Lesson-Plan-1-Yacoub Djazouli

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Yacoub Djazouli

Year 10

Integrated unit English& Economics

Alternative setting: Footscray walk
Description of Learners: A co-educational Australian government secondary school, situated in a multicultural urban
neighbourhood. Mixed abilities call for differentiated curriculum planning to engage all students

Lesson number in unit: Week 2 /lesson 1. Half-day Excursion Off Campus

Context: Excursion- Street walk where students groups break up into pairs to seek out, photograph or record and
analyse advertising and return to central point to share findings with their group.

Students develop critical understanding of the contemporary media.
Reading and viewing:
Evaluate the impact on audiences of different choices in the representation of still and moving images.
Interpret, create, evaluate, discuss and perform a wide range of literary texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as
texts designed to inform and persuade.
Analyse and explain how text structures, language features and visual features of texts and the context in which texts
are experienced may influence audience response.
Refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning, with deliberate attention to the effect on audiences.
Identify and explore the purposes and effects of different text structures and language features of spoken texts, and use this
knowledge to create purposeful texts that inform, persuade and engage.

Outcomes: Students will They develop their own style by experimenting with language features, stylistic devices, text
structures and images and divide the exploration tasks among themselves as a team.

Cross Curriculum Priority: Asia
Organising Idea 2: Interrelationships between humans and the diverse environment in Asia shape the region and have global

Sources Used :
Students will continue to use their online sources, this time in order to inform their information gathering techniques. They will
also practice their literary skills by transferring the information about advertising campaigns investigation into their notebooks in
order to create persuasive multimodal presentation or brochures. For homework, students will use Evernote App to collate pictures
and notes they collected during the excursion and type up a short report and then upload the report to a shared google Drive.Their
use of ICT helps them to develop their technological literacy skills. Each higher order thinking skill is highlighted in the lesson plan
outlined below.
Online sources: YouTube videos about various advertising campaigns.
Alternative Classroom Setting: Footscray Excursion
(Students will also use a word processing program to type up lab reports)

Preparation: (materials needed)
Excursion permissions
Lunch boxes

Local shopping strip, within walking distance of school

Campaign journals (for groups to record their findings)

At least one smartphone per each pair
Evernote app: Students to download

Classroom management strategy
Students are divided into 4 groups of 6. Each pairs remain together during the whole excursion time

Each student to obtain teachers mobile phone number
Each student to collect map of Footscray from schools front office
Wear comfortable attire and shoes, sun block and umbrellas- depending on weather forecast.
Students are reminded to maintain general courtesy by thanking the persons they interview and avoid to be
Students are to abide by the rules regarding recording and photographing people of the public

5e Time Teacher Activity Student Activity Resources and ICT



5 mins

10 mins

5 min

Teacher marks the roll

Teacher explains the
objectives of the excursion and
learning outcomes :
Students will analyze
various street ads and
collect information that
aid them to create
advertising campaigns
Engage with the
Become ambassadors for
the school and especially
for their presentation
Use guiding questions
outlined in Worksheet (3)

Teacher Stimulates
students interest for the

Excursion Task: Students
Meet at front Office
Collect Maps of

Students listen carefully
and take notes of

Students actively listen
to instructions and use
the inquiry guiding
questions outlined in

(Recall from previous lesson)

Worksheet (3)



60 mins

60 mins

are required to analyse the
multimodal advertisements
they come across throughout
the excursion in small groups,
using the questions in
Worksheet (3)

Excursion commences

Excursion in progress

Teacher observes and directs
(when necessary)

Worksheet (3) in
order to structure how
to conduct investigation
and gather information.
Students will use
Evernote to record the
information and
interviews from the
excursion in order to
bring with them relevant
details to include in their
campaign journals.

Students walk in pairs
and discuss their

Students will gather up
necessary materials,
interview community
business owners and
prepare to relocate to
Footscray library.

Smartphones + Evernote App



30 mins

60 mins

30 mins

Lunch time

Excursion resumed
(Checks safety considerations)

Excursion concluded

Students gather by the
Maribyrnong river to
have lunch

Pairs will resume their
campaign work:
Students conduct
interviews, recording
their findings according
to group plan

Students gather up
materials and head back
to campus, staying
together as a group and
observing safety


Teacher reminds students to
save their findings.
precautions. Students
will then put away
campaign materials.

Students make sure they
have the data from the

Formative Assessment:

Campaign journals are (peers assessed)
Homework: Students should share their findings and photo via Evernote in order to add to campaign journals
Reflection: This is an excellent lesson for getting Students to an alternative setting. Students use the inquiry investigation to
further their own knowledge of the process of creating ad campaigns.
The lesson is also great for reflecting on various advertising campaigns, ethical practices, fair trade and key economic concepts.
Students will put together the photos and notes and other ideas they gathered during the excursion and use ICT to share with group
members in order to incorporate this information into their campaign journals.

Engage: This phase of the 5 E's starts the process. An "engage" activity should do the following:
1. Make connections between past and present learning experiences
2. Anticipate activities and focus students' thinking on the learning outcomes of current activities. Students should become mentally
engaged in the concept, process, or skill to be learned.
Explore: This phase of the 5 E's provides students with a common base of experiences. They identify and develop concepts, processes, and
skills. During this phase, students actively explore their environment or manipulate materials.
Explain: This phase of the 5 E's helps students explain the concepts they have been exploring. They have opportunities to verbalize their
conceptual understanding or to demonstrate new skills or behaviours. This phase also provides opportunities for teachers to introduce formal
terms, definitions, and explanations for concepts, processes, skills, or behaviours.
Elaborate: This phase of the 5 E's extends students' conceptual understanding and allows them to practice skills and behaviours. Through new
experiences, the learners develop deeper and broader understanding of major concepts, obtain more information about areas of interest, and
refine their skills.
Evaluate: This phase of the 5 E's encourages learners to assess their understanding and abilities and lets teachers evaluate students'
understanding of key concepts and skill development.

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