BIO Extended Response Final Exam 2007

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Version 2 Tes!"# No$e%&er '(

)es*ion (7
The first step in the production of human growth hormone involves inserting the gene for human growth hormone into
the DNA of a bacterial cell. The bacterial cell is then cultured to produce human growth hormone.
One process that can be used to identify the gene for HGH and one process that can be used to insert the gene into
the DNA of a bacterial cell.
The process of protein synthesis used to produce the HGH in cultured bacterial cells.
One process for identifying one process for inserting: maximum 6 marks
isolate DNA from cells/cut DNA into fragments (1) using a restriction enzyme (1) 2
fragments of DNA may be inserted into bacteria wic form colonies on a !master "late# 1
use a "robe 1
sort "iece of DNA or $NA (1) wic is single stranded (1) 2
"robe is com"lementary (1) to known section of nucleotides on gene (1) 2
"robe is tagged wit fluorescent dye or radioacti%ely labeled 1
eat solution (1) and se"arate strands of original DNA 2
on cooling& "robe binds to fragments containing '('/desired gene 1
se"arate fragments using electro"oresis 1
use te DNA se)uence of te '(' (1) com"are it wit oter se)uence(1) 2
in*ect '(' into animal 1
animal makes antibodies tat bind to te '(' 1
collect antibodies and label or tag tem 1
cut u" DNA of te animal (1) and insert fragments into a number of bacteria(1) 2
incubate te recombinant bacteria 1
treat te colonies wit te labeled antibodies 1
antibodies will bind wit colony making te '('/ original "rotein 1
extract gene from labeled bacterial colony 1
bacterial cells contain "lasmids 1
tese are small rings of DNA (1) se"arate from main cromosome (1) 2
"lasmids can be isolated from te bacteria (1) and cut o"en (1) 2
a restriction enzyme is used (1) wic lea%es a !sticky end#/ex"osed set of bases (1) 2
same restriction enzyme is used to cut out gene of interest 1
treated "lasmids mixed wit uman DNA (1) and DNA attaces due to base "airing (1) 2
DNA ligase seals te "lasmid 1
$ecombined +lasmid reinserted into/taken u" by a bacterial cell 1
,solate '(' gene and clone to make co"ies (1) - descri"tion (1) 2
.ollect co"ies of te gene 1
/se gene gun metod 1
+ellets of gold or tungsten (1) coated wit co"ies of te gene (1) 2
+ellet is fired into te bacteria (1) and incor"orates into te nucleosome or "lasmid (1) 2
/se of microin*ection tecni)ue(1) using a microin*ection (1) 2
.ollect co"ies of te gene (1) by cutting it out of a fragment/using restriction enzymes(1) 2
,n*ect co"ies of gene into cyto"lasm of bacteria (1) wic incor"orates into te nucleosome or "lasmid(1) 2
/se of bacterio"age/%irus 1
0irus is inca"acitated 1
0irus as gene incor"orated into it 1
0irus allowed to infect/is inserted into te bacterial cell 1
0irus incor"orates DNA into nucleosome/"lasmid 1
1lectro"oration 1
1lectric current (1) "uts oles in te membrane (1) 2
DNA allowed to enter 1
2any cells are used (1) 1
13 A maximum of 4 for one of te sections3
23 $ead te first "rocess if more tan one is gi%en3
83 :i"osomes ; u" to 4 marks3
!rocess of protein synthesis in bacterial cells: maximum 6 marks
<e DNA segment coding for '(' se"arates (1) to ex"ose bases (1) 2
=ree or $NA nucleotides attac to ex"osed bases (1) on tem"late strand (1) 2
m$NA forms along tem"late strand/$NA nucleotides link to form m$NA 1
m$NA strand "eels away from DNA (1) wic re*oins (1) 2
m$NA attaces to ribosome 1
t$NA carries a s"ecific amino acid at one end (1) and as an anticodon at te oter (1) 2
t$NA anticodon attaces (1) to com"lementary codon on te m$NA (1) 2
amino acids are brougt togeter as t$NA attaces to m$NA and *oin 1
t$NA molecules are released from te m$NA 1
growing "oly"e"tide cain forms '(' 1
"rocess takes "lace in te cyto"lasm 1
transcri"tion - definition 1
translation - definition 1
$NA "olymerase *oins eac succeeding nucleotide to strand 1
1nzymes se"arate DNA 1
13 A maximum of 4 marks for a descri"tion of transcri"tion or translation only3
23 A maximum of ? marks if te student talks about a nucleus3
2ore tan @ "age& structured in te form of sentences and "aragra"s ; 1 mark
/se of correct grammar and s"elling (em"asis on curriculum statement) ; 1 mark
.learly and concisely ex"lains conce"ts using rele%ant biological language ; 1 mark
Version 2 No$e%&er '(
)es*ion (-
There is strong evidence for the common ancestry of all living things. "iologists believe that the evolution of eu#aryotic
cells from pro#aryotic cells probably involved endosymbiotic events.
$%plain how the study of DNA provides strong evidence for the common ancestry of all living things.
Describe the differences in the internal structure of pro#aryotic and eu#aryotic cells.
Describe the process of endosymbiosis and provide one piece of evidence of the evolution of eu#aryotic cells by
&tudy of DNA: maximum 4 marks (2 for eac "oint)
DNA is "resent in all li%ing organism 1
DNA contains te same nitrogenous bases in all li%ing tings 1
(enetic code is te same for all li%ing tings 1
Aame m$NA codes for same amino acid B$ same 8 bases used to code for an amino acid 1
Aame t$NA carries te same amino acid 1
+rocess of "rotein syntesis is te same 1
All li%ing tings use te same 2C amino acids ; based on same code 1
DNA DDNA ybrdisation sows base se)uence in many organisms is similar (1) indicating common ancestor (1) 2
Aimilar "roteins (1) (eg cytocrome c) reflects common base se)uence (1) 2
DNA se)uencing can sow similarity between s"ecies 1
All li%ing tings can transcribe oters DNA/genes can be transferred between s"ecies E still work 1
Note> Atudents sould state tat all of tese features indicate common ancestry3
Describe differences in internal structure of pro#aryotes and eu#aryotes: maximum 4 marks (2 for eac "oint)
+Fs a%e little internal organisation& 1Fs a%e ig le%el of internal organisation 2
+Fs a%e no nucleus (or a%e a nucleosome)& 1Fs a%e a nucleus 2
+Fs a%e no membrane bound organelles& 1Fs a%e membrane bound organelles 2
+Fs a%e a single cromosome& 1Fs a%e 2 or more cromosomes 2
+Fs a%e "lasmids& 1Fs do not3 2
+Fs DNA is circular& 1Fs is linear 2
+Fs ribosomes are small (7CA)& 1Fs are larger (9CA) 2
+Fs a%e less cytoskeleton tan 1Fs3 2
+Fs a%e no s"indle and 1Fs do3 2
+Fs DNA does not a%e istones and introns& 1Fs do3 2
13 Atudents sould describe bot "rokaryotes and eukaryotes to" get te full 2 marks for 1 feature3
23 A list of features wit no descri"tions ; max 2
83 ,f we use com"arati%e terms (eg smaller& more) ten allow te 2 marks3
!rocess of endosymbiosis and one piece of evidence> maximum 4 marks (2 "oints)
+rokaryotic cells existed before eukaryotic cells 1
:arger "rokaryotic cells (1) engulfed (1) smaller "rokaryotic cells 2
1laboration of engulfing (eg "agocytosis) 1
1ngulfed cells carried on functioning (1) so te new cell/combination could carry out more functions (1) 2
1xam"leGG .lams wit cyanobacteria 2
.loro"lasts E mitocondria a%e teir own DNA (1) se"arate from te nucleus (1) 2
.loro"last E mitocondrial DNA is circular B$ resembles "rokaryotic DNA 1
.loro"lasts E mitocondria a%e teir own ribosomes (1) wic resembles bacterial ribosomes (1) 2
.loro"lasts E mitocondria are able to selfDre"licate (1) inde"endently of te cell (1) 2
.loro"lasts E mitocondria re"lication resembles binary fission of "rokaryotes 1
.loro"lasts E mitocondria a%e 2 membranes (1)H outer is similar to ost cellFs& inner resembles bacterial(1) 2
.Fs and 2Fs syntesis teir own "roteins 1
13 Iot sections must be answered ere for 4 marks3

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