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Recipe Name: Juicy Lucy burger

Total preparation and cooking time 30 minutes to an hour

Ingredient List Utensil List
125g pork mince Fry pan
teaspoon Medium/ large sied bo!l
1 burger bun "ni#e $#or cutting %egetables&
Lettuce 'utting board %egetables
(lice 'heese (patula
tomato Measuring cups
egg )able spoons
1 table spoon bread crumbs
Step Instruction
1 +ut the meat into a bo!l and add the egg yolk and mi, it !ith garlic
and %egeta using hands
2 -i%ide the meat in hal# and #latten each hal%e on the plate or
cutting board making it !ith a thickness o# 1cm
3 +ut the slice o# cheese in the center and then add the second patty
on top to o%erlap then pinch the sides together
. )urn the #ry pan on medium heat and !ait until it is hot
5 /nce the #ry pan is ready pour oli%e oil or put butter in the pan
0 +lace the meat patty in the pan and !ait 5 minutes be#ore #lipping
1 'ut the burger bun in hal# and put butter on it
2 /nce you meat patty is cooked3 place it on the burger bun and turn
o## the o%en
4 +lace lettuce and tomato on the meat in any order you like
10 5n6oy
7ction +lan
Time Action
2 minute +repairing the meat patty
20 seconds )urning on o%en and preparing #ry pan
Master Chef
10 minutes 'ooking meat patty
10 seconds +reparing burger bun
3 minutes +reparing burger #or eating
10 minutes 8ashing up and putting a!ay all used utensils
Insert photos here

Evaluate your product recipe selection and photograph
!ositives Minus" Improvements
9 The meat #as
cooked all the
#ay through
9 Time plan #as
#ell managed
9 $as a%le to
&inish on time
9 The %urger
tasted very good
9 Took a long time
to cook the patty
9 The meat #as too
9 Needed more
9 Make the meat
patty thinner so it
cooks 'uicker
9 Add more
ingredients to
make it more
Master Chef

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