Frankenstein Macbeth - Too Much Ambition

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Radhika Nangia
Prepared for Mr. Darling
November 3, 2014
Frankenstein & Macbeth Too Much Ambition
The theme of too much ambition is an idea that is brought up in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein
as well as Shakespeares Macbeth. The protagonists in both works are very passionate and have too
much ambition which becomes their tragic flaw and ultimately leads to their downfall.
In Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein is very passionate and dedicated for his love for science. He
partakes in a major discovery of bringing life to the inanimate and is successful. He creates a very strong
creature who is designed to be superior to humans in all physical qualities. He pushes himself to the
limits and puts in his best effort to reach his goal. Once this creature comes to life, however, Victor flees.
He seems to be shocked at what he has been able to achieve. He has violated nature and overstepped
the boundary of science in creating something so abnormal. Humans are born, fulfill their purpose of
their life and then they die. Victor challenges this idea and has to face the consequences later. The
creature is frustrated by how humans treat him and wants to get revenge on Victor so he punishes
Victor by harming his loved ones. As a result, Victor wants to go after the creature as well and once
again he has too much ambition. Again do I vow vengeance; again do I devote thee, miserable fiend, to
torture and death. Never will I give up my search until he or I perish (Shelley 208). This quotes shows
how Victor is aware of what this desire for revenge might cost him and so he pushes himself too much
this time and eventually dies during his pursuit. Victors passion and overabundance of ambition lead
him to violate nature and as a result harm those who are innocent and he ends his own life.
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Shakespeares character Macbeth has similar characteristics to Victor. Macbeth receives
prophecies from three witches who tell him that he will be the Thane of Glames, Thane of Cawdor and
the king. He is already the Thane of Glames and after the Thane of Cawdor is executed he is surprised to
learn that he has become the next thane. He starts to believe the witches prophecies and desires to hold
power over the throne. Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to clear his path to the throne. He kills King
Duncan and then frames the murder on someone else. Ross says, 'Gainst nature still!/ Thriftless
ambition, that will raven up/ Thine own lives' means! Then tis most like (Shakespeare II.iv.27-29). In
this quote, Ross says that this is unnatural as the murderer is going against nature and the murderers
ambition is too much and dangerous. Ties in with the theme of violating nature. Macbeth then
proceeds to kill Banquo, attempts to kill Banquos son and then gets murderers to kill MacDuffs whole
family. Macbeths ambition blinded his actions and as a result many innocent people were killed. He
becomes so overwhelmed by guilt that he begins to see Banquos ghost. He is later killed by MacDuff
and Malcom, King Duncans eldest son, takes the throne. Macbeth oversteps the boundaries of the
society when he harms so many others for his own selfish purpose. After murdering Duncan, Macbeth
says, For mine own good/ All causes shall give way (III.iv.4.135-136). Hes only thinking of himself
throughout his actions and it can lead to consequences.
Ambition is great to a certain extent as it leads you towards achieving your goals, however, too
much ambition can result in crossing the boundaries. Both characters do not know where the limits are
so they overstep them and as a result many innocent people get hurt along the way. Too much ambition
is Victor and Macbeths tragic flaw and leads to their downfall.
This is a significant connection that anyone can connect to. We all have goals we want to reach
and try our best to achieve them, however, it is important to know when what you are doing is too
much and unethical. We shouldnt allow ambition to control as after a certain extent ambition begins to
blind us and our actions. Both Macbeth and Victor are blinded by ambition and do not consider the
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consequences of their actions. They then have to face them later. It is important that we evaluate our
actions before we perform them as they can cause trouble and be harmful to others.

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