Grade Level

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To Increase your Grade Level from a 4 to 5, 6 or even a 7

you will be required to complete these questions below

and record them on your website that you have ust
created! G""# L$%&
#$'( )
*ovember +,-4
1. Explain and justify the need for stuents to !reate a "e#site for learnin$ %"rite
a s&all para$rap'(
). Constru!t a resear!' plan, which states and prioriti*es t'e pri&ary an
se!onary resear!' needed to develop a solution to t'e pro#le& %Resear!'
Criterion ,: DE-EL./ING IDEA0
1 1. +ell &e what you ended up usin$ fro& your resear!' ta#le in Inquiring
and analyzing in stage one in your o"n "e#site. i.e. title, logl etc. %"rite a s&all
) 2. Present ) feasi#le esi$n te&plates ieas, for your website %t"o ifferent
1 esi$ns &a2e sure one is yours(
3 3. C'ose one of the esi$n te&plates and tell &e "'y4 %"rite a para$rap'(
Criterion C: CREA+ING +5E 0.LU+I.N
1 1. De&onstrate ex!ellent te!'ni!al s2ills when making the solution %-IDE. .N
) 6EE,LY(
1 2. Explain !'an$es &ae to t'e !'osen esi$n when making the website
for learning. %"rite a s&all para$rap'(
3. 6e#site nees to #e !o&plete an "or2in$ %6or2in$ 6e#site(
Criterion D: E-ALUA+ING
1. Des!ri#e detailed and rele7ant testin$ &et'os that you could use to test that it
is working correctly.
2. Explain the su!!ess of the solution a$ainst t'e esi$n spe!ifi!ation
1 3. Des!ri#e 'o" t'e "e#site for learnin$ could #e i&pro7e
8 4. Des!ri#e how this can i&pa!t you in re!orin$ journey of learnin$ to a
'i$'er le7el %6rite one /ara$rap' ans"erin$ t'ese 9uestions(

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