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Beginner Lesson

Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
Lesson Vocabulary 2
Cultural Insight 3
Grammar Points 3
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 001B1081308 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. August 13th 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1)Keith /E? KeithII. ;II.
(2) /E? II. ;II.
Pronunciation Tips
II," the formal form of the copula, is typically spelled with a "=" which makes a
b/p like sound. But because of the proceeding consonant, "1" (n), "=" (b) changes
to "1" (m). This is a natural phonetic change.
here are some pronunciation changes when two consonants meet. Most of these
phonetic changes are natural when spoken at natural speed.
(1) Keith Annyeonghaseyo? Jeoneun Keith-imnida. Cheoeum boepgesseumnida.
(2) Yunseol Annyeonghaseyo? Jeoneun Yunseol-imnida. Cheoeum boepgesseumnida.
(1) Keith Hello. l am Keith. lt's nice to meet you.
(2) Yunseol Hello. l am Yunseol. lt's nice to meet you.
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English
/E? annyeonghaseyo.
7 jeo
- neun
topic particle
I (II) ida (imnida)
to be
= hakseng
;II. cheoeum boepgesseubnida.
lt's nice to meet you.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 001B1081308 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. August 13th 2008
Cultural lnsight
ln Korean culture, it is customary for one to bow to another when greeting someone
with "/E? The bow is performed and the spoken greeting stated, simultan-
Bowing is a gesture of respect and generally divided into three types: informal, formal,
and very formal. The angle at which one bows increases (increased stooping) as the
situation becomes more formal. A quick greeting with a peer would require a very
slight bow. A nod would even suffice in this kind of informal situation. A formal conver-
sation with strangers, like the one featured in today's lesson, would require a formal
bow (~15 degrees). A meeting with a potential set of Korean in-laws would most cer-
tainly call for very formal bow (>45 degrees).
Crannar Poinis
Today's lesson introduced a few standard greetings that can be used when meeting
someone for the first time. The following are a few notes that go more in-depth into these
greetings, as well as some important grammar points related to today's lesson.
The Korean greeting - /E? (annyeonghaseyo?) has the literal meaning of "Are
you at peace?" But this is used like the English "Hello." This can be used during the morn-
ing, day, and evening.
"lt's nice to meet you - The expression ;II (cheoeum boepgesseubnida) lit-
erally means "l'm meeting you for the first time," but is translated as "lt's nice to meet you."
This is used when meeting someone for the first time.
ldentifying People and Things Using the Korean Copula (Part l) - The affirmative Korean
copula the verb expressing "to be is I (ida). When I is conjugated in the present
tense and expressed for use in a formal context, it changes into II. Note that the
speakers used II (See line 1:"7 KeithII.) in today's conversation.
=/II - The Formal Declarative Sentence Ending - II is the copula conjugated in-
to the present tense, and in the formal politeness level. To conjugate I we take the dic-
tionary form of the copula I (ida) and remove I (da) to get the verb stem, (i). From
there we add = II (mnida). (i) + = II (mnida) = II (imnida). For verb stems
that end in vowels we attach = II (mnida), such as the case is with I (ida), the cop-
ula. For verb stems that end in consonants, we attach II (seumnida).
UsingII is the most useful and basic way to identify people and objects. See the sen-
tence structure below:
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 001B1081308 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. August 13th 2008
"Noun 1() Noun 2II.
Note that () is called the topic particle and placed after a noun to make it the topic un-
der discussion. Using the topic particle is one way to designate a noun as the topic of a par-
ticular sentence.
7 II
"l am Yunseol.
ln the sentence above, 7 (l) was Noun 1 and (Yunseol) was Noun 2. We identified "l
as "Yunseol.
Dropping the "l - As is often done in Korean, when the meaning can be clearly derived
from context, dropping 7(jeoneun), which means "l with the topic particle, is acceptable
in the conversation. No significant changes occur in translation or meaning. See the ex-
ample below:
Jeoneun [ireum] imnida.
l am [name].
[ireum] imnida.
l am [name].
Likewise, 7 could have been dropped from our conversation as well:
(1) Keith/E? KeithII. ;II.
(2) /E? II. ;II.
(1) Keith: Hello, how do you do? l am Keith. lt's nice to meet you.
(2) Yunseol: Hello, how do you do? l am Yunseol. lt's nice to meet you.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 001B1081308 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. August 13th 2008

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