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Online Forum - 40%
Written Assignment - 20%
Final Examination - 40%
Total - 100%
Assessmet !es"#$%t$os Ma#&s
1. Online Forum
Students are given ' discussion
questions !ased on t"e module
and main re#erence !oo$.
For eac" discussion question
students "ave to relate t"eir
%ersonal o%inions or vie&s !'
res%onding to t"e to%ic.
Students also need to res%ond to
(o)# comments given !' ot"er
students in t"e #orum.
( mar$s &ill !e a&arded to eac"
student i# "e or s"e %osts a
res%onse to t"e to%ic and to t"e
comments given !' ot"er students.
)( mar$s x * discussion questions
+ 40 mar$s,
2. Written
Students are to &rite an essa' on
a* o# t"e #ollo&ing to%ics-
- .re/xes and su0xes s'non'ms
and anton'ms %re%ositions
noun %"rase ver! %"rase %ast
tense adver!s voiced and
voiceless sounds vo&els and
consonants connotative and
denotative meaning meta%"ors
st'les and registers ta!oo and
1"e essa' s"ould !e +-' %a,es in
lengt" )not including t"e cover
%age and re#erence %age,
Arial 12 #ont si2e and 1.( s%acing.
1"e essa' s"ould contain t-o
%a#ts !ased on t"e #ollo&ing-
- 3over %age
- 3ontent %age
1.0 .art 1-
- 4ntroduction
- 5escri%tion and ex%lanation
- .rovide suita!le exam%les
2.0 .art 2-
- Ans&er t"e #ollo&ing question 6
74# 'ou are going to teac" t"is
to%ic in class "o& are 'ou going
to do it89
- Ex%lain t"e ste%s to !e ta$en
- .rovide exam%les
:.0 Overall 3onclusion
4.0 ;e#erences )must cite at
least * re#erences #rom several
sources suc" as !oo$s
<ournals and t"e internet,
:. Final
Students are tested on t"eir
$no&ledge o# t"e contents o# t"e
module and main re#erence !oo$.
1"e #ormat o# t"e exam-
- Essa'-t'%e questions
- Five questions &ill !e given.
Students c"oose and ans&er
onl' t-o questions.
NOTE- An' #orm o# %lagiarism is strictl' %ro"i!ited.

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