Narrative Essay Outline Basic

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Narrative Essay: Sample Outline

I. Introduction
A. Setting (Time and Place)
B. Characters (Who is in the story)
C. Situation (The situation the main character is in at the eginning o! the story)
II. Incident
III. Incident
I". Clima#
". $esolution % &oral ' (esson ' Strong statement
I. Introduction or )#position
Setting (Time and Place)
Character (Who is in the story,)
Situation (The situation the main character is in at the eginning o! the story)
)#ample: &y !irst day o! school in the -nited States not only shoc+ed me. ut I /as determined to ne0er
go ac+. It /as 1232. and I had 4ust started classes at *ouston Community College. It had already started
adly. I had missed my us and this caused me to e late. Then I couldn5t !ind the classroom6.
II. Inciting Incident
Something happens or some situation changes that causes a prolem !or the main character.
III. Con!lict
It seems to the main character that the prolem cannot e sol0ed.
I". Clima#
Something happens that changes e0erything and the prolem is on its /ay to a resolution.
". $esolution: The prolem is sol0ed.
"I. 7enouement: Tying up o! loose ends. *o/ things /ill e di!!erent.
What the main character has learned !rom the e#perience.

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