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President, George Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

There were 13 members in

George asked if anone had an changes to the min!tes that were "osted on the website. #o
changes were re"orted.
The Treas!rer$s re"ort was gi%en b &imm 'ngram as follows: Total mone c!rrentl in the
checking acco!nt is (3,0)7.0* with one check written to +obb ,haron -for ,tand ." /or 0ids1
in the amo!nt of (321.33 still o!tstanding. 4e will be writing a check to 5H06 for (1,103.78
lea%ing (1,837.7) in cl!b f!nds.
There are c!rrentl 37 cl!b members with the most recent member being 6a%id Poirier.

The 9P555 meeting was held on :ctober 77nd. /ord Mc5ormack is the distrib!tion and
contact "erson for 9P555. His contact information is %"ccc;co<.net or 737=*)7=133). The
still ha%e a""ro<imatel 80 tickets left for the Tr!nk or Treat 6inner being held in the "arking
lot behind /erg!son >nter"rises on /rida night, :ctober 72
from 2:30 PM to *:30 PM. The
tickets are (10 each which incl!des dinner that was donated b :!tback ,teakho!se. The
9P555 wo!ld like to ha%e at least si< PM> members to hel" with "arking at the show on
,at!rda in #ew"ort #ews Park, 13380 &efferson ?%en!e, #ew"ort #ews. George is seeking
hel" for this. Those interested in attending from the cl!b will be meeting at 5heddars on
&efferson ?%en!e on ,at!rda morning and lea%e at 7:00?M so the can dri%e in together. The
registration for the show is (70 and it r!ns from ):00 ?M to 3:00 PM. George is looking for the
"arking %ests and radios to be !sed at the show.
The following is a list of !"coming e%ents: -most information can be fo!nd at www.%"ccc.org1
#o%ember 1
= 5entral 9irginia M!stang 5l!b will be hosting a /all @eaf 5r!ise. The will be
lea%ing at *:23 ?M from Mc6onalds at 117*0 Patterson ?%en!e, Henrico, 9?. /or more
information o! can contact George Hill as he will be attending and wo!ld like to "ro%ide
59M5 with a headco!nt.
Peninsula Mustang Enthusiast
Its more than a mustang club, its a family.
PME Meeting Minutes for October 23, 2014
Wynne Ford, Hampton, !
#o%ember *
A The Middle Penins!la 5lassic 5r!isers 5ar 5l!b of Glo!cester will be hosting
the ,ho" with a 5o" 5ar ,how from ) ?M to 3 PM with registration ending at #oon. >arl
registration is (13 and da of show is (70. Tro"hies will be awarded to the to" fi%e in GM,
/ord, Mo"ar, 'm"orts and Tr!cks. There will be other s"ecial awards and winners will be
selected b "artici"ant %oting.
#o%ember 13
A The M!stang 5l!b of Tidewater will be hosting the 9irginian Pilot &o /!nd
5ar ,how to benefit the &o /!nd and the :asis /ood +ank of Portsmo!th. The show will be
held at 2071 Portsmo!th +l%d in 5hesa"eake from ):00 ?M to 3:00 PM. Begistration is (70
"l!s 7 cans of food. There will be C!dged classes along with +est in ,how, 5l!b Partici"ation
and +est 6is"la.
Please note on website o!r s"onsors and s!""ort them so as to assist o!r cl!b. @et them know
o! are with PM> and thank themD
$e% &usiness#
7013 Member T=,hirts = Please check the on=line %oting for the PM> t=shirt color for ne<t ear.
The choices are red, bl!e, black and gra. 'f o! ha%e not %oted "lease do so.
7013 5l!b :fficers A ? ballot has been on=line for %oting for ne<t ear$s officers. The following
are the nominees:
President A +obb ,haron or 5arl Twitt
9ice President A ,cott +r!baker, &r.
,ecretar A 6a%id Poirier
Treas!rer A &ames 'ngram
? ballot was "assed o!t to those who attended the meeting that had not %oted on=line. George
Hill %erified the ballots and the following were %oted to be o!r 7013 PM> :fficers.
President A +obb ,haron
9ice President A ,cott +r!baker, &r.
,ecretar A 6a%id Poirier
Treas!rer A &ames 'ngram
George congrat!lated allDD
,how 5hairmen for 7013 are as follows:
,mithfield A /orrest +arefoot
Penins!la Town 5enter A ,T'@@ ,>>0'#G ? ,H:4 5H?'BM?# A '/ '#T>B>,T>6
5:#T?5T G>:BG> H'@@
Mid ?tlantic /ord Bo!nd=!" A +obb ,haron
PME '(ristmas Party
The date for the 5hristmas Part has been set for 6ecember 13
from #oon to 3:00 PM at
E!aker ,teak and @!be, 17*37 &efferson ?%en!e, #ew"ort #ews. The #?,5?B Boom has
been reser%ed and the will "ro%ide designated "arking for the M!stangs. The cost of the b!ffet
is (17.00 "er "erson which incl!des Grat!it. The b!ffet will consist of 700 wings -30 wings
each of 2 sa!ces of o!r choosing1F 30 do!ble stack cheeseb!rgersF 7 sides A @!be 5hi"s and Mac
G 5heeseF ,alad of o!r choice -Ho!se, 5aesar, etc.1F water and 'ced Tea. ?n other be%erages
can be "!rchased at the e<"ense of the indi%id!al. ?lcoholic be%erages are not sanctioned b
PM>. ?lso, if o! wo!ld like to "artici"ate in the gift e<change, we ask that each "erson who
wants to "artici"ate bring a (13 gift. 'f o! are a male bring a gift s!itable for a male and
females bring gifts s!itable for females -no car related gifts for females1. 6oor "riHes will be
"ro%ided b PM> and E,G@. 6ress will be Holida 5as!al. ?n email will be sent o!t asking
for a sign=!" for this e%ent as we need to let E,G@ know a headco!nt b 6ecember 1
,cott +r!baker, &r. talked to ?nchor Boom abo!t the "ossibilit of making membershi" car
"laI!es for ne<t ear. The cost wo!ld r!n (17=(13. &imm is looking into other o"tions.
George wo!ld like to see the Membershi" /olders and 5ards !sed again ne<t ear and will be
getting with +obb ,haron abo!t those. The "ackets will incl!de information on %ario!s
'f anone knows of a 5om"an who wo!ld like to be a PM> s"onsor for ne<t ear and offer
disco!nts, "lease let the President know. There is a letter that can be sent to ask for s"onsorshi".
Please register for the for!m. 'f o! ha%e an I!estions o! can contact ,cott +r!baker, &r. at
The meeting adCo!rned at 7:21 PM.
Renee L. Brubaker
Benee @. +r!baker
,ecretar, PM>

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