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Women and the Republic

The treatment of women before the Revolution tells me that woman have been devalued for a
very long time in the United States. The impression has not changed as much as one would
expect. It took until the sixtys to see real change changes which continue to gradually occur
into the twenty first century. !omen in that Revolutionary era were not allowed a college
education as we are today nor were they afforded the opportunity to work in male dominated
positions. !hat this reveals to me is that there has been and continue to be isms throughout
The Indians would consult women when faced with big decisions. Indian woman were also
responsible for menial tasks such as cooking. Initially early "merican women were primarily
responsible for #indoor affairs$ such as cooking cleaning and supervision of field workers.
They also managed the family%s finances and made life or death decisions regarding whether the
children should be inoculated. I find it hard to conceive how women were to take part in these
activities without access to an education e&uivalent to that of their male counterparts.
The Revolutionary !ar caused society to take notice. !omen proved themselves to be very
much capable of performing other task. !omen such as 'udith Sargent Stevens and "bigail
"dams were involved in advocacy for e&ual educational rights. "pparently when women were
educated it was not for the benefit of the woman. They were educated in order to educate their
male children. !omen sought education as a means to gaining independence the female patriot
demonstrated capabilities at home and away from home.
!omen took a stand for themselves while observing how colonist Indians and "fricans decided
to protest. The women &uickly learned that they too had a voice. I%m sure it must have been
difficult as it is difficult today. "s a (( )*( pound woman driving an )+ wheeled , +----
pound vehicle I get double takes often. .nce it is determined that I drive better than most men
I still have to contend with the pressures of being a female in a male dominated sect. !e have to
be grateful for those women who paved a way for all women today otherwise I might not be
preparing this essay.

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