CV Busdriver

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Gheorghe Iacobuti-Halici

29 Lenham Road, Thornton Heat, Surrey, CR78QT

phone: 07474707005
Born: 13/04/1971, Roumania, married, with two children
email: george4iaco!gmail"com
See#ing $o po%ition a% u% dri&er or mechanic, and are 'illing to do training cour%e% (or the%e po%ition%" )
'ould appreciate the opportunity to 'or# (or your company y (illing the *u% +ri&er or mechanic po%ition
and putting my pa%t e,perience to good u%e"
Skill & Ability
*e ale to dri&e car, u%, and other% hea&y &ehicle% in di%triution need%
mechanical and con%truction machinery %#ill%
+ie%el engine technician
-amiliarity 'ith tra((ic and high'ay %a(ety rule% and regulation%
+ri&ing 'ith no accident record
+eep e,perience a% &an dri&er
Strong interper%onal communication
Professional Experience
September 1994 July 1999
Van Driver
."R"/"."0 !onstanta "o#ania
Recei&ed in%truction o( product di%triution
1n%ure all product% in truc# reach to correct addre%%
0ac#ed product% (rom %torage in to truc#
+i%triuted product% oth indi&idually or 'ith partner to goal city
2ade a report% y a%# a %ignature (rom recei&er
Chec#ed truc# engine in order to ma#e en%ure machine e ready to u%e
September 2002 August 2013
Van Driver and Maintenance Technician
S$pply co#pany A%D"OS At&ens 'reece
Picked up and delivered items based on request of office
Distributed lunch boxes for staff
Checked engine periodically
Maintenance technician for company cars
.3 +ri&ing Licence Cla%% 4, *5, * 6 A')*+05*55 7
.mani%t High School Coadin, Con%tanta, Romania659877
2echanical 8ocational School C-R 0ala%, Con%tanta, Romania659897

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