Bibliographical Analysis of The Parts of A Book - ILS - 518

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Hanem Ibrahim Parts of a book

Bibliographical Analysis of the parts of a book

History of the Arabs: from the earliest times to the present /
Philip K. Hitti.- 10 th. ed. .- New York : St. Martin’s Press,
c1970. – xxiv, 822p.

The size of the book: Quarto.

It was first published in 1937.

This books has (xxiv) preliminary pages before the main
body or the Text. There are also a blank leaf with no text on
the recto, or verso . These preliminary pages include: The
half-title page (recto) and “By the same author” on the verso
of that page, then there is one plate, then the Title page
( recto),and copy right page( verso) , then the preface the
book, started with the preface of to the tenth edition, then
the prefaces of all the other nine editions , then the
contents , There are list of illustration, and list of maps.
After these preliminary pages, the first part of the book

- The spine has the short title, author ‘s name, and the
publisher name
Hanem Ibrahim Parts of a book

- The book cover has the short title, Author’s name ,

Edition and this picture shown above.

- The half-title
- The half-title is on page [i] History of the Arabs
- verso of the half – title page : By the same author is on
page [ii]

- The title page :

- The recto of this page includes no page number appeared
but it supposed to be page (i) It includes :
Title :
Philip K. Hitti
Professor Emeritus of Semitic literature Princeton University
Edition :
Tenth Edition.
Publisher :
St. Martin’s Press place of publishing New York

-The verso of this page (p. ii) includes : the copy right ©
1970 Philip K. Hitti , information about the other editions ,
place of printing ( Hong Kong), The L c catalog number ,
Affiliated publisher “Macmillan ltd”. And other places for
that published.

- The statement of editions

- The statement of edition appeared on the book cover, the
title page , and the verso of title page there are some details
about all the (10 th) editions of that book , and the reprints
Hanem Ibrahim Parts of a book

of these editions , the tenth edition reprinted 1972, 1973,

1974, 1977)

- The statement of the number of copies printed

- There is no statement of the number of copies of that

- The imprimatur (license for publication)

- Not found

- The dedication
- No dedication

- The preface on pages (v- xii)

- There are tenth prefaces , one for each edition started
decently with the preface of the tenth edition 1970, then
ninth 1966, 1962, 1962, 1955, 1950, 19481942, 1939, and
the preface of first edition 1937)

- The introduction
- There is no Introduction for that book , the author preface
was the alternant of the Introduction.

- The table of contents

– on pages (xiii- xxi) the book contents six parts(I- VI) each
part has numbers of chapters

- The list of illustrations

- There is a list of illustrations on the pages (xxii- xxiv) then
there is a list of maps on page (xxiv)

- Errata and addenda / Cancels

-There is no announcement of errors, or cancels)

* Headlines
Hanem Ibrahim Parts of a book

- There are two headlines :

1-The headline on the verso carries the shorten title of the
part of the book
2- The headline on the recto carries the shorten of the
chapters of each part.
-the headline includes, at the outer ends, the pagination.

* The plates
-plates There is only two plates the first one after the half
title page it’s a whole-leaf-sized picture of the curtain of the
door of the Ka’bah at Makkah, that was taken from “ Ibrahim
Rifa’at, Mir’at al- Haramay,
The second one after page 614 , it looks the same as the
picture on the front cover of the book. These plates were
printed separately from the text, so there is no pagination
for those leaves.

* Notes and references

- There are some marginal notes throughout the margins of
the each chapters of the book. These notes could be the
transcriptions of some Arabic nouns to English, or any other
notes, the Author here was affected with Arabic manuscripts
which include lots of marginal notes. Also there are some
footnotes that include bibliographical references.

There are one index includes all nouns, words, and titles of
books inside the parts of the book.

* The imprint, or colophon

- There is no imprint or colophon.

* Finis
Hanem Ibrahim Parts of a book

-At the last page of the book ( p.822) there is that word to
confirm the Finis of the book "The End"

*Blank leaves
- There are 2 blank leaves one in the preliminary before the
half- title page and the other one after the finis they are not

- The publisher added information about the other works
done by the author” By the same author” to advertise his
works, that add is on the verso of the half – title page.
Also there is a biography of the author on the back cover of
the book, showing compliment for the author from New York
Times. All that shows how the book is trustable by others
and that is type of advertisement for the book.

*Subscription lists
- There is no subscription list.

* Endpapers
-There is no Endpapers for this book

* Dust jackets or dust wrapper or book jacket

There is no dust jackets /wrappers. It’s a paper- covered

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