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10th October 2012

Connects to time servers every day to update time.

Calculates sunrise and sunset each day.
Calculates needed supplemental light for each day. At our Latitude we loose about 1.5 minutes of daylight a day
in the fall.
Sends data to for data logging and monitoring.
Monitors temperature inside coop.
Turns on Supplemental light each morning at calculated time in order to maintain 15 hours of daylight a day.
Opens door at sunrise and sunset based on calculated time.
Controls heat lamp based on temperature inside the coop.
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Arduino Mega micro controller (very small computer) with the Arduino Ethernet shield on top of it.
Automated Chicken coop.
Features of the Cluckin Coop
Automated Chicken coop. | Cluckin Coop
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Relays (remotely controlled switches) that control the supplemental light and the heat light.
View of Arduino Mega and relays. Ethernet (blue wire) and power wire on top.
Temperature probe wire coming out of the right side.
Automated Chicken coop. | Cluckin Coop
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View of power outlets with Arduino 9V DC power supply.
Zoomed out view of the components.
Automated Chicken coop. | Cluckin Coop
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Finished view of the relays and Arduino enclosures.
View of the whole shebang. Conduits on the left bring in an internet connection and power.
The power will be connected to a battery backup in case of power outages. More pics on that soon.
Link to COSM data feed, which shows real-time temperature, door and status of both l ights.

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Automated Chicken coop. | Cluckin Coop
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Posted 10th October 2012 by Adam

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Automated Chicken coop. | Cluckin Coop
5 of 5 9/20/2014 5:30 PM
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