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For Muslims, the building of a mosque, or contributing towards it, is one of the most virtuous forms of
Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity) that Allah SWT has bestowed upon us.
Sadaqah Jariyah will benefit the donor long after they have died. We pray that you will take up this
opportunity to invest in your Aakhira (the after life).
When a person dies, then his good deeds stop except for three: a Sadaqah Jariyah,
a beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for that person.
(Sahih Muslim)
Bellevue Mosque Project, 7335 Charlotte Pike, Nashvile, TN-37209 ,USA
T: +1(615) 473-3828 | E:| W:
A branch of Islamic Center Of Nshville, established 1979
A Non-profit religious Organization 501(c)(3)
Appeal to Build a New Mosque and
Multi-Purpose Building in
Islamic Center Of Nashville
Bellevue Mosque and Multi-Purpose Building

The Muslims in Nashville are well diverse with ethnic representations mainly from Kurdistan, Somalia,
Afghanistan, Palestine, Middle East, North Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia and
United States, and many others from Yemen, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Oman, Kuwait as well as
African countries. Yet, the community is quite cohesive, well organized and closely tied together.

The Muslim community of Nashville kept growing at a fast rate throughout the 90s when we were
blessed to have an influx of Kurdish and Somalians move to Nashville. In 1995, the ICN bought a 10.6
acre land on Charlotte Pike near exit 199 off of I-40 West. Development of this land constitutes the core
of the present day challenge for this community. Besides the mosque, ICNs major achievements include
the purchase of land for Muslim graveyard, the purchase of land for Muslim Community Complex for a
full-time Islamic school, community center and mosque, the establishment of a full-time Islamic school
(founded in 1995) as well as a weekend Islamic school, and the launching of many other social, religious
and educational activities. On December 1, 2008, the first phase of the new school building was
completed and opened, from Pre-K thru 6th grades.
Plans have been approved by Board of Zoning of the Nashville City Council for a purpose to built
new Mosque and Multipurpose/Gymnasium Building on the 7335 Charlotte Pike Nashville TN 37209,
about 10 miles from Nashville downtown. The property is located in a large fast growing Muslim
community within a primarily residential neighborhood.The proposed mosque will be constructed on
the west side of the existing school facilities. The new facility is desperately needed for the needs of
the growing Muslim Community Bellevue Area.
The Mosque will accommodate 450 people in prayer hall. Mosque will also have for brothers and
sisters Separate entries,Restrooms,Vudu areas,Coat/shoe areas. Offices,Staircase and elevator to
Multi-Purpose building and Gymnasium will include Basketball court,Youth activity room,
Cafeteria,Commercial kitchen,Restrooms,Separate entries,Storage and Mechanical spaces.
Excisting parking lots will be reconfigured and additional lotswill be constructed near proposed
building to accommodate more vehicles.
We look forward to continuing our work towards promoting Islam as a peaceful, tolerant and
inspirational religion for future generations.
We acknowledge the hard work and support of all brothers and sisters, present and deceased, who have helped in
bringing about continued development of the Islamic Centre of Nashville and towards forming a cohesive community
in Middle Tennessee. For your salams, duas, efforts and contributions, may Allah SWT reward you all through
Sadaqah Jariyah, Ameen.
Phase 1: Mosque( 6,350. sq ft.)
Phase 2: Multi-purpose building andGymnasium( 10,620 sq. ft.)

The Prophet (PBUH) said:
Whoever builds a house for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise
(Sahh al Bukhari and Sahh Muslim)
$1.5 M target for Phase-1
$320,000 raised
Our success so far
A total of $3 million is required for completion of the entire building
project. Fund raising is well underway for the phase-1 $1.5 million,
and over $320,000 has been raised so far at the time of making this
doccument . We are therefore reaching out to our Muslim brothers
and sisters, supporters and friends both nationally and
internationally to help us achieve our target.
Allah SWT in His infinite wisdom places each and every one of us in different circumstances in
order to see which of us have the best actions and he will reward us for our intentions. The lesson
from this is not how much we donate in monetary terms or effort, but how much personal
sacrifice we make from what has been given to us.
Our appeal for support
The Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
Those who spend their wealth (in Allahs cause) by night and by day, in secret and in
public, they shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear nor shall they
(Surah: Al-Baqarah Verse 274The Noble Quran)
Nashville, TN 37204 ,USA
(Please make all cheques made payable to ICN)
Please visit our website
You are therefore encouraged to make donations according to what you have been given,
and the Almighty alone fully knows your condition. We pray that Allah SWT will reward you
for your sincere donations.
Ways to donate towards the New Mosque and Multi-purpose Building
Paypal Online @
Cash: $.......................... Check...............................
Credit Card: $.......................Type..............................
Credit Card # ...............................................cvv...............
Mail your donations to : Islamic Center of Nashville
Islamic Center Of Nashville
Bellevue Mosque Project
Donation Form
By mail cheque, Cash, Postal Order or Bankers Draft:
Islamic Center Of Nashville
2515 12th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37204 ,USA
Online Payments: Please visit our website:
(Please make all cheques made payable to Islamic Center Of Nashville)
Donor Information
First name: Last name:
Street address:
City: State: Zip code:
E-mail address: Phone:
Donation Information
Pledge amount:

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