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Cultural Awareness Collage Using Technology

Culture is the customs, beliefs, arts and institutions of a group of people.

There are endless dimensions to culture, not just race and ethnicity.
Concrete: Visible and tangible level: includes clothes, music, food, games, festivals, and
Behavioral: Social roles level: includes language, nonverbal communications, gender roles,
family structure, values, and political affiliation.
Symbolic: Values and belief level: includes value systems, customs, spirituality, religion,
world view, beliefs, and mores.
INSTRUCTIONS: Create a photo collage from a single image that describes a dimension of your culture.
1. Create a folder in Multimedia/Photohop folder named Cultural Collage.
!. earch for a photo that best identifies with the cultural dimension you ha"e chosen.
#. Create a single photo collage with the following re$uirements:
a. Minimum % sections with applied filter
b. &orders on each section
c. 'radient &ac(ground
d. i)e: *+ , *+
e. -esolution: *!
%. .nclude a te,t description with the following re$uirements:
a. Two Applied /ffects
b. Ma,imum 0our 1ords
c. Te,t color schemed with photo and bac(ground
2. a"e as CulturalCollage.psd and CulturalCollage.3pg in your pro3ect folder.
4. 5pen Microsoft 1ord and insert your CulturalCollage.3pg file in this document. 1rite an 67 8 97 words
descripti"e paragraph describing your collage. :ey the paragraph in Microsoft 1ord using a 1% point
font with 1.2 spacing. Center your name and class period in the footer.
*. a"e the document in the ;:Multimedia/Photoshop/Cultural Collage. <ame the pro3ect
<ame ================================== Class Period ==========
Cultural Awareness Collage
'rading -ubric
'radient &ac(ground 2
Appropriate Photo 17
0our > ections 2
0ilters Applied to ections
&order around ections 2
Collage i)e 2
Collage -esolution 2
Appropriate Te,t 2
Te,t /ffects
Te,t Color cheme Appropriately 2
Collage .nserted in 1ord ?ocument 2
?escripti"e Paragraph @ Correct
grammar and spelling
Correct 1ord Count !
Page 0illed 2
Paragraph pacing 1.2 2
0ooter with <ame A class period 2
0older w/all re$uired files 2
Multicultural Lesson Plan
Unit: Ad"ance Photoshop
Estimated Time: # days
Softare Needed: Adobe Photoshop C%B .nternet /,plorerB Microsoft 1ord
The student uses appropriate computer8based producti"ity tools to create and modify
solutions to problems. The student is e,pected to:
CAD Use foundation and enrichment curricula in the creation of multimedia productsE
C&D select and integrate computer8based producti"ity toolsB includingB but not limited toB word
processorB databaseB spreadsheetB telecommunicationsB drawB paintB and utility programs
to de"elop and modify solutions to problems and to create new (nowledge for multimedia
C?D apply color principles to communicate the mood of the product for the specific audienceE
C'D edit files using established design principles including consistencyB repetitionB alignmentB
pro,imityB ratio of te,t to white spaceB image file si)eB color useB font si)eB typeB and styleE
Learnin! Outcomes: The students will be able to:
1. Understand Photoshop terms needed to create a single photo
!. ?emonstrate the following computer s(ills in Photoshop:
1. Apply a gradient bac(ground
!. etup si)e and resolution
#. Add filters and effects
%. Use the te,t tool
2. Add layer styles
4. Use the selection tools
#. .dentify and define multicultural with a dimensional "iewpoint
%. 5btain a new awareness of different cultures
2. Understand di"ersity of cultural dimensions
Gorski, Paul. (2008). Understanding Multicultural Awareness Activities EdChange Multicultural
Pavillion. Retrieved from http://.edchan!e.or!/multicultural/activities/multicultural.html.
"idal!o, #. ($%%&). Multicultural teacher introspection. 'n Perr(, ). and *raser, +. (eds.) *reedom,s Plo:
)eachin! in the -ulticultural .lassroom. #e/ork: Routled!e.
0chiller, 1uc(. (0% 0eptem2er 200%). Internet Public Library Kidspace Culture Quest. Retrieved from

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