Karina Tristandy CV

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d e s i g n e r / i l l u s t r a t o r

TEL: +19173302627
California College of Arts (CCA)
Pre-college Program 2012
Parsons The New School for Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Communication Design, Candidate 2017

Adobe Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere
Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoi nt
Language: Engl i sh, I ndonesi an, Chi nese (Basi c)

BINUS International School , Indonesia, Jakarta
Head of DJAKARTA KITA Exhibition (2013)
Managed direction and design of the exhibition.
Designed banner, invites, Posters, T-shirt
HOPE Organization (2013)
Student Worker BUKU BERJALAN
Developed creative work to help unprivileged children
to read and further understand books
Created a Mural for Less Unfortunate Children in a
remote area of Jakarta to Promote Cleanliness
Yearbook Committee (2013)
Designed yearbook cover, and overall layout contribution
International English Service (IES) Church , Indonesia, Jakarta
Designed for fundraising to help a brain cancer patient in IES Church
Keller Williams Indonesia , Indonesia, Jakarta
Freelance Designer (2014)
Designed Social Media Banners for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Redesigned Company Prole and revised copywriting.
PERMIAS (Organization of Indonesian Students in United States)
New York
Head Officer of Creative Team - Design (2014)
Designed Posters and Banners for multiple social events

Recipient of Presidential Incentive Merit Scholarship
School of Art Insitute Chicago (SAIC)
Recipient of Starr Foundation Scholarship
Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA)
Recipient of Dean s BFA Scholarship
Parsons The New School of Design

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