K Cover

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Masthead For Kerrang

magazine the masthead acts as

branding as it stands out as
something that is on all Kerrang
Header On this issue the header acts as
introduction of what the magazine will be about.
Whereas on most headers it says what diferent
topics or people are involved in the issue.
Barcode This is ust so
that the magazine can sell
and that it !eeps separate
to other issues.
Logo This is something
that stands out to the reader
as they can see it ahead of
everything else as it is
overlapping everything else
on the magazine. "t also has
a slogan on it conveying that
Main image/s This is the
main image that is the biggest
and therefore stands out the
most. #owever on this magazine
the main image is diferent to
most main images as this one
has multiple characters on and
they aren$t all aligned central to
the magazine they are standing
in sort of a triangular formation%
with the female characters
loo!ing most dominant as she is
Main Cover line This is an
introduction to what the main
story is going to be about and it
usually lin!s to the main image
as they are both introduced to
get the reader to read the main
Footer This contains what most headers
involve% who is actually going to be involved
in the magazine and what topics are in the
Colour scheme These are the
set colours that are on the
magazine% White% &ellow% 'lac!
and 'lue. The colour scheme is
usually based around the main
story(image or what time is
comes out and what$s going on

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