Fraction Introduction

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Fraction Review

o Describe a part of a whole.

o Are used for counting PART of something.

o The top # is the numerator & the bottom is the denominator.

o When adding and subtracting fractions we must find a common
denominator in the fractions to make the parts equal. Our goal is to have
like fractions.

1 1 3 2
2 3 6 6

There are 4 parts
that make up this
1 part is shaded
making this fraction
Number of parts out
of the whole
Denominator Number of parts
in the whole
+ = ?
Not like fractions
+ =
Like fractions
1 2
3 4
Common Misconceptions When Adding

o The larger the denominator, the larger the fraction must
be. Therefore you add them together to increase the

o Students add straight across like they would in basic
math, disregarding the dividing line and then adding the
dividing line after they find the solution.

o If the denominators are the same they add the
denominators together (increasing the whole) and forget
they only need to stick with one common denominator.

Ways to Help Students Understand
Addition of Fractions

Using a variety of manipulatives such as

o Fraction bars

o Play dough

o Fraction circles

1/2 1/2
1 Whole

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