to determine the level severity and
location of the lesion detecting burns of second and third degree. Treatment
was based on the size of the burn and the skin layers affected by sunburn.
The procedures, which were performed immediately, were the following:
-To reduce the rate of respiratory complications has been performed an
effective pain control, facilitating the mobilization and physiotherapy, attenuating
the stress response and improving nitrogen balance.
- Acetaminophen or ibuprofen were used for pain relief.
-Bandage Change daily.
-Using of clean, dry and nonadherent bandage.
-Application of antibiotic ointment.
- The burned body part or parts were elevated above heart level.
- The burnt clothing wasnt removed to prevent infection.

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