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Adapted from : consumer affairs victoria

Analysing advertisements as media texts

An advertisement is a media text that makes promises: buy this product and we
promise you some kind of satisfaction.

Exercise - Analysis
Choose a print or TV advertisement and study it carefully. Write an analysis of this
advertisement, using the structure and questions below as a guide. Or present a
videotape of the ad to the class and analyse it in an oral presentation.

What is the advertisement saying? What is it trying to achieve? (Keep this brief!)

How does the layout and design make the advertisement effective?
What tools or techniques of persuasion are used?
How do the images help persuade the reader/viewer?

What is the intended impact on the reader?

When analysing advertisements you also need to ask:
What is the implicit message?
What type of lifestyle is presented?
What values are expressed?
Has any important consumer information been omitted? Why?

Overview of the text:
contention, purpose,
positioning of reader,
underlying views and values

Construction of the text:
where the reader is led and

Specific language and
persuasive techniques used
by writer

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