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Narrative Summary: Feeding the World

One Lettuce Leaf at a Time Logic Model

This logic model details the interconnections of inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts of the
development and construction of a sustainable hydroponics greenhouse. This project is essential to
address and combat current environmental issues that impede successful agricultural practices. The
purpose of this project is to provide students with opportunities to investigate alternative agricultural
practices and to implement a proposed solution to alleviate dependence on a dwindling soil and land
surface supply.
To achieve the long-term goals of the hydroponics greenhouse, the coalition of students and staff will
invest a variety of human and material resources. Time, funding, partnerships, integration of research
and best practices and establishment of social media contacts is essential to the success of this project.
Funding and resources will make it possible for students and staff to engage in various activities; the
primary focus being the design, construction and maintenance of a sustainable hydroponics greenhouse.
The theory of change depicted in this logic model will enable all stakeholders to increase their
awareness of the importance of current environmental issues, the threat of a booming human
population and the finiteness of existing natural resources. By demonstrating alternative agricultural
techniques like hydroponics, students will explore options that will lead to an increased commitment in
solving global challenges. Ultimately, students will develop an increased connection with their
community and a desire to serve their fellow man.
Students will also be expected to increase their effective communication skills by creating and
maintaining a social media platform and an online e-portfolio, which will archive their experiences
throughout the project. Long term impact of this project will be measured by the continued production
of a variety of crops in the hydroponics greenhouse and the lasting partnerships formed with businesses
and local agencies that serve the needy. Students increased understanding of concepts taught through
all academic content areas will be measured using formative assessments, their e-portfolio and their
records maintained through participation in the community social media platform.

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