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1. Soak root beer bottles with labels in water

2. Scrape off the labels
3. Scrape the remains off of bottles
4. grab the cleanest looking bottle
5. Soak the clean bottles in iodine and water
6. Soak the dirty bottles in water and ammonia again
7. Research root beer recipes on the internet
8. Gather resources for a microbatch
9. Acquire ingredients
10. Get 10 grams of sassafras, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 anise star, 30 juniper berries, 10
grams of wintergreen, 2 cups of sugar
11. Put 1 gallon of water into a pot
12. Set on top of a hot plate and wait for it to boil
12. Grab all acquired ingredients and place it in the pot
13. When the water is at boiling temperature and the ingredients are stirred remove the
pot from the hotplate and place it on the ground
14. When the mixture has cooled down we strain out the unnecessary waste into a 2
liter bottle
15. After the straining we capped our root beer and start cleaning up after ourselves
16. Capped the 2 liter bottle and placed it in the refrigerator
17. Let the bottles sit over night in the refrigerator
18. The next day we poured the root tea mixture into a large bucket along with a yeast
and water mixture
19. Stir the 2 mixtures together to begin the fermentation process in our root beer
20. Put the root beer in bottles then cap it
21. Put the bottles in a cabinet and let them ferment for 4 days
22. 4 days later we put the bottles in the fridge to stop the fermentation process
23. Next day we opened our root beer and tasted our root beer
24. We did a peer critique to taste other peoples yeasty root beer
25. See what worked well in our root beers
26. The fermentation process only ruined our root beer so it was decided that the
process will be changed to putting CO2 in our bottles
27. After looking at our recipe we decided to talk to other groups on what should we add
to our root beer
28. Modified our recipe
29. Prepare to brew a 1/2 gallon batch, place water in a pot
30. Place the pot on a hotplate and let it boil
31. Prepared the ingredients as needed
32. get 10 grams of sassafras, 10 grams of wintergreen,2 tsp of vanilla extract, 1 cup of
sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 tbsp of honey, 10 juniper berries, 1 anise star, and 5 grams
of ground cinnamon
33. Drop all acquired ingredients in the pot
34. Stirred the water periodically to blend ingredients
35. Let sit for about 10 minutes so the water could boil
36. We emptied out our 2 liter bottles and put a funnel in the opening to strain it
37. We put a cheese cloth inside the funnel and began to filter the root beer mixture
38. Once the root beer was in the bottle we put the bottles in the fridge and let them sit
over night
39. The next day we took the bottles out of the fridge and added 700 ml of water to the
root beer to dilute it
40. We sampled the root beer and then put the remaining liquid in the fridge
41. Next day we removed the bottle from the fridge
42. removed the cap off the bottle
43. Drilled in a hole for a tire valve
44. Once the cap had a large enough hole in it we put insert the valve
45. We squeezed all of the air out if the bottle and capped it
46. We put the nozzle of the carbon dioxide tank on the valve of the bottle and began to
fill the bottle with CO2
47. Once the bottle had CO2 in it we began to shake the bottle so the root beer mixture
would be carbonated
48. Once the root beer was well carbonated we put it in the fridge once more
49. We taste test the root beer and see what works well
50. Modify our root beer a little bit
51. Poured the root beer out of the 2 liter bottle that had been sitting in the fridge for a
52. Cleaned the bottles out in preparation for the next batch
53. Put a pot on a burner with 2 liters of water and wait for it to boil
54. Acquire ingredients for the 2 liter batch
55. get 10 grams of sassafras, 10 grams of wintergreen leaves, 2 tbsp of vanilla extract,
10 grams of sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 tbsp of honey, 20 juniper berries, 2 anise stars
56. place ingredients in the pot and stir for 10 minutes
57. Top the pot and let ingredients boil for a while
58. After we removed the pot from its hot plate to let the root beer cool down
59. we get our 2 liter bottle, funnel and cheesecloth to strain out the root beer
60. when that was done we placed it in the fridge to sit over night
61. Now we dilute it by adding 200mL
62. Then we squeeze the 2 liter bottle so there would be no oxygen and cap it
63. We add CO2 by placing the pump onto its valve
63. We shake it till the 2 liter bottle is inflated
65. Place the carbonated root beer in the refrigerator

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