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Cylindrical carbon filters

Typical applications Models

• Ø 140 mm with charcoal bed 25 mm depth.
Activated carbon cartridge filters are used as • Ø 160 mm with charcoal bed 35 mm depth
adsorbent for gaseous air impurities and odours.
These filters are typically used in public buildings such Operating temperature
as airports, museums, offices and industrial premises. 50°C
Filters may be installed both the intake air and the
exhaust air side of the ventilation system. Relative humidity
Carbon filters are sensible for dust. Therefore high
quality dust filter is recommended to install as a pre- Air flow
filter before the carbon filter unit. This protects carbon From 1500 up to 3400 m3/h.
and lengthens the lifetime of the filter.
Carbon filters have higher pressure drop than fine- or • Stainless steel cartridges and frames
absolute filters, therefore when planning a filtering unit • Activated carbon for specific gases available on
for gases their number must be carefully calculated. request
- Organic vapours: e.g. benzol, carbon,
Technical characteristics tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, toluol and solvents
(code O)
Supporting frames - Acid vapours : e.g. nitric acid, hydrochloric acid,
Epoxy painted steel phosgene, etc. (code A)
- Radio iodine and methyl iodine (code I)
• Epoxy painted steel flanges and expanded nets Quality and environment
• Foamed rubber gasket The operations of Halton Clean Air Oy are certified
• Plastic cap to fill up the cartridge with the ISO 9001:2000 Quality and ISO 14001
• Bayonet coupling Environmental standards.

CARBON FILTERS - Cylindrical carbon filters

Ø140 Ø160



CODE Dimensions Air flow Charcoal Cartridges Total Initial pressure drop
WxLxD mc 3/h Volume Number Weight Pa
mm dm 3 kg±10% FO FA* FI**
CLP - CY - M - 305 - 610 - 430 - 8 - 0 - AC - O 305x610x430 1700 32 8 29.3 200 170 125
CLP - CY - M - 507 - 610 - 430 - 12 - 0 - AC - O 507x610x430 2500 48 12 44.5 200 170 125
CLP - CY - M - 610 - 610 - 430 - 16 - 0 - AC - O 610x610x430 3400 64 16 58.5 200 170 125
* Calculated at 85% of the nominal air flow
** Calculated at 65% of the nominal air flow


CODE Dimensions Air flow Charcoal Weight CODE Dimensions Weight Cartridges
mm mc 3/h Volume kg mm kg number
dm 3
CLP - CY - M - 305 - 610 305x610 3.350 8
CLP - CY - M - 0 140x400 212 4 3,25 - 30 - 8 - 0 - 0 - 0
- 140 - 400 - 0 - 0
CLP - CY - M - 507 - 610 507x610 5.500 12
- AC - O
- 30 - 12 - 0 - 0 - 0
CLP - CY - M - 610 - 610 610x610 6.650 16
- 30 - 16 - 0 - 0 - 0


CODE Dimensions Air flow Charcoal Cartridges Total Initial pressure drop
WxLxD mc 3/h Volume Number Weight Pa
mm dm 3 kg±10% FO FA* FI**
CLP - CY - M - 305 - 610 - 430 - 5 - 0 - AC - O 305x610x430 1500 32 5 24,5 150 130 100
CLP - CY - M - 507 - 610 - 430 - 7 - 0 - AC - O 507x610x430 2250 42 7 35,0 150 130 100
CLP - CY - M - 610 - 610 - 430 - 9 - 0 - AC - O 610x610x430 3000 54 9 44,5 150 130 100
* Calculated at 85% of the nominal air flow
** Calculated at 65% of the nominal air flow


CODE Dimensions Air flow Charcoal Weight CODE Dimensions Weight Cartridges
mm mc 3/h Volume kg mm kg number
dm 3
CLP - CY - M - 305 - 610 305x610 3.350 5
CLP - CY - M 160x400 330 6 4,20 - 30 - 5 - 0 - 0 - 0
- 0 - 160 - 400
CLP - CY - M - 507 - 610 507x610 5.500 7
- 0 - 0 - AC - O
- 30 - 7 - 0 - 0 - 0
CLP - CY - M - 610 - 610 610x610 6.650 9
- 30 - 9 - 0 - 0 - 0

CARBON FILTERS - Cylindrical carbon filters

Adsorption index


Reference guide for different gaseous pollutants. A Very good (15-20 %)
• Weight of pollutant adsorbed B Good (5-10 %)
• Weight of carbon adsorbent C Low (5 %)
• Maintaining 100 % efficiency D Very low (1 %)

Aliphatic Alcohols Ethers Halogen Miscellaneous

D. Acetilene A. Athyl A. Amyl A. Bramine A. Adhesives

B. iso Butane A. Amyl A. Butyl A. Butyl Chloride A. Animai odours
B. Butylene A. Butyl A. Cellosolve A. Carbon Tetrachloride A. Camphor
C. Butadiene A. Cyclonexonal A. Dioxan B. Chloride D. Carbon monoxide
A. Cyclohexane A. Isopropyl B. Ethyl A. Chlorobenzene D. Carbon dioxide
D. n-Decane B. Methanol (Methyl) B. Ethylene Oxide A. Chlorobutadiene A. Citrus Fruits
D. Ethane A. Propyl A. Isopropyl A. Chloroform A. Cooking odours
D. Ethylene A. Methyl Cellosolve A. Chloro nitropropane A. Degreasing solvents
D. n-Heptane B. Methyl A. Chloro Picrin B. Deodorisers
C. Heptylene Esters A. Propyl A. Dibromoethane A. Detergents
B. Hexane A. Butyl Acetate A. Dichlorobenzene A. Hospital odours
C. Hexylene A. Cellosolve Acetate B. Dichlorodifluoro A. Human odours
Sulphur Compounds
D. Methane A Ethyl Acetate Methane A. Leather
D. n-Nonane A Ethyl Acrylate B. Carbon disulphide A. Dichlorodifluoro A. Ozone
D. n-Octane B Ethyl Formate A. Dimethyl sulphate Ethane A. Nicotine
D. n-Octylene A. Isopropyl Acetate A. Ethyl mercaptan A. Dichlorethane A. Perfumes
B. Pentane B. Methyl Acetate C. Hydrogen sulphide A. Dichloroethylene A. Petrol
C. Propane A. Methyl Acrylate A. Mercaptans A. Dichloroethyl ether B. Purifying odours
B. Propylene B Methyl Formate A. Methyl Mercaptan A. Dichloromethane A. Putrescine
A. Propyl Acetate A. Propyl Mercaptan B. Dichloromonofluoro B. Produce of
C. Sulphur Dioxide Methane incomplete
B. Sulphur Trioxide A. Dichloropropane A. Plastic
Aldehydes & Ketones
A. Benzene A. Sulphuric Acid B. Dichlorotetrafluoro A. Poultry odours
A. Napthalene B. Acetone A. Tetrahydrothrophene Ethane A. Rancid oils and fats
A. Styrene Monomer C. Acetaldehyde B. Ethyl Bromide A. Resins
A. Toluene B. Acrolein B. Ethyl Chloride A. Rubber
Nitrogen Compounds
A. Toluidine B Acryaldehyde A. Ethylene Chlorohydrin A. Stale odours
A. Xylene A. Benaldehyde D. Ammonio A. Ethylene Dichloride A. Odours from stables
B. Butyraldehyde C. Amines B. Fluorotrichloromethane A. Tar odours
A. Caproaldehyde A. Aniline C. Freon C. Tobacco smoke
A. Crontonaldehyde B. Diethyl amine C. Hydrogen Bromide A. Toilet odours
A. Acetic A. Cyclonexanone A. Diethyl aniline C. Hydrogen Chloride A. Turpentine
A. Acetic Anhydride A. Diethyl Ketone B. Dimethyl amine B. Hydrogen Cyanide A. Varnish
A. Acrylic A. Dipropyl Ketone B. Ethyl amine C. Hydrogen Fluoride A. Ventilation systems
A. Butyric C. Formaldehyde A. Indole B. Hydrogen lodine A. Vinegar
A. Caprylic A. Mesityl Oxide A. Nicotine A. lodine B. Wood alcohol
A. Carbolic A. Methyl Butylketone B. Nitric acid fumes A. lodoform
B. Formic A. Methyl Ethylketone A. Nitrobenzene B. Methyl Bromide
A. Lactic A. Proprionadbehyde A. Nitroethane B. Methyl Chloride
A. Palmitic A. Valeraldehyde C. Nitrogen Dioxide A. Methyl Chloroform
A. Phenol A. Valeric Aldehyde A. Nitroglycerine A. Methylene Chloride
A. Propionic A. Nitromethane A. Monochlorobenzene
A. Valeric A. Nitropropane B. Monofluorotrichloro
A. Nitrotoluene Methane
A. Pyridine A. Paradichlorobenzene
A. Urea A. Perchloreothylene
A. Urie acid B. Phosgene
A. Propyl Chloride
A. Tetrachloro Ethane
A. Tetrachloro Ethylene
A. Trichclro Ethylene
B. Vinyl Chloride

CARBON FILTERS - Cylindrical carbon filters

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