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Room 106

Discover and Discuss Presentation #2

Due: The week of Monday, November 24
Topic: Teach the Class bout !our "amily
Students are asked to teach us all about their family. In our Social Studies
class !e !ill been learnin" about different ty#es of families $nuclear same%
se& sin"le%#arent only%child ado#ted etc.'. Reflectin" !hat they are
learnin" at school students are asked to create a short #resentation about
their family $no lon"er than ( minutes'. Some discussion #ieces could be)
1' *y#e of family they belon" to
2' +ho is in their family $i.e. mom t!o brothers do"'
3) +hat does their family like to do to"ether $i.e. #lay a "ame of family
soccer attend Syna"o"ue or ,os-ue every !eekend have family
readin" time to"ether'
Students should come !ith an ob.ect or artifact they can use as a focal
#oint for their #resentation. Some e&am#les are a family #hoto"ra#h a
dra!in" of their family a soccer ball that the family uses to #lay their soccer
"ame / anythin" that evokes a memory or story.
Please revie! the information on the back of this #a"e for the assessment
of this activity.
0ave fun1
,r. 2ale
Presenters and #resentation dates
Monday November 24
3dam 3le& D. 3le& 4. and 3ndre!
Tuesday November 2#
5iren 5urke 6harlotte and 2eor"e
$ednesday November 2%
0anna 0elen 7ieran and 8o"an
Thursday November 2&
,atteo Rachel Roan and Sebastian
"riday November 2'
Sloane +illiam 9oe and 9oey

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