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IMU camera control / stabilisation - YouTube

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Top comments
44avalanche 1 week ago
Very good job. Congrats!
Allonsalaplage 8 months ago
Amazing work, congratulation. I was just wondering how you connected your servos together.
Did you just screw right into the servo or glue some parts?

Terje Nesthus 1 year ago
Super awesome man! Good work
rodstartube 3 years ago
looks like just what I'm looking for.
stardobas 2 years ago
Gonalo Matos 1 year ago
is it possible to do this with a wireless control??
isaacfayad 3 years ago
That is really amazing. It looks fast and robust. Is the control algorithm runs from the external
PC or from the X-IO board?. Does any body have an idea?
Dan Miladinovich 4 years ago
HI, I'm a college intern from the Adler Planetarium in Chicago Illinois. I'm very lucky to find
your video here because we started a project to make a camera stabilization system. Your
system is exactly what we were envisioning for ours. Actually when we found your video we
had our Razor 9DoF, Arduino Duemiladnove, and board camera sitting next to our laptops. I
was wondering if you'd be willing to help us by sending the report. My email is dmiladinovich
"at" gmail "dot" com. Thank you!

SebMadgwickResearch 4 years ago in reply to Dan Miladinovich
That is all the resources I have. The report appendix contains platform independent
algorithms implementations in C and the downloads include C#project folders with graphical

SebMadgwickResearch 3 years ago in reply to Peter S
The system uses an AHRS so there is no drift.
misterpotato2 3 years ago
wow. i also on work for almost same 3- axis stabilization...but i end up sitting in front of a wall.
could you help me by sending the papers for your great project.tq.
reis1745 3 years ago
How did you attach the servos together and the servo to the camera? Some sort of glue or
SebMadgwickResearch 3 years ago in reply to isaacfayad
The control algorithm is running on the PC but could easily run a a microcontroller. The x-io
Board is an I/O board for PCs, not a standalone device.
SebMadgwickResearch 4 years ago in reply to Dan Miladinovich
The camera control and stabilisation is as simple as the equalities presented in the video. The
pitch/roll/yaw angles are obtained from the sensor array using a sensor fusion algorithm; for
link (to report, source code etc.), see video description of video: "An efficient orientation filter
for MARG sensor arrays...". YouTube prevents me form posting URLs here.

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IMU camera control / stabilisation - YouTube
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