EHV Underground Cable Systems

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IEEE PES -Winter 2000 Meeting SinPaDore

EHV Underground Cable Systems

As an introduction the contribution will discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of
self contained fluid filled cable systems and XLPe cable systems for EHV applications
(400kV and above). The traditional technology of an impregnated laminar dielectric has
provided excellent service performance over many decades. The technology has been
gradually improved and refined over this period and the problems that have been experienced
in the first generation of SCFF cables have been eliminated.
Experience with extruded insulated cables at the distribution levels is positive. However this
technology is still relatively new at the transmission voltage levels and is still developing.
The implications in terms of development testing, qualification testing and type testing will
be reviewed in the light of very different technologies. The hdamental differences between
laminar and extruded insulation systems lead to differences in the approach to testing. The
long term reliability of extruded insulated cables under service ac electrical stress is of
particular concern.
Examples of service experience for both types of system will be described in some detail.
These examples will include projects employing self-contained fluid filled (PPL insulated)
cable systems in different parts of the world including the UK, Singapore and Thailand at
voltages of 230kV and above and the use of conventional paper insulated self-contained fluid
filled cables at 500kV and lOOOkV in North America and in Italy. A variation of the self-
contained oil filled cable technology for use in shafts and tunnels offering improved
protection against the risk of fire will also be presented.
As regards XLPe insulated cables an overview will be presented in terms the development
and qualification testing already completed up to 500kV. An installation in Germany at
380kV will be described.
In discussing these projects, the key issues in terms of cable and accessory design, cable
system design and manufacturing technology will be highlighted.
0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c) 2000 IEEE 674
The introduction of EHV underground cables within EHV transmission systems utilises
different methods of cable installation. The more traditional methods, such as direct burial
are being superseded with newer methods. These changes are being driven by a number of
factors. The established methods have been modified in recent years and changes introduced
which may have compromised the overall security and efficiencies. It is important that these
compromises and risks are evaluated. The installation design can be influenced by the type
of technology adopted.
Cable monitoring systems are available to manage such risks and maximise reliability.
Positive experience with such systems is already available in several hnctional areas
including temperature measurement, real time cable rating and cable damage. The
presentation will provide further details of these experiences and discuss the relative merits of
such systems and the opportunities for further applications in the future.
Pirelli Cables, UK
0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c) 2000 IEEE

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