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A. Constitution: efectivity, defnition, nature and concepts
De Leon v. Esguerra (1987)
De Leon, whose term as Barangay Captain was to epire on !une 7, 1988, was rep"a#e$
as Captain %y &overnor Esguerra un$er the 'ree$om Constitution, whi#h grante$ the
&overnor the power to appoint su##essors to "o#a" government posts unti" 'e%. (),
1987. *owever, the +upreme Court he"$ that the power no "onger eiste$ upon
e,e#tivity o- the 1987 Constitution. .n turn, the 1987 Constitution %e#ame e,e#tive on
'e%. (, 1987, when the p"e%is#ite was he"$, an$ not when the resu"ts were announ#e$.
1. .nterpretation o- the Constitution
'ran#is#o v. *ouse o- /epresentatives ((001)
'ran#is#o #ha""enge$ the 2"ing o- a +e#on$ .mpea#hment Comp"aint within the same
year against +C Chie- !usti#e Davi$e, !r., on the groun$ that it was %arre$ %y Art. 3.,
+e#tion 1 ()) o- the Constitution. 4he +upreme Court uphe"$ the $ismissa", an$ gave
the -o""owing ru"es -or the interpretation o- the Constitution5
1) 6er%a "egis7whenever possi%"e, the wor$s use$ in the Constitution must %e given
their or$inary meaning e#ept where te#hni#a" terms are emp"oye$.
() /atio "egis et anima7the wor$s o- the Constitution shou"$ %e interprete$ in
a##or$an#e with the intent o- the -ramers.
1) 8t magis va"eat 9uam pereat7the Constitution has to %e interprete$ as a who"e.
(. De2nition o- +tate (to %e re"ate$ with :.L $is#ussion)
C./ v. Campos /ue$a (1971)
Campos /ue$a $ie$ in 4angier, ;oro##o, an internationa" <one in =orth A-ri#a. 4he C./
assesse$ her estate -or $e2#ien#y taes. /ue$a>s $e-ense was a ta treaty %etween
4angiers an$ the :hi"ippines. 4he +upreme Court he"$ that 4angier was a state, $e2ning
su#h as ?a po"iti#a""y organi<e$ sovereign #ommunity in$epen$ent o- outsi$e #ontro"
%oun$ %y pena"ties o- nationhoo$, "ega""y supreme within its territory, a#ting through a
government -un#tioning un$er a regime o- "aw. 4he stress is on its %eing a nation, its
peop"e o##upying a $e2nite territory, po"iti#a""y organi<e$, eer#ising %y means o- its
government its sovereign wi"" over the in$ivi$ua"s within it an$ maintaining its separate
internationa" persona"ity.@
B. :arts
C. Amen$ments an$ revisions
.n &enera" (Art. 36..)5
By Congress as Constituent Assem%"y
&on<a"es v. Come"e# (19A7)
.n !une 19A7, /epu%"i# A#t B911 was passe$. 4his "aw provi$e$ -or the CC;ELEC to ho"$
a p"e%is#ite -or the propose$ amen$ments to the Constitution. .t was provi$e$ in the sai$
"aw that the p"e%is#ite sha"" %e he"$ on the same $ay that the genera" nationa" e"e#tions
sha"" %e he"$. &on<a"es #ha""enge$ the propriety o- the a#t.
4he +C uphe"$ /A B911. Congress has "egis"ative power whi#h is p"enary in nature %ut
the power to amen$ the Constitution is not in#"u$e$. 4he power to amen$ is within the
#onstituent power o- the peop"e. 4he Congress possesses #onstituent power as it is a
$e"egation o- the peop"e o- their #onstituent power.

By Constitutiona" Convention
.m%ong v. Come"e# (1970)
4he 1971 Constitutiona" Convention A#t was ena#te$ %y Congress a#ting as a "egis"ative
%o$y. .m%ong #ha""enge$ its #onstitutiona"ity. 4he +C uphe"$ the a#t. 4he power to ena#t
the imp"ementing $etai"s o- the Constitutiona" Convention DD as oppose$ to the e#"usive
authority o- Congress as a Constituent Assem%"y to #a"" -or the ConCon DD is within the
#ompeten#y o- Congress eer#ising its #omprehensive "egis"ative power, as "ong as the
statutory $etai"s $o not #"ash with any spe#i2# provision in the Constitution. Congress
#ontinue$ to eer#ise its "egis"ative powers even i- it was a"rea$y the Constituent
Assem%"y an$ it $i$ not a%an$on its "egis"ative $uties.
By :eop"e>s .nitiative
+antiago v. Come"e# (1997)
/epu%"i# A#t =o. A71) provi$e$ -or the system o- initiative an$ re-eren$um -or "o#a"
"egis"ation an$ nationa" statutes, without provi$ing -or initiative -or the amen$ment o-
the Constitution. A petition was 2"e$ to amen$ the #onstitution regar$ing term "imits.
*owever, the +C he"$ that the #onstitutiona" provision on peop"eEs initiatives un$er the
1987 Constitution (Arti#"e 36.. F () re9uire$ imp"ementing "egis"ation to %e ee#utory.
/.A. A71) "a#Ge$ the imp"ementing ru"es -or peop"eEs initiatives an$ su#h "a#G #ou"$ not
%e #ure$ %y Come"e# provi$ing ru"es. Congress a"so #ou"$ not $e"egate its "egis"ative
authority to Come"e#, so Come"e# #ou"$ not va"i$"y promu"gate ru"es on the matter as it
was not empowere$ to $o so un$er "aw.
Comp"eteness on its -a#e
Lam%ino v. Come"e# ((00A)
Lam%ino ma$e a petition to amen$ the 1987 Constitution via peop"e>s initiative.
*owever, his petition $i$ not in#"u$e the -u"" tet o- the propose$ amen$ments. 4he +C
ru"e$ that the initiative $i$ not meet the re9uirements o- the Constitution. An
amen$ment is ?$ire#t"y propose$ %y the peop"e through initiative upon a petition@ on"y i-
the peop"e sign a petition that #ontains the -u"" tet o- the propose$ amen$ments. 4o $o
otherwise wou"$ %e $e#eptive an$ mis"ea$ing an$ wou"$ ren$er the initiative voi$, sin#e
there shou"$ %e %oth $ire#t proposa" an$ authorship %y the person aHing their
signature to the petition.
+u%mission o- :ropose$ Amen$ments
;ust %e ma$e as a who"e. =o pie#emea" su%mission a""owe$.
4o"entino v. Come"e# (1971)
4he 1971 Constitutiona" Convention or$ere$ the ho"$ing o- a p"e%is#ite -or the rati2#ation
o- the propose$ amen$ment to "ower the voting age without su%mitting the other
amen$ments to the Constitution -or rati2#ation. 4he +C he"$ this to %e un#onstitutiona"..
4he "anguage o- the 1971 Constitution>s provision on amen$ments is #"ear on the matter
o- how many ?e"e#tions@ may %e he"$ to rati-y any amen$ments propose$ %y a
#onstituent assem%"y or #onstitutiona" #onvention5 one. .t is important that the parts o-
the Constitution must have harmony as an integrate$ who"e. .n or$er -or a p"e%is#ite -or
the rati2#ation o- amen$ments to %e va"i$"y he"$, it must provi$e voters not on"y
suH#ient time %ut means -or sai$ voter to inte""igent"y appraise the nature o- the
amen$ment per se as we"" as its re"ation to other parts o- the Constitution with whi#h it
-orms a who"e.
D. +e"-Dee#uting an$ nonDse"-Dee#uting provisions
1. +e"-DEe#uting
(. =onD+e"-Dee#uting
E. &enera" provisions
A. =ationa" territory
1. Ar#hipe"agi# $o#trine
B. +tate immunity
C. &enera" prin#ip"es an$ state po"i#ies
(. +overeignty o- the :eop"e an$ /epu%"i#anism
1. A$heren#e to .nternationa" Law
B. +uprema#y o- Civi"ian Authority
). &overnment as prote#tor o- :eop"e I :eop"e as De-en$ers o- the +tate
A. +eparation o- Chur#h an$ +tate
7. .n$epen$ent -oreign po"i#y an$ a nu#"earD-ree :hi"ippines
8. A Just an$ $ynami# so#ia" or$er
9. +o#ia" Justi#e
Ca"a"ang v. Ki""iams (19B0)
An or$inan#e was passe$ preventing anima"D$rawn vehi#"es -rom passing through #ertain
thorough-ares. Ca"a"ang #ha""enge$ the or$inan#e. 4he +upreme Court he"$ that it was a
va"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power, in the interests o- so#ia" Justi#e.
De2ning +o#ia" !usti#e, it is neither #ommunism, nor $espotism, nor atomism, nor
anar#hy, %ut the humani<ation o- "aws an$ the e9ua"i<ation o- so#ia" an$ e#onomi# -or#es
%y the state so that Justi#e in its rationa" an$ o%Je#tive"y se#u"ar #on#eption may at "east
%e approimate$. .t is the promotion o- the we"-are o- a"" the peop"e, the a$option %y the
government o- measure #a"#u"ate$ to insure e#onomi# sta%i"ity o- a"" the #ompetent
e"ements o- so#iety, through the maintenan#e o- a proper e#onomi# an$ so#ia"
e9ui"i%rium in the interre"ations o- the mem%er o- the #ommunity, #onstitutiona""y,
through a$option o- measures "ega""y Justi2a%"e, or etraD#onstitutiona""y, through the
eer#ise o- powers un$er"ying the eisten#e o- a"" governments. .t is -oun$e$ upon the
re#ognition o- the ne#essity o- inter$epen$en#e among $iverse units o- a so#iety an$ o-
the prote#tion that shou"$ %e e9ua""y an$ even"y eten$e$ to a"" groups as a #om%ine$
-or#e in our so#ia" an$ e#onomi# "i-e #onsistent with the -un$amenta" an$ paramount
o%Je#tive o- the state o- promoting the hea"th, #om-ort an$ 9uiet o- a"" persons, an$ o-
%ringing a%out the greatest goo$ to the greatest num%er.
Agrarian an$ natura" resour#es re-orm
8r%an "an$ re-orm an$ housing
Cposa v. 'a#toran (1991)
Cposa, et a". 2"e$ a petition to prevent -urther "ogging "i#enses -rom %eing issue$. 4he
+upreme Court, re#ogni<ing the intergenerationa" e9uity o- the petitioners as the %asis o-
their stan$ing, he"$ that the right to a %a"an#e$ an$ hea"th-u" e#o"ogy is ep"i#it"y
provi$e$ in Art. .. F 1A o- the Constitution. Khi"e it is -oun$ un$er the De#"aration o-
:rin#ip"es an$ +tate :o"i#ies, not Bi"" o- /ights, %ut it is not any "ess important than any
#ivi" an$ po"iti#a" rights enumerate$ in the "atter. .t #on#erns nothing "ess than se"-D
preservation an$ se"-Dperpetuation an$ is assume$ to eist -rom the in#eption o-
manGin$. 4hus, those provisions are se"-Dee#uting.
:eop"e>s organi<ations
/espe#t -or human $ignity an$ human rights
+#ien#e an$ te#hno"ogy
Arts an$ #u"ture
4he -ami"y
D. +eparation o- powers
E. Che#Gs an$ %a"an#es
'. De"egation o- powers
&. 'orms o- government
1. De Jure v. De 'a#to
(. :resi$entia" v. :ar"iamentary
1. 8nitary v. 'e$era"
&'o (ay e)ercise *e+is*ative po,ers
4o "o#a" governments
4o the :eop"e through initiative an$ re-eren$um
4o the :resi$ent un$er martia" "aw ru"e or in a revo"utionary
+ani$a$ v. Come"e# (197A)
:resi$ent ;ar#os, in eer#ise o- his emergen#y powers, propose$ amen$ments to the
Constitution an$ proposa"s to set up the ma#hinery an$ pro#e$ures re9uire$ -or the
rati2#ation o- his proposa"s %y the peop"e. :a%"o an$ :a%"ito +ani$a$ #ha""enge$ the
va"i$ity o- the amen$ments, as the power to amen$ is "egis"ative. 4he +C uphe"$ the
amen$ments, %e#ause the governmenta" powers in a #risis government are more or "ess
#on#entrate$ in the :resi$ent. 4he presi$entia" eer#ise o- "egis"ative powers in time o-
martia" "aw is a va"i$ a#t. 4his is not to say that the :resi$ent has #onverte$ his oH#e
into a #onstituent assem%"y norma""y #onstitute$ %y the "egis"ature. /ather, with the
interim =ationa" Assem%"y not #onvene$ an$ on"y the :resi$en#y an$ the +upreme Court
in operation, the urges o- a%so"ute ne#essity ren$er it imperative upon the :resi$ent to
a#t as agent -or an$ in %eha"- o- the peop"e to propose amen$ments to the Constitution.
4he +upreme Court possesses no #apa#ity to propose #onstitutiona" amen$ments.
A"though the :resi$ent has nothing to $o with the proposition or a$option o-
amen$ments to the #onstitution, it is permissi%"e to grant more powers to the :resi$ent
in times o- emergen#y in the interest o- restoring norma"#y.
T'e Senate
Composition, Lua"i2#ations, an$ 4erm o- CH#e
Dimaporo v. ;itra (1991)
Dimaporo, whi"e serving as /epresentative o- Lanao $e" +ur, 2"e$ a CCC -or the post o-
A/;; &overnor. *e "ost the "atter e"e#tion, an$ $espite maGing Gnown his $esire to
#ontinue as /epresentative, was not a%"e to return to that oH#e. 4he +upreme Court $i$
not a""ow him to taGe oH#e as /epresentative again. .t $i,erentiate$ a term, i.e. the
perio$ an oH#ia" may serve as provi$e$ -or %y "aw -rom tenure, i.e. the perio$ that an
oH#ia" a#tua""y serves. 4he Constitution prote#ts the term, not the tenure. By 2"ing the
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y, Dimaporo shortene$ his tenure. 4hus, there is no vio"ation o- the
Constitution when he was prevente$ -rom reDassuming his post. A term o- oH#e
pres#ri%e$ %y the Constitution may not %e eten$e$ or shortene$ %y "aw, %ut the perio$
$uring whi#h an oH#er a#tua""y serves (tenure) may %e a,e#te$ %y #ir#umstan#es within
or %eyon$ the power o- the oH#er.
T'e House o- !epresentatives
A9uino v. CC;ELEC (199))

Agapito A9uino 2"e$ a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y -or the position o- /epresentative o- the
$istri#t o- ;aGati. *owever, it was shown that he ha$ %een a resi$ent o- Con#ep#ion,
4ar"a#, -or the previous )( years. /u"ing that A9uino was not a resi$ent o- ;aGati -or the
1 year perio$ re9uire$ in the Constitution, 4he +upreme Court he"$ that the resi$en#e
re9uirement in Constitution #onnotes $omi#i"e. Domi#i"e is the p"a#e ?where a party
a#tua""y or #onstru#tive"y has his permanent home,@ where he, no matter where he may
%e -oun$ at any given time, inten$s to return an$ remain. A person may have severa"
resi$en#es %ut Just one $omi#i"e. An intention to return is esta%"ishe$ %y $etermining (1)
whether there was a%an$onment o- $omi#i"e o- origin, an$ (() whether there was
esta%"ishment o- permanent resi$en#e in the $istri#t
#istrict !epresentatives and .uestions on "pportion(ent and
Baga%uyo v. CC;ELEC A::C/4.C=;E=4D/EA::C/4.C=;E=4 #ase
/A 9171, whi#h provi$e$ -or apportionment o- "one $istri#t o- City o- Cagayan $e Cro was
assai"e$ on #onstitutiona" groun$s, on the groun$ that it is not reDapportionment
"egis"ation %ut that it invo"ves the $ivision an$ #onversion o- an L&8. 4he +upreme Court
he"$ that /A 9171 is simp"y a reapportionment "egis"ation passe$ in a##or$an#e with the
authority grante$ to Congress un$er Arti#"e 6., se#tion )(B).
!eapportion(ent is the rea"ignment or #hange in "egis"ative $istri#ts %rought
a%out %y #hanges in popu"ation an$ man$ate$ %y the #onstitutiona" re9uirement o-
e9ua"ity o- representation.
C/EA4.C=, D.6.+.C=,
;E/&E/, ABCL.4.C=,
AL4E/A4.C= C'
BC8=DA/M C' L&8s
Arti#"e 6., +e#. ) Arti#"e 3, +e#. 10
%eanin+ Determination o- the Con#erne$ with
num%er o-
representatives whi#h a
state, #ountry or other
su%$ivision may sen$ to
a "egis"ative %o$y
termination, an$
mo$i2#ation o- an L&8>s
#orporate eisten#e an$
territoria" #overage
!e.uire(ent Legis"ation
provi$ing -or
?Ea#h #ity with a
popu"ation o- at
"east ()0, 000
sha"" have one
esta%"ishe$ in
Lo#a" &overnment
Approva" %y a
maJority o- the
votes #ast in a
p"e%is#ite in the
po"iti#a" units
!esu*t LE&.+LA4.6E D.+4/.C4
=o "ega"
LCCAL &C6>4 8=.4
Can $is#harge
gov>t -un#tions
*as po"iti#a" an$
e#onomi# e,e#ts
on inha%itants
*as own ./AN #an
generate own
T'e Party List Syste(
BA=A4 v. CC;ELEC ((009)
4he Barangay Asso#iation -or =ationa" A$van#ement an$ 4ransparen#y (BA=A4), a partyD
"ist #an$i$ate, 9uestione$ the pro#"amation o- partyD"ist representatives re"ease$ %y the
CC;ELEC, as we"" as the -ormu"a %eing use$. BA=A4>s #"aims were that the (O thresho"$
is inva"i$, an$ that the (0O a""otment to partyD"ist representatives is a man$atory
re9uirement, not mere"y a #ei"ing.
Cn the other han$, BAMA= ;8=A, another partyD"ist #an$i$ate, 9uestions the va"i$ity o-
the 1 seat ru"e (+e#tion 11a o- /A 79B1). .t a"so raise$ the issue o- whether or not maJor
po"iti#a" parties are a""owe$ to parti#ipate in the partyD"ist e"e#tions or is the sai$
e"e#tions "imite$ to se#tora" parties.
4he +upreme Court, granting the positions, "ai$ $own the -o""owing gui$e"ines5
4he :hi"ippineDsty"e partyD"ist e"e#tion has at "east -our invio"a%"e parameters5
1. 4he (0O a""o#ationDDDthe #om%ine$ num%er o- a"" partyD"ist #ongressmen sha"" not
e#ee$ (0O o- the tota" mem%ership o- the *ouse o- /epresentatives, in#"u$ing
those e"e#te$ un$er the partyD"ist.
(. 4he (O thresho"$DDDon"y those parties garnering a minimum o- (O o- the tota" va"i$
votes #ast -or the partyD"ist system are ?9ua"i2e$@ to have a seat in the *ouse o-
1. 4he threeDseat "imitDDD ea#h 9ua"i2e$ party, regar$"ess o- the num%er o- votes it
a#tua""y o%taine$, is entit"e$ to a maimum o- three seatsN that is, one 9ua"i-ying
an$ two a$$itiona" seats.
B. :roportiona" representationDDDthe a$$itiona" seats whi#h a 9ua"i2e$ party is entit"e$
to sha"" %e #ompute$ ?in proportion to their tota" num%er o- votes.@
*ow to A""ot +"ots to :arty List /epresentatives5
1. Find total number of Party List Representatives
'o""owing the Constitution, the tota" num%er o- seats a""o#ate$ to party "ist is in
re-eren#e to the seats -or representatives o- "egis"ative $istri#ts. 4he #om%ine$
num%er o- a"" partyD"ist #ongressmen s'a** not e)ceed /01 o- the tota" mem%ership
o- the *ouse o- /epresentatives, in#"u$ing those e"e#te$ un$er the partyD"ist. 4his
#ei"ing is provi$e$ in Arti#"e 6., +e#. )(().
level of analysis: Allocation of Seats for Party List Representatives
4he a""o#ation o- party "ist seats was "e-t to the wis$om o- Legis"ature. Congress
ena#te$ /A 79B1 (:arty List +ystem A#t).
+e#. 11, /A 79B15
1. :arties shou"$ %e ranGe$ -rom highest to "owest %ase$ on the num%er o- votes
(. :arties re#eiving at "east /1 o- the tota" votes #ast sha"" %e entit"e$ to one seat.
level of analysis: Allocation of Additional Seats
4he Court $eparts -rom the 6eterans pro#e$ure in a""o#ating a$$itiona" seats. (O
thresho"$ in (
roun$ o- a""o#ation is $e#"are$ un#onstitutiona". 4he (O thresho"$ set %y
6eterans in the (
roun$ o- a""o#ation o- seats prevents 2""ing o- the seats a""o#ate$ -or
party "ist. 4he num%er o- a$$itiona" seats to %e a""o#ate$ is
P;aimum num%er o- seats -or party "istQ DPguarantee$ seatsQ.
.n a""o#ating a$$itiona" seats, even the parties who $i$ not garner (O #ou"$ %e
entit"e$ to a$$itiona" seats.
:ro#e$ure in se#on$ roun$ o- seat a""o#ation5
1. Corre#t -ormu"a in $etermining the num%er o- a$$itiona" seats5
P=um%er o- votes re#eive$Rtota" num%er o- votesQ /emaining avai"a%"e seats
(. +eat is assigne$ to ea#h o- the parties net in ranG unti" a"" avai"a%"e seats are
#omp"ete"y $istri%ute$.
1. 23seat cap is app"ie$ to $etermine to $etermine the num%er o- seats ea#h
9ua"i2e$ partyD"ist #an$i$ate is entit"e$.
Participation of major political parties in Party list elections
=either the Constitution nor /A 79B1 prohi%its maJor po"iti#a" parties -rom
parti#ipating in the partyD"ist system. But, %y a vote o- 8D7, Court $e#i$es to #ontinue
with the ru"ing in 6eterans, $isa""owing maJor po"iti#a" parties -rom parti#ipating in the
party "ist e"e#tion.
=C4E5 But in Atong :ag"aum the Court "ai$ $own new gui$e"ines on the
parti#ipation o- maJor po"iti#a" parties as -o""ows5
A4C=& :A&LA8; v. CC;ELEC ((011)
1. 4hree $i,erent groups may parti#ipate in the partyD"ist system5 (a) nationa" parties or
organi<ations, (%) regiona" parties or organi<ations, an$ (#) se#tora" parties or
(. =ationa" parties or organi<ations $o not nee$ to organi<e a"ong se#tora" "ines an$ $o
not nee$ to represent any ?margina"i<e$ an$ un$errepresente$@ se#tor.
1. :o"iti#a" parties #an parti#ipate in partyD"ist e"e#tions provi$e$ they register un$er the
partyD"ist system an$ $o not 2e"$ #an$i$ates in "egis"ative $istri#t e"e#tions. A po"iti#a"
party that 2e"$ #an$i$ates in "egis"ative $istri#t e"e#tions #an parti#ipate in partyD"ist
e"e#tions on"y through its se#tora" wing.
B. +e#tora" parties or organi<ations may either %e ?margina"i<e$ an$ un$errepresente$@
or "a#Ging in ?we""D$e2ne$ po"iti#a" #onstituen#ies.@
). A maJority o- the mem%ers o- se#tora" parties or organi<ations that represent the
?margina"i<e$ an$ un$errepresente$@ must %e"ong to the ?margina"i<e$ an$
un$errepresente$@ se#tor they represent.
A. =ationa", regiona" an$ se#tora" parties or organi<ations sha"" not %e $is9ua"i2e$ i-
some o- their nominees are $is9ua"i2e$, provi$e$ that they have at "east one nominee
who remains 9ua"i2e$.
Le+is*ative Privi*e+es, In'i4itions and*ifcations
:hi"#onsa v. ;athay (19AA)

:hi"#onsa #ha""enge$ the appropriation o- sa"aries o- the mem%ers o- Congress set out in
the &AA -or 19A)D19AA, whi#h ha$ %een in#rease$ the year %e-ore (19AB). 4he
#ontroversy #ame %e#ause the +enators who tooG part in the approva" o- the "aw wou"$
%e in oH#e unti" 19A9. 4he +C agree$ with :hi"#onsa. 4he ?term@ mentione$ in the
provision re-ers to the term o- the Congress as a who"e. ;em%ers o- Congress who
approve$ the in#rease wi"" not have the sa"ary in#rease.
5reedo( -ro( "rrest 6 "rtic*e $I, Sec. 77
Khi"e Congress is in session (Art. 6., +e#. 1))
;artine< v. ;or-e (197()
An in-ormation was 2"e$ against ;artine< -or -a"si2#ation o- pu%"i# $o#uments, an$ (
in-ormations Bautista -or vio"ations o- the /evise$ E"e#tion Co$e. As mem%ers o- the
Constitutiona" Convention, they invoGe$ the prote#tion o- the Constitution against sear#h
an$ arrest against mem%ers o- Congress.
*owever, the +C he"$ that ;artine< an$ Bautista were not #overe$ %y the privi"ege.
:ar"iamentary immunity grante$ to the mem%ers o- the "egis"ature an$ the Constitutiona"
Convention was never meant to shie"$ them -rom #rimina" "ia%i"ity, on"y to prote#t them
-rom possi%"e harassment. Any privi"eges eten$e$ to the "egis"ature shou"$ not harm
the +tate. .mmunity -rom arrest $oes not #over any prose#ution -or treason, -e"ony an$
%rea#h o- pea#e. *ere, petitioners are #harge$ with -e"oniesN hen#e, the immunity $oes
not app"y to them.
Speec' and #e4ate
!imene< v. Ca%ang%ang (19AA)
Ca%ang%ang was a mem%er o- the *ouse o- /epresentatives an$ Chairman o- its
Committee on =ationa" De-ense. *e #ause$ the pu%"i#ation o- an open "etter a$$resse$
to the :hi"ippines, a""eging that there were p"ans to ho"$ a #oup $>Stat. !imene< then
2"e$ a #ase against Ca%ang%ang -or $amages $ue to the Ca%ang%ang>s "i%e""ous
statements. .n response, Ca%ang%ang invoGe$ the par"iamentary immunity -rom suit.
4he +C he"$ that he was not entit"e$ to the privi"eges. 4he epression Tspee#hes or
$e%ates hereinT in Art. 6. F 1) (191) Constitution) on"y re-ers to utteran#es ma$e %y
Congressmen in the per-orman#e o- their oH#ia" -un#tions, su#h as spee#hes
(sponsorship, interpe""ation, privi"ege uttere$ in Committees or to Congress in p"enary
session), statements an$ votes #ast whi"e Congress is in session, as we"" as %i""s
intro$u#e$ in Congress. .t a"so in#"u$es other a#ts per-orme$ %y the same either in or out
o- Congressiona" premises whi"e in the oH#ia" $is#harge o- their $uty when they
per-orme$ the a#ts. .t $oes not in#"u$e a#ts not #onne#te$ with the $is#harge o- their
oH#e.*ifcations and Ot'er Pro'i4itions
a. 'rom ho"$ing any other oH#e or emp"oyment in &overnment $uring term without
-or-eiting seat
%. 'rom appointment to any oH#e whi#h may have %een #reate$ or its emo"uments
in#rease$ $uring his term
#. 'rom persona""y appearing as #ounse"
$. 'rom 2nan#ia" interest in any #ontra#t with, or in any -ran#hise grante$ %y the
government $uring his term
e. 'rom intervening in any matter %e-ore any oH#e o- the &overnment -or his pe#uniary
%ene2t or where he may %e #a""e$ upon to a#t on a##ount o- his oH#e
-. Duty to Dis#"ose
g. 'u"" $is#"osure o- 2nan#ia" an$ %usiness interests
h. =oti-y the *ouse o- potentia" #onUi#t o- interest -rom propose$ "egis"ation o- whi#h
they are authors
'"ores v. Dri"on (1991)
4he Bases Conversion an$ Deve"opment A#t o- 199( that a""owe$ the ;ayor o- C"ongapo
City to %e appointe$ as Chairman o- the +u%i# Bay ;etropo"itan Authority was #ha""enge$
on the groun$ that it vio"ate$ the #onstitutiona" pros#ription against appointment or
$esignation o- e"e#tive oH#ia"s to other government posts.
4he +C agree$ an$ $e#"are$ the provisions un#onstitutiona". Art. .3DB F 7 o- the
Constitution epresses the po"i#y against #on#entrating severa" pu%"i# positions in one
person, so that a pu%"i# oH#ia" may serve -u""Dtime with $e$i#ation an$ eH#ien#y. Khi"e
the provision a""ows appointive oH#ia"s to ho"$ mu"tip"e oH#es within "imits, par. 1 -or
e"e#tive oH#ia"s is more stringent in not a""owing e#eptions un"ess the Constitution itse"-
says so. Khi"e the ine"igi%i"ity o- an e"e#tive oH#ia" -or appointment remains throughout
his tenureRin#um%en#y, the oH#ia" may resign 2rst -rom his e"e#tive post to #ast o, the
#onstitutiona""yDatta#he$ $is9ua"i2#ations. 4he respon$ent $oes not automati#a""y -or-eit
his e"e#tive oH#e when he is appointe$ to another position.
8uoru( and $otin+ %a9orities
Ave"ino v. Cuen#o (19B9)
+enator 4aVa$a invoGe$ his right to speaG on the +enate Uoor to -ormu"ate #harges
against then +enate :resi$ent Ave"ino. *owever, Ave"ino an$ his #amp emp"oye$ $i"atory
an$ $e"aying ta#ti#s to -oresta"" 4aVa$a -rom $e"ivering his pie#e. Ave"ino>s #amp then
move$ to a$Journ the session $ue to the $isor$er. Ave"ino %ange$ his gave" an$ he
hurrie$"y "e-t his #hair an$ he was imme$iate"y -o""owe$ %y his -o""owers.
4he remaining mem%ers vote$ to #ontinue the session in or$er not to para"y<e the
-un#tions o- the +enate. Later, Arran< yie"$e$ to +ani$a$>s /eso"ution (=o. A8) that
Cuen#o %e e"e#te$ as the +enate :resi$ent. 4his was unanimous"y approve$ an$ was
even re#ogni<e$ %y the :resi$ent o- the :hi"ippines the -o""owing $ay. Cuen#o tooG his
oath o- oH#e therea-ter. Ave"ino then 2"e$ a 9uo warranto pro#ee$ing %e-ore the +C to
$e#"are him as the right-u" +enate :resi$ent.
Cn the issue o- 9uorum, the +C he"$ that as there were (1 senators #onsi$ere$ to %e in
session that time (in#"u$ing +oto, e#"u$ing Con-esor), twe"ve senators #onstitute a
maJority o- the +enate o- twenty three senators. Khen the Constitution $e#"ares that a
maJority o- ?ea#h *ouse@ sha"" #onstitute a 9uorum, ?the *ouse@ $oes not mean ?a""@ the
mem%ers. Even a maJority o- a"" the mem%ers #onstitute ?the *ouse@. 4here is a
$i,eren#e %etween a maJority o- ?a"" the mem%ers o- the *ouse@ an$ a maJority o- ?the
*ouse@, the "atter re9uiring "ess num%er than the 2rst. 4here-ore an a%so"ute maJority
(1() o- a"" the mem%ers o- the +enate "ess one ((1), #onstitutes #onstitutiona" maJority o-
the +enate -or the purpose o- a 9uorum. 'urthermore, even i- the twe"ve $i$ not
#onstitute a 9uorum, they #ou"$ have or$ere$ the arrest o- one, at "east, o- the a%sent
mem%ersN i- one ha$ %een so arreste$, there wou"$ %e no $ou%t a%out Luorum then, an$
+enator Cuen#o wou"$ have %een e"e#te$ Just the same inasmu#h as there wou"$ %e
e"even -or Cuen#o, one against an$ one a%staine$
#iscip*ine o- %e(4ers
Csme a !r. v. :en$atun, et a". (19A0)
Congressman CsmeVa !r ma$e a privi"ege spee#h entit"e$, ?A ;essage to &ar#ia,@ in
whi#h he a##use$ &ar#ia o- #orruption. A +pe#ia" Committee was -orme$ through *ouse
/eso"ution )9, to investigate an$ $is#ip"ine CsmeVa. CsmeVa asGe$ -or the annu"ment o-
the reso"ution on the groun$ o- in-ringement upon his par"iamentary immunity through a
petition -or $e#"aratory re"ie-.
4he +C $enie$ his petition. 4he ru"es a$opte$ %y $e"i%erative %o$ies are su%Je#t to
revo#ation, mo$i2#ation, or waiver at the p"easure o- the %o$y a$opting them.
:ar"iamentary ru"es are mere"y pro#e$ura", an$ with their o%servan#e, the #ourts have no
#on#ern. 4hey may %e waive$ or $isregar$e$ %y the "egis"ative %o$y.
Arroyo v. De 6ene#ia (1997)
A petition was 2"e$ #ha""enging the va"i$ity o- /A 8(B0, whi#h amen$s #ertain provisions
o- the =ationa" .nterna" /evenue Co$e. Arroyo et a"., a"" mem%ers o- the *C/, #"aime$
that there was a vio"ation o- the ru"es o- the *ouse whi#h petitioners #"aim are
#onstitutiona""yDman$ate$ so that their vio"ation is tantamount to a vio"ation o- the
Constitution. 4hey #"aime$ that the passage o- the %i"" was rai"roa$e$.
4he +C ru"e$ that it $i$ not have the power to in9uire into a""egations that Congress
-ai"e$ to #omp"y with its own ru"es whi"e ena#ting a "aw when no #onstitutiona" provision
or rights o- private in$ivi$ua"s were vio"ate$. Kithin the "imits o- #onstitutiona" restraints,
-un$amenta" rights an$ a reasona%"e re"ation %etween the means o- pro#ee$ing an$ the
inten$e$ resu"ts, a"" matters o- metho$s -or interna" pro#e$ures are open to the
$etermination o- the *ouse an$ #annot %e su%Je#t to Ju$i#ia" in9uiry. 4here was no grave
a%use o- $is#retion, on"y a matter o- interna" pro#e$ure.
&ar#i""ano v. *ouse Committees ((008)
A "egis"ative in9uiry was #arrie$ out regar$ing the ?*e""o &ar#i@ tapes in re"ation to
e"e#tion -rau$. 4he propriety o- the "egis"ative in9uiry was #ha""enge$ %ase$ on the nonD
pu%"i#ation o- the +enate ru"es o- pro#e$ure in a##or$an#e with Art. 6. F (1.
4he +C stru#G $own the pro#ee$ings -or "a#G o- pu%"i#ation o- the ru"es. .t wou"$ %e an
inJusti#e i- a #iti<en is %ur$ene$ with vio"ating a "aw or ru"e he $i$ not get noti#e o-. .t
#onsists o- ?pu%"i#ation either in the CH#ia" &a<ette or in a newspaper o- genera"
#ir#u"ation in the :hi"ippines@ (Civi" Co$e Art. () an$ the "aw sha"" on"y taGe e,e#t 1) $ays
a-ter sai$ pu%"i#ation. :u%"i#ation via the .nternet a"one is #onsi$ere$ inva"i$ sin#e the
provisions state that the ru"es must %e pu%"ishe$ in the C& or in a newspaper. A##or$ing
to /A 879(, an e"e#troni# $o#ument serves as the -un#tiona" e9uiva"ent o- a written
$o#ument -or evi$entiary purposes. 4hus, it $oes not maGe the .nternet a me$ium -or
pu%"ishing "aws, ru"es, an$ regu"ations.
4he ru"es must a"so %e repu%"ishe$ %y the +enate a-ter every epiry o- the term o- 1(
+enators as it is a #ontinuing %o$y in$epen$ent o- the +enate %e-ore it, an$ its own ru"es
state that they epire a-ter every +enate.
+antiago v. +an$igan%ayan ((001)
De-ensorD+antiago was preventive"y suspen$e$ %y the +B -or 90 $ays in a##or$an#e with
/A 1019. +he assai"e$ the +B>s authority to $o so, #"aiming #ontravention o- Art. 6., +e#.
1A(1) whi#h provi$es -or suspension on"y -or A0 $ays ma.
4he +C he"$ that the +B ha$ the authority to suspen$ +antiago. +uspension in Art 6., +e#.
1A(1) is $i,erent -rom preventive suspension un$er /A 1019, +e#. 11. :reventive
suspension is not a pena"ty an$ thus is not a suspension un$er the purview o- the
De 6ene#ia v. +an$igan%ayan ((00()
De 6ene#ia, as *ouse +peaGer, was #ite$ in #ontempt o- #ourt -or not imp"ementing the
preventive suspension %y +an$igan%ayan against one o- the *ouse ;em%ers. Khi"e the
+upreme Court he"$ the #ase moot an$ a#a$emi#, sin#e the term o- the mem%er epire$
whi"e the #ase was pen$ing, -urther $i,eren#es %etween Art. 6., +e#. 1A(1) an$ /A 1019,
+e#. 11 were $is#usse$, to wit5
o Art. 6., +e#. 1A(1)5
*ouseDimpose$ san#tion
:ena"ty -or $isor$er"y %ehavior to en-or#e $is#ip"ine, maintain or$er
in pro#ee$ings or vin$i#ate honor an$ integrity
o /A 1019, +e#. 115
:revent a##use$ -rom inUuen#ing witnesses
:revent tampering with $o#umentary evi$en#e
:revent #ommitting -urther #rimes whi"e in oH#e
/egu"ar +essions
+pe#ia" +ession
A$Journment -or more than 1 $ays
As to venue
Emergen#y +essions
6a#an#y in :resR 6:res oH#e
A%i"ity o- :resi$ent to $is#harge powers an$ $uties o- oH#e
:resi$entia" pro#"amation o- martia" "aw or suspension o-
ha%eas #orpus
E*ectora* Tri4una*s and t'e Co((ission on "ppoint(ents
Po,ers o- Con+ress
Khite Light v. City o- ;ani"a ((009)
4he City o- ;ani"a issue$ an or$inan#e $isa""owing the operation o- mote"s as we"" as
o,ering 9ui#GDtime rates. Khite Light as we"" as various other mote"s #ha""enge$ the
#onstitutiona"ity o- the or$inan#e.
4he +upreme Court stru#G $own the or$inan#e -or %eing un#onstitutiona".
:o"i#e power, whi"e in#apa%"e o- an ea#t $e2nition, has %een purpose"y vei"e$ in genera"
terms to un$ers#ore its #omprehensiveness to meet a"" eigen#ies an$ provi$e enough
room -or an eH#ient an$ Uei%"e response as the #on$itions warrant. :o"i#e power is
%ase$ upon the #on#ept o- ne#essity o- the +tate an$ its #orrespon$ing right to prote#t
itse"- an$ its peop"e.
Agustin v. E$u (1979)
LC. ((9 was issue$ %y :res. ;ar#os, re#ommen$ing the ena#tment o- "o#a" "egis"ation -or
the insta""ation o- roa$ sa-ety signs an$ $evi#es. 8pon #onstitutiona" #ha""enge, the +C
he"$ there was no un"aw-u" $e"egation o- po"i#e power.
4o avoi$ the taint o- un"aw-u" $e"egation o- po"i#e power, there must %e a stan$ar$ whi#h
imp"ies at the very "east that the "egis"ature itse"- $etermines matters o- prin#ip"e an$
"ays $own the -un$amenta" po"i#y. 4he stan$ar$ "ays $own the "egis"ative po"i#y, marGs
its "imits, maps out %oun$aries, an$ spe#i2es the pu%"i# agen#y to app"y it. Kith this
stan$ar$, the ee#utive or a$ministrative agen#y $esignate$ to #arry out the "egis"ative
po"i#y may promu"gate supp"ementa" ru"es an$ regu"ations.
&enera" :"enary :owers
Legis"ative :ower
+u%stantive Limitations
Epress +u%stantive Limitations
Bi"" o- /ights
4aation (in-ra)
:u%"i# ;oney in a +pe#ia" -un$
.n#rease o- appe""ate Juris$i#tion o- the +C without its
a$vi#e an$ #on#urren#e
&ranting tit"e o- roya"ty or no%i"ity
.mp"ie$ +u%stantive Limitations
De"egation o- "egis"ative powers
Criterion o- va"i$ $e"egation
A%aGa$a &uro v. Ee#. +e#. ((00))
4he grant o- stan$D%y authority to the :resi$ent to in#rease the 6A4 un$er #ertain
#ir#umstan#es was #ha""enge$ -or %eing un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative power, as 6A4
was not mentione$ in Art 6., +e# (8. 4he +C he"$ that there was no un$ue $e"egation.
Congress $i$ not give :resi$ent the power to eer#ise $is#retion in maGing a "aw, on"y
the power to as#ertain the -a#ts ne#essary to eer#ise the "aw.
4he #riteria -or va"i$ $e"egation are that5
Law is #omp"ete in itse"-, setting -orth therein the po"i#y to %e
ee#ute$, #arrie$ out or imp"emente$ %y the $e"egate
Law 2es a stan$ar$, the "imits o- whi#h are $eterminate an$
$etermina%"e to whi#h the $e"egate must #on-orm in the
per-orman#e o- his -un#tions
8n$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative power
:e"ae< v. Au$itor &enera" (19A))
By virtue o- severa" :Ds, 11 muni#ipa"ities were #reate$. :e"ae< #ha""enge$ the
#onstitutiona"ity o- their #reation. 4he +C agree$ with him, ru"ing that whi"e the power to
2 #ommon %oun$aries o- a$Joining muni#ipa"ities to avoi$ or sett"e #onUi#ts o-
Juris$i#tion may %e a$ministrative in nature, the authority to #reate muni#ipa"
#orporations is essentia""y "egis"ative in nature.
4he 9uestione$ statutes $i$ not meet the re9uirements -or a va"i$ $e"egation o- power to
2 $etai"s in en-or#ing a "aw. 4hey neither enun#iate$ a po"i#y to %e imp"emente$ %y the
:resi$ent nor gave a suH#ient"y pre#ise stan$ar$ to avoi$ the vio"ation. 4he phrase ?as
t'e pu4*ic ,e*-are (ay re.uire@ is so over%roa$ that it rests in the :resi$ent a
virtua""y un-ettere$ $is#retion that is tantamount to a $e"egation o- "egis"ative power. 'or
the :resi$ent to #reate muni#ipa"ities wi"" %e -or him to eer#ise the power o- #ontro" over
"o#a" government units $enie$ to him %y the Constitution.
:roper $e"egation %y epress authority o- the #onstitution
De"egation to the presi$ent to 2 tari,s, rates, et#.
&ar#ia v. Ee#utive +e#retary (199()
EC B7) (re$u#ing the rate o- a$$itiona" $uty on a"" importe$ arti#"es -rom 9O to )O
a##or$ing to their va"ue, e#ept -or #ru$e oi" an$ other oi" pro$u#ts whi#h #ontinue to
have a 9O a$$itiona" $uty) an$ E.C. B78 (whi#h "ai$ a spe#ia" $uty on importe$ #ru$e oi"
an$ oi" pro$u#ts) were #onstitutiona""y #ha""enge$.
4he +C uphe"$ the va"i$ity o- the ECs. 8n$er Art. 6. F (B o- the Constitution, the
ena#tment o- appropriation revenue an$ tari, %i""s is within the provin#e o- the
"egis"ative an$ not the ee#utive %ran#h. Art. 6. F (8(() a""ows Congress to authori<e the
:resi$ent to 2 within spe#i2# "imits, among others, tari, rates an$ other $uties. 4here is
ep"i#it #onstitutiona" permission to a""ow the E.C.s to %e issue$. 4he 4ari, an$ Customs
Co$e a"so "ai$ $own suH#ient"y $eterminate %ene2ts -or the va"i$ $e"egation o-
"egis"ative power.
De"egation to the :resi$ent in times o- war or nationa"
De"egation to Lo#a" government
De"egation o- power to #arry out $e2ne$ po"i#y to pres#ri%e
/a-ae" v. Em%roi$ery Boar$ (19A7)
/A 1117 (#reating an em%roi$ery an$ appare" #ontro" an$ inspe#tion %oar$ an$ provi$ing
-or a spe#ia" assessment to %e "evie$ upon a"" entities engage$ in an amount to %e 2e$
%y the Boar$) was #onstitutiona""y #ha""enge$ -or %eing an un$ue $e"egation o-
"egis"ative power.
4he +C uphe"$ the "aw. Arti#"e 36. F B (() sets a reasona%"e %asis un$er whi#h the spe#ia"
assessment may %e impose$. 4he true $istin#tion %etween $e"egation o- power to
"egis"ate an$ #on-erring o- authority as to the ee#ution o- the "aw is that the -ormer
invo"ves a $is#retion as to what the "aw sha"" %e, whi"e in the "atter, the authority as to its
ee#ution has to %e eer#ise$ un$er an$ in pursuan#e o- the "aw.
CsmeVa v. Cr%os (1991)
:D 19)A, whi#h empowere$ the Energy /egu"atory Boar$ (E/B) to approve the in#rease
o- -ue" pri#es or impose a$$itiona" amounts on petro"eum pro$u#ts whi#h pro#ee$s sha""
a##rue to the Ci" :ri#e +ta%i"i<ation 'un$ (C:+'). 4he C:+' was esta%"ishe$ to reim%urse
ai"ing oi" #ompanies in the event o- su$$en pri#e in#reases. 4he $e#ree was #ha""enge$
on the groun$ o- un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative powers to the E/B.
4he +C uphe"$ the :D. 4he provision #on-erring authority upon the E/B to impose
a$$itiona" amounts on petro" pro$u#ts provi$es a suH#ient stan$ar$ %y whi#h the
authority must %e eer#ise$. 4he stan$ar$ to whi#h the $e"egate o- "egis"ative authority
has to #on-orm may %e imp"ie$ -rom the po"i#y an$ purpose o- the a#t, not on"y spe""e$
out spe#i2#a""y. 4he #ha""enge$ "aw sets -orth a $etermina%"e stan$ar$ that governs the
eer#ise o- power grante$ to the E/B.
:romu"gation o- .nterna" /u"es an$ /egu"ations
:rohi%ition Against :assage o- .rrepea"a%"e Laws
:ro#e$ura" Limitations (see part on Legis"ative pro#ess -or more
1. Congressiona" +#rutiny
(. Congressiona" .nvestigation W
1. Legis"ative +upervision W
Luestion *our (Art. 6., +e#. (()
Legis"ative .nvestigations
Arnau"t v. =a<areno (19)0)
A "egis"ative in9uiry into the a#9uisition %y the :hi"ippine &overnment o- the Buenavista
an$ 4am%o%ong estates was un$ertaGen. During the +enate investigation, one witness,
Arnau"t, re-use$ to revea" the i$entity o- the representative o- the ven$or to whom he
$e"ivere$ money, at the same time invoGing his #onstitutiona" right against se"-D
in#rimination. 4he +enate a$opte$ a reso"ution ho"$ing Arnau"t in #ontempt an$ or$ere$
him imprisone$ in the #usto$y o- the +ergeantDatDArms an$ imprisone$. Arnau"t
petitione$ -or a writ o- *a%eas Corpus.
4he +C $i$ not issue the writ. Cn#e an in9uiry is a$mitte$ or esta%"ishe$ to %e within the
Juris$i#tion o- the "egis"ative %o$y to maGe, the investigating #ommittee has the power to
re9uire a witness to answer any 9uestion pertinent to that in9uiry, su%Je#t to his
#onstitutiona" right against se"-Din#rimination.
4he 9uestion su%Je#t o- the re-usa" -or whi#h the petitioner was he"$ in #ontempt %y the
+enate is pertinent to the matter un$er in9uiry. .t is not ne#essary -or the "egis"ative to
show that every 9uestion a$$resse$ to a witness is materia" to any propose$ "egis"ation,
%ut it is re9uire$ that ea#h 9uestion %e pertinent to the matter un$er in9uiry. .- the
su%Je#t o- investigation %e-ore the Committee is within "egitimate "egis"ative in9uiry an$
the propose$ testimony o- the witness re"ates to the su%Je#t, o%e$ien#e to the pro#ess
may %e en-or#e$ %y the Committee %y imprisonment. 4he power to ho"$ a nonDmem%er
o- Congress in #ontempt is a power ne#essary to ena%"e Congress to per-orm its -un#tion
without o%stru#tion. 4here-ore, the Court 2n$s no soun$ reason to "imit su#h power
whi#h has a"rea$y %een re#ogni<e$ as an appropriate aui"iary power o- Congress.
Beng<on v. +enate B"ue /i%%on Committee (1991)
A +enate B"ue /i%%on Committee .nvestigation was #ommen#e$ regar$ing XoGoy
/omua"$e<> parti#ipation in various #orporations put up %y the ;ar#oses. 4he
investigation was starte$ %ase$ on a privi"ege$ spee#h $e"ivere$ %y +en. Enri"e.
Beng<on, #a""e$ as a witness, #ha""enge$ the propriety o- the investigation.
4he +C ru"e$ that the investigation $i$ not have a va"i$ "egis"ative purpose.
.nvestigations must %e in ai$ o- "egis"ation in a##or$an#e with $u"y pu%"ishe$ ru"es o-
pro#e$ure an$ must respe#t the rights o- the persons appearing in or a,e#te$ %y the
in9uiries. +enator Enri"e>s privi"ege spee#h that prompte$ the #ommittee investigation
#ontaine$ no suggestion o- #ontemp"ate$ "egis"ation, on"y a #a"" to "ooG into a possi%"e
vio"ation o- the AntiD&ra-t an$ Corrupt :ra#ti#es A#t. 4he #a"" seems to -a"" un$er the
Juris$i#tion o- the #ourts rather than the "egis"ature, su#h as the #ase 2"e$ with the
+an$igan%ayan. 'or the Committee to pro%e an$ in9uire into the same Justi#ia%"e
#ontroversy a"rea$y %e-ore the +an$igan%ayan wou"$ %e an en#roa#hment into the
e#"usive $omain o- the #ourt.
+enate v. Ee#utive +e#retary ((00A)
.n (00), s#an$a"s invo"ving anoma"ous transa#tions a%out the =orth /ai" :roJe#t as we""
as the &ar#i tapes sur-a#e$, prompting the +enate to #on$u#t pu%"i# hearings to
investigate the sai$ anoma"ies. 4he investigating +enate #ommittee issue$ invitations to
#ertain $epartment hea$s an$ mi"itary oH#ia"s to speaG %e-ore the #ommittee as
resour#e persons. +u%se9uent"y, &;A issue$ EC BAB whi#h tooG e,e#t imme$iate"y. EC
BAB prohi%ite$ Department hea$s, +enior oH#ia"s o- ee#utive $epartments who in the
Ju$gment o- the $epartment hea$s are #overe$ %y the ee#utive privi"ege. EC BAB was
#ha""enge$ -or #ontravening the power o- in9uiry veste$ in Congress.
4he +C he"$ that it $i$. Ee#utive privi"ege is %ase$ on the #onstitutiona" $o#trine o-
separation o- powers an$ is one o- the eemptions to the power o- "egis"ative in9uiry. .t
eempts the ee#utive -rom $is#"osing in-ormation to the pu%"i#, Congress an$ the
#ourts. 4o $etermine the va"i$ity o- a #"aim o- privi"ege, the 9uestion that must %e asGe$
is not on"y i- the re9ueste$ in-ormation -a""s within one o- the tra$itiona" privi"eges, %ut
a"so i- that privi"ege shou"$ %e honore$ in a given pro#e$ura" setting. :resumption
in#"ines heavi"y against ee#utive se#re#y an$ in -avor o- $is#"osure.
(Luestion hour vs. "egis"ative in9uiry)
Cn the va"i$ity o- F 1 o- E.C. BAB (whi#h app"ies spe#i2#a""y to hea$s o- ee#utive
$epartments)5 the re9uire$ prior #onsent is groun$e$ on Art. 6. F (( or what is Gnown as
9uestion hour. ConCom re#or$s show that it was #onsi$ere$ $istin#t -rom in9uiries in ai$
o- "egis"ation. .n 9uestion hour, atten$an#e is meant to %e $is#retionary. .n ai$ o-
"egis"ation, atten$an#e is #ompu"sory. .n the a%sen#e o- a man$atory 9uestion perio$, it
%e#omes a greater imperative to en-or#e Congress> right to ee#utive in-ormation in the
per-orman#e o- its "egis"ative -un#tion. Khen Congress eer#ises its power o- in9uiry,
$epartment hea$s #an on"y eempt themse"ves %y a va"i$ #"aim o- in9uiry. 4he on"y
oH#ia"s eempt are the :resi$ent on whom the ee#utive power is veste$ an$ mem%ers
o- the +upreme Court on whom the Ju$i#ia" power is veste$ as a #o""egia" %o$y as #oD
e9ua" %ran#hes o- government. 'or F 1, the re9uirement -or :resi$entia" #onsent is
"imite$ on"y to appearan#es o- $epartment hea$s in the 9uestion hour %ut not in
in9uiries in ai$ o- "egis"ation un"ess a va"i$ #"aim o- privi"ege is ma$e %y the :resi$ent or
Ee#utive +e#retary.
A"though some ee#utive oH#ia"s ho"$ in-ormation #overe$ %y ?ee#utive privi"ege@,
there #an %e no imp"ie$ #"aim o- ee#utive privi"ege there%y eempting some oH#ia"s
-rom atten$ing in9uiries in ai$ o- "egis"ation. Congress has a right to Gnow the reasons
%ehin$ the #"aim o- ee#utive privi"ege %e-ore an oH#ia" wou"$ %e eempt -rom the
A#t as Boar$ o- Canvassers -or :resi$entia" an$ 6i#eD:resi$entia"
Ca"" spe#ia" e"e#tion -or :resi$ent an$ 6i#eD:resi$ent
/evoGe or eten$ suspension o- privi"ege o- writ o- ha%eas
#orpus an$ $e#"aration o- martia" "aw
Approve presi$entia" amnesties
Con2rm #ertain appointments
C-. Commission on Appointments (Art. 6., +e#. 18)
Con#ur in treaties (+enate)
Bayan v. Yamora ((000)
4he 6'A was #ha""enge$ on the groun$ o- Art. 36... F () on mi"itary %ases in the
4he presen#e o- 8.+. Arme$ 'or#es in the :hi"ippines pursuant to the 6'A is a""owe$
un$er Art. 36... F () -or ( reasons5
1. 4he 6'A was $u"y #on#urre$ in %y the :hi"ippine +enate an$ has %een re#ogni<e$ as a
treaty %y the 8.+. sin#e it was atteste$ an$ $u"y #erti2e$ %y a 8.+. government
representative. 4hat it was not su%mitte$ -or a$vi#e an$ #onsent o- the 8.+. +enate $oes
not $etra#t -rom its status as a %in$ing internationa" agreementRtreaty re#ogni<e$ %y the
8.+. sin#e it is a matter o- interna" 8.+. "aw, where the 8.+. su%mits to its +enate
po"i#ymaGing agreements -or a$vi#e or #onsent, whi"e those that -urther imp"ement
these po"i#ymaGing agreements are mere"y su%mitte$ to Congress within A0 $ays o-
(. !oint /.:.D8.+. mi"itary eer#ises -a"" un$er the provisions o- the ear"ier /.:.D8.+. ;utua"
De-ense 4reaty o- 19)1 that was signe$ an$ $u"y rati2e$ with %oth #ountries> senates
#on#urringN the 6'A is simp"y an imp"ementing agreement to the main ;i"itary De-ense
4reaty, so it was not ne#essary to su%mit it to the 8.+. +enate, %ut on"y to its Congress.
4his is why the 8.+. #erti2e$ it as a %in$ing internationa" agreement (treaty) that
su%stantia""y #omp"ies with Art. 36... F ().
De#"aration o- war an$ $e#"aration o- emergen#y powers
Be Ju$ge o- presi$ent>s physi#a" 2tness
(1A) :ower o- impea#hment
(17) Amen$ment or revision o- the Constitution (supra)
:. T'e *e+is*ative process
/e9uirement as to %i""s
As to tit"e
Em%ra#e on"y one su%Je#t whi#h sha"" %e epresse$ in the
tit"e thereo-.
Li$asan v. Come"e# (19A7)
/.A. B790 (An A#t Creating the ;uni#ipa"ity o- Dianaton in the :rovin#e o- Lanao $e" +ur)
was #ha""enge$ -or -a""ing short o- the #onstitutiona" re9uirement that %i""s sha"" em%ra#e
1 su%Je#t that must %e epresse$ in the tit"e.
4he +C ru"e$ that the A#t was un#onstitutiona". 4he Constitution has ( "imitations -or
%i""s5 1) Congress #an not #ong"omerate un$er 1 statute heteregeneous su%Je#ts, an$, ()
4he tit"e o- the %i"" must %e #ou#he$ in "anguage suH#ient to noti-y "egis"ators an$ the
pu%"i# o- the import o- the sing"e tit"e. Comp"ying with the se#on$ $ire#tive is imperative
sin#e the Constitution $oes not re9uire Congress to rea$ a %i"">s entire tet $uring
$e"i%erations. 'or *.B. 1(B7R/.A. B790, on"y its tit"e was rea$ -rom its intro$u#tion to its
2na" approva" in the *ouse.
4he test o- the suH#ien#y o- a tit"e a %i"" is whether or not it is mis"ea$ing. .- the
"anguage is so un#ertain that an average person rea$ing it is not in-orme$ o- its purpose,
or i- it is mis"ea$ing %y re-erring to one su%Je#t when another is em%ra#e$ in the a#t or
%y omitting any in$i#ation o- its rea" su%Je#tRs#ope, it is mis"ea$ing. .t is not re9uire$ that
the tit"e use "anguage o- su#h pre#ision that it -u""y #ata"ogues a"" its #ontents an$
minute $etai"s, %ut that it serves its #onstitutiona" purpose o- in-orming a"" intereste$
persons o- the nature, s#ope an$ #onse9uen#es o- the propose$ "aw an$ its operation.
:ower o- taation an$ re9uirement as to ta "aws
Lut< v. Araneta (19)))
Commonwea"th A#t )A7 +e#tion provi$e$ -or an in#rease o- the eisting ta on the
manu-a#ture o- sugar on a gra$uate$ %asis, whi"e se#tion 1 "evie$ on owners or persons
in #ontro" o- "an$s $evote$ to #u"tivating sugar #ane an$ #e$e$ to others -or a
#onsi$eration a ta e9uiva"ent to the $i,eren#e %etween the va"ue o- the #onsi$eration
#o""e#te$ an$ the amount representing 1(O o- the assesse$ va"ue o- the "an$. 4he A#t
was #ha""enge$ on #onstitutiona" groun$s.
4he +C uphe"$ the A#t. Commonwea"th A#t )A7 was not pure"y an eer#ise o- taing
power %ut was an eer#ise o- the po"i#e power, sin#e ta was "evie$ with a regu"atory
purpose, to provi$e means -or reha%i"itating an$ sta%i"i<ing the threatene$ sugar
in$ustry. .t is rationa" that the ta %e taGen -rom those who wi"" %ene2t when it is spent.
.t is inherent in the power to ta that a state is -ree to #hoose who to ta.
4an v. De" /osario (199B)
:etitioners #ha""enge$ the #onstitutiona"ity o- /A 7B9A (+imp"i2e$ =et .n#ome 4aation
+#heme) amen$ing #ertain provisions o- the =./C an$ // =o. (D91A promu"gate$ %y
respon$ent pursuant to /A 7B9A.
4he +C uphe"$ the /A. 4he #ontention that /A 7B9A goes against the #onstitutiona"
re9uirement that taation %e uni-orm an$ e9uita%"e ignores that su#h a system o-
in#ome taation where sing"e proprietorship an$ pro-essiona"s %e tae$ $i,erent"y -rom
#orporations an$ partnership ha$ "ong %een the prevai"ing ru"e. 8ni-ormity o- taation
mere"y re9uire$ that a"" su%Je#ts o- o%Je#ts o- taation simi"ar"y situate$ were to %e
treate$ a"iGe %oth in privi"eges an$ "ia%i"ities an$ $i$ not $is#ount #"assi2#ation as "ong
the stan$ar$s are su%stantia" maGing rea" $i,eren#esN
the #ategori<ation is germane to a#hieve "egis"ative purposeN
the "aw app"ies, #eteris pari%us, to %oth present an$ -uture #on$itionsN an$
the #"assi2#ation app"ies e9ua""y to the same #"ass.
!uris$i#tion o- the +upreme Court (in-ra, un$er !u$i#iary)
'irst Lepanto Cerami#s v. CA (199B)
4he Cmni%us .nvestments Co$e gave the +C appe""ate Juris$i#tion over BC. $e#isions.
4he +C issue$ a #ir#u"ar giving the CA that Juris$i#tion, on the groun$ that its appe""ate
Juris$i#tion #ou"$ not %e in#rease$ without its #on#urren#e.
A-ter the 1987 Constitution tooG e,e#t, Congress was now %arre$ -rom in#reasing
+upreme Court>s appe""ate Juris$i#tion without its #on#urren#e. 4his was $one in or$er to
give the Court a measure o- #ontro" over the #ases p"a#e$ un$er its appe""ate Juris$i#tion.
4he in$is#riminate ena#tment o- "egis"ation en"arging the Court>s appe""ate Juris$i#tion
#ou"$ unne#essari"y %ur$en the Court an$ un$ermine its essentia" -un#tion o- epoun$ing
the "aw in pro-oun$ nationa" aspe#t.
#. Le+is*ative veto
Lua"i2#ations, E"e#tion, 4erm an$ Cath
:rivi"eges, inhi%itions, an$ $is9ua"i2#ations
:resi$entia" .mmunity
.n /e5 Bermu$e< (198A)
Bermu$e< 2"e$ a petition -or $e#"aratory re"ie- on whether the provisions o- the 'ree$om
Constitution re-erre$ to the in#um%ent :resi$ent or the previous"yDe"e#te$ presi$ent.
4he +upreme Court $ismisse$ the a#tion, ho"$ing 2rst that it re-erre$ to the in#um%ent
presi$ent, an$ se#on$"y that a suit #annot %e %rought against the in#um%ent :resi$ent.
4he petition -or $e#"aratory re"ie- was essentia""y a suit against :resi$ent A9uino, an$
Bermu$e< ha$ no stan$ing to 2"e it.
+o"iven v. ;aGasiar (1988)
+o"iven was sue$ %y :res. A9uino -or "i%e". +o"iven a""ege$ that %e#ause the :resi$ent is
immune -rom suit, neither #an she 2"e a suit.
4he +C $isagree$. 4he immunity may %e invoGe$ C=LM %y the ho"$er o- the oH#e.
=othing prevents the :resi$ent (an$ on"y the :resi$ent) -rom waiving the privi"ege an$
su%mitting to #ourtEs Juris$i#tion.
C"inton v. !ones (1997)
:res. C"inton was #harge$ with seua" harassment %y :au"a !ones -or a#ts $one whi"e he
was &overnor o- ArGansas. 4he +C he"$ that the sitting presi$ent #an %e invo"ve$ in a
"awsuit $uring his tenure -or a#tions not re"ate$ to his oH#ia" $uties as :resi$ent, an$
%e-ore his term #ommen#e$.
:resi$entia" :rivi"eges
=eri v. +enate Committee on A##ounta%i"ity o- :u%"i# CH#ers an$ .nvestigations ((008)
=eri, a"ong with other oH#ers, was invite$ to testi-y %e-ore the +enate B"ue /i%%on
Committee regar$ing the =B=DY4E proJe#t. *owever, when pro%e$ -urther on what they
$is#usse$ a%out the =B= :roJe#t, =eri re-use$ to answer, invoGing ?ee#utive privi"ege@.
.n parti#u"ar, he re-use$ to answer the 9uestions on (a) whether or not :resi$ent Arroyo
-o""owe$ up the =B= :roJe#t, (%) whether or not she $ire#te$ him to prioriti<e it, an$ (#)
whether or not she $ire#te$ him to approve. *e "ater re-use$ to atten$ the other
hearings an$ Ermita sent a "etter to the +B/C averring that the #ommuni#ations %etween
&;A an$ =eri is privi"ege$ an$ that the Jurispru$en#e "ai$ $own in +enate v. Ermita %e
app"ie$. 4he +B/C #ite$ =eri -or #ontempt.
4he +C uphe"$ the invo#ation o- privi"ege. 4he oversight -un#tion o- Congress may %e
-a#i"itate$ %y #ompu"sory pro#ess on"y to the etent that it is per-orme$ in pursuit o-
4he #ommuni#ations e"i#ite$ %y the three (1) 9uestions are #overe$ %y the presi$entia"
#ommuni#ations privi"ege.
1st, the #ommuni#ations re"ate to a ?9uintessentia" an$ nonD$e"ega%"e power@ o- the
:resi$ent, i.e. the power to enter into an ee#utive agreement with other #ountries. 4his
authority o- the :resi$ent to enter into ee#utive agreements without the #on#urren#e o-
the Legis"ature has tra$itiona""y %een re#ogni<e$ in :hi"ippine Jurispru$en#e.
(n$, the #ommuni#ations are ?re#eive$@ %y a #"ose a$visor o- the :resi$ent. 8n$er the
?operationa" proimity@ test, petitioner #an %e #onsi$ere$ a #"ose a$visor, %eing a
mem%er o- :resi$ent Arroyo>s Ca%inet. An$,
1r$, there is no a$e9uate showing o- a #ompe""ing nee$ that wou"$ Justi-y the "imitation
o- the privi"ege an$ o- the unavai"a%i"ity o- the in-ormation e"sewhere %y an appropriate
investigating authority.
Asi$e -rom these, other ee#utive privi"eges in#"u$e5
1. De"i%erative pro#ess privi"ege
(. ;i"itary or +tate +e#rets
1. .$entity o- government in-ormers in some #ir#umstan#es
B. .n-ormation re"ate$ to pen$ing investigations
). 'oreign re"ations
AXBAMA= v. A9uino ((008)
AXBAMA= an$ the other petitioners 2"e$ a petition asGing -or the government to re"ease
the re#or$s o- the negotiations "ea$ing up to the !:E:A.
4he +C $enie$ the petition. Khi"e there was in$ee$ a right to in-ormation on matters o-
pu%"i# #on#ern, this was on"y on a #ase %y #ase %asis. 4he va"i$ity o- ee#utive privi"ege
$epen$s on groun$ invoGe$ to Justi-y it an$ #ontet in whi#h it is ma$e. 4he privi"ege$
status o- a privi"ege$ $o#ument rests not on the nee$ to prote#t nationa" se#urity %ut on
the o%vious rea"i<ation that oH#ia"s wi"" not #ommuni#ate #an$i$"y among themse"ves i-
peop"e wi"" 2n$ out what they ta"G a%out anyway. *ere, the negotiations o- the !:E:A -a""s
un$er the $ip"omati# negotiations privi"ege.
:rohi%ition -rom ho"$ing other appointments
E#eptions to prohi%ition -rom ho"$ing another oH#e
CL8 v. Ee#utive +e#retary, supra. (1991)
De"a Cru< v. CCA ((001)
4he payment o- sa"aries to eDoH#io mem%ers o- the =*A Boar$ who were in the
Ca%inet, or their a"ternates, was $enie$ %y the CCA. 4he propriety o- that CCA $e#ision
was #ha""enge$.
4he +C uphe"$ the $e#ision. *owever, whi"e it was #orre#t to ru"e that the payment o-
#ompensation was not a""owe$, the prohi%ition against mu"tip"e oH#es was not
interprete$ to app"y to posts o- ee#utive oH#ia"s in an eDoH#io #apa#ity as provi$e$ %y
"aw as re9uire$ %y the primary -un#tion o- their oH#e an$ without a$$itiona"
#ompensation. 4he term eDoH#io re-erre$ to authority $erive$ -rom oH#ia" #hara#ter,
not mere"y #on-erre$ upon the in$ivi$ua" #hara#ter %ut rather annee$ to the oH#ia"
position. *owever, sin#e the position is an a#tua" an$ "ega" part o- the prin#ipa" oH#e, it
-o""owe$ that the oH#ia" #on#erne$ ha$ no right to re#eive a$$itiona" #ompensation -or
servi#es in the same position sin#e the servi#es were a"rea$y pai$ -or %y the
#ompensation atta#he$ to the prin#ipa" oH#e.
:owers an$ 'un#tions o- the :resi$ent
Ee#utive :ower
:ower to ee#ute "aws
Cp"e v. 4orres (1998)
AC 108 was issue$, a$opting a nationa" #omputeri<e$ i$enti2#ation system. Cp"e
#ha""enge$ the AC>s #onstitutiona"ity.
4he +C stru#G $own the AC. Ee#utive power to en-or#e an$ a$minister the "aws into
pra#ti#a" separation is veste$ in the :resi$ent. As Chie- Ee#utive, the :resi$ent is a"so
grante$ a$ministrative power over %ureaus an$ oH#es un$er his #ontro" to ena%"e him to
$is#harge his $uties e,e#tive"y. A$ministrative power is #on#erne$ with the worG
app"ying po"i#ies an$ en-or#ing or$ers as $etermine$ %y proper #onstitutiona" organs.
*owever, the a$ministrative or$er shou"$ %e issue$ in re"ation to spe#i2# aspe#ts in the
a$ministrative operation o- the government. .t shou"$ not impair #iti<en>s rights an$
privi"eges or impose a $uty on them, an$ must not su%stitute -or genera" po"i#yDmaGing
that Congress ena#t as "aws.
Po,er o- "ppoint(ent
.n genera"
+armiento v. ;ison (1987)
;ison was appointe$ as the Commissioner o- the Bureau o- Customs an$ Carague as the
+e#retary o- the Department o- Bu$get, without the #on2rmation o- the Commission on
Appointments. +armiento assai"e$ the appointments as un#onstitutiona" %y reason o- its
not having %een #on2rme$ %y CoA.
4he +C uphe"$ the appointment. :ositions to %e 2""e$ %y the :resi$ent %y appointment
are $ivi$e$ into B groups5
1) hea$s o- ee#utive $epartment, am%assa$ors, other pu%"i# ministers an$ #onsu"s,
oH#ers o- the arme$ -or#es -rom the ranG o- #o"one" or nava" #aptain an$ other
oH#ers whose appointments are veste$ in him in the Constitution,
() a"" other oH#ers o- the government whose appointments are not otherwise
provi$e$ %y "aw,
1) those whom the :resi$ent may %e authori<e$ %y "aw to appoint, I
B) oH#ers "ower in ranG whose appointments the Congress may %y "aw vest in the
:resi$ent a"one. Cn"y the 2rst group is appointe$ with the #onsent o- the
Commission on Appointments. 4he Customs #ommissioner was not one o- those
within the 2rst group.
;ana"o v. +isto<a (1999)
+isto<a 9uestione$ the #onstitutiona"ity an$ "ega"ity o- the appointments %y -ormer :res.
Cora<on A9uino o- senior oH#ers o- the :=:, who were promote$ to the ranG o- Chie-
+uperinten$ent an$ Dire#tor without their appointments su%mitte$ to the Commission on
Appointments -or #on2rmation.
4he +C uphe"$ the appointments. Congress #annot %y "aw epan$ the power o-
#on2rmation o- the CA an$ re9uire #on2rmation o- appointments to other positions not
within the Constitution. 4he :=: is separate -rom the A':. .t is $i,erent -rom an$
in$epen$ent o- the A':. .ts mi"itary ranGs are not simi"ar to the A':, thus $ire#tors an$
#hie- superinten$ents o- the :=: $o not -a"" un$er the 2rst #ategory o- presi$entia"
appointees re9uiring CA #on2rmation
%. Commission on Appointments #on2rmation
#. ;i$night Appointments
$. :ower o- remova"
Po,er o- Contro* and Supervision
a. Do#trine o- Lua"i2e$ :o"iti#a" Agen#y
%. Contro" over Ee#utive $epartments an$ oH#es
La#sonD;aga""anes Co. v. :aVo (19A7)
;aga""anes was permitte$ to use an$ o##upy a "an$ use$ -or pasture in DavaoN he "ater
#e$e$ his rights to L;C o- whi#h he is a #oDowner. :aVo asserte$ his #"aim over the same
pie#e o- "an$. 4he Dire#tor o- Lan$s $enie$ :aVo>s re9uest. 4he +e#retary o- Agri#u"ture
"iGewise $enie$ his petition hen#e it was e"evate$ to the CH#e o- the :resi$ent.
Ee#utive +e#retary :aJo ru"e$ in -avor o- :aVo. L;C #ha""enge$ the $e#ision o- the
Ee#utive +e#retary as an un$ue $e"egation o- power.
4he +C $i$ not agree. 4he :resi$entEs $uty to ee#ute the "aw is o- #onstitutiona" origin.
+o, too, is his #ontro" o- a"" ee#utive $epartments. 4hus it is, that $epartment hea$s are
men o- his #on2$en#e. .mp"i#it is his authority to go over, #on2rm, mo$i-y or reverse the
a#tion taGen %y his $epartment se#retaries. .n this #ontet, it may not %e sai$ that the
:resi$ent #annot ru"e on the #orre#tness o- a $e#ision o- a $epartment se#retary.
:arentheti#a""y, it may %e state$ that the right to appea" to the :resi$ent reposes upon
the :resi$entEs power o- #ontro" over the ee#utive $epartments. An$ #ontro" simp"y
means ?the power o- an oH#er to a"ter or mo$i-y or nu""i-y or set asi$e what a
su%or$inate oH#er ha$ $one in the per-orman#e o- his $uties an$ to su%stitute the
Ju$gment o- the -ormer -or that o- the "atter.@
4he Chie- Ee#utive may $e"egate to his Ee#utive +e#retary a#ts whi#h the Constitution
$oes not #omman$ that he per-orm in person. 4he :resi$ent is not epe#te$ to per-orm
in person a"" the mu"ti-arious ee#utive an$ a$ministrative -un#tions. 4he oH#e o- the
Ee#utive +e#retary is an aui"iary unit whi#h assists the :resi$ent.
BuG"o$ ng ;anggagawang E..B v. Ee#utive +e#retary ((000)
:resi$ent Cora<on A9uino #reate$ the E#onomi# .nte""igen#e an$ .nvestigation Bureau
(E..B) to primari"y #on$u#t antiDsmugg"ing operations in areas outsi$e the Juris$i#tion o-
the Bureau o- Customs. .n the year (000, :resi$ent Estra$a issue$ an or$er $ea#tivating
the E..B. *e su%se9uent"y or$ere$ the emp"oyees o- E..B to %e separate$ -rom the
servi#e. 4herea-ter, he #reate$ the :resi$entia" AntiD+mugg"ing 4asG 'or#e ?A$uana@,
whi#h E..B emp"oyees #"aim to %e essentia""y the same as E..B. 4he emp"oyees o- E..B,
through the BuG"o$ ng Xawaning E..B, invoGe$ the +upreme Court>s power o- Ju$i#ia"
review in 9uestioning the sai$ or$ers. E..B emp"oyees maintaine$ that the :resi$ent has
no power to a%o"ish a pu%"i# oH#e, as that is a power so"e"y "o$ge$ in the "egis"atureN an$
that the a%o"ition vio"ates their #onstitutiona" right to se#urity o- tenure.
4he +C uphe"$ the reorgani<ation. As a genera" ru"e, the power to a%o"ish an oH#e is
"o$ge$ with the "egis"ative. *owever, the :resi$ent>s power o- #ontro" may Justi-y his
$ea#tivating the -un#tions o- a parti#u"ar oH#e or #ertain "aws may grant him the %roa$
#ontinuing authority to #arry out reorgani<ation measures -or reasons o- e#onomy an$
#. +upervision o- Lo#a" &overnments an$ Autonomous
:imente" v. Aguirre ((000)
:resi$ent /amos issue$ AC 17( W 4he A$option o- E#onomy ;easures in &overnment -or
'M 1998, whi#h re9uire$ L&8s to re$u#e their epen$itures %y ()O -or their authori<e$
regu"ar appropriations o- nonDpersona" servi#es. +u%se9uent"y, :resi$ent Estra$a issue$
AC B1, amen$ing +e#tion B o- AC 17( re$u#ing to )O the amount o- the interna"
revenues a""otment (./A) to %e withhe"$ -rom the L&8s. 4he #onstitutiona"ity o- the
$ire#tive to withho"$ 10O o- this ./A is #ha""enge$ -or %eing in #ontravention o- +e#tion
(8A o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e an$ o- +e#tion A, Arti#"e 3 o- the Constitution,
provi$ing the automati# re"ease o- its share in the nationa" in#ome revenue.
4he +C uphe"$ +e#tion 1, whi#h $ire#te$ the L&8s to re$u#e epen$itures, as %eing part
o- the :resi$ent>s supervision over "o#a" government. +upervision is meant to oversee,
whi"e #ontro" meant to power to a"ter what a su%or$inate has $one an$ su%stitute one>s
Ju$gment. 4he Chie- Ee#utive wie"$s no more authority than that o- #he#Ging whether
"o#a" government were per-orming their $uties as provi$e$ %y Constitution an$ statutes.
But L&8s #ontinue to %e agents o- the nationa" government.
*owever, +e#tion B, whi#h withhe"$ )O o- the ./A -rom L&8s was stru#G $own -or %eing
un#onstitutiona". .t is a %asi# -eature o- "o#a" government autonomy that their share o-
the ./A shou"$ %e automati#a""y re"ease$.
%i*itary Po,ers
.B: v. Yamora ((000)
.nvoGing his powers as Comman$erDinDChie- un$er Art. 6.., +e#. 18 o- the Constitution,
:resi$ent Estra$a, in ver%a" $ire#tive, $ire#te$ the A': Chie- o- +ta, an$ :=: Chie- to
#oor$inate with ea#h other -or the proper $ep"oyment an$ #ampaign -or a temporary
perio$ on"y. 4he .B: 9uestione$ the va"i$ity o- the $ep"oyment an$ uti"i<ation o- the
;arines to assist the :=: in "aw en-or#ement.
4he +C uphe"$ $ep"oyment o- the ;arines. Ca""ing out arme$ -or#es is $is#retionary
power so"e"y veste$ in the :resi$ent>s wis$om %ut the matter may %e reviewe$ %y the
Court to see whether or not there was grave a%use o- $is#retion
*ere, the $ep"oyment o- the ;arines in this #ase #onstitutes permissi%"e use o- mi"itary
assets -or #ivi"ian "aw en-or#ement. 4he parti#ipation o- the ;arines in the #on$u#t o-
Joint visi%i"ity patro"s is appropriate"y #ir#ums#ri%e$. .t is their responsi%i"ity to $ire#t an$
manage the $ep"oyment o- the ;arines. .t is, "iGewise, their $uty to provi$e the
ne#essary e9uipment to the ;arines an$ ren$er "ogisti#a" support to these so"$iers. .n
view o- the -oregoing, it #annot %e proper"y argue$ that mi"itary authority is supreme
over #ivi"ian authority. ;oreover, the $ep"oyment o- the ;arines to assist the :=: $oes
not unmaGe the #ivi"ian #hara#ter o- the po"i#e -or#e. =either $oes it amount to an
?insi$ious in#ursion@ o- the mi"itary in the tasG o- "aw en-or#ement in vio"ation o- Arti#"e
36., +e#. )(B) o- the Constitution.
Lansang v. &ar#ia (1971)
4wo han$ grena$es were thrown at a Li%era" :arty #au#us in 1971, Gi""ing 8. :res. ;ar#os
issue$ :: 889 whi#h suspen$e$ the privi"ege o- the writ o- ha%eas #orpus. ;ar#os urge$
that there is a nee$ to #urtai" the growth o- ;aoist groups. +u%se9uent"y, Lansang et a".
were invite$ %y the :C hea$e$ %y &ar#ia -or interrogation an$ investigation. Lansang et
a". 9uestione$ the va"i$ity o- the suspension o- the privi"ege o- the writ averring that the
suspension $oes not meet the #onstitutiona" re9uisites
4he +C -oun$ that there was va"i$ %asis -or the suspension o- the privi"ege o- the writ o-
ha%eas #orpus. 4he re9uirements -or su#h a suspension are5
1. .nvasion, insurre#tion or re%e""ion or imminent $anger thereo-
(. :u%"i# sa-ety re9uires the suspension.
*ere, the eisten#e o- the =ew :eop"eEs Army is proo- o- re%e""ion regar$"ess o-
how sma"" it is. 4he a%sen#e o- any other in#i$ent a-ter the %om%ing is not proo- o- "a#G
o- re%e""ion.
+an"aGas v. Ee#utive +e#retary ((00B)
Cn !u"y (7, (001, the CaGwoo$ mutiny tooG p"a#e. :res. Arroyo issue$ :ro#"amation =o.
B7 $e#"aring a Tstate o- re%e""ionT I &enera" Cr$er =o. B $ire#ting A': I :=: to suppress
the re%e""ion. By that evening, so"$iers agree$ to return to %arra#Gs. &;A, however, $i$
not imme$iate"y "i-t the $e#"aration o- a state o- re%e""ion, on"y $oing so on August 1,
(001 thru :ro#"amation =o. B1).
4he +C uphe"$ the $e#"aration o- a state o- re%e""ion. A#tua" invasionRre%e""ion an$
re9uirement o- pu%"i# sa-ety are not re9uire$ -or #a""ing out the arme$ -or#es. =othing
prohi%its :resi$ent -rom $e#"aring a state o- re%e""ionN it springs -rom powers as Chie-
Ee#utive an$ Comman$erDinDChie-. 'ina""y, #a""ing out o- the arme$ -or#es is not the
same as a $e#"aration o- martia" "aw.
&u$ani v. +enga ((00A)
4he +enate invite$ &en. &u$ani an$ Lt. Co". Ba"utan to #"ari-y a""egations o- (00B
e"e#tion -rau$ an$ the sur-a#ing o- the ?*e""o &ar#i@ tapes. :&;A issue$ EC BAB
enJoining oH#ia"s o- the ee#utive $epartment in#"u$ing the mi"itary esta%"ishment -rom
appearing in any "egis"ative in9uiry without her #onsent. A': Chie- o- +ta, &en. +enga
issue$ a ;emoran$um, prohi%iting &en. &u$ani, Co". Ba"utan et a". -rom appearing
%e-ore the +enate Committee without :resi$entia" approva". *owever, the two appeare$
%e-ore the +enate in spite the -a#t that a $ire#tive has %een given to them. As a resu"t,
the two were re"ieve$ o- their assignments -or a""ege$"y vio"ating the Arti#"es o- Kar an$
the time honoure$ prin#ip"e o- the ?Chain o- Comman$.@ &en. +enga or$ere$ them to %e
su%Je#te$ to Court ;artia" pro#ee$ings -or wi""-u""y vio"ating an or$er o- a superior oH#er.
4he +C uphe"$ EC BAB. 4he :resi$ent as Comman$erDinDChie- has a%so"ute authority over
persons an$ a#tions o- the mem%ers o- the arme$ -or#es. +igni2#ant #on#essions to
persona" -ree$oms are epe#te$ in the mi"itary. :reventing mi"itary oH#ers -rom
testi-ying %e-ore Congress springs -rom Comman$erDinD Chie- powers, not ee#utive
Davi$ v. Arroyo ((00A)
As a resu"t o- the events o- ED+A .., :resi$ent Arroyo issue$ :: 1017, $e#"aring a state o-
nationa" emergen#y, invoGing Arti#"e 6.., +e#. 18 o- the 1987 Constitution. Cn the same
$ay, she a"so issue$ &enera" Cr$er =o. ) $ire#ting the A': an$ :=: to imme$iate"y #arry
out appropriate a#tions to suppress an$ prevent the "aw"ess vio"en#e %y invoGing Arti#"e
.., +e#. B o- the same, #iting e"ements o- the etreme "e-t an$ right %eing in a""ian#e to
%ring $own the :resi$ent. A weeG "ater, the :resi$ent "i-te$ ::1017 via ::10(1.
/an$y Davi$ an$ the petitioners assai" that various rights state$ in Arti#"e ... o- the 1987
Constitution have %een vio"ate$, thus the #ase at han$.
.n re"ation to the va"i$ity o- the $e#"aration o- a state o- nationa" emergen#y, the +C ru"e$
that as there is no "aw $e2ning ?a#ts o- terrorism,@ it is :resi$ent Arroyo a"one, un$er
&enera" Cr$er =o. ) who has the $is#retion to $etermine what a#ts #onstitute terrorism,
without restri#tions. 4hus, the $ue pro#ess #"ause has %een vio"ate$ an$ that portion o-
&enera" Cr$er =o. ) is un#onstitutiona".
Pardonin+ Po,er
a. =ature an$ "imitations
%. 'orms o- Ee#utive C"emen#y
#ip*o(atic Po,ers
a. Contra#ting an$ guaranteeing -oreign "oans
%. Deportation o- un$esira%"e a"iens
!esidua* Po,ers
;ar#os v. ;ang"apus (1989)
.me"$a ;ar#os wante$ to return home -rom *awaii. *er return was prevente$ %y :res.
A9uino. +he invoGe$ her rights to trave" an$ a%o$e.
4he +C uphe"$ the $e#ision to prevent her -rom returning to the :hi"ippines as an
eer#ise o- the :resi$ent>s resi$ua" powers. Khatever power inherent in the government
that is neither "egis"ative nor Ju$i#ia" has to %e ee#utive. 4he :resi$entEs resi$ua" power
is -or prote#ting peop"eEs genera" we"-are, preserving an$ $e-en$ing the Constitution,
prote#ting the pea#e, atten$ing to $ayDtoD$ay pro%"ems. Even the /eso"ution propose$ in
the *ouse urging the :resi$ent to a""ow ;ar#os to return shows re#ognition o- this power.
/esi$ua" powers are imp"i#it in an$ #orre"ative to the paramount $uty to sa-eguar$ an$
prote#t genera" we"-are.
Po,ers re*atin+ to appropriation %easures
#e*e+ated po,ers
$eto po,er
C. /u"es on +u##ession
a. Constru#tive /esignation
%. 4he 6i#e :resi$ent
#. /ight o- +u##ession an$ ;em%ership in Ca%inet
Estra$a v. Desierto ((001)
A-ter the events o- ED+A .., where%y :resi$ent Estra$a "e-t ;a"a#aVang an$ &"oria Arroyo
was sworn in as :resi$ent, Estra$a 2"e$ a petition -or prohi%ition to enJoin the
Cm%u$sman -rom pro#ee$ing with any #ases against him an$ to $e#"are him to sti"" %e
the in#um%ent presi$ent.
4he +C $enie$ the petition, ho"$ing that Estra$a ha$ #onstru#tive"y resigne$, %e#ause
%oth e"ements o- resignation were present, name"y5
1. .ntent
(. A#ts o- re"in9uishment (#a""ing -or snap e"e#tion in whi#h Estra$a wou"$ not %e a
#an$i$ate, "istening to :imente"Es a$vi#e -or resignation, negotiation -or pea#e-u" an$
or$er"y trans-er o- power, $e#"aring his intent to "eave without anything a%out
reassuming the presi$en#y, et#.)
As -or prose#ution o- #ases against him, resignation or retirement is not a %ar to
prose#ution. =either was there a pen$ing impea#hment #ase when he resigne$N i- this
were a %ar to a #rimina" prose#ution, then he wou"$ %e perpetua""y immune. 'ina""y,
Congress has a"rea$y re#ogni<e$ Arroyo as the new :resi$ent, an$ so the $e#ision #an no
"onger %e reviewe$ %y the Court.
$. <U#ICI"L #EP"!T%ENT
<udicia* Po,er.
Mnot v. .AC (1987)
EC A(ADA %anne$ the Gi""ing an$ intraDprovin#e transport o- #ara%ao an$ #ara%ee-. Mnot
was #aught in vio"ation o- EC A(ADA as he was transporting A #ara%aos. *e went to tria"
#ourt seeGing to $e#"are EC A(ADA un#onstitutiona". 4he 4ria" Court ru"e$ that they #annot
answer 9uestions o- #onstitutiona"ity.
*owever, the +C ru"e$ that it #ou"$. A"" #ourts in the hierar#hy #an eer#ise %oth Ju$i#ia"
power an$ Ju$i#ia" review, su%Je#t to "ater review %y the +C (+e#. ) (() (a))
<udicia* !evie,
a. De2nition, nature, prin#ip"es
;ar%ury v. ;a$ison (1801)
As outgoing :resi$ent, !ohn A$ams, appointe$ Ju$ges, in#"u$ing ;ar%ury, to positions as
Justi#es o- the pea#e, in ;ar%ury>s #ase in the Distri#t o- Co"um%ia,, with the #on#urren#e
o- the +enate. *owever, the #ommissions were never serve$ upon the oH#es, so
;ar%ury was never a%"e to #arry out his $uties. *e appea"e$ to the +C -or a writ o-
man$amus to #ompe" +tate +e#retary !ames ;a$ison to appoint him as a Ju$ge.
1. ;ar%ury has a right to the #ommission. :resi$entia" #ommission has three stages DDD
nomination, appointment, an$ #ommission. Khen the :resi$ent signs the #ommission,
it #reates a veste$ right.
(. ;ar%ury has a re"ie- -or his right. Be#ause withho"$ing the #ommission wou"$ %e
vio"ative o- the veste$ right, there must %e a reme$y.
1. 4he most appropriate re"ie- in this #ase is a writ o- man$amus. A##or$ing to the
Constitution, the +C #an on"y have appe""ate Juris$i#tion over writs o- man$amus.
*owever, the "aw that A$ams signe$ gave the +upreme Court origina" Juris$i#tion.
4here-ore, there was a $ispute over whi#h one shou"$ %e -o""owe$. 4he Constitution is
the paramount "aw, an$ it is the Ju$i#iary that $e#i$es 9uestions o- #onstitutiona"ity. .t
is emphati#a""y the provin#e an$ duty o- t'e 9udicia* $epartment to say what is "aw.
8sing this reasoning, the #ourt he"$ that it was the Constitution that must prevai", an$
so they #ou"$ not awar$ the writ o- man$amus.
7. !e.uisites o- 9udicia* revie,
a. "ctua* case or controversy
Davi$ v. ;a#apaga"DArroyo, supra.
o "n actua* case or controversy invo"ves a #onUi#t o- "ega" right, an$ opposite
"ega" #"aims sus#epti%"e o- Ju$i#ia" reso"ution. .t is T$e2nite an$ #on#rete,
tou#hing the "ega" re"ations o- parties having a$verse "ega" interestTN a rea" an$
su%stantia" #ontroversy a$mitting o- spe#i2# re"ie-.
o " (oot and acade(ic case is one that #eases to present a Justi#ia%"e
#ontroversy %y virtue o- supervening events, so that a $e#"aration thereon
wou"$ %e o- no pra#ti#a" use or va"ue. &enera""y, #ourts $e#"ine Juris$i#tion over
su#h #ase or $ismiss it on groun$ o- mootness.
o !ipeness entai"s that something ha$ %y then %een a##omp"ishe$ or per-orme$
%y either %ran#h %e-ore a #ourt may #ome into the pi#ture. 4he 9uestione$ a#ts
shou"$ have a"rea$y %een #arrie$ out
o E)ception to t'e (ootness ru*e5 Court wi"" $e#i$e #ases, otherwise moot an$
a#a$emi#, i-5
rst! there is a grave vio"ation o- the ConstitutionN
second, the e#eptiona" #hara#ter o- the situation an$ the paramount
pu%"i# interest is invo"ve$N
t"ird! when #onstitutiona" issue raise$ re9uires -ormu"ation o-
#ontro""ing prin#ip"es to gui$e the %en#h, the %ar, an$ the pu%"i#N
fourt"! the #ase is #apa%"e o- repetition yet eva$ing review.
Cperative -a#t $o#trine
;oot Luestions
&on<a"es v. =arvasa ((000)
/amon &on<a"es, in his #apa#ity as a #iti<en an$ tapayer, assai"s the #onstitutiona"ity o-
the #reation o- the :reparatory Commission on Constitutiona" /e-orm (:CC/) an$ o- the
positions o- presi$entia" #onsu"tants, a$visers an$ assistants. 4he :CC/ was #reate$ %y
:res. Estra$a %y virtue o- EC B1 in or$er to stu$y an$ re#ommen$ propose$ amen$ments
an$Ror revisions to the Constitution, an$ the manner o- imp"ementing them.
4he +C he"$ that the petition was moot an$ a#a$emi#. As the 9uestione$ #ommission
ha$ %een $isso"ve$, it was impossi%"e to grant the re"ie- praye$ -or %y the petitioner. 4he
Court #ou"$ no "onger enJoin a %o$y that no "onger eiste$ -rom a#ting. Any ru"ing
regar$ing the matter wou"$ simp"y %e in the nature o- an a$visory opinion an$ $e2nite"y
%eyon$ the permissi%"e s#ope o- Ju$i#ia" power.
:o"iti#a" Luestion Do#trine
Ave"ino v. Cuen#o, supra! under #nternal $overnment of %on&ress: 'uorum
4he #ourt $i$ not have Juris$i#tion over the petition. Due to the separation o- powers, the
po"iti#a" nature o- the #ontroversy an$ the Constitution giving the +enate the power to
e"e#t its own :resi$ent, the Ju$i#iary #annot inter-ere with or taGe over the matter. 4he
reme$y "ies with the +enate an$ not with the Court.
;iran$a v. Aguirre (1999)
/A 77(0 e,e#te$ the #onversion o- the muni#ipa"ity o- +antiago, .sa%e"a, into an
in$epen$ent #omponent #ity. /A 77(0 was approve$ %y the peop"e o- +antiago in a
p"e%is#ite. .n 1998, /A 8)(8 amen$e$ /A =o. 77(0 to the e,e#t that the City o- +antiago
was $owngra$e$ -rom an in$epen$ent #omponent #ity to a #omponent #ity. ;iran$a, et
a"., assai" the #onstitutiona"ity o- /A =o. 8)(8 -or the "a#G o- provision to su%mit the "aw
-or the approva" o- the peop"e o- +antiago in a proper p"e%is#ite.
Cn the thresho"$ issue o- whether or not the #ase invo"ve$ a po"iti#a" 9uestion, the Court
uphe"$ its Juris$i#tion. Luestions o- whether "aws passe$ %y Congress #omp"ie$ with the
re9uirements o- the #onstitution pose$ a 9uestion on"y the Court #ou"$ $e#i$e.
A po"iti#a" 9uestion #onnotes a 9uestion o- po"i#y an$ re-erre$ to those 9uestions whi#h
un$er the #onstitution were
1) to %e $e#i$e$ %y the peop"e in their sovereign #apa#ity or
() in regar$ to whi#h -u"" $is#retionary authority ha$ %een $e"egate$ to the
"egis"ativeRee#utive %ran#h o- government.
:o"iti#a" 9uestions are #on#erne$ with issues on the wis$om an$ not "ega"ity o- a
parti#u"ar measure. A$$itiona""y, a po"iti#a" 9uestion has no stan$ar$s %y whi#h its
"ega"ity or #onstitutiona"ity #ou"$ %e $etermine$. A pure"y Justi#ia%"e issue imp"ie$ a
given right, "ega""y $eman$a%"e an$ en-or#ea%"e, an a#t or omission vio"ative o- su#h
right an$ a reme$y grante$ an$ san#tione$ %y "aw -or sai$ %rea#h o- right.
Sa-e+uards o- <udicia* Independence
a. 'is#a" autonomy W Art. 6..., +e#. 1
i. appropriations sha"" not %e re$u#e$ %e"ow the amount appropriate$ -or
the previous year
ii. Appropriations wi"" %e automati#a""y an$ regu"ar"y re"ease$.
%. /eport on the Ju$i#iary W Art. 6..., +e#. 1A
#. Automati# re"ease o- appropriation -or the Ju$i#iary W Art. 6..., +e#. 1
<udicia* !estraint
"ppoint(ents to t'e <udiciary
Supre(e Court
En 4anc and division cases
Procedura* !u*e3(a=in+
"d(inistrative Supervision over Lo,er Courts
;a#e$a v. 6as9ue< (1991)
Boni-a#io ;a#e$a -a"si2e$ his #erti2#ate o- servi#e saying he ha$ su%mitte$ the
$e#isions -or a"" his #ivi" an$ #rimina" #ases, when he ha$ not su%mitte$ anything. *is
#"erG reporte$ him to the Cm%u$sman.
4he Court ru"e$ that the Cm%u$sman ha$ no Juris$i#tion over the matter. !u$ges are
"ia%"e un$er the +upreme Court, not the Cm%u$sman. Cn"y the +C #an oversee Ju$ges>
#omp"ian#e with the "aw an$ taGe proper a$ministrative a#tion.
.n re Demetria ((001)
!u$ge Demetria ha$ %een trying to inter#e$e on %eha"- o- $rug 9ueen Mu MuG Lai. 4he
+upreme Court ru"e$ that the evi$en#e against Demetria prove$ her gui"ty. *owever, it is
up to the +C to imp"ement the proper a$ministrative a#tions.
Ori+ina* and "ppe**ate <urisdiction
Constitutiona* Sa-e+uards to Ensure Independence o- Co((issions
;a#a"inta" v. CC;ELEC ((001)
4he #onstitutiona"ity o- /A 9189 (4he Cverseas A%sentee 6oting A#t o- (001) was
#ha""enge$. 4he #ontroversia" provisions were5
o +e# )5 a""owe$ immigrants to register %y ee#uting aH$avit epressing intent
to return
Constitutiona". Does not vio"ate Art. 6, +e#. 1 (/esi$en#y /u"e). /ather,
it en-ran#hises 'i"ipinos a%roa$ $omi#i"e$ in the :hi"ippines.
o +e# 18.)5 empowere$ CC;ELEC to pro#"aim winning #an$i$ates
8n#onstitutiona". 6io"ates Art. 6.., +e#. BN winning #an$i$ates -or
:resi$ent an$ 6: are to %e pro#"aime$ %y Congress.
o +e# ()5 a""owe$ Congress, through oversight #ommittee, to review, revise,
amen$ an$ approve .// o- CC;ELEC.
8n#onstitutiona". 6io"ates Art. .3DA, +e#. 1, on CC;ELEC in$epen$en#e.
Congress may not intru$e into the Juris$i#tion o- the CC;ELEC %y
eer#ising supervisory powers.
Bri""antes v. Mora# (1990)
Mora#, as Asso#iate CC;ELEC Chairman, was appointe$ %y the :resi$ent as Chairman o-
the CC;ELEC. Bri""antes #ha""enge$ Mora#>s appointment -or %eing #ontrary to Arti#"e .3D
C, +e#. 1(() o- 1987 Constitution, where T(.)n no #ase sha"" any ;em%er (o- the
Commission on E"e#tions) %e appointe$ or $esignate$ in a temporary or a#ting #apa#ity.T
4he +C agree$. 4he appointment was un#onstitutiona". Arti#"e .3DA, +e#. 1 provi$es -or
the in$epen$en#e o- ConCom -rom the ee#utive $epartment.
Po,ers and 5unctions o- Eac' Co((ission
Pro'i4ited O>ces and Interests
'"ores v. Dri"on, supra.
i. +tan$ar$i<ation o- pay an$ %an on $ou%"e #ompensation
ii. Ban on partisan po"iti#a" a#tivities
iii. /emova" or suspension on"y -or a #ause
iv. /ight to se"-Dorgani<ation
v. /ight to striGe5 &overnment emp"oyees, in#"u$ing mem%ers o- the C+C,
$o not have the right to striGe.
<urisdiction o- eac' Constitutiona* Co((ission
4an v. CC;ELEC ((001)
4an was $esignate$ %y CC;ELEC as 6i#eDChairman o- the City Boar$ o- Canvassers in
Davao -or the ;ay 199( syn#hroni<e$ nationa" an$ "o#a" e"e#tions #on-orma%"y with
provisions o- +e#tion (0 (a) o- /epu%"i# A#t AABA an$ +e#tion ((1 (%) o- the Cmni%us
E"e#tion Co$e. ;anue" &ar#ia was pro#"aime$ Congressman o- (
Dist. Davao.
A"tera$o 2"e$ a num%er o- #ases 9uestioning the va"i$ity o- the pro#"amation, in#"u$ing
an a$ministrative #harge against the Boar$ o- Canvassers an$ 4an -or ?;is#on$u#t,
=eg"e#t o- Duty, &ross .n#ompeten#e, an$ A#ts .nimi#a" to the +ervi#e@, %e-ore the
Cn petition -or review, the +C uphe"$ the CC;ELEC>s Juris$i#tion over the a$ministrative
#ase. CC;ELEC>s authority un$er Arti#"e .3, +e#. ((AD8) o- 1987 Constitution is a""D
en#ompassing when it #omes to e"e#tion matters. 4he a$ministrative #ase is re"ate$ to
the per-orman#e o- his $uties as E"e#tion #anvasser, not as a City :rose#utor. CC;ELEC>s
man$ate in#"u$es the authority to eer#ise $ire#t an$ imme$iate suspension an$ #ontro"
over nationa" an$ "o#a" oH#ia"s or emp"oyees, in#"u$ing mem%ers o- any nationa" an$
"o#a" "aw en-or#ement agen#y an$ instrumenta"ity o- the government, re9uire$ %y "aw to
per-orm $uties re"ative to the #on$u#t o- e"e#tions.
Da<a v. +ingson (1989)
4he La%an ng DemoGratiGong :i"ipino (LD:) was reorgani<e$ resu"ting in a po"iti#a"
rea"ignment in the "ower house. LD: a"so #hange$ its representation in the Commission
on Appointments. 4hey with$rew the seat o##upie$ %y Da<a (LD: mem%er) an$ gave it
to the new LD: mem%er. 4herea-ter the #ham%er e"e#te$ a new set o- representatives in
the CoA whi#h #onsiste$ o- the origina" mem%ers e#ept Da<a who was rep"a#e$ %y
+ingson. Da<a 9uestione$ su#h rep"a#ement on the groun$ that the LD:>s reorgani<ation
was not permanent an$ sta%"e.
4he +C $isagree$. 4he LD: has %een eisting -or more than one year an$ its mem%ers
in#"u$e the :hi"ippine :resi$ent, an$ its interna" $isagreements are epe#te$ in any
po"iti#a" organi<ation in a $emo#ra#y. 4he test that the party must survive a genera"
#ongressiona" e"e#tion was never "ai$ $own in Jurispru$en#e. 4he Court ru"e$ in -avor o-
the authority o- the *ouse to #hange its representation in the CoA to reUe#t at any time
the permanent #hanges an$ not mere"y temporary a""ian#es or -a#tiona" $ivisions without
severan#e o- "oya"tiesR-orma" $isaH"iation that may transpire in the po"iti#a" a"ignments
o- its mem%ers.
&uingona v. &on<a"es (199()
A-ter the ;ay 11, 199( e"e#tions, the +enate was #ompose$ o- 1) LD: senators, ) =:C
senators, 1 LAXA+D=8CD senators, an$ 1 L:D:D:DLABA= senator. 4o -u"2" the re9uirement
that ea#h party must have a representatives in the CoA, the parties agree$ to use the
tra$itiona" -ormu"a5 (=o. o- +enators o- a po"iti#a" party) 1( seats) Z 4ota" =o. o-
+enators e"e#te$. 4he resu"t o- the #omputation un$er that -ormu"a was that 7.)
mem%ers -or LD:, (.) mem%ers -or =:C, 1.) mem%ers -or LAXA+D=8CD, an$ 0.) mem%er
-or L:D:D:DLABA= wou"$ %e part o- the CCA. /omu"o, as the maJority Uoor "ea$er,
nominate$ 8 senators -rom their partyN he roun$e$ 7.) up to 8N an$ $e#i$e$ that 4a[a$a
-rom L:D:D:DLABA= shou"$ represent the same party in the CoA. &uingona, a mem%er o-
LAXA+D=8CD, oppose$ the sai$ #ompromise. *e a""ege$ that the #ompromise is against
proportiona" representation.
4he +C agree$ that the propose$ mem%ership was un#onstitutiona". 4he propose$
s#heme $oes not #omp"y with the re9uirement that 1( senators %e e"e#te$ on the %asis
o- proportiona" representation o- the po"iti#a" parties in the +enateN to $istur% the
resu"ting -ra#tiona" mem%ership o- po"iti#a" parties in the CoA %y a$$ing together (
ha"ves to maGe a who"e is a %rea#h o- the ru"e on proportiona" representation sin#e it
gave the LD: an a$$e$ mem%er %y uti"i<ing the -ra#tiona" mem%ership o- the minority
po"iti#a" party, whi#h is $eprive$ o- \ representation.
.nstea$, the #orre#t ru"e is that in Coseteng v. ;itra7a po"iti#a" party must have at "east
( senators in the +enate to have a CoA representative.
!evie, o- fna* orders, reso*utions and decisions
(. .n the eer#ise o- 9uasiDJu$i#ia" -un#tions
1. .n the eer#ise o- a$ministrative -un#tions
A. 'un$amenta" powers o- the state (po"i#e power, eminent $omain, taation)
1. Con#ept, app"i#ation an$ "imits
(. /e9uisites -or va"i$ eer#ise
1. +imi"arities an$ $i,eren#es
#ue process v. e(inent do(ain
C'urc'i** v. !aferty ?7@7AB
A#t (119 authori<e$ the C./ to remove any sign or %i""%oar$ that is o,ensive to the sight
or otherwise a nuisan#e, an$ #o""e#t an annua" ta o- :B per s9m. 4he +C uphe"$ the
provisions %e#ause what was %eing regu"ate$ was the use o- pu%"i# thorough-ares, an$
the po"i#e power measure va"i$"y prote#te$ the #om-ort an$ #onvenien#e o- the pu%"i#,
parti#u"ar"y the prevention o- nuisan#e $ue to %i""%oar$s whi#h were o,ensive to the
sight. 4hus, what was invo"ve$ here was not taGing that wou"$ re9uire Just
#ompensation, %ut regu"ation in a##or$an#e with $ue pro#ess.
U.S. v. Tori4io ?7@0AB
4ori%io was #harge$ -or vio"ation o- A#t no. 11B7, %e#ause he ha$ a #ara%ao s"aughtere$
-or human #onsumption. *e #"aime$ that the a#t #onstitute$ taGing without Just
#ompensation. 4he #ourt he"$ that it was not taGing -or pu%"i# use in the #on#ept o-
eminent $omain, %ut rather taGing in the eer#ise o- the +tate>s po"i#e power.
B. De"egation
B. :rivate a#ts an$ the Bi"" o- /ights
C. Due pro#ess W the rights to "i-e, "i%erty I property
1. /e"ativity o- $ue pro#ess
(. :ro#e$ura" an$ su%stantive $ue pro#ess
Canco EspaDo*35i*ipino v. Pa*anca ?7@7EB
Engra#io :a"an#a was in$e%te$ to E" Ban#o an$ he ha$ his par#e" o- "an$ as se#urity -or
his $e%t. :a"an#a "e-t -or China an$ never returne$ unti" he $ie$. As :a"an#a was a nonD
resi$ent, E" Ban#o ha$ to noti-y Engra#io a%out the suit -or the -ore#"osure o- his property
%y pu%"i#ation. 4he "ower #ourt eventua""y a""owe$ Ban#o to ee#ute upon the property. 7
years "ater, 6i#ente sur-a#e$ on %eha"- o- Engra#io as his a$ministrator to petition -or the
annu"ment o- the ru"ing. 6i#ente averre$ that there ha$ %een no $ue pro#ess as Engra#io
never re#eive$ the summons.
4he +C ru"e$ against :a"an#a, ho"$ing that the re9uisites -or Ju$i#ia" $ue pro#ess ha$
%een met. 4he re9uisites are5
1. 4here must %e an impartia" #ourt or tri%una" #"othe$ with Ju$i#ia" power to hear an$
$e#i$e the matter %e-ore it
(. !uris$i#tion must %e "aw-u""y a#9uire$ over the person o- the $e-en$ant or over the
property su%Je#t o- the pro#ee$ings.
1. 4he $e-en$ant must %e given the opportunity to %e hear$.
B. !u$gment must %e ren$ere$ on"y a-ter "aw-u" hearing.
"n+ Ti4ay v. CI! ?7@F0B
Ang 4i%ay "ai$ o, worGers %e"onging to the =L8. =L8 proteste$ this a""ege$ un-air "a%or
pra#ti#e to the C./, whi#h ru"e$ in its -avor $espite the "a#G o- evi$en#e. 4he +C in the
instant #ase reman$e$ the #ase to the C./ -or a new tria", 2n$ing that the =L8 may have
%een $eprive$ o- some primary rights when it trie$ to prove its #ase %e-ore the C./. 4his
#ase is #onsi$ere$ to have #o$i2e$ the 7 e"ements o- A$ministrative Due :ro#ess,
1. *earing
(. 4ri%una" must have #onsi$ere$ evi$en#e presente$.
1. De#ision must 2n$ support in evi$en#e.
B. Evi$en#e must %e su%stantia".
). De#ision must %e ren$ere$ %ase$ on evi$en#e presente$ at the hearing.
A. A$ministrative agen#y must a#t on its own opinion on the "aw an$ -a#ts o- the
#ontroversy, an$
7. 4he $e#ision must %e ma$e in su#h a manner that the parties Gnow the issues
invo"ve$ an$ the reasons %ehin$ the $e#ision ma$e.
#e Cissc'op v. a*an+ ?7@:2B
Biss#hop, an Ameri#an #iti<en was a""owe$ to stay in the :hi"ippines -or 1 years, unti"
August 1, 19)9. *is app"i#ation -or etension o- stay was $e#i$e$ %y the Boar$ o-
Commissioners, whi#h or$ere$ him to $epart within ) $ays. =o $e#ision was
promu"gate$. 4he C'. or$ere$ Commissioner &a"ang to $esist an$ re-rain -rom arresting
an$ $eporting Biss#hop, unti" proper an$ "ega" pro#ee$ings are #on$u#te$ %y the Boar$
in #onne#tion with his app"i#ation -or etension o- stay.
4he +C overturne$ the C'.. A $ay in #ourt is not a matter o- right in a$ministrative
pro#ee$ings. .n #ertain a$ministrative pro#ee$ings, the right to noti#e an$ hearing are
not essentia" to $ue pro#ess o- "aw.
#avid v. ".ui*iGan ?7@H@B
Davi$ ha$ a "arge par#e" o- "an$ in :o"omo"oG, Cota%ato, whi#h he "e-t in the #are o-
'e"omeno an$ /i#ar$o !ugar. Davi$ "ater with$rew the "an$ -rom the %rothers an$ has
not a""owe$ them to return. !usti#e A9ui"i<an han$"e$ the #ase 2"e$ %y the %rothers
against Davi$. *e ren$ere$ a $e#ision in -avor o- the %rothers without any hearing. !
A9ui"i<an a$mitte$ that there was in$ee$ no hearing #on$u#te$ %ut he sai$ the $e#ision
has a"rea$y %e#ome 2na" an$ ee#utory as the perio$ -or appea" has a"rea$y "apse$. 4he
+C ru"e$ in -avor o- Davi$. A $e#ision ren$ere$ without a hearing is nu"" an$ voi$ an$
may %e atta#Ge$ $ire#t"y or #o""atera""y. 4he $e#ision is nu"" an$ voi$ -or want o- $ue
pro#ess. An$ it has %een he"$ that a 2na" an$ ee#utory Ju$gment may %e set asi$e with
a view to the renewa" o- the "itigation when the Ju$gment is voi$ -or "a#G o- $ue pro#ess
o- "aw. .n "ega" #ontemp"ation, it is as i- no Ju$gment has %een ren$ere$ at a"".
TaDada v. Tuvera, supra.
4here #an %e no 2n$ing o- a vio"ation o- a "aw i- the "aw has not %een pu%"ishe$, as that
wou"$ %e vio"ative o- pro#e$ura" $ue pro#ess.
Peop*e v. Po(ar ?7@/FB
An a#t was ena#te$ %y Congress, provi$ing that emp"oyers shou"$ grant pregnant -ema"e
emp"oyees maternity "eave. :omar a""owe$ his emp"oyee to taGe a va#ation -or her
$e"ivery %ut re-use$ to pay her the wages $uring su#h perio$. 4he +C he"$ the pertinent
provisions o- the A#t un#onstitutiona" -or in-ringing on one>s right to #ontra#t.
4he #onstitution o- the :hi"ippine .s"an$s guarantees to every #iti<en his "i%erty an$ one
o- his "i%erties is the "i%erty to #ontra#t. 4he "aw wou"$ $eprive :omar an$ a"" other
entities emp"oying women o- the sai$ "i%erty, without $ue pro#ess o- "aw.
!u4i v. Provincia* Coard o- %indoro ?7@7@B
/u%i 2"e$ a petition -or ha%eas #orpus a-ter he an$ the rest o- the ;angyans o- ;in$oro
were re"o#ate$ %y the &overnment. 4he +C $i$ not grant the petition. .t he"$ that the
re"o#ation o- nonDChristians was a va"i$ eer#ise o- the po"i#e power.
N#C and "!I; v. P'i*. $eterans ?7@@0B
:6B attempte$ to -ore#"ose a mortgage o- Agri, %ut the "atter #ompany invoGe$
:D1717, reha%i"itating Agri an$ $e#"aring a"" its o%"igations #an#e""e$ an$ its mortgages
etinguishe$. 4he +C stru#G $own the :D. 4here was not a suH#ient pu%"i# interest
invo"ve$. 4he #an#e""ation o- the o%"igations was vio"ative o- $ue pro#ess, %e#ause it
etinguishe$ property rights an$ impaire$ #ontra#ts.
Ca*acuit v. C5I, 7:2 SC!" 7E/ ?/ Cernas F7B C/ ?7@EEB
4he ;uni#ipa" Boar$ o- Butuan City issue$ Cr$inan#e AB0 to a$$ress the #omp"aint o-
parents that it is too 2nan#ia""y %ur$ensome -or them to pay the -u"" a$mission pri#e -or
their #hi"$ren. 4he Cr$inan#e provi$e$ that a$mission ti#Gets -or movies, pu%"i#
ehi%itions, games, #ontests, an$ other per-orman#es, shou"$ %e so"$ at ha"- the pri#e -or
#hi"$ren %etween 7 an$ 1( years o- age. 6io"ators wou"$ %e pena"i<e$ with imprisonment
an$Ror a 2ne.
4he +C ru"e$ that Cr$inan#e AB0 is an inva"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power an$, as a
#onse9uen#e, it vio"ates the $ue pro#ess #"ause o- the #onstitution. A va"i$ eer#ise o-
po"i#e power re9uires that it shou"$ %e -or (a.) the pu%"i#>s interest, (%.) the means
emp"oye$ shou"$ %e reasona%"e an$ it shou"$ not %e oppressive. *ere, the #ourt $i$ not
2n$ a tangi%"e "inG %etween the or$inan#e an$ the promotion o- pu%"i# hea"th, se#urity,
mora"s, or we"-are. 'urthermore, the means emp"oye$ were Ju$ge$ to %e un-air sin#e
they unJust"y preJu$i#e the a,e#te$ %usinesses %y restraining their right to tra$e an$
even vio"ating their right to enter into #ontra#ts.
"+ustin v. Edu, supra.
4he propose$ measure to #ompe" ea#h vehi#"e to supp"y reUe#tive sa-ety $evise is a
va"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power, it having %een issue$ in or$er to prote#t pu%"i# sa-ety.
Op*e v. Torres, supra.
4he propose$ nationa" .D system vio"ates the right to priva#y o- ea#h in$ivi$ua", as it
$oes not sa-eguar$ the in-ormation therein #ontaine$.
&'ite Li+'t Corporation v. City o- %ani*a, supra.
4he prohi%ition against 9ui#GDtime stays in hote"s is un#onstitutiona", %eing vio"ative o-
$ue pro#ess an$ the right to priva#y. Khi"e upho"$ing mora"s is a va"i$ state purpose,
there are other purposes -or renting a hote" -or "ess than ) hours. As an unreasona%"e
means towar$s a va"i$ en$, the or$inan#e is un#onstitutiona" an$ voi$.
1. Constitutiona" an$ statutory $ue pro#ess
B. *ierar#hy o- rights
PC%E" v. PC% ?7@@2B
4he :hi"ippine B"ooming ;i""s Emp"oyees> Crgani<ation #arrie$ out a mass $emonstration
at ;a"a#aVang on ;ar#h B, 19A9 in protest against a""ege$ a%uses o- the :asig po"i#e
$epartment, against the wishes o- the :B; management. :B;EC was -oun$ gui"ty o-
%argaining in %a$ -aith an$ its oH#ers were or$ere$ to %e $ismisse$.
4he +C $i$ not agree. 4he $emonstration was not a striGeN it was an eer#ise o- their
rights to ?engage in #on#erte$ a#tivities -or ... mutua" ai$ or prote#tion.T 4hus, the
#ompany>s a#tion #onstitute$ as inter-eren#e to their right to engage in #on#erte$
a#tivity. Khi"e it is true that :B;>s right to property was in-ringe, su#h rights must %e
weighe$ against the human rights o- the worGers. .n the hierar#hy o- rights, human
rights outweigh mere property rights.
). !u$i#ia" stan$ar$s o- review
A. 6oi$D-orDvagueness $o#trine
D. E9ua" prote#tion
Peop*e v. $era ?7@2HB
Cu 8nJieng app"ie$ -or pro%ation a-ter %eing #onvi#te$ %y the tria" #ourt in ;ani"a. !u$ge
4uason o- the ;ani"a C'. $ire#te$ the appea" to the .nsu"ar :ro%ation CH#e (.:C). 4he .:C
$enie$ the app"i#ation. *owever, !u$ge 6era upon another re9uest %y Cu 8nJieng a""owe$
the petition to %e set -or hearing. 4he City :rose#utor #ountere$ a""eging that 6era has
no power to p"a#e Cu 8nJieng un$er pro%ation %e#ause it is in vio"ation o- +e#. 11 o- A#t
=o. B((1 whi#h grante$ provin#ia" %oar$s the power to provi$e a system o- pro%ation to
#onvi#te$ persons. =owhere in the "aw is it state$ that the "aw is app"i#a%"e to a #ity "iGe
4he +C stru#G $own the "aw -or %eing un#onstitutiona". 4he provin#ia" %oar$s are given
a%so"ute $is#retion whi#h is vio"ative o- the Constitution an$ the $o#trine o- the
non$e"ega%i"ity o- power. 'urther, it is a vio"ation o- e9ua" prote#tion provi$e$ -or in the
Constitution. 4he #ha""enge$ se#tion o- A#t =o. B((1 means that on"y provin#es that #an
provi$e appropriation -or a pro%ation oH#er may have a system o- pro%ation within their
"o#a"ity. 4his wou"$ mean that #onvi#ts in provin#es where no pro%ation oH#er is
institute$ may not avai" o- their right to pro%ation.
Or(oc Su+ar Co(pany, Inc. v. Treasurer o- Or(oc City ?7@:EB
4he ;uni#ipa" Boar$ o- Crmo# City passe$ Cr$inan#e =o. B imposing ?on any an$ a""
pro$u#tions o- #entri-uga" sugar mi""e$ at the Crmo# +ugar Company, .n#., in Crmo# City
a muni#ipa" ta e9uiva"ent to one per #entum (1O) per eport sa"e to 8+A an$ other
-oreign #ountries.@ :ayments -or sai$ ta were ma$e, un$er protest, %y Crmo# +ugar
Company, .n#. 4he #ompany 2"e$ %e-ore the C'. o- Leyte a #omp"aint against the City o-
Crmo# as we"" as its 4reasurer, ;uni#ipa" Boar$ an$ ;ayor a""eging that the or$inan#e is
un#onstitutiona" -or %eing vio"ative o- the e9ua" prote#tion #"ause an$ the ru"e o-
uni-ormity o- taation.
4he +C ru"e$ that the or$inan#e was un#onstitutiona". 4he e9ua" prote#tion #"ause
app"ies on"y to persons or things i$enti#a""y situate$ an$ $oes not %ar a reasona%"e
#"assi2#ation o- the su%Je#t o- "egis"ation, su%Je#t to the %ayat re9uisites. A perusa" o- the
re9uisites shows that the 9uestione$ or$inan#e $oes not meet them, -or it taes on"y
#entri-uga" sugar pro$u#e$ an$ eporte$ %y the Crmo# +ugar Company, .n#. an$ none
other. 4he taing or$inan#e shou"$ not %e singu"ar an$ e#"usive as to e#"u$e any
su%se9uent"y esta%"ishe$ sugar #entra" -or the #overage o- the ta.
Peop*e v. Cayat ?7@2@B
Cayat was 2ne$ -or possessing AD1D1 gin in #ontravention o- the statute prohi%iting nonD
Christian tri%es -rom possessing "i9uors asi$e -rom native wines an$ "i9uors. *e
#ha""enge$ the statute on the groun$ o- vio"ation o- e9ua" prote#tion.
4he +C he"$ A#t #onstitutiona", as there was a va"i$ $istin#tion. 4his #ase "ai$ $own the
#"assi# re9uisites -or reasona%"e #"assi2#ation, name"y
1. .t must rest on su%stantia" $istin#tions whi#h maGe rea" $i,eren#es,
(. .t must %e germane to the purpose o- the "aw
1. .t must not %e "imite$ to eisting #on$itions on"y, an$
B. .t must app"y e9ua""y to a"" mem%ers o- the same #"ass.
Internationa* Sc'oo* "**iance v. 8uisu(4in+ ?/000B
A group o- "o#a" hire$ tea#hers worGing at the .nternationa" +#hoo" o- ;ani"a #"aim that
the -a#t that they are pai$ "ess than their -oreign hire$ #ounterparts vio"ates e9ua"
prote#tion. 4he +C agree$, not on the groun$ that "o#a" hires an$ -oreign hires shou"$ %e
treate$ simi"ar"y, in -a#t ho"$ing that the -oreign hire$ tea#hers were part o- a $i,erent
%argaining unit, %ut %e#ause it uphe"$ the prin#ip"e o- ?e9ua" pay -or e9ua" worG@ as
enshrine$ in the .nternationa" Covenant on E#onomi#, +o#ia" an$ Cu"tura" /ights.
1. Con#ept
(. /e9uisites -or va"i$ #"assi2#ation
1. +tan$ar$s o- Ju$i#ia" review
a) /ationa" Basis 4est
%) +tri#t +#rutiny 4est
#) .nterme$iate +#rutiny 4est
E. +ear#hes an$ sei<ures
Peop*e v. %a*(stedt ?7@@7B
;a"mste$t ($e-en$ant) entere$ the :hi"ippines in 1988. .n 7 ;ay 1989, $e-en$ant went
to Baguio an$ the -o""owing $ay, went to +aga$a an$ staye$ there -or ( $ays. 4he
=A/CC; set up #he#Gpoints near +aga$a. .n-ormation was re#eive$ that a Cau#asian
#oming -rom +aga$a ha$ in his possession prohi%ite$ $rugs. ;a"mste$t>s %us was
stoppe$ an$ =A/CC; mem%ers #on$u#te$ inspe#tion. C.C &a"utan noti#e$ a %u"ge on
$e-en$ant>s waist an$ suspe#ting that it was a gun, he asGe$ -or $e-en$ant>s passport
an$ other $o#uments %ut the "atter -ai"e$ to #omp"y. 4hereupon, &a"utan or$ere$
$e-en$ant to %ring out whatever it was that was %u"ging on his waist. .t turne$ out to %e
a pou#h %ag, whi#h #ontaine$ B suspi#iousD"ooGing o%Je#ts wrappe$ in %rown pa#Ging
tape. 4he wrappe$ o%Je#t #ontaine$ hashish, a $erivative o- mariJuana.
;a"mste$y was thus #onvi#te$ -or a vio"ation o- Dangerous Drug A#t o- 197(. 4he +C
uphe"$ the sear#h an$ the #onvi#tion. 4here was suH#ient pro%a%"e #ause -or sai$
oH#ers to %e"ieve that a##use$ was then an$ there #ommitting a #rime, arising -rom a)
persistent reports o- $rugs %eing transporte$ -rom +aga$a, %) in-ormation that a
Cau#asian #oming -rom +aga$a on that $ay ha$ $rugs, an$ #) there was a %u"ge on the
waist o- $e-en$ant an$ he -ai"e$ to present his passport. ;a"mste$t, at the time o- the
arrest, was a#tua""y in possession o- i""ega" $rugs, an$ thus #aught in Uagrante $e"i#to. As
there was a va"i$ warrant"ess arrest, there was a "aw-u" sear#h even without a sear#h
Peop*e v. C5I ?7@E0B
Cne weeG %e-ore 'e%ruary 9, 197B, an un$is#"ose$ in-ormer to"$ /A+AC (/egiona" AntiD
+mugg"ing A#tion Center) that $utia%"e (taa%"e) goo$s wi"" %e transporte$ -rom Ange"es
to ;ani"a in a B"ue Do$ge #ar. As a resu"t o- the in-ormation thus gathere$, B,BB1
wristwat#hes an$ 1,07) %ra#e"ets o- assorte$ %ran$s were -oun$ in the #ar. Eventua""y,
*ope an$ ;e$ina were -oun$ gui"ty o- smugg"ing. Cn appea", the +C uphe"$ the
warrant"ess sear#h. 4he 4ari, an$ Customs Co$e grants persons $u"y #ommissione$ to
$o warrant"ess sear#hes i- there is reason to suspe#t that the #o$e %eing vio"ate$ (i.e.
suspe#ting the eisten#e o- smugg"e$ items). 4he -a#t that the sear#h was ma$e o- a
moving vehi#"e Justi2e$ the 2n$ing o- pro%a%"e #ause a"" the more.
!oan v. onGa*es ?7@E:B
/oan #"aime$ to have %een a vi#tim o- an i""ega" sear#h an$ sei<ure #on$u#te$ %y
mi"itary authorities, evi$en#e a#9uire$ there%y %eing use$ as evi$en#e in his #ase -or
i""ega" possession o- 2rearms. Khi"e a warrant was issue$, none o- the arti#"es in the
warrant were -oun$. /ather, a Co"t ;agnum an$ 18 "ive %u""ets were -oun$, whi#h are
now the %ases o- the #harges against /oan.
4he warrant was voi$ -or a%sen#e o- eamination o- the app"i#ant. Even #onsent to the
sear#h #annot #ure the inva"i$ity o- the warrant. As a resu"t, the evi$en#e gathere$
there%y is ina$missi%"e. 4he p"ain view ru"e $oes not app"y here. 4he weapon $i$ not Just
appear. .t was sear#he$ -or %y the authorities.
$a*(onte v. $i**a ?7@E@B
Cn (0 !anuary 1987, the =ationa" Capita" /egion Distri#t Comman$ (=C/DC) was
a#tivate$ pursuant to Letter o- .nstru#tion (LC.) 0(R87 o- the :hi"ippine &enera"
*ea$9uarters, A':. As part o- its $uty to maintain pea#e an$ or$er, the =C/DC insta""e$
#he#Gpoints in various parts o- 6a"en<ue"a, ;etro ;ani"a. 6a"monte et a". sought
the $e#"aration o- #he#Gpoints in 6a"en<ue"a, ;etro ;ani"a an$ e"sewhere as
4he +C uphe"$ the LC.. =ot a"" sear#hes an$ sei<ures are prohi%ite$. 4hose whi#h are
reasona%"e are not -or%i$$en. A reasona%"e sear#h is not to %e $etermine$ %y any 2e$
-ormu"a %ut is to %e reso"ve$ a##or$ing to the -a#ts o- ea#h #ase. 4he setting up o- the
9uestione$ #he#Gpoints in 6a"en<ue"a may %e #onsi$ere$ as a se#urity measure to
ena%"e the =C/DC to pursue its mission o- esta%"ishing e,e#tive territoria" $e-ense an$
maintaining pea#e an$ or$er -or the %ene2t o- the pu%"i#. Between the inherent right o-
the state to prote#t its eisten#e an$ promote pu%"i# we"-are an$ an in$ivi$ua"Es right
against a warrant"ess sear#h whi#h is however reasonably #on$u#te$, the -ormer shou"$
"nia+ v. CO%ELEC ?7@@FB
.n preparation -or the 199( nationa" e"e#tions, CC;ELEC issue$ a reso"ution or$ering a
gun %an an$ the summary $is9ua"i2#ation o- #an$i$ates -oun$ to %e engage$ in
gunrunning, usingRtransporting 2rearms, et#. Due to this, petitioner was asGe$ %y the
+ergeantDatDArms o- the *ouse o- /eps to surren$er the 2rearms issue$ to him %y su#h
oH#e. :etitioner or$ere$ his $river, Are""ano, to $e"iver the 2rearms to the Batasan
Comp"e. *owever, the :=: a"rea$y set up a #he#GDpoint a%out (0 meters -rom the
Batasan entry. 4he #ar was sear#he$, the 2rearms sei<e$ an$ Are""ano was $etaine$ (%ut
"ater re"ease$ -or his meritorious sworn ep"anation. :etitioner Congressman then went
to the CH#e o- the City :rose#utor to ep"ain that the $river was Just returning the
2rearms an$ that Are""ano was neither a %o$yguar$Rse#urity oH#er. *owever, CC;ELEC
sti"" or$ere$ the 2"ing o- .n-ormation against petitioner an$ his $river.
4he +C ru"e$ that the sear#h an$ sei<ure was inva"i$. .t may %e va"i$ even i- not
authori<e$ %y authority, provi$e$ that the ?sear#h #on$u#te$ at po"i#e or mi"itary
#he#Gpoints whi#h we $e#"are$ are not i""ega" per se, an$ stresse$ that the warrant"ess
sear#h is not vio"ative o- the Constitution -or as "ong as the vehi#"e is neither sear#he$
nor its o##upants su%Je#te$ to a %o$y sear#h, an$ the inspe#tion o- the vehi#"e is mere"y
"imite$ to a visua" sear#h.@ A"so, a warrant"ess sear#h #ou"$ on"y %e resorte$ to i- the
oH#ers have pro%a%"e #ause to %e"ieve BE'C/E the sear#h that either 1) the motorist
was an o,en$er or that () the evi$en#e re"ate$ to the #rime wi"" %e -oun$ in the vehi#"e
1. Con#ept
uaGon v. #e $i**a ?7@@0B
&ua<on an$ the other petitioners #"aime$ to %e vi#tims o- ?saturation $rives@ he"$ %y
the mi"itary an$ po"i#e. 4he +C he"$ that the saturation $rives were un#onstitutiona",
-or having in-ringe$ on the right o- the peop"e against unreasona%"e sear#hes an$
(. Karrant re9uirement
a) /e9uisites
PICOP v. "suncion ?7@@@B
A rai$ was #on$u#te$ on the :.CC: #ompoun$, pursuant to a sear#h warrant -or that
purpose. 4he rai$ yie"$e$ severa" i""ega""y possesse$ 2rearms, an$ resu"te$ in the
#onvi#tion o- various oH#ers o- :.CC: -or possession o- i""ega" 2rearms. *owever, the +C
-oun$ the issuan#e o- the sear#h warrant inva"i$, %e#ause the Ju$ge $i$ not persona""y
eamine the #omp"ainant an$ other $eponents, an$ the po"i#eman who testi2e$ $uring
the hearing ha$ no persona" Gnow"e$ge that there were i""ega" 2rearms, an$ the warrants
-ai"e$ to $es#ri%e the p"a#e to %e sear#he$ with parti#u"arity.
1. Karrant"ess sear#hes
%ana*i*i v. C" ?7@@HB
;ana"i"i was #harge$ with .""ega" :ossession o- mariJuana. *e was arreste$ a-ter %eing
stoppe$ an$ -risGe$, %e#ause he ha$ re$$ish eyes an$ was wa"Ging in a swaying manner.
*e was #onvi#te$.
/u"ing on the va"i$ity o- his arrest $ue to ?stopDan$D-risG,@ the +C uphe"$ the arrest.
Khen $ea"ing with a rapi$"y un-o"$ing an$ potentia""y #rimina" situation where there is no
time to se#ure an arrest or a sear#h warrant, po"i#emen shou"$ emp"oy "imite$, Uei%"e
responses 7 "iGe TstopDan$D-risGT 7 whi#h are gra$uate$ in re"ation to the amount o-
in-ormation they possess, the "awmen %eing ever vigi"ant to respe#t an$ not to vio"ate or
to treat #ava"ier"y the #iti<enEs #onstitutiona" rights against unreasona%"e arrest, sear#h
an$ sei<ure.
Peop*e v. %arti ?7@@7B
;arti was #onvi#te$ o- possession o- mariJuana. 4he mariJuana ha$ %een -oun$ %y the
proprietor o- a shipping #ompany where he attempte$ to have B pa#Gages o- mariJuana
$e"ivere$ a%roa$. 4he proprietor opene$ the pa#Gages, "ea$ing ;arti to #ha""enge the
sear#h as i""ega". *owever, the +C uphe"$ the #onvi#tion. 4he %i"" o- rights, parti#u"ar"y
the prohi%ition against warrant"ess sear#hes $oes not %in$ parties other than the
Stone'i** v. #io=no ?7@:HB
B( sear#h warrants were issue$, or$ering po"i#e oH#ers to sear#h -or $o#uments,
arti#"es, et#, whi#h #ou"$ %e use$ to vio"ate the "aws. 4he evi$en#e -oun$ via the
sear#hes "e$ to #onvi#tions -or vio"ations o- Custom Laws, 4a Laws, an$ the /evise$
:ena" Co$es. 4he +C ru"e$ that the warrants, %eing genera" warrants, were voi$.
B. Karrant"ess arrests
U(i* v. !a(os ?7@@0B
4he petitioners were arreste$ -or various o,enses without warrants. 4hey a"" 2"e$
petitions -or ha%eas #orpus. 4he +C $enie$ the petitions. A"" the petitioners were arreste$
-or #ontinuing o,enses "iGe re%e""ion or in#iting to se$ition. 4hus, an arrest o- an =:A
mem%er whi"e %eing treate$ -or inJuries at hospita" was va"i$ even without a warrant, as
the o,ense o- re%e""ion #ontinue$ to %e #ommitte$. 4he arrest was thus in Uagrante
Peop*e v. C'ua Ho San ?7@@@B
Chua *o +an was #onvi#te$ o- possession o- sha%u. *e was arreste$ a-ter "an$ing on the
shore in a motor%oat. 8pon "an$ing, he Ue$ the s#ene unti" the po"i#e #aught him. *e
was sear#he$ an$ a %ag #ontaining (8.7 Gg o- sha%u was -oun$ on his person. 4he +C
a#9uitte$ Chua, ru"ing that whi"e a va"i$ warrant"ess sear#h may -o""ow as a #onse9uen#e
o- a va"i$ warrant"ess arrest, here, the warrant"ess arrest, not %eing %ase$ on pro%a%"e
#ause that an o,ense was #ommitte$, was voi$. As a resu"t, the sear#h an$ sei<ure was
a"so voi$, an$ the %ag o- sha%u was ina$missi%"e as evi$en#e.
Peop*e v. "(innudin ?7@EEB
4he :C oH#ers re#eive$ a tip -rom an in-ormant that Aminnu$in was %oun$ -or ."oi"o
on%oar$ ;6 K.LCC; 9 #arrying mariJuana. Aminnu$in was sear#he$ an$ arreste$ a-ter
$isem%arGing -rom the vesse". 4he :C oH#ers -oun$ 1 Gi"os o- mariJuana in his %ag. *e
was #harge$ an$ -oun$ gui"ty o- i""ega""y transporting mariJuana %y the C'. o- ."oi"o. 4he
$e#ision was appea"e$ to the +C. 4he +C ru"e$ that there was no va"i$ sear#h an$ arrest
so the evi$en#e against him was ina$missi%"e. *e was a#9uitte$.
Peop*e v. Cur+os ?7@E:B
/u%en Burgos was #onvi#te$ %y the Davao $e" +ur /4C -or .""ega" :ossession o- 'irearms
in 'urtheran#e o- +u%version. *e was arreste$ whi"e p"owing his 2e"$. 4he :hi"ippine
Consta%u"ary $i$ not have a warrant. 4hey %ase$ their operation on the so"e testimony
o- Cesar ;asam"oG who a""ege$"y was #oer#e$ %y a##use$ to Join the =:A using his gun.
4he +C ru"e$ that the arrest an$ su%se9uent sear#h was i""ega" %e#ause it $i$ not -a""
un$er the warrant"ess arrests #overe$ %y /u"e 111, +e#. A. :ersona" Gnow"e$ge on the
part o- the arresting oH#er is important. App"ying the +tonehi"" $o#trine, the evi$en#e
was ina$missi%"e. Burgos was thus a#9uitte$.
). A$ministrative arrests
A. Drug, a"#oho" an$ %"oo$ tests
'. :riva#y o- #ommuni#ations an$ #orrespon$en#e
1. :rivate an$ pu%"i# #ommuni#ations
(. .ntrusion, when a""owe$
1. Krit o- ha%eas $ata
&. 'ree$om o- epression
1. Con#ept an$ s#ope
Peop*e v. Na4on+ ?7@2/B
=a%ong gave a spee#h to a gathering o- #ommunists, saying that they shou"$
overthrow the government, esta%"ish their own government o- the poor an$ that they
shou"$ use whips on the Consta%u"ary men, whom he a##use$ o- %eing #orrupt. 4he
+C ru"e$ that =a%ong>s "anguage a$vo#ate$ an overthrow o- the government through
vio"ent means, an$ was there-ore se$itious.
Nationa* Press C*u4 v. CO%ELEC ?7@@/B
4hree #ases were 2"e$, in the hopes o- ren$ering voi$ +e#tion 11 o- the /A AABA or
the E"e#tora" /e-orms A#t, whi#h prohi%its the sa"e or $onation o- print, spa#e an$ air
time T-or #ampaign or other po"iti#a" purposes,T e#ept to the Commission on
E"e#tions, on the groun$ o- vio"ation o- the -ree$om o- the press. 4he +C he"$ that
sin#e the sai$ se#tion $oes not restri#t news reporting %y the mass me$ia #ompanies,
nor $oes it rea#h #ommentaries an$ opinions o- %roa$#asters an$ writers, the petition
must %e $ismisse$. 4he #ontroversia" provision has not gone outsi$e the permissi%"e
%oun$s o- supervision or regu"ation o- me$ia operations $uring e"e#tion perio$s,
whi#h is grante$ to the CC;ELEC %y the Constitution un$er Art. .3DC.
"dion+ v. CO%ELEC ?7@@/B
CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. (1B7 was promu"gate$ provi$ing that #ampaign materia"s
(sti#Gers, printe$ materia"s, $e#a"s, "eaUets et#.) may %e poste$ on"y in authori<e$
posting areas, as we"" as prohi%iting the $isp"ay o- e"e#tion propagan$a in any p"a#e
in#"u$ing mo%i"e or stationary privateRpu%"i# p"a#es, e#ept those in the a""owa%"e
4he +C $e#"are$ the reso"ution voi$ on the groun$ that the prohi%ition o- posting o-
sti#Gers an$ other materia"s on an in$ivi$ua">s property $oes not on"y $eprive the sai$
in$ivi$ua" -rom the use o- his property (sin#e the owner is not a""owe$ to p"a#e
#ampaign materia"s on his property) %ut a"so $eprives him o- his right to -ree spee#h
an$ in-ormation, sin#e postingRp"a#ing su#h materia" or property epresses his
po"iti#a" views or the #an$i$ates he %e"ieves in.
US v. Custos ?7@7EB
.n the "atter part o- 191), numerous #iti<ens o- the :rovin#e o- :ampanga assem%"e$,
then prepare$ an$ signe$ a petition to the Ee#utive +e#retary, an$ 2ve in$ivi$ua"s
signe$ aH$avits, #harging the Justi#e o- the pea#e o- ;a#a%e%e an$ ;asanto",
:ampanga, with ma"-easan#e in oH#e an$ asGing -or his remova". 4he #omp"ainants
#harge$ that the Justi#e o- the pea#e so"i#ite$ %ri%e money in #onsi$eration o-
-avora%"e $e#isions. Crimina" a#tion was 2"e$ against the petitioners, #harging that
portions o- the petition presente$ to the Ee#utive +e#retary were "i%e"ous.
4he +C a#9uitte$ Bustos et a". Epress ma"i#e was not prove$ %y the prose#ution.
&oo$ -aith surroun$e$ the a#tion o- the petitioners. 4heir en$s an$ motives were
Justi2a%"e. 4he guaranties o- a -ree spee#h an$ a -ree press in#"u$e the right to
#riti#i<e Ju$i#ia" #on$u#t. 4he a$ministration o- the "aw is a matter o- vita" pu%"i#
#on#ern. Khether the "aw is wise"y or %a$"y en-or#e$ is, there-ore, a 2t su%Je#t -or
proper #omment. .- the peop"e #annot #riti#i<e a Justi#e o- the pea#e or a Ju$ge the
same as any other pu%"i# oH#er, pu%"i# opinion wi"" %e e,e#tive"y mu<<"e$.
In !e: <urado ?7@@AB
Emi" !ura$o is a #o"umnistD"awyer who wrote severa" arti#"es a%out improper transa#tions
in the Ju$i#iary. C! =arvasa issue$ an a$ministrative or$er #reating an a$ ho# #ommittee
to investigate #orruption in the Ju$i#iary. !ura$o was one o- those invite$ to appear
%e-ore the #ommittee an$ to testi-y as to his Gnow"e$ge as he ha$ a "ot to say a%out the
topi# in his #o"umns. *e re-use$. +ome o- the su%Je#ts o- his writings a"so wrote to the +C
saying that what he wrote were "ies an$ asGe$ the Court to taGe appropriate a#tion.
#octrine5 'a"se reports a%out a pu%"i# oH#ia" or other person are not shie"$e$ -rom
san#tion %y the #ar$ina" right to -ree spee#h enshrine$ in the Constitution. Even the most
"i%era" view o- -ree spee#h has never #ountenan#e$ the pu%"i#ation o- -a"sehoo$s,
spe#ia""y the persistent an$ unmitigate$ $issemination o- patent "ies.
a) :rior restraint (#ensorship)
5ranciso C'aveG v. Secretary !au* onGa*eG ?/00EB
A-ter the (00B =ationa" E"e#tions, a #ontroversy #ame out a-ter #assette tapes that
a""ege$"y re#or$e$ #onversations invo"ving :&;A an$ &ar#i""ano went on air. &iven that
su#h #onversations were %eing aire$ a"" over %roa$#ast me$ia, :ress +e#retary .gna#io
Bunye an$ the =4C, on separate o##asions, issue$ warnings against %roa$#ast
#ompanies to stop airing su#h in-ormation. Chave< asGe$ that su#h warnings %e $e#"are$
nu"" an$ voi$ -or vio"ating -ree$om o- spee#h, epression, an$ the press. 4he Court
agree$ with the petitioner given that the warnings, whi#h were #ontentD%ase$
restri#tions, -ai"e$ to pass the stri#t s#rutiny stan$ar$ an$ the #"ear an$ present $anger
test. 4he evi$en#e o- the respon$ents -e"" short o- satis-ying su#h stan$ar$s re9uire$.
Peop*e v. PereG ?7@/2B
:ere<, the muni#ipa" se#retary o- :i"ar, +orsogon, met with Lu$ovi#e, an$ $uring their
$is#ussion sai$ ?4he 'i"ipinos, "iGe myse"-, must use %o"os -or #utting o, Koo$Es hea$ -or
having re#ommen$e$ a %a$ thing -or the 'i"ipinos, -or he has Gi""e$ our in$epen$en#e.T
Leonar$ Koo$ was the &overnorD&enera" o- the :hi"ippine .s"an$s. *e was #onvi#te$ o-
4he +C uphe"$ the #onvi#tion. A se$itious atta#G on the &overnorD&enera" is an atta#G on
the rights o- the 'i"ipino peop"e an$ on Ameri#an sovereignty. :ere<>s wor$s were
se$itious. Criti#ism, no matter how severe, on the Ee#utive, the Legis"ature, an$ the
!u$i#iary, is within the range o- "i%erty o- spee#h, %ut when the intention an$ e,e#t o- the
a#t is se$itious, the #onstitutiona" guaranties o- -ree$om o- spee#h an$ press an$ o-
assem%"y an$ petition must yie"$ to punitive measures $esigne$ to maintain the prestige
o- #onstitute$ authority, the suprema#y o- the Constitution an$ the "aws, an$ the
eisten#e o- the +tate.
Eastern Croadcastin+ v. #ans ?7@EAB
/a$io station DM/E, owne$ %y Eastern Broa$#asting, 2"e$ a petition to #ompe" the
respon$ents to reopen the station a-ter it was summari"y #"ose$ on groun$s o- nationa"
se#urity. .t was a""ege$"y #"ose$ on the #harge that it was use$ to in#ite se$ition. =o
hearing was he"$ an$ no proo- was su%mitte$ to esta%"ish the -a#tua" %asis -or #"osure.
Khi"e the #ase %e#ame moot an$ a#a$emi# upon the with$rawa" o- EBC, the +C issue$
#ertain gui$e"ines -or simi"ar #ir#umstan#es5
1. 4he seven re9uisites o- a$ministrative pro#ee$ings in Ang 4i%ay v. C./ shou"$ %e
-o""owe$ %e-ore a %roa$#ast station is #"ose$ or its operations #urtai"e$.
(. Khi"e there is no #ontro""ing an$ pre#ise $e2nition o- $ue pro#ess, it -urnishes an
unavoi$a%"e stan$ar$ to whi#h government a#tion must #on-orm in or$er that any
$eprivation o- "i-e, "i%erty, or property, in ea#h appropriate #ase, may %e va"i$.
1. ;e$ia is entit"e$ to the %roa$ prote#tion o- -ree$om o- spee#h an$ epression #"ause.
4he test -or "imitations on -ree$om o- epression is the ?#"ear an$ present $anger
ru"e@ W that wor$s are use$ in su#h #ir#umstan#es an$ are o- su#h nature as to #reate
a #"ear an$ present $anger that they wi"" %ring a%out the su%stantive evi"s that the
"awmaGer has a right to prevent.
B. Broa$#asting has to %e "i#ense$. 4he -ree$om o- te"evision an$ ra$io %roa$#asting is
somewhat "esser in s#ope than print me$ia. 4his is %e#ause (1) %roa$#ast me$ia is
more pervasive, an$ (() easi"y a##essi%"e to #hi"$ren. Be#ause o- its pervasiveness,
the impa#t o- inUammatory or o,ensive spee#h on peop"e wou"$ %e $iH#u"t to
monitor or pre$i#t. ?8n"iGe rea$ers o- the printe$ worG, the ra$io (an$ te"evision)
au$ien#e has "esser opportunity to #ogitate, ana"y<e, an$ reJe#t the utteran#e.@
). 4he #"ear an$ present $anger test must taGe the parti#u"ar #ir#umstan#e o- %roa$#ast
me$ia into a##ount. 4here has to %e a %a"an#e %etween the government>s right to %e
prote#te$ against %roa$#asts whi#h in#ite "isteners to overthrow it, an$ the peop"e>s
right to %e in-orme$.
A. 4he -ree$om to #omment on pu%"i# a,airs is essentia" to the vita"ity o- a
representative $emo#ra#y.
7. Broa$#ast stations $eserve the spe#ia" prote#tion given to a"" -orms o- me$ia %y the
$ue pro#ess an$ -ree$om o- epression #"auses o- the Constitution. (+e#. 1 an$ +e#. B,
Art. ...).
S&S v. CO%ELEC ?/007B
+K+ an$ Xamaha"an :u%"ishing seeG to enJoin CC;ELEC -rom en-or#ing +e#. ).B o- /A
900A ('air E"e#tion A#t) whi#h prohi%its the pu%"ishing o- e"e#tion surveys 1) $ays %e-ore
the e"e#tion o- nationa" #an$i$ates an$ 7 $ays %e-ore the e"e#tion o- "o#a" #an$i$ates.
4he petitioners wish to pu%"ish surveys #overing the entire e"e#tion perio$ an$ argue that
the reso"ution vio"ates their right to -ree spee#h an$ epression. 4he +C he"$ that the
reso"ution is inva"i$ as %e#ause (1) it imposes a prior restraint on the -ree$om o-
epression, (() it is a $ire#t an$ tota" suppression o- a #ategory o- epression even
though su#h suppression is on"y -or a "imite$ perio$, an$ that (1) the governmenta"
interest sought to %e promote$ #an %e a#hieve$ %y means other than suppression o-
-ree$om o- epression.
%) +u%se9uent punishment
(. ContentD%ase$ an$ #ontentDneutra" regu"ations
a) 4ests
%) App"i#ations
Os(ea v. CO%ELEC ?7@@EB
4his is a petition -or prohi%ition, seeGing a reeamination o- the va"i$ity o- F11(%) o- /A
=o. AABA, whi#h prohi%its mass me$ia -rom se""ing or giving -ree o- #harge print spa#e or
airtime -or #ampaign or other po"iti#a" purposes, e#ept to the CC;ELEC. :etitioners are
#an$i$ates -or pu%"i# oH#e in the up#oming e"e#tions, who #onten$ that the events a-ter
=:C v. Come"e# have shown un$esira%"e e,e#ts %e#ause the %an on po"iti#a" a$s has
-ai"e$ to "eve" the p"aying 2e"$ an$ has worGe$ against poor #an$i$ates. 4he +C ru"e$
that /A AABA is a va"i$ eer#ise o- the power o- the state to regu"ate me$ia o-
#ommuni#ation to ensure e9ua" opportunity. .t mere"y regu"ates the time, p"a#e an$
manner o- a$vertising o- po"iti#a" a$s an$ it $oes not a%ri$ge -ree$om o- spee#h an$ o-
the press.
Po*icarpio v. %ani*a Ti(es ?7@:/B
:o"i#arpio, ee#utive se#retary o- the 8=E+CC =ationa" Commission, was #harge$ with
ma"versation o- pu%"i# -un$s an$ esta-a through -a"si2#ation o- pu%"i# $o#uments. 4he
;ani"a 4imes ran a story eaggerating the #harges against her. 4he ;ani"a 4imes
#"aime$ immunity %e#ause o- the -ree$om o- the press. 4he +C ru"e$ that $amages
shou"$ %e awar$e$ to :o"i#arpio. 4he -ree$om o- spee#h an$ press immunity presuppose
that the $erogatory in-ormation they pu%"ish are %oth true an$ -air an$ ma$e in goo$
-aith, without #omments or remarGs.
"yer Productions v. <ud+e Capu*on+ ?7@@0B
Ayer :ro$u#tions wante$ to maGe a 2"m a%out the ED+A /evo"ution tit"e$ ?4he 'ourDDay
/evo"ution.@ +en. Enri"e $i$ not want to appear in the movie an$ sought to have the
#ontinue$ pro$u#tion enJoine$. 4he +C $i$ not grant the inJun#tion. 4he su%Je#t matter o-
the 2"m is o- pu%"i# interest. Even the right o- priva#y must yie"$ to the -ree$om o-
epression, notwithstan$ing the -a#t that the 2"m was ma$e primari"y -or pro2t.
onGa*eG v. Ia*a, Iati+4a= ?7@EAB
&on<a"e<, on %eha"- o- ;a"aya 'i"ms, assai"s the Boar$>s #"assi2#ation o- their pro$u#tion
Xapit sa :ata"im as ?'or A$u"ts Cn"y@ an$ its reso"ution to issue a permit on"y i- the
petitioner maGes #ertain #hanges an$ $e"etions. .t was he"$ that the Boar$ $i$ not
#ommit any grave a%use o- $is#retion %e#ause its reso"ution was supporte$ %y the -a#t
that a num%er o- s#enes in the movie are not 2t -or pu%"i# viewing. *en#e the Court
restate$ the test to $etermine o%s#enity5 Khether to the average person, app"ying
#ontemporary #ommunity stan$ar$s, the $ominant theme o- the materia" taGen as a
who"e appea"s to prurient interest.
Pita v. C" ?7@E@B
:ursuant to an AntiD+mut Campaign initiate$ %y the ;ayor o- the City o- ;ani"a,
maga<ines, pu%"i#ations an$ other rea$ing materia"s, in#"u$ing :ita>s ?:inoy :"ay%oy@
maga<ines, %e"ieve$ to %e o%s#ene, pornographi# an$ in$e#ent were #on2s#ate$ an$
%urne$ in pu%"i#. :ita thus 2"e$ a #ase -or inJun#tion to enJoin the City ;ayor an$ his
agents -rom #on2s#ating p"ainti,>s maga<ines or -rom preventing the sa"e or #ir#u"ation
thereo- #"aiming that the maga<ine is a $e#ent, artisti# an$ e$u#ationa" maga<ine whi#h
is not per se o%s#ene, an$ that the pu%"i#ation is prote#te$ %y the Constitutiona"
guarantees o- -ree$om o- spee#h an$ o- the press.
4he +C $ismisse$ the petition. 'ree$om o- the press is not without restraint as the state
has the right to prote#t so#iety -rom pornographi# "iterature that is o,ensive to pu%"i#
mora"s, as in$ee$ we have "aws punishing the author, pu%"ishers an$ se""ers o- o%s#ene
pu%"i#ations. 8sing the Xottinger ru"e, the test o- o%s#enity is Twhether the ten$en#y o-
the matter #harge$ as o%s#ene, is to $eprave or #orrupt those whose min$s are open to
su#h immora" inUuen#es an$ into whose han$s a pu%"i#ation or other arti#"e #harge$ as
%eing o%s#ene may -a"".T Another is whether it sho#Gs the or$inary an$ #ommon sense o-
men as an in$e#en#y. 8"timate"y Twhether a pi#ture is o%s#ene or in$e#ent must $epen$
upon the #ir#umstan#es o- the #ase an$ that the 9uestion is to %e $e#i$e$ %y the
TJu$gment o- the aggregate sense o- the #ommunity rea#he$ %y it.T
1. 'a#ia" #ha""enges an$ the over%rea$th $o#trine
B. 4ests
). +tate regu"ation o- $i,erent types o- mass me$ia
A. Commer#ia" spee#h
7. :rivate vs. government spee#h
8. *e#G"er>s veto
*. 'ree$om o- re"igion
1. =onDesta%"ishment #"ause
"+*ipay v. !uiG ?7@2HB
&regorio Ag"ipay, the +upreme *ea$ o- the :hi"ippine .n$epen$ent Chur#h, 2"e$ -or a writ
o- prohi%ition against !uan /ui<, Dire#tor o- :osts, to stop him -rom se""ing postage
stamps whi#h #ommemorate$ the 11r$ .nternationa" Eu#haristi# Congress organi<e$ %y
the Catho"i# Chur#h in ;ani"a. :etitioner a""eges that this vio"ates the Constitutiona"
provision prohi%iting the use o- pu%"i# money -or the %ene2t o- any re"igious
$enomination. 4he Court $enie$ the petition. 4he Dire#tor o- :osts a#te$ %y virtue o- A#t
=o. B0)( whi#h appropriate$ A0,000 pesos -or the #ost o- printing o- stamps with new
$esigns. 4he stamps themse"ves -eature$ a map o- the :hi"ippines. 4he government>s
goa" was to promote the :hi"ippines. 4here was no re"igious goa". 4he pro#ee$s o- the
sa"e o- the stamps a"so went to the government an$ not to any #hur#h.
Centeno v. $i**a*on3Porni**os ?7@@FB
4he oH#ers o- a #ivi# organi<ation7+amahang Xatan$aan ng =ayon ng 4iGay7"aun#he$
a -un$ $rive to renovate the #hape" o- Bgy 4iGay in ;a"o"os, Bu"a#an. Chairman ;artin
Centeno an$ 6i#ente M#o approa#he$ !u$ge A$ora#ion &. Ange"es an$ so"i#ite$ :1)00
-rom her. 4his was $one without a "i#ense -rom the D+KD. Ange"es 2"e$ a #omp"aint, an$
%e#ause o- that, an in-ormation was 2"e$ against Centeno, M#o, an$ /e"igio Evaristo -or
vio"ating :resi$entia" De#ree 1)AB, or the +o"i#itation :ermit Law.
Cn the in-ringement o- re"igious -ree$oms, the +C $is#usse$ the $ua" nature o- "egis"ation
on the su%Je#t o- re"igion. Cn the one han$, it prevents the #ompu"sion %y "aw o- the
a##eptan#e o- any #ree$. Cn the other, it prote#ts the -ree eer#ise o- any #hosen -orm
o- re"igion. 4hus, there are two #onstitutiona" -ree$oms regar$ing re"igion7the -ree$om
to %e"ieve an$ the -ree$om to a#t on the %asis o- one>s %e"ie-. Khi"e the -ormer is
a%so"ute, the "atter #an %e su%Je#t to regu"ation -or the prote#tion o- so#iety.
.n this #ase, the state may prote#t the pu%"i# -rom -rau$u"ent so"i#itation %y re9uiring
those who so"i#it to esta%"ish i$entity an$ authority to so"i#it. Even though the regu"ation
resu"ting -rom su#h a po"i#y may in-ringe re"igious a#ts, it is not inva"i$ %e#ause the
genera" regu"ation prote#ting #iti<ens -rom unJust so"i#itation is not open to any
#onstitutiona" o%Je#tion.
$ictoriano v. E*iGa*de !ope &or=ersJ Union ?7@HFB
6i#toriano is a mem%er o- .g"esia ni Cristo who is an emp"oyee at the E"i<a"$e /ope
'a#tory, an$ a mem%er o- the E"i<a"$e /ope KorGers> 8nion. 4he #ompany an$ the union
are in a #"ose$ shop agreement where a"" emp"oyees must %e a mem%er o- the #o""e#tive
%argaining union in or$er to maintain emp"oyment. /A 11)0 was passe$ whi#h states
that CBAs sha"" no "onger #over mem%ers o- any re"igious se#ts whi#h prohi%it aH"iation
in any "a%or organi<ation. 4he union assai"s the #onstitutiona"ity o- /A 11)0 %e#ause it
in-ringes on the right o- asso#iation, impairs #ontra#ts an$ $is#riminates in -avor o- su#h
mem%ers o- re"igious se#ts. 4he Court uphe"$ the #onstitutiona"ity o- /A 11)0 %e#ause
(1) the 8nion misrea$ the "aw, whi#h a#tua""y $oes not prohi%it asso#iation, %ut on"y
rein-or#es a person>s right to re-rain -rom asso#iation, (() the right to re"igion is superior
over #ontra#tua" rights, an$ (1) the government may pass "aws in pursuit o- a va"i$
se#u"ar #ause even though this may %e %ene2#ia" to some re"igions.
"(erican Ci4*e Society v. City o- %ani*a ?7@AHB
Ameri#an Bi%"e +o#iety (AB+) is a nonsto#G, nonpro2t, re"igious missionary #orporation
$istri%uting an$ se""ing %i%"esRgospe" portions in the :hi"ippines. AB+ was in-orme$ that it
has to #omp"y with Cr$inan#e =o. 1000 (o%tain a mayor>s permit) an$ Cr$inan#e =o.
()(9 (pay muni#ipa" "i#ense -ee -or the perio$ #overing 19B) to 19)1 an$ amounting to
), 8(1.B)). AB+ pai$ in protest an$ 2"e$ a #ase to $e#"are sai$ Cr$inan#es voi$ an$ to
seeG a re-un$. 4ria" #ourt $ismisse$ #ase. +C ru"e$ that Cr$inan#e 1000 is va"i$ as it
mere"y re9uires a mayor>s permit. Cr$inan#e ()(9 is a"so va"i$ %ut #annot %e ma$e to
app"y to AB+ %e#ause su#h "i#ense -ee #onstitutes a restraint in the -ree eer#ise o-
re"igion. 4he #onstitutiona" guaranty o- the -ree eer#ise an$ enJoyment o- re"igious
pro-ession an$ worship #arries with it the right to $isseminate re"igious in-ormation. Any
restraint o- su#h right #ou"$ on"y %e Justi2e$ "iGe other restraints o- -ree$om o-
epression on the groun$s that there is #"ear an$ present $anger o- any su%stantive evi",
whi#h the +tate has the right to prevent.
E4ra*ina+ v. #ivision Superintendent ?7@@2B
:etitioners in this #onso"i$ate$ petition are high s#hoo" an$ e"ementary stu$ents -rom
Ce%u who were epe""e$ -or not parti#ipating in the Uag #eremony o- their s#hoo"s. 4hey
are represente$ %y their parents. As !ehovah>s Kitnesses, they #onsi$er the Uag as an
i$o" whi#h, a##or$ing to their re"igion, shou"$ not %e worshippe$. 4hey %e"ieve that the
Uag #eremony is a -orm o- worship whi#h is prohi%ite$ %y their re"igion. /espon$ents
#ounter %y invoGing /A 1(A), Department Cr$er 8 an$ the ru"ing o- &erona v. +e#retary
o- E$u#ation whi#h uphe"$ that a"" stu$ents shou"$ parti#ipate in the Uag #eremony. 4he
Court reverse$ the &erona ru"ing an$ ru"e$ in -avor o- the petitioners. Epe""ing them
%ase$ on their re"igious %e"ie-s wou"$ %e a #urtai"ment o- their right to re"igious
pro-ession an$ worship an$ their right to -ree e$u#ation.
I+*esia Ni Cristo v. C" ?7@@:B
4he .g"esia ni Cristo (.=C) operates a 46 program tit"e$ ?Ang .g"esia ni Cristo.@ 4he Boar$
o- /eview -or ;otion :i#tures an$ 4e"evision #"assi2e$ su#h program as rate$ 3, %eing not
2t -or pu%"i# viewing as it o,en$s an$ #onstitutes an atta#G against other re"igions. 4he
+C he"$ that .=C is prote#te$ %y Art. ..., +e#. B o- the Constitution. 4he Boar$ -ai"e$ to
show any imminent or grave $anger that wou"$ %e %rought a%out %y the te"e#ast o- the
show. A"so, the show itse"- is not an atta#G against, %ut rather a #riti#ism o-, other
re"igions. +u#h groun$ (i.e., #riti#ism) is not a va"i$ groun$ in or$er to prohi%it the
%roa$#asting o- the show. +C a"so aHrme$ ;4/CB>s power to regu"ate these types o-
te"evision programs #iting the 19(1 #ase o- +otto v /ui< regar$ing the Dire#tor o- :ost>s
power to #he#G as to whether or not pu%"i#ations are o- a "i%e"ous #hara#ter.
er(an v. Caran+an ?7@EAB
&erman et a". #onverge$ at !: Laure" +treet in ;ani"a to hear mass at the +t. !u$e Chape",
whi#h is near ;a"a#aVang. /espon$ents Barangan an$ Lariosa %"o#Ge$ them, saying that
(1) their a#tions show that they are not there to hear mass, %ut to stage a
$emonstration, an$ (() the se#urity o- :resi$ent ;ar#os is o- utmost #on#ern. :etitioners
2"e$ a #ase, saying that Barangan an$ Lariosa impaire$ their #onstitutiona" -ree$om to
eer#ise re"igion. 4he +C he"$ that this -ree$om is not a%so"ute. &oo$ -aith is re9uire$ to
va"i$"y eer#ise this -ree$om, an$ the -a#ts show that the petitioners are not eer#ising
goo$ -aith. A"so, i- the -ree$om #"ashes with a so#ia" or nationa" interest, whi#h in this
#ase is the sa-ety o- the :resi$ent, then the -ormer must yie"$ to the "atter. *en#e, the
petition was $ismisse$.
a) Con#ept an$ %asis
%) A#ts permitte$ an$ not permitte$ %y the #"ause
#) 4est
(. 'ree eer#ise #"ause
1. 4ests
a) C"ear an$ :resent Danger 4est
%) Compe""ing +tate .nterest 4est
#) Cons#ientious C%Je#tor 4est
.. Li%erty o- a%o$e an$ -ree$om o- movement
$i**avicencio v. Lu=4an ?7@7@B
!usto LuG%an, as ;ani"a CityEs ;ayor, together with Anton *ohmann, the #ityEs Chie- o-
:o"i#e, tooG #usto$y o- a%out 170 women at the night o- C#to%er () without their
#onsent an$ Gnow"e$ge an$ shippe$ them to Davao where they were signe$ as "a%orers.
+ai$ women are inmates o- the houses o- prostitution situate$ in &ar$enia +treet, in the
$istri#t o- +ampa"o#. 6i""avi#en#io thus 2"e$ a petition -or ha%eas #orpus.
4he +C grante$ the petition, reasoning that pu%"i# oH#ia"s, within the rea#h o- pro#ess,
may not %e permitte$ to restrain a -e""ow #iti<en o- her "i%erty %y -or#ing her to #hange
her $omi#i"e an$ to avow the a#t with impunity in the #ourts, whi"e the person who has
"ost her %irthright o- "i%erty has no e,e#tive re#ourse.
LorenGo v. #ir. o- Hea*t' ?7@/HB
.n a##or$an#e with the /evise$ A$ministrative Co$e, Loren<o was #on2ne$ -or having
"eprosy. *e 2"e$ a petition -or ha%eas #orpus a""eging that his right to a%o$e an$ -ree$om
o- movement was in-ringe$. 4he +C $enie$ the petition. 4he Dire#tor o- *ea"th was
empowere$ to or$er "epers> #on2nement in or$er to se#ure pu%"i# hea"th.
1. Limitations
(. /ight to trave"
!u4i v. Provincia* Coard, supra.
4he right to trave" #an va"i$"y %e suspen$e$ in the va"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power.
%anotoc v. C" ?7@E:B
/i#ar$o ;anoto# !r. was not a""owe$ to $epart -or the +tates pen$ing a #ase 2"e$ with the
+EC. *e was "ater #harge$ with esta-a an$ was a""owe$ %y the Court to post %ai". Even
though re"ease$ on %ai", he was not a""owe$ to "eave the #ountry. *e thus 2"e$ a petition
-or #ertiorari seeGing to annu" the prior or$ers an$ the +EC #ommuni#ation re9uest
$enying his "eave to trave" a%roa$, a""eging that his right to trave" ha$ %een vio"ate$.
4he +C he"$ that it ha$ not. 4he #ourt has power to prohi%it persons a$mitte$ to %ai"
-rom "eaving the #ountry %e#ause this is a ne#essary #onse9uen#e o- the nature an$
-un#tion o- a %ai" %on$. 4he #on$ition impose$ upon petitioner to maGe himse"- avai"a%"e
at a"" times whenever the #ourt re9uires his presen#e operates as a va"i$ restri#tion on
his #onstitutiona" right to trave".
a) Kat#hD"ist an$ ho"$ $eparture or$ers
1. /eturn to one>s #ountry
%arcos v. %an+*apus, supra.
4he right to return to one>s #ountry is separate -rom the right to trave" an$ to a%o$e. As
su#h, it may %e suspen$e$ %y the :resi$ent in the eer#ise o- resi$ua" powers.
!. /ight to in-ormation
1. Limitations
$a*(onte v. Ce*(onte, supra.
Khi"e the peop"e have the right to in-ormation, in#"u$ing #ourt re#or$s, an$ they may
a##ess the sai$ re#or$s, they #annot #ompe" Ju$i#ia" oH#ers or #usto$ians o- oH#ia"
re#or$s to prepare "ists, a%stra#ts, summaries an$ the "iGe in their $esire to a#9uire
in-ormation on matters o- pu%"i# #on#ern
(. :u%"i#ation o- "aws an$ regu"ations
TaDada v. Tuvera, supra.
1. A##ess to #ourt re#or$s
Ca*dora v. #i(aano ?7@H:B
.n a veri2e$ "etterD#omp"aint, the ;uni#ipa" +e#retary o- 4aa", Batangas, #harge$
;uni#ipa" !u$ge /o$o"-o B. Dimaano with a%use o- authority in re-using to a""ow
emp"oyees o- the ;uni#ipa" ;ayor to eamine the #rimina" $o#Get re#or$s o- the
;uni#ipa" Court to se#ure $ata in #onne#tion with their #ontemp"ate$ report on the
pea#e an$ or$er #on$itions o- the sai$ muni#ipa"ity. 4he Court ru"e$ that !u$ge Dimaano
(respon$ent) $i$ not a#t ar%itrari"y sin#e he a""owe$ the #omp"ainant to open an$ view
the $o#Get %ooGs o- the respon$ent un$er #ertain #on$itions an$ un$er his #omman$
an$ supervision. .t has not %een shown that the ru"es an$ #on$itions impose$ %y the
respon$ent were unreasona%"e.
B. /ight to in-ormation re"ative to5
a) &overnment #ontra#t negotiations
%) Dip"omati# negotiations
"=4ayan v. ".uino, supra.
4he right to in-ormation $oes not in#"u$e the re#or$s o- $ip"omati# negotiations.
X. /ight o- asso#iation
Peop*e v. 5errer ?7@H/B
*on. !u$ge +imeon 'errer is the 4ar"a# tria" #ourt Ju$ge that $e#"are$ /A 1700 or the AntiD
+u%versive A#t o- 19)7 a %i"" o- attain$er. 4he Anti +u%versive A#t o- 19)7 out"awe$ the
C:: an$ simi"ar asso#iations pena"i<ing mem%ership therein, an$ -or other purposes. .t
$e2ne$ the Communist :arty as an organi<e$ #onspira#y to overthrow the &overnment,
not on"y %y -or#e an$ vio"en#e %ut a"so %y $e#eit, su%version an$ other i""ega" means. .t
$e#"are$ that the C:: is a #"ear an$ present $anger to the se#urity o- the :hi"ippines.
4he +C uphe"$ the AntiD+u%version A#t o- 19)7. A %i"" o- attain$er is so"e"y a "egis"ative
a#t. .t punishes without the %ene2t o- the tria". .t is the su%stitution o- Ju$i#ia"
$etermination with a "egis"ative $etermination o- gui"t. .n or$er -or a statute %e measure$
as a %i"" o- attain$er, the -o""owing re9uisites must %e present5 1.) 4he statute spe#i2es
persons, groups, (.) the statute is app"ie$ retroa#tive"y an$ rea#h past #on$u#t. (A %i"" o-
attain$er re"ative"y is a"so an e post -a#to "aw.)
.n the #ase at %ar, the statute simp"y $e#"ares the C:: as an organi<e$ #onspira#y -or the
overthrow o- the &overnment -or purposes o- the A#t. 4he A#t app"ies not on"y to the C::
%ut a"so to other organi<ations having the same purpose an$ their su##essors. 4he A#t>s
-o#us is on the #on$u#t not the person.
;em%ership o- these organi<ations to %e un"aw-u", must %e shown to have %een a#9uire$
with the intent to -urther the goa"s o- the organi<ation %y overt a#ts. 4hus it is the
e"ement o- mem%ership with Gnow"e$ge that is punisha%"e. 'urther, the statute is
prospe#tive in nature.
PC% E(p*oyees v. PC%, supra.
A $emonstration against the a%uses o- po"i#e is prote#te$ as an eer#ise o- the right to
pea#ea%"y assem%"e to petition the government -or re$ress o- grievan#es.
<CL !eyes v. Ca+atsin+ ?7@E2B
!BL /eyes, in %eha"- o- the mem%ers o- the AntiDBases Coa"ition, sought a permit to ra""y
-rom Luneta :arG unti" the -ront gate o- the 8+ em%assy. ;ani"a ;ayor Bagatsing $enie$
the petition. 4he mayor #"aime$ that there ha$ %een inte""igen#e reports that in$i#ate$
that the ra""y wou"$ %e in2"trate$ %y "aw"ess e"ements. *e thus issue$ City Cr$inan#e =o.
7(9) to prohi%it the staging o- ra""ies within a )00Dmeter ra$ius o- the 8+ em%assy.
4he +C stru#G $own the or$inan#e. Khi"e un$er internationa" "aw, the re#eiving state is
tasGe$ with the prote#tion o- -oreign $ip"omats -rom any "aw"ess e"ement, an$ whi"e the
6ienna Convention is a restatement o- the genera""y a##epte$ prin#ip"es o- internationa"
"aw, the same #annot prevai" over the Constitutiona" rights to -ree spee#h an$ to
pea#ea%"y assem%"e.
L. Eminent $omain
Peop*e v. 5a9ardo ?7@AEB
'aJar$o was #onvi#te$ -or vio"ating an or$inan#e whi#h pena"i<e$ the #onstru#tion o- a
%ui"$ing that $estroys the view o- the pu%"i# p"a<a. 4he +C stru#G $own the or$inan#e,
ru"ing that it is unreasona%"e an$ oppressive, in that it operates to permanent"y $eprive
appe""ants o- the right to use their own propertyN thus, it oversteps the %oun$s o- po"i#e
power, an$ amounts to a taGing o- appe""ant>s property without Just #ompensation.
!epu4*ic v. PL#T ?7@:@B
4he BC4 is a government arm engage$ in the operation o- te"e#ommuni#ation servi#es in
the #ountry %y uti"i<ing su#h -a#i"ities as may %e avai"a%"e in the area. A-ter its #reation,
the BC4 set up its own &overnment 4e"ephone +ystem (&4+) %y renting the trunG "ines o-
:LD4. BC4 entere$ into an agreement with /CA Communi#ations (a te"e#ommuni#ations
#ompany in the 8+ with a $omesti# station in the :hi"ippines), asso#iate o- :LD4, -or Joint
overseas te"ephone servi#e where%y BC4 wou"$ #onvey overseas #a""s re#eive$ %y /CA
to "o#a" resi$ents. :LD4 #omp"aine$ to the BC4 that it vio"ate$ their agreement sin#e the
trunG "ines were use$ not on"y -or the use o- government oH#es %ut even to serve the
genera" pu%"i# in #ompetition with the %usiness o- :LD4. Khen p"ainti, -ai"e$ to rep"y,
:LD4 $is#onne#te$ the "ines rente$ %y p"ainti,. 4he p"ainti, #ommen#e$ suit against
:LD4 to ee#ute a #ontra#t -or the use o- the -a#i"ities o- :LD4Es te"ephones system un$er
su#h #on$itions as the #ourt may #onsi$er reasona%"e. 4he +C he"$ that5 4he state, may,
in the interest o- nationa" we"-are, trans-er uti"ities to pu%"i# ownership upon payment o-
Just #ompensationN there is no reason why the state may not re9uire a pu%"i# uti"ity to
ren$er servi#es in the genera" interest provi$e$ Just #ompensation is pai$.

!epu4*ic v. Caste**vi ?7@HFB
4he /epu%"i# o- the :hi"ippines (:hi"ippine Air 'or#e) "ease$ the property o- respon$ent
Caste""vi near Basa air%ase on a year"y %asis. .n 19)A, the respon$ent $e#i$e$ to
terminate the "ease #ontra#t an$ asGe$ the petitioner to va#ate the p"a#e. 4he petitioner
$i$ not #omp"y, so the respon$ent 2"e$ an eJe#tment suit against petitioner. 4he
respon$ent however 2"e$ epropriation pro#ee$ings warranting the $ismissa" o- the
eJe#tment suit. 'or the other respon$ent &o<un, her "an$ was a"so %eing epropriate$
%ut there was no prior "ease agreement with petitioner un"iGe in the #ase o- Caste""vi.
4he +C sai$ that the pri#es in 19)9 wi"" app"y sin#e in 19B7, they $i$ not possess the
property with a permanent #hara#teristi# seeing that they were Just "easing on a year"y
%asis. 4heir possession $i$ not a"so $eprive the owner o- the %ene2ts o- the "an$ sin#e
they were paying rent. .t was on"y in 19)9 when they 2"e$ the epropriation pro#ee$ings
that they gaine$ possession with a permanent #hara#ter when the "ower #ourt grante$
them su#h possession. 4he pri#e o- :hp 10.00 however was 9uite high taGing in
#onsi$eration that the sai$ properties #ou"$ %e so"$ on a range o- :hp (.)0 W B.00 per s9
meters an$ the -a#t that the va"ue o- the peso went $own. 4he proper pri#e is now at
:hp).00 per s9uare meters.
4his #ase is $o#trina" -or giving the e"ements o- a #ompensa%"e taGing, to wit5
1. 4he epropriator must enter a private property
(. 'or more than a momentary perio$
1. 8n$er warrant or #o"or o- "ega" authority
B. 4he property must %e $evote$ to a pu%"i# use or otherwise in-orma""y appropriate$
or inJurious"y a,e#te$
). 4he owner must %e ouste$ o- a"" %ene2#ia" enJoyment o- the property.
#e Inec't v. Cautista ?7@E0B
A9uino, as the ;inister o- :u%"i# *ighways, ma$e a p"an -or the etension o- ED+A. 4he
origina" p"an was that the etension wou"$ #ut through Cuneta Avenue. *e #hange$ this
p"an to a new one, wherein the etension wou"$ #ut through 'ernan$o /ein an$ De" :an
+treets. :etitioner De Xne#ht is a resi$ent that wi"" %e a,e#te$ %y the new p"an. +he went
to :asay C'. to 2"e a #ase, in or$er to enJoin A9uino an$ the /epu%"i# -rom going through
with the new p"an. /espon$ent !u$ge Bautista issue$ a writ o- possession in -avor o- the
/epu%"i#. 4he +C set asi$e the writ. 4o Justi-y its $e#ision, the +C use$ the
re#ommen$ations o- the *uman +ett"ements Commission as %asis. 4he Commission sai$
that a"though the origina" p"an was more epensive, it was a %etter #hoi#e, taGing into
#onsi$eration the progress an$ $eve"opment o- the #ountry.
!epu4*ic v. #e Inec't ?7@@0B
/epu%"i# wante$ to eten$ ED+A to /oas Bou"evar$ an$ a"so #onstru#t an out-a"" -or
Uoo$ waters. A"ong the p"anne$ etension route is De Xne#ht>s property. De Xne#ht $oes
not want to se"" her property. De Xne#ht 2"e$ a #ase tit"e$ De Xne#ht v Bautista whi#h
she won in 1980. 4he Court #ite$ the so#ia" impa#t -a#tor maGing epropriation o- the
"an$ ar%itrary. .n 1981, the Batasang :am%ansa passe$ B:1B0 epropriating the sai$
property. 4he "ower #ourt grante$ petitioner>s (/epu%"i#) p"ea o- $enying the motion to
$ismiss epropriation pro#ee$ing #iting sai$ "aw. 4he +C aHrme$ sai$ ru"ing stating that
sin#e resi$ents have a"rea$y move$, the so#ia" impa#t -a#tor whi#h was the %asis in De
Xne#ht v. Bautista has a"rea$y $isappeare$, maGing the epropriation pro#ee$ings no
"onger ar%itrary. 4he #ourt a"so sai$ that epropriation pro#ee$ings may %e un$ertaGen
%y the petitioner not on"y %y vo"untary negotiation with the "an$ owner %ut a"so %y taGing
appropriate #ourt a#tion or %y "egis"ation.
1. Con#ept
(. Epansive #on#ept o- ?pu%"i# use@
"ssociation o- S(a** Lando,ners v. Sec. o- "+rarian !e-or( ?7@E@B
4hese are #onso"i$ate$ #ases whi#h invo"ve #ommon "ega" issues, in#"u$ing serious
#ha""enges to the #onstitutiona"ity o- the severa" measures su#h as :.D. =o. (7, E.C. =o.
((8, :resi$entia" :ro#"amation =o. 111, E.C. =o. ((9, an$ /.A. =o. AA)7.
4he +C ru"e$ that agrarian re-orm un$er the Constitution is an eer#ise o- the power o-
eminent $omain. 4here are tra$itiona" $istin#tions %etween the po"i#e power an$ the
power o- eminent $omain that "ogi#a""y pre#"u$e the app"i#ation o- %oth powers at the
same time on the same su%Je#t. :roperty #on$emne$ un$er the po"i#e power is noious
or inten$e$ -or a noious purpose, su#h as a %ui"$ing on the verge o- #o""apse, whi#h
shou"$ %e $emo"ishe$ -or the pu%"i# sa-ety, or o%s#ene materia"s, whi#h shou"$ %e
$estroye$ in the interest o- pu%"i# mora"s. 4he #on2s#ation o- su#h property is not
#ompensa%"e, un"iGe the taGing o- property un$er the power o- epropriation, whi#h
re9uires the payment o- Just #ompensation to the owner. 4o the etent that the measures
un$er #ha""enge mere"y pres#ri%e retention "imits -or "an$owners, there is an eer#ise o-
the po"i#e power -or the regu"ation o- private property in a##or$an#e with the
Constitution. But where, to #arry out su#h regu"ation, it %e#omes ne#essary to $eprive
su#h owners o- whatever "an$s they may own in e#ess o- the maimum area a""owe$,
there is $e2nite"y a taGing un$er the power o- eminent $omain -or whi#h payment o- Just
#ompensation is imperative. 4he taGing #ontemp"ate$ is not a mere "imitation o- the use
o- the "an$. Khat is re9uire$ is the surren$er o- the tit"e to an$ the physi#a" possession
o- the sai$ e#ess an$ a"" %ene2#ia" rights a##ruing to the owner in -avor o- the -armerD
%ene2#iary. 4his is $e2nite"y an eer#ise not o- the po"i#e power %ut o- the power o-
eminent $omain
Su(u*on+ v. uerrero ?7@EHB
=*A 2"e$ an epropriation #omp"aint -or petitioners> "an$, whi#h was grante$ %y
Buenaventura. :etitioners sai$ that ?so#ia"i<e$ housing@ was not ?pu%"i# use,@ an$ that
:D 1((B, the "aw whi#h the =*A use$, was un#onstitutiona". 4he +C he"$ that the
epan$e$ notion o- pu%"i# use, supporte$ %y Constitutiona" provisions on so#ia" Justi#e
an$ "an$ re-orm, in#"u$e the #on#ept o- so#ia"i<e$ housing. 4hey a"so he"$ that eminent
$omain #annot %e restri#te$ Just %e#ause the property is sma"". .n$ivi$ua" interests must
%e su%or$inate$ to state or pu%"i# interest. *owever, +C sai$ that Just #ompensation
must taGe into a##ount a"" -a#tors, an$ the =*A>s va"uations $i$ not taGe into a##ount
in$ivi$ua" -a#tors. A"so, to $eny petitioners the opportunity to #ha""enge the #orre#tness
o- the va"uations o- Just #ompensation is a $enia" o- $ue pro#ess. 4he +C reman$e$ the
#ase %a#G to the #ourt o- origin in or$er to $etermine the proper #ompensation.
City overn(ent v. <ud+e Ericta ?7@E2B
Lue<on City ena#te$ an or$inan#e entit"e$ ?An or$inan#e regu"ating the esta%"ishment,
maintenan#e an$ operation o- private memoria" type #emetery or %uria" groun$ within
the Juris$i#tion o- Lue<on City an$ provi$ing pena"ties -or the vio"ation thereo-@. 4he "aw
%asi#a""y provi$es that at "east si (A) per#ent o- the tota" area o- the memoria" parG
#emetery sha"" %e set asi$e -or #harity %uria" o- $e#ease$ persons who are paupers an$
have %een resi$ents o- Lue<on City -or at "east ) years prior to their $eath, to %e
$etermine$ %y #ompetent City Authorities. LC Justi2e$ the "aw %y invoGing po"i#e power.
4he +C he"$ the "aw as an inva"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power. 4here is no reasona%"e
re"ation %etween the setting asi$e o- at "east si (A) per#ent o- the tota" area o- a""
private #emeteries -or #harity %uria" groun$s o- $e#ease$ paupers an$ the promotion o-
hea"th, mora"s, goo$ or$er, sa-ety, or the genera" we"-are o- the peop"e. 4he or$inan#e is
a#tua""y a taGing without #ompensation o- a #ertain area -rom a private #emetery to
%ene2t paupers who are #harges o- the muni#ipa" #orporation. .nstea$ o- %ui"$ing or
maintaining a pu%"i# #emetery -or this purpose, the #ity passes the %ur$en to private
1. !ust #ompensation
EPK" v. #u*ay ?7@E@B
4he #ase #on#erns the "an$ where the ;a#tan Eport :ro#essing Yone Authority in Ce%u
(E:YA) was to %e #onstru#te$. +an Antonio Deve"opment Corporation (+ADC) #"aime$
that the "an$s were epropriate$ to the government without them rea#hing the
agreement as to the #ompensation. /espon$ent !u$ge Du"ay then issue$ an or$er -or the
appointment o- the #ommissioners to $etermine Just #ompensation. .t was "ater -oun$
out that the payment o- the government to +ADC wou"$ %e :1) per s9uare meter, whi#h
was o%Je#te$ to %y the "atter #onten$ing that un$er :D 1)11, the %asis o- Just
#ompensation sha"" %e -air an$ a##or$ing to the -air marGet va"ue $e#"are$ %y the owner
o- the property sought to %e epropriate$, or %y the assessor, whi#hever is "ower.
4he +C ru"e$ that the mo$e o- $etermination o- Just #ompensation in :D 1)11 is
un#onstitutiona". 4he metho$ o- as#ertaining Just #ompensation #onstitutes
impermissi%"e en#roa#hment on Ju$i#ia" prerogative. .t ten$s to ren$er the #ourts inuti"e
in a matter whi#h, un$er the Constitution, is reserve$ to them -or 2nan#ia"
$etermination. 4he va"uation in the $e#ree may on"y serve as gui$ing prin#ip"e or one o-
the -a#tors in $etermining Just #ompensation, %ut it may not su%stitute the #ourts> own
Ju$gment as to what amount shou"$ %e awar$e$ an$ how to arrive at su#h amount. 4he
$etermination o- Just #ompensation is a Ju$i#ia" -un#tion. 4he ee#utive $epartment or
the "egis"ature may maGe the initia" $etermination %ut when a party #"aims a vio"ation o-
the guarantee in the Bi"" o- /ights that the private property may not %e taGen -or pu%"i#
use without Just #ompensation, no statute, $e#ree, or ee#utive or$er #an man$ate that
its own $etermination sha"" prevai" over the #ourt>s 2n$ings.
!eyes v. NH" ?/002B
4he =*A epropriate$ the /eyes> "an$, -or the purpose o- re"o#ating s9uatters -rom ;etro
;ani"a. *owever, it instea$ p"anne$ to %ui"$ "ow #ost housing units. /eyes thus
#ha""enge$ the epropriation, #"aiming that the Ju$gment o- epropriation was -or-eite$
when the =*A use$ the "an$ -or another purpose.
4he +C ru"e$ that /eyes #ou"$ not insist on a restri#tive view o- the eminent $omain
provision o- the Constitution %y #onten$ing that the #ontra#t -or "ow #ost housing is a
$eviation -rom the state$ pu%"i# use. .t is now sett"e$ $o#trine that the #on#ept o- pu%"i#
use is no "onger "imite$ to tra$itiona" purposes. 4he term Tpu%"i# useT has now %een he"$
to %e synonymous with Tpu%"i# interest,T Tpu%"i# %ene2t,T Tpu%"i# we"-are,T an$ Tpu%"i#
#onvenien#e.T 4hus, whatever may %e %ene2#ia""y emp"oye$ -or the genera" we"-are
satis2es the re9uirement o- pu%"i# use.T
.n a$$ition, the epropriation o- private "an$ -or s"um #"earan#e an$ ur%an $eve"opment
is -or a pu%"i# purpose even i- the $eve"ope$ area is "ater so"$ to private homeowners,
#ommer#ia"s 2rms, entertainment an$ servi#e #ompanies, an$ other private #on#erns.
4he Constitution itse"- a""ows the +tate to un$ertaGe, -or the #ommon goo$ an$ in
#ooperation with the private se#tor, a #ontinuing program o- ur%an "an$ re-orm an$
housing whi#h wi"" maGe at a,or$a%"e #ost $e#ent housing an$ %asi# servi#es to
un$erprivi"ege$ an$ home"ess #iti<ens in ur%an #enters an$ resett"ement areas. 4he
epropriation o- private property -or the purpose o- so#ia"i<e$ housing -or the
margina"i<e$ se#tor is in -urtheran#e o- so#ia" Justi#e.
a) Determination
"nsa*do v. C" ?7@@0B
Ansa"$o>s "an$ was taGen %y the Department o- :u%"i# KorGs, 4ransportation an$
Communi#ation. 4wentyDsi years "ater, Ansa"$o asGe$ to %e #ompensate$ -or the taGing.
4he +C he"$ that the $etermination o- the va"ue shou"$ %e $etermine$ at the time o-
taGing, not at the time o- the 2"ing o- the suit.
%) E,e#t o- $e"ay
B. A%an$onment o- inten$e$ use an$ right o- repur#hase
). ;is#e""aneous app"i#ation
;. Contra#t #"ause
!utter v. Este4an ?7@A2B
Este%an %ought ( pie#es o- "an$ on Aug. (0, 19B1. *e was a%"e to pay the 2rst (
insta""ments, %ut was not a%"e to pay the net ( insta""ments, "ea$ing /utter to 2"e a suit
to re#over a sum o- money. Este%an #"aime$ that the en-or#ement o- the payment was
%arre$ %y /A 1B(, +e#. ( o- whi#h provi$es that a"" $e%ts an$ o%"igations #ontra#te$
%e-ore De#. 8, 19B1 sha"" not %e $ue an$ $eman$a%"e -or 8 years a-ter sett"ement o- the
war $amage #"aim o- the $e%tor %y the :hi"ippine Kar Damage Commission. 4he net
se#tion provi$e$ that i- +e#. ( was ma$e voi$ an$ unen-or#ea%"e, then the moratoriums
wou"$ %e revive$ an$ #ontinue.
4he +C stru#G $own the /A an$ the re"ate$ moratorium -or impairing #ontra#ts. 4he
$etermination o- the #onstitutiona"ity o- the moratorium statute is the $etermination o- a
perio$ -or the suspension o- the reme$y. 'urther, "aws a"tering #ontra#ts impair the
o%"igation thereo- when they are unreasona%"e in "ight o- the #ir#umstan#es. 'ina""y,
impairment shou"$ on"y re-er to the reme$y an$ not to a su%stantive right.
*ere, the /A, in e,e#t, gives 1( years %e-ore #re$itors #ou"$ en-or#e their o%"igations.
4his is unreasona%"e an$ oppressive un$er the #ir#umstan#es.
Orti+as v. Ce*3"ir ?7@@7B
!upiter +treet was re#"assi2e$ into a #ommer#ia" <one -rom its -ormer $esignation as a
resi$entia" <one. :res"ey, who "eases the property owne$ %y the A"men$rases in !upiter
street, operates a pan$esa" store in that a$$ress. Be"DAir 6i""age Asso#iation asGe$ them
to shut it $own pursuant to their agreement annotate$ in the 4C4 that the property
wou"$ %e use$ -or resi$entia" purposes on"y. 4he +C, pursuant to its ru"ing in the
+anga"ang #ase, he"$ that a"though the #ontra#t is %in$ing %etween the parties, this may
%e impaire$ %y a "aw-u" eer#ise o- po"i#e power7in this #ase, the re#"assi2#ation o-
!upiter into a #ommer#ia" <one.
Orti+as v. 5eati ?7@H@B
Crtigas so"$ two "ots in a su%$ivision a"ong ED+A to Emma Chave<. 4hese "ots were
suppose$ to on"y %e use$ -or resi$entia" purposes, an$ this stipu"ation was annotate$ on
the 4C4. Chave< so"$ the "ots to 'eati, who wante$ to use the "ots -or #ommer#ia"
purposes. 4heir %asis was ;an$a"uyong ;uni#ipa" Coun#i">s /eso"ution (7, #"assi-ying
that area as #ommer#ia"Rin$ustria". 4he +C sai$ that the nonDimpairment #"ause must %e
%a"an#e$ with the proper eer#ise o- po"i#e power, an$ that the stipu"ations shou"$ %e
su%or$inate to the reso"ution. .- the eer#ise o- po"i#e power is $one proper"y, the
in$ivi$ua" interests must %e su%or$inate to the genera" we"-are.
1. Contemporary app"i#ation o- the #ontra#t #"ause
=. Lega" assistan#e an$ -ree a##ess to #ourts
C. /ights o- suspe#ts
1. Avai"a%i"ity
(. /e9uisites
1. Kaiver
:. /ights o- the a##use$
1. Crimina" $ue pro#ess
Estrada v. Sandi+an4ayan ?/007B
'ormer :resi$ent !oseph Estra$a was #harge$ with p"un$er un$er /A 7080, the :"un$er
Law. *e #ha""enge$ the provision that ?'or purposes o- esta%"ishing the #rime o- p"un$er,
it sha"" not %e ne#essary to prove ea#h an$ every #rimina" a#t $one %y the a##use$ in
-urtheran#e o- the s#heme or #onspira#y to amass, a##umu"ate or a#9uire i""Dgotten
wea"th, it %eing suH#ient to esta%"ish %eyon$ reasona%"e $ou%t a pattern o- overt or
#rimina" a#ts in$i#ative o- the overa"" un"aw-u" s#heme or #onspira#y.@ 4he +C he"$ that,
whi"e not every a#t nee$s to %e proven %eyon$ reasona%"e $ou%t, there is no vio"ation o-
#rimina" $ue pro#ess, as it must sti"" %e proven that there is an un"aw-u" s#heme or
#onspira#y %eyon$ reasona%"e $ou%t.
US v. Lin+ Su 5an ?7@70B
Ling +u 'an was #onvi#te$ o- eporting :hi"ippine si"ver #oins, pursuant to A#t 1B11. Ling
+u 'an #ha""enge$ the sai$ a#t -or %eing vio"ative o- $ue pro#ess. 4he +C uphe"$ the A#t,
"aying $own the ,. re9uirements -or $ue pro#ess o- statutes5
'irst5 4hat there sha"" %e a "aw pres#ri%e$ in harmony with the genera" powers o- the
"egis"ative $epartment o- the &overnmentN
+e#on$5 4hat this "aw sha"" %e reasona%"e in its operationN
4hir$5 4hat it sha"" %e en-or#e$ a##or$ing to the regu"ar metho$s o- pro#e$ure
pres#ri%e$N an$
'ourth5 4hat it sha"" %e app"i#a%"e a"iGe to a"" the #iti<ens o- the state or to a"" o- a #"ass.
(. Bai"
1. :resumption o- inno#en#e
B. /ight to %e hear$
). Assistan#e o- #ounse"
Peop*e v. Espiritu ?7@@@B
Espiritu ma$e an etraDJu$i#ia" #on-ession, assiste$ %y Atty. ;anga""ay, whom he $i$ not
retain persona""y, %ut who was retaine$ %y his un#"e. *e thus #ha""enge$ the va"i$ity o-
the #on-ession. 4he +C uphe"$ the #on-ession. 4he right to #ounse" $oes not mean that
the a##use$ must persona""y hire his own #ounse". 4he #onstitutiona" re9uirement is
satis2e$ when a #ounse" is engage$ %y anyone a#ting on %eha"- o- the person un$er
investigation, or appointe$ %y the #ourt upon petition o- the sai$ person or %y someone
on his %eha"-.
Peop*e v. Continente ?/000B
4he tria" #ourt #onvi#te$ the a##use$ o- mur$er. Among the evi$en#e the tria" #ourt
re"ie$ upon were the #on-essions o- the a##use$. 4he a##use$ argue$ that their
#on-ession were ina$missi%"e in evi$en#e, sin#e they were not in-orme$ o- their
#onstitutiona" right.
4he written statements #ontaine$ an ep"anation that the investigation $ea"t with the
parti#ipation o- the a##use$ who #hose not to give any statement to the investigator an$
a warning that any statement o%taine$ -rom the a##use$ might %e use$ against them in
#ourt. 4hey #ontaine$ a$vi#e that the a##use$ might engage the servi#e o- a "awyer o-
their own #hoi#e an$ that i- they #ou"$ not a,or$ the servi#e o- a "awyer, they wou"$ %e
provi$e$ with one -or -ree. Despite the mani-estation o- the a##use$ that they inten$e$
to give their statements, the investigator re9ueste$ two "awyers to a#t as #ounse" -or the
a##use$. 4he "awyers #on-erre$ with the a##use$ %e-ore their investigation. 4he
a##use$ were in-orme$ o- their #onstitutiona" rights in the presen#e o- their #ounse". 4he
#on-essions are thus a$missi%"e in evi$en#e.
Peop*e v. O4rero ?/000B
At C%rero>s #usto$ia" investigation, he was assigne$ a "awyer who was the station
#omman$er o- another pre#in#t. 4he +C he"$ that his right to #ounse" was in-ringe$ upon,
as the sai$ "awyer #ou"$ not %e #onsi$ere$ in$epen$ent.
A. /ight to %e in-orme$
Pec'o v. Peop*e ?7@@:B
:e#ho was #onvi#te$ o- attempte$ esta-a through -a"si2#ation o- oH#ia" an$ #ommer#ia"
$o#uments. 4he $e#ision was assai"e$ on the groun$ that the a##use$ may not %e
#onvi#te$ o- that #rime %e#ause the in-ormation was -or a vio"ation o- /A 1019. *e thus
a""ege$ vio"ation o- his right to %e in-orme$ o- this #harge against him in the 2"ing o- the
4he +C uphe"$ the #onvi#tion. 4he o%Je#tives o- the right o- the a##use$ to %e in-orme$
o- the nature an$ #ause o- the #rime o- whi#h he is #harge$ are as -o""ows5
1. 4o -urnish the a##use$ with su#h a $es#ription o- the #harge against him as wi""
ena%"e him to maGe his $e-enseN
(. 4o avai" himse"- o- his #onvi#tion or a#9uitta" -or prote#tion against a -urther
prose#ution -or the same #auseN an$
1. 4o in-orm the #ourt o- the -a#ts a""ege$, so that it may $e#i$e whether they are
suH#ient in "aw to support a #onvi#tion, i- one shou"$ %e ha$.
.n or$er that this re9uirement may %e satis2e$, -a#ts must %e state$, not #on#"usions o-
"aw. 4he #omp"aint must #ontain a spe#i2# a""egation o- every -a#t an$ #ir#umstan#e
ne#essary to #onstitute the #rime. Khat $etermines the rea" nature an$ #ause o-
a##usation against an a##use$ is the a#tua" re#ita" o- -a#ts state$ in the in-ormation or
#omp"aint an$ not the #aption or pream%"e o- the in-ormation or #omp"aint nor the
spe#i2#ation o- the provision o- "aw a""ege$ to have %een vio"ate$, they %eing
#on#"usions o- "aw. .t -o""ows then that an a##use$ may %e #onvi#te$ o- a #rime whi#h
a"though not the one #harge$, is ne#essari"y in#"u$e$ in the "atter. .t has %een shown
that the in-ormation 2"e$ in #ourt is #onsi$ere$ as #harging -or two o,enses, whi#h the
#ounse" o- the a##use$ -ai"e$ to o%Je#t to. 4here-ore he #an %e #onvi#te$ -or %oth or
either o- the #harges.
7. /ight to spee$y, impartia" an$ pu%"i# tria"
8. /ight o- #on-rontation
9. Compu"sory pro#ess
10. 4ria"s in a%sentia
L. Krit o- ha%eas #orpus
Lansan+ v. arcia, supra.
4he suspension o- the writ o- ha%eas #orpus has ( re9uisites5
1. .nvasion, insurre#tion or re%e""ion or imminent $anger thereo-
(. :u%"i# sa-ety re9uires the suspension.
*ere, the eisten#e o- the =ew :eop"eEs Army is proo- o- re%e""ion regar$"ess o- how
sma"" it is. 4he a%sen#e o- any other in#i$ent a-ter the %om%ing is not proo- o- "a#G o-
/. Krits o- amparo, ha%eas $ata, an$ Ga"iGasan
+. +e"-Din#rimination #"ause
C'aveG v. C" ?7@:EB
Chave< was #onvi#te$ o- 9ua"i2e$ the-t o- a motor vehi#"e. During the tria", 'is#a" &re#ia
asGe$ Chave< to %e the 2rst witness. Counse" -or the a##use$ oppose$. 'is#a" &re#ia
#onten$s that the a##use$ (Chave<) wi"" on"y %e an or$inary witness an$ not a state
witness. Counse" -or the a##use$ averre$ that it wi"" on"y in#riminate his #"ient. 4he
testimony was permitte$.
4he +C ru"e$ that Chave< was -or#e$ to testi-y to in#riminate himse"-, in -u"" %rea#h o- his
#onstitutiona" right to remain si"ent. .t #ou"$ not %e sai$ that he waive$ his right -or he
$i$ not vo"unteer to taGe the stan$ an$ in his own $e-enseN he $i$ not o,er himse"- as a
Ce*tran v. Sa(son and <ose ?7@/@B
Be"tran, as a $e-en$ant -or the #rime o- -a"si2#ation, re-use$ to write a samp"e o- his
han$writing as or$ere$ %y the respon$ent !u$ge, #"aiming a vio"ation o- his #onstitutiona"
right against se"-Din#rimination %e#ause su#h eamination wou"$ give the prose#ution
evi$en#e against him, whi#h the "atter shou"$ have pro#ure$ in the 2rst p"a#e. *e a"so
argue$ that su#h an a#t wi"" maGe him -urnish evi$en#e against himse"-.
4he +C agree$, ru"ing that writing is something more than moving the %o$y, or the
han$s, or the 2ngersN writing is not a pure"y me#hani#a" a#t, %e#ause it re9uires the
app"i#ation o- inte""igen#e an$ attention an$ in the #ase at %ar, writing means that
Be"tran is to -urnish a means to $etermine whether or not he is the -a"si2er, as the
petition o- the respon$ent 2s#a" #"ear"y states. 'or purposes o- the #onstitutiona"
privi"ege, there is a simi"arity %etween one who is #ompe""e$ to pro$u#e a $o#ument, an$
one who is #ompe""e$ to -urnish a spe#imen o- his han$writing, -or in %oth #ases, the
witness is re9uire$ to -urnish evi$en#e against himse"-.
Cen+Gon v. Senate C*ue !i44on Co((ittee, supra.
4he right against se"-Din#rimination may %e invoGe$ %y other witnesses on"y as 9uestions
are asGe$ o- them.
a*(an v. Pa(aran ?7@EAB
&a"man was ma$e to testi-y %e-ore the Agrava %oar$ -o""owing the assassination o- =inoy
A9uino. *e invoGe$ his right against se"-Din#rimination. 4he +C he"$ that it app"ie$ even
in nonD#rimina" pro#ee$ings, as the wor$ ?#rimina"@ ha$ %een $e"ete$ -rom the
Constitutiona" provision.
$i**aLor v. Su((ers ?7@/0B
.n a #rimina" #ase %e-ore the C'. o- ;ani"a, 6i""aUor was #harge$ with a$u"tery. 8pon
petition %y the 2s#a", the #ourt or$ere$ 6i""aUor to su%mit her %o$y to the eamination o-
one or two #ompetent $o#tors to $etermine i- she was pregnant or not. 6i""aUor re-use$,
#"aiming that it amounte$ to se"-Din#rimination.
4he +C $isagree$. 4he Court "ai$ $own the ru"e that the #onstitutiona" guaranty that no
person sha"" %e #ompe""e$ in any #rimina" #ase to %e a witness against himse"-, is "imite$
to a prohi%ition against #ompu"sory testimonia" se"-Din#rimination. 4he #oro""ary to the
proposition is that, on a proper showing an$ un$er an or$er o- the tria" #ourt, an o#u"ar
inspe#tion o- the %o$y o- the a##use$ is permissi%"e. 4he proviso is that torture or -or#e
sha"" %e avoi$e$.
1. +#ope an$ #overage
a) 'oreign "aws
(. App"i#ation
1. .mmunity statutes
4. .nvo"untary servitu$e an$ po"iti#a" prisoners
US v. Po(peya ?7@7AB
An or$inan#e was passe$, in a##or$an#e with A#t 1109, re9uiring every a%"eD%o$ie$ ma"e
resi$ent o- the muni#ipa"ity o- ."oi"o to ren$er servi#e on patro" $uty. :ompeya was
#onvi#te$ -or re-using to ren$er su#h servi#e. 4he +C uphe"$ A#t 1109 an$ the or$inan#e,
ho"$ing that the power eer#ise$ un$er the provisions o- A#t =o. 1109 -a""s within the
po"i#e power o- the state an$ that the state was -u""y authori<e$ an$ Justi2e$ in
#on-erring the same upon the muni#ipa"ities o- the :hi"ippine .s"an$s an$ that, there-ore,
the provisions o- the sai$ A#t are #onstitutiona" an$ not in vio"ation nor in $erogation o-
the rights o- the persons a,e#te$ there%y, in a##or$an#e with the timeDhonore$
o%"igation o- the in$ivi$ua" to assist in the prote#tion o- the pea#e an$ goo$ or$er o- his
8. E#essive 2nes an$ #rue" an$ inhuman punishments
Peop*e v. Ec'e+aray ?7@@:B and Ec'e+aray v. Sec. o- <ustice ?7@@@B
E#hegaray was senten#e$ to $eath. 4he imposition o- the $eath pena"ty was #ha""enge$
on the groun$ that it #onstitute$ #rue" an$ unusua" punishment. 4he +C ru"e$ that the
imposition o- the $eath pena"ty, per se, is not #rue" an$ unusua" punishment. 4he #rue"ty
against whi#h the Constitution prote#ts a #onvi#te$ man is #rue"ty inherent in the
metho$ o- punishment, not the ne#essary su,ering invo"ve$ in any metho$ emp"oye$ to
etinguish "i-e humane"y.
Peop*e v. #ionisio ?7@:EB
Dionisio was 2ne$ -or taGing %ets on a horse ra#e without authority. *e #omp"aine$ that
the imposition o- the 2ne was e#essive, an$ #onstitute$ #rue" an$ unusua" punishment.
=either 2nes nor imprisonment #onstitute in themse"ves #rue" an$ unusua" punishment,
-or the Constitutiona" stru#ture has %een interprete$ as re-erring to pena"ties that are
inhumane an$ %ar%arous, or sho#Ging to the #ons#ien#e an$ 2nes or imprisonment are
$e2nite"y not in this #ategory. =or $oes mere severity #onstitute #rue" an$ unusua"
6. =onDimprisonment -or $e%ts
LoGano v. %artineG ?7@E:B
4he #onstitutiona"ity o- B: (( was #ha""enge$, as it was a""ege$ that it vio"ate$ the
#onstitutiona" prohi%ition against imprisonment -or nonDpayment o- $e%ts. 4he +C uphe"$
the "aw, ru"ing that the "aw punishes the a#t o- issuing un-un$e$ #he#Gs, not the nonD
payment o- the $e%ts whi#h they represent.
Serafn v. Lindaya+ ?7@HAB
+era2n -ai"e$ to pay a simp"e in$e%te$ness o- :1)00. 4hus, a #ase was 2"e$ against her,
whi#h was a$mitte$ %y the #ourt. +era2n 2"e$ a #ase against respon$ent !u$ge -or not
$ismissing the #ase an$ -or issuing a warrant o- arrest, as the $e%t she owe$ -a""s on the
#ategory o- a simp"e in$e%te$ness, sin#e e"ements o- esta-a are not present.
'urthermore, she #onten$e$ that no person shou"$ %e imprisone$ -or nonDpayment o- a
"oan o- a sum o- money.
4he #ourt he"$ that the Ju$ge #ommitte$ grave a%use o- $is#retion. +era2n $i$ not
#ommit any o,ense as her $e%t is #onsi$ere$ a simp"e "oan grante$ %y her -rien$s to her.
8n$er the Constitution she is prote#te$ -rom imprisonment.
K. Dou%"e Jeopar$y
1. /e9uisites
Peop*e v. O4sania ?7@:EB
C%sania was #harge$ with /o%%ery with /ape %e-ore the ;uni#ipa" Court o- Ba"ungao.
*is #ounse" move$ -or the $ismissa" o- the #harge -or -ai"ure to a""ege "ew$ $esigns in the
in-ormation. +ai$ motion was grante$. 'rom this or$er o- $ismissa", the prose#ution
4he +C he"$ that there was no $ou%"e Jeopar$y in this #ase. .n or$er that the a##use$
may invoGe $ou%"e Jeopar$y, the -o""owing re9uisites must have o%taine$ in the origina"
a) va"i$ #omp"aint,
%) #ompetent #ourt,
#) the $e-en$ant ha$ p"ea$e$ to the #harge,
$) $e-en$ant was a#9uitte$ or #onvi#te$ or the #ase against him was $ismisse$ or
otherwise terminate$ without his epress #onsent.
*ere, the #onverte$ $ismissa" was or$ere$ %y the 4ria" Court Ju$ge upon the $e-en$antEs
motion to $ismiss. 4he ?$o#trine o- $ou%"e Jeopar$y@ $oes not app"y when the #ase is
$ismisse$ with the epress #onsent o- the $e-en$ant. 4he $ismissa" wi"" not %e a %ar to
another prose#ution -or the same o,ense %e#ause his a#tion in having the #ase is
$ismisse$ #onstitutes a waiver o- his #onstitutiona" right or privi"ege -or the reason that
he there%y prevents the Court -rom pro#ee$ing to the tria" on the merits an$ ren$ering a
Ju$gment o- #onvi#tion against him.
Peop*e v. !e*ova ?7@EHB
4he :eop"e o- the :hi"ippines seeGs to set asi$e the or$ers o- /espon$ent !u$ge *on.
/e"ova 9uashing an in-ormation -or the-t 2"e$ against ;r. Cpu"en#ia on the groun$ o-
$ou%"e Jeopar$y an$ $enying the petitioner>s motion -or re#onsi$eration. Cpu"en#ia was
#harge$ un$er a Batangas or$inan#e -or insta""ing i""ega" e"e#tri# wiring $evi#es. 4he
#ase was $ismisse$. 4wo months "ater, he was #harge$ -or the-t o- e"e#tri#ity un$er the
/evise$ :ena" Co$e. 4he Court $ismisse$ the #omp"aint on the groun$ o- $ou%"e
4he +C he"$ that $ou%"e Jeopar$y ha$ atta#he$ in this #ase. 4he Bi"" o- /ights gives two
instan#es or Gin$s o- $ou%"e Jeopar$y. 4he 2rst wou"$ %e that ?=o person sha"" %e twi#e
put in Jeopar$y o- punishment -or the same o,ense an$ the se#on$ senten#e states that
?.- an a#t is punisha%"e %y a "aw or an or$inan#e, the #onvi#tion or a#9uitta" sha"" %ar to
another prose#ution -or the same a#t.@ .n the #ase at %ar, it was evi$ent that the #harges
2"e$ against ;r. Cpu"en#ia wi"" -a"" on the se#on$ Gin$ or $e2nition o- $ou%"e Jeopar$y
wherein it #ontemp"ates $ou%"e Jeopar$y o- punishment -or the same a#t. .t -urther
ep"ains that even i- the o,enses #harge$ are not the same, owing to the -a#t that the
2rst #harge #onstitutes a vio"ation o- an or$inan#e an$ the se#on$ #harge was a vio"ation
against the /evise$ :ena" Co$e, the -a#t that the two #harges sprung -rom one an$ the
same a#t o- #onvi#tion or a#9uitta" un$er either the "aw or the or$inan#e sha"" %ar a
prose#ution un$er the other, thus maGing it against the "ogi# o- $ou%"e Jeopar$y.
(. ;otions -or re#onsi$eration an$ appea"s
1. Dismissa" with #onsent o- a##use$
3. E post -a#to "aws an$ %i""s o- attain$er
!epu4*ic v. 5ernandeG ?7@A:B
'ernan$e< was assesse$ war pro2ts taes. *e #ha""enge$ the ta -or %eing an e post
-a#to "aw. *owever, the +C ru"e$ that the #onstitutiona" prohi%ition against e post -a#to
"aws $oes not app"y to ta statutes.
Peop*e v. 5errer, supra.
4he AntiD+u%versive A#t is not a %i"" o- attain$er. .t was prospe#tive in app"i#ation, an$
$oes not sing"e out persons, %ut #on$u#t.
A. Kho Are 'i"ipino Citi<ens
B. ;o$es o- A#9uiring Citi<enship
C. =atura"i<ation an$ Denatura"i<ation
D. Dua" Citi<enship an$ Dua" A""egian#e
E. Loss an$ /eDA#9uisition o- :hi"ippine Citi<enship
Co9ui""a v. Come"e# ((00()
Co9ui""a was %orn o- 'i"ipino parents in Cras, Eastern +amar, where he grew up an$
resi$e$. .n 19A), he Joine$ the 8+ =avy an$ was su%se9uent"y natura"i<e$ as a 8+
#iti<en. Cn =ovem%er 10, (000, he tooG his oath as a #iti<en o- the :hi"ippines
su%se9uent"y a-ter his app"i#ation -or repatriation was approve$. Cn =ovem%er (1, (000,
he app"ie$ -or registration as a voter o- Butunga, Cras, Eastern +amar. Cn 'e%ruary (7,
(001, he 2"e$ his CCC stating therein that he has %een a resi$ent o- Cras, Eastern +amar
-or ( years.
4his "e$ A"vare<, in#um%ent mayor o- Cras who was running -or reDe"e#tion, to seeG the
#an#e""ation o- the CCC on the groun$ that the "atter ha$ resi$e$ in Cras -or on"y a%out A
months sin#e when he tooG his oath as a #iti<en o- the :hi"ippines.
4he +upreme Court ru"e$ that Co9ui""a was sti"" an a"ien. A person "oses :hi"ippine
#iti<enship an$ $omi#i"e o- origin %y %e#oming a 8.+. #iti<en a-ter en"isting in the 8.+.
=avy, as resi$en#e in the 8.+. is a re9uirement -or natura"i<ation as a 8.+. #iti<en. 4his
resu"ts in the a%an$onment o- $omi#i"e in the :hi"ippines. 4he person may on"y %e sai$ to
have %een $omi#i"e$ in the :hi"ippines again on#e he repatriates or %y an a#t o-
Congress, %ut the perio$ %e-ore this a#t o- rea#9uisition wi"" not #ount in the resi$en#y
re9uirement -or e"e#te$ oH#ia"s. *is status $uring that perio$ is one o- an a"ien who has
o%taine$ an immigrant visa an$ has waive$ his status as a nonDresi$ent.
4. "#%INIST!"TI$E L"&
". enera* Princip*es
:angasinan 4ransportation Co. v. 4he :u%"i# +ervi#e Commission (19B0)
:etitioner, in 9uestioning an un-avoura%"e $e#ision o- the :+C, raise$ the issue that
+e#tion 1 o- the Commonwea"th A#t =o. B)B whi#h grante$ :+C its powers is not a va"i$
$e"egation o- "egis"ative power.
4he theory o- the separation o- powers is $esigne$ %y its originators to se#ure a#tion an$
at the same time to -oresta"" overa#tion whi#h ne#essari"y resu"ts -rom un$ue
#on#entration o- powers, an$ there%y o%tain eH#ien#y an$ prevent $isposition. *owever,
the maim o- dele&atus non potest dele&ari or dele&ate potestas non potest dele&ari is
apparent in the $eve"opment o- the prin#ip"e o- separation o- powers. Kith the growing
#omp"eity o- mo$ern "i-e, the mu"tip"i#ation o- the su%Je#ts o- governmenta" regu"ation,
an$ the in#rease$ $iH#u"ty o- a$ministering the "aws, there is a #onstant"y growing
ten$en#y towar$ the $e"egation o- greater powers %y the "egis"ature an$ towar$ the
approva" o- the pra#ti#e %y the #ourt.
;ani"a E"e#tri# Company v. :asay 4ransportation Company, .n#. et a". (191()
.n 9uestion is the va"i$ity o- +e#tion 11 o- A#t =o. 1BBA whi#h provi$e$ that mem%ers o-
the +upreme Court sha"" sit as a %oar$ o- ar%itrators in #ases where any -ran#hise or right
o- way is grante$ to any person or #orporation other than an origina" grantee.
4he mem%ers o- the +upreme Court #annot sit as a %oar$ o- ar%itrators to reso"ve
$isputes %etween pu%"i# uti"ities. 4he issue is not whether or not there has %een a
$e"egation o- "egis"ative authority to a #ourt %ut rather whether or not the mem%ers o-
the +upreme Court have the "ega" right to sit as a %oar$ o- ar%itrators an$ a#t in su#h
4he +upreme Court o- the :hi"ippine .s"an$s represents one o- the three $ivisions o-
power in our government. .t is Ju$i#ia" power an$ Ju$i#ia" power on"y whi#h is eer#ise$
%y the +upreme Court. !ust as the +upreme Court, as the guar$ian o- #onstitutiona"
rights, shou"$ not san#tion usurpations %y any other $epartment o- the government, so
shou"$ it as stri#t"y #on2ne its own sphere o- inUuen#e to the powers epress"y or %y
imp"i#ation #on-erre$ on it %y the Crgani# A#t. 4he +upreme Court an$ its mem%ers
shou"$ not an$ #annot %e re9uire$ to eer#ise any power or to per-orm any trust or to
assume any $uty not pertaining to or #onne#te$ with the a$ministering o- Ju$i#ia"
=o%"eJas v. 4eehanGee (19A8)
Commissioner o- Lan$ /egistration =o%"eJas asserte$ that the +e#retary o- !usti#e has no
$is#ip"inary powers over him as /A =o. 11)1 entit"e$ the Commissioner o- Lan$
/egistration to the same #ompensation, emo"uments an$ privi"eges as those o- a !u$ge
o- Court o- 'irst .nstan#e an$ thus, he may on"y %e investigate$ %y the +upreme Court.
4o a$opt =o%"eJas> theory wou"$ mean p"a#ing upon the +upreme Court the $uty o-
investigating an$ $is#ip"ining a"" these oH#ia"s, whose -un#tions are p"ain"y ee#utive,
an$ the #onse9uent #urtai"ment %y mere implication -rom the Legis"ative grant, o- the
:resi$entEs power to $is#ip"ine an$ remove a$ministrative oH#ia"s who are presi$entia"
appointees, an$ whi#h the Constitution epress"y p"a#e$ un$er the :resi$entEs
supervision an$ #ontro". 4here is no inherent power in the Ee#utive or Legis"ature to
#harge the Ju$i#iary with a$ministrative -un#tions e#ept when reasona%"y in#i$enta" to
the -u"2""ment o- Ju$i#ia" $uties.
4he #ourt was %rought into %eing %y the Ju$i#iary arti#"e o- the Constitution, is investe$
with Ju$i#ia" power on"y an$ #an have no Juris$i#tion e#ept over #ases an$ #ontroversies
-a""ing within the #"asses enumerate$ in that arti#"e. .t #annot give $e#isions whi#h are
mere"y a$visoryN nor can it e(ercise or participate in t"e e(ercise of functions )"ic" are
essentially le&islative or administrative.
.n re /o$o"-o ;an<ano (1988)
/4C !u$ge ;an<ano was $esignate$ as a mem%er o- the ."o#os =orte :rovin#ia"
Committee on !usti#e #reate$ pursuant to :resi$entia" Ee#utive Cr$er =o. 8)A. *e
sought the +upreme Court>s permission to a##ept the appointment.
4he :rovin#ia"RCity Committees on !usti#e per-orm a$ministrative -un#tions.
A$ministrative -un#tions are those whi#h invo"ve the regu"ation an$ #ontro" over the
#on$u#t an$ a,airs o- in$ivi$ua"s -or their own we"-are an$ the promu"gation o- ru"es an$
regu"ations to %etter #arry out the po"i#y o- the "egis"ature or su#h as are $evo"ve$ upon
the a$ministrative agen#y %y the organi# "aw o- its eisten#e.
8n$er the Constitution, the mem%ers o- the +upreme Court an$ other #ourts esta%"ishe$
%y "aw sha"" not %e $esignate$ to any agen#y per-orming 9uasiDJu$i#ia" or a$ministrative
7. 8uasi3*e+is*ative ?ru*e3(a=in+B po,ers
Non-delegation doctrine
Compania &enera" $e 4a%a#os $e 'i"ipinas v. Boar$ o- :u%"i# 8ti"ity Commissioners (191A)
:ursuant to A#t =o. (107, the Boar$ re9uire$ Compania to present annua""y a $etai"e$
report o- 2nan#es an$ operations o- su#h vesse"s as are operate$ %y it as a #ommon
#arrier within the :hi"ippines, in the -orm an$ #ontaining the matters pres#ri%e$ %y the
A#t =o. (107 #onstitutes an un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative power as Legis"ature seems
simp"y to have authori<e$ the Boar$ to re9uire what it wants, there%y $e"egating to the
"atter a"" its powers over a given su%Je#t matter in a manner a"most a%so"ute. A "aw must
%e #omp"ete, in a"" its terms an$ provisions, when it "eaves the "egis"ative %ran#h o- the
government, an$ nothing must %e "e-t to the Ju$gement o- the $e"egate, so that, in its
-orm an$ su%stan#e, it is a "aw in a"" its $etai"s, in presenti, %ut whi#h may %e "e-t to taGe
e,e#t in -uture, i- ne#essary, upon the as#ertainment o- any pres#ri%e$ -a#t or event.
:eop"e v. 6era (1917)
4he #onstitutiona"ity o- A#t =o. B((1 is %eing assai"e$ -or the reason that it un$u"y
$e"egates "egis"ative power in that the provin#ia" %oar$s were given the power to $e#i$e
whether the "aw wou"$ %e e,e#tive within their territory or not.
4he eH#ien#y o- an a#t as a $e#"aration o- "egis"ative wi"" must #ome -rom Congress
a"though the as#ertainment o- the #ontingen#y upon whi#h the a#t sha"" taGe e,e#t may
%e "e-t to su#h agen#ies as it may $esignate.
:e"ae< v. Au$itor &enera" (19A))
4he :resi$ent, purporting to a#t pursuant to +e#tion A8 o- the /evise$ A$ministrative
Co$e, issue$ severa" Ee#utive Cr$ers #reating 11 muni#ipa"ities. +e#tion A8 was
assai"e$ to %e an un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative power.
4he authority to #reate muni#ipa" #orporations is essentia""y "egis"ative in nature.
Congress may $e"egate to another %ran#h o- the government the power to 2"" in the
$etai"s o- the ee#ution o- the "aw. 'or su#h to %e va"i$, the "aw must %e #omp"ete in
itse"- an$ it must 2 a stan$ar$ to whi#h su#h $e"egate must #on-orm in the per-orman#e
o- his $uties.
E$u v. Eri#ta (1970)
4he /eUe#tor Law an$ the a$ministrative or$er issue$ to imp"ement it were assai"e$ as
an un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative power.
4o $etermine whether or not there is an un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative power, the
in9uiry must %e $ire#te$ to the s#ope an$ $e2niteness o- the measure ena#te$. 4he
"egis"ature $oes not a%$i#ate its -un#tions when it $es#ri%es what Jo% must %e $one, who
is to $o it, an$ what the s#ope o- his authority is. 4o avoi$ the taint o- un"aw-u"
$e"egation, there must %e a stan$ar$, whi#h imp"ies at the very "east that the "egis"ature
itse"- $etermine$ matters o- prin#ip"e an$ "ay $own -un$amenta" po"i#y.
'ree 4e"ephone KorGers 8nion v. ;inister o- La%or an$ Emp"oyment (1981)
'4K8 a""ege$ that the $e"egation to the ;inister o- La%or an$ Emp"oyment the power
an$ $is#retion to assume Juris$i#tion an$Ror #erti-y striGes -or #ompu"sory ar%itration to
the =L/C #onstitutes an un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative power.
4he regu"ations ma$e to imp"ement a "egis"ative po"i#y shou"$ %e germane to the
purpose o- the "aw an$ the regu"ation shou"$ not %e in #ontra$i#tion with it, %ut #on-orms
to the stan$ar$s that the "aw pres#ri%es. 4he stri#t nonD$e"egation ru"e enun#iate$ in
:eop"e vs. 6era may %e #onsi$ere$ too rigi$ an$ inUei%"e, espe#ia""y -or the so#ia" an$
e#onomi# "egis"ation nee$e$ %y the times.
:*.LCC;+A4 v. A"#ua< (1989)
=4C whi#h was grante$ %y EC 19 with the Juris$i#tion, #ontro" an$ regu"ation over
:*.LCC;+A4 re$u#e$ :*.LCC;+A4>s rates %y 1)O.
.n the $e"egation o- rateD2ing power o- the "egis"ature, the on"y stan$ar$ whi#h the
"egis"ature is re9uire$ to pres#ri%e -or the gui$an#e o- the a$ministrative authority is that
the rate %e reasona%"e an$ Just. EC )BA whi#h #reate$ the =4C "imite$ it %y the
re9uirements o- pu%"i# sa-ety, pu%"i# interest, reasona%"e -easi%i"ity an$ reasona%"e
rates, whi#h #onJoint"y more than satis-y the re9uirements o- a va"i$ $e"egation o-
"egis"ative power.
Chiong%ian v. Cr%os (199))
/A A71) gave the :resi$ent the power to merge the regions that $i$ not opt to Join the
A/;;. 4hus, through an Ee#utive Cr$er, the :resi$ent reorgani<e$ the #ities an$ the
provin#es whi#h $i$ not opt to Join the A/;;, into new regions. 4he "aw was assai"e$ to
%e an un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative power %e#ause it $oes not provi$e a stan$ar$ -or
the eer#ise o- any power $e"egate$.
A "egis"ative stan$ar$ nee$ not %e epress. .t may simp"y %e gathere$ or imp"ie$, an$
may %e em%o$ie$ in other statutes on the same su%Je#t as that o- the #ha""enge$
"egis"ation. 4he stan$ar$ -or the power to merge eisting regions is a"so to %e -oun$ in /A
)1B) giving the :resi$ent the power to reorgani<e the Ee#utive $epartment ?to promote
simp"i#ity, e#onomy, an$ eH#ien#y@ in the government.
ABAXADA v. Ermita ((00))
A proviso in the 6A4 /e-orm A#t states that ?the :resi$ent, upon the re#ommen$ation o-
the +e#retary o- 'inan#e, sha"", e,e#tive !anuary 1, (00A, raise the rate o- va"ueDa$$e$
ta to 1(O@ is at issue on the groun$ that it #onstitutes un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative
powers to the :resi$ent.
4he proviso is #onstitutiona". 4here is on"y a $e"egation o- as#ertainment o- -a#ts upon
whi#h en-or#ementRa$ministration o- the 1(O in#rease is #ontingent. Khi"e the power to
ta #annot %e $e"egate$ to ee#utive agen#ies, $etai"s as to the
en-or#ementRa$ministration o- an eer#ise o- su#h power may %e "e-t to them, in#"u$ing
the power to $etermine the eisten#e o- -a#ts on whi#h its operation $epen$s.
Peri!!i"le delegation
a. Ascertainment of fact
Lovina v. ;oreno (19A1)
/A (0)A was assai"e$ to %e un#onstitutiona" %e#ause it invests the +e#retary o- :u%"i#
KorGs an$ Communi#ations with sweeping, unrestraine$, 2na", an$ unappea"a%"e
authority to pass upon the issues o- whether a river or stream is pu%"i# an$ naviga%"e,
whether a $am en#roa#hes upon su#h waters an$ is #onstitutive as a pu%"i# nuisan#e,
an$ whether the "aw app"ies to the state o- -a#ts.
/A (0)A $oes not #onstitute an un"aw-u" $e"egation o- Ju$i#ia" power to the +e#retary o-
:u%"i# KorGs. 4he mere -a#t that an oH#er is re9uire$ %y "aw to in9uire into the eisten#e
o- #ertain -a#ts an$ to app"y the "aw thereto in or$er to $etermine what his oH#ia"
#on$u#t sha"" %e an$ the -a#t that these a#ts may a,e#t private rights $o not #onstitute
an eer#ise o- Ju$i#ia" powers.
b. Fillin& in of details
A"egre v. Co""e#tor o- Customs (19(0)
A#t 1(A1 whi#h #reate$ an$ empowere$ the 'i%er +tan$ar$i<ation Boar$ to $etermine
the oH#ia" gra$es o- :hi"ippine 2%ers, an$ whi#h impose$ a "imit on eports o- 2%ers
without #erti2#ation %y the 'i%er +tan$ar$i<ation Boar$ was assai"e$ to %e
un#onstitutiona" on the groun$ that it was an inva"i$ $e"egation o- "egis"ative power.
4he power $e"egate$ to the %oar$ was mere"y to en-or#e the intent an$ purpose o- the
"aw. 4he "egis"ature itse"- #ou"$ not gra$e, inspe#t, an$ %a"e the hemp, an$ so the 'i%er
+tan$ar$i<ation Boar$ was proper"y veste$ with the a$ministrative power to $o so an$
em%o$y the purpose an$ intent o- the "aw.
Liit! on R#le-Ma$ing Po%er
C"sen I Co. v. A"$anese (19(()
Co""e#tor o- .nterna" /evenue issue$ AC 1) pursuant to the ru"eDmaGing power grante$ it
A#t (A11 an$ re9uire$ that #igars -or eport %e "ongD2""er as su#h was the pro$u#t o-
Cagayan, .sa%e"a an$ =ueva 6i<#aya.
4he authority o- the Co""e#tor to maGe any ru"es an$ regu"ations must %e -oun$e$ upon
some "egis"ative a#t, an$ that they must -o""ow an$ %e within the purview o- the a#t.
+yman v. !a#into (19)1)
A memoran$um or$er issue$ %y the .nsu"ar Co""e#tor o- Customs provi$e$ that sei<ure
#ases, whether appea"e$ or not, are su%Je#t to review %y the .nsu"ar Co""e#torN that su#h
$e#isions an$ their supporting papers shou"$ %e su%mitte$ to his oH#eN an$ that pen$ing
a#tion %y him on su#h $e#isions, 2na" $isposa" o- the goo$s sha"" not %e ma$e.
4he ;emoran$um Cr$er is inva"i$ -or -ai"ing to #omp"y with +e#tion ))1 o- the /evise$
A$ministrative Co$e that -orms an$ regu"ations must %e approve$ %y the Department
*ea$ an$ pu%"ishe$ in the CH#ia" &a<ette or otherwise pu%"i#"y promu"gate$ to %e#ome
:eop"e v. ;a#eren (1977)
) a##use$ use$ an e"e#tro#uting $evi#e to #at#h 2sh through e"e#tri# #urrent an$ were
#harge$ with having vio"ate$ the 'isheries A$ministration Cr$er =o. 8BD1.
4he +e#retary o- Agri#u"ture an$ =atura" /esour#es e#ee$e$ his authority in issuing the
AC. 4he 'isheries Law $oes not epress"y prohi%it e"e#troD2shing. /u"eDmaGing power
must %e #on2ne$ to $etai"s -or regu"ating the mo$e or pro#ee$ing to #arry into e,e#t the
"aw as it ha$ %een ena#te$. 4he "egis"ature #annot $e"egate the power to $e#"are what
sha"" #onstitute a #rime an$ how its ha"" %e punishe$, whi#h is a power veste$ e#"usive"y
in it.
4o"e$o v. C+C (1991)
4o"e$o was appointe$ to a position in CC;ELEC when he was )7 years o"$. *owever,
+e#tion ((, /u"e ... o- the Civi" +ervi#e on :ersonne" A#tion an$ :o"i#ies (C+/:A:)
prohi%its the appointment o- persons )7 years o"$ or a%ove into the government servi#e
without prior approva" %y the C+C.
4he statute #reating the C+C #ontaine$ no provision "imiting persons in the pu%"i# servi#e
%y age. 4his prohi%ition was pure"y a #reation o- the C+C an$ thus #annot %e va"i$,
having no %asis in the "aw whi#h it was meant to imp"ement. 4he a$ministrative ru"es
must %e germane to the purpose o- the "aw whi#h it was meant to imp"ement.
Commissioner o- .nterna" /evenue v. CA (199))
/C*>s re9uest to avai" o- the oneDtime ta amnesty grante$ %y EC B1 was $enie$ sin#e
/evenue ;emoran$um Cr$er =o. BD87 imp"ementing the EC #onstrue$ the amnesty
#overage to in#"u$e on"y assessments issue$ %y the B./ a-ter the promu"gation o- the
.ssuan#es must remain #onsistent with the "aw. EC B1 was very ep"i#it, re9uiring
nothing more than a simp"e app"i#ation o- its provisions.
Lan$ BanG o- the :hi"ippines v. CA (199))
DA/ issue$ an a$ministrative or$er permitting the opening o- trust a##ounts or the
earmarGing o- a sum %y the LB:, in "ieu o- $epositing in #ash or LB: %on$s in an
a##essi%"e %anG $esignate$ %y DA/ the #ompensation -or the "an$ taGen un$er /A AA)7.
+e#tion 1A(e) o- /A AA)7 ep"i#it"y provi$e$ that the $eposit must %e ma$e in #ash or
through LB: %on$s. Compensation #annot %e ma$e through earmarGing or the
esta%"ishment o- a trust -un$. 4he power o- a$ministrative agen#ies is #on2ne$ to
imp"ementing the "aw or putting it into e,e#t. Coro""ary to this, a$ministrative regu"ations
#annot eten$ the "aw an$ amen$ a "egis"ative ena#tment. +ett"e$ is the ru"e that
a$ministrative regu"ations must %e in the harmony with the provisions o- the "aw.
&;C/ v. Be"" 4e"e#ommuni#ations (1997)
=4C is a #o""egiate %o$y, re9uiring a maJority vote out o- the three mem%ers o- the
#ommission in or$er to va"i$"y $e#i$e a #ase. Coro""ari"y, pronoun#ements issue$ so"e"y
%y the ChairmanRCommissioner are #ontrary to "aw. A$ministrative regu"ations $erive
their va"i$ity -rom the statute that they were inten$e$ to imp"ement. 4hey must not
restri#t, epan$, $iminish, supp"ant or mo$i-y the "aw.
Asso#iation o- :hi"ippine Co#onut Desi##ators v. :hi"ippine Co#onut Authority (1998)
:CA issue$ a reso"ution $e#"aring that it is with$rawing -rom a"" regu"ation o- the #o#onut
pro#essing in$ustry in that its regu"ation wou"$ on"y %e "imite$ to monitoring. :CA was
#harge$ to #arry out the +tate>s po"i#y to promote the rapi$ integrate$ $eve"opment an$
growth o- the #o#onut an$ pa"m oi" in$ustry. :CA>s reso"ution $isregar$s su#h "egis"ative
purpose. Any #hange in the po"i#y must %e ma$e %y the "egis"ative $epartment o- the
government. .t is %eyon$ the power o- an a$ministrative agen#y to $ismant"e it.
Cp"e v. 4orres (1998)
A$ministrative Cr$er 108 (A$option o- a =ationa" Computeri<e$ .$enti2#ation /e-eren#e
+ystem) is nu"" an$ voi$ -or %eing un#onstitutiona" as it $oes not mere"y imp"ement the
"egis"ative po"i#y o- the A$ministrative Co$e %ut esta%"ishes a #omputeri<e$ re-eren#e
system whi#h re9uires a $e"i#ate a$Justment o- various #onten$ing state po"i#ies. An
a$ministrative or$er may not uni"atera""y impose a new "egis"ative po"i#y.
:hi"ippine BanG o- Communi#ations v. C./ ( 1999)
;emoran$um #ir#u"ars are in the nature o- a$ministrative ru"ings, an$ whi"e given great
weight, are not #on#"usive an$ may in -a#t %e ignore$ i- they are erroneous. 4he +tate
#annot %e estoppe$ %y the mistaGes or errors o- its oH#ia"s or agents.
China BanGing Co. v. Boar$ o- 4rustees o- *D;' (1999)
4he ru"es an$ regu"ations whi#h are the pro$u#t o- a $e"egate$ power to #reate new or
a$$itiona" "ega" provisions that have the e,e#t o- "aw shou"$ %e within the s#ope o- the
statutory authority grante$ %y the "egis"ature to the a$ministrative agen#y. 4he power
#annot %e eten$e$ to amen$ing or epan$ing the statutory re9uirements or to em%ra#e
matters not #overe$ %y the statute.
P#"lication and e&ecti'it(
:eop"e v. Lue :o Lay
Lue :o Lay was #onvi#te$ un$er the pena" provision o- Centra" BanG Cir#u"ar =o. (0 -or
-ai"ing to se"" -oreign e#hange a $ay a-ter he a#9uire$ it.
4he "aw was pu%"ishe$ on"y a-ter the a#t was #ommitte$. Cir#u"ars whi#h pres#ri%e a
pena"ty -or its vio"ation shou"$ %e pu%"ishe$ %e-ore %e#oming e,e#tive -or the peop"e to
%e oH#ia""y in-orme$. Be-ore the pu%"i# may %e %oun$ %y its #ontents, espe#ia""y its
pena" provisions, a "aw, regu"ation or #ir#u"ar must %e pu%"ishe$ an$ the peop"e oH#ia""y
an$ spe#i2#a""y in-orme$ o- sai$ #ontents an$ pena"ties.
4aVa$a v. 4uvera (1980)
A"" "aws must %e pu%"ishe$ in -u"", e#ept issuan#es whi#h are interna" in nature, "etters o-
instru#tion #on#erning gui$e"ines to %e -o""owe$ %y su%or$inates, or muni#ipa"
or$inan#es (#overe$ %y L&C). Arti#"e ( o- the Civi" Co$e re9uires pu%"i#ation to %e ma$e
in the CH#ia" &a<ette an$ the #"ause ?un"ess otherwise provi$e$,@ re-ers to the $ate o-
e,e#tivity, not the re9uirement o- pu%"i#ation. :u%"i#ation is in$ispensa%"e, an$ to omit it
wou"$ o,en$ $ue pro#ess, $enying pu%"i# Gnow"e$ge o- the "aws. +e#tion A o- Arti#"e ... o-
the 1987 Constitution re#ogni<es ?the right o- the peop"e to in-ormation on matters o-
pu%"i# #on#ern@ whi#h app"ies espe#ia""y to "egis"ative ena#tments.
:hi"ippine Asso#iation o- +ervi#e Eporters, .n#. v. 4orres (199()
DCLE issue$ DC 1A temporari"y suspen$ing the re#ruitment %y private emp"oyment
agen#ies o- 'i"ipino $omesti# he"pers %oun$ -or *X an$ the :CEA issue$ ;emoran$um
Cir#u"ar =os. 10 an$ 17 in re"ation to sai$ DC. 4hese issuan#es were a""ege$ to have not
met the pu%"i#ation re9uirement as they were not 2"e$ with the CH#e o- the =ationa"
A$ministrative /egister (C=A/).
4he issuan#es are inva"i$ -or "a#G o- pu%"i#ation as re9uire$ in Art. ( Civi" Co$e (CH#ia"
&a<ette), Art. ) La%or Co$e (#ir#u"ars pu%"ishe$ in newspapers o- genera" #ir#u"ation),
an$ +e#tion 1(1) an$ B, Chapter (, BooG 6.. o- the A$ministrative Co$e (2"ing with 8:
Law Center). A$ministrative ru"es an$ regu"ations must %e pu%"ishe$ i- their purpose is to
en-or#e or imp"ement eisting "aw pursuant to a va"i$ $e"egation.
/epu%"i# v. Epress 4e"e#om Co. ((00()
4he 1991 /evise$ /u"es o- the =4C were not pu%"ishe$ in a newspaper o- genera"
#ir#u"ation, thus, they $i$ not taGe e,e#t. Even though the 1991 /u"es were 2"e$ with the
8: Law Center, in a##or$an#e with +e#tion 1, Chapter (, BooG 6.. o- the A$ministrative
Co$e, the same is not the operative a#t that gives ru"es va"i$ -or#e an$ e,e#t sin#e the
%u""etin o- #o$i2e$ ru"es %y the C=A/ is -urnishe$ on"y to the CH#e o- the :resi$ent,
Congress, a"" appe""ate #ourts, the =ationa" Li%rary, an$ other pu%"i# oH#ers or agen#ies
spe#i2e$ %y Congress. :u%"i#ation in the CH#ia" &a<ette or newspaper o- genera"
#ir#u"ation is re9uire$ %e-ore "aws #an taGe e,e#t.
/epu%"i# v. :i"ipinas +he"" :etro"eum Corporation ((008)
A"though the #ir#u"ars were issue$ %e-ore the 1987 A$ministrative Co$e was ena#te$,
su#h #ir#u"ars were not eempt -rom the pu%"i#ation re9uirement %e#ause the
A$ministrative Co$e re9uire$ that eisting ru"es must %e registere$ within 1 months -rom
the $ate o- the A$ministrative Co$e>s e,e#tivity. :u%"i#ation is in$ispensa%"e in or$er that
a"" statutes, in#"u$ing a$ministrative ru"es inten$e$ to en-or#e or imp"ement eisting
"aws, may have %in$ing -or#e an$ e,e#t. +u#h re9uirements were put in p"a#e as
sa-eguar$s against a%uses on the part o- the "awmaGers an$ as guarantees to the
#onstitutiona" right to $ue pro#ess an$ to in-ormation on matters o- pu%"i# #on#ern.
Boar$ o- 4rustees o- &+.+ v. 6e"as#o ((011)
4he assai"e$ reso"utions pertain on"y to interna" ru"es to regu"ate &+.+ personne", thus,
there was no nee$ to #omp"y with the pu%"i#ation or 2"ing re9uirements. A##or$ing to the
8: Law Center>s gui$e"ines, ?interpretative regu"ations, an$ those mere"y interna" in
nature, that is, regu"ating on"y the personne" o- the a$ministrative agen#y an$ not the
pu%"i#@ nee$ not %e 2"e$ with the #enter.
Inter)retati'e R#le!
*i"a$o v. Co""e#tor (19)A)
Khi"e the Co""e#tor ha$ the authority un$er the =./C to issue #ir#u"ars as an
interpretation or interpretative regu"ation o- the #o$e, the +e#retary o- 'inan#e is
empowere$ to revoGe, repea", or a%rogate the a#ts or previous ru"ings i- su#h were %ase$
on an in#orre#t #onstru#tion o- a statute. 4here are no veste$ rights to %e taGen -rom a
wrong interpretation o- the "aw. An a$ministrative oH#er #annot #hange a "aw ena#te$
%y Congress.
6i#torias Co. vs. +o#ia" +e#urity Commission (19A()
/u"es an$ regu"ations issue$ %y an a$ministrative agen#y are %in$ing on #ourts so "ong
as the pro#e$ure 2e$ -or its promu"gation is -o""owe$ an$ its s#ope is within the
statutory authority grante$ %y the "egis"ature, even i- the #ourts are not in agreement
with its innate wis$om. Cn the other han$, a$ministrative interpretation o- the "aw is at
%est mere"y a$visory, -or it is the #ourts that 2na""y $etermine what the "aw means.
:era"ta v. C+C (199()
Khen an a$ministrative agen#y or ee#utive agen#y ren$ers an opinion or issues a
statement o- po"i#y, it mere"y interprets a preDeisting "awN an$ the a$ministrative
interpretation o- the "aw is at %est a$visory, -or it is the #ourts that 2na""y $etermine
what the "aw means. A$ministrative #onstru#tion is not ne#essari"y %in$ing upon the
#ourts. *owever, a#tion o- an a$ministrative agen#y may %e $istur%e$ or set asi$e %y
the Ju$i#ia" $epartment i- there is an error o- "aw, or a%use o- power or "a#G o- Juris$i#tion
or grave a%use o- $is#retion #"ear"y #onUi#ting with either the "etter or the spirit o- a
"egis"ative ena#tment.
*(amples of Rule+ma,in& in various a&encies
-ureau of Forestry
Dire#tor o- 'orestry v. ;uno<
:ia$e#o>s +panish tit"e #annot %e use$ to register un$er 'orestry A$ministrative Cr$er
=o. 1(D(. 4his AC has the -or#e an$ e,e#t o- "aw, it was promu"gate$ pursuant to +e#tion
1817 o- the A$ministrative Co$e whi#h empowere$ the Bureau o- 'orestry ?to issue
regu"ations $eeme$ epe$ient or ne#essary to se#ure the prote#tion an$ #onservation o-
the pu%"i# -orests in su#h manner as to insure a #ontinue$ supp"y o- va"ua%"e tim%er an$
other -orest pro$u#ts -or the -uture, an$ regu"ating the use an$ o##upan#y o- the -orests
an$ -orest reserves, to the same en$.@ Khen Congress authori<e$ the promu"gation o-
a$ministrative ru"es an$ regu"ations to imp"ement "aws, a"" that is re9uire$ is that it %e
germane to the purpose o- the "aw an$ that it #on-orms to the stan$ar$s set %y the
-oard of *(aminers of .urses
+an$ v. A%a$ +antos E$u#ationa" .nstitution (197B)
Arti#"e 6..., /u"e A9, +e#tion ) o- the /u"es an$ /egu"ations o- the Boar$ o- Eaminers -or
=urses provi$e$ -or perio$i# inspe#tion o- nursing s#hoo"s, an$ %arre$ gra$uates o- su#h
s#hoo"s that $o not #omp"y with the minimum re9uirements an$ stan$ar$s -rom
a$mission to the nurses> eamination or registration as a nurse.
4he ru"e is va"i$ an$ app"i#a%"e to a"" nursing s#hoo"s. +tatutory authority eists -or the
Boar$ to #on$u#t perio$i# inspe#tions o- nursing s#hoo"s in or$er to $is#harge its
supervisory an$ regu"atory -un#tions veste$ in it un$er the :hi"ippine =ursing A#t.
P"ilippine Patent /0ce
Ameri#an 4o%a##o v. Dire#tor o- :atents (197))
/u"e 1A8 o- the /evise$ /u"es o- :ra#ti#e %e-ore the :hi"ippine :atent CH#e in tra$emarG
#ases a""owing the Dire#tor o- :atents to $e"egate the hearing o- pro#ee$ings to other
oH#ers, with the proviso that a"" Ju$gements must %e prepare$ %y the Dire#tor, is
assai"e$ %e#ause the "aw states that the Dire#tor must hear a"" #ases.
4he ru"e is va"i$. 4he power #on-erre$ upon an a$ministrative agen#y to whi#h the
a$ministration o- a statute is entruste$ to issue su#h regu"ations an$ or$ers as may %e
$eeme$ ne#essary or proper in or$er to #arry out its purposes an$ provisions may %e an
a$e9uate sour#e o- authority to $e"egate a parti#u"ar -un#tion, un"ess %y epress
provision o- the a#t or %y imp"i#ation it has %een withhe"$.
4he ru"e that re9uires an a$ministrative oH#er to eer#ise his own Ju$gment an$
$is#retion $oes not pre#"u$e him -rom uti"i<ing the ai$ o- su%or$inates to investigate an$
report to him the -a#ts, on the %asis o- whi#h the oH#er maGes his $e#ision.
P"ilippine /verseas *mployment Administration
Con-eren#e o- ;aritime ;anning Agen#ies, .n#. v. :CEA
:CEA issuan#es are %eing assai"e$ as inva"i$ %e#ause :CEA a""ege$"y has no authority to
2 rates a,e#ting $eath an$ worGmen>s #ompensation o- 'i"ipino seamen worGing in
o#eanDgoing vesse"s.
Legis"ative $is#retion as to the su%stantive #ontents o- the "aw #annot %e $e"egate$.
Khat #an %e $e"egate$ through is the $is#retion to $etermine how the "aw may %e
en-or#e$. Congress may #onstitutiona""y $e"egate the authority to promu"gate ru"es an$
regu"ations to imp"ement a given "egis"ation an$ e,e#tuate its po"i#ies %e#ause the
"egis"ature may 2n$ it impra#ti#a%"e, i- not impossi%"e, to anti#ipate situations that may
%e met in #arrying the "aw into e,e#t.
1ovie and 2elevision Revie) and %lassication -oard
+oriano v. Laguar$ia
;4/CB suspen$e$ the show o- Ang Dating Daan %e#ause the host ma$e o,ensive
remarGs against a person -rom another se#t. 4he power o- the ;4/CB to regu"ate an$
supervise the ehi%ition o- 46 programs #arries with it or ne#essari"y imp"ies the
authority to taGe e,e#tive punitive a#tion -or vio"ation o- the "aw sought to %e en-or#e$.
/. 8uasi3<udicia* ?ad9udicatoryB -unctions
Po)er to issue subpoena! declare contempt
Evange"ista v. !aren#io (197))
;ana"astas was su%poenae$ %y the :A/&C in #onne#tion with investigations regar$ing
#orrupt transa#tions in the ;ani"a #ity government. 8n$er its ena%"ing "aw, the :A/&C
enJoys the authority to issue su%poenas in its #on$u#t o- -a#tD2n$ing investigations. 4his
power is not "imite$ to :A/&C>s eer#ise o- 9uasiDJu$i#ia" or a$Ju$i#atory -un#tions.
.nvestigations are use-u" -or a"" a$ministrative -un#tions, not on"y -or ru"e maGing,
a$Ju$i#ation, an$ "i#ensing, %ut a"so -or prose#uting, -or supervising an$ $ire#ting, -or
$etermining genera" po"i#y, -or re#ommen$ing, "egis"ation, an$ -or purposes no more
spe#i2# than i""uminating o%s#ure areas to 2n$ out what, i- anything, shou"$ %e $one.
A su%poena meets the re9uirements -or en-or#ement i- the in9uiry is5 (1) within the
authority o- the agen#yN (() the $eman$ is not too in$e2niteN (1) the in-ormation is
reasona%"y re"evant.
&uevara v. CC;ELEC (19)8)
Come"e# or$ere$ &uevara to show #ause why he shou"$ not %e punishe$ -or #ontempt
-or having pu%"ishe$ an arti#"e whi#h a""ege$"y ten$e$ to inUuen#e the Come"e# in the
a$Ju$i#ation o- a #ontroversy regar$ing #ontra#ts to manu-a#ture %a""ot %oes. Come"e#
has no power or authority to su%mit &uevarra to #ontempt pro#ee$ings i- its purpose is
to $is#ip"ine him %e#ause o- the pu%"i#ation o- the arti#"e. .n pro#ee$ing on the
preparation o- %a""ot %oes, it on"y $is#harge$ a ministeria" $utyN it $i$ not eer#ise any
Ju$i#ia" -un#tion. +u#h %eing the #ase, it #ou"$ not eer#ise the power to punish -or
#ontempt as postu"ate$ in the "aw, -or su#h power is inherent"y Ju$i#ia" in nature. .ts
eer#ise %y a$ministrative %o$ies has %een invaria%"y "imite$ to maGing e,e#tive the
power to e"i#it testimony. 4he eer#ise o- that power %y an a$ministrative %o$y in
-urtheran#e o- its a$ministrative -un#tion has %een he"$ inva"i$.
Catura v. C./ (1971)
C./, in #onne#tion with a #omp"aint 2"e$ -or unauthori<e$ $is%ursement o- union -un$s,
issue$ an or$er re9uiring an$ $ire#ting the petitioners who were union oH#ers, ?to
$e"iver an$ $eposit to the Court ?a"" the sai$ Asso#iationEs %ooG o- a##ounts, %anG
a##ounts, pass %ooGs, union -un$s, re#eipts, vou#hers an$ other $o#uments re"ate$ to
the 2nan#es o- the sai$ "a%or union at the hearing o- this petition @. 4he Court
re#ogni<e$ the power o- the a$ministrative agen#y to issue su%poenas even i- there was
no ep"i#it statutory grant %e#ause it was ne#essary to assure the e,e#tive
a$ministration o- the statute invo"ve$.
4o"entino v. .n#iong (1979)
=L/C Chairman .n#iong issue$ su%poenas re9uiring 4o"entino an$ C'. !u$ge $e "os
Ange"es to appear %e-ore =L/C to ep"ain why they shou"$ not %e he"$ in #ontempt -or
trying to use ?o"$ so#iety ta#ti#s@ to prevent union e"e#tion $u"y or$ere$ %y the =L/C
un$er :D (1.
4he su%poenas were %eyon$ .n#iong>s power to issue. 4he #on#ern o- .n#iong that the
o%Je#tives o- the "aw shou"$ %e attaine$ $i$ not warrant his eer#ise o- a power whi#h
was not #on-erre$. 4he #ompeten#e Tto ho"$ any person in #ontempt -or re-usa" to
#omp"y@ #ertain"y #annot eten$ to a Ju$ge o- the #ourt o- 2rst instan#e.
3arrants of arrest! administrative searc"es
Lua Chee &an v. Deportation Boar$ (19A1)
Deportation Boar$ issue$ warrants o- arrest against Lua Chee &an an$ A others, a""
a"iens, who were #harge$ with the unauthori<e$ pur#haseRremittan#e o- 8.+. $o""ars, as
we"" as attempte$ %ri%ery o- a Centra" BanG oH#ia" an$ a 8.+. Air 'or#e #aptain to eva$e
4he :resi$ent>s power to investigate may %e $e"egate$, so the Boar$ may #on$u#t the
investigation as the authori<e$ agent o- the :resi$ent. But it was not #"ear whether the
:resi$ent>s authority #arries with it the power to or$er the arrest o- the a"ien #omp"aine$
o-. Assuming that the :resi$ent possesses su#h a power, he #annot va"i$"y $e"egate it
%e#ause the $is#retion o- whether a warrant o- arrest sha"" issue or not is persona" to the
one upon whom the authority $evo"ves. CH#ia" -un#tions re9uiring the eer#ise o-
$is#retion an$ Ju$gment may not %e $e"egate$.
6ivo v. ;ontesa (19A8)
.mmigration issue$ warrants o- arrest against 7 persons -or the purpose o- %ringing them
%e-ore the Commissioner to show #ause why they shou"$ not %e $eporte$ -or
-rau$u"ent"y entering the #ountry.
4he issuan#e o- the warrants o- arrest %y the .mmigration Commissioner an$ the arrest
pursuant to su#h a$ministrative warrant are in #onUi#t with Bi"" o- /ights as warrants
may on"y %e issue$ %y a Ju$ge. 4he arrest o- a -oreigner ne#essary to #arry into e,e#t
the power o- $eportation is va"i$ on"y when there is a"rea$y an or$er o- $eportation. 4o
#arry out the or$er o- $eportation, the :resi$ent o%vious"y has the power to or$er the
arrest o- the $eportee. But, #ertain"y, $uring the investigation, it is not in$ispensa%"e that
the a"ien %e arreste$.
+antos v. Commissioner (197A)
+antos was arreste$ %y virtue o- warrant o- arrest issue$ %y the Commissioner o- the
Bureau o- .mmigration whi"e his $eportation #ase was pen$ing. 4he Lua Chee &an ru"ing
was app"ie$. 4he Commissioner #annot issue a warrant o- arrest -or purposes o-
investigation. But the Commissioner #an issue it i- there a"rea$y was a $eportation or$er.
*arvey v. De-ensorD+antiago (1988)
:etitioners were #harge$ -or #ommitting a#ts o- ?pe$ophi"ia.@ A warrant o- arrest was
issue$ %y the Ju$ge an$ they were apprehen$e$. 4hey however 9uestione$ the authority
o- the Commissioner o- .mmigration an$ Deportation to arrest an$ $etain them.
Deportation pro#ee$ings are a$ministrative in #hara#ter an$ never #onstrue$ as a
punishment %ut a preventive measure. .t is summary an$ nature an$ there-ore, it nee$
not %e #on$u#te$ stri#t"y in a##or$an#e with or$inary #ourt pro#ee$ings. Khat is
essentia" is that there %e a spe#i2# #harge against the a"ien inten$e$ to %e arreste$ an$
$eporte$. A -air hearing must a"so %e #on$u#te$ with assistan#e o- a #ounse" i- $esire$.
4he #harge must %e su%stantiate$ %y #ompetent evi$en#e, hearsay evi$en#e may even
%e a$mitte$.
Lu#ien 4ran 6an =ghia v. Liwag (1989)
Lu#ien, a 'ren#h nationa" was arreste$ without a warrant. *e #onten$e$ that the
Commissioner o- .mmigration an$ Deportation ha$ no power, authority, or Juris$i#tion to
#ause his arrest %e#ause it was ma$e in vio"ation o- Art. ..., +e#. ( o- the 1987
A"though the re9uirement o- pro%a%"e #ause to %e $etermine$ %y a !u$ge $oes not
eten$ to $eportation pro#ee$ings, there shou"$ sti"" %e a spe#i2# #harge against the
a"ien inten$e$ to %e arreste$ an$ $eporte$N a -air hearing shou"$ %e #on$u#te$ with the
assistan#e o- #ounse", i- $esire$N an$ the #harge shou"$ %e su%stantiate$ %y #ompetent
+a"a<ar v. A#ha#oso (1990)
:etitioner was #harge$ with i""ega" re#ruitment. Law en-or#ers went to her resi$en#e
where it was $is#overe$ that she was operating a $an#e stu$io. Do#uments an$ other
persona" property were sei<e$.
4he warrant was not issue$ %y a Ju$ge, %ut %y the +e#retary o- La%orN an$, assuming
that the +e#retary o- La%or is authori<e$ to issue warrants, the same is inva"i$ -or %eing
Boar$ o- Commissioners (C.D) v. De "a /osa (1991)
(8 years a-ter &at#ha"ian was a$mitte$ as a 'i"ipino #iti<en, the Boar$ o- Commissioners
issue$ a mission or$erR warrant o- arrest against him so he #ou"$ %e investigate$ -or
vio"ating the .mmigration A#t.
4he Boar$ #annot issue warrants o- arrest -or investigative purposes. .n imp"ementing
the .mmigration A#t, the Commissioner o- .mmigration #ou"$ issue warrants o- arrest on"y
a-ter the Boar$ $etermine$ the eisten#e o- the groun$ -or $eportation as #harge$
against the a"ien.
#mposition of Fines and Penalties
Civi" Aeronauti#s Boar$ v. :AL (197))
:AL>s Uight -rom 4uguegarao to ;ani"a ma$e a Uagstop in Baguio City to pi#G up (0
passengers who #ou"$ not %e a##ommo$ate$ in its regu"ar Uight. 4his was $one without
the prior approva" o- the Civi" Aeronauti#s Boar$. 4he CAB issue$ a reso"ution imposing a
CAB was -u""y authori<e$ %y "aw P/.A. 77A W Civi" Aeronauti#s A#tQ to impose 2nes in the
nature o- #ivi" or a$ministrative pena"ties -or vio"ation o- its ru"es an$ regu"ations, %ut not
to impose 2nes in the nature o- #rimina" pena"ty, whi#h #an on"y %e $one %y #ourts o-
+#oty>s Dept. +tore v. ;i#a""er (19)A)
+#oty>s Dept. +tore was -oun$ %y the C./ to have #ommitte$ un-air "a%or pra#ti#e an$
or$ere$ to reinstate ;i#a""er, pay %a#Gwages an$ pay a 2ne.
C./ #ou"$ not impose 2nes or other pena" san#tions %e#ause it $i$ not have Juris$i#tion
over #rimina" #ases, as giving it su#h Juris$i#tion wou"$ %e in #ontravention o- the $ue
pro#ess #"ause o- the Constitution.
/C:. v. Boar$ o- Communi#ations (1977)
Diego ;ora"es an$ :a#i2#o .nno#en#io separate"y 2"e$ #omp"aints against /C:. %e-ore
the Boar$ o- Communi#ations (BCC) a""eging that /C:. is "ia%"e to them -or $amages -or
its -ai"ure to $e"iver #ertain te"egrams meant to in-orm them o- the $eaths o- their #"ose
re"atives. 4he BCC impose$ a 2ne on /C:. pursuant to +e#. (1 o- the :u%"i# +ervi#e A#t.
/C:. #annot %e ma$e to pay the sai$ 2ne %e#ause a 2ne #an on"y %e impose$ on a pu%"i#
servi#e that vio"ates the terms an$ #on$itions o- any #erti2#ate or any or$er, $e#ision or
regu"ation o- the Commission. .- the ;ora"es an$ .no#en#io su,ere$ inJury a""ege$"y $ue
to /C:.>s #ontra#tua" %rea#h, their re#ourse shou"$ have %een in the #ourts.
:ere< v. L:& /e2""ers ((00A)
A #ir#u"ar issue$ %y the DCE imp"ementing B:11 whi#h provi$e$ pena"ties -or
enumerate$ a#ts therein was %eing assai"e$ -or not %eing in #on-ormity with the "aw it
seeGs to imp"ement.
Cir#u"ar is va"i$. B.:. B"g. 11, as amen$e$, $e2nes what #onstitute punisha%"e a#ts
invo"ving petro"eum pro$u#ts an$ sets the minimum an$ maimum "imits -or the
#orrespon$ing pena"ties. 4he Cir#u"ar mere"y imp"ements the sai$ "aw, a"%eit it is si"ent
on the maimum pe#uniary pena"ty -or re2""ers, marGeters, an$ $ea"ers.
:u%"i# *earing Committee v. +; :rime ((010)
LLDA inspe#te$ the wastewater o- +; City ;ani"a an$ -oun$ that in $i$ not #on-orm with
the e]uent stan$ar$s impose$ %y "aw. LLDA impose$ a 2ne o- :1,000 a $ay.
LLDA ha$ the authority to impose 2nes an$ pena"ties sin#e the "aw #"othe$ the LLDA not
on"y with the epress powers grante$ to it, %ut a"so those whi#h are imp"ie$ or in#i$enta"
%ut, nonethe"ess, are ne#essary or essentia" -or the -u"" an$ proper imp"ementation o- its
purposes an$ -un#tions.
"d(inistrative Procedure
*#e Proce!!
Khi"e a$ministrative agen#ies may %e sai$ to %e -ree -rom the rigi$ity o- #ertain
pro#e$ura" re9uirements, this $oes not mean that they #an entire"y $isregar$ the
-un$amenta" an$ essentia" re9uirements o- $ue pro#ess.
Ang 4i%ay v. Court o- .n$ustria" /e"ations (19)0)
Ang 4i%ay "ai$ o, worGers %e"onging to the =L8. =L8 proteste$ this a""ege$ un-air "a%or
Even though the C./ may %e sai$ to %e -ree -rom rigi$ity o- #ertain pro#e$ura"
re9uirements $oes not mean that it #an, in Justi#ia%"e #ases #oming %e-ore it, entire"y
ignore or $isregar$ the -un$amenta" an$ essentia" re9uirements o- $ue pro#ess in tria"s
an$ investigations o- an a$ministrative #hara#ter. 4here are #ar$ina" primary rights whi#h
must %e respe#te$ even in pro#ee$ings o- this #hara#ter5
(1)4he right to a hearing, whi#h in#"u$es the right to present one>s #ause an$
su%mit evi$en#e in support thereo-N
(()4he tri%una" must #onsi$er the evi$en#e presente$N
(1)4here must %e something to support a 2n$ing or #on#"usionN
(B)4he evi$en#e supporting the $e#ision must %e su%stantia"N
())4he $e#ision must %e %ase$ on the evi$en#e presente$ at the hearing, or at
"east #ontaine$ in the re#or$ an$ $is#"ose$ to the parties a,e#te$.
(A)4he tri%una" or %o$y or any o- its Ju$ges must a#t on its own in$epen$ent
#onsi$eration o- the "aw an$ -a#ts o- the #ontroversy, an$ not simp"y a##ept the
views o- the su%or$inateN
(7)4he Boar$ or %o$y shou"$, in a"" #ontroversia" 9uestions, ren$er its $e#ision in
su#h manner that the parties to the pro#ee$ing #an Gnow the various issues
invo"ve$, an$ the reason -or the $e#ision ren$ere$.
Aspre# v. .t#hon (19AA)
:etitioner #"aims $enia" o- $ue pro#ess %e#ause he was not present $uring the hearings.
Despite the 9uasiDJu$i#ia" nature o- the a$ministrative agen#y, the Boar$ was right to
pro#ee$ notwithstan$ing petitioner>s a%sen#e $uring the pro#ee$ings. *e ha$
opportunity to $e-en$ himse"-, whi#h he waive$ when he or his #ounse" $i$ not appear
$uring the "ast $ay o- hearing.
6inta ;aritime Co., .n#. v. =L/C (1998)
.n a #ase -or i""ega" $ismissa", :CEA ren$ere$ a $e#ision without #on$u#ting a -u""D%"own
tria". 6inta a""ege$ that is was $eprive$ o- $ue pro#ess %e#ause no tria" was $one. Khi"e
a$ministrative agen#ies must o%serve $ue pro#ess, su#h $oes not re9uire a tria". Due
pro#ess in a$ministrative pro#ee$ings on"y re9uires that the parties are given the
opportunity to %e hear$. Due pro#ess is satis2e$ i- the parties are given the opportunity
to su%mit position papers.
Ba#hra#h ;otor Co. v. C./ (1978)
Ba#hra#h>s "one witness, Xap"in, a-ter his testimony, "ater went a%roa$, ren$ering the
/4EA una%"e to #rossDeamine him. C./ stru#G Xap"in>s testimony o, the re#or$s an$
$ismisse$ Ba#hra#h>s petition. 4he right o- a party to #on-ront an$ #rossDeamine
opposing witnesses in a Ju$i#ia" "itigation, %e it #rimina" or #ivi" in nature, or in
pro#ee$ings %e-ore a$ministrative tri%una"s with 9uasiDJu$i#ia" powers, is -un$amenta"
right whi#h is part o- $ue pro#ess.
8.:. Boar$ o- /egents v. CA (1999)
AroGiaswamy was #harge$ with p"agiarism %ut the $is#ip"inary pro#ee$ings against her
were not 2na"i<e$ unti" a-ter she ha$ re#eive$ her :h.D. A-ter a showing o- overwhe"ming
evi$en#e o- inte""e#tua" $ishonesty, the 8: Boar$ o- /egents reso"ve$ to with$raw her
+he was a,or$e$ $ue pro#ess whi#h in a$ministrative pro#ee$ings is essentia""y the
opportunity to ep"ain oneEs si$e o- a #ontroversy or a #han#e to seeG re#onsi$eration o-
the a#tion or ru"ing #omp"aine$ o-. 8: has a #onstitutiona" right to a#a$emi# -ree$om
whi#h in#"u$e$ its $etermination o- whom it #an #on-er the honor an$ $istin#tion o- %eing
its gra$uates. .- su#h #on-erment was o%taine$ through -rau$, it has the right to revoGe
or with$raw it.
Yam%a"es Chromite ;ining Co. v. CA (1979)
4he Dire#tor o- ;ines $ismisse$ petitioner>s petition to mining #"aims. Khi"e the #ase
was on appea" at the Department o- Agri#u"ture an$ =atura" /esour#es, sai$ $ire#tor
%e#ame its +e#retary an$ $ismisse$ petitioner>s appea". :etitioner was $enie$ $ue
pro#ess. 4he $ire#tor a#te$ with grave a%use o- $is#retion. *e shou"$ have inhi%ite$ an$
asGe$ the 8n$erse#retary to $e#i$e on the appea", otherwise it wou"$ %e a %iase$ review.
A $e#ision #annot %e reviewe$ on appea" %y the same oH#er who $e#i$e$ it a 9uo.
/ivera v. C+C an$ Lan$%anG o- the :hi"ippines (199))
4he reviewing oH#er must %e other than the oH#er whose $e#ision is un$er review.
Ctherwise, there #ou"$ %e no $i,erent view or there wou"$ %e no rea" review o- the #ase.
+u#h wou"$ %e a $enia" o- $ue pro#ess.
:e2an#o v. ;ora" ((000)
A respon$ent in an a$ministrative #ase is =C4 entit"e$ to %e in-orme$ o- the 2n$ings an$
re#ommen$ations o- any investigating #ommittee #reate$ to in9uire into #harges 2"e$
against him. *e is entit"e$ on"y to the a$ministrative $e#ision %ase$ on su%stantia"
evi$en#e ma$e o- re#or$, an$ a reasona%"e opportunity to meet the #harges an$ the
evi$en#e presente$ against her $uring the hearings o- the investigation #ommittee.
=apo"#om =ationa" Appe""ate Boar$ an$ :=: v. Berna%e ((000)
Due pro#ess as a #onstitutiona" pre#ept $oes not a"ways an$ in a"" situations re9uire a
tria"Dtype pro#ee$ing. Due pro#ess is satis2e$ when a person is noti2e$ o- the #harge
against him an$ given an opportunity to ep"ain or $e-en$ himse"-. 4he essen#e o- $ue
pro#ess is simp"y to %e hear$, or as app"ie$ to a$ministrative pro#ee$ings, an
opportunity to ep"ain oneEs si$e, or an opportunity to seeG a re#onsi$eration o- the
a#tion or ru"ing #omp"aine$ o-.
/espon$ent was given noti#e o- the #omp"aintsR#harges against him an$ an opportunity
to answer. *e su%mitte$ an aH$avit answering point %y point the #harges against him.
*e even appea"e$ -rom the $e#ision o- the :=: Chie- $ismissing him -rom the po"i#e
servi#e to the =ationa" Appe""ate Boar$, an$ su%mitte$ a memoran$um. Conse9uent"y,
he was given more than a$e9uate opportunity to ep"ain his si$e.
+hoppes ;ani"a v. =L/C ((00B)
+hoppes a""ege$ that the La%or Ar%iter #ommitte$ grave a%use o- $is#retion -or $e#i$ing
the #ase without #on$u#ting a hearing. 'orma" hearing is not man$atory an$ is
$epen$ent on the $is#retion o- the "a%or ar%iter. 8n$er +e#. ), /u"e 6 o- =ew /u"es o-
:ro#e$ure o- the =L/C, the LA has the authority to $etermine whether or not there is a
ne#essity to #on$u#t -orma" hearings. .t is $is#retionary an$ is something that the parties
#annot $eman$ as a matter o- right. 4he re9uirements o- $ue pro#ess are satis2e$ when
the parties are given the opportunity to su%mit the respe#tive position papers.
Auten#io v. ;anara ((00))
Auten#io was #harge$ with $ishonesty an$ mis#on$u#t in oH#e -or #hanging the payro""
o- emp"oyees. +he was in-orme$ o- the #harges, gave her Answer, presente$ aH$avits
an$ was assiste$ %y #ounse" in a preDhearing #on-eren#e. A-ter she was -oun$ gui"ty, she
appea"e$ to the Civi" +ervi#e Commission an$ #"aime$ that she was tri#Ge$ into waiving
her right to present evi$en#e an$ thus she was not a,or$e$ $ue pro#ess
#n administrative cases! a fair and reasonable opportunity to e(plain one4s side su0ces
to meet t"e re5uirements of due process. A -orma" or tria"Dtype hearing is not a"ways
ne#essary. 'or the purpose o- as#ertaining the truth, an investigation wi"" %e #on$u#te$,
$uring whi#h te#hni#a" ru"es app"i#a%"e to Ju$i#ia" pro#ee$ings nee$ not a"ways %e
a$here$ to. An$ where the party has the opportunity to appea" or seeG re#onsi$eration o-
the a#tion or ru"ing #omp"aine$ o-, $e-e#ts in pro#e$ura" $ue pro#ess may %e #ure$.
+ama"io v. CA ((00))
2"e due process re5uirement is satised )"ere parties are a6orded fair and reasonable
opportunity to e(plain t"eir side of t"e controversy at "and. .n "ine with Jurispru$en#e,
$enia" o- $ue pro#ess #annot %e su##ess-u""y invoGe$ %y a party who has ha$ the
opportunity to %e hear$ on his motion -or re#onsi$eration, whi#h +ama"io a$mits he ha$
2"e$ with the B.D an$ the C+C.
Domingo v. /aya"a ((008)
.n a$ministrative pro#ee$ings, pro#e$ura" $ue pro#ess has %een re#ogni<e$ to in#"u$e
the -o""owing W
a. 4he right to a#tua" or #onstru#tive noti#e o- the institution o- pro#ee$ings whi#h may
a,e#t a respon$ent>s "ega" rightsN
%. A rea" opportunity to %e hear$ persona""y or with the assistan#e o- #ounse", to present
witnesses an$ evi$en#e in one>s -avor, an$ to $e-en$ one>s rightsN
#. A tri%una" veste$ with #ompetent Juris$i#tion an$ so #onstitute$ as to a,or$ a person
#harge$ a$ministrative"y a reasona%"e guarantee o- honesty as we"" as impartia"ityN an$
$. A 2n$ing %y sai$ tri%una" whi#h is supporte$ %y su%stantia" evi$en#e su%mitte$ -or
#onsi$eration $uring the hearing or #ontaine$ in the re#or$s, or ma$e Gnown to the
parties a,e#te$.
A.Y. Arnai< /ea"ty, .n#. v. CH#e o- the :resi$ent ((010)
Due pro#ess $oes not a"ways re9uire a tria"Dtype pro#ee$ing. Litigants may %e hear$
through p"ea$ings, written ep"anations, position papers, memoran$a or ora" arguments.
4he stan$ar$ o- $ue pro#ess that must %e met in a$ministrative tri%una"s a""ows a #ertain
$egree o- "atitu$e as "ong as -airness is not ignore$. 4he essen#e o- $ue pro#ess is simp"y
an opportunity to %e hear$, or, as app"ie$ to a$ministrative pro#ee$ings, an opportunity
to ep"ain oneEs si$e or an opportunity to seeG -or a re#onsi$eration o- the a#tion or
ru"ing #omp"aine$ o-. Any seeming $e-e#t in its o%servan#e is #ure$ %y the 2"ing o- an
&annapao v. C+C ((011)
4he essen#e o- $ue pro#ess is simp"y an opportunity to %e hear$ or, as app"ie$ to
a$ministrative pro#ee$ings, an opportunity to ep"ain oneEs si$e or an opportunity to
seeG a re#onsi$eration o- the a#tion or ru"ing #omp"aine$ o-. .n the app"i#ation o- the
prin#ip"e o- $ue pro#ess, what is sought to %e sa-eguar$e$ is not "a#G o- previous noti#e
%ut the $enia" o- the opportunity to %e hear$. As "ong as a party was given the
opportunity to $e-en$ his interests in $ue #ourse, he was not $enie$ $ue pro#ess. .n this
#ase, petitioner avai"e$ o- a"" "ega" reme$ies avai"a%"e to him an$ was a""owe$ to present
evi$en#e to $e-en$ himse"-, thus there was no $enia" o- $ue pro#ess.
Notice and Hearing
&'en re.uired
=ationa" Deve"opment Corp. v. Co""e#tor (19A1) 6 3"en re5uired by la)
:ursuant to a #harge o- vio"ation o- the 4ari, an$ Customs A#t, C.'. +harp I Company,
was impose$ a 2ne. .ts re9uest that the #ase %e set -or investigation an$ hearing was
$enie$ %y the Co""e#tor o- Customs. Co""e#tor #ommitte$ grave a%use o- $is#retion in
imposing the 2ne without the %ene2t o- an investigation or hearing, as re9ueste$. 8n$er
the 4ari, an$ Customs Co$e, in or$er that an importe$ arti#"e or mer#han$ise may %e
#onsi$ere$ a #argo that shou"$ %e mani-este$, it must 2rst %e so esta%"ishe$, %e#ause
there are other e,e#ts that a vesse" may #arry that are e#"u$e$ -rom the re9uirement o-
the "aw. An$ even i- #ustoms authorities have #"aime$ that an arti#"e or mer#han$ise is
=C4 within the e#eption, it $oes not automati#a""y maGe the vesse" "ia%"e. .t is sti""
ne#essary that the vesse", its owner, or its operator %e given a #han#e to show otherwise
Bautista v. KorGmen>s Compensation Commission (1979) 7 3"en ma,in& 5uasi+judicial
Bautista>s #"aim was $ismisse$ %y the Department o- La%or>s KorGmen>s Compensation
Commission $ue to his an$ his #ounse">s repeate$ nonDappearan#e at 1 s#he$u"e$
hearings o- the #ase. Bautista was $eprive$ o- $ue pro#ess %y the hearing oH#er. .t was
proven that he an$ his #ounse" were not $u"y noti2e$7either they were not noti2e$ at
a"", or they re#eive$ noti#e too "ate, on"y a-ter the s#he$u"e$ $ates o- hearing. 4he
Commission>s ru"es re9uire giving o- reasona%"e noti#e o- hearing to ea#h party
intereste$, whi#h is $one %y serving upon him, persona""y or %y registere$ mai", a #opy o-
the noti#e, either at his "ast Gnown post oH#e a$$ress or through his #ounse". 4he
purpose is to ensure o%servan#e an$ prote#tion o- an intereste$ party>s right to a
hearing. 4he a#tions o- the hearing oH#er an$ the Commission are a -ou" %"ow to the
Constitution>s so#ia" Justi#e #"ause an$ inJun#tion -or the +tate to a,or$ -u"" prote#tion to
"a%or. 4he government, espe#ia""y "a%or agen#ies, has an o%"igation to give meaning an$
su%stan#e to these #onstitutiona" guarantees in -avor o- the worGing man.
E9uita%"e BanGing Corp. v. =L/C (1997) W 3"en terminatin& employment
+a$a#, 6: o- E9uita%"e BanG>s Lega" Department was a##use$ o- a%usive #on$u#t,
ineH#ien#y, ine,e#tiveness, mismanagement an$ $e#isiveness. BanG Chairman sent him
a memo stating that instea$ o- #on$u#ting a -orma" hearing, the %anG wou"$ instea$ wait
-or his vo"untary resignation. +a$a# 2"e$ a #omp"aint -or i""ega" $ismissa". *e was $enie$
$ue pro#ess. BanG ignore$ the pro#e$ura" re9uirements -or terminating emp"oyment
(noti#e apprising the emp"oyee o- the parti#u"ar a#ts or omissions -or whi#h his $ismissa"
is sought, an$ another noti#e in-orming the emp"oyee o- the emp"oyer>s $e#ision to
$ismiss him). 4he essen#e o- $ue pro#ess in a$ministrative pro#ee$ings is an opportunity
to ep"ain one>s si$e. But meetin&s in t"e nature of consultation or conferences are ./2
valid substitutes for t"e proper observance of notice and "earin&.
'e"i 8y v. CoA ((000) W 3"en ma,in& 5uasi+judicial decisions
4he CCA>s 2n$ing o- %a$ -aith, an$ thus persona" "ia%i"ity on &overnor :are$es> part, was
%ase$ so"e"y on the ;+:B>s $e#ision, whi#h $i$ not meet the 9uantum o- proo- ne#essary
to over#ome the presumption o- goo$ -aith. 4he CCA>s power to $e#i$e a$ministrative
#ases invo"ving epen$iture o- pu%"i# -un$s invo"ves the 9uasiDJu$i#ia" aspe#t o-
government au$it, whi#h means that pro#ee$ings %e-ore it must #omp"y with the
-un$amenta" re9uirements o- pro#e$ura" $ue pro#ess. 4hese were not #omp"ie$ with,
sin#e &overnor :are$es was never ma$e a party to nor serve$ a noti#e o- the
pro#ee$ings %e-ore the CCA. .t wou"$ %e un-air -or the CCA to ho"$ him persona""y "ia%"e
-or petitioners> #"aims, amounting to mi""ions o- pesos, without giving him an opportunity
to %e hear$ an$ to present evi$en#e in his $e-en#e.
&'en not re.uired
+untay v. :eop"e (19)7) W 3"en t"e basis for ma,in& t"e 5uasi+judicial decision is clear
A veri2e$ #omp"aint was 2"e$ against +untay -or taGing A"i#ia =u%"a, a 1ADyear o"$ minor,
-rom her s#hoo" with "ew$ $esign an$ having #arna" Gnow"e$ge o- her. +untay app"ie$ -or
an$ was grante$ a passport %y the D'A, an$ he "e-t -or the 8.+. short"y a-ter. D'A
+e#retary &ar#ia instru#te$ the :hi"ippine Am%assa$or to the 8.+. to #an#e" +untay>s
passport an$ #ompe" him to return to the :hi"ippines. +untay sought to enJoin +e#retary
&ar#ia -rom #an#e""ing his passport without previous hearing.
Due pro#ess $oes not ne#essari"y mean or re9uire a hearing. *earing wou"$ have %een
proper an$ ne#essary i- the reason -or with$rawa" or #an#e""ation o- +untay>s passport
were un#"ear an$ $ou%t-u". But when $is#retion is eer#ise$ %y an oH#er (+e#retary
&ar#ia) veste$ with it upon an un$ispute$ -a#t (the 2"ing o- a #harge o- se$u#tion against
+untay), hearing may %e $ispense$ with as a prere9uisite to a#tion (#an#e""ation o-
+untay>s passport).
Biss#hop v. &a"ang (19A1) W 3"en decidin& applications for e(tension of stay of aliens
Biss#hop, an Ameri#an #iti<en, app"ie$ -or etension o- stay in the :hi"ippines.
Commissioner &a"ang a$vise$ Biss#hop that his app"i#ation ha$ %een $enie$ %y the
Boar$ o- Commissioners an$ that he shou"$ $epart within ) $ays. Biss#hop>s #ounse"
re9ueste$ a #opy o- the Boar$>s $e#ision, %ut was to"$ that in su#h #ases, -or reasons o-
pra#ti#a%i"ity an$ epe$ien#y, no -orma" $e#ision was promu"gate$.
'irst, Commissioners o- .mmigration are not re9uire$ to #on$u#t -orma" hearings on
app"i#ations -or etension o- stay o- a"iens. +in#e the "aw is si"ent as to the pro#e$ure in
su#h #ases, #ourts have no Juris$i#tion to review the pure"y a$ministrative pra#ti#e o-
immigration authorities o- not granting -orma" hearings therein. A day in court is ./2 a
matter of ri&"t in administrative proceedin&s. #n certain administrative proceedin&s! t"e
ri&"t to notice and "earin& are not essential to due process of la). Commissioner
&a"ang>s "etter a$vising Biss#hop to $epart in ) $ays was a mere -orma"ity an$ -ar -rom
2na". 4he re9uirement to "eave %e-ore the start o- $eportation pro#ee$ings is on"y an
a$vi#e to the party that un"ess he $eparts vo"untari"y, the +tate wi"" %e #ompe""e$ to taGe
steps -or his epu"sion. +e#on$, Commissioners o- .mmigration are =C4 re9uire$ to
promu"gate written $e#isions in #ases invo"ving etension o- stay o- a"iens. 4here is
nothing in immigration "aws whi#h re9uire the Boar$ to ren$er written $e#isions in su#h
:o""ution A$Ju$i#ation Boar$ v. CA (1991) W Khen pu%"i# interest so re9uires
:o""ution A$Ju$i#ation Boar$ issue$ an e parte Cr$er $ire#ting +o"ar 4eti"e 'inishing
Corporation to #ease an$ $esist -rom uti"i<ing its wastewater po""ution sour#e
insta""ations, whi#h were $is#harging untreate$ wastewater $ire#t"y into a #ana" "ea$ing
to the a$Ja#ent 4u""ahanD4ineJeros /iver.
E parte #ease an$ $esist or$ers are permitte$ %y "aw an$ regu"ations in #ertain
situations, wherein the or$inary re9uirements o- pro#e$ura" $ue pro#ess must yie"$ to
the ne#essities o- prote#ting vita" pu%"i# interests through the eer#ise o- po"i#e power. .n
the #ase at %ar, the e parte Cr$er was proper %e#ause stopping the #ontinuous
$is#harge o- po""utive wastes into :hi"ippine waters shou"$ not wait unti" protra#te$
"itigation over the #orre#tness o- su#h or$ers has run its -u"" #ourse. .n$ustria"
esta%"ishments are not #onstitutiona""y entit"e$ to re$u#e their #ostsRepenses an$
in#rease their pro2ts %y putting the pu%"i# interest at risG %y $isregar$ing the
re9uirements o- antiDpo""ution statutory an$ regu"atory provisions. +o"ar may #ontest the
#orre#tness o- the e parte or$er in a pu%"i# hearing %e-ore the Boar$, where it wou"$
have the opportunity to #ontrovert the %asis o- su#h or$er. 4hat su#h an opportunity is
su%se9uent"y avai"a%"e is rea""y a"" that is re9uire$ %y the $ue pro#ess #"ause o- the
Constitution in situations "iGe the #ase at %ar.
For and Pro#lgation o+ ,#dgent
.n$ias v. :hi". .ron ;ines (19)7)
.n$ias 2"e$ a #omp"aint -or un-air "a%or pra#ti#e against :hi". .ron ;ines. *earings were
#on$u#te$ %y a hearing eaminer, a-ter whi#h, the eaminer ren$ere$ his report stating
that the #harge was unsu%stantiate$ %y evi$en#e, an$ re#ommen$e$ its $ismissa". 4he
Court o- .n$ustria" /e"ations issue$ an$ or$er $ismissing the #omp"aint saying ?A-ter a
perusa" o- the re#or$ o- the #ase, the Court 2n$s no suH#ient Justi2#ation -or mo$i-ying
sai$ re#ommen$ation, 2n$ings an$ #on#"usions, an$, #onse9uent"y, this #ase is here%y
$ismisse$.@ .n$ias #ha""enges the or$er saying that it ma$e without stating the -a#ts an$
"aw in support o- the or$er.
Khi"e the or$er $oes not maGe its own $is#ussion o- the evi$en#e or its own 2n$ings o-
-a#t, su#h is not ne#essary i- the #ourt is satis2e$ with the report o- its eaminer whi#h
a"rea$y #ontains a -u"" $is#ussion o- the evi$en#e an$ the 2n$ings o- -a#t. 4he situation
wou"$ %e $i,erent i- the #ourt $isagrees with the report, in whi#h #ase it shou"$ state the
reasons -or its $isagreement. Khen the C./ re-ers a #ase to a #ommissioner -or
investigation, report, an$ re#ommen$ation, an$ at su#h investigation the parties were
given an opportunity to %e hear$, the re9uirement o- $ue pro#ess is satis2e$.
+errano v. :+C (19A8)
4he :u%"i# +ervi#e Commission (:+C) ma$e a Joint $e#ision passing on the #"aim o- 99
app"i#ants -or #erti2#ates o- pu%"i# #onvenien#e to operate a tai#a% servi#e. .t grante$
#erti2#ates to A0 app"i#ants, as "iste$ in the $e#ision. Kith regar$ to the remaining
app"i#ants, the $e#ision state$ Tthe app"i#ations not in#"u$e$ in the "ist o- those grante$
are either P$ismisse$Q -or "a#G o- interest or -ai"ure to prose#ute or P$enie$Q -or -ai"ure to
9ua"i-yT. +errano #ha""enge$ the :+C $e#ision on the groun$ that the $e#ision $oes not
#"ear"y state the -a#ts as to ea#h #ase regar$ing the 9ua"i2#ation an$ 2nan#ia" a%i"ity o-
the app"i#ant an$ the other -a#tors #onstituting the #riterion use$ as %asis in granting
the app"i#ation.
4he Constitutiona" provision whi#h man$ates that ?a $e#ision must #"ear"y an$ $istin#t"y
state the -a#ts an$ the "aw on whi#h it is %ase$@ on"y app"ies to #ourts an$ not to
a$ministrative agen#ies. *owever, the nonDin#"usion o- the a$ministrative tri%una" within
the s#ope o- the Constitutiona" provision $oes not warrant the summary $isposition o-
+erranoEs app"i#ation. .n An& 2ibay, it was he"$ that an a$ministrative tri%una" must not
$isregar$ the re9uirement o- $ue pro#ess, an$ that as a matter o- $ue pro#ess, the
a$ministrative tri%una" must ren$er its $e#ision in su#h a manner that the parties to the
pro#ee$ing #an Gnow the various issues invo"ve$, an$ the reasons -or the $e#isions
+o"i$ *omes v. Laserna ((008)
Laserna 2"e$ a #omp"aint against +o"i$ *omes -or $e"ivery o- tit"e an$ ee#ution o- $ee$
o- sa"e %e-ore the *ousing an$ Lan$ 8se /egu"atory Boar$ (*L8/B). *L8/B ar%iter
ren$ere$ a $e#ision whi#h was appea"e$ to the *L8/B Boar$ an$ su%se9uent"y to the
CH#e o- the :resi$ent. 4he CH#e o- the :resi$ent, in its $e#ision, mere"y a$opte$ %y
re-eren#e the 2n$ings o- the Boar$.
4he Constitutiona" man$ate that ?no $e#ision sha"" %e ren$ere$ %y any #ourt without
epressing therein #"ear"y an$ $istin#t"y the -a#ts an$ the "aw on whi#h it is %ase$@ $oes
not pre#"u$e the va"i$ity o- memoran$um $e#isions whi#h a$opt %y re-eren#e the
2n$ings o- -a#t an$ #on#"usions o- "aw #ontaine$ in $e#isions o- in-erior tri%una"s. .n
Francisco vs. Perms,ul, the Court "ai$ $own the #on$itions to maGe a memoran$um
$e#ision va"i$5
1) it shou"$ a#tua""y em%o$y the 2n$ings o- -a#t an$ #on#"usions o- "aw o- the
"ower #ourt in an anne atta#he$ to an$ ma$e an in$ispensa%"e part o- the
$e#isionN an$
() it is resorte$ to on"y in #ases where the -a#ts are in the main a##epte$ %y %oth
parties an$ easi"y $etermina%"e %y the Ju$ge an$ there are no $o#trina"
#omp"i#ations invo"ve$ that wi"" re9uire an eten$e$ $is#ussion o- the "aws
4he Constitutiona" man$ate nee$ not app"y to $e#isions ren$ere$ in a$ministrative
pro#ee$ings, as in this #aseN it app"ies on"y to $e#isions ren$ere$ in Ju$i#ia" pro#ee$ings.
4he rights o- parties in a$ministrative pro#ee$ings are not vio"ate$ as "ong as the
#onstitutiona" re9uirement o- $ue pro#ess has %een satis2e$ as "ai$ $own in Ang 4i%ay.
4here is no re9uirement that the $e#ision must epress #"ear"y an$ $istin#t"y the -a#ts
an$ the "aw on whi#h it is %ase$. 'or as "ong as the a$ministrative $e#ision is groun$e$
on evi$en#e, an$ epresse$ in a manner that suH#ient"y in-orms the parties o- the
-a#tua" an$ "ega" %ases o- the $e#ision, the $ue pro#ess re9uirement is satis2e$.
Department o- *ea"th v. Camposano ((00))
An a$ministrative #harge was 2"e$ against Camposano, et a"., emp"oyees o- the DC*, -or
Dishonesty an$ &rave ;is#on$u#t in #onne#tion with an a""ege$ anoma"ous pur#hase o-
#ertain me$i#ines. :CA&C issue$ a reso"ution 2n$ing Camposano, et a". gui"ty, an$
re#ommen$ing their $ismissa". /e"ying on the re#ommen$ation %y the :CA&C, the DC*
+e#retary, issue$ an or$er $ismissing Camposano, et a".
:CA&C $oes not have the power to impose any a$ministrative san#tions $ire#t"yN its
authority is "imite$ to #on$u#ting investigations, an$ preparing 2n$ings an$
re#ommen$ations. 4he power to impose san#tions %e"onge$ to the $is#ip"ining authority,
whi#h is the DC* +e#retary, who ha$ to o%serve $ue pro#ess prior to imposing pena"ties.
4he +e#retaryEs $e#ision in this #ase, $i$ not #omp"y with the Ath re9uisite state$ in the
An& 2ibay #ase. 4he a#tua" eer#ise o- the $is#ip"ining authority>s prerogative re9uires a
prior in$epen$ent #onsi$eration o- the "aw an$ the -a#ts. 'ai"ure to #omp"y with resu"ts in
an inva"i$ $e#ision. 4he $is#ip"ining authority shou"$ not mere"y an$ so"e"y re"y on an
investigator>s re#ommen$ation, %ut must persona""y weigh an$ assess the evi$en#e
Ameri#an 4o%a##o v. Dire#tor o- :atents (197))
:etitioners #ha""enge the va"i$ity o- the amen$ment o- /u"e 1A8 o- the /u"es o- :ra#ti#e
%e-ore the :hi"ippine :atent CH#e, whi#h authori<e$ the Dire#tor o- :atents to $esignate
any ranGing oH#ia" o- the oH#e to hear inter partes pro#ee$ings, %e#ause un$er the "aw,
the Dire#tor o- :atents must persona""y hear an$ $e#i$e the #ases.
4he power #on-erre$ upon an a$ministrative agen#y to issue su#h regu"ations as may %e
$eeme$ ne#essary in or$er to #arry out its purposes is an a$e9uate sour#e o- authority
to $e"egate a parti#u"ar -un#tion, un"ess it is withhe"$ %y epress provisions o- the "aw. .t
#ou"$ har$"y %e epe#te$, in view o- the magnitu$e o- the Dire#torEs responsi%i"ity, to
re9uire him to hear persona""y ea#h an$ every #ase pen$ing in his oH#e. Khi"e the
power to $e#i$e resi$es so"e"y in the a$ministrative agen#y or oH#er veste$ %y "aw, this
$oes not pre#"u$e a $e"egation o- the power to ho"$ a hearing on the %asis o- whi#h the
$e#ision o- the a$ministrative agen#y or oH#er wi"" %e ma$e. .t is suH#ient that the
Ju$gment an $is#retion 2na""y eer#ise$ are those o- the oH#er authori<e$ %y "aw.
A"%ert v. &angan ((001)
.t is a %asi# tenet o- $ue pro#ess that the $e#ision o- a government agen#y must state
the -a#ts an$ the "aw on whi#h the $e#ision is %ase$. CCA>s $e#ision mere"y state$
#on#"usions o- "aw whi"e -a#ts an$ #ir#umstan#e regar$ing the $isa""owan#e were
missing, ina##urate, or in#omp"ete. 4here has to %e -a#tua" %asis why the epen$iture is
a""ege$ to %e -rau$u"ent or why was there a misrepresentation.
Aro#ha v. 6ivo (19A7)
Khen the BCC 2rst a#te$ on the #ase o- &at#ha"ian, its mem%ers a#te$ in$epen$ent"y,
as shown %y the $i,erent $ates they have epresse$ their votes. 4hey $i$ not a#tua""y
meet to $is#uss, an$ vote on the #ase. .n$ivi$ua" a#tion %y mem%ers o- a %oar$ p"ain"y
ren$ers nugatory the purpose o- its #onstitution as a Boar$. 4he powers an$ $uties o-
%oar$s an$ #ommissions may not %e eer#ise$ %y the in$ivi$ua" mem%ers separate"y.
4heir a#ts are oH#ia" on"y when $one %y the mem%ers #onvene$ in session, upon a
#on#urren#e o- at "east a maJority an$ with at "east a 9uorum present.
=eria v. Commissioner o- .mmigration (19A8)
?:romu"gation@ means Tthe $e"ivery o- the $e#ision to the C"erG o- Court -or 2"ing an$
pu%"i#ationT. Base$ on the .mmigration /u"es an$ /egu"ations, promu"gation taGes p"a#e
even %e-ore the $e#ision is written, an$ a #opy is serve$ on the a"ien. 4he $ate o-
promu"gation is the $ate when the B+. vote$ an$ reso"ve$ to a$mit an a"ien, an$ this
$ate #an %e as#ertaine$ -rom the minutes o- the pro#ee$ings o- the B+..
/ea"ty E#hange 6enture Corp. v. +en$ino (199B)
+en$ino 2"e$ a #omp"aint -or spe#i2# per-orman#e an$ $amages against /E6. with the
CH#e o- Appea"s, A$Ju$i#ation an$ Lega" A,airs (CAALA) o- the *L8/B. *L8/B ren$ere$
Ju$gment in -avor o- +en$ino. /E6. #onten$e$, among others, that the $e#ision #annot
stan$ %e#ause it was not ren$ere$ %y the Boar$ o- Commissioners en %an#.
4he Boar$ is spe#i2#a""y man$ate$ %y its governing "aw to ?a$opt ru"es o- pro#e$ure -or
the #on$u#t o- its %usiness an$ per-orm su#h -un#tions ne#essary -or the e,e#tive
a##omp"ishment o- its a%ove mentione$ -un#tions.T4here is nothing in the provisions o-
the ECs $e2ning the powers an$ $uties o- the Boar$ whi#h $enies or withho"$s the power
to $e"egate a$Ju$i#atory -un#tions to $ivisions -or the purpose o- e,e#tive"y #arrying out
its a$ministrative responsi%i"ities an$ 9uasiDJu$i#ia" powers.
&o 4eG v. Deportation Boar$ (1977)
&o 4eG was arreste$ $uring a rai$ o- a suspe#te$ gueri""a unit. 'aGe $o""ar #he#Gs were
a"so -oun$ in his possession, #ausing him to %e #harge$ with i""ega" possession an$ use
o- -a"se treasury or %anG notes an$ other instruments o- #re$it un$er Art. 1A8, /:C. A
#ase -or his $eportation pro#ee$e$ simu"taneous"y %e-ore the Deportation Boar$.
Deportation Boar$ ha$ Juris$i#tion to investigate &o 4eG $espite the -a#t that he has yet
to %e #onvi#te$ o- the #rimina" #harge against him an$ $espite the -a#t that his a""ege$
a#ts $o not -a"" un$er the enumeration o- the groun$s -or $eportation in +e#. 17 o- the
.mmigration Law. 8n$er the "aw, $eportation may %e e,e#te$ either %y or$er o- the
:resi$ent a-ter his or his agents> $ue investigation or upon the warrant o- the
Commissioner o- .mmigration or his $esignate$ oH#er a-ter the Boar$ o- Commissioners>
$etermination o- the eisten#e o- a groun$ -or $eportation. +e#tion A9 $oes not
enumerate groun$s -or $eportation. .t mere"y provi$es that the Deportation Boar$ is
authori<e$ to #on$u#t investigations on possi%"y $eporta%"e a"iens an$ -orwar$ its
re#ommen$ations to the :resi$ent. 4he Chie- Ee#utive is the so"e an$ e#"usive Ju$ge o-
the eisten#e o- -a#ts whi#h warrant the $eportation o- a"iens. An ee#utive or$er o-
$eportation is not $epen$ent on a prior Ju$i#ia" #onvi#tion. Convi#tion or a#9uitta" o- a
#rimina" #harge $oes not #onstitute res Ju$i#ata in the $eportation pro#ee$ings.
&uy v. .gna#io ((010)
Atty. .gna#io 2"e$ a #omp"aint -or %"a#G"isting an$ $eportation against two sisters on the
%asis that they were Cana$ian #iti<ens i""ega""y worGing in the :hi"ippines. 4hey re-use$
to #omp"y with a su%poena #ausing them to %e #harge$ with vio"ating the :hi"ippine
.mmigration A#t.
4he genera" ru"e is that #ourts wi"" not $etermine a #ontroversy invo"ving a 9uestion
whi#h is within the Juris$i#tion o- the a$ministrative tri%una", where the 9uestion
$eman$s the eer#ise o- soun$ a$ministrative $is#retion re9uiring spe#ia" Gnow"e$ge,
eperien#e an$ servi#es in $etermining te#hni#a" an$ intri#ate matters o- -a#t. *owever,
this #ase -a""s un$er one o- the e#eptions to the ru"e, name"y5 where the #"aim o-
#iti<enship is so su%stantia" that there is reasona%"e groun$ to %e"ieve that the #"aim is
#orre#t. Khen the evi$en#e su%mitte$ %y a respon$ent is #on#"usive o- his #iti<enship,
the right to imme$iate review shou"$ %e re#ogni<e$ an$ #ourts shou"$ prompt"y enJoin
the $eportation pro#ee$ings.
&o v. /amos ((009)
4he Boar$ o- Commissioners o- the Bureau o- .mmigration an$ Deportation reverse$ an
ear"ier $e#ision o- an Asso#iate Commissioner whi#h $ismisse$ a #omp"aint against &o
-or %eing an i""ega" an$ un$esira%"e a"ien. :ursuant to this reversa", a #harge sheet was
2"e$ against &o -or vio"ating the .mmigration A#t. 4hus, &o 2"e$ a petition -or #ertiorari
an$ prohi%ition %e-ore the /4C 9uestioning the Juris$i#tion o- the Boar$ to #ontinue the
$eportation pro#ee$ings.
4he Boar$ ha$ the authority to hear an$ $etermine the $eportation #ase against a
$eportee an$ in the pro#ess $etermine a"so the 9uestion o- #iti<enship raise$ %y him.
4he e#eption where Ju$i#ia" $etermination was a""owe$ was when the #ourts themse"ves
%e"ieve that there was a su%stantia" #"aim o- #iti<enship, an$ the evi$en#e su%mitte$ was
#on#"usive o- su#h #iti<enship. 4he #ourts #ou"$ in these #ases review an$ even enJoin
the pro#ee$ings. 4he Boar$>s Juris$i#tion was not $iveste$ %y mere #"aim o- #iti<enship.
C- #ourse, the Boar$>s $e#ision was not 2na", %ut su%Je#t to Ju$i#ia" review. *ere, the
-a#ts were not su#h that the Court was #onvin#e$ that the Boar$>s Juris$i#tion shou"$ %e
De "a 'uente v. De 6eyra (1981)
4he :hi"ippine Coast &uar$ #aught a vesse" un"oa$ing #argo to sma"" water#ra-ts. 4he
#aptain o- the vesse" was not a%"e to present the appropriate $o#uments -or the #argo so
he an$ his #rew were arreste$ -or smugg"ing. 4he Customs o- +ua"DDagupan issue$ a
warrant o- sei<ure an$ $etention.
4he e#"usive Juris$i#tion over sei<ure an$ -or-eiture #ases veste$ in the Co""e#tor o-
Customs pre#"u$es a C'. -rom assuming #ogni<an#e over su#h #ases. Congress #on-erre$
Juris$i#tion over sei<ure an$ -or-eiture #ases to the #ustoms authorities. 4he "aw a,or$s
the Co""e#tor o- Customs suH#ient "atitu$e in $etermining whether or not a #ertain arti#"e
is su%Je#t to sei<ure or -or-eiture an$ his $e#ision on the matter is appea"a%"e to the
Commissioner o- Customs an$ then to the Court o- 4a Appea"s, not to the C'., whi#h
may not inter-ere with the Commissioner>s $e#isions. 4here may on"y %e -urther Ju$i#ia"
review in appropriate #ases via a #ertiorari pro#ee$ing.
CariVo v. Commission on *uman /ights (1991)
800 pu%"i# s#hoo" tea#hers un$ertooG #on#erte$ mass a#tions on a##ount o- the -ai"ure o-
pu%"i# authorities to hee$ their grievan#es. A returnDtoDworG or$er was issue$ %ut they
#ontinue$ the mass a#tions. As a resu"t, the tea#hers were a$ministrative"y #harge$ an$
preventive"y suspen$e$. A-ter an investigation, they were $ismisse$. 4he DEC+ +e#retary
aHrme$ the $ismissa". 4he tea#hers su%mitte$ sworn statements to the C*/ impugning
their $ismissa".
4he C*/ has no power to eer#ise a$Ju$i#atory power. 4he most that #an %e #on#e$e$ to
the C*/, un$er the Constitution is the power to investigate ?a"" -orms o- human rights
vio"ations invo"ving #ivi" an$ po"iti#a" rights.@ *owever, -a#tD2n$ing is not a$Ju$i#ation,
an$ #annot %e "iGene$ to the Ju$i#ia" -un#tion o- a #ourt o- Justi#e, or even a 9uasiDJu$i#ia"
agen#y or oH#ia". *en#e, mere"y having the power to investigate, the C*/ shou"$ not try
an$ reso"ve the matter invo"ving the pu%"i# s#hoo" tea#hers> a""ege$ $ismissa" without
$ue pro#ess. 4he issues invo"ve$ in the #ontroversy are #"ear"y within the origina"
Juris$i#tion o- the +e#retary o- E$u#ation as provi$e$ -or %y the Civi" +ervi#e Law an$
a"so within the appe""ate Juris$i#tion o- the Civi" +ervi#e Commission.
+imon v. C*/ (199B)
A ?Demo"ition =oti#e@ was sent to the =orth ED+A 6en$ors Asso#iation, .n#. -rom the
CH#e o- the Lue<on City ;ayor. 4he s9uattersDven$ors 2"e$ a "etterD#omp"aint with the
C*/ asGing the "atter to enJoin the LC ;ayor -rom pushing through with the $emo"ition,
whi#h the C*/ $i$.
4he Court reiterate$ its ru"ing in CariVo v. C*/ that it is on"y the 2rst o- the C*/>s
#onstitutiona""y enumerate$ powers that %ears resem%"an#e with a$Ju$i#ation D %ut that
resem%"an#e $oes not e9uate to a$Ju$i#ation. .t was not the intention o- the
Constitutiona" Commission to maGe the C*/ a 9uasiDJu$i#ia" %o$y.
Laguna LaGe Deve"opment Authority v. CA (199B)
4he Ca"oo#an City &overnment was operating a $umpsite whi#h was po""uting the near%y
#reeGRtri%utary o- the ;ari"ao /iver. 4he LLDA issue$ a #ease an$ $esist or$er against it.
Cn the other han$, the /4C o- Ca"oo#an issue$ a #ease an$ $esist or$er against the
LLDA. 4he #ontroversy was %rought %e-ore the CA, whi#h he"$ that the LLDA has no
power an$ authority to issue a #ease an$ $esist or$er enJoining the operation o- the
As a genera" ru"e, the a$Ju$i#ation o- po""ution #ases pertains to the :o""ution
A$Ju$i#ation Boar$, e#ept in #ases where a spe#ia" "aw provi$es -or another -orum. 4he
LLDA, is spe#i2#a""y man$ate$ un$er /A B8)0 to #arry out the nationa" po"i#y o-
promoting an$ a##e"erating the $eve"opment an$ %a"an#e$ growth o- the Laguna LaGe
area an$ the surroun$ing provin#es with $ue regar$ -or ?...the prevention o- un$ue
e#o"ogi#a" $istur%an#es, $eterioration an$ po""ution.@ 8n$er su#h a %roa$ grant o- power,
the LLDA>s Juris$i#tion was #orre#t"y invoGe$ in this #ase. 4he LLDA must a"so %e $eeme$
to possess the power to issue #ease an$ $esist or$ers. Khi"e it is true that it was not
epress"y #on-erre$ su#h a power, its ena%"ing "aws grante$ it the power Tto ma,e, a"ter
or mo$i-y or$ers re9uiring the $is#ontinuan#e o- po""utionT.
8nion BanG v. *L8/B (199()
A #on$ominium %uyer pur#hase$ a unit without Gnowing that the who"e #on$ominium
proJe#t ha$ %een mortgage$ to 8nion BanG. 4he mortgage was -ore#"ose$ an$ the
property was so"$ to 'ar East BanG at pu%"i# au#tion. 4he %uyer 2"e$ a #omp"aint -or
annu"ment o- 'ar East>s tit"e to the unit. 8nion BanG an$ 'ar East BanG a""ege$ that the
*L8/B ha$ no Juris$i#tion.
*L8/B has Juris$i#tion. 4he re"evant "aws in this #ase in#"u$e5 :D 9)7, whi#h gave the
=*A e#"usive Juris$i#tion to regu"ate the rea" estate tra$e an$ %usinessN :D 11BB, whi#h
gave the =*A the e#"usive Juris$i#tion to hear an$ $e#i$e #ases invo"ving unsoun$ rea"
estate %usiness pra#ti#esN an$ EC AB8, whi#h trans-erre$ the a%oveDmentione$ -un#tions
to the *uman +ett"ements /egu"atory Commission ("ater %e#ame the *L8/B). 4he
Juris$i#tion o- the *L8/B to regu"ate the rea" estate tra$e is %roa$ enough to in#"u$e
Juris$i#tion over #omp"aints -or spe#i2# per-orman#e o- the sa"e, or annu"ment o- the
mortgage, o- a #on$ominium unit .
;ateo v. CA (199))
+evera" ;orong Kater Distri#t (;CKAD) emp"oyees 2"e$ a #omp"aint against their
genera" manager E$gar +ta. ;aria. 4he ;CKAD %oar$ mem%ers #on$u#te$ an
investigation an$ p"a#e$ E$gar un$er preventive suspension. Eventua""y, E$gar was
$ismisse$ #ausing him to 2"e a spe#ia" #ivi" a#tion -or 9uo warranto an$ man$amus
%e-ore the /4C.
4he /4C $oes not have Juris$i#tion. ;CKAD is a 9uasiDpu%"i# #orporation #reate$
pursuant to :D 198. 4he +C has previous"y he"$ that emp"oyees o- &CCC>s with origina"
#harters, su#h as ;CKAD, -a"" un$er the Juris$i#tion o- the Civi" +ervi#e Commission.
8n$er :D 807, EC (9( an$ ;emoran$um Cir#u"ar =o. BB (1990) o- the C+C, the party
aggrieve$ %y an a#tion o- the government invo"ving termination o- servi#es may appea"
to the Commission within 1) $ays o- the a#tion. 4herea-ter, the 2na" reso"ution o- the
C+C may %e appea"e$ to the CA. 4he Civi" +ervi#e Commission un$er the Constitution is
the sing"e ar%iter o- a"" #ontests re"ating to the #ivi" servi#e. 4hus, /4Cs have no
Juris$i#tion to entertain #ases invo"ving $ismissa" o- oH#ers an$ emp"oyees #overe$ %y
the Civi" +ervi#e Law.
:AL v. Civi" Aeronauti#s Boar$ (1997)
&ran$air app"ie$ -or a Certi2#ate o- :u%"i# Convenien#e an$ =e#essity (C:C=) with the
CAB an$ re9ueste$ -or a 4emporary Cperating :ermit (4C:). :AL oppose$ the app"i#ation
a""eging that the CAB ha$ no Juris$i#tion to hear the app"i#ation sin#e &ran$air $i$ not
have a -ran#hise to operate -rom Congress. CAB $enie$ the opposition an$ approve$ the
issuan#e o- the 4C:.
4he CAB has Juris$i#tion. 4he CAB is epress"y authori<e$ un$er /A 77A to issue a 4C: or
a C:C= ?upon its own initiative.@ =othing in the sai$ "aw negates the power to issue the
sai$ permit %e-ore the #omp"etion o- the app"i#ant>s evi$en#e an$ that o- the oppositor>s
in the main petition. 4here is a"so nothing in the "aw or the Constitution whi#h in$i#ates
that a "egis"ative -ran#hise is an in$ispensa%"e re9uirement -or an entity to operate as a
$omesti# air transport operator. A"though the Constitution re#ogni<es CongressE #ontro"
over any -ran#hise, #erti2#ate or authority to operate a pu%"i# uti"ity, Congress has seen
it 2t to $e"egate this -un#tion to government agen#ies, spe#ia"i<e$ parti#u"ar"y in their
respe#tive areas o- pu%"i# servi#e. A rea$ing o- /A 77A revea"s the #"ear intent o-
Congress to $e"egate the authority to regu"ate the issuan#e o- a "i#ense to operate
$omesti# air transport servi#es to the CAB.
Eristing#o" v. CA (1999)
Eristing#o" was %ui"$ing a house in 8r$aneta 6i""age %ut the homeowners> asso#iation
mete$ a :B00,000 pena"ty against her -or vio"ating #ertain provisions in the asso#iations
Constru#tion /u"es an$ /egu"ations. Eristing#o" 2"e$ a #omp"aint -or $e#"aration o- nu""ity
o- these ru"es %e-ore the /4C %ut the Asso#iation a""ege$ that /4C $oes not have
Juris$i#tion over the #omp"aint.
4he /4C $oes not have Juris$i#tion. A s#rutiny o- Eristing#o">s a""egations revea"s that the
nature o- the #ontroversy on"y super2#ia""y $e"ves into the va"i$ity o- the Constru#tion
/u"es. 4he #ru o- the #omp"aint is a#tua""y the asso#iation>s suppose$ ar%itrary
imp"ementation o- the Constru#tion /u"es against her. EC )1), whi#h #reate$ the *.&C,
trans-erre$ to it the regu"atory an$ a$ministrative -un#tions over homeowners>
asso#iations origina""y veste$ with the +EC. 8pon the ena#tment o- /A 87A1, the powers
an$ -un#tions o- the *.&C with respe#t to homeowners> asso#iations were again
trans-erre$ D this time to the *L8/B. 4hus, %ase$ on the a""egations o- the #omp"aint, it is
the *L8/B D not the /4C D whi#h has Juris$i#tion over this #ase.
De"taventures /esour#es, .n#. v. Ca%ato ((000)
De"taventures 2"e$ a #omp"aint -or inJun#tion with the /4C reiterating the same
a""egations in a thir$ party #"aim in a #ase pen$ing %e-ore the =L/C. /4C he"$ that it
#annot issue an inJun#tion against the =L/C an$ that the =L/C retains the authority over
a"" pro#ee$ings in re"ation to the ee#ution o- its $e#isions.
De"taventures shou"$ have 2"e$ its thir$ party #"aim %e-ore the LA. 4he =L/C>s ;anua" on
Ee#ution o- !u$gment provi$es the me#hanism -or a thir$Dparty #"aimant to assert his
#"aim over a property "evie$ %y a sheri, on a##ount o- a "a%or Ju$gment. 4he %roa$
powers grante$ to the La%or Ar%iter an$ the =L/C un$er the La%or Co$e shou"$ %e
$eeme$ to vest in them Juris$i#tion over in#i$ents arising -rom, in #onne#tion with or
re"ating to "a%or $isputes, to the e#"usion o- other #ourts. ;oreover, the La%or Co$e
ep"i#it"y prohi%its the issuan#e o- any inJun#tion or restraining or$er in any #ase
invo"ving "a%or $isputes %y any #ourt or other entity.
Cooperative Deve"opment Authority v. Do"e2" ((00()
4he Cooperative Deve"opment Authority (CDA) re#eive$ severa" #omp"aints -rom #ertain
mem%ers o- the Do"e2" Agrarian /e-orm Bene2#iaries Cooperative, .n#. (DA/BC.) a""eging
mismanagement an$Ror misappropriation o- -un$s %y the then in#um%ent oH#ers an$
mem%ers o- the %oar$ o- $ire#tors o- DA/BC. (respon$ents). Be-ore the respon$ents
#ou"$ 2"e an answer, the CDA or$ere$ the -un$s o- DA/BC. to %e -ro<en prompting the
respon$ents to 2"e a petition -or #ertiorari %e-ore the /4C primari"y 9uestioning CDA>s
Juris$i#tion to reso"ve the #omp"aints.
+e#. 1 o- /A A919 enumerates the powers, -un#tions an$ responsi%i"ities o- the CDA. .t
#an %e g"eane$ -rom this provision that the authority o- the CDA is to $is#harge pure"y
a$ministrative -un#tions. =owhere in the "aw is CDA epress"y grante$ the authority to
a$Ju$i#ate #ooperative $isputes. A review o- the $e"i%erations %y %oth #ham%ers o-
Congress prior to the ena#tment o- /A A919 shows that the intent o- the "egis"ature was
not to vest 9uasiDJu$i#ia" authority upon CDA. 4hus, the CDA is $evoi$ o- any 9uasiD
Ju$i#ia" authority to a$Ju$i#ate intraD#ooperative $isputes an$ more parti#u"ar"y $isputes
as regar$s the e"e#tion o- the mem%ers o- the Boar$ o- Dire#tors an$ oH#ers o-
De !esus v. CCA ((001)
An au$iting team -rom the Commission on Au$it (CCA) au$ite$ the a##ounts o- the
Cat%a"ogan Kater Distri#t (CKD) an$ $is#overe$ that mem%ers o- CKDEs %oar$ grante$
themse"ves #ertain %ene2ts. 4he CCA issue$ noti#es $isa""owing the payment o- the
a""owan#es an$ %onuses grante$ to the mem%ers o- the %oar$, on the groun$ that the
payments run #ounter to :D 198, or the :rovin#ia" Kater 8ti"ities A#t. 4he mem%ers o-
the %oar$ 9uestion the Juris$i#tion o- CCA to $isa""ow the payments.
4he Constitution man$ates the CCA to au$it a"" government agen#ies, in#"u$ing
governmentDowne$ an$ #ontro""e$ #orporations. A water $istri#t is a governmentDowne$
an$ #ontro""e$ #orporation with a spe#ia" #harter sin#e it is #reate$ pursuant to :D 198.
4hus, CKD is su%Je#t to the Juris$i#tion o- CCA. CCA $i$ not usurp the -un#tions o- the
LK8A. 4o ho"$ otherwise wou"$ "ea$ to a situation where the %oar$ o- an a$ministrative
agen#y, %y the mere a#t o- issuing a reso"ution, #an put to naught the %roa$ an$
etensive powers grante$ to the CCA %y the Constitution.
C+C v. A"-onso ((009)
A #omp"aint was 2"e$ against A"-onso, the $ire#tor o- the human resour#es $epartment o-
the :o"yte#hni# 8niversity o- the :hi"ippines (:8:), #harging him with vio"ation o- the Civi"
+ervi#e Law. *e a""ege$"y in#"u$e$ himse"- in a spe#ia" or$er -or overnight servi#es whi#h
a""owe$ him to maGe #onsi$era%"e earnings -or a""ege$"y worGing -or (B hours straight
$ai"y, -or 1 weeGs. 4he Civi" +ervi#e Commission (C+C) issue$ a reso"ution -orma""y
#harging A"-onso with &rave ;is#on$u#t, an$ imposing a 90D$ay preventive suspension
on him. A"-onso argue$ that the C+C ha$ no Juris$i#tion %e#ause the :8: Boar$ o-
/egents has the e#"usive authority to appoint an$ remove :8: emp"oyees.
As the #entra" personne" agen#y o- the government, the C+C has Juris$i#tion to supervise
the per-orman#e o- an$ $is#ip"ine, i- nee$ %e, a"" government emp"oyees, in#"u$ing those
emp"oye$ in governmentDowne$ or #ontro""e$ #orporations with origina" #harters su#h as
:8:. A"" :8: oH#ers an$ emp"oyees, whether they %e #"assi2e$ as tea#hers or pro-essors,
are $eeme$, 2rst an$ -oremost, #ivi" servants a##ounta%"e to the peop"e an$ answera%"e
to the C+C in #ases o- #omp"aints "o$ge$ %y a #iti<en against them as pu%"i# servants.
Khi"e there are "aws whi#h a""ow the #reation o- $is#ip"inary #ommittees in $i,erent
agen#ies o- the government to hear an$ $e#i$e a$ministrative #omp"aints against their
respe#tive oH#ers an$ emp"oyees, su#h #annot %e interprete$ as having $iveste$ the
C+C o- its inherent power to supervise an$ $is#ip"ine government emp"oyees. 4o ho"$
otherwise wou"$ not on"y negate the very purpose -or whi#h the C+C was esta%"ishe$,
%ut wou"$ a"so imp"ie$"y amen$ the Constitution itse"-.
+he"" v. !a"os ((010)
+he"" an$ the /epu%"i# o- the :hi"ippines entere$ into a servi#e #ontra#t -or the
ep"oration an$ etra#tion o- petro"eum. As a #onse9uen#e o- whi#h, +he"" #onstru#te$ a
pipe"ine -rom its pro$u#tion p"at-orm to its pro#essing p"ant. !a"os, et a". 2"e$ a #omp"aint
-or $amages against +he"" with the /4C, a""eging that they are 2shermen, an$ that +he""Es
#onstru#tion o- the pipe"ine a$verse"y a,e#te$ their "ive"ihoo$. +he"" argue$ that the #ase
is a po""ution #ase, thus the :o""ution A$Ju$i#ation Boar$ (:AB) has primary Juris$i#tion
over the #ontroversy.
Khi"e the #omp"aint $i$ not use the term ?po""ution@, the a#ts it a""ege$ #onstitute
po""ution as $e2ne$ in the "aw (:D 98B). .n $etermining !a"os, et a".Es #omp"aint -or
$amages, the proper tri%una" must $etermine whether or not the operation o- the
pipe"ine a$verse"y a"tere$ the #oasta" watersE properties an$ negative"y a,e#te$ its "i-e
sustaining -un#tion. 4he power an$ epertise nee$e$ to $etermine su#h issue "ies with
the :AB. 4he $e2nition o- the ?po""utionT #onnotes the nee$ -or spe#ia"i<e$ Gnow"e$ge
an$ sGi""s in $etermining the presen#e, #ause, an$ e,e#ts o- po""ution. 4hese Gnow"e$ge
an$ sGi""s are not within the #ompeten#e o- or$inary #ourts. /esort must 2rst %e ma$e to
the :AB, whi#h is the agen#y possesse$ o- epertise in $etermining po""utionDre"ate$
;a#ha$o v. &at$u"a ((010)
4he ;a#ha$os a""ege$"y %"o#Ge$ the right o- way o- &at$u"aEs property. &at$u"a asGe$
the Commission on +ett"ement o- Lan$ :ro%"ems (CC+LA:) to sett"e the #ontroversy
%etween the parties. CC+LA: assume$ Juris$i#tion, an$ the parties parti#ipate$ in the
CC+LA: has no Juris$i#tion over the #ontroversy. .t may on"y assume Juris$i#tion in the
#ases enumerate$ un$er the "aw whi#h #reate$ it. 4he present #ontroversy $oes not -a""
un$er those enumerate$ #ir#umstan#es. 4he ;a#ha$os #annot %e he"$ in estoppe" -or
having parti#ipate$ in the CC+LA: pro#ee$ings, as Juris$i#tion is #on-erre$ %y "aw, an$
not %y the parties. CC+LA: having no Juris$i#tion, its $e#ision is nu"" an$ voi$. As su#h, it
#annot %e the sour#e o- any right or o%"igation, an$ a"" a#ts pursuant to it have no "ega"
e,e#t. 4he voi$ Ju$gment #an never %e#ome 2na", an$ any writ o- ee#ution %ase$ on it
is voi$.
6$a. *errera v. Bernar$o ((011)
4he Bernar$os 2"e$ a #omp"aint %e-ore the Commission on +ett"ement o- Lan$ :ro%"ems
(CC+LA:) against *errera -or inter-eren#e, $istur%an#e, un"aw-u" #"aim, harassment an$
trespassing over a portion o- a par#e" o- "an$.
A$ministrative agen#ies, "iGe the CC+LA:, are tri%una"s o- "imite$ Juris$i#tion that #an
on"y wie"$ powers whi#h are spe#i2#a""y grante$ to it %y its ena%"ing statute. 4he present
#ase $oes not -a"" un$er any o- the instan#es enumerate$ in EC )A1, the "aw whi#h
#reate$ CC+LA:, when CC+LA: #an eer#ise its a$Ju$i#atory -un#tions. 4he Bernar$osE
#ause o- a#tion %e-ore the CC+LA: pertains to their #"aim o- ownership over the su%Je#t
property, the Juris$i#tion o- whi#h is veste$ with the Courts. +in#e CC+LA: ha$ no
Juris$i#tion, a"" the pro#ee$ings therein are nu"" an$ voi$. *errera is not estoppe$ -rom
9uestioning the Juris$i#tion o- CC+LA:. Estoppe" %y "a#hes as a %ar to 9uestion
Juris$i#tion is the e#eption, an$ not the ru"e. 'or a party to %e estoppe$ -rom
9uestioning a tri%una"Es Juris$i#tion, the issue o- Juris$i#tion must have %een raise$ so
%e"ate$"y as to warrant the presumption that the party entit"e$ to assert it ha$
a%an$one$ or $e#"ine$ to assert it.
"d(inistrative and <udicia* Proceedin+s "risin+ -ro( t'e sa(e 5acts
&a"ang v. CA (19A1)
4ee *ooG Chun arrive$ in the :hi"ippines with a :hi"ippine passport. &a"ang, the
Commissioner o- .mmigration, or$ere$ the e#"usion o- 4ee as he was not entit"e$ to use
a :hi"ippine passport. A #rimina" #ase was 2"e$ against 4ee -or vio"ation o- the
immigration "aw. *e was -oun$ gui"ty. Cn appea" to the CA, the appe""ate #ourt or$ere$
his re"ease upon 2"ing o- %ai". 4he Commissioner $i$ not re"ease 4ee %e#ause o- the
e#"usion or$er previous"y issue$. 8pon petition %y 4ee, the CA issue$ a writ o- ha%eas
#orpus. .t sai$ that the 2"ing o- the #rimina" a#tion is a waiver o- the a$ministrative
pro#ee$ing to e#"u$e 4*C.
A"though the #rimina" a#tion an$ the a$ministrative pro#ee$ing -or his e#"usion arise
-rom the same set o- -a#ts, one $oes not %ar the a#tion in the other. 4he institution o- the
#rimina" a#tion is not a waiver o- the authority to institute a$ministrative a#tion.
A"though arising -rom the same -a#ts, the #rimina" an$ a$ministrative a#tions were $one
pursuant to $i,erent provisions o- the immigration a#t.
Co +an v. Dire#tor o- :atents (19A1)
Co +an was a#9uitte$ in an un-air #ompetition #ase 2"e$ %y !ose Cng Lian Bio in the CA.
.n another #ase, Co +an 2"e$ a petition with the :hi"ippine :atent CH#e -or #an#e""ation
o- "etters o- patent issue$ to Cng Lian Bio over two $esigns -or "uggages. Co +anEs
petition was $ismisse$. Co +an #onten$s that the Dire#tor o- :atents shou"$ have
a##epte$ the 2n$ings o- -a#t o- the CA that Co +an was the prior user o- the $esign in
issue an$ that the $esigns in the Letter :atents issue$ to !ose Cng Lian Bio are not new
an$ origina".
4he Dire#tor o- :atents in the a$ministrative #ase is not %oun$ %y the 2n$ings arrive$ at
%y the CA in the #rimina" #ase. 4he 9uestion in the #an#e""ation pro#ee$ings re-ers to the
va"i$ity o- the $esign patents issue$ to Cng Lian BioN whi"e the in9uiry in the #rimina"
#ase is whether Co +an un-air"y #ompete$ against the "uggage o- Cng Lian Bio prote#te$
%y the $esign patent. 4he 2rst is within the #ogni<an#e o- the :atent CH#eN the se#on$
un$er the Juris$i#tion o- the C'.. 4he a#9uitta" o- Co +an %y the CA was not %ase$ on the
#an#e""ation o- a patent %ut on the opinion that he ha$ not $e#eive$ !ose Cng Lian Bio.
6i""anos v. +u%i$o (197()
6i""anos, a pu%"i# s#hoo" tea#her, wrote a "etter Joint"y a$$resse$ to her #oDtea#hers,
#ontaining "i%e"ous remarGs against the sai$ #oDtea#hers. A #rimina" a#tion -or "i%e" was
institute$ against 6i""anos. +he was #onvi#te$, an$ her #onvi#tion was aHrme$ %y the
CA. 4he #oDtea#hers a"so 2"e$ an a$ministrative #omp"aint against 6i""anos -or gross
$is#ourtesy to them, an$ -or using $isgra#e-u" "anguage.
A #on$emnatory $e#ision in a #rimina" #ase, even i- 2na", %y itse"- a"one, #annot serve as
%asis -or a $e#ision in an a$ministrative #ase invo"ving the same -a#ts, -or the simp"e
reason that matters that are materia" in the a$ministrative #ase are not ne#essari"y
re"evant in the #rimina" #ase. 4he 2n$ing o- gui"t %eyon$ reasona%"e $ou%t in the #rimina"
#ase is not #on#"usive on the a$ministrative #ase. 4here are $e-enses, e#uses an$
attenuating #ir#umstan#es o- va"ue in a$ministrative pro#ee$ings whi#h are not
a$missi%"e in the tria" o- the #rimina" #ases. Even where #rimina" #onvi#tion is spe#i2e$
%y "aw as a groun$ -or suspension or remova" o- an oH#ia" or emp"oyee, su#h #onvi#tion
$oes not eDproprio vigore (%y its own -or#e) Justi-y automati# suspension without
investigation an$ hearing as to su#h #onvi#tion.
:=/ v. Domingo (1971)
;a-e, a me#hani# emp"oye$ %y the :hi"ippine nationa" /ai"ways (:=/), was #harge$ with
9ua"i2e$ the-t -or stea"ing a %rass %earing -rom :=/. *e was a#9uitte$ %y the tria" #ourt
on the groun$ that the prose#ution -ai"e$ to esta%"ish his gui"t %eyon$ reasona%"e $ou%t.
A-ter the promu"gation o- Ju$gment, ;a-e 2"e$ a motion to amen$ the $e#ision a""eging
that he was $ismisse$ %y the :=/. *e argue$ that sin#e he was a#9uitte$ o- the #rime
-or whi#h he was $ismisse$, he shou"$ %e reinstate$. !u$ge Domingo o- the tria" #ourt
or$ere$ the reinstatement, an$ payment o- %a#Gwages o- ;a-e.
4he tria" #ourt, in the #rimina" #ase, has no authority to or$er the payment o- %a#Gwages
in the event o- an a#9uitta" o- the a##use$ emp"oyee. An a#9uitta" o- the a##use$ $oes
not ne#essari"y mean that he is not #ivi""y "ia%"e. 4he e#eption to this is i- the a#9uitta"
was -or a%so"ute "a#G o- evi$en#e whi#h amounte$ to a Ju$i#ia" $e#"aration that the
a##use$ was inno#ent an$ $i$ not #ommit the a#t #harge$. +u#h e#eption is not
app"i#a%"e in this #ase %e#ause ;a-e was a#9uitte$ mere"y on reasona%"e $ou%t. +u#h an
a#9uitta" #ou"$ not overturn the ver$i#t o- gui"ty in the a$ministrative #ase, %y virtue o-
whi#h ;a-e ha$ a"rea$y %een $ismisse$. Khi"e an a##use$ who ha$ %een a#9uitte$ may,
in appropriate #ases, #"aim payment o- %a#Gwages or reinstatement, his re"ie- "ies not in
the same #rimina" #ase %ut in the proper a$ministrative #ivi" a#tion pres#ri%e$ %y "aw.
&enera""y, a#9uitta" in a #rimina" #ase $oes not #arry with it re"ie- -rom a$ministrative
"ia%i"ity. 4he a$ministrative #ase may pro#ee$ in$epen$ent"y o- the #rimina" a#tion -or
the same a#t or omission an$ re9uires on"y a prepon$eran#e o- evi$en#e to esta%"ish
a$ministrative gui"t.
4an v. CC;ELEC (199B)
4an, as the City :rose#utor o- Davao, was $esignate$ %y the CC;ELEC as the 6i#eD
Chairman o- the City Boar$ o- Canvasser o- Davao City. &ar#ia won the mayora"ty
e"e#tions, an$ his riva" #an$i$ate, A"tera$o, 2"e$ a num%er o- #ases 9uestioning the
va"i$ity o- &ar#iaEs pro#"amation. 4he e"e#tora" protests were eventua""y $ismisse$.
A"tera$o 2"e$ with the Cm%u$sman a #rimina" #omp"aint -or 'a"si2#ation o- :u%"i#
Do#uments against 4an. A"tera$o a"so 2"e$ with the CC;ELEC an a$ministrative
#omp"aint against 4an. 4an move$ to $ismiss the a$ministrative #omp"aint in the
CC;ELEC on severa" groun$s, among whi#h is -orumDshopping.
Dismissa" on the groun$ o- -orumDshopping is untena%"e. 4he investigation then %eing
#on$u#te$ %y the Cm%u$sman on the #rimina" #ase, on the one han$, an$ the in9uiry
into the a$ministrative #harges %y the CC;ELEC, on the other han$, are entire"y
in$epen$ent pro#ee$ings. =either wou"$ the resu"ts in one #on#"u$e the other. An
a%so"ution -rom a #rimina" #harge is not a %ar to an a$ministrative prose#ution or vi#e
C#ampo v. CH#e o- the Cm%u$sman ((000)
An a$ministrative #ase -or serious mis#on$u#t an$Ror -rau$ or wi"-u" %rea#h o- trust was
2"e$ against C#ampo with the Cm%u$sman. *e $i$ not 2"e his #ounterDaH$avit, an$ was
"ater $ismisse$. Cn his ;/, he a""ege$, through a mani-estation that his #rimina" #ase -or
esta-a %ase$ on the same -a#ts was $ismisse$ %y the /4C.
Dismissa" o- the #rimina" #omp"aint on"y means that there was -ai"ure to prove gui"t
%eyon$ reasona%"e $ou%t on the part o- the a##use$. 4he 9uantum o- evi$en#e re9uire$
in an a$ministrative pro#ee$ing (su%stantia" evi$en#e) is $i,erent -rom that in a #rimina"
pro#ee$ing (proo- %eyon$ reasona%"e $ou%t). Consi$ering the $i,eren#e in the 9uantum
o- evi$en#e, pro#e$ure -o""owe$ an$ san#tions impose$ in #rimina" an$ a$ministrative
pro#ee$ings, the 2n$ings an$ #on#"usions o- one %o$y shou"$ not ne#essari"y %e %in$ing
on the other.
;i""ares v. &o ((001)
An a$ministrative #omp"aint -or grave mis#on$u#t %ase$ on the #harge o- $ou%"e
homi#i$e resu"te$ to ;i""ares> $ismissa" -rom servi#e. *owever, the #rimina" #ase -or
homi#i$e that was 2"e$ against ;i""ares %ase$ on the same -a#ts was $ismisse$.
'a#tua" 2n$ings o- a$ministrative agen#ies, espe#ia""y when aHrme$ %y the Court o-
Appea"s, are #on#"usive upon the Court. Crimina" an$ #ivi" #ases are a"together $i,erent
-rom a$ministrative matters su#h that the $isposition in the 2rst two wi"" not inevita%"y
govern the thir$ an$ vi#e versa.
'errer v. +an$igan%ayan ((008)
'errer was #harge$ with a vio"ation o- +e#. 1(e) o- /A 1019.4he CH#e o- the :resi$ent
a%so"ve$ him o- a$ministrative "ia%i"ity, %ut the +an$igan%ayan>s se#on$ $ivision re-use$
to grant any o- the re"ie-s he sought in#"u$ing a motion -or reinvestigation, motions -or
re#onsi$eration, a petition -or #ertiorari, an$ a motion -or reDeva"uation o- a 2n$ing o-
pro%a%"e #ause. 4he $ismissa" o- an a$ministrative #ase $oes not ne#essari"y %ar the
2"ing o- a #rimina" prose#ution -or the same or simi"ar a#ts whi#h were the su%Je#t o- the
a$ministrative #omp"aint.
A#u<ar v. !ourna" ((010)
!oro"an 2"e$ an a$ministrative #ase against A#u<ar %e-ore the :eop"e>s Law En-or#ement
Boar$, #harging A#u<ar o- grave mis#on$u#t -or a""ege$"y having an i""i#it re"ationship
with !oro"an>s minor $aughter. *e a"so 2"e$ a #rimina" #ase against A<u#ar -or vio"ation o-
the Chi"$ A%use A#t. :LEB -oun$ A#u<ar gui"ty an$ or$ere$ him $ismisse$ -rom the :=:.
Crimina" an$ a$ministrative #ases are separate an$ $istin#t -rom one another. Crimina"
#ases re9uire proo- %eyon$ reasona%"e $ou%t, whi"e a$ministrative #ases on"y re9uire
su%stantia" evi$en#e. 4hey #ou"$ pro#ee$ in$epen$ent"y o- ea#h other. 4he :LEB
#orre#t"y eer#ise$ Juris$i#tion over the #ase, it %eing the a$ministrative $is#ip"inary
%o$y tasGe$ to hear #omp"aints against erring :=: mem%ers.
R#le! o+ -'idence
:hi"ippine ;ovie :i#ture KorGers Asso#iation v. :remier :ro$u#tion (19)1)
4he #ompany 2"e$ a petition with the C./ seeGing authority to "ay o, BB o- its worGers.
4he C./ #on$u#te$ an o#u"ar inspe#tion o- the stu$ios an$ its premises, an$ on the
strength o- its 2n$ings, authori<e$ the "ayDo, o- the worGers.
4he worGers were sti"" entit"e$ to hearing. C#u"ar inspe#tion is not e9uiva"ent to a tria" or
presentation o- evi$en#e, as it is on"y an aui"iary reme$y. =everthe"ess, #on$u#ting an
o#u"ar inspe#tion in or$er to reso"ve an issue is not epress"y prohi%ite$.
Estate o- '"oren#iano Buan v. :am%us#o (19)A)
Buan app"ie$ -or a #erti2#ate o- pu%"i# #onvenien#e with :+C. :+C or$ere$ a survey o-
passenger traH# to $etermine the ne#essity o- su#h C:C. .t statione$ at two strategi#
p"a#es two o- its #he#Gers who $etermine$ the num%er o- passengers -or one weeG. 4he
#he#Gers "ater su%mitte$ their 2n$ings. :+C then $enie$ Buan>s app"i#ation.
4he sen$ing o- #he#Gers -or purposes o- o%servation was Justi2e$. An a$ministrative
agen#y may a#t on its own an$ use metho$s whi#h wi"" ena%"e it to o%tain su%stantia"
evi$en#e. 4he #ourt is not re9uire$ to eamine the proo- re"ie$ upon %y agen#ies in their
$e#isions $e novo.
/i<a" Light Co. v. ;uni#ipa"ity o- /i<a" (19A8)
Cn the %asis o- the evi$en#e a$$u#e$ -rom an inspe#tion ma$e %y :+C>s engineers on
/i<a" Light>s e"e#tri# p"ant, an$ a-ter the "atter>s -ai"ure to appear in hearings an$ to
su%mit evi$en#e, :+C revoGe$ /i<a" Light>s C:C an$ grante$ one -or ;orong E"e#tri#.
4he Court is not re9uire$ to eamine the proo- anew, an$ the revo#ation ma$e %y :+C
was va"i$. Khen prose#uting an$ investigating $uties are $e"egate$ %y statute to an
a$ministrative %o$y su#h as the :+C, sai$ %o$y may maGe steps it %e"ieves appropriate
-or the proper eer#ise o- sai$ $uties, parti#u"ar"y in the manner o- in-orming itse"-
whether there is pro%a%"e vio"ation o- "aw an$Ror its ru"es an$ regu"ations. .t may initiate
an investigation, 2"e a #omp"aint, an$ then try the #harge as pre-erre$. +o "ong as the
respon$ent is given a $ay in #ourt, there #an %e no $enia" o- $ue pro#ess, an$ o%Je#tions
to sai$ pro#e$ure #annot %e sustaine$.
BorJa v. ;oreno (19AB)
BorJa a""ege$"y #"ose$ the ;at"aue, a pu%"i# river "o#ate$ in his private "an$, in vio"ation
o- a "aw. *e was su%Je#te$ to an a$ministrative #omp"aint %y the D:KC whi#h ru"e$
against him. Later, the tria" #ourt grante$ BorJa>s re9uest an$ $e#"are$ nu"" an$ voi$
D:KC>s $e#ision.
4here was su%stantia" evi$en#e to support that it was in$ee$ a pu%"i# naviga%"e river,
an$ i- there is su%stantia" evi$en#e to support the 2n$ings o- an a$ministrative oH#ia" in
matters within its #ompeten#e, the #ourts are %oun$ to "ooG no -urther D not even to
#onsi$er evi$en#e o- a prepon$erant nature. 4he #ourt, however, $i$ not overturn the
tria" #ourt>s $e#ision %e#ause the investigation wherein the evi$en#e was re#eive$ was
#on$u#te$ with mani-est $isregar$ o- $ue pro#ess.
;a#e$a v. Energy /egu"ation Boar$ (1991)
.n "ine with the hearing regar$ing the provisiona" in#rease in oi" pri#es, E/B pres#ri%e$
that testimonies were to %e in aH$avit -orm an$ that Ca"te>s #rossDeamination %e
$e-erre$ to a""ow other app"i#ants -or the in#rease to present their evi$en#e 2rst. ;a#e$a
o%Je#te$ to this or$er a""eging that it resu"te$ in a vio"ation o- his right to $ue pro#ess.
4he eer#ise o- this $is#retion in the or$er o- testimony out o- the or$er pres#ri%e$ %y
the ru"es is not improper, %e#ause su#h a re"ae$ pro#e$ure is espe#ia""y true in
a$ministrative %o$ies. .n the %roa$ interest o- Justi#e, the a$ministrative %o$y may, in
any parti#u"ar manner, e#ept itse"- -rom te#hni#a" ru"es an$ app"y su#h suita%"e
pro#e$ure as sha"" promote its o%Je#tives.
Banto"ino v. Co#aDCo"a Bott"es :hi"s. .n# ((001)
A( CoGe emp"oyees 2"e$ a #omp"aint -or 8L: %ut -ai"e$ to atten$ the s#he$u"e$
man$atory #on-eren#es or to su%mit their aH$avits so the #"aims o- )( o- them were
$ismisse$. 4he La%or Ar%iter ren$ere$ a $e#ision or$ering reinstatement an$ -u""
%a#Gwages. *owever, the CA ru"e$ that the aH$avit o- 7 out o- the remaining 10 shou"$
not have %een given pro%ative va"ue -or their -ai"ure to aHrm the #ontents thereo- an$
un$ergo #rossDeamination.
.t was proper to as#ri%e evi$entiary va"ue to the aH$avits $espite the -ai"ure to aHrm
their #ontents an$ un$ergo #rossDeamination. 4he =L/C is not %oun$ %y te#hni#a"ities o-
"aw an$ pro#e$ure. .t was #on-erre$ %y "aw the $is#retion to $etermine the ne#essity o- a
-orma" tria" or hearing. 4ria"Dtype hearings are not even re9uire$. /u"es o- evi$en#e are
a"so not stri#t"y o%serve$ in pro#ee$ings %e-ore a$ministrative %o$ies where $e#isions
may %e rea#he$ on the %asis o- position papers on"y.
=ote5 4his $e#ision seems #ontrary to the A$ministrative Co$e whi#h, in +e#. 1(, (1)
provi$es that ?every party sha"" have the right to #rossDeamine witnesses presente$
against him an$ to su%mit re%utta" evi$en#e@. *owever, it must %e remem%ere$ that Art.
((1 o- the La%or Co$e ep"i#it"y states that ?the ru"es o- evi$en#e prevai"ing in #ourts o-
"aw or e9uity sha"" not %e #ontro""ing an$ it is the spirit an$ intention o- this Co$e that the
Commission an$ its mem%ers sha"" use every an$ a"" reasona%"e means to as#ertain the
-a#ts in ea#h #ase spee$i"y an$ o%Je#tive"y an$ without regar$ to te#hni#a"ities o- "aw
an$ pro#e$ure, a"" in the interest o- $ue pro#ess.@
Civi" +ervi#e Commission v. Co"ang#o ((008)
Co"ang#o tooG an$ passe$ the pro-essiona" %oar$ eamination -or tea#hers an$ was "ater
appointe$ as a tea#her. 4herea-ter, C+C ma$e an investigation an$ -oun$ Co"ang#o gui"ty
o- $ishonesty an$ #on$u#t preJu$i#ia" to the %est interest o- the servi#e %e#ause it was
not him who app"ie$ -or an$ tooG the eam. CA ru"e$ that photo#opie$ $o#uments use$
%y C+C shou"$ have %een authenti#ate$ an$ that on"y $o#uments or pu%"i# re#or$s $u"y
a#Gnow"e$ge$ or #erti2e$ #ou"$ %e presente$ in evi$en#e without -urther proo-.
C+C #ases $o not re9uire stri#t a$heren#e to te#hni#a" ru"es o- evi$en#e, so it va"i$"y
#onsi$ere$ the a$missi%i"ity o- su#h evi$en#e. ;oreover, C+C ensure$ that Co"ang#o was
a##or$e$ $ue pro#ess $uring the investigation an$ that there was su%stantia" evi$en#e
supporting the 2n$ing that he was gui"ty.
1. 'a#tD2n$ing, investigative, "i#ensing an$ rateD2ing powers o+ Rate!/ 0age!/ Price!
:anay Auto%us Co. v. :hi"ippine /ai"way Co. (1911)
:u%"i# +ervi#e Commission grante$ the :hi". /ai"way Co. the power to 2 its own rates in
or$er to #ompete with the rates o- roa$ tru#Gs an$ auto %uses. +u#h grant is inva"i$. 4he
Legis"ature $e"egate$ to the :+C the power o- 2ing rates o- pu%"i# servi#es %ut it was
not authori<e$ %y "aw to $e"egate to :hi". /ai"way Co. the power to a"ter its -reight rates
whenever it shou"$ 2n$ it ne#essary to $o so, %e#ause the :+C #annot $etermine
whether su#h new rates wi"" %e Just an$ reasona%"e.
X;8 La%or Center v. &ar#ia (199B)
4he authority given %y L4'/B to provin#ia" %us operators to set a -are range over an$
a%ove the authori<e$ eisting -are is an un$ue $e"egation o- "egis"ative authority. L4'/B
is on"y authori<e$ un$er EC (0( to $etermine, pres#ri%e, approve, review an$ a$Just -are
rates re"ative to the operation o- pu%"i# "an$ transportation servi#es.
Mn#hausti +teamship Co. v. :u%"i# 8ti"ity Commissioner (19(()
Khen a pu%"i# uti"ity entere$ the pu%"i# servi#e, the #ontro" an$ operation o- its property
was su%Je#t to reasona%"e ru"es an$ regu"ation %y the pu%"i#. 4o that etent, it was a
taGing o- private property. Khen the taGing was not -u"", 2na" or #omp"ete, %ut in the
nature o- #ontinuous taGing an$ appropriation, it -o""ows that there wou"$ %e a Uu#tuation
in the marGet va"ue o- the property in pu%"i# servi#e. 4hus, in 2ing Just rates, it must %e
-oun$e$ upon #on$itions -air an$ reasona%"e %oth to the owner an$ the pu%"i#.
6igan E"e#tri# v. :+C (19AB)
.n maGing 2n$ings o- -a#t, :+C per-orme$ a -un#tion partaGing o- a 9uasiDJu$i#ia"
#hara#ter, the va"i$ eer#ise o- whi#h $eman$s previous noti#e an$ hearing, otherwise,
the or$er is nu"" an$ voi$. As a genera" ru"e, a pu%"i# uti"ity must %e a,or$e$ some
opportunity to %e hear$ as to the propriety an$ reasona%"eness o- rates 2e$ -or its
servi#es %y a pu%"i# servi#e #ommission.
;ani"a .nternationa" Airport Authority v. Airspan Corp. ((00B)
;.AA is an atta#he$ agen#y o- the DC4C an$ as su#h, +e#tion 9, Chapter (, BooG 6.. o-
the 1987 A$ministrative Co$e app"ies to it, whi#h provi$es that no ru"e or 2na" or$er
invo"ving the 2ing o- rates sha"" %e va"i$ un"ess the propose$ rates have %een pu%"ishe$
in a newspaper o- genera" #ir#u"ation at "east two weeGs %e-ore the 2rst hearing thereon.
Licen!ing F#nction
&on<a"o +y 4ra$ing v. Centra" BanG (197A)
A "i#ense is not a #ontra#t %etween the sovereign an$ the "i#ensee an$ it is not a -orm o-
property to whi#h the #onstitutiona" pres#ription against impairment o- the o%"igation o-
#ontra#ts may eten$. A "i#ense is a spe#ia" privi"ege o- a permission or authority to $o
what is within its terms.
#. <udicia* !ecourse and !evie,
*octrine o+ Priar( ,#ri!diction or Preliinar( Re!ort
&enera" :rin#ip"es
^ .- the #ase is su#h that its $etermination re9uires the epertise, spe#ia"i<e$
sGi""s an$ Gnow"e$ge o- the proper a$ministrative %o$ies %e#ause te#hni#a"
matters or intri#ate 9uestions o- -a#ts are invo"ve$, then re"ie- must 2rst %e
o%taine$ in an a$ministrative pro#ee$ing %e-ore a reme$y wi"" %e supp"ie$ %y
the #ourts even though the matter is within the proper Juris$i#tion o- a #ourt.
(.n$ustria" Enterprises v. CA, (1990))
^ 4he $o#trine app"ies ?where a #"aim is ori&inally co&ni8able in courts! an$
#omes into p"ay whenever en-or#ement o- the #"aim re9uires the reso"ution
o- issues whi#h, un$er a regu"atory s#heme, have %een p"a#e$ within the
spe#ia" #ompeten#e o- an a$ministrative %o$y, in su#h #ase t"e judicial
process is suspended pendin& referral of suc" issues to t"e administrative
body for its vie)9 (.n$ustria" Enterprises v. CA, supra.)
^ .t %ehooves the #ourts to stan$ asi$e even when apparent"y they have
statutory power to pro#ee$ in re#ognition o- the primary Juris$i#tion o- an
a$ministrative agen#y.
^ !ust to %e #"ear, the $o#trine o- primary Juris$i#tion $oes not mean that #ases
(whi#h are un$er the primary Juris$i#tion o- the a$ministrative agen#ies)
%rought to the #ourts shou"$ %e $ismisse$ outright. /ather, where primary
Juris$i#tion #omes to p"ay in a #ase, ?the Ju$i#ia" pro#ess is suspen$e$
pen$ing re-erra" o- su#h issues to the a$ministrative %o$y -or its view.@
(.n$ustria" Enterprises vs. CA, supra.)
^ 4he $o#trine o- primary Juris$i#tion $oes not warrant a #ourt to arrogate unto
itse"- the authority to reso"ve a #ontroversy the Juris$i#tion over whi#h is
initia""y "o$ge$ with an a$ministrative %o$y o- spe#ia" #ompeten#e. (6ia$a$ v.
/4C =egros, (1991))
:hi"ippine &"o%a" Communi#ations v. /e"ova (1980)
:hi". &"o%a" Communi#ations was grante$ authority to esta%"ish a station in Ce%u City.
Cther te"e#ommuni#ations #ompanies oppose$ the grant. 4hey 2"e$ a petition -or
$e#"aratory re"ie- with the C'., arguing that :&C>s "egis"ative -ran#hise restri#te$ where
an$ how it #ou"$ esta%"ish stations in the :hi"ippines. :&C move$ to $ismiss the petition,
%ut the motion was $enie$, so it went to the +upreme Court. .t argue$ that the primary
Juris$i#tion reste$ with the =4C, whi#h ha$ yet to reso"ve the other te"e#ommuni#ations
#ompanies motion -or re#onsi$eration.
+in#e there was a "egitimate "ega" 9uestion regar$ing the s#ope o- :&C>s "egis"ative
-ran#hise, the #ourts #ou"$ proper"y have Juris$i#tion. 4he $o#trine o- primary Juris$i#tion
wou"$ on"y operate i- it #ou"$ %e prove$ that the a$ministrative agen#y in 9uestion $i$
have authority to a#t. 4here %eing $ou%ts regar$ing the =4C>s power in this #ase, the
Ju$i#ia" reme$y sought %y the other te"e#ommuni#ations #ompanies> was proper.
6i$a$ v. /4C =egros C##i$enta" (1991)
A group o- pu%"i# s#hoo" tea#hers he"$ a mass a#tionRstriGe $eman$ing that their sa"aries
%e re"ease$. 4he DEC+ /egiona" CH#e issue$ a return to worG or$er, %ut the tea#hers $i$
not a##e$e. 4his "e$ to the 2"ing o- a$ministrative #omp"aints. .n response, the tea#hers
2"e$ a #omp"aint -or inJun#tion, prohi%ition an$ $amages against the oH#ia"s, an$ a 4/C
was grante$. 4he DEC+ oH#ia"s 2"e$ an ;4D. Both motions were $enie$, "ea$ing to a
#ertiorari to the +C.
4he C+& #ou"$ proper"y represent the oH#ia"s, an$ the ;4Ds were #orre#t"y $enie$. As
to the "atter, the Court he"$ that i- the %a$ -aith on the part o- the oH#ia"s is proven,
$amages are in or$er, an$ so the #omp"aints #ou"$ %e $ismisse$. *owever, in the
interest o- goo$ or$er, the #ourt #ases shou"$ %e suspen$e$ unti" a 2na" $etermination in
the a$ministrative pro#ee$ings.
.n$ustria" Enterprises v. CA (1990)
.E. 2"e$ an a#tion -or res#ission o- the ;CA it ee#ute$ with ;;.C. /4C res#in$e$ the
;CA. CA reverse$. .E.Es #ause o- a#tion was not mere"y the res#ission o- a #ontra#t %ut
the reversion or return to it o- the operation o- the #oa" %"o#Gs, whi#h proper"y -a""s within
the $omain o- BED. ;oreover, the $o#trine o- primary Juris$i#tion 2n$s app"i#ation in this
#ase %ut $oes not warrant its $ismissa". .t shou"$ on"y %e suspen$e$ unti" a-ter the
matters within the #ompeten#e o- the BED are threshe$ out an$ $etermine$.
DCC4/.=E C' :/.;A/M !8/.+D.C4.C=5 4he Court has Juris$i#tion to taGe #ogni<an#e o- a
parti#u"ar #ase, whi#h means that the matter invo"ve$ is a"so Ju$i#ia" in #hara#ter.
*owever, i- the #ase is su#h that its $etermination re9uires the epertise, spe#ia"i<e$
sGi""s an$ Gnow"e$ge o- the proper a$ministrative %o$ies %e#ause te#hni#a" matters or
intri#ate 9uestions o- -a#t are invo"ve$, then re"ie- must 2rst %e o%taine$ in an
a$ministrative pro#ee$ing %e-ore a reme$y wi"" %e supp"ie$ %y the #ourts even though
the matter is within the proper Juris$i#tion o- #ourt.
Conra$ v. CA (199))
'itrite an$ its sister #ompany 6i#toria are engage$ in %is#uits an$ #ooGies %usiness
%earing the tra$emarG ?+unshine@, whi#h tra$emarG was registere$ with the B:444. 4he
#ompanies -oun$ out that another #ompany, Conra$, was $esignate$ as e#"usive $ea"er
o- +unshine Bis#uits, .n#., an Ameri#an #ompany. 'itrite an$ 6i#toria sought to enJoin
Conra$ -rom #ontinuing its %usiness as its a#ts a""ege$"y #onstitute in-ringement an$
un-air #ompetition un$er the 4ra$emarG Law. Cn motion %y Conra$, the /4C $ismisse$
the #ase on the groun$ that the B:444 has Juris$i#tion #onsi$ering the Ameri#an
#ompany ha$ a"rea$y 2"e$ a #an#e""ation #ase against 'itrite an$ 6i#toria with the B:444.
4he $o#trine o- primary Juris$i#tion is not app"i#a%"e in this #ase. 4he issue invo"ve$ in
the a$ministrative #ase is $i,erent -rom that o- the issue %e-ore the /4C. .n the
a$ministrative #ase, the issue is whether the tra$emarG o- 'itriteR 6i#toria is su%Je#t to
#an#e""ation. .n the #ase %e-ore the /4C, the issue is whether Conra$Es a#ts #onstitute
in-ringement o- 'itriteEs tra$emarG.
:hi"ippine 6eterans BanG v. CA ((000)
:ar#e"s o- "an$ owne$ %y petitioner were taGen %y the DA/ -or $istri%ution pursuant to
the Comprehensive Agrarian /e-orm Law. .t was $issatis2e$ with the va"uation o- the
"an$ so it 2"e$ a petition -or a $etermination o- Just #ompensation -or its property with
the /4C. 4he /4C $ismisse$ the petition on the groun$ that it was 2"e$ %eyon$ the 1)D
$ay reg"ementary perio$ -or 2"ing appea"s -rom the or$ers o- the DA/AB.
:ursuant to /u"e 3..., +e#. 11 o- the DA/AB /u"es o- :ro#e$ure, the $e#ision o- the
A$Ju$i#ator on the "an$ va"uation an$ pre"iminary $etermination an$ payment o- Just
#ompensation sha"" not %e appea"a%"e to the Boar$ %ut sha"" %e %rought to the /4C
$esignate$ as a +pe#ia" Agrarian Court within 1) $ays -rom re#eipt o- the noti#e thereo-.
+in#e 6eterans> petition in the /4C was 2"e$ %eyon$ the 1)D$ay perio$, the /4C #orre#t"y
$ismisse$ the #ase.
-.1a#!tion o+ adini!trati'e reedie!
&enera" :rin#ip"es
4he $o#trine o- ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies re9uires that resort %e 2rst
ma$e with the a$ministrative authorities in the reso"ution o- a #ontroversy -a""ing
un$er their Juris$i#tion %e-ore the same may %e e"evate$ to a #ourt o- Justi#e -or
review. (Estra$a et a". vs. CA, ((00B))
Khere the ena4*in+ statute indicates a procedure -or ad(inistrative
revie, an$ provi$es a system o- a$ministrative appea"Rre#onsi$eration, the #ourts
wi"" not entertain a #ase un"ess the avai"a%"e a$ministrative reme$ies have %een
resorte$ to an$ the appropriate authorities have %een given opportunity to a#t an$
#orre#t the errors #ommitte$ in the a$ministrative -orum (:are$es v. CAN Lope< v.
City o- ;ani"a, (1999)N &ar#ia v. CA ((001))
Cn"y Ju$i#ia" review o- $e#isions o- a$ministrative agen#ies ma$e in the eer#ise o-
their 9uasiDJu$i#ia" -un#tion is su%Je#t to the ehaustion $o#trine (+mart v. =4C
4he Court in +mart v. =4C $e2ne$ 9uasiD"egis"ative or ru"eDmaGing power as the
power to maGe ru"es an$ regu"ations whi#h resu"ts in $e"egate$ "egis"ation that is
within the #on2nes o- the granting statute an$ the $o#trine o- nonD$e"egation an$
separation o- powers. Cn the other han$, 9uasiDJu$i#ia" or a$ministrative
a$Ju$i#atory power was $e2ne$ as the power to hear an$ $etermine 9uestions o-
-a#t to whi#h the "egis"ative po"i#y is to app"y an$ to $e#i$e in a##or$an#e with the
stan$ar$s "ai$ $own %y the "aw itse"- in en-or#ing an$ a$ministering the same "aw.
E#eptions to the $o#trine5
a. .ssue invo"ve$ is pure"y a "ega" 9uestion
%. A$ministrative a#tion is patent"y i""ega" amounting to "a#G or e#ess o-
#. 4here is estoppe" on the part o- the a$ministrative agen#y invo"ve$
$. 4here is irrepara%"e inJury
e. +u%Je#t matter is a private "an$, in "an$ #ase pro#ee$ings
-. /u"e $oes not provi$e a p"ain, spee$y an$ a$e9uate reme$y
g. 4here are #ir#umstan#es in$i#ating the urgen#y o- Ju$i#ia" intervention
h. 6io"ation o- $ue pro#ess
i. /espon$ent is a $epartment se#retary who a#ts as an a"ter ego o- the
:resi$ent %earing the imp"ie$ an$ assume$ approva" o- the "atter
J. Khen to re9uire ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies wou"$ %e
G. Khen it wou"$ amount to a nu""i2#ation o- a #"aim
". 4he #"aim is sma""
m. +trong pu%"i# interest is invo"ve$
n. .n 9uo warranto pro#ee$ings
o. =o a$ministrative review is provi$e$ %y "aw
p. 4he ru"e o- 9ua"i2e$ po"iti#a" agen#y app"ies
9. .ssue o- nonDehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies has %een ren$ere$ moot
:as#ua" v. :rovin#ia" Boar$ (19)9)
:as#ua" was a$ministrative"y #harge$ -or a#ts a""ege$"y #ommitte$ $uring his previous
term as mayor. *e 2"e$ a motion to $ismiss with the :rovin#ia" Boar$ a""eging that he
#annot %e punishe$ -or a#ts #ommitte$ $uring his previous term. 4he Boar$ $enie$ his
motion. *e 2"e$ a petition -or prohi%ition with the C'., whi#h $ismisse$ his petition on
the groun$ o- %eing premature, as he ha$ not appea"e$ to the Ee#utive +e#retary as
provi$e$ in the A$min Co$e.
Khi"e the prin#ip"e o- ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies is -o""owe$ in this
Juris$i#tion, the sai$ prin#ip"e has some e#eptions. Cne e#eption, un$er whi#h this
present #ase -a""s, is where the 9uestion invo"ve$ is a pure"y "ega" 9uestion. Kith regar$
to the a#ts invo"ve$ as a groun$ to $is#ip"ine him, the +C su%s#ri%es to the pre$ominant
view in 8+ Jurispru$en#e that a muni#ipa" oH#er #annot %e remove$ -or a#ts #ommitte$
$uring his previous term.
A"<ate v. A"$ana (19A0)
Ana#"eto A"<ate, :rin#ipa" o- the +outh :rovin#ia" *igh +#hoo", wrote to the Dire#tor o-
:u%"i# s#hoo"s #"aiming that #onsi$ering his "ength o- servi#e an$ other 9ua"i2#ations he
is entit"e$ to automati# sa"ary in#reases o- ) sa"ary rates as provi$e$ -or %y "aw. 4he
Dire#tor rep"ie$ te""ing him that he is on"y entit"e$ to an in#rease o- 1 sa"ary rate. A"<ate
re9ueste$ -or re#onsi$eration o- the ru"ing %ut a-ter a"most a month, no a#tion ha$ %een
taGen %y the Dire#tor. 4hus, he 2"e$ an a#tion -or man$amus to #ompe" the respon$ents
Dire#tor o- +#hoo"s an$ the Division +uperinten$ent o- +#hoo"s to a$Just his sa"ary. 4he
respon$ents 2"e$ a motion to $ismiss on the groun$ that A"<ate>s petition -ai"e$ to state
a #ause o- a#tion in view o- the "atter>s a""ege$ -ai"ure to ehaust a$ministrative
reme$ies. 4he tria" #ourt grante$ this motion.
4he -a#t that the parties ha$ to agree an$ the #ourt ha$ to approve the agreement that
the Dire#tor sha"" re#ommen$ to the proper oH#ia" no "ater than 10 !une 19)8 an$ %e-ore
the #"osing o- oH#e hours on the same $ate the #ommitment o- the sum #"aime$ %y
A"<ate to prevent its automati# reversion is a re#ognition %y the parties as we"" as the
#ourt o- the va"i$ity an$ urgen#y o- the a#tion taGen %y the petitioner. .n view o- the
spe#ia" #ir#umstan#es o- the #ase, A"<ate>s resort to #ourt a#tion without awaiting the
Dire#tor>s a#tion is not premature.
Cipriano v. ;ar#e"ino (197()
Leti#ia>s %oss, the muni#ipa" treasurer o- Ca"a%anga, Cam+ur, re-use$ to pay her sa"ary
an$ #ash e9uiva"ent o- va#ation an$ si#G "eaves a-ter Leti#ia resigne$. +he went to #ourt
through an a#tion -or mandamus %ut this was $ismisse$ %e#ause she -ai"e$ to ehaust a""
a$ministrative reme$ies.
4he $o#trine o- ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies a$mits o- the e#eption that there
is no p"ain, spee$y, or a$e9uate reme$y. 4he +C grante$ Leti#ia>s petition an$ or$ere$
;ar#e"ino to pay up.
Corpus v. Cua$erno (19A()
Corpus was remove$ -rom his appointment as +pe#ia" Assistant to the &overnor in the
Centra" BanG %y the ;onetary Boar$ a-ter it -oun$ that it wou"$ preJu$i#e the CB>s
interest -or him to remain in that position. .t a"so appointe$ a rep"a#ement. Corpus 2"e$ a
petition -or certiorari, man$amus an$ 5uo )arranto in or$er to get his Jo% %a#G. 4he
"ower #ourt $ismisse$ his petition on the groun$ that he -ai"e$ to ehaust a$ministrative
reme$ies avai"a%"e to him.
4he $o#trine o- ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies $i$ not app"y. Corpus $i$ not nee$
to go to the CH#e o- the :resi$ent %e#ause no "aw re9uire$ it. *e $i$ not nee$ to appea"
to the Civi" +ervi#e Commission %e#ause the app"i#a%"e "aw was the Centra" BanG
#harter, whi#h gave the power to remove emp"oyees to the ;onetary Boar$, an$ not the
more genera" Civi" +ervi#e Law. At most, appea" to the C+C was permissive or vo"untary.
4he +C a"so tooG into #onsi$eration that the #ase is a 9uo warranto pro#ee$ing. 4he
/u"es o- Court emphasi<e$ ?a nee$ -or spee$@ in reso"ving #ases that invo"ve$
o##upation o- pu%"i# oH#es, %e#ause otherwise the government might have to pay two
peop"e -or one Jo%.
De Lara v. C"ori%e" (19A))
4here was a pen$ing #onUi#t %etween De Lara an$ :IB with the +e#retary o- Agri#u"ture
an$ =atura" /esour#es. 4he +e#retary issue$ an or$er prohi%iting De Lara -rom operating
an$ entering the #onteste$ area unti" a-ter the #onUi#t was 2na""y $e#i$e$. De Lara
$e2e$ this. :IB thus 2"e$ a #omp"aint %e-ore the C'. o- ;ani"a -or inJun#tion an$
$amages against De Lara an$ the Bureau o- 'orestry. De Lara 2"e$ a motion to $ismiss,
a""eging that :IB -ai"e$ to ehaust a"" a$ministrative reme$ies %e-ore taGing the issue to
#ourt. 4his was $enie$.
As a ru"e a petition -or #ertiorari interpose$ to $ispute the va"i$ity o- an or$er or $e#ision
ren$ere$ %y an a$ministrative oH#ia" in pursuan#e o- the powers an$ $uties with whi#h
he is investe$ #annot %e entertaine$ i- the party in interest -ai"s to avai" o- the
a$ministrative reme$ies. CH#ia"s are the most #ompetent to pass upon matters that
e#"usive"y #ome within their Juris$i#tion. *owever, su#h ru"e may %e re"ae$ when its
app"i#ation may #ause great an$ irrepara%"e $amage whi#h #annot otherwise %e
prevente$ e#ept %y taGing the opportune appropriate #ourt a#tion.
:are$es v. CA (199A)
:etitioners sought the nu""i2#ation o- 1 ru"es o- A.C. =os. 1 I ( on rate in#reases %e-ore
the CA whi#h $ismisse$ their petition an$ ;/ on the groun$ o- nonDehaustion o-
a$ministrative reme$ies. +C aHrme$ the CA ru"ing that the petitioners shou"$ have 2rst
avai"e$ o- the a##essi%"e reme$y provi$e$ in the ena%"ing "aw (i.e., B: 1()), whi#h
re9uire$ Ca%inet approva" o- su#h rate in#reases an$ #harges, %e-ore resorting to the
Ju$i#ia" pro#ess.
4he principle of e("austion of administrative remedies whi#h man$ates that re"ie- shou"$
2rst %e sought -rom the highest or most superior a$ministrative agen#y, the "iGes o- the
Ca%inet, may prove that a resort to the #ourts wou"$ %e unne#essary there%y preventing
the #ourts -rom %eing swampe$ %y a resort to them in the 2rst instan#e. A"so, #ourts
shou"$ %e re"u#tant to inter-ere with a$ministrative a#tion prior to its #omp"etion or
2na"ity, the reason %eing that in the a%sen#e o- a 2na" or$er or $e#ision, the power o- the
a$ministrative agen#y #on#erne$ has not %een -u""y eer#ise$ an$ there #an %e no
irrepara%"e harm.
Luasha v. +EC (1978)
Luasha #ha""enge$ ;ani"a :o"o C"u%>s #onversion to a proprietary #"u% an$ asGe$ -or a
4/C. +EC $enie$. *e went to the +C who grante$ su#h 4/C.
Do#trine o- ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies $i$ not app"y. Appea" to the +EC wou"$
not %e a p"ain, spee$y, a$e9uate reme$y. Consi$ering that it was the ho"i$ay season an$
that he was trying to %eat the $ea$"ine, the petition $ire#t to the +C was proper.
/epu%"i# v. +an$igan%ayan (199A)
:C&& issue$ se9uestration or$ers against +ipa"ay an$ A""ie$. 4hey assai"e$ su#h or$ers.
.t was on"y 7 years a-ter that :C&& 2"e$ a motion to $ismiss on the groun$ o- -ai"ure to
ehaust a"" a$ministrative reme$ies.
4he ru"e on ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies $oes not app"y. 4here was no a%so"ute
ne#essity o- appea"ing respon$ent :C&&>s reso"ution to the CH#e o- the :resi$ent.
CH#ia" ina#tion or unreasona%"e $e"ay, as hereto-ore intimate$, is one o- the e#eptions
to the ru"e on nonDehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies. 4he other e#eption is ?where
there is estoppe" on the part o- the party invoGing the $o#trine,@ #onsisting in the :C&&>s
%eing gui"ty o- estoppe" %y "a#hes.
:aat v. CA (1997)
4he $e &u<mans> tru#G was #on2s#ate$ %y the DE=/. A-ter -ai"ing to provi$e an
ep"anation, the or$er o- #on2s#ation was aHrme$ %y the DE=/ /egiona" Ee#utive
Dire#tor. 4hey 2"e$ a "etter o- re#onsi$eration, whi#h ha$ a pronoun#ement that i- it %e
$enie$, then the same "etter must %e #onsi$ere$ an appea" to the DE=/ se#retary. 4rue
enough, the /egiona" Dire#tor -orwar$e$ the "etter as an appea". :en$ing reso"ution
however, the $e &u<mans 2"e$ a rep"evin suit %e-ore the /4C Cagayan.
4he statement in the re#onsi$eration "etter re5 an appea" meant that the $e &u<mans
Gnew they ha$ other -orums to go to -or ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies, %e-ore
they #ou"$ #ome to #ourt. 4he /4C, then, $i$ not have Juris$i#tion to issue a rep"evin.
Lope< v. City o- ;ani"a (1999)
4he City Coun#i" o- ;ani"a ena#te$ ;ani"a Cr$inan#e =o. 789B, entit"e$ ?An Cr$inan#e
:res#ri%e$ as the /evise$ +#he$u"e o- ';6s o- /ea" :roperties o- the City o- ;ani"a@. Kith
the imp"ementation o- the or$inan#e, the ta on the "an$ owne$ %y Lope< was in#rease$
%y )80O. Lope< 2"e$ a spe#ia" pro#ee$ing -or the $e#"aration o- nu""ity o- ;C 789B. Cn
the same $ate, ;ani"a Cr$inan#e =o. 790) amen$ing Cr$inan#e 789B tooG e,e#t,
re$u#ing %y )0O the assessment "eve"s. 4he tria" #ourt $ismisse$ the petition -or -ai"ure
to ehaust a$ministrative reme$ies.
4he #ase $oes not -a"" un$er the e#eption to the ru"e o- ehaustion o- a$ministrative
reme$ies. $eneral Rule: Khere the "aw provi$es -or the reme$ies against the a#tion o-
an a$ministrative %oar$, %o$y, or oH#er, re"ie- to #ourts #an %e sought on"y a-ter
ehausting a"" reme$ies provi$e$. 4he reason rests upon the presumption that the
a$ministrative %o$y, i- given the #han#e to #orre#t its mistaGe or error, may amen$ its
$e#ision on a given matter an$ $e#i$e it proper"y. *(ceptions: Kith regar$ to 9uestions
on the "ega"ity o- a ta or$inan#e, the reme$ies avai"a%"e to the tapayer are provi$e$
un$er +e#tions 187, ((A, an$ ()( o- /A 71A0. A"so, the su%se9uent amen$ment o- ;C
789B has ren$ere$ Lope<> petition, moot an$ a#a$emi#, -or his -ai"ure to amen$ his
#ause o- a#tion.
&ar#ia v. CA ((001)
An a$ministrative #omp"aint was 2"e$ against &ar#ia. Khi"e the #ase was pen$ing, he
2"e$ -or a 4/C to enJoin the pro#ee$ings o- the a$ministrative #ase. 4he tria" #ourt
grante$ the 4/C an$ su%se9uent"y a writ o- pre"iminary inJun#tion.
&ar#ia>s petitions, whi"e the a$ministrative #ase was pen$ing, were in vio"ation o- the
prin#ip"e o- ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies. Khi"e there are e#eptions to that
genera" ru"e, the #ase $oes not -a"" un$er the e#eptions. 4he #ourt a"so ru"e$ that the
tria" #ourt grave"y a%use$ its $is#retion %y granting &ar#ia>s motions.
DA/ v. Ape .nvestment ((001)
Ape>s "an$s were su%Je#te$ to CA/L. But DA/ =oti#es o- the a#9uisition were not
re#eive$ %y Ape %e#ause it #hange$ its oH#e when it %e#ame +; investments an$ the
=oti#es were sent to the o"$ oH#e a$$ress. Ape on"y "earne$ o- the a#9uisition in a
newspaper. .t 2"e$ a protest an$ a supp"ementa" protest with the :rovin#ia" Agrarian
/e-orm CH#e. .t was on"y more than a year a-ter that :A/C -orwar$e$ the protest to
DA/. DA/ on"y ma$e Ape su%mit $o#uments whi#h were a"rea$y atta#he$ to its :rotest.
;eanwhi"e, Ape>s 4C4 has %een #an#e""e$ an$ trans-erre$ to an a""ege$ -armerD
%ene2#iary. Ape 2"e$ a petition -or #ertiorari an$ prohi%ition with the CA.
4he aggrieve$ "an$owners were not suppose$ to wait unti" the DA/ a#te$ on their "etterD
protests (a-ter it ha$ sat on them -or a"most a year) %e-ore resorting to Ju$i#ia" pro#ess.
&iven the oH#ia" in$i,eren#e whi#h, un$er the #ir#umstan#es #ou"$ have #ontinue$
-orever, the "an$owners ha$ to a#t to assert an$ prote#t their interests.
+mart v. =4C ((001)
:ursuant to its ru"eDmaGing an$ regu"atory powers, =4C promu"gate$ ru"es an$
regu"ations on the %i""ing o- te"e#ommuni#ations servi#es. :etitionersD#ommuni#ations
#ompanies 2"e$ an a#tion -or $e#"aration o- nu""ity o- the %i""ing #ir#u"ars. 4he =4C move$
to $ismiss the #ase -or -ai"ure o- petitioners to ehaust a$ministrative reme$ies.
4he tria" #ourt has Juris$i#tion to hear an$ $e#i$e the #ivi" #ase. !u$i#ia" power in#"u$es
the authority o- the #ourts to $etermine the va"i$ity o- the a#ts o- a$ministrative
agen#ies. .n 9uestioning the va"i$ity or #onstitutiona"ity o- a ru"e or regu"ation issue$ %y
an a$ministrative agen#y, a party nee$ not ehaust a$ministrative reme$ies %e-ore
going to #ourt. 4his prin#ip"e app"ies on"y where the a#t o- the a$ministrative agen#y
#on#erne$ was per-orme$ pursuant to its 9uasiDJu$i#ia" -un#tion, an$ not when the
assai"e$ a#t pertaine$ to its ru"eDmaGing or 9uasiD"egis"ative power. .n "iGe manner, the
$o#trine o- primary Juris$i#tion app"ies on"y where the a$ministrative agen#y eer#ises
its 9uasiDJu$i#ia" or a$Ju$i#atory -un#tion.
Estra$a et a". v. CA ((00B)
Estra$a, Cani"ang, an$ Lim as #on#erne$ #iti<ens an$ tapayers, 2"e$ %e-ore the
C"ongapo City /4C a #omp"aint -or .nJun#tion an$ Damages with :rayer -or :re"iminary
.nJun#tion an$ 4/C against respon$ent Ba#notan Cement Corporation an$ B other
parties. 4hey a""ege$ that BCC>s #ement p"ant is a nuisan#e as it wi"" #ause po""ution, an$
praye$ that BCC %e restraine$ an$ prohi%ite$ -rom operating it. BCC 2"e$ a motion to
$ismiss, a""eging that Estra$a et a". -ai"e$ to ehaust a$ministrative reme$ies %e-ore
going to #ourt, i.e. they shou"$ have gone to the DE=/ via the :o""ution A$Ju$i#ation
Boar$ (:AB) 2rst, whi#h ren$ers their #omp"aint $ismissi%"e on the groun$ o- "a#G o-
#ause o- a#tion. /4C $enie$ BCC>s motion to $ismiss an$ grante$ Estra$a et a".>s prayer.
CA set asi$e the /4C>s or$er, an$ "i-te$ the writ o- inJun#tion an$ $ismisse$ the #omp"aint
inso-ar as BCC was #on#erne$. Estra$a et a". 2"e$ a petition -or review on #ertiorari
%e-ore the +C.
Estra$a et a". -ai"e$ to ehaust a$ministrative reme$ies %e-ore going to #ourt, whi#h
ren$ers their #omp"aint $ismissi%"e on the groun$ o- "a#G o- #ause o- a#tion. 4he #ase is
=C4 one o- those re#ogni<e$ e#eptiona" #ir#umstan#es where prior resort to
a$ministrative agen#ies nee$ not %e ma$e %e-ore going to #ourt. 4here is =C %asis to
their #"aim that their imme$iate re#ourse to the regu"ar #ourts is Justi2e$ %e#ause they
were in $anger o- su,ering grave an$ irrepara%"e inJury -rom the operation o- BCC>s
#ement p"ant, an$ the DE=/ is power"ess to grant them proper re"ie-. 4he DE=/, via the
:o""ution A$Ju$i#ation Boar$, has the power to grant Estra$a et a". the proper re"ie-.
/egino v. :C+4 ((00B)
/egino (stu$ent) 2"e$ a Comp"aint -or $amages against :C+4 an$ two o- its tea#hers -or
having $isa""owe$ her -rom taGing 2na" eaminations a""ege$"y $ue to her re-usa" to %uy
ti#Gets -or the s#hoo">s -un$ raising #ampaign. /espon$ents 2"e$ a ;otion to Dismiss -or
-ai"ure to ehaust a$ministrative reme$ies. A##or$ing to respon$ents, the 9uestion
raise$ invo"ve$ the $etermination o- the wis$om o- an a$ministrative po"i#y o- the :C+4N
hen#e, the #ase shou"$ have %een initiate$ %e-ore the proper a$ministrative %o$y,
Commission o- *igher E$u#ation (C*ED).
4he $o#trine o- ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies has no %earing on the present
#ase sin#e /egino is not asGing -or the reversa" o- the po"i#ies o- :C+4. A"so, ehaustion
o- a$ministrative reme$ies is app"i#a%"e on"y when there is #ompeten#e on the part o-
the a$ministrative %o$y to a#t upon the matter #omp"aine$ o-. .n this #ase, the C*ED
$oes not have the power to awar$ $amages. *en#e, /egino #ou"$ not have #ommen#e$
her #ase %e-ore the Commission. Last"y, the ehaustion $o#trine a$mits o- e#eptions,
one o- whi#h arises when the issue is pure"y "ega" an$ we"" within the Juris$i#tion o- the
tria" #ourt. /eginoEs a#tion -or $amages inevita%"y #a""s -or the app"i#ation an$ the
interpretation o- the Civi" Co$e, a -un#tion that -a""s within the Juris$i#tion o- the #ourts.
'"ores v. +angguniang :an"a"awigan ((00))
An a$ministrative #omp"aint was 2"e$ against ;ayor '"ores with the +angguniang
:an"a"awigan. 4he +anggunian issue$ an Cr$er re#ommen$ing to the &overnor the
preventive suspension o- '"ores. '"ores wrote a "etter to the &overnor asGing ?to veto@
the Cr$er. Kithout 2"ing -or re#onsi$eration o- the Cr$er, or waiting -or the &overnorEs
a#tion, he 2"e$ a petition -or #ertiorari with the CA to nu""i-y the Cr$er. 4he CA $ismisse$
his petition -or -ai"ure to ehaust a"" a$ministrative reme$ies.
'"ores sti"" ha$ reme$ies within the a$ministrative ma#hinery. *e #ou"$ have 2"e$ a
motion -or re#onsi$eration o- the Cr$er. *e #ou"$ have a"so waite$ -or the &overnor to
a#t on the matter, #onsi$ering that the &overnor is the one empowere$ %y the "aw to
impose preventive suspension. *aving -ai"e$ to ehaust the avai"a%"e a$ministrative
reme$ies, the intervention o- the #ourts shou"$ not %e resorte$ to.
C+C v. DB; ((00))
4he Civi" +ervi#e Commission (C+C) 2"e$ a petition -or man$amus %e-ore the +upreme
Court seeGing to #ompe" the Department o- Bu$get an$ ;anagement (DB;) to re"ease
the %a"an#e o- its %u$get -or 2s#a" year (00(. DB; oppose$ arguing, among others, that
C+C>s petition must %e $ismisse$ %e#ause the "atter -ai"e$ to ehaust a$ministrative
reme$ies as it #ou"$ have sought #"ari2#ation -rom DB;>s +e#retary regar$ing the etent
o- its 2s#a" autonomy %e-ore resorting to #ourt a#tion.
4he ru"e on ehaustion o- a$ministrative reme$ies app"ies on"y where there is an epress
"ega" provision re9uiring su#h a$ministrative step as a #on$ition pre#e$ent to taGing
a#tion in #ourt. As the C+C is not man$ate$ %y any "aw to seeG #"ari2#ation -rom the
+e#retary o- Bu$get an$ ;anagement prior to 2"ing the present a#tion, its -ai"ure to $o so
$oes not #a"" -or the app"i#ation o- the ru"e.
C%ias#a v. Basa""ote ((010)
!eane was appointe$ to A$ministrative CH#er .. an$ she imme$iate"y assume$ the $uties
o- her oH#e. +he "ater "earne$ that her appointment was never transmitte$ to the C+C
-or approva" %e#ause o- a re9uirement impose$ %y the +uperinten$ent o- +#hoo"s that
she -ai"e$ to su%mit. /ather than ai$ her in the su%mission o- this re9uirement, the
prin#ipa" o- her s#hoo" re-use$ to aH her signature an$ the +uperinten$ent a$vise$
!eane to Just go %a#G to %eing a tea#her. Bare"y two months "ater, Ar"in was assigne$ to
the position o- A$ministrative CH#er ... !eane #omp"aine$ to the C+C, whi#h eventua""y
re#a""e$ Ar"in>s appointment an$ approve$ !eane>s appointment. Ar"in went up to the CA
right away, -orgetting to 2"e an appea" to the C+C reso"ution whi#h then %e#ame 2na".
+C stru#G his petition $own on this groun$ as we"" as on su%stantive groun$s. Cne must
ehaust a$ministrative reme$ies provi$e$ %y "aw %e-ore resorting to the #ourts.
Factor! a&ecting 2nalit( o+ adini!trati'e deci!ion!
1. 'ai"ure to seasona%"y 2"e a ;otion -or /e#onsi$eration within the perio$ provi$e$
-or %y "aw or %y the ru"es o- pro#e$ure $u"y issue$ %y a$ministrative %o$ies.
('orti#h v. Corona, (1998)). Comp"ian#e with the perio$ is not on"y a man$atory %ut
a"so a Juris$i#tiona" re9uirement. (Anti9ue +awmi"" .n#. v. Yay#o, (19A0))
(. De#isions o- a$ministrative oH#ia"s whi#h are not #"ear"y wrong wi"" not %e
inter-ere$ with %y #ourts. (+otto v. /ui< ,(19(1)) *owever, Ju$i#ia" review is
avai"a%"e i- the $e#ision is ren$ere$ in e#ess o- authority. 4he avai"a%i"ity o-
Ju$i#ia" review remains $espite the a%sen#e o- a statutory provision to that e,e#t.
(8y v. :a"omar, (19A9))
1. De#isions or or$ers issue$ %y a$ministrative agen#ies or oH#ia"s in the eer#ise o-
a$ministrative -un#tions are genera""y not inter-ere$ with %y #ourts %e#ause su#h
%o$ies are genera""y %etter e9uippe$ te#hni#a""y to $e#i$e a$ministrative 9uestions
an$ nonD"ega" -a#tors, su#h as government po"i#y on the matter. (;anue" v. 6i""ena,
(1971)). *owever, i- the a$ministrative oH#ia" has gone %eyon$ his authority or
the $e#ision was vitiate$ %y -rau$, imposition or mistaGe, Ju$i#ia" review is proper
(;anue" v. 6i""ena, (1971)). .n a$$ition, Ju$i#ia" review has a"so %een he"$ to %e
proper in #ase the a$ministrative oH#ia" has eer#ise$ grave a%use o- $is#retion or
i- an error o- "aw, -rau$ or #o""usion atten$e$ the $e#ision (+;C v. +e#retary o-
La%or, (197))).
B. 'in$ings o- -a#t o- a$ministrative agen#ies whi#h are supporte$ %y su%stantia"
evi$en#e are a##or$e$ great weight an$ respe#t on appea". (8C:B v. E. &uan<on,
((009)) 4hus, i- the 2n$ings are not supporte$ %y su%stantia" evi$en#e, the #ourt
#an maGe its own in$epen$ent eva"uation o- -a#ts. (8C:B v. E. &uan<on, ((009))
+ummary o- groun$s when Ju$i#ia" review is va"i$ $espite 2na"ity o- a$ministrative
^ De#ision is #"ear"y wrong.
^ De#ision is mani-est"y ar%itrary, #apri#ious or unJust.
^ De#ision is not %ase$ upon any reasona%"e interpretation o- "aw.
^ A$ministrative %o$y or oH#er has gone %eyon$ statutory authority.
^ A$ministrative agen#y eer#ise$ un#onstitutiona" powers.
^ De#ision is vitiate$ %y -rau$, imposition or mistaGe.
^ La#G o- Juris$i#tion.
^ &rave a%use o- $is#retion.
^ De#ision vio"ates or -ai"s to #omp"y with some man$atory provision o- "aw.
'orti#h v. Corona (1998)
4he Luisum%ings> 1BB he#tareD "an$ was previous"y #overe$ %y the CA/:, %ut an
or$inan#e was passe$ #onverting some areas, in#"u$ing their "an$, into an in$ustria"
<one. +evera" government se#tors approve$ the app"i#ation -or #onversion, in#"u$ing the
CH#e o- the :resi$ent. DA/ 2"e$ a motion -or re#onsi$eration %ut $i$ not maGe it within
the reg"ementary perio$, so it 2"e$ a se#on$ ;/. :en$ing reso"ution o- the se#on$ ;/,
the +umi"ao -armers who were the suppose$ %ene2#iaries o- the "an$ un$er the CA/:
stage$ a hunger striGe in -ront o- DA/, whi#h "e$ the CH#e o- the :resi$ent, through
Deputy Ee#utive +e#retary Corona, to issue a ?KinDKin@ /eso"ution mo$i-ying its ear"ier
$e#ision a-ter it ha$ a"rea$y %een 2na" an$ ee#utory, an$ whi#h re$u#e$ the "an$ to %e
#onverte$ to BB he#tares.
+in#e no one ha$ seasona%"y 2"e$ an ;/ o- the 2rst $e#ision, it ha$ a"rea$y %e#ome 2na"
an$ ee#utory. 4hus, the CH#e o- the :resi$ent ha$ a"rea$y "ost its Juris$i#tion to reD
open the #ase an$ to mo$i-y its $e#ision. .t #ou"$ a"so not have entertaine$ the se#on$
;/ %e#ause AC =o. 18 an$ the /u"es o- Court provi$e that on"y one ;/ is a""owe$. Even
i- the se#on$ ;/ was a""owe$ un$er ?e#eptiona""y meritorious #ases@, it #ou"$ not have
%een entertaine$ %e#ause the 2rst ;/ was not seasona%"y 2"e$, there%y a""owing the
2rst $e#ision to "apse into 2na"ity.
Anti9ue +awmi"" .n# v. Yay#o (19A0)
Yay#o appea"e$ an or$er o- the +e#retary o- Agri#u"ture to the CH#e o- the :resi$ent )0
$ays -rom the re#eipt o- the or$er sought to %e re#onsi$ere$, whi#h was %eyon$ the 10D
$ay reg"ementary perio$. Yay#o #onten$s that the perio$ provi$e$ %y the ru"es is a mere
pro#e$ura" te#hni#a"ity whi#h, at "east in a$ministrative pro#ee$ings, may %e "i%era""y
Comp"ian#e with the perio$ provi$e$ %y "aw -or the per-e#tion o- an appea" is not mere"y
man$atory %ut a"so a Juris$i#tiona" re9uirement. 'ai"ure to #omp"y with the reg"ementary
perio$ has the e,e#t o- ren$ering 2na" the Ju$gment o- the #ourt. 4hat a$ministrative
ru"es an$ regu"ations have the -or#e o- "aw an$ #an no "onger %e 9uestione$, %e#ause
pu%"i# interest re9uires that pro#ee$ings a"rea$y terminate$ shou"$ not %e a"tere$ at
every step.
+otto v. /ui< (19(1)
/ui<, the Dire#tor o- :osts, re-use$ to -orwar$ as registere$ mai" #opies o- ?4he
.n$epen$ent,@ a weeG"y perio$i#a", %e#ause it a""ege$"y #ontaine$ "i%e"ous matters. 4he
Dire#tor o- :osts has the power to $etermine whether #ertain mai" matter is o%s#ene,
"ew$ or "i%e"ous. *owever, this authority is su%Je#t to review %y the #ourt when there is
#"ear error in his Ju$gment. .n this #ase, sin#e there was no $ire#t atta#G on any person,
the #ontents #ou"$ not %e $eeme$ "i%e"ous.
8y v. :a"omar (19A9)
8y, a :C+C agent, $evise$ a &ran$ Christmas Bonus Awar$ p"an in or$er to %oost the
sa"es o- ti#Gets -or the :C+C &ran$ Christmas +weepstaGes Draw. *owever, the
:ostmaster &enera" -oun$ that his p"an amounte$ to ?#on$u#ting a "ottery or gi-t
enterprise@ in vio"ation o- the :osta" Law an$ issue$ a 'rau$ Cr$er $ire#ting a""
postmasters to return a"" mai" matter sent %y 8y. 8y 9uestione$ this or$er.
4he a%sen#e o- statutory provisions -or Ju$i#ia" review $oes not ne#essari"y mean that
a##ess to the #ourts is %arre$N the #ourts wi"" not inter-ere with the $e#isions o- the
:ostmaster &enera" un"ess it #"ear"y appears that the $e#ision is wrong, notwithstan$ing
the a%sen#e o- statutory provision -or Ju$i#ia" review o- his a#tion. .n$ee$, the
:ostmaster &enera" issue$ the -rau$ or$er in a mistaGen view o- the "aw, as 8y>s p"an is
not "ottery or gi-t enterprise -or -ai"ing to satis-y the test "ai$ $own in Jurispru$en#e.
4here %eing no "ega" %asis -or the -rau$ or$er, there was a"so no a$e9uate a$ministrative
reme$y -or 8y to avai" o-. *is a#tion -or inJun#tion was proper an$ not premature -or
-ai"ure to ehaust a"" reme$ies.
;anue" v. 6i""ena (1971)
;anue" 2"e$ an app"i#ation -or a 4ree 'arm :ermit on his "an$, %ut was $enie$ %y the
Dire#tor o- 'orestry %e#ause a #ertain 6i""ena a"rea$y 2"e$ -or the same app"i#ation on
the same "an$. ;anue" argue$ that he was $enie$ $ue pro#ess -or not %eing a,or$e$ the
servi#es o- #ounse" an$ that the investigation #on#erning the app"i#ation was not
As a genera" ru"e, #ourts wi"" re-use to inter-ere with pro#ee$ings un$ertaGen %y
a$ministrative %o$ies or oH#ia"s in the eer#ise o- a$ministrative -un#tions, %e#ause
su#h %o$ies are genera""y %etter e9uippe$ te#hni#a""y to $e#i$e a$ministrative 9uestions
an$ that nonD"ega" -a#tors, su#h as government po"i#y on the matter, are usua""y invo"ve$
in the $e#isions. *owever, i- (1) the oH#ia" has gone %eyon$ his statutory authority,
eer#ising un#onstitutiona" powers, or #"ear"y a#ting ar%itrari"y an$ without regar$ to his
$uty or with grave a%use o- $is#retionN or (() the $e#ision is vitiate$ %y -rau$, imposition
or mistaGe, Ju$i#ia" review is proper. .n this #ase, ;anue" was not on"y a,or$e$ an
investigation, %ut a"so a""owe$ to appea" the +e#retary>s $e#ision. 4hus, no $enia" o- $ue
pro#ess was shown.
+an ;igue" Co. v. +e#retary o- La%or (197))
Mang"ay was $ismisse$ -rom his Jo% as operator in the #rown #orG $epartment o- +;C
a-ter investigation $ue to i""ega" traH#Ging in #ompany me$i#ines. *e 2"e$ a #omp"aint
-or i""ega" $ismissa" with the =L/C. A-ter noti-ying %oth +an ;igue" an$ Mang"ay, a
me$iatorD-a#t 2n$er #on$u#te$ a pre"iminary hearing. 4he =L/C a$opte$ the me$iatorD
-a#t 2n$er>s report that Mang"ay>s $ismissa" was unJusti2e$ %ut it a"so ru"e$ that +an
;igue" $i$ not #ommit 8L:. 4he =L/C or$ere$ Mang"ay>s reinstatement with %a#Gwages.
+an ;igue" 2"e$ an ;/, #"aiming that the =L/C>s $e#ision was premature, %e#ause the
me$iatorD-a#t 2n$er>s report must %e passe$ upon %y an ar%itrator.
Khi"e the =L/C>s a#tion was summary, it $i$ not amount to a $enia" o- $ue pro#ess. Both
the me$iatorD-a#t 2n$er an$ the =L/C $e#i$e$ the #ase on the %asis o- the #ompany>s
investigation. .t was evi$ent -rom the me$iatorD-a#t 2n$er>s report that he ha$
#onsi$ere$ a"" the -a#ts an$ evi$en#e presente$ %y %oth parties, an$, more important"y,
that they no "onger inten$e$ to present -urther evi$en#e on the matter. Be#ause o- this,
it was proper -or the =L/C to eer#ise its power o- ar%itration, an$ a-ter assessing the
evi$en#e %e-ore it, ren$er a $e#ision.
8C:B v. E. &uan<on ((009)
E&. 2"e$ with the B+: an a$ministrative #omp"aint against 8C:B, et a". -or the
#ommission o- irregu"arities an$ #on$u#ting %usiness in an unsa-e or unsoun$ manner.
4he B+: ;onetary Boar$, in a "etterD$e#ision, $ismisse$ the a$ministrative #omp"aint o-
E&.. Cn appea", the CA set asi$e the B+: "etterD$e#ision an$ reman$e$ the #ase to the
B+: ;onetary Boar$ -or -urther pro#ee$ings. 8C:B argue$ that CA erre$ in $isregar$ing
the 2n$ings o- -a#t o- the B+: ;onetary Boar$ whi#h shou"$ %e a##or$e$ great respe#t.
A"though, as a genera" ru"e, 2n$ings o- -a#ts o- an a$ministrative agen#y, whi#h has
a#9uire$ epertise in the parti#u"ar 2e"$ o- its en$eavor, are a##or$e$ great weight on
appea", su#h ru"e #annot %e app"ie$ with respe#t to the assai"e$ 2n$ings o- the B+:
;onetary Boar$ in this #ase. /ather, what app"ies is the re#ogni<e$ e#eption that i- su#h
2n$ings are not supporte$ %y su%stantia" evi$en#e, the Court #an maGe its own
in$epen$ent eva"uation o- the -a#ts. *ere, the -a#tua" 2n$ings o- the B+: ;onetary Boar$
in its "etterD$e#ision were not supporte$ %y su%stantia" evi$en#e.
". Sufra+e
+u,rage is the right to vote in the e"e#tion o- oH#ers #hosen %y the peop"e an$ in the
$etermination o- 9uestions su%mitte$ to the peop"e. .t in#"u$es e"e#tion, p"e%is#ite,
initiative, an$ re-eren$um. (.ac"ura! 2::;<
01en t1e rig1t o+ !#&rage i! e.erci!ed
1. /egu"ar E"e#tion
:rovi$e$ %y "aw -or the e"e#tion o- oH#ers either nationDwi$e or in #ertain
su%$ivisions thereo-, a-ter the epiration o- the -u"" term o- the -ormer oH#ers
ALU '. Letrondo-Monte3o 4G.R. No. 555677/ 56689
Emp"oyees o- A;+ 'arming Corporation wante$ to go on ho"i$ay on the $ate set
out -or the +X e"e#tions, #"aiming that this was a regu"ar e"e#tion $eeme$ ho"i$ay
in their CBA. 4he Court agree$, ru"ing that the -a#t that on"y those %etween 1) an$
(1 taGe part in the e"e#tion -or mem%ers o- the +X $oes not maGe it any "ess a
regu"ar "o#a" e"e#tion. 4he Constitution provi$es, -or eamp"e, -or the se#tora"
representatives in the *ouse o- /epresentatives o-, among others, women an$
youth. Cn"y voters %e"onging to the re"evant se#tors #an taGe part in the e"e#tion o-
their representatives. Met it #annot %e $enie$ that su#h e"e#tion is a regu"ar
nationa" e"e#tion an$ the $ay set -or its ho"$ing, a ho"i$ay.
(. +pe#ia" E"e#tion
Cne he"$ to 2"" a va#an#y in oH#e %e-ore the epiration o- the -u"" term -or whi#h
the in#um%ent was e"e#te$
1. :"e%is#ite
+e#tion 10, Arti#"e 3 o- the Constitution. =o provin#e, #ity, muni#ipa"ity, or
%arangay may %e #reate$, $ivi$e$, merge$, a%o"ishe$, or its %oun$aries
su%stantia""y a"tere$, e#ept in a##or$an#e with the #riteria esta%"ishe$ in the "o#a"
government #o$e an$ su%Je#t to approva" %y a maJority o- the votes #ast in a
p"e%is#ite in the po"iti#a" units $ire#t"y a,e#te$.
+e#tion 10 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e W =o #reation, $ivision, merger, a%o"ition,
or su%stantia" a"teration o- %oun$aries o- "o#a" government units sha"" taGe e,e#t
un"ess approve$ %y a maJority o- the votes #ast in a p"e%is#ite #a""e$ -or the
purpose in the po"iti#a" unit or units $ire#t"y a,e#te$. +ai$ p"e%is#ite sha"" %e
#on$u#te$ %y the Commission on E"e#tions within 1(0 $ays -rom the $ate o-
e,e#tivity o- the "aw or or$inan#e e,e#ting su#h a#tion, un"ess sai$ "aw or
or$inan#e 2es another $ate.
Padilla '. Coelec 4566:9
/.A. 71)) was ena#te$ #reating the muni#ipa"ity o- 4u"ayDnaDLupa. :ursuant to the
"aw an$ the Constitution, a p"e%is#ite was he"$. 4he :"e%is#ite Boar$ o- Canvassers
$e#"are$ the reJe#tion an$ $isapprova" o- the #reation o- 4u"ayDnaDLupa. &overnor
:a$i""a 2"e$ a #ase to set asi$e the p"e%is#ite #on$u#te$ an$ to have a new one
#on$u#te$. *e argue$ that the p"e%is#ite #on$u#te$ was inva"i$ %e#ause a
p"e%is#ite shou"$ %e #on$u#te$ on"y in the po"iti#a" units a,e#te$, i.e. the 1(
%arangays #omprising 4u"ayDnaDLupa, to the e#"usion o- the remaining portions o-
the mother unit. 4he meaning o- the phrase ?po"iti#a" units $ire#t"y a,e#te$@ is not
"imite$ to the po"iti#a" units %eing taGen together to maGe a new L&8. .t re-ers to
the resi$ents o- the po"iti#a" entity who wou"$ %e ?e#onomi#a""y $is"o#ate$@ %y the
separation o- a portion thereo-, i.e. the entire mother unit.
Miranda '. Ag#irre 456669
.n 199B, /.A. 77(0 #onverting the ;uni#ipa"ity o- +antiago into an in$epen$ent
#omponent #ity was passe$ an$ "ater rati2e$ in a p"e%is#ite. A mere -our years
"ater, /.A. 8)(8, amen$ing /.A. 77(0 was ena#te$, #hanging the status o- +antiago
to a #omponent #ity. ;iran$a et a". #ha""enge$ the #onstitutiona"ity o- the "atter
"aw, %e#ause it $i$ not #ontain a provision whi#h su%mitte$ the "aw -or rati2#ation
%y the peop"e o- +antiago City in a p"e%is#ite. /.A. 8)(8 was $e#"are$
un#onstitutiona" -or -ai"ing to #omp"y with the re9uirement o- p"e%is#ite. A
p"e%is#ite is sti"" ne#essary even i- it invo"ves Just the re#"assi2#ation -rom
in$epen$ent #omponent #ity to #omponent #ity. A rea$ing o- the #onstitutiona"
provisions shows that the a#ts o- #reating, $ivi$ing, merging, a%o"ishing, or
su%stantia""y a"tering %oun$aries o- L&8s invo"ve a #ommon $enominator5 materia"
#hange in the po"iti#a" an$ e#onomi# rights o- the L&8s $ire#t"y a,e#te$ an$ their
B. .nitiative
+e#tion 1(a) o- /.A. A71) (?4he .nitiative an$ /e-eren$um A#t@)
4he power o- the peop"e to propose amen$ments to the Constitution or to propose
an$ ena#t "egis"ation through an e"e#tion #a""e$ -or the purpose.
4hree Xin$s o- .nitiative5
a. .nitiative on the Constitution
%. .nitiative on nationa" "egis"ation (statutes)
#. .nitiative on "o#a" "egis"ation
Santiago '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5:;<:=/ 566;9
A "awyer 2"e$ a petition to amen$ the Constitution with the CC;ELEC. 4he Court
ep"aine$ that the Constitutiona" provision on peop"e>s initiative to amen$ the
Constitution #an on"y %e imp"emente$ %y a "aw to %e passe$ %y Congress. =o su#h
"aw has %een passe$. /.A. A71) is in#omp"ete, ina$e9uate, or wanting in essentia"
terms an$ #on$itions inso-ar as initiative on amen$ments to the Constitution is
). /e-eren$um
S#"ic Ba( Metro)olitan A#t1orit( '. COM-L-C 4566>9
A-ter the $arcia v. %/1*L*% #ase was $e#i$e$ %y the +C, eventua""y, the CC;ELEC
s#he$u"e$ a re-eren$um -or the e"e#torate to vote on the petition o- &ar#ia,
Ca"im%as, et a". 4he +B;A 2"e$ suit against the CC;ELEC, seeGing to prevent the
ho"$ing o- a re-eren$um. 4he +C ru"e$ in -avor o- the +B;A an$ he"$ that the
CC;ELEC #ommitte$ grave a%use o- $is#retion. .n its assai"e$ reso"ution, the
CC;ELEC was preparing -or a re-eren$um when it was #"ear that the petition o-
&ar#ia, Ca"im%as, et a". was one -or initiative. 4he +C #"ari2e$ that initiative is
$i,erent -rom a re-eren$um. .nitiative is the power o- the peop"e to propose %i""s
an$ "aws, an$ to ena#t or reJe#t them at po""s in$epen$ent o- the "egis"ative
assem%"y. /e-eren$um is the right reserve$ to the peop"e to a$opt or reJe#t any a#t
or measure whi#h has %een passe$ %y a "egis"ative %o$y an$ whi#h, in most #ases,
wou"$, without a#tion on the part o- e"e#tors, %e#ome a "aw.
C. 8ua*ifcation and*ifcation o- voters
Arti#"e 6, +e#tion 1 o- the Constitution
4o eer#ise the right o- su,rage, a person must %e (1) a 'i"ipino #iti<enN (() at "east 18
years o- ageN (1) a resi$ent o- the :hi"ippines -or at "east one yearN (B) a resi$ent o- the
p"a#e where he proposes to vote -or at "east si monthsN an$ ()) not otherwise
$is9ua"i2e$ %y "aw. =o "itera#y, property, or other su%stantive re9uirement sha"" %e
impose$ on the eer#ise o- su,rage.
+e#tion 9 o- /.A. 8189 (6oter>s /egistration A#t o- 199A)
Any person, who, on the $ay o- registration may not have rea#he$ the re9uire$ age or
perio$ o- resi$en#e %ut who, on the $ay o- the e"e#tion, sha"" possess su#h 9ua"i2#ations,
may register as a voter.
P#ndaoda(a '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5;6<5</ :??69
4he petitioner 2"e$ a $is9ua"i2#ation #ase against her opponent on the groun$ that
the "atter "a#Ge$ the resi$en#y 9ua"i2#ation. .n e"e#tion #ases, the Court treats
$omi#i"e an$ resi$en#e as synonymous terms. Both impart not on"y an intention to
resi$e in a 2e$ p"a#e %ut a"so persona" presen#e in that p"a#e, #oup"e$ with #on$u#t
in$i#ative o- su#h intention. Domi#i"e $enotes a 2e$ permanent resi$en#e to whi#h,
when a%sent -or %usiness, p"easure, or "iGe reasons, one inten$s to return. 4he Court
-oun$ that petitioner>s opponent ha$ in$ee$ no resi$en#y 9ua"i2#ation sin#e he ha$
not a%an$one$ his $omi#i"e o- origin -or his present resi$en#e.
Marco! '. COM-L-C 4566=9
.me"$a ;ar#os ran as a representative in Leyte. 4he Court ru"e$ in her -avor an$
ep"aine$ that it is not ne#essary that a person shou"$ have a house in or$er to
esta%"ish his resi$en#e or $omi#i"e in a muni#ipa"ity. .t is enough that he shou"$ "ive
there, provi$e$ that his stay is a##ompanie$ %y his intention to resi$e therein
A@#ino '. COM-L-C 4566=9
A9uino>s $omi#i"e o- origin was 4ar"a#, %ut he ran in ;aGati. 4he Court -oun$ him
ine"igi%"e -or the e"e#tive position in ;aGati %e#ause o- the resi$en#y re9uirement.
4here is nothing wrong in an in$ivi$ua" #hanging resi$en#es so he #ou"$ run -or an
e"e#tive post, -or as "ong as he is a%"e to prove that he has e,e#te$ a #hange o-
resi$en#e -or the perio$ re9uire$ %y "aw. .n this #ase, however, A9uino was una%"e to
suH#ient"y prove #hange o- resi$en#e.
+e#tion 118 o- B.:. 881 (Cmni%us E"e#tion Co$e)
4he -o""owing are $is9ua"i2e$ to register as voters5
1. 4hose #onvi#te$ %y 2na" Ju$gment to su,er imprisonment -or not "ess than one year,
un"ess par$one$ or grante$ amnesty, %ut their rights are rea#9uire$ upon epiration o-
2ve years a-ter servi#e o- senten#eN
(. 4hose a$Ju$ge$ %y 2na" Ju$gment as having #ommitte$ any #rime invo"ving $is"oya"ty
to government or any #rime against nationa" se#urity, %ut their rights are rea#9uire$
upon epiration o- 2ve years a-ter servi#e o- senten#eN an$
1. .nsane or in#ompetent persons, as $e#"are$ %y #ompetent authority.
C. !e+istration o- voters
+e#tion 1(a) o- /.A. 8189
/egistration is the a#t o- a##omp"ishing an$ 2"ing a sworn app"i#ation -or the registration
%y a 9ua"i2e$ voter %e-ore the e"e#tion oH#er o- the #ity or muni#ipa"ity wherein he
resi$es an$ in#"u$ing the same in the %ooG o- registere$ voters upon approva" %y the
E"e#tion /egistration Boar$.
+e#tion 8 o- /.A. 8189
4he persona" 2"ing o- app"i#ation o- registration o- voters sha"" %e #on$u#te$ $ai"y in the
oH#e o- the E"e#tion CH#er $uring regu"ar oH#e hours. =o registration sha"", however,
%e #on$u#te$ $uring the perio$ starting 1(0 $ays %e-ore a regu"ar e"e#tion an$ 90 $ays
%e-ore a spe#ia" e"e#tion.
+e#tion 18 o- /.A. 8189
4he right to register may %e #ha""enge$ through the -o""owing pro#ess5
1. Any voter, #an$i$ate, or representative o- a registere$ po"iti#a" party may #ha""enge in
writing any app"i#ation -or registration, stating the groun$s there-or. 4he #ha""enge sha""
%e un$er oath an$ %e atta#he$ to the app"i#ation, together with the proo- o- noti#e o-
hearing to the #ha""enger an$ the app"i#ant.
(. Cppositions to #ontest a registrant>s app"i#ation -or in#"usion in the voter>s "ist must, in
a"" #ases, %e 2"e$ not "ater than the se#on$ ;on$ay o- the month in whi#h the same is
s#he$u"e$ to %e hear$ or pro#esse$ %y the E"e#tion /egistration Boar$.
1. 4he hearing on the #ha""enge sha"" %e hear$ on the thir$ ;on$ay o- the month an$ the
$e#ision sha"" %e ren$ere$ %e-ore the en$ o- the month.
+e#tion (7 o- /.A. 8189
Dea#tivation o- the registration o- #ertain persons invo"ves remova" o- their registration
re#or$s -rom the #orrespon$ing pre#in#t %ooG o- voters an$ p"a#ing the same in the
ina#tive 2"e, proper"y marGe$ ?$ea#tivate$@ an$ $ate$ in in$e"i%"e inG. 4he registration o-
the -o""owing may %e $ea#tivate$5
1. Any person who has %een senten#e$ %y 2na" Ju$gment to su,er imprisonment -or not
"ess than one year, su#h $isa%i"ity not having %een remove$ %y p"enary par$on or
(. Any person who has %een a$Ju$ge$ %y 2na" Ju$gment %y a #ompetent #ourt or
tri%una" o- having #ause$R#ommitte$ any #rime invo"ving $is"oya"ty to the $u"yD
#onstitute$ government su#h as re%e""ion, se$ition, vio"ation o- the antiDsu%version an$
2rearms "aws, or any #rime against nationa" se#urity, un"ess restore$ to his -u"" #ivi" an$
po"iti#a" rights in a##or$an#e with "awN
1. Any person $e#"are$ %y #ompetent authority to %e insane or in#ompetent un"ess su#h
$is9ua"i2#ation has %een su%se9uent"y remove$ %y a $e#"aration o- a proper authority
that su#h person is no "onger insane or in#ompetentN
B. Any person who $i$ not vote in two su##essive pre#e$ing regu"ar e"e#tions as shown
%y their voting re#or$s. 'or this purpose, regu"ar e"e#tions $o not in#"u$e the
+angguniang Xa%ataan (+X) e"e#tionsN
). Any person whose registration has %een or$ere$ e#"u$e$ %y the CourtN an$
A. Any person who has "ost his 'i"ipino #iti<enship.
+e#tion (8 o- /.A. 8189
Any voter whose registration has %een $ea#tivate$ may 2"e with the E"e#tion CH#er a
sworn app"i#ation -or rea#tivation o- his registration in the -orm o- an aH$avit stating
that the groun$s -or the $ea#tivation no "onger eist any time %ut not "ater than 1(0
$ays %e-ore a regu"ar e"e#tion an$ 90 $ays %e-ore a spe#ia" e"e#tion. 4he E"e#tion CH#er
sha"" su%mit sai$ app"i#ation to the E"e#tion /egistration Boar$ -or appropriate a#tion.
Ara '. A"ano 4G.R. No. <?57;/ 56:79
A%ano was a native o- ;ey#auayan who stu$ie$ in ;ani"a, where he was registere$
to vote. A-ter #omp"eting his stu$ies as a "awyer, A%ano returne$ to ;ey#auayan an$
ran -or oH#e though his #an#e""ation o- voter>s registration in ;ani"a was $enie$
%e#ause o- his -ai"ure to $eposit in the mai"s on time. .n ru"ing in A%ano>s -avor, the
Court ep"aine$ that the registration o- a voter $oes not #on-er the right to voteN it is
%ut a #on$ition pre#e$ent to the eer#ise o- the right. /egistration is a regu"ation, not
a 9ua"i2#ation.
#. Inc*usion and e)c*usion proceedin+s
+e#tion 1B o- /.A. 8189 (:etition -or .n#"usion)
Any person whose app"i#ation -or registration has %een $isapprove$ %y the Boar$ or
whose name has %een stri#Gen out -rom the "ist may 2"e with the #ourt a petition to
in#"u$e his name in the permanent "ist o- voters in his pre#in#t. 4he petition may %e 2"e$
any time e#ept 10) $ays prior to a regu"ar e"e#tion or 7) $ays prior to a spe#ia"
e"e#tion. 4he petition must %e a##ompanie$ %y (1) a #erti2#ate o- $isapprova" o- his
app"i#ationN an$ (() proo- o- servi#e o- noti#e o- his petition upon the Boar$. 4he petition
sha"" %e $e#i$e$ within 1) $ays a-ter its 2"ing.
+e#tion 1) o- /.A. 8189 (:etition -or E#"usion)
Any registere$ voter, representative o- a po"iti#a" party, or the E"e#tion CH#er may 2"e
with the #ourt a sworn petition -or the e#"usion o- a voter -rom the permanent "ist o-
voters giving the name, a$$ress, an$ pre#in#t o- the #ha""enge$ voter. 4he petition may
%e 2"e$ at any time e#ept 100 $ays prior to a regu"ar e"e#tion or A) $ays %e-ore a
spe#ia" e"e#tion. 4he petition must %e a##ompanie$ %y proo- o- noti#e to the Boar$ an$
to the #ha""enge$ voter. 4he petition sha"" %e $e#i$e$ within 10 $ays -rom its 2"ing.
+e#tion 1( o- /.A. 8189 (Common :ro#e$ure)
1. A petition -or in#"usion, e#"usion, or #orre#tion o- names o- voters sha"" %e 2"e$ $uring
oH#e hoursN
(. =oti#e o- the p"a#e, $ate, an$ time o- the hearing o- the petition sha"" %e serve$ upon
the mem%ers o- the Boar$ an$ the #ha""enge$ voter upon 2"ing o- the petitionN
1. A petition sha"" re-er to on"y one pre#in#t an$ sha"" imp"ea$ the Boar$ as respon$entsN
B. =o #osts sha"" %e assesse$ against any party in these pro#ee$ings. *owever, i- the
#ourt shou"$ 2n$ that the app"i#ation has %een 2"e$ so"e"y to harass the a$verse party
an$ #ause him to in#ur epenses, it sha"" or$er the #u"pa%"e party to pay the #osts an$
in#i$enta" epensesN
). Any voter, #an$i$ate, or po"iti#a" party who may %e a,e#te$ %y the pro#ee$ings may
intervene an$ present his evi$en#eN
A. 4he $e#ision sha"" %e %ase$ on the evi$en#e presente$ an$ in no #ase ren$ere$ upon
a stipu"ation o- -a#ts. .- the 9uestion is whether or not the voter is rea" or 2#titious, his
nonDappearan#e on the $ay set -or hearing sha"" %e prima facie evi$en#e that the
#ha""enge$ voter is 2#titiousN an$
7. 4he petition sha"" %e hear$ an$ $e#i$e$ within ten $ays -rom the $ate o- its 2"ing.
Cases appea"e$ to the /4C sha"" %e $e#i$e$ within ten $ays -rom re#eipt o- the appea". .n
a"" #ases, the #ourt sha"" $e#i$e these petitions not "ater than 1) $ays %e-ore the e"e#tion
an$ the $e#ision sha"" %e#ome 2na" an$ ee#utory.
+e#tion 11 o- /.A. 8189
4he ;uni#ipa" an$ ;etropo"itan 4ria" Courts sha"" have origina" an$ e#"usive Juris$i#tion
over a"" #ases o- in#"usion an$ e#"usion o- voters in their respe#tive #ities or
muni#ipa"ities. De#isions o- the ;uni#ipa" or ;etropo"itan 4ria" Courts may %e appea"e$
%y the aggrieve$ party to the /egiona" 4ria" Court within 2ve ()) $ays -rom re#eipt o-
noti#e thereo-. Ctherwise, sai$ $e#ision sha"" %e#ome 2na" an$ ee#utory. 4he regiona"
tria" #ourt sha"" $e#i$e the appea" within ten (10) $ays -rom the time it is re#eive$ an$
the $e#ision sha"" imme$iate"y %e#ome 2na" an$ ee#utory. =o motion -or
re#onsi$eration sha"" %e entertaine$.
*oino '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5<8?5=/ 56669
Domino ran -or Congress in +arangani %ut his opponent 2"e$ a petition to #an#e" his
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y an$ #"aime$ he ha$ -ai"e$ to meet the resi$en#y 9ua"i2#ation.
4he CC;ELEC $is9ua"i2e$ Domino an$ #an#e""e$ his #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y. Domino
9uestione$ the CC;ELEC>s Juris$i#tion an$ o,ere$ up as proo- o- resi$en#y the ;e4C
o- Lue<on City>s -a#tua" 2n$ings that he was a resi$ent o- +arangani. 4he Court ru"e$
that it is not within the #ompeten#e o- the tria" #ourt in e#"usion pro#ee$ings to
$e#"are the #ha""enge$ voter as a resi$ent o- another muni#ipa"ity. 4he Juris$i#tion o-
the tria" #ourt is "imite$ on"y to $etermining the right o- the voter to remain on the "ist
o- voters or to $e#"are that the #ha""enge$ voter is not 9ua"i2e$ to vote in the pre#in#t
in whi#h he is registere$, spe#i-ying the groun$ -or the voter>s $is9ua"i2#ations. 4he
power to or$er the #hange or trans-er o- registration -rom one p"a#e o- resi$en#e to
another rests with the /egistration Boar$.
E. Po*itica* parties
+e#tion 1(#) o- /.A. 79B1 (:artyDList +ystem A#t)
A po"iti#a" party is an organi<e$ group o- #iti<ens a$vo#ating an i$eo"ogy or p"at-orm,
prin#ip"es, an$ po"i#ies -or the genera" #on$u#t o- government an$ whi#h, as the most
imme$iate means o- se#uring their a$option, regu"ar"y nominates an$ supports #ertain o-
its "ea$ers an$ mem%ers as #an$i$ates -or pu%"i# oH#e. .t is a nationa" party when its
#onstituen#y is sprea$ over the geographi#a" territory o- at "east a maJority o- the
regions. .t is a regiona" party when its #onstituen#y is sprea$ over the geographi#a"
territory o- at "east a maJority o- the #ities an$ provin#es #omprising the region.
+e#tion 1($) o- /.A. 79B1
A se#tora" party is an organi<e$ group o- #iti<ens %e"onging to any o- the se#tors
enumerate$ in +e#tion ) hereo- ("a%or, peasant, 2sher-o"G, ur%an poor, in$igenous
#u"tura" #ommunities, han$i#appe$, veterans, overseas worGs, an$ other simi"ar se#tors)
whose prin#ipa" a$vo#a#y pertains to the spe#ia" interest an$ #on#erns o- their se#tor.
+e#tion 1(e) o- /.A. 79B1
A se#tora" organi<ation is a group o- #iti<ens or a #oa"ition o- groups o- #iti<ens who share
simi"ar physi#a" attri%utes or #hara#teristi#s, emp"oyment, interests, or #on#erns.
+e#tion 1(-) o- /.A. 79B1
A #oa"ition is an aggrupation o- $u"y registere$ nationa", regiona", se#tora" parties or
organi<ations -or po"iti#a" an$Ror e"e#tion purposes.
Atong Pagla# '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. :?<;>>/ :?5<9
4his #ase stemme$ -rom )B petitions -or certiorari -rom Atong :ag"aum, .n#. an$ )1
other parties who were $is9ua"i2e$ %y the CC;ELEC in ;ay (011 as partyD"ist -or not
%eing 9ua"i2e$ as representatives -or margina"i<e$ or un$errepresente$ se#tors. /.A.
79B1 $oes not re9uire nationa" an$ regiona" parties or organi<ations to represent the
margina"i<e$ an$ un$errepresente$ se#tors. 4he phrase ?margina"i<e$ an$
un$errepresente$@ shou"$ re-er on"y to those se#tors in +e#tion ) that are, %y their
nature, e#onomi#a""y margina"i<e$ an$ un$errepresente$. 4he nominees o- the
se#tora" party either must %e"ong to the se#tor, or must have a tra#G re#or$ o-
a$vo#a#y -or the se#tor represente$. =ationa", regiona", an$ se#tora" parties or
organi<ations sha"" not %e $is9ua"i2e$ i- some o- their nominees are $is9ua"i2e$,
provi$e$ that they have at "east one nominee who remains 9ua"i2e$.
7. <urisdiction o- t'e CO%ELEC over po*itica* parties
Arti#"e .3DC, +e#tion (()) o- the Constitution
4he Commission on E"e#tions sha"" register, a-ter suH#ient pu%"i#ation, po"iti#a" parties,
organi<ations, or #oa"itions.
/u"e 1(, +e#tion 1 o- the CC;ELEC /u"es o- :ro#e$ure
Any po"iti#a" party, organi<ation, or #oa"ition o- po"iti#a" parties seeGing registration
pursuant to +e#tion (()) o- Arti#"e .3DC o- the Constitution sha"" 2"e with the Law
Department o- the Commission a petition $u"y veri2e$ %y the its :resi$ent an$
+e#retaryD&enera", or any oH#ia" $u"y authori<e$ to $o so un$er its Constitution an$ ByD
/. !e+istration
Arti#"e .3DC, +e#tion 7 o- the Constitution
=o votes #ast in -avor o- a po"iti#a" party, organi<ation, or #oa"ition sha"" %e va"i$ e#ept
-or those registere$ un$er the partyD"ist system.
+e#tion ) o- /.A. 79B1
Any organi<e$ group o- persons may register as a party, organi<ation, or #oa"ition -or the
purpose o- the partyD"ist system %y 2"ing with the CC;ELEC not "ater than 90 $ays %e-ore
the e"e#tion a petition veri2e$ %y its presi$ent or se#retary stating its $esire to
parti#ipate in the partyD"ist system as a nationa", regiona", or se#tora" party or
organi<ation or a #oa"ition o- su#h parties or organi<ations.
+e#tion A0 o- B.:. 881
4o a#9uire Juri$i#a" persona"ity, 9ua"ity it -or su%se9uent a##re$itation, an$ to entit"e it to
the rights an$ privi"eges herein grante$ to po"iti#a" parties, a po"iti#a" party sha"" 2rst %e
$u"y registere$ with the Commission. Any registere$ po"iti#a" party that, sing"y or in
#oa"ition with others, -ai"s to o%tain at "east ten per#ent o- the votes #ast in the
#onstituen#y in whi#h it nominate$ an$ supporte$ a #an$i$ate or #an$i$ates in the
e"e#tion net -o""owing its registration sha"", a-ter noti#e an$ hearing %e $eeme$ to have
-or-eite$ su#h status as a registere$ po"iti#a" party in su#h #onstituen#y.
+e#tion A o- /.A. 79B1
4he CC;ELEC may, motu proprio or upon veri2e$ #omp"aint an$ a-ter $ue noti#e an$
hearing, #an#e" the registration o- a party, organi<ation, or #oa"ition on any o- the
-o""owing groun$s5
1. .t is a re"igious se#t or $enomination, organi<ation, or asso#iation, organi<e$ -or
re"igious purposesN
(. .t a$vo#ates vio"en#e or un"aw-u" means to seeG its goa"N
1. .t is a -oreign party or organi<ationN
B. .t is re#eiving support -rom any -oreign government, -oreign po"iti#a" party, -oun$ation,
or organi<ation, whether $ire#t"y or through any o- its oH#ers or mem%ers or in$ire#t"y
through thir$ parties -or partisan e"e#tion purposesN
). .t vio"ates or -ai"s to #omp"y with "aws, ru"es, or regu"ations re"ating to e"e#tions
A. .t $e#"ares untruth-u" statements in its petitionN
7. .t has #ease$ to eist -or at "east one yearN or
8. .t -ai"s to parti#ipate in the "ast two pre#e$ing e"e#tions or -ai"s to o%tain at "east (O o-
the votes #ast un$er the partyD"ist system in the two pre#e$ing e"e#tions -or the
#onstituen#y in whi#h it has registere$.
5. Candidacy
7. 8ua*ifcations o- candidates
For Pre!ident and Vice Pre!ident =Article >##! Section 2 of t"e %onstitution<
1. =atura"D%ornD#iti<en
(. At "east B0 years o"$ on the $ay o- the e"e#tion
1. A%"e to rea$ an$ write
B. /egistere$ voter
). /esi$ent o- the :hi"ippines -or at "east 10 years imme$iate"y pre#e$ing the $ay o-
the e"e#tion
For Senator =Article >#! Section 3 of t"e %onstitution<
1. =atura"D%orn #iti<en
(. At "east 1) years o"$ on the $ay o- the e"e#tion
1. A%"e to rea$ an$ write
B. /egistere$ voter
). /esi$ent o- the :hi"ippines -or not "ess than two years imme$iate"y pre#e$ing the
$ay o- the e"e#tion
For *i!trict Re)re!entati'e! =Article >#! Section ? of t"e %onstitution<
1. =atura"D%orn #iti<en
(. /egistere$ voter in the $istri#t in whi#h he sha"" %e e"e#te$
1. /esi$ent o- the same $istri#t -or a perio$ o- not "ess than one year imme$iate"y
pre#e$ing the $ay o- the e"e#tion
B. A%"e to rea$ an$ write
). At "east () years o"$ on the $ay o- the e"e#tion
For -lecti'e Local OBcial! =Section 3; of t"e Local $overnment %ode<
1. An e"e#tive "o#a" oH#ia" must %e a #iti<en o- the :hi"ippinesN a registere$ voter in
the %arangay, muni#ipa"ity, #ity, or provin#e or, in the #ase o- a mem%er o- the
sangguniang pan"a"awigan, sangguniang pan"ungso$, or sangguniang %ayan, the
$istri#t where he inten$s to %e e"e#te$N a resi$ent therein -or at "east one (1) year
imme$iate"y pre#e$ing the $ay o- the e"e#tionN an$ a%"e to rea$ an$ write 'i"ipino
or any other "o#a" "anguage or $ia"e#t.
(. Can$i$ates -or the position o- governor, vi#eD governor or mem%er o- the
sangguniang pan"a"awigan, or ;ayor, vi#eDmayor or mem%er o- the sangguniang
pan"ungso$ o- high"y ur%ani<e$ #ities must %e at "east twentyDthree ((1) years o-
age on e"e#tion $ay.
1. Can$i$ates -or the position o- ;ayor or vi#eDmayor o- in$epen$ent #omponent
#ities, #omponent #ities, or muni#ipa"ities must %e at "east twentyDone ((1) years o-
age on e"e#tion $ay.
B. Can$i$ates -or the position o- mem%er o- the sangguniang pan"ungso$ or
sangguniang %ayan must %e at "east eighteen (18) years o- age on e"e#tion $ay.
). Can$i$ates -or the position o- punong %arangay or mem%er o- the sangguniang
%arangay must %e at "east eighteen (18) years o- age on e"e#tion $ay.
A. Can$i$ates -or the sangguniang Ga%ataan must %e at "east 2-teen (1)) years o- age
%ut not more than twentyDone ((1) years o- age on e"e#tion $ay.
/. 5i*in+ o- certifcates o- candidacy
Sinaca '. M#la 4G.R. No. 5<=>65/ 56669
.n the ;ay 1998 e"e#tions, petitioner Emmanue" +ina#a was a su%stitute #an$i$ate -or
the mayora" post o- the LAXA+ ;atugas King a-ter their origina" #an$i$ate, 4eo$oro
+ina#a, !r., was $is9ua"i2e$ -or %eing #onvi#te$ o- %igamy. .n ru"ing that Emmanue"
+ina#a was va"i$"y su%stitute$ -or the origina" #an$i$ate, the Court ep"aine$ that a
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y is a statement o- a person seeGing to run -or a pu%"i# oH#e
#erti-ying that he announ#es his #an$i$a#y -or the oH#e mentione$ an$ that he is
e"igi%"e -or the oH#e, the name o- the po"iti#a" party to whi#h he %e"ongs i- he %e"ongs
to any, an$ his postDoH#e a$$ress -or a"" e"e#tion purposes %eing we""Dstate$.
aB Efect o- f*in+
+e#tion 11 o- /.A. 8B1A, as amen$e$ %y /.A. 91A9
Any person who 2"es his #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y within this perio$ sha"" on"y %e
#onsi$ere$ as a #an$i$ate at the start o- the #ampaign perio$ -or whi#h he 2"e$ his
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y5 Provided, 4hat, un"aw-u" a#ts or omissions app"i#a%"e to a
#an$i$ate sha"" e,e#t on"y upon that start o- the a-oresai$ #ampaign perio$5 Provided!
nally, 4hat any person ho"$ing a pu%"i# appointive oH#e or position, in#"u$ing a#tive
mem%ers o- the arme$ -or#es, an$ oH#ers, an$ emp"oyees in governmentDowne$ orD
#ontro""e$ #orporations, sha"" %e #onsi$ere$ ipso facto resigne$ -rom hisRher oH#e an$
must va#ate the same at the start o- the $ay o- the 2"ing o- hisRher #erti2#ation o-
+e#tion B o- CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 8A78
Any person ho"$ing an e"e#tive oH#e or position sha"" not %e #onsi$ere$ resigne$
upon the 2"ing o- his #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y -or the same or any other e"e#tive oH#e
or position.
+e#tion 1 o- CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 8A78
.- a person 2"es two #erti2#ates o- #an$i$a#y, ea#h -or a $i,erent oH#e, the person
sha"" not %e e"igi%"e -or either oH#e. *owever, %e-ore the epiration o- the perio$ -or
the 2"ing o- #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y, the person who has 2"e$ more than one
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y may $e#"are un$er oath the oH#e -or whi#h he $esires to %e
e"igi%"e an$ #an#e" the #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y -or the other oH#e or oH#es.
C#into '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 576>67/ :?5?9
4he petitioners were appointe$ oH#ia"s who inten$e$ to run in the e"e#tions. :rior to
the e"e#tions, CC;ELEC issue$ /eso"ution =o. 8A78 pursuant to +e#tion 11 o- /.A.
91A9, whi#h amen$e$ +e#tion 11 o- /.A. 8B1A. 4he thir$ paragraph o- +e#tion 11
provi$e$ that a"" persons ho"$ing a pu%"i# appointive oH#e wou"$ %e #onsi$ere$ ipso
-a#to resigne$ -rom oH#e upon 2"ing o- his #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y. 4he petitioners
argue$ that this provision vio"ate$ e9ua" prote#tion. A"though initia""y the Court
agree$ with them, upon ;/ it ru"e$ that the provision an$ the CC;ELEC /eso"ution
were va"i$.
4B Su4stitution o- candidates
+e#tion 11 o- CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 8A78
.- a-ter the "ast $ay -or the 2"ing o- a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y, an oH#ia" #an$i$ate o- a
registere$ po"iti#a" party $ies, with$raws, or is $is9ua"i2e$ -or any #ause, he may %e
su%stitute$ %y a #an$i$ate %e"onging to, an$ nominate$ %y, the same po"iti#a" party.
=o su%stitute sha"" %e a""owe$ -or any in$epen$ent #an$i$ate. =o person who has
with$rawn his #an$i$a#y -or a position sha"" %e e"igi%"e as su%stitute #an$i$ate -or any
other position a-ter the $ea$"ine -or 2"ing o- #erti2#ates o- #an$i$a#y.
cB %inisteria* duty o- CO%ELEC to receive certifcate
+e#tion 8 o- CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 8A78
4he re#eiving oH#er sha"" have the ministeria" $uty to re#eive an$ a#Gnow"e$ge re#eipt
o- the #erti2#ates o- #an$i$a#y or nomination %y registere$ po"iti#a" parties or #oa"ition
o- po"iti#a" parties on or %e-ore the $ea$"ine -or 2"ing o- #erti2#ates o- #an$i$a#y,
provi$e$ sai$ #erti2#ates are un$er oath an$ #ontain a"" the re9uire$ $ata an$ in the
-orm pres#ri%e$ %y the Commission.
E3CE:4.C=+5 3"en t"e %/1*L*% may refuse or cancel a certicate of candidacy (as
-oun$ in B.:. 881)
1. +e#tion A8 (when #an$i$ates are $is9ua"i2e$)
(. +e#tion A9 (nuisan#e #an$i$ates)
1. +e#tion 78 (upon petition to $eny $ue #ourse or to #an#e" a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y)
L#na '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5>=67</ :??;9
!oy Charisma Luna 2"e$ her #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y as su%stitute -or *ans /oger Luna.
4he CC;ELEC inva"i$ate$ her su%stitution %e#ause it -oun$ that whi"e *ans /oger ha$
with$rawn his #an$i$a#y, when he 2rst 2"e$ he was not o- age an$ sin#e no #erti2#ate
o- #an$i$a#y was va"i$"y 2"e$, su#h #ou"$ not %e the %asis -or a su%stitution. 4he Court
$isagree$ with the CC;ELEC an$ reiterate$ that CC;ELEC on"y has a ministeria" $uty
to re#eive a#Gnow"e$ge re#eipt o- a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y.
dB Nuisance candidates
+e#tion A9 o- B.:. 881
4he Commission may motu proprio or upon a veri2e$ petition o- an intereste$ party,
re-use to give $ue #ourse to or #an#e" a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y i- it is shown that sai$
#erti2#ate has %een 2"e$ to put the e"e#tion pro#ess in mo#Gery or $isrepute or to
#ause #on-usion among the voters %y the simi"arity o- the names o- the registere$
#an$i$ates or %y other #ir#umstan#es or a#ts whi#h #"ear"y $emonstrate that the
#an$i$ate has no %ona 2$e intention to run -or the oH#e -or whi#h the #erti2#ate o-
#an$i$a#y has %een 2"e$ an$ thus prevent a -aith-u" $etermination o- the true wi"" o-
the e"e#torate.
+e#tion 1B o- CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 8A78
4he petition against a nuisan#e #an$i$ate must %e 2"e$ within 2ve $ays -rom the "ast
$ay -or the 2"ing o- #erti2#ates o- #an$i$a#y.
Ba#ti!ta '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5<<78?/ 56679
E-ren Bautista ran as mayor in the 1998 e"e#tions a"ongsi$e E$win Bautista. 4he "atter
was $e#"are$ a nuisan#e #an$i$ate %ut the $e#ision o- the CC;ELEC, whi"e ma$e
Gnown to the pu%"i#, $i$ not %e#ome 2na" unti" a-ter e"e#tion. A-ter e"e#tion $ay,
Cipriano ?E-ren@ Bautista re#eive$ 17,981 votes, E$win Bautista got (9 votes, an$
%e#ause o- the #on-usion (1,01A ?Bautista@ votes were either ta""ie$ %ut not #re$ite$ to
petitioner or simp"y not ta""ie$ at a"". 4he Court ep"aine$ that stri#t"y speaGing, a
#an#e""e$ #erti2#ate #annot give rise to a va"i$ #an$i$a#y, an$ mu#h "ess to va"i$ votes.
;oreover, a stray vote is inva"i$ate$ %e#ause there is no way o- $etermining the rea"
intention o- the voter. .n this #ase, the Court ru"e$ in -avor o- E-ren Bautista an$
#ounte$ the (1,000 votes in his -avor. Khi"e E$win>s $is9ua"i2#ation was not yet 2na",
the pu%"i# $i$ Gnow o- it, hen#e any ?Bautista@ on the %a""ot was a #"ear re-eren#e to
E-ren, who was a"rea$y a we""DGnown "o#a" po"iti#ian %e-ore the e"e#tion in point.
eB Petition to deny or cance* certifcates o- candidacy
+e#tion 78 o- B.:. 881
A veri2e$ petition seeGing to $eny $ue #ourse or to #an#e" a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y
may %e 2"e$ %y the person e#"usive"y on the groun$ that any materia" representation
#ontaine$ therein as re9uire$ un$er +e#tion 7B hereo- is -a"se. 4he petition may %e 2"e$
at any time not "ater than twentyD2ve $ays -rom the time o- the 2"ing o- the #erti2#ate
o- #an$i$a#y an$ sha"" %e $e#i$e$, a-ter $ue noti#e an$ hearing, not "ater than 2-teen
$ays %e-ore the e"e#tion.
Salcedo II '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5<=77>/ 56669
4he respon$ent +a"#e$o marrie$ a man who was a"rea$y marrie$ an$ use$ his "ast
name in her #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y. 4he CC;ELEC +e#on$ Division -oun$ that this
#onstitute$ materia" misrepresentation that was a groun$ -or the #an#e""ation o- her
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y, %ut the CC;ELEC en banc $isagree$. 4he Court agree$ with
the CC;ELEC en banc an$ ep"aine$ that -or it to %e a groun$ to $eny or #an#e" a
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y, the -a"se representation must (a) pertain to a materia" matter
a,e#ting su%stantive rights o- a #an$i$ateN an$ (%) #onsist o- a $e"i%erate attempt to
mis"ea$, misin-orm, or hi$e a -a#t whi#h wou"$ otherwise ren$er a #an$i$ate ine"igi%"e.
-B Efect o-*ifcation
+e#tion A o- /.A. AABA (E"e#tora" /e-orms Law o- 1987)
Any #an$i$ate who has %een $e#"are$ %y 2na" Ju$gment to %e $is9ua"i2e$ sha"" not %e
vote$ -or, an$ the votes #ast -or him sha"" not %e #ounte$. .- -or any reason a #an$i$ate
is not $e#"are$ %y 2na" Ju$gment %e-ore an e"e#tion to %e $is9ua"i2e$ an$ he is vote$
-or an$ re#eives the winning num%er o- votes in su#h e"e#tion, the Court or Commission
sha"" #ontinue with the tria" an$ hearing o- the a#tion, in9uiry, or protest an$, upon
motion o- the #omp"ainant or any intervenor, may $uring the pen$en#y thereo- or$er
the suspension o- the pro#"amation o- su#h #an$i$ate whenever the evi$en#e o- his
gui"t is strong.
+B &it'dra,a* o- candidates
+e#tion 71 o- B.:. 881
=o person sha"" %e e"igi%"e -or any e"e#tive pu%"i# oH#e un"ess he 2"es a sworn
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y within the perio$ 2e$ herein. A person who has 2"e$ a
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y may, prior to the e"e#tion, with$raw the same %y su%mitting to
the oH#e #on#erne$ a written $e#"aration un$er oath. =o person sha"" %e e"igi%"e -or
more than one oH#e to %e 2""e$ in the same e"e#tion, an$ i- he 2"es his #erti2#ate o-
#an$i$a#y -or more than one oH#e, he sha"" not %e e"igi%"e -or any o- them. *owever,
%e-ore the epiration o- the perio$ -or the 2"ing o- #erti2#ates o- #an$i$a#y, the person
who was 2"e$ more than one #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y may $e#"are un$er oath the oH#e
-or whi#h he $esires to %e e"igi%"e an$ #an#e" the #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y -or the other
oH#e or oH#es. 4he 2"ing or with$rawa" o- a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y sha"" not a,e#t
whatever #ivi", #rimina" or a$ministrative "ia%i"ities whi#h a #an$i$ate may have
Mon!ale '. Nico 4G.R. No. L-:=<6/ 56869
;onsa"e an$ =i#o were opponents -or the oH#e o- mayor. ;onsa"e with$rew his
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y a-ter the perio$ -or 2"ing7an$ then he with$rew his with$rawa".
.n the e"e#tion, ;onsa"e got more votes than =i#o %ut u"timate"y =i#o was pro#"aime$
the winner. 4he with$rawa" o- the #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y sha"" e,e#t the
$is9ua"i2#ation o- the #an$i$ate to %e e"e#te$ -or the position. 4he with$rawa" o- the
with$rawa", -or the purpose o- reviving the #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y, must %e ma$e
within the perio$ provi$e$ %y "aw -or the 2"ing o- #erti2#ates o- #an$i$a#y.
. Ca(pai+n
+e#tion 79 o- B.:. 811
(a) 4he term ?#an$i$ate@ re-ers to any person aspiring -or or seeGing an e"e#tive pu%"i#
oH#e, who has 2"e$ a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y %y himse"- or through an a##re$ite$
po"iti#a" party, aggroupment, or #oa"ition o- partiesN
(%) 4he term ?e"e#tion #ampaign@ or ?partisan po"iti#a" a#tivity@ re-ers to an a#t $esigne$
to promote the e"e#tion or $e-eat o- a parti#u"ar #an$i$ate or #an$i$ates to a pu%"i#
oH#e whi#h sha"" in#"u$e5
(1) 'orming organi<ations, asso#iations, #"u%s, #ommittees or other groups o- persons -or
the purpose o- so"i#iting votes an$Ror un$ertaGing any #ampaign -or or against a
(() *o"$ing po"iti#a" #au#uses, #on-eren#es, meetings, ra""ies, para$es, or other simi"ar
assem%"ies, -or the purpose o- so"i#iting votes an$Ror un$ertaGing any #ampaign or
propagan$a -or or against a #an$i$ateN
(1) ;aGing spee#hes, announ#ements or #ommentaries, or ho"$ing interviews -or or
against the e"e#tion o- any #an$i$ate -or pu%"i# oH#eN
(B) :u%"ishing or $istri%uting #ampaign "iterature or materia"s $esigne$ to support or
oppose the e"e#tion o- any #an$i$ateN or
()) Dire#t"y or in$ire#t"y so"i#iting votes, p"e$ges or support -or or against a #an$i$ate.
4he -oregoing enumerate$ a#ts i- per-orme$ -or the purpose o- enhan#ing the #han#es o-
aspirants -or nomination -or #an$i$a#y to a pu%"i# oH#e %y a po"iti#a" party,
aggroupment, or #oa"ition o- parties sha"" not %e #onsi$ere$ as e"e#tion #ampaign or
partisan e"e#tion a#tivity. :u%"i# epressions or opinions or $is#ussions o- pro%a%"e issues
in a -orth#oming e"e#tion or on attri%utes o- or #riti#isms against pro%a%"e #an$i$ates
propose$ to %e nominate$ in a -orth#oming po"iti#a" party #onvention sha"" not %e
#onstrue$ as part o- any e"e#tion #ampaign or partisan po"iti#a" a#tivity #ontemp"ate$
un$er this Arti#"e.
7. Pre(ature ca(pai+nin+
+e#tion 80 o- B.:. 881
.t sha"" %e un"aw-u" -or any person, whether or not a voter or #an$i$ate, or -or any
party, or asso#iation o- persons, to engage in an e"e#tion #ampaign or partisan
po"iti#a" a#tivity e#ept $uring the #ampaign perio$5 :rovi$e$, 4hat po"iti#a" parties
may ho"$ po"iti#a" #onventions or meetings to nominate their oH#ia" #an$i$ates within
thirty $ays %e-ore the #ommen#ement o- the #ampaign perio$ an$ -ortyD2ve $ays -or
:resi$entia" an$ 6i#eD:resi$entia" e"e#tion.
Penera '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5<5>5</ :??69
:enera was $is9ua"i2e$ as a mayora"ty #an$i$ate -or engaging in e"e#tion
#ampaigning %e-ore the #ampaign perio$. 4he Court ru"e$ in her -avor. A #an$i$ate is
any person aspiring -or or seeGing an e"e#tive pu%"i# oH#e, who has 2"e$ a #erti2#ate
o- #an$i$a#y. Any person who 2"es a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y within the perio$ -or
2"ing sha"" on"y %e #onsi$ere$ as a #an$i$ate at the start o- the #ampaign perio$ -or
whi#h he 2"e$ his #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y. A##or$ing"y, a #an$i$ate is on"y "ia%"e -or an
e"e#tion o,ense -or a#ts $one $uring the #ampaign perio$, not %e-ore. Any un"aw-u"
a#t or omission app"i#a%"e to a #an$i$ate sha"" taGe e,e#t on"y upon the start o- the
#ampaign perio$, when partisan po"iti#a" a#ts %e#ome un"aw-u" as to a #an$i$ate.
Be-ore the start o- the #ampaign perio$, the same partisan po"iti#a" a#ts are "aw-u".
/. Pro'i4ited contri4utions
+e#tion 9B(a) o- B.:. 881
4he term ?#ontri%ution@ in#"u$es a gi-t, $onation, su%s#ription, "oan, a$van#e or
$eposit o- money or anything o- va"ue, or a #ontra#t, promise or agreement to
#ontri%ute, whether or not "ega""y en-or#ea%"e, ma$e -or the purpose o- inUuen#ing
the resu"ts o- the e"e#tions %ut sha"" not in#"u$e servi#es ren$ere$ without
#ompensation %y in$ivi$ua"s vo"unteering a portion or a"" o- their time in %eha"- o- a
#an$i$ate or po"iti#a" party. .t sha"" a"so in#"u$e the use o- -a#i"ities vo"untari"y $onate$
%y other persons, the money va"ue o- whi#h #an %e assesse$ %ase$ on the rates
prevai"ing in the area.
+e#tion 9) o- B.:. 881
=o #ontri%ution -or purposes o- partisan po"iti#a" a#tivity sha"" %e ma$e $ire#t"y or
in$ire#t"y %y any o- the -o""owing5
(a) :u%"i# or private 2nan#ia" institutions5 :rovi$e$, however, 4hat nothing herein sha""
prevent the maGing o- any "oan to a #an$i$ate or po"iti#a" party %y any su#h pu%"i# or
private 2nan#ia" institutions "ega""y in the %usiness o- "en$ing money, an$ that the
"oan is ma$e in a##or$an#e with "aws an$ regu"ations an$ in the or$inary #ourse o-
(%) =atura" an$ Juri$i#a" persons operating a pu%"i# uti"ity or in possession o- or
ep"oiting any natura" resour#es o- the nationN
(#) =atura" an$ Juri$i#a" persons who ho"$ #ontra#ts or su%D#ontra#ts to supp"y the
government or any o- its $ivisions, su%$ivisions or instrumenta"ities, with goo$s or
servi#es or to per-orm #onstru#tion or other worGsN
($) =atura" an$ Juri$i#a" persons who have %een grante$ -ran#hises, in#entives,
eemptions, a""o#ations or simi"ar privi"eges or #on#essions %y the government or any
o- its $ivisions, su%$ivisions or instrumenta"ities, in#"u$ing governmentDowne$ or
#ontro""e$ #orporationsN
(e) =atura" an$ Juri$i#a" persons who, within one year prior to the $ate o- the e"e#tion,
have %een grante$ "oans or other a##ommo$ations in e#ess o- :100,000 %y the
government or any o- its $ivisions, su%$ivisions or instrumenta"ities in#"u$ing
governmentDowne$ or #ontro""e$ #orporationsN
(-) E$u#ationa" institutions whi#h have re#eive$ grants o- pu%"i# -un$s amounting to
no "ess than :100,000.00N
(g) CH#ia"s or emp"oyees in the Civi" +ervi#e, or mem%ers o- the Arme$ 'or#es o- the
:hi"ippinesN an$
(h) 'oreigners an$ -oreign #orporations.
.t sha"" %e un"aw-u" -or any person to so"i#it or re#eive any #ontri%ution -rom any o- the
persons or entities enumerate$ herein.
2. La,-u* and pro'i4ited e*ection propa+anda
+e#tion 8( o- B.:. 881
Law-u" e"e#tion propagan$a sha"" in#"u$e5
(a) :amph"ets, "eaUets, #ar$s, $e#a"s, sti#Gers or other written or printe$ materia"s o-
a si<e not more than eight an$ oneDha"- in#hes in wi$th an$ -ourteen in#hes in "engthN
(%) *an$written or printe$ "etters urging voters to vote -or or against any parti#u"ar
(#) C"oth, paper or #ar$%oar$ posters, whether -rame$ or poste$, with an area
e#ee$ing two -eet %y three -eet, e#ept that, at the site an$ on the o##asion o- a
pu%"i# meeting or ra""y, or in announ#ing the ho"$ing o- sai$ meeting or ra""y,
streamers not e#ee$ing three -eet %y eight -eet in si<e, sha"" %e a""owe$5 :rovi$e$,
4hat sai$ streamers may not %e $isp"aye$ e#ept one weeG %e-ore the $ate o- the
meeting or ra""y an$ that it sha"" %e remove$ within seventyDtwo hours a-ter sai$
meeting or ra""yN or
($) A"" other -orms o- e"e#tion propagan$a not prohi%ite$ %y this Co$e as the
Commission may authori<e a-ter $ue noti#e to a"" intereste$ parties an$ hearing
where a"" the intereste$ parties were given an e9ua" opportunity to %e hear$5
:rovi$e$, 4hat the CommissionEs authori<ation sha"" %e pu%"ishe$ in two newspapers
o- genera" #ir#u"ation throughout the nation -or at "east twi#e within one weeG a-ter
the authori<ation has %een grante$.
+e#tion 8) o- B.:. 881
.t sha"" %e un"aw-u"5
(a) 4o print, pu%"ish, post or $istri%ute any poster, pamph"et, #ir#u"ar, han$%i"", or
printe$ matter urging voters to vote -or or against any #an$i$ate un"ess they %ear the
names an$ a$$resses o- the printer an$ payor as re9uire$ in +e#tion 8B hereo-N
(%) 4o ere#t, put up, maGe use o-, atta#h, Uoat or $isp"ay any %i""%oar$, tinp"ateDposter,
%a""oons an$ the "iGe, o- whatever si<e, shape, -orm or Gin$, a$vertising -or or against
any #an$i$ate or po"iti#a" partyN
(#) 4o pur#hase, manu-a#ture, re9uest, $istri%ute or a##ept e"e#tora" propagan$a
ga$gets, su#h as pens, "ighters, -ans o- whatever nature, Uash"ights, ath"eti# goo$s or
materia"s, wa""ets, shirts, hats, %an$anas, mat#hes, #igarettes an$ the "iGe, e#ept
that #ampaign supporters a##ompanying a #an$i$ate sha"" %e a""owe$ to wear hats
an$Ror shirts or 4Dshirts a$vertising a #an$i$ateN
($) 4o show or $isp"ay pu%"i#"y any a$vertisement or propagan$a -or or against any
#an$i$ate %y means o- #inematography, au$ioDvisua" units or other s#reen proJe#tions
e#ept te"e#asts whi#h may %e a""owe$ as hereina-ter provi$e$N an$
(e) 'or any ra$io %roa$#asting or te"evision station to se"" or give -ree o- #harge air
time -or #ampaign an$ other po"iti#a" purposes e#ept as authori<e$ in this Co$e
un$er the ru"es an$ regu"ations promu"gate$ %y the Commission pursuant thereto.
Any prohi%ite$ e"e#tion propagan$a ga$get or a$vertisement sha"" %e stoppe$,
#on2s#ate$ or torn $own %y the representative o- the Commission upon spe#i2#
authority o- the Commission.
F. Li(itations on e)penses
+e#tion 11 o- /.A. 71AA (?An A#t :rovi$ing -or +yn#hroni<e$ =ationa" an$ Lo#a"
E"e#tions an$ -or E"e#tora" /e-orms@)
4he amount that a #an$i$ate or registere$ po"iti#a" party may spen$ -or e"e#tion
#ampaign sha"" %e as -o""ows5
1. 'or #an$i$ates. D 4en pesos (:10.00) -or :resi$ent an$ 6i#eD:resi$entN an$ -or other
#an$i$ates 4hree :esos (:1.00) -or every voter #urrent"y registere$ in the
#onstituen#y where he 2"e$ his #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y5 :rovi$e$, 4hat a #an$i$ate
without any po"iti#a" party an$ without support -rom any po"iti#a" party may %e
a""owe$ to spen$ 'ive :esos (:).00) -or every su#h voterN an$
(. 'or po"iti#a" parties. D 'ive pesos (:).00) -or every voter #urrent"y registere$ in the
#onstituen#y or #onstituen#ies where it has oH#ia" #an$i$ates.
Any provision o- "aw to the #ontrary notwithstan$ing any #ontri%ution in #ash or in
Gin$ to any #an$i$ate or po"iti#a" party or #oa"ition o- parties -or #ampaign purposes,
$u"y reporte$ to the Commission sha"" not %e su%Je#t to the payment o- any gi-t ta.
A. State(ent o- contri4utions and e)penses
+e#tion 1B o- /.A. 71AA
Every #an$i$ate an$ treasurer o- the po"iti#a" party sha"", within 10 $ays a-ter the
e"e#tion, 2"e in $up"i#ate with the oH#es o- the Commission, the -u"", true, an$
itemi<e$ statement o- a"" #ontri%utions an$ epen$itures in #onne#tion with the
e"e#tion. =o person e"e#te$ to any pu%"i# oH#e sha"" enter upon the $uties o- his
oH#e unti" he an$ the po"iti#a" party that nominate$ him has 2"e$ the statement o-
#ontri%utions an$ epen$itures re9uire$ %y "aw. E#ept #an$i$ates -or e"e#tive
%arangay oH#e, -ai"ure to 2"e the statements or reports sha"" #onstitute an
a$ministrative o,ense. 'or a se#on$ or su%se9uent o,enses, the o,en$er sha"" %e
su%Je#t to perpetua" $is9ua"i2#ation to ho"$ pu%"i# oH#e.
Pilar '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 55=:8=/ 566=9
:i"ar ran -or a position in the +angguniang :an"a"awigan o- .sa%e"a %ut su%se9uent"y
with$rew his #an$i$a#y. 4he CC;ELEC 2ne$ him -or his -ai"ure to 2"e his statement o-
#ontri%utions an$ epenses. 4he Court ru"e$ in -avor o- the CC;ELEC an$ ep"aine$
that #an$i$ates who with$rew a-ter the 2"ing o- their #erti2#ates o- #an$i$a#y are sti""
re9uire$ to #omp"y with the 2"ing o- statement o- a"" #ontri%utions an$ epenses.
H. Coard o- E*ection Inspectors and Coard o- Canvassers
7. Co(position
+e#tion 1AB o- B.:. 881
At "east thirty $ays %e-ore the $ate when the voters "ist is to %e prepare in a##or$an#e
with this Co$e, in the #ase o- a regu"ar e"e#tion or 2-teen $ays %e-ore a spe#ia"
e"e#tion, the Commission sha"", $ire#t"y or through its $u"y authori<e$ representatives,
#onstitute a %oar$ o- e"e#tion inspe#tors -or ea#h pre#in#t to %e #ompose$ o- a
#hairman an$ a po"" #"erG who must %e pu%"i# s#hoo" tea#hers, priority to %e given to
#ivi" servi#e e"igi%"es, an$ two mem%ers, ea#h representing the two a##re$ite$
po"iti#a" parties. 4he appointment sha"" state the pre#in#t to whi#h they are assigne$
an$ the $ate o- the appointment.
+e#tion ((1 o- B.:. 881
4here sha"" %e a %oar$ o- #anvassers -or ea#h provin#e, #ity, muni#ipa"ity, an$ $istri#t
o- ;etropo"itan ;ani"a as -o""ows5
(a) :rovin#ia" %oar$ o- #anvassers. D the provin#ia" %oar$ o- #anvassers sha"" %e
#ompose$ o- the provin#ia" e"e#tion supervisor or a senior "awyer in the regiona" oH#e
o- the Commission, as #hairman, the provin#ia" 2s#a", as vi#eD#hairman, an$ the
provin#ia" superinten$ent o- s#hoo"s, an$ one representative -rom ea#h o- the ru"ing
party an$ the $ominant opposition po"iti#a" party in the #onstituen#y #on#erne$
entit"e$ to %e represente$, as mem%ers.
(%) City %oar$ o- #anvassers. D the #ity %oar$ o- #anvassers sha"" %e #ompose$ o- the
#ity e"e#tion registrar or a "awyer o- the Commission, as #hairman, the #ity 2s#a" an$
the #ity superinten$ent o- s#hoo"s, an$ one representative -rom ea#h o- the ru"ing
party an$ the $ominant opposition po"iti#a" party entit"e$ to %e represente$, as
(#) Distri#t %oar$ o- #anvassers o- ;etropo"itan ;ani"a D the $istri#t %oar$ o-
#anvassers sha"" %e #ompose$ o- a "awyer o- the Commission, as #hairman, an$ a
ranGing 2s#a" in the $istri#t an$ the most senior $istri#t s#hoo" supervisor in the
$istri#t to %e appointe$ upon #onsu"tation with the ;inistry o- !usti#e an$ the ;inistry
o- E$u#ation, Cu"ture an$ +ports, respe#tive"y, an$ one representative -rom ea#h o-
the ru"ing party an$ the $ominant opposition po"iti#a" party in the #onstituen#y
#on#erne$, as mem%ers.
($) ;uni#ipa" %oar$ o- #anvassers. D the muni#ipa" %oar$ o- #anvassers sha"" %e
#ompose$ o- the e"e#tion registrar or a representative o- the Commission, as
#hairman, the muni#ipa" treasurer, an$ the $istri#t supervisor or in his a%sen#e any
pu%"i# s#hoo" prin#ipa" in the muni#ipa"ity an$ one representative -rom ea#h o- the
ru"ing party an$ the $ominant opposition po"iti#a" party entit"e$ to %e represente$, as
(e) Boar$ o- #anvassers -or new"y #reate$ po"iti#a" su%$ivisions D the Commission sha""
#onstitute a %oar$ o- #anvassers an$ appoint the mem%ers thereo- -or the 2rst
e"e#tion in a new"y #reate$ provin#e, #ity or muni#ipa"ity in #ase the oH#ia"s who sha""
a#t as mem%ers thereo- have not yet assume$ their $uties an$ -un#tions.
/. Po,ers
+e#tion 1A8 o- B.:. 881
4he %oar$ o- e"e#tion inspe#tors sha"" have the -o""owing powers an$ -un#tions5
a. Con$u#t the voting an$ #ounting o- votes in their respe#tive po""ing p"a#esN
%. A#t as $eputies o- the Commission in the supervision an$ #ontro" o- the e"e#tion in
the po""ing p"a#es wherein they are assigne$, to assure the ho"$ing o- the same in a
-ree, or$er"y an$ honest mannerN an$
#. :er-orm su#h other -un#tions pres#ri%e$ %y this Co$e or %y the ru"es an$
regu"ations promu"gate$ %y the Commission.
A"e! '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. L-:7<87/ 56>;9
A%es et a". sought (among others) the nu""i2#ation o- e"e#tions in Lue<on City -or #ity
oH#ia"s. 4he CC;ELEC $enie$ their petition an$ or$ere$ the %oar$ o- #anvassers to
pro#ee$ with the #anvass. 4he Court $enie$ the petition an$ reiterate$ that the %oar$
o- #anvassers is a ministeria" %o$y. .t is enJoine$ %y "aw to #anvass a"" votes on
e"e#tion returns su%mitte$ to it in $ue -orm. .ts powers are "imite$ genera""y to the
me#hani#a" or mathemati#a" -un#tion o- as#ertaining an$ $e#"aring the apparent
resu"t o- the e"e#tion %y a$$ing or #ompi"ing the votes #ast -or ea#h #an$i$ate as
shown on the -a#e o- the returns %e-ore them, an$ then $e#"aring or #erti-ying the
resu"t so as#ertaine$.
I. !e(edies and 9urisdiction in e*ection *a,
7. Petition not to +ive due course to or cance* a certifcate o- candidacy
+e#tion 78 o- B.:. 881
A veri2e$ petition seeGing to $eny $ue #ourse or to #an#e" a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y
may %e 2"e$ %y the person e#"usive"y on the groun$ that any materia" representation
#ontaine$ therein as re9uire$ un$er +e#tion 7B hereo- is -a"se. 4he petition may %e
2"e$ at any time not "ater than twentyD2ve $ays -rom the time o- the 2"ing o- the
#erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y an$ sha"" %e $e#i$e$, a-ter $ue noti#e an$ hearing, not "ater
than 2-teen $ays %e-ore the e"e#tion.
/. Petition -or*ifcation
+e#tion A8 o- B.:. 881
Any #an$i$ate who, in an a#tion or protest in whi#h he is a party is $e#"are$ %y 2na"
$e#ision o- a #ompetent #ourt gui"ty o-, or -oun$ %y the Commission o- having (a)
given money or other materia" #onsi$eration to inUuen#e, in$u#e or #orrupt the voters
or pu%"i# oH#ia"s per-orming e"e#tora" -un#tionsN (%) #ommitte$ a#ts o- terrorism to
enhan#e his #an$i$a#yN (#) spent in his e"e#tion #ampaign an amount in e#ess o- that
a""owe$ %y this Co$eN ($) so"i#ite$, re#eive$ or ma$e any #ontri%ution prohi%ite$
un$er +e#tions 89, 9), 9A, 97 an$ 10BN or (e) vio"ate$ any o- +e#tions 80, 81, 8), 8A
an$ (A1, paragraphs $, e, G, v, an$ ##, su%paragraph A, sha"" %e $is9ua"i2e$ -rom
#ontinuing as a #an$i$ate, or i- he has %een e"e#te$, -rom ho"$ing the oH#e. Any
person who is a permanent resi$ent o- or an immigrant to a -oreign #ountry sha"" not
%e 9ua"i2e$ to run -or any e"e#tive oH#e un$er this Co$e, un"ess sai$ person has
waive$ his status as permanent resi$ent or immigrant o- a -oreign #ountry in
a##or$an#e with the resi$en#e re9uirement provi$e$ -or in the e"e#tion "aws.
GonDale! '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 56:7=>/ :?559
&on<a"es ran -or Congress in A"%ay, %ut a petition -or $is9ua"i2#ation an$ #an#e""ation
o- #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y was 2"e$ against him, a""eging he was a +panish nationa".
*e won the e"e#tion %ut the CC;ELEC inva"i$ate$ his pro#"amation. .n ru"ing -or
&on<a"es, the Court ha$ to $istinguish %etween a petition -or $is9ua"i2#ation an$ a
petition -or #an#e""ation o- a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y (sin#e the petition against
&on<a"es seeme$ to %e %oth at on#e)5 a petition to $is9ua"i-y a #an$i$ate un$er
+e#tion A8 o- the Cmni%us E"e#tion Co$e is %ase$ on prohi%ite$ a#ts #ommitte$ %y a
#an$i$ate. .n #ontrast, the petition -or #an#e""ation o- a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y is
%ase$ on materia" misrepresentations in the #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y. A petition to
$is9ua"i-y may %e 2"e$ not "ater than the $ate o- pro#"amation un$er +e#tion A8, whi"e
a petition -or the #an#e""ation o- a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y must %e 2"e$ within ()
$ays -rom the 2"ing o- the #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y un$er +e#tion 78.
2. Petition to dec*are -ai*ure o- e*ections
+e#tion A o- B.:. 881
.-, on a##ount o- -or#e maJeure, vio"en#e, terrorism, -rau$, or other ana"ogous #auses
the e"e#tion in any po""ing p"a#e has not %een he"$ on the $ate 2e$, or ha$ %een
suspen$e$ %e-ore the hour 2e$ %y "aw -or the #"osing o- the voting, or a-ter the
voting an$ $uring the preparation an$ the transmission o- the e"e#tion returns or in
the #usto$y or #anvass thereo-, su#h e"e#tion resu"ts in a -ai"ure to e"e#t, an$ in any o-
su#h #ases the -ai"ure or suspension o- e"e#tion wou"$ a,e#t the resu"t o- the e"e#tion,
the Commission sha"", on the %asis o- a veri2e$ petition %y any intereste$ party an$
a-ter $ue noti#e an$ hearing, #a"" -or the ho"$ing or #ontinuation o- the e"e#tion not
he"$, suspen$e$ or whi#h resu"te$ in a -ai"ure to e"e#t on a $ate reasona%"y #"ose to
the $ate o- the e"e#tion not he"$, suspen$e$ or whi#h resu"te$ in a -ai"ure to e"e#t %ut
not "ater than thirty $ays a-ter the #essation o- the #ause o- su#h postponement or
suspension o- the e"e#tion or -ai"ure to e"e#t.
+e#tion B o- /.A. 71AA
4he CC;ELEC en banc has the origina" an$ e#"usive Juris$i#tion to hear an$ $e#i$e
petitions -or $e#"aration o- -ai"ure o- e"e#tion or -or annu"ment o- e"e#tion resu"ts.
F. Pre3proc*a(ation controversy
+e#tion 1 o- /u"e 1, CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 880B
A preDpro#"amation #ontroversy re-ers to any 9uestion pertaining to or a,e#ting the
pro#ee$ings o- the %oar$ o- #anvassers whi#h may %e raise$ %y any #an$i$ate or %y
any registere$ po"iti#a" party or #oa"ition o- po"iti#a" parties, or %y any a##re$ite$ an$
parti#ipating party "ist group, %e-ore the %oar$ or $ire#t"y with the Commission.
+e#tion 1 o- /u"e B, CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 880B
4here is i""ega" #omposition o- the BCC when, among other simi"ar #ir#umstan#es, any
o- the mem%ers $o not possess "ega" 9ua"i2#ations an$ appointments. 4he
in-ormation te#hno"ogy #apa%"e person re9uire$ to assist the BCC %y /epu%"i# A#t =o.
91A9 sha"" %e in#"u$e$ as among those whose "a#G o- 9ua"i2#ations may %e
+e#tion ( o- /u"e B, CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 880B
4here is i""ega" pro#ee$ings o- the BCC when the #anvassing is a sham or mere
#eremony, the resu"ts o- whi#h are preD$etermine$ an$ manipu"ate$ as when any o-
the -o""owing #ir#umstan#es are present5
a) pre#ipitate #anvassingN
%) terrorismN
#) "a#G o- suH#ient noti#e to the mem%ers o- the BCCEsN
$) .mproper venue
+e#tion (B( o- B.:. 881
4he Commission sha"" have e#"usive Juris$i#tion o- a"" preDpro#"amation
#ontroversies. .t may motu proprio or upon written petition, an$ a-ter $ue noti#e an$
hearing, or$er the partia" or tota" suspension o- the pro#"amation o- any #an$i$ateD
e"e#t or annua" partia""y or tota""y any pro#"amation, i- one has %een ma$e, as the
evi$en#e sha"" warrant in a##or$an#e with the su##ee$ing se#tions.
A. E*ection protest
/u"e A o- CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 880B
+e#tion 1
4he Commission on E"e#tions, through any o- its Divisions, sha"" have e#"usive
origina" Juris$i#tion over a"" e"e#tion protests invo"ving e"e#tive regiona" (the
autonomous regions), provin#ia", an$ #ity oH#ia"s.
+e#tion (
A petition #ontesting the e"e#tions or returns o- an e"e#tive regiona", provin#ia", or #ity
oH#ia" sha"" %e 2"e$ with the Commission %y any #an$i$ate who was vote$ -or in the
same oH#e an$ who re#eive$ the se#on$ o- thir$ highest num%er o- votes or, in a
mu"tiDs"ot position, was among the net -our #an$i$ates -o""owing the "ast ranGe$
winner $u"y pro#"aime$, as reUe#te$ in the oH#ia" resu"ts o- the e"e#tion #ontaine$ in
the +tatement o- 6otes. 4he party 2"ing the protest sha"" %e $esignate$ as the
protestantN the a$verse party sha"" %e Gnown as the protestee.
+e#tion 1
An e"e#tion protest or petition -or 5uo )arranto sha"" %e 2"e$ $ire#t"y with the
Commission in ten (10) "egi%"e #opies p"us su#h num%er o- #opies #orrespon$ing to
the num%er o- protestees, within a nonDeten$i%"e perio$ o- ten $ays -o""owing the
$ate o- pro#"amation. Ea#h #ontest sha"" re-er e#"usive"y to one oH#e %ut #ontents
-or oH#es o- the +angguniang :ampooG, +angguniang :an"a"awigan or +angguniang
:ang"ungso$ may %e #onso"i$ate$ in one #ase.
+e#tion B
+ervi#e an$ 2"ing o- p"ea$ings, in#"u$ing the initiatory petition an$ other papers, sha""
%e $one persona""y. E#ept with respe#t to papers emanating -rom the Commission, a
resort to other mo$es o- servi#e must %e a##ompanie$ %y a written ep"anation why
the servi#e or 2"ing was not $one persona""y. A vio"ation o- this /u"e sha"" %e a #ause
to #onsi$er the p"ea$ing or paper as not 2"e$.
+e#tion )
An e"e#tion protest sha"" %e veri2e$ %y an aH$avit stating that the aHant has rea$
the petition an$ that the a""egations therein are true an$ #orre#t o- aHantEs own
Gnow"e$ge or %ase$ on authenti# re#or$s. A veri2#ation %ase$ on @information and
belief9 or upon the @,no)led&e! information and belief9 is not a suH#ient veri2#ation.
4he protestant sha"" persona""y sign the #erti2#ate o- nonD-orum shopping whi#h must
%e annee$ to the e"e#tion protest. An unveri2e$ petition or one with insuH#ient
veri2#ation or una##ompanie$ %y a #erti2#ate o- nonD-orum shopping sha"" %e
$ismisse$ outright an$ sha"" not suspen$ the running o- the reg"ementary perio$ to
2"e an e"e#tion protest.
+e#tion A
4he pen$en#y o- a preDpro#"amation #ontroversy invo"ving the va"i$ity o- the
pro#"amation as $e2ne$ %y "aw sha"" suspen$ the running o- the perio$ to 2"e an
e"e#tion protest.

:. 8uo ,arranto
+e#tion ()1 o- B.:. 881
Any voter #ontesting the e"e#tion o- any ;em%er o- the Batasang :am%ansa, regiona",
provin#ia", or #ity oH#er on the groun$ o- ine"igi%i"ity or o- $is"oya"ty to the /epu%"i# o-
the :hi"ippines sha"" 2"e a sworn petition -or 5uo )arranto with the Commission within
ten $ays a-ter the pro#"amation o- the resu"ts o- the e"e#tion. Any voter #ontesting the
e"e#tion o- any muni#ipa" or %arangay oH#er on the groun$ o- ine"igi%i"ity or o-
$is"oya"ty to the /epu%"i# o- the :hi"ippines sha"" 2"e a sworn petition -or 5uo )arranto
with the regiona" tria" #ourt or metropo"itan or muni#ipa" tria" #ourt, respe#tive"y,
within ten $ays a-ter the pro#"amation o- the resu"ts o- the e"e#tion.
+e#tion 7 o- /u"e A, CC;ELEC /eso"ution =o. 880B
An e"e#tion protest or petition -or 5uo )arranto sha"" spe#i2#a""y state the -o""owing
a) 4he position invo"ve$
%) 4hat the protestant was a #an$i$ate who has $u"y 2"e$ a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y
an$ has %een vote$ -or the same oH#e.
#) 4he $ate o- pro#"amationN an$
$) 4he num%er o- votes #re$ite$ to the parties per pro#"amation.
An e"e#tion protest sha"" a"so state5
e) 4he tota" num%er o- pre#in#ts o- the region, provin#e or #ity #on#erne$N
-) 4he proteste$ pre#in#ts an$ votes o- the parties in the proteste$ pre#in#ts per the
+tatement o- 6otes By :re#in#t or, i- the votes o- the parties are not spe#i2e$ an
ep"anation why the votes are not spe#i2e$N
g) A $etai"e$ spe#i2#ation o- the a#ts or omissions #omp"aine$ o- showing the
e"e#tora" -rau$s, anoma"ies or irregu"arities in the proteste$ pre#in#ts.
Villaor '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5>67>=/ :??>9
6i""amor won as mayor an$ his opponent 2"e$ a preDpro#"amation protest. =ot
#ontent, his opponent a"so 2"e$ an e"e#tion protest. 4he Court ru"e$ in 6i""amor>s -avor
an$ ep"aine$ that the 2"ing o- an e"e#tion protest or a petition -or 5uo )arranto
genera""y has the e,e#t o- %arring the su%se9uent 2"ing o- a preDpro#"amation
#ontroversy or petition to annu" pro#"amation. .t a"so amounts to the a%an$onment o-
any preDpro#"amation #ontroversy or petition to annu" pro#"amation 2"e$ ear"ier,
$epriving the CC;ELEC o- the authority to in9uire into an$ pass upon the tit"e o- the
protestee or the va"i$ity o- his pro#"amation. Cn#e the #ompetent tri%una" has
a#9uire$ Juris$i#tion over an e"e#tion protest or a petition -or 5uo )arranto! a""
9uestions re"ative thereto wi"" have to %e $e#i$e$ in the #ase itse"- an$ not in another
*#a(a!/ ,r. '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5856=:-=</ :??59
Dumayas an$ Berna" were riva"s -or a mayora"ty post. A-ter moving (in a motion -or
re#onsi$eration %e-ore the CC;ELEC) to $e#"are Dumayas> pro#"amation inva"i$,
Berna" 2"e$ a #ase -or 5uo )arranto against him. 4he Court $ismisse$ Dumayas>
petition, whi#h #"aime$ that %y 2"ing the 5uo )arranto Berna" ha$ a%an$one$ his
motion -or re#onsi$eration. .n #ertain #ases, a preDpro#"amation #ontroversy may sti""
pro#ee$ notwithstan$ing the 2"ing o- an e"e#tion protest or petition -or 5uo )arranto!
to wit5
1. Khat is 2"e$ in not rea""y a 5uo )arranto or e"e#tion protest %ut a petition to annu"
a pro#"amation
(. 'uo )arranto is not the proper reme$y
1. 4he BCC is improper"y #onstitute$
B. 4he 2"ing o- a 5uo )arranto or an e"e#tion protest is epress"y ma$e without
preJu$i#e to preDpro#"amation #ontest, or is ma$e ad cautelam
). 4he pro#"amation is nu"" an$ voi$
<. Prosecution o- e*ection ofenses
+e#tion (A1 o- B.:. 881 enumerates an$ $etai"s 10 $i,erent e"e#tion o,enses.
:"ease #onsu"t #o$a" -or -u"" "ist.
Arti#"e .3DC, +e#tion ((A) o- the Constitution
4he CC;ELEC has Juris$i#tion to investigate an$ prose#ute #ases invo"ving vio"ations o-
e"e#tion "aws.
+e#tion B1 o- /.A. 91A9
4he Commission sha"", through its $u"y authori<e$ "ega" oH#ers, have the power,
#on#urrent with the other prose#uting arms o- the government, to #on$u#t pre"iminary
investigation o- a"" e"e#tion o,enses punisha%"e un$er this Co$e, an$ prose#ute the
Peo)le '. ,#dge Ba!ilia 4G.R. No!. 7<6<7-8?/ 56769
4he :rovin#ia" :rose#utor 2"e$ severa" #ases -or vio"ations o- the Cmni%us E"e#tion Co$e,
whi#h the !u$ge $ismisse$ %e#ause CC;ELEC has the e#"usive power to investigate an$
prose#ute e"e#tion o,enses. 4he Court $isagree$ an$ ru"e$ in -avor o- the :eop"e. 4he
CC;ELEC may $e"egate its power to investigate an$ prose#ute e"e#tion o,enses to the
:rovin#ia" :rose#utor, as provi$e$ in the same Cmni%us E"e#tion Co$e.
BANAT Part(-Li!t '. COM-L-C 4G.R. No. 5;;=?7/ :??69
BA=A4 %rought the petition to assai" the #onstitutiona"ity o- severa" provisions in /.A.
91A9. 4he Court uphe"$ the "aw>s va"i$ity, ep"aining that (in parti#u"ar) +e#tion B1 o-
/.A. 91A9 $oes not vio"ate +e#tion ((A) o- Arti#"e .3DC o- the Constitution. 4he grant o-
e#"usive power to investigate an$ prose#ute e"e#tion o,enses to CC;ELEC was not %y
virtue o- the Constitution %ut through B.:. 881, a "egis"ative ena#tment whi#h is pre#ise"y
amen$e$ %y /.A. 91A9. +e#tion B1 grants CC;ELEC the power, #on#urrent with other
prose#uting arms o- the government, to #on$u#t pre"iminary investigation o- a"" e"e#tion
o,enses an$ prose#ute the same. .t is a va"i$ amen$ment o- +e#tion (A) o- B.:. 881,
pursuant to the p"enary power o- the "egis"ature to amen$ or repea" "aws.
+e#tion (A7 o- B.:. 881
E"e#tion o,enses sha"" pres#ri%e a-ter 2ve years -rom the $ate o- their #ommission. .- the
$is#overy o- the o,ense %e ma$e in an e"e#tion #ontest pro#ee$ings, the perio$ o-
pres#ription sha"" #ommen#e on the $ate on whi#h the Ju$gment in su#h pro#ee$ings
%e#omes 2na" an$ ee#utory.
+e#tion (A8 o- B.:. 881
4he regiona" tria" #ourt sha"" have the e#"usive origina" Juris$i#tion to try an$ $e#i$e any
#rimina" a#tion or pro#ee$ings -or vio"ation o- this Co$e, e#ept those re"ating to the
o,ense o- -ai"ure to register or -ai"ure to vote whi#h sha"" %e un$er the Juris$i#tion o- the
metropo"itan or muni#ipa" tria" #ourts. 'rom the $e#ision o- the #ourts, appea" wi"" "ie as
in other #rimina" #ases.
A. :8BL.C CC/:C/A4.C=+
1. CC=CE:4
a) Distinguishe$ -rom governmentDowne$ or #ontro""e$ #orporations
Province o- Ne+ros Occidenta* v. CO" ?/070B
5acts: 4he Commission on Au$it (CCA), in #on-ormity with /epu%"i# A#t A7)8
(#on#erning the po"i#y o- stan$ar$i<ation o- #ompensation), $i$ not a""ow the
+angguniang :an"a"awigan o- =egros C##i$enta" to imp"ement its /eso"ution 7(0A whi#h
a""o#ate$ the provin#e>s retaine$ earnings to the hea"th #are an$ hospita"i<ation o-
provin#ia" oH#ia"s an$ emp"oyees. CCA says su#h a""o#ation wou"$ re9uire the approva"
o- the :resi$ent.
#octrine: :resi$entia" approva" is not re9uire$ as it app"ies on"y to government
oH#esRagen#ies, governmentDowne$ an$ #ontro""e$ #orporations an$ their respe#tive
governing %oar$s whi#h are un$er the #ontro" o- the :resi$ent. L&8s are su%Je#t on"y to
the power o- genera" supervision o- the :resi$ent, an$ as su#h, the :resi$entEs authority
is "imite$ to seeing to it that ru"es are -o""owe$ an$ "aws are -aith-u""y ee#ute$. 4he
:resi$ent #annot "ay $own the ru"es, nor #an he mo$i-y or rep"a#e them.
(. CLA++.'.CA4.C=+
a) LuasiD#orporations
%%#" v. Ce*3"ir $i**a+e "ssociation ?/000B
5acts: 4he ;etropo"itan ;ani"a Deve"opment Authority (;;DA) sent a "etter to the Be"D
Air 6i""age Asso#iation re9uesting the "atter to open its private roa$ (=eptune street) to
the pu%"i# an$ in-orming it that its perimeter wa"" a$Ja#ent to Xa"ayaan Avenue wou"$ %e
#octrine: 4he ;;DA>s power is "imite$ to a$ministration an$ imp"ementation o- metroD
wi$e servi#es in ;etro ;ani"a an$ is not a Lo#a" &overnment 8nit nor a pu%"i#
#orporation en$owe$ with "egis"ative power nor po"i#e power to ena#t or$inan#es -or the
#"osure or opening o- roa$s. .t #an on"y "ay $own po"i#ies an$ #oor$inate with various
agen#ies, as we"" as the private se#tor.
%%#" v. #ante arin ?/00AB
5acts: Atty. &arin>s $river>s "i#ense was #on2s#ate$ %y the ;;DA -or i""ega" parGing in
;ani"a, pursuant to +e#. )(-) o- /epu%"i# A#t 79(B granting the ;;DA the power to
#on2s#ate an$ suspen$ or revoGe $rivers> "i#enses without nee$ o- any other "egis"ative
#octrine: 4he ;;DA>s power to #on2s#ate an$ suspen$ or revoGe $rivers> "i#enses is
#onstrue$ to mean en-or#ing eisting traH# ru"es an$ regu"ations an$ thus, it #an on"y
#an on"y #on2s#ate or suspen$ $rivers> "i#enses pursuant to eisting traH# "aws an$
regu"ations ena#te$ %y Congress or, in this #ase, the City o- ;ani"a an$ not ?without
nee$ o- any other "egis"ative ena#tment.@ 4he ;;DA is not a po"iti#a" unit o- government
an$ $oes not possess po"i#e power nor the power to "egis"ate.
%%#" v. $iron Transportation Co. ?/00HB
5acts: 6iron 2"e$ a petition -or $e#"aratory re"ie- when the ;;DA was a%out to issue a
#ir#u"ar or$ering the #"osure o- %us termina"s in ;etro ;ani"a in a##or$an#e with
Ee#utive Cr$er 179 issue$ %y the :resi$ent o- the :hi"ippines #omman$ing the #"osing
o- %us termina"s at Epi-anio De"os +antos Avenue (ED+A), to %e rep"a#e$ %y -our
integrate$ termina"s.
#octrine:4he ;;DA is not the proper imp"ementing agen#y -or imp"ementing Ee#utive
Cr$er 179 as the :resi$ent>s authority to imp"ement the proJe#t must %e eer#ise$
through the Department o- 4ransportation an$ Communi#ations. /epu%"i# A#t 79(B $oes
not grant the ;;DA nor its Coun#i" the power to ena#t or$inan#es an$ approve
reso"utions -or the genera" we"-are o- ;etro ;ani"a>s inha%itants an$ as su#h, %e#ause o-
the a$ministrative nature o- its powers an$ -un#tions, it #annot or$er the remova" o- the
termina"s invo"ve$ in this #ase.
%) ;uni#ipa" #orporations
$i**as v. City o- %ani*a ?7@/7B
5acts: 6i""as et a"., #re$itors o- the City o- ;ani"a un$er the +panish regime, $eman$e$
payment -rom the City o- ;ani"a a-ter #ession to the 8+.
#octrine: A ;uni#ipa" Corporation has two Gin$s o- powers7 pu%"i# an$ privateN the
-ormer is #"othe$ with sovereignty an$ is a "ega" in$ivi$ua" whi"e the "atter ena%"es it to
a#t "iGe a #orporate "ega" in$ivi$ua". *en#e, the new City o- ;ani"a, $espite the #ession to
the 8+, is sti"" "ia%"e to the 6i""as as private property remains as it was prior to the
#ession an$ this in#"u$es any #orporate "ia%i"ity in#urre$ %y su#h #ity or muni#ipa"ity.
!epu4*ic v. City o- #avao ?/00/B
5acts: 4he City o- Davao #"aims that it is not re9uire$ %y "aw to se#ure an Environmenta"
Comp"ian#e Certi2#ate (ECC) -rom the Environmenta" ;anagement Bureau to #onstru#t
its Arti#a +ports Dome.
#octrine: Davao is #overe$ %y the "aw whi#h re9uires a"" persons to se#ure an ECC
when they un$ertaGe an environmenta""yD#riti#a" proJe#t. As the Civi" Co$e $e2nes a
person as either natura" or Juri$i#a" an$ as the state an$ its po"iti#a" su%$ivisions (i.e.,
"o#a" government units) are Juri$i#a" persons, the City o- Davao, %eing a "o#a"
government unit an$ thus a Juri$i#a" person, is not e#"u$e$ -rom the #overage o- the
"aw re9uiring persons to se#ure an ECC.
B. ;uni#ipa" #orporations
1. E"ements
(. =ature an$ -un#tions
Cu=*od n+ %a+4u4u=id sa Lupain+ !a(os v. E.%. !a(os and Sons ?/077B
5acts: 4he #orporation E.;. /amos an$ +ons #"aims that the Department o- Agrarian
/e-orm #annot, in imp"ementing the Comprehensive Agrarian /e-orm :rogram (CA/:),
su%Je#t the unirrigate$ agri#u"tura" "an$ that the -ormer a#9uire$ as the sai$ "an$ has
%een #onverte$ into a resi$entia" su%$ivision %y virtue o- Cr$inan#e (9DA.
#octrine: Yoning #"assi2#ation is an eer#ise %y the "o#a" government unit o- its po"i#e
power an$ not the power o- eminent $omain. :er +e#. (0 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e,
the authority to re#"assi-y "an$ primari"y resi$es in the sanggunian o- the #ity or
muni#ipa"ity, an$ as the Cr$inan#e has a"rea$y re#"assi2e$ the "an$ in this #ase to a
resi$entia" area, it is no "onger #overe$ %y CA/:.
1. /e9uisites -or #reation, #onversion, $ivision, merger or $isso"ution
:opu"ation /e9uirement
"*da4a v. CO%ELEC ?/070B
5acts: : Congress ena#te$ /epu%"i# A#t 91)1 #reating ;a"o"os City using the proJe#te$
popu"ation rate instea$ o- the #urrent popu"ation rate to meet the popu"ation #riteria in
the Constitution.
#octrine: /epu%"i# A#t 91)1 is un#onstitutiona" %e#ause the Constitution re9uires an
a#tua" popu"ation o- ()0,000 at the time o- the #ity>s #reation.
4erritory /e9uirement
Navarro v. Er(ita ?/070B
5acts: =avarro, et a". #"aim that /epu%"i# A#t 91)), whi#h #reates the provin#e o-
Dinagat .s"an$, is un#onstitutiona" %e#ause it -ai"e$ to #omp"y with the "an$ area
re9uirement as the sai$ provin#e on"y has a tota" "an$ area o- 80(.1( s9. Gm.
#octrine: /epu%"i# A#t 91)) is un#onstitutiona" %e#ause it -ai"e$ to meet the "an$ area
re9uirement o- at "east (,000 s9. Gm. (the area nee$ not %e #ontiguous) as stipu"ate$ in
the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e(L&C). 4he Constitution man$ates that the #reation o- Lo#a"
&overnment 8nits must -o""ow the #riteria provi$e$ in the L&C or e"se it wi"" vio"ate o-
+e#. 10, Art. 3 o- the Constitution.

Navarro v. Er(ita ?/077B
5acts: .ntervenors 2"e$ a ;otion -or /e#onsi$eration #"aiming that the eemption -rom
territoria" #ontiguity, when the inten$e$ provin#e #onsists o- two or more is"an$s,
in#"u$es the eemption -rom the app"i#ation o- the minimum "an$ area re9uirement
#octrine: /epu%"i# A#t 91)) is va"i$ an$ #onstitutiona". 4he eemption -rom the
minimum "an$ area re9uirement W when the Lo#a" &overnment 8nit to %e #reate$
#onsists o- one or more is"an$s W is epress"y state$ in the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e -or
muni#ipa"ities %ut is a%sent in the re9uisites -or the #reation o- a provin#e, %ut su#h
eemption is epress"y state$ in Art. 9(() o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e .mp"ementing
/u"es an$ /egu"ations (L&CD.//). 4he omission o- the eemption in the #ase o- provin#es
was inten$e$ to %e #orre#te$ %y Art. 9(() o- the L&CD.// to reUe#t the true "egis"ative
intent. 4his wi"" a"so %e #onsistent with the $e#"are$ po"i#y to provi$e sai$ "o#a"
government units genuine an$ meaning-u" "o#a" autonomy %y #onstruing "i%era""y the
#ontiguity an$ minimum "an$ area re9uirements -or prospe#tive "o#a" government units
in or$er to a#hieve the $esire$ resu"ts.
Creation %y Legis"ation
Lea+ue o- Cities v. CO%ELEC ?/00EB
5acts: Congress ena#te$ into "aw /epu%"i# A#t 9009 whi#h in#rease$ the annua"
re9uirement -or #onversion o- a muni#ipa"ity into a #ity -rom :(0 mi""ion to :100 mi""ion,
%ut neverthe"ess approve$ 1A #ityhoo$ %i""s eempting them -rom the :100 mi""ion
#octrine: 4he 1A Cityhoo$ Laws are un#onstitutiona" -or not #omp"ying with the :100
mi""ion in#ome re9uirement. Congress #an on"y pres#ri%e the #riteria -or the #reation o- a
#ity in the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e an$ not in any other "aw (i.e. Cityhoo$ "aws). +in#e /A
9009 was ena#te$ prior to the #ityhoo$ %i""s then the #ityhoo$ %i""s shou"$ o%serve the
same #riteria.

Lea+ue o- Cities v. CO%ELEC ?/00@B
5acts: 4his invo"ves a ;otion -or /e#onsi$eration on the (008 #ase.
#octrine: 4he 1A Cityhoo$ Laws are #onstitutiona", -or it is wrong to ho"$ that the
#riteria -or #reation o- an L&8 may not %e provi$e$ -or in any other "aw asi$e -rom the
Lo#a" &overnment Co$e -or this wou"$ resu"t in the #on#"usion that /epu%"i# A#t 9009
whi#h in#rease$ the in#ome re9uirement is un#onstitutiona". 4he on"y #on#eiva%"e reason
why the Constitution emp"oys the #"ause ?in a##or$an#e with the #riteria esta%"ishe$ in
the "o#a" government #o$e@ is to "ay stress that it is Congress a"one Dan$ no otherD whi#h
#an impose the #riteria.
Lea+ue o- Cities v. CO%ELEC ?/070B
5acts: 4his is a ;otion -or /e#onsi$eration o- the (009 #ase.
#octrine: 4he 1A Cityhoo$ Laws are un#onstitutiona" -or not #omp"ying with the :100
mi""ion in#ome re9uirement. 4he pen$en#y or nonDpen$en#y o- the #ityhoo$ %i""s is not a
materia" $i,eren#e so as to $istinguish one muni#ipa"ity -rom the other.
Lea+ue o- Cities v. CO%ELEC ?5e4. /077B
5acts: 4his is a ;otion -or /e#onsi$eration o- the (010 #ase.
#octrine: 4he 1A Cityhoo$ Laws are #onstitutiona". Congress inten$e$ that the 1A #ities
%e eempte$ -rom the re9uirement o- /epu%"i# A#t 9009 whi"e the two %i""s (/A 9009 an$
1A Cityhoo$ Bi""s) were sti"" pen$ingN Congress has the power to mo$i-y the Lo#a"
&overnment Co$e an$ it $i$ so -or %oth /A 9009 an$ the Cityhoo$ "aws.
Lea+ue o- Cities v. CO%ELEC ?"pr. /077B
5acts: 4his invo"ves a ;otion -or /e#onsi$eration a$ #aute"am.
#octrine: 4he 1A Cityhoo$ Laws are #onstitutiona". +enator :imente" $uring the
$e"i%erations showe$ that /epu%"i# A#t 9009 wou"$ not app"y to the #onversion %i""s then
pen$ing $e"i%eration in the +enate $uring the 11th Congress, -or Lo#a" &overnment 8nits
#overe$ %y the Cityhoo$ Laws %e"ong to a #"ass o- their own, having proven themse"ves
via%"e an$ #apa%"e to %e#ome #omponent #ities o- their respe#tive provin#es (%y %eing
tourism spots, #enters o- tra$e an$ #ommer#e, points o- #onvergen#e o- transportation,
an$ havens o- agri#u"tura", minera" an$ other natura" resour#es).
".uino and !o4redo v. CO%ELEC ?/070B
5acts: A9uino, et a". #"aim that the 1
$istri#t o- Camarines +ur wi"" no "onger meet the
minimum popu"ation o- ()0,000 a-ter /epu%"i# A#t 917A reapportions the 1
an$ (
"egis"ative $istri#ts o- Camarines +ur.
He*d: /epu%"i# A#t 971A is #onstitutiona". +e#. )(1), Art. 6. o- the Constitution re9uires a
()0,000 minimum popu"ation on"y -or a #ity to %e entit"e$ to a representative, %ut not -or
a provin#e. /e#or$s o- the Constitutiona" Commission show that the popu"ation was not
the so"e $eterminant o- the #reation o- a "egis"ative $istri#t.

Se(a v. CO%ELEC ?/00EB
5acts: Congress ena#te$ /epu%"i# A#t 90)B %y virtue o- whi#h Congress $e"egate$ to the
Autonomous /egion in ;us"im ;in$anao (A/;;) /egiona" Assem%"y the power to #reate
provin#es, #ities, muni#ipa"ities an$ %arangays within the A/;;.
#octrine: +e#. 19, Art. 6. o- /epu%"i# A#t 90)B is un#onstitutiona" inso-ar as it grants to
the A/;; /egiona" Assem%"y the power to #reate provin#es an$ #ities. /egiona"
"egis"ative %o$ies may %e $e"egate$ the power to #reate muni#ipa"ities an$ %arangays
provi$e$ in +e#. 10, Art, 3 o- the Constitution %ut on"y Congress may #reate provin#es
an$ #ities.
Iida v. Senate o- t'e P'i*ippines ?/077B
5acts: Congress ena#te$ into "aw /epu%"i# A#t 101)1 postponing the regiona" e"e#tions
in the A/;; an$ re#ogni<ing the :resi$ent>s power to appoint CH#ersD.nDCharge
(C.Cs)to temporari"y assume these va#ant positions upon the epiration o- the terms o-
the e"e#te$ oH#ia"s.
#octrine: +yn#hroni<ing the A/;; e"e#tions to #oin#i$e with the #ountry>s regu"ar
nationa" an$ "o#a" e"e#tions is not vio"ative o- the Constitution an$ o- the autonomy o-
the A/;;. +e#. 1A, Arti#"e 6.. o- the 1987 Constitution gives the :resi$ent the power to
appoint ?a"" other oH#ers o- the &overnment whose appointments are not otherwise
provi$e$ -or %y "aw, an$ those whom he may %e authori<e$ %y "aw to appoint.@ 4he
grant o- power to the :resi$ent to appoint C.Cs is thus #onstitutiona".
Ordi**o v. CO%ELEC ?7@@0B
5acts: .n the p"e%is#ite -or the rati2#ation o- the Cor$i""era Autonomous /egion (CA/)
Crgani# A#t, on"y .-ugao provin#e vote$ to %e part o- the CA/.
#octrine: 4he so"e provin#e o- .-ugao #annot va"i$"y #onstitute the CA/. 4he
Constitution is #"ear that the autonomous regions must #onsist o- more than one
provin#e, as the term ?region@ use$ in its or$inary sense means two or more provin#es.
'urther, it #an %e seen -rom /epu%"i# A#t A7AA (Crgani# A#t o- the CA/) that Congress
never inten$e$ that a sing"e provin#e #an #onstitute an autonomous regionN otherwise,
the provin#e wi"" %e #ompose$ o- two sets o- oH#ia"s5 one -or the .-ugao Lo#a"
&overnment 8nit an$ another set o- regiona" oH#ia"s -or the CA/, %oth o- whom wi"" %e
eer#ising ee#utive an$ "egis"ative powers over the same area.
Cordi**era Croad Coa*ition v. CO" ?7@@0B
5acts: :res. Cora<on A9uino issue$ Ee#utive Cr$er (EC) ((0 #reating the Cor$i""era
A$ministrative /egion. :etitioners assai" the #onstitutiona"ity o- the EC #"aiming the
#reation o- the Cor$i""era A$ministrative /egion %y the :resi$ent #ontravene$ the
#onstitutiona" guarantee o- "o#a" autonomy -or the provin#es an$ the #ity whi#h #ompose
the CA/.
#octrine: E.C. ((0 is #onstitutiona" as it $oes not #reate an autonomous regiona"
government %ut mere"y #reate$ a region -or a$ministrative purposes with the main
o%Je#tive o- #oor$inating the p"anning an$ imp"ementation o- programs an$ servi#es.
'urthermore, the %o$ies #reate$ %y E.C. ((0 $o not supp"ant the eisting "o#a"
governmenta" stru#ture, nor $o they serve as autonomous government agen#ies.
:"e%is#ite /e9uirement
Ca+a4uyo v. CO%ELEC ?/00EB
5acts: /oge"io Baga%uyo argue$ that /epu%"i# A#t 9171, whi#h in#rease$ the "egis"ative
$istri#ts o- Cagayan $e Cro -rom one to two, is not mere"y a "egis"ative apportionmentN
hen#e, a p"e%is#ite has to %e #on$u#te$ per +e#. 8 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e.
#octrine: A p"e%is#ite is not re9uire$ %e#ause what is invo"ve$ is on"y a "egis"ative
apportionment. 4he Constitution an$ L&C epress"y re9uire a p"e%is#ite to e,e#t any
#reation, $ivision, merger, a%o"ition or a"teration o- %oun$ary o- a Lo#a" &overnment 8nit
(L&8) an$ sin#e a "egis"ative $istri#t is not a "o#a" government unit or a po"iti#a"
su%$ivision, no p"e%is#ite is re9uire$ -or the #reation, $isso"ution or other simi"ar a#tions
on "egis"ative $istri#ts.

Sa(son v. "+uirre ?7@@@B
5acts: Congress ena#te$ into "aw /epu%"i# A#t 8)1) #reating =ova"i#hes City out o-
2-teen Lue<on City %arangays. ;oises +amson #ha""enges the #onstitutiona"ity o-
/epu%"i# A#t 8)1), a""eging that a) #erti2#ations as to in#ome, popu"ation, an$ "an$ area
were not presente$ to Congress $uring the $e"i%erations -or the passage o- /A 8)1) %)
that there was no #erti2#ation attesting to the -a#t that the mother "o#a" government
unit, Lue<on City, wou"$ not %e a$verse"y a,e#te$ %y the #reation o- the City o-
=ova"i#hes in terms o- in#ome, popu"ation an$ "an$ area an$ that #) there was no seat o-
government provi$e$ in the "aw -or the propose$ #ity o- =ova"i#hes.
#octrine: /A 8)1) is #onstitutiona". 4he p"e%is#ite re9uirement has %een #omp"ie$ with,
with a"" #onstituents o- Lue<on City having %een proper"y in#"u$e$ an$ given the
opportunity to raise issues on the a$verse e,e#ts on Lue<on City %y the #reation o-
=ova"i#hes City even %e-ore they vote$ on the prin#ipa" 9uestion o- the #ityhoo$ o-
=ova"i#hes. 'urthermore, the oH#ia" statements o- the representatives -rom the Bureau
o- Lo#a" &overnment 'inan#e an$ the =+C testi-ying that the #om%ine$ annua" in#ome
an$ popu"ation o- the 2-teen %arangays satis2e$ the re9uirements o- the Lo#a"
&overnment Co$e an$ its .mp"ementing /u"es an$ /egu"ations serve$ the same purpose
as the re9uire$ #erti2#ations. 4here was no nee$ to #onsi$er the "an$ area sin#e the
propose$ #ity must #omp"y with re9uirements on in#ome an$ popu"ation or "an$ area.
4hough the "aw $i$ not provi$e -or a seat o- government, this is not -ata" as un$er +e#.
1( o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, the City o- =ova"i#hes #an sti"" esta%"ish a seat o-
government a-ter its #reation. A"so, the #hie- ee#utive o- Lue<on City, ;ayor ;athay,
$i$ not raise any a$verse issue $uring the pu%"i# hearings on the "aw in 9uestion,
showing that the #reation o- =ova"i#hes City $i$ not have any per#eive$ a$verse e,e#t
on Lue<on City.
To4ias v. "4a*os ?7@@FB
5acts: 4o%ias 9uestions the p"e%is#ite he"$ -or /epu%"i# A#t 7A7), a "aw #onverting the
muni#ipa"ity o- ;an$a"uyong into a high"yDur%ani<e$ #ity, as it on"y in#"u$e$ the peop"e
o- ;an$a"uyong when, a##or$ing to 4o%ias, +an !uan shou"$ have a"so %een in#"u$e$ as it
on#e %e"onge$ to the same "egis"ative $istri#t as ;an$a"uyong.
#octrine: 4he p"e%is#ite is va"i$ as the prin#ipa" su%Je#t invo"ve$ in the p"e%is#ite was
the #onversion o- ;an$a"uyong into a high"yDur%ani<e$ #ity, an$ the matter o- separate
$istri#t representation was on"y an#i""ary thereto. 4hus, the inha%itants o- +an !uan were
proper"y e#"u$e$ -rom the sai$ p"e%is#ite as they ha$ nothing to $o with the #hange o-
status o- ;an$a"uyong.
%unicipa*ity o- San Narciso v. Hon. %endeG, et a*. ?7@@FB
5acts: :resi$ent &ar#ia issue$ Ee#utive Cr$er (EC) 1)1 #reating the ;uni#ipa" Distri#t
o- +an An$res, whi#h "ater %e#ame a muni#ipa"ity. 4he petitioners assai"e$ the
#onstitutiona"ity o- the EC %e#ause it #onstitutes the usurpation o- "egis"ative power %y
the :resi$ent. /espon$ents argue$ that the ena#tment o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e
into "aw ren$ere$ the issue moot as the ;uni#ipa"ity o- +an An$res has turne$ into a $e
-a#to muni#ipa" #orporation.
#octrine: 4he ;uni#ipa"ity o- +an An$res attaine$ a status #"ose"y approimating that o-
a $e -a#to muni#ipa" #orporation, %y virtue o- the #ir#umstan#es o- the #ase, su#h as the
eisten#e o- governmenta" a#ts (e.g., EC 17B #"assi-ying the muni#ipa"ity o- +an An$res
as a 2-th #"ass muni#ipa"ity) that point to the state>s re#ognition o- the #ontinue$
eisten#e o- the ;uni#ipa"ity o- +an An$res. 'urthermore, %y virtue o- +e#. BB( ($) o- the
Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, whi#h states that muni#ipa" $istri#ts ?organi<e$ pursuant to
presi$entia" issuan#es or ee#utive or$ers an$ whi#h have their respe#tive sets o-
e"e#tive muni#ipa" oH#ia"s ho"$ing oH#e@ at the time o- the e,e#tivity o- the Co$e sha""
%e #onsi$ere$ regu"ar muni#ipa"ities, it has now attaine$ the status o- a $e Jure
muni#ipa"ity. A"so, the petitioner #ha""enge$ the "ega"ity o- EC 1)1 on"y thirty years a-ter
its issuan#e. A 9uo warranto pro#ee$ing assai"ing the "aw-u" authority o- a po"iti#a"
su%$ivision shou"$ %e time"y raise$.
C. :/.=C.:LE+ C' LCCAL A84C=C;M
Province o- Catan+as v. !o(u*o ?/00FB
5acts: :res. Estra$a #reate$ the Lo#a" &overnment +ervi#e E9ua"i<ation 'un$ (L&+E')
whi#h impose$ a set o- #riteria -or re"ease o- the .nterna" /evenue A""otment (./A), whi#h
./A shou"$ have %een automati#a""y $istri%ute$ to the L&8s.
#octrine: 4he L&+E' is inva"i$ as the :resi$ent may not impose #on$itions on the
re"ease o- the ./A %e#ause su#h imposition o- #on$itions is #ontrary to the prin#ip"e o-
"o#a" autonomy. A"so, the Constitution an$ the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e man$ate that
Lo#a" &overnment 8nits (L&8s) are entit"e$ to a Just share in the nationa" taes whi#h
share sha"" %e $etermine$ %y "aw an$ whi#h must automati#a""y %e re"ease$ to the L&8s.
Sa(piano v. Indar ?/00@B
5acts: A-ter +ampiano 2"e$ a petition -or annu"ment o- pro#"amation against CgGa, the
CC;ELEC issue$ an or$er where%y +ampiano wou"$ $is#harge the -un#tions as mayor so
as to prevent para"ysis to pu%"i# servi#e pen$ing $etermination an$ 2na" reso"ution o- the
#ontroversy. CgGa asGe$ that the .nterna" /evenue A""otment (./A) o- the muni#ipa"ity %e
he"$ an$ not re"ease$ in the mean time.
#octrine: 4he ./A may not %e automati#a""y re"ease$. 4he automati# re"ease o- the ./A
un$er +e#. (8A is a man$ate to the nationa" government through the Department o-
Bu$get an$ ;anagement to e,e#t automati# re"ease o- the sai$ -un$s -rom the treasury
$ire#t"y to the "o#a" government units, -ree -rom any ho"$%a#Gs or "iens impose$ %y the
nationa" government, %ut this automati# rea"ease o- the ./A -rom the nationa" treasury
$oes not prevent the proper #ourt -rom $e-erring or suspen$ing its re"ease to parti#u"ar
"o#a" oH#ia"s when there is a "ega" 9uestion presente$ in #ourt as to the rights o- the
parties to re#eive the ./A.
Nationa* Li+a n+ (+a Caran+ay v. Paredes ?/00FB
5acts: 4he Liga ng mga Barangay #"aims that the appointment o- D.L& +e#. Bar%ers as
.nterim CaretaGer o- the Liga unti" a new set o- oH#ers have %een $u"y e"e#te$ an$
assume$ oH#e ($ue to a""ege$ e"e#tion irregu"arities) amounts to un$ue inter-eren#e %y
the D.L&.
#octrine: 4he D.L&>s a#ts are tantamount to eer#ise o- #ontro", an$ +e#. B, Art. 3 o- the
Constitution provi$es that the :resi$ent o- the :hi"ippines sha"" eer#ise genera"
supervision over "o#a" governments, whi#h e#"u$es the power o- #ontro". As the entity
eer#ising supervision over the Liga, the D.L&>s authority is "imite$ to seeing to it that
the ru"es are -o""owe$, %ut it #annot "ay $own su#h ru"es itse"- nor $oes it have the
$is#retion to mo$i-y or rep"a#e the same.
#iso(an+cop v. #atu(anon+ ?/00FB
5acts: /epu%"i# A#t A07B, the 2rst Autonomous /egion in ;us"im ;in$anao (A/;;)
Crgani# A#t, as imp"emente$ %y Ee#utive Cr$er B(A, $evo"ve$ the -un#tions o- the
Department o- :u%"i# KorGs an$ *ighways (D:K*) in A/;; to the regiona" government.
4he D:K* +e#retary then issue$ Department Cr$er 119 #reating the ;arawi +u%DDistri#t
Engineering oH#e whi#h sha"" have Juris$i#tion over a"" nationa" in-rastru#ture proJe#ts
an$ -a#i"ities un$er the D:K* within ;arawi City an$ the provin#e o- Lanao $e" +ur (%oth
o- whi#h are part o- the A/;;). /epu%"i# A#t 8999 was signe$ into "aw %y :res. Estra$a
whi#h esta%"ishe$ an engineering $istri#t in the 1st $istri#t o- Lanao $e" +ur.
+u%se9uent"y, /epu%"i# A#t 90)B was passe$, trans-erring an$ $evo"ving the
a$ministrative an$ 2s#a" management o- pu%"i# worGs an$ -un$s -or pu%"i# worGs to the
Autonomous /egiona" &overnment.
#octrine: Be#ause /epu%"i# A#t 8999 sought to #reate an oH#e the -un#tions o- whi#h
have %een previous"y $evo"ve$ to the regiona" government, it in e,e#t sought to amen$
/A A07B an$ as su#h, /A 8999 never %e#ame operative as any "aw amen$ing /A A07B
must 2rst %e approve$ %y the peop"e o- A/;; through a p"e%is#ite.4his ho"$ing is
#on#ommitant with the $evo"ution o- -un#tions o- the D:K* to the regiona" government
o- A/;;. Devo"ution pertains to the trans-er o- powers, responsi%i"ities an$ resour#es -or
the per-orman#e o- #ertain -un#tions -rom the #entra" government to "o#a" government
units, there%y granting greater autonomy to "o#a" government units in re#ognition o-
their right to se"-Dgovernment, to maGe them se"-Dre"iant an$ to improve their
a$ministrative an$ te#hni#a" #apa%i"ities. D.C. 119, as it runs #ounter to E.C. B(A an$
/.A. 90)B, is a"so inoperative.
Pi(ente* v. E)ecutive Secretary ?/07/B
5acts: 'ormer +enator A9ui"ino :imente" #"aims that the :antawi$ :ami"yang :i"ipino
:rogram invo"ves the re#entra"i<ation o- government -un$s as the Department o- +o#ia"
Ke"-are an$ Deve"opment has -u"" #ontro" over the i$enti2#ation o- the %ene2#iaries an$
the manner o- $e"ivery o- su#h servi#es.
#octrine: 4here was no re#entra"i<ation as the "o#a" government units have no power
over a program -or whi#h -un$ing has %een provi$e$ %y the =ationa" &overnment un$er
the &enera" Appropriations A#t, even i- the sai$ program is within the Juris$i#tion o- an
L&8. 4he programs an$ servi#es invo"ve$ in the :antawi$ :ami"yang :i"ipino :rogram are
-un$e$ %y the =ationa" &overnment, whi#h it may $esignate to imp"ementing agen#ies
su#h as the D+KD. 4he #on#ept o- "o#a" autonomy $oes imp"y the esta%"ishment o- "o#a"
government units into miniDstates, as what is invo"ve$ in "o#a" autonomy is
$e#entra"i<ation o- a$ministration an$ not o- power.
Civi* Service Co((ission v. 8uida3Mu ?/07/B
5acts: 4he Department o- *ea"th (DC*) re-use$ to re#ogni<e Dr. Mu, the :rovin#ia" *ea"th
CH#er (:*C) .. appointe$ %y the Basi"an governor, as Chie- o- *ospita" .. a-ter the Basi"an
&enera" *ospita" was reDnationa"i<e$ %e#ause DC* #"aims that the :*C position never
$evo"ve$ to Basi"an.
#octrine: 4he :*C position $evo"ve$ to the L&8 as $evo"ution invo"ves the a%sorption
o- personne" -rom -ormer nationa" oH#es, in#"u$ing the Basi"an &enera" *ospita". As the
:*C position o##upie$ %y Dr. Mu was reDnationa"i<e$ an$ as Dr. Mu was one o- the
personne" reverte$ to the DC*, she a#9uire$ a veste$ right to the reD#"assi2e$ position
o- Chie- o- *ospita" .., an$ shou"$ not have %een ma$e to retain her origina" item o- :*C
San <uan v. Civi* Service Co((ission ?7@@7B
5acts: 4he Department o- Bu$get an$ ;anagement (DB;) re#ommen$e$ the
appointment o- private respon$ent Ce#i"ia A"maJose, $isregar$ing the "etter o- the /i<a"
governor en$orsing Da"isay +antos -or the position o- :rovin#ia" Bu$get CH#er o- /i<a".
#octrine: 4he re#ommen$atory power o- the &overnor is not mere"y $ire#tory. As su#h,
i- the re#ommen$e$ nominee -ai"e$ to meet the re9uirements set %y "aw, the DB; may
#hoose not to appoint himRher %ut the DB; may not appoint persons other than those
re#ommen$e$ %y the governor an$ shou"$ instea$ asG the governor to su%mit a new "ist
o- nominees. Khen a "aw is #apa%"e o- two interpretations (one -or #entra"i<e$ power an$
another, %ene2#ia" to "o#a" autonomy), the "aw must %e interprete$ in -avor o- autonomy.
Pi(ente* v. "+uirre ?/000B
5acts: 4he :resi$ent issue$ A$ministrative Cr$er 17(, pursuant to his genera" power o-
supervision over "o#a" governments, #omman$ing a"" "o#a" government units to i$enti-y
an$ imp"ement measures to re$u#e their epen$itures -or the year %y at "east twentyD
2ve per#ent, an$ withho"$ing an amount e9uiva"ent to 10O o- the .nterna" /evenue
A""otment (./A) -rom the "o#a" government units pen$ing the assessment an$ eva"uation
%y the Deve"opment Bu$get Coor$inating Committee o- the emerging 2s#a" situation.
#octrine: 4he withho"$ing o- the amount e9uiva"ent to 10O o- the ./A is inva"i$ as it
#ontravenes the Constitution an$ the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, an$ en#roa#hes on the
2s#a" autonomy o- "o#a" governments. Con#ommittant with the "o#a" government units>
2s#a" autonomy is the automati# re"ease o- its ./A.
Tan v. CO%ELEC ?7@E:B
5acts: 4an, et a". argue$ that Batas :am%ansa (B:) 88), whi#h provi$es -or the #reation
o- the provin#e o- =egros $e" =orte, is un#onstitutiona" as it man$ate$ the #on$u#t o- a
p"e%is#ite on"y in the areas whi#h sha"" #ompose the new provin#e o- =egros $e" =orte, to
the e#"usion o- the voters in the remaining areas o- the parent provin#e =egros
C##i$enta", whi#h areas, 4an argue$, wi"" %e simi"ar"y a,e#te$ %y the sai$ #reation o- a
new provin#e.
#octrine: B: 88) is un#onstitutiona" as it #ontravenes +e#. 1, Arti#"e 3. o- the then
prevai"ing 1971 Constitution, whi#h states that no provin#e may %e #reate$ or $ivi$e$, or
its %oun$ary su%stantia""y a"tere$ without the ?approva" o- a maJority o- the votes in a
p"e%is#ite in the unit or units a,e#te$.@ A"" the #ities an$ muni#ipa"ities o- the provin#e o-
=egros C##i$enta" #ompose the units a,e#te$, an$ not mere"y those whi#h sha""
#ompose the new provin#e. 4hus, the parent provin#e o- =egros C##i$enta" shou"$ %e
in#"u$e$ in the p"e%is#ite sin#e the resu"t o- the #reation o- a new provin#e wi"" a,e#t
=egros C##i$enta">s territory, popu"ation an$ e#onomy.
Tan v. Perena ?/00AB
5acts: 4he +angguniang Bayan o- Daan%antayan in Ce%u issue$ ;uni#ipa" Cr$inan#e 7
whi#h provi$es that a maimum o- 1 #o#Gpits sha"" %e a""owe$ in their muni#ipa"ity
$espite the -a#t that :resi$entia" De#ree (:D) BB9 (Co#G2ghting Law) states that on"y one
#o#Gpit is a""owe$ in ea#h #ityRmuni#ipa"ity, un"ess its popu"ation is over 100,000 peop"e,
in whi#h #ase ( #o#Gpits sha"" %e a""owe$.
#octrine: A"%eit the +angguniang Bayan is grante$ the power to authori<e an$ "i#ense
the esta%"ishment, operation, an$ maintenan#e o- #o#Gpits in "ine with the po"i#y o- "o#a"
autonomy in the Constitution, its $is#retion is "imite$ as it #annot authori<e a#ts whi#h
#ontravene the Constitution nor "aws passe$ %y Congress. As su#h, ;uni#ipa" Cr$inan#e
7 is voi$ -or #ontravening :D BB9.
Catan+as C"T$ v. C" ?/00FB
5acts: 4he +angguniang :ang"ungso$ o- Batangas City passe$ /eso"ution (10 a""owing
Batangas CA46 to operate in the area an$ #harge its su%s#ri%ers provi$e$ that the
in#rease in rates #harge$ must 2rst %e approve$ %y the +anggunian. Batangas CA46 $i$
otherwise, an$ in#rease$ its rates without se#uring the +anggunian>s approva".
#octrine: Khi"e a "o#a" government unit may pres#ri%e regu"ations un$er the genera"
we"-are #"ause o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, it may on"y $o so as regar$s the use o-
pu%"i# properties or the ?physi#a" rea"ities@ o- a #onstru#tive CA46 system, su#h as use o-
pu%"i# streets, rights o- ways, the -oun$ing o- stru#tures an$ the par#e"ing o- "arge
regions. As su#h, /eso"ution (10 is inva"i$ as it is the =ationa" 4e"e#ommuni#ations
Commission an$ not the +angguniang :ang"ungso$ that has the power to regu"ate the
in$ustry %y pres#ri%ing regu"atory measures an$ approving the in#rease or $e#rease o-
$e*oso v. CO" ?/077B
5acts: 4he Commission on Au$it (CCA) $isa""owe$ the $is%ursement o- -un$s -or
eemp"ary pu%"i# servi#e awar$s grante$ %y Cr$inan#e 80B0 (o- the City o- ;ani"a) to
e"e#tive "o#a" oH#ia"s o- ;ani"a who have %een e"e#te$ -or three #onse#utive terms
%e#ause it argue$ that this wou"$ amount to $ou%"e #ompensation.
#octrine: Khi"e the "o#a" government units have 2s#a" autonomy, their $is%ursements
are sti"" within CCA>s au$it Juris$i#tion. 'urthermore, the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e an$ the
Constitution prohi%its $ou%"e #ompensation, un"ess spe#i2#a""y authori<e$ %y Congress.
"CO!# v. E)ecutive Secretary Ka(ora ?/00AB
5acts: 8n$er the &enera" Appropriations A#t o- (000, :10 %i""ion #"assi2e$ as
?8nprogramme$ 'un$@ was provi$e$ in a$$ition to the origina" amount a""otte$ to -un$
the .nterna" /evenue A""otment (./A) %ut withhe"$ unti" the revenue targets su%mitte$ %y
the :resi$ent to Congress was met.
#octrine: 4he withho"$ing o- the :10 %i""ion is un#onstitutiona" as it #ontravenes the
#onstitutiona" man$ate provi$ing -or the automati# re"ease o- the ./A to "o#a"
governments units as their Just share in the nationa" taes.
D. :CKE/+ C' LCCAL &C6E/=;E=4 8=.4+ (L&8s)

1. :o"i#e power (genera" we"-are #"ause)
Province o- !iGa* v. E)ecutive Secretary ?/00AB
5acts: 4he Department o- Environment an$ =atura" /esour#es +e#retary an$ the
Department o- :u%"i# KorGs an$ *ighways +e#retary entere$ into a ;emoran$um o-
Agreement provi$ing -or the use o- a par#e" o- "an$ in +an ;ateo as a sanitary "an$2"".
4he +angguniang Bayan o- +an ;ateo in turn passe$ a reso"ution %anning the opening o-
$umpsites within its Juris$i#tion.
#octrine: 4he Court he"$ that the +angguniang Bayan o- +an ;ateo has the right to
pass a reso"ution preventing the opening o- a $umpsite within its territoria" Juris$i#tion
%e#ause o- the $etrimenta" e,e#t to the hea"th an$ sa-ety o- +an ;ateo resi$ents an$ its
a$verse e,e#t on the environment an$ sour#es o- water. 4his is pursuant to its right to
promote the genera" we"-are o- its inha%itants.
!i(ando v. Na+ui*an E(ission Testin+ Center ?/07/B
5acts: =agui"an Emission 4esting Center app"ie$ -or a %usiness permit whi#h ;ayor
/iman$o re-use$ to grant. 4he -ormer 2"e$ a man$amus #ase against ;ayor /iman$o to
#ompe" him to issue the %usiness permit.
#octrine: ;ayor /iman$o #annot %e #ompe""e$ %y man$amus to issue a %usiness
permit sin#e its issuan#e is a $e"egate$ po"i#e power an$ thus, $is#retionary an$ not
mere"y ministeria". 4he power o- the muni#ipa" mayor to issue "i#enses is pursuant to the
genera" we"-are #"ause in +e#tion 1A the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e. Lo#a" government units
eer#ise po"i#e power through their respe#tive "egis"ative %o$ies.
ancayco v. City overn(ent o- 8ueGon City and t'e %%#" ?/077B
5acts: &an#ay#o 9uestione$ the va"i$ity o- Lue<on City Cr$inan#e (90B whi#h re9uire$
#ommer#ia" %ui"$ings to provi$e ar#a$es in -ront o- their esta%"ishments -or pe$estrians.
#octrine: Congress grante$ the #ity government, through its #ity #oun#i", po"i#e power
%y virtue o- the /evise$ Lue<on City Charter, whi#h a""owe$ the regu"ation o- the
#onstru#tion o- %ui"$ings. :roperty rights o- in$ivi$ua"s may %e su%Je#te$ to restraints
an$ %ur$ens in the eer#ise o- po"i#e power, %ut the metho$s an$ means use$ in
eer#ising su#h power to prote#t pu%"i# hea"th, mora"s, sa-ety or we"-are must have a
reasona%"e re"ation to the en$ in view. 4he or$inan#e in 9uestion is va"i$ as the #ity>s
primary goa" in ena#ting it was to in#rease hea"th an$ sa-ety o- the #ity sin#e these
ar#ar$es were inten$e$ to provi$e sa-e an$ #onvenient passageways a"ong the si$ewa"G
-or pe$estrians.
T'e Learnin+ Center and Spouses "*-onso v. "ya*a "*a4an+ Ho(eo,ners
"ssociation ?/070B
5acts: 4he Aya"aDA"a%ang *omeowners Asso#iation sue$ the spouses A"-re$o -or %rea#h
o- #ontra#t %e#ause the spouses %ui"t a gra$e s#hoo" on the property in a$$ition to the
preparatory s#hoo" in$i#ate$ in the tit"e. 4he spouses argue$ that the asso#iation ha$ no
%asis to en-or#e the restri#tion in the tit"e as an or$inan#e ha$ %een passe$ re#"assi-ying
the "an$ on whi#h the gra$e s#hoo" was %ui"t -rom resi$entia" to institutiona".
#octrine: A"though the "an$ ha$ va"i$"y %een #"assi2e$ as institutiona" %y the <oning
or$inan#e, the restri#tion must sti"" %e uphe"$ %e#ause the "an$ was situate$ within a
resi$entia" area. 4he in#rease$ traH# that wou"$ %e %rought a%out %y the epansion o-
preparatory s#hoo" (with the a$$ition o- the gra$e s#hoo") wou"$ e,e#tive"y prevent the
a$Ja#ent property owners -rom enJoying their own properties.
Orti+as and Co. v. 5eati Can= ?7@@:B
5acts: Crtigas sue$ 'eati BanG -or %ui"$ing a #ommer#ia" %ui"$ing #ontrary to its
#ontra#t. 'eati BanG argue$ that the "an$ in 9uestion was re#"assi2e$ into a #ommer#ia"
<one %y virtue o- a ;an$a"uyong reso"ution.
#octrine: 4he ;an$a"uyong reso"ution is a va"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power, an$ Crtigas
#annot prevent 'eati BanG -rom %ui"$ing a #ommer#ia" %ui"$ing on the "an$. Khi"e the
nonDimpairment o- #ontra#ts is #onstitutiona""y guarantee$, the ru"e is not a%so"ute as it
has to %e re#on#i"e$ with the "egitimate eer#ise o- po"i#e power. 4he Lo#a" Autonomy
A#t (/epu%"i# A#t ((AB) grants muni#ipa" #oun#i"s the power to a$opt <oning an$
su%$ivision or$inan#es or regu"ations -or the muni#ipa"ity.
Socia* <ustice Society v. "tienGa <r. ?/00HB
5acts: 4he +o#ia" !usti#e +o#iety, %y way o- man$amus, sought to #ompe" ;ayor Atien<a
to en-or#e Cr$inan#y 80(7 (whi#h restri#ts the use o- the properties o- Ca"te, +he"" an$
:etron in the :an$a#an area -rom %eing use$ as oi" termina"s an$ re#"assi2e$ the area o-
:an$a#an -rom in$ustria" to #ommer#ia") an$ remove a"" the oi" termina"s.
#octrine: 4he Lo#a" &overnment Co$e imposes upon ;ayor Atien<a the $uty, as #hie-
ee#utive o- the #ity, to en-or#e a"" "aws an$ or$inan#es re"ative to the governan#e o- the
#ity. 4he man$amus, having met the #riteria, is grante$ as it is ;ayor Atien<a>s
ministeria" $uty to en-or#e the sai$ or$inan#e an$ remove the oi" termina"s.
Socia* <ustice Society v. "tienGa, <r. ?/00EB
5acts: Ca"te, +he"", an$ :etron argue$ that Cr$inan#e 80(7 is an inva"i$ eer#ise o-
po"i#e power %e#ause it is un-air an$ oppressive as it prohi%its the sai$ #orporations -rom
$oing %usiness.
#octrine: Cr$inan#e 80(7 was a va"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power as it was ena#te$ %y the
+angguniang :ang"ungso$ o- ;ani"a whi#h, as the City o- ;ani"a>s "egis"ative %o$y, is
authori<e$ to eer#ise po"i#e power. 'urthermore, the City o- ;ani"a proper"y eer#ise$
its po"i#e power %e#ause there was 1) a "aw-u" su%Je#t (i.e., the interests o- the pu%"i#
genera""y, as $istinguishe$ -rom those o- a parti#u"ar #"ass, re9uire the inter-eren#e o-
the +tate), an$ there was use$ () a "aw-u" metho$ (sin#e the means emp"oye$ are
reasona%"y ne#essary -or the attainment o- the o%Je#t sought to %e a##omp"ishe$ an$
not un$u"y oppressive upon in$ivi$ua"s). 4he +anggunian was #ompe""e$ to taGe
measures to prote#t the resi$ents o- ;ani"a -rom #atastrophi# $evastation in #ase o- a
terrorist atta#G on the :an$a#an termina"s. Last"y, on"y the use o- the properties as oi"
termina"s was restri#te$, as the #orporations may sti"" use the sai$ properties -or other
Lucena rand Centra* Ter(ina* v. <"C Liner ?/00AB
5acts: 4he City Coun#i" o- Lu#ena passe$ Cr$inan#es 1A11 an$ 1778 whi#h prohi%ite$
outsi$e %uses an$ Jeepneys -rom entering the #ity an$ a po"i#y that they wi"" "oa$ an$
un"oa$ passengers on"y in the #ommon termina".
#octrine: Both or$inan#es are an improper eer#ise o- po"i#e power as they went
%eyon$ what was reasona%"y ne#essary to so"ve the traH# pro%"em. :er the
re9uirements o- the proper eer#ise o- po"i#e power (a "aw-u" su%Je#t an$ "aw-u" metho$),
there was a "aw-u" su%Je#t in the -orm o- traH# #ongestion, %ut the metho$ emp"oye$
was not "aw-u" as a""owing on"y one termina" to have -u"" #ontro" o- %usDJeepney termina"
a#tivities wou"$ su%Je#t users to un$u"y oppressive -ees, renta"s an$ #harges.
Parayno v. <ove**anos ?/00:B
5acts: :arayno argue$ that /eso"ution )0, whi#h re#ommen$e$ to the ;ayor o- Ca"asiao
the trans-er or #"osure o- the -ormer>s gaso"ine station pursuant to an or$inan#e
prohi%iting the p"a#ement o- gaso"ine servi#e stations within 100 meters away -rom any
s#hoo", #hur#h, or hospita" is an inva"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power.
#octrine: 4he /eso"ution was an inva"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power as the Cr$inan#e whi#h
serve$ as its %asis on"y prohi%its gaso"ine service stations within 100 meters -rom any
s#hoo", #hur#h or hospita", an$ not gaso"ine f**in+ stations. 4he or$inan#e maGes a
$istin#tion %etween gaso"ine 2""ing stations an$ gaso"ine servi#e #enters, prohi%iting the
"atter an$ not the -ormer. A"so, there was no $ue pro#ess as the +angguniang Bayan
sought to a%ate the a""ege$ nuisan#e (:arayno>s gaso"ine 2""ing station) without proper
Ju$i#ia" pro#ee$ings.
City o- %ani*a v. La+uio ?/00AB
5acts: 4he ;a"ate 4ourist Deve"opment Corporation assai"e$ the #onstitutiona"ity o-
Cr$inan#e 777B whi#h prohi%its hote"s an$ mote"s in #ertain areas o- ErmitaD;a"ate.
#octrine: Cr$inan#e 777B is an inva"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power as the #"osing $own an$
trans-er o- hote"s, mote"s, an$ other %usinesses prohi%ite$ un$er it has no reasona%"e
re"ation to the promotion an$ prote#tion o- so#ia" an$ mora" va"ues o- ;ani"a. 4he
prohi%ition o- hote"s an$ mote"s in the ErmitaD;a"ate area wi"" not per se prote#t an$
promote the we"-are o- the #ommunity -rom prostitution, a$u"tery, -orni#ation, or the
sprea$ o- seua" $isease.
&'ite Li+'t Corp v. City o- %ani*a ?/00@B
5acts: 4he City o- ;ani"a issue$ Cr$inan#e 77BB prohi%iting shortDtime a$mission rates
(%ooGing rooms -or "ess than 1( hours) in hote"s, mote"s, an$ other simi"ar
esta%"ishments to "ower the rate o- i""i#it a#tivities. Khite Light Corp, owner o- severa"
hote"s an$ mote"s in the area, assai"e$ the or$inan#e -or %eing vio"ative o- the right to
priva#y an$ the -ree$om o- movement.
#octrine: 4he Cr$inan#e is an inva"i$ eer#ise o- po"i#e power an$ is un#onstitutiona".
4o %e va"i$, an or$inan#e must %e within the "o#a" government unit>s #orporate powers to
ena#t an$ must a) not #ontravene the Constitution or any statute, %) not %e un-air or
oppresive, #) not %e partia" or $is#riminatory, $) not prohi%it %ut may regu"ate tra$e, e)
must %e #onsistent with pu%"i# po"i#y an$ -) must not %e unreasona%"e. .n this #ase, the
goa" (minimi<ing or e"iminating the use o- the esta%"ishments #overe$ %y the or$inan#e
-or i""i#it se, prostitution, $rug use an$ other i""i#it a#tivities) is "aw-u", %ut the means
emp"oye$ was an ar%itrary intrusion into private rights sin#e it a"so ha$ the e,e#t o-
prohi%iting the "egitimate use o- the sai$ esta%"ishments. 4he means o- en-or#ement
must %e reasona%"y ne#essary to attain the purpose o- the or$inan#e an$ there must %e
no other a"ternative a#tion "ess intrusive o- private rights.
(. Eminent $omain
"*4on v. 5ernando ?/00:B
5acts: A"%on 2"e$ a tapayer>s suit against the City o- ;ariGina -or using pu%"i# -un$s to
repair private property via the issuan#e o- Cr$inan#e )9 whi#h provi$es -or pu%"i# worGs
to wi$en, #"ear an$ repair the si$ewa"G o- ;ariGina &reenheights su%$ivision.
#octrine: 4he Cr$inan#e is va"i$ %ut the #ase was reman$e$ to $etermine whether it is
the City or the su%$ivision that owne$ the si$ewa"Gs. +u#h $etermination is important as
+e#. 11) o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e provi$es that pu%"i# money #annot %e use$ -or
private purposes.
City o- %ani*a v C'inese Co((unity ?7@7@B
5acts: 4he City o- ;ani"a wante$ to epropriate "an$, use$ as a #emetery, -or the
etension o- /i<a" Avenue. 4he Chinese Community #"aims that the epropriation was not
ne#essary %e#ause there were other "ots whi#h #ou"$ %e epropriate$ -or the same
#octrine: 4hough the City Charter o- ;ani"a a""ows it to epropriate "an$ -or pu%"i#
purposes, the right o- epropriation is not an inherent power in a muni#ipa" #orporation
in that where the statute $oes not $esignate the property to %e taGen nor how it may %e
taGen, the ne#essity o- taGing a parti#u"ar property is a 9uestion -or the #ourts to $e#i$e.
.n this #ase, the 2rst #on$ition on epropriation %y the City o- ;ani"a was met, as the
"an$ sought to %e epropriate$ is private %ut the se#on$ #on$ition (pu%"i# purpose) was
not met as it was not shown that the etension o- the street was ne#essary an$ its
etension through the #emetery was a"so not shown to %e ne#essary as other "ots have
%een o,ere$ to the #ity -ree o- #harge.
5i+uracion v. Li4i ?/00HB
5acts: 'igura#ion>s "an$ was epropriate$ %y the City o- Ce%u to eten$ =. Es#ario +treet
an$ as not a"" o- the "an$ was use$, the remain$er was re#onveye$ to 'igura#ion. 4he
Li%is (who o##upie$ the remain$er o- the sai$ "an$) oppose$ the re#onveyan#e to
#octrine: /eversion is a pro#ee$ing where the +tate seeGs the return o- "an$s o- the
pu%"i# $omain or the improvements thereon through #an#e""ation o- private tit"e
erroneous"y or -rau$u"ent"y issue$ over it. 4he Lo#a" &overnment Co$e grants "o#a"
government units the power o- reversion o- pu%"i# roa$s an$ the /evise$ Charter o- the
City o- Ce%u states that property with$rawn -rom pu%"i# servitu$e may %e use$ or
#onveye$ -or any purpose, whi#h in#"u$es re#onveyan#e to the previous owner. As su#h,
the City o- Ce%u ha$ every right to re#onvey the remain$er o- the "an$ to 'igura#ion.
Spouses Musay v. C" ?/077B
5acts: +pouses Musay argue$ that /eso"ution ))(, whi#h authori<e$ the epropriation o-
the "an$ o- the spouses Musay -or the $eve"opment o- "owD#ost housing, is inva"i$ as it
$oes not satis-y the re9uirement that an or$inan#e 2rst %e passe$ authori<ing the mayor
to eer#ise the power to epropriate.
#octrine: 4he reso"ution is not a va"i$ authori<ation -or the mayor to eer#ise the power
to epropriate as he #an on"y eer#ise the power o- eminent $omain through an
or$inan#e, whi#h is a "aw possessing a genera" an$ permanent #hara#ter, as oppose$ to
a reso"ution whi#h is mere"y a $e#"aration o- a sentiment or opinion o- a "awDmaGing %o$y
on a spe#i2# matter an$ whi#h is temporary in nature.
Province o- Ca(arines Sur v. C" ?7@@2B
5acts: 4he +o"i#itor &enera" #"aims that %e-ore Camarines +ur #an epropriate property
(%y virtue o- /eso"ution 1(9) -or the purposes o- putting up a -arm an$ housing proJe#t
-or government emp"oyees, the provin#e must 2rst se#ure the approva" o- the
Department o- Agrarian /e-orm (DA/).
#octrine: Epropriation o- agri#u"tura" "an$s %y "o#a" government units is not su%Je#t to
the prior approva" o- the Department o- Agrarian /e-orm +e#retary as +e#. 9 o- the Lo#a"
&overnment Co$e $oes not re9uire the approva" o- the DA/ +e#retary -or #onverting
agri#u"tura" "an$ to nonDagri#u"tura" "an$. .t is the "egis"ative %ran#h o- the "o#a"
government unit that sha"" $etermine whether epropriation is -or a pu%"i# purpose or -or
pu%"i# use sin#e epropriation is an epression o- "egis"ative po"i#y.
%asi=ip v. Pasi+ City ?/00:B
5acts: ;asiGip assai"e$ Cr$inan#e B( (whi#h authori<es the ;ayor o- :asig to
epropriate ;asiGip>s "ot to %ui"$ a sports an$ $eve"opment an$ re#reationa" a#tivity
#enter -or Barangay Caniogan resi$ents), an$ argue$ that there is no genuine ne#essity
-or the epropriation %e#ause there eists an esta%"ishe$ sports $eve"opment an$
re#reationa" a#tivity #enter %eing use$ %y resi$ents o- the sai$ Barangay.
#octrine: 4he Court #ite$ the #ase o- City o- ;ani"a v. Are""ano Law Co""ege to
emphasi<e that the ne#essity -or the epropriation must %e reasona%"e or o- pra#ti#a"
ne#essity (not an a%so"ute one), whi#h wou"$ ?#om%ine the greatest %ene2t to the pu%"i#
with the "east in#onvenien#e an$ epense to the #on$emning party an$ the property
owner #onsistent with su#h %ene2t.@ 4he as#ertainment o- the ne#essity must pre#e$e or
a##ompany, an$ not -o""ow, the taGing o- the "an$. .n this #ase, there was no genuine
ne#essity -or the epropriation %e#ause the sports an$ re#reation -a#i"ity envisione$ to
%e %ui"t was not -or a pu%"i# purpose %ut mere"y -or the e#"usive use o- the resi$ents o-
the ;e"en$res Compoun$ *omeowners Asso#iation.
Caran+ay Sinda*an v. C" ?/00HB
5acts: 4he spouses ;agtoto argue$ that the p"an to epropriate part o- their property in
or$er to maGe a -ee$er roa$ "ea$ing to the muni#ipa" roa$ is a#tua""y -or the private use
o- the homeowners o- Davsan .. +u%$ivision.
#octrine: 4here was no genuine ne#essity -or the epropriation %e#ause on"y the
su%$ivision resi$ents wou"$ %ene2t -rom the -ee$er roa$. A"though the pu%"i# nature o-
the prospe#tive eer#ise o- epropriation #annot $epen$ on the ?numeri#a" #ount o-
those to %e serve$ or the sma""ness or "argeness o- the #ommunity to %e %ene2te$@, the
essentia" re9uirement -or a va"i$ eer#ise o- eminent $omain is -or the epropriator to
prove that the epropriation is -or a pu%"i# use.
<IL C'ristian Sc'oo* 5oundation v. %unicipa*ity o- Pasi+ ?/00AB
5acts: An or$inan#e was issue$ authori<ing the ;ayor to initiate epropriation o-
Cuang#os property to %e #onverte$ into a roa$ "ea$ing to a %arangay whi#h was a 2re
ha<ar$. *owever, the Cuang#os to"$ :asig City that they so"$ the "an$ to !.L Christian
+#hoo", an$ !.L #"aims that there was no va"i$ an$ $e2nite o,er ma$e to them %y :asig
#octrine: 4he epropriation was improper as there was no va"i$ an$ $e2nite o,er.
Be-ore a "o#a" government unit #an eer#ise the power o- eminent $omain, there must
2rst %e a) an or$inan#e ena#te$ %y the "o#a" "egis"ative #oun#i" authori<ing the "o#a" #hie-
ee#utive, in %eha"- o- the L&8, to eer#ise the power o- eminent $omain or pursue
epropriation pro#ee$ings over a parti#u"ar private propertyN %) 4he power o- eminent
$omain is eer#ise$ -or pu%"i# use, purpose or we"-are, or -or the %ene2t o- the poor an$
the "an$"essN #) 4here is payment o- Just #ompensation, as re9uire$ un$er +e#tion 9,
Arti#"e ... o- the Constitution an$ other pertinent "awsN an$ $) A va"i$ an$ $e2nite o,er
has %een previous"y ma$e to the owner o- the property sought to %e epropriate$, %ut
sai$ o,er was not a##epte$. 4here was no o,er %e#ause the "etter :asig sent the
Cuang#os an$ the invitation to the engineer>s oH#e on"y prove$ its intent to a#9uire the
property -or a right o- way an$ $i$ not amount to a va"i$ an$ $e2nite o,er.
"ntonio v. eroni(o ?/00AB
5acts: Antonio, against whom Cato"os 2"e$ an un"aw-u" $etainer suit, move$ to stay the
$emo"ition o- his property on Cato"os> "an$ %e#ause he #onten$s that the two reso"utions
passe$ %y :asig City authori<ing the epropriation o- Cato"os> "an$ (passe$ whi"e the
$emo"ition was taGing p"a#e) were supervening events that ren$ere$ the $emo"ition
unJust an$ ine9uita%"e.
#octrine: 4he reso"utions -or epropriation were not supervening events %e#ause the
ru"e is that i- Ju$gment is ren$ere$ against the $e-en$ant, it is imme$iate"y ee#utory.
A"so, the ;ayor #annot eer#ise the power o- eminent $omain pursuant to two
reso"utions o- the muni#ipa" #oun#i" as he may on"y $o so pursuant to an or$inan#e.
Orte+a v. City o- Ce4u ?/00@B
5acts: Ce%u #onten$s that the pri#e set %y the /egiona" 4ria" Court on the epropriate$
property o- the Crtega>s "an$ was %eyon$ the rea#h o- the inten$e$ %ene2#iaries o- the
so#ia"i<e$ housing program.
#octrine: 4he $etermination o- Just #ompensation is a Ju$i#ia" prerogative, an$ Ce%u
$is#ontinue$ the epropriation Just %e#ause the #ompensation 2e$ is %eyon$ its
2nan#ia" #apa#ity. An or$er 2ing Just #ompensation $oes not a,e#t a prior or$er o-
1. 4aing power
On+suco v. %a*ones ?/00@B
5acts: :etitioners, sta"" ho"$ers at the marGet, argue$ that a pu%"i# hearing was re9uire$
-or the imposition o- the -ees impose$ %y Cr$inan#e 89D01, whi#h raise$ the renta" an$
goo$wi"" -ees -or the ;aasin :u%"i# ;arGet. ;aasin #ountere$ that the or$inan#e is not a
ta measure %ut invo"ve$ the operation an$ management o- an e#onomi# enterprise o-
the muni#ipa"ity.
#octrine: 4he renta"s an$ goo$wi"" -ees impose$ %y the muni#ipa" or$inan#e are
#harges, maGing the muni#ipa" or$inan#e voi$ an$ unen-or#ea%"e as there was no va"i$
pu%"i# hearing #on$u#te$ as man$ate$ %y +e#. 18A o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, whi#h
epress"y provi$es that or$inan#es "evying taes, -ees or #harges #annot %e ena#te$
without any pu%"i# hearing.
SIS v. City Treasurer o- %ani*a ?/00@B
5acts: 4he City 4reasurer assesse$ rea" property taes on the ( properties owne$ %y the
&overnment +ervi#e .nsuran#e +ystem (&+.+), %ut &+.+ argue$ that %oth its o"$ #harter
an$ #urrent #harter eempt it -rom a"" -orms o- taes.
#octrine: &+.+ is eempt -rom rea" property ta %e#ause as an instrumenta"ity o- the
nationa" government, the &+.+ is outsi$e the s#ope o- "o#a" taation. A"though the Lo#a"
&overnment Co$e (L&C) strippe$ the &+.+ o- its ta eemption, /epu%"i# A#t 8(91 "ater
restore$ the sai$ eemption. *owever, rea"ty taes may %e assesse$ on the &+.+
property %eing "ease$ %y ;ani"a *ote" Corporation (;*C), %ut the sai$ taes sha"" %e
pai$ %y the taa%"e entity (i.e., ;*C) pursuant to the ?%ene2#ia" use@ prin#ip"e un$er
+e#. (1B(a) o- the L&C whi#h provi$es that the unpai$ ta atta#hes to the property an$ is
#hargea%"e against the taa%"e person who ha$ a#tua" or %ene2#ia" use an$ possession
o- it, regar$"ess o- whether or not it is the owner.
8ueGon City v. Cayan Te*eco((unications ?/00:B
5acts: Bayante" ho"$s a "egis"ative -ran#hise where%y it was grante$ eemption -rom
rea" estate taes %y virtue o- the term ?e#"usive o- the -ran#hise@ 9ua"i-ying the phrase
?same taes on its rea" estate, %ui"$ing an$ persona" property,@ -oun$ in +e#. 1B o- its
-ran#hise, /epu%"i# A#t 1()9. *owever, the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e (L&C) with$rew
eemptions -rom rea" estate taes -or properties o- whatever Gin$ "o#ate$ within ;etro
;ani"a. 4herea-ter, Congress ena#te$ /epu%"i# A#t 7A11 whi#h restore$ the rea"ty ta
eemption grante$ %y Bayante">s origina" -ran#hise. 4he Lue<on City government
ena#te$ a "o#a" /evenue Co$e, imposing rea" property ta on a"" rea" properties in its
territoria" Juris$i#tion an$ thus epress"y with$rew a"" ta eemption privi"eges in
#octrine: Bayante" is eempt -rom rea"ty taes on its properties that are a#tua""y,
$ire#t"y an$ e#"usive"y use$ in the pursuit o- its -ran#hise. Congress may grant a ta
eemption previous"y with$rawn %y the L&C. Despite the -a#t that +e#. ), Arti#"e 3 o- the
Constitution gives "o#a" "egis"ative %o$ies the power to ta, their eer#ise o- this power
may %e su%Je#t to gui$e"ines an$ "imitations as Congress may provi$e. 4hus, the power
to ta is sti"" primari"y veste$ in Congress. 4hrough +e#. (1( o- the Lo#a" &overnment
Co$e whi#h provi$es that ?a provin#e or #ity or muni#ipa"ity within the ;etropo"itan
;ani"a Area may "evy an annua" a$ va"orem ta on rea" property_not hereina-ter
spe#i2#a""y eempte$,@ the Congress high"ighte$ its power to therea-ter eempt #ertain
rea"ties -rom the taing power o- "o#a" government units. 4he use, in turn, o- the same
phrase ?e#"usive o- this -ran#hise@ in /epu%"i# A#t 7A11, whi#h was the %asis -or
Bayante>s eemption -rom rea"ty taes prior to the L&C, shows the intention on the part
o- Congress to on#e again remove -rom the L&C>s $e"egate$ taing power a"" o- the
-ran#hisee>s properties a#tua""y, $ire#t"y an$ e#"usive"y use$ in the pursuit o- its
%I"" v. C" ?/00:B
5acts: 4he CH#e o- &overnment Corporate Counse" with$rew the ta eemption enJoye$
%y the ;ani"a .nternationa" Airport Authority (or the ;.AA, whose #harter eempts it -rom
rea" estate ta) arguing that +e#. 191 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e (L&C) epress"y
with$raws the ta eemption privi"eges o- governmentDowne$ an$ #ontro""e$
#octrine: ;.AA, not %eing a governmentDowne$ an$ #ontro""e$ #orporation, is eempt
-rom rea" estate ta %e#ause it is a government instrumenta"ity veste$ with #orporate
powers. An instrumenta"ity re-ers to any agen#y o- the =ationa" &overnment not
integrate$ within the $epartment -rameworG, veste$ with spe#ia" -un#tions or Juris$i#tion
%y "aw, en$owe$ with some i- not a"" #orporate powers, a$ministering spe#ia" -un$s, an$
enJoying operationa" autonomy, usua""y through a #harter. +e#. 111 o- the L&C states
that the taing powers o- provin#es, #ities, muni#ipa"ities an$ %arangays sha"" not eten$
to the "evy o- taes, -ees or #harges o- any Gin$ on the =ationa" &overnment, its
agen#ies an$ instrumenta"ities. 4his #onstitutes a "imitation impose$ %y Congress on the
"o#a" government>s eer#ise o- the power to ta. 'urthermore, the power o- "o#a"
governments to ta nationa" government instrumenta"ities is #onstrue$ stri#t"y against
"o#a" governments an$ the ru"e is that a ta is never presume$ an$ that there must %e
#"ear "anguage in the "aw imposing the ta.
8ueGon City v. "CS3CCN ?/00EB
5acts: 4he Lue<on City /evenue Co$e impose$ a -ran#hise ta on %usinesses within its
Juris$i#tion. /epu%"i# A#t 79AA grante$ AB+DCB= a -ran#hise whi#h provi$e$ that it wou"$
pay -ran#hise ta e9uiva"ent to 1O o- gross re#eipts in "ieu o- a"" other taes. Lue<on
City argue$ that the ?in "ieu o- other taes@ #"ause #ou"$ not have %een inten$e$ to
prevai" over the #onstitutiona" man$ate ensuring the via%i"ity an$ se"-DsuH#ien#y o- "o#a"
government units.
#octrine: Khi"e Congress has the inherent power to ta an$ grant ta eemptions, +e#.
), Arti#"e 3 o- the 1987 Constitution #on-ers on muni#ipa" #orporations a genera" power
to "evy taes an$ otherwise #reate sour#es o- revenue an$ they no "onger have to wait
-or a statutory grant o- these powers. .n interpreting statutory provisions on muni#ipa"
2s#a" powers, $ou%ts wi"" %e reso"ve$ in -avor o- muni#ipa" #orporations. .n this #ase, the
?in "ieu o- other taes@ provision $oes not epress"y provi$e in #"ear an$ unam%iguous
"anguage what Gin$ o- taes AB+DCB= is eempte$ -rom, an$ as a #"aim o- ta eemption
is not -avore$ nor presume$ in "aw %ut must %e #"ear"y shown, AB+DCB= is "ia%"e -or
Lue<on City>s -ran#hise ta.
Ma(ane v. C" Lepanto Condo(iniu( Corporation ?/00AB
5acts: 4he noti#e o- assessment o- %usiness taes against BA Lepanto Con$ominium
Corporation $i$ not state the "ega" %asis o- the %usiness taes assesse$. 4he City
4reasurer #"aime$ that the #on$ominium owners were maGing pro2t %y maGing the
#on$ominium>s marGet pri#e higher through its amenities
#octrine: BA Lepanto is not "ia%"e -or %usiness taes %e#ause Mamane>s noti#e o-
assessment $i$ not state the "ega" %asis o- the ta. +e#. 111($) o- the Lo#a" &overnment
Co$e $e2nes %usiness as ?tra$e or #ommer#ia" a#tivity regu"ar"y engage$ in as a means
o- "ive"ihoo$ or with a view to pro2t@ an$ as the purpose o- the #on$ominium #orporation
has nothing to $o with pro2tDmaGing (as the owner o- the #on$ominium unit an$ not the
#on$ominium #orporation o%tains pro2t -rom the sa"e o- the units an$ it is a"so the owner
who pays #apita" gains ta on the appre#iate$ va"ue o- the #on$ominium) it $oes not -a""
un$er the $e2nition o- a %usiness whi#h is "ia%"e to pay %usiness taes.
Secretary o- 5inance v. I*arde ?/00AB
5acts: Ca%a"una was #harge$ more than (BO o- the "an$ taes $ue him as pena"ty -or
his -ai"ure to pay "an$ taes. *e pai$ the amount un$er protest on the groun$ that the
two regu"ations issue$ %y the then ;inister o- 'inan#e whi#h serve$ as the %asis -or
pena"ty -or $e"in9uent payments, vio"ate$ +e#. AA o- the /ea" :roperty 4a Co$e, whi#h
impose$ a (BO "imit on pena"ties -or $e"in9uent taes.
#octrine: Both regu"ations are inva"i$ %e#ause they go %eyon$ the (BO "imit pres#ri%e$
%y +e#. AA o- the /ea" :roperty 4a Co$e. 4he issuan#e o- Ee#utive Cr$er (EC) 71 (whi#h
the ;inister o- 'inan#e #"aims is the %asis o- the two regu"ations in 9uestion) $i$ not a"ter
the stru#ture o- rea" property ta assessments as prov$e$ -or in the /ea" :roperty 4a
Co$e. 4he provision in +e#. ( o- EC 71 giving the ;inister o- 'inan#e the power to
?promu"gate the ne#essary ru"es an$ regu"ations to imp"ement@ the sai$ EC $oes not
give the ;inister o- 'inan#e the authority to tinGer with the rates o- pena"ty on
$e"in9uen#y taes in the /ea" :roperty 4a Co$e %e#ause EC 71 $i$ not #over the topi# o-
amen$ment o- rates o- $e"in9uest taes or the amen$ment o- rates o- pena"ty on
$e"in9uent taes. *owever, -rom !anuary 199( onwar$s, it is the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e
that wi"" govern (in this #ase the assesse$ taes were -or 198AD199( an$ 1991D199().
S(art Co((unications Inc. v. #avao City ?/00EB
5acts: +mart argue$ that its te"e#enter in Davao City is eempt -rom the payment o-
"o#a" -ran#hise ta %e#ause its "egis"ative -ran#hise a""ege$"y eempts it -rom a"" taes %y
way o- the nationa" -ran#hise ta whi#h is pai$ ?in "ieu o- a"" taes.@
#octrine: +mart is "ia%"e to pay Davao>s -ran#hise ta %e#ause its "egis"ative -ran#hise
$i$ not epress"y provi$e the spe#i2# taes -rom whi#h it was eempt. 4he ?in "ieu o- a""
taes@ #"ause in +mart>s "egis"ative -ran#hise $i$ not epress"y an$ #ategori#a""y state
that the eemption app"ies to %oth "o#a" an$ nationa" taes an$ thus, the phrase in
9uestion must %e app"ie$ on"y to nationa" interna" revenue taes. 4a eemptions are
never presume$ an$ are #onstrue$ stri#t"y against the tapayer an$ "i%era""y in -avor o-
the taing authority.
B. C"osure an$ opening o- roa$s
5avis v. City o- Ca+uio ?7@:@B
5acts: 4he City Coun#i" o- Baguio passe$ a reso"ution permitting the "ease o- two #ity
"ots to +he"", whi#h #ause$ the street use$ %y 'avis as his ingressRegress to %e
#octrine: 4he reso"ution is va"i$ %e#ause the #ity is empowere$ %y its Charter to #"ose
or re$u#e the si<e o- a #ity street. By the reso"ution, no right o- the pu%"i# is $e-eate$
(the portion "ease$ to +he"" not %eing ne#essary -or pu%"i# use). 4he power to va#ate a
street or a""ey is $is#retionary an$ wi"" not or$inari"y %e #ontro""e$ or inter-ere$ with %y
the #ourts, un"ess there %e -rau$ or #o""usion. .n $etermining the a$visa%i"ity o- #"osing a
street, the muni#ipa"ity must #onsi$er the -o""owing5 a) the topography o- the property
surroun$ing the street in "ight o- ingress an$ egress to other streets, %) the re"ationship
o- the street in the roa$ system throughout the su%$ivision, #) the pro%"em pose$ %y the
`$ea$ en$> o- the street, $) the wi$th o- the street, e) the #ost o- re%ui"$ing an$
maintaining the street as #ontraste$ to its u"timate va"ue to a"" o- the property in the
vi#inity, $) in#onvenien#e o- those visiting the su%$ivision, an$ e) whether the #"osing o-
the street wou"$ #ut o, any property owners -rom a##ess to a street.
San++a*an+ v. I"C ?7@E@B
5acts: 4he Be"DAir 6i""age Asso#iation #onteste$ the a#tion o- the ;ayor o- ;aGati o-
or$ering the opening o- !upiter street to the pu%"i# to $e#ongest traH# an$ -or pu%"i#
#onvenien#e, arguing that !upiter +treet is -or the e#"usive use o- Be"DAir resi$ents.
#octrine: 4he ;ayor>s a#t is va"i$ %e#ause in this #ase, the #ity has the power to open a
#ity street -or pu%"i# use. Despite "oss o- priva#y among Be"DAir resi$ents, more important
than this is the $uty o- a "o#a" ee#utive to taGe #are o- the nee$s o- the maJority at the
epense o- the minority.
). Legis"ative power
a) /e9uisites -or va"i$ or$inan#e
%) Lo#a" initiative an$ re-eren$um
A. Corporate powers
a) 4o sue an$ %e sue$
#epart(ent o- Pu4*ic Services La4or Union v. Court o- Industria* !e*ations
5acts: 4he ;ayor an$ ;uni#ipa" Boar$ o- ;ani"a move$ to $ismiss the #ase 2"e$ against
them %y the Department o- :u%"i# +ervi#es La%or 8nion to en-or#e /epu%"i# A#t 1880,
whi#h re$u#e$ the 7 $ay worG weeG o- government emp"oyees to ) $ays. 4he ;ayor
#"aiming that the Court o- .n$ustria" /e"ations (C./) has no Juris$i#tion over the su%Je#t
matter an$ that they were immune -rom suit.
#octrine: 4he C./ has no Juris$i#tion to taGe #ogni<an#e o- the #ase sin#e the City o-
;ani"a, through the Department o- :u%"i# +ervi#es (in whi#h the "a%orers worGe$),
per-orme$ governmenta" -un#tions (i.e., -un#tions where it $oes not o%tain pe#uniary
pro2t %ut on"y a#ts in the interest o- hea"th, sa-ety an$ a$van#ement o- the pu%"i# goo$
or we"-are as a,e#ting the pu%"i# genera""y) an$ there-ore a#te$ as an agent o- the state
an$ is immune -rom suit, un"ess it gives epress #onsent to %e sue$.
%unicipa* Coard o- Ce4u City v. Court o- Ta) "ppea*s ?7@:FB
5acts: 4he ;uni#ipa" Boar$, representing Ce%u City, appea"e$ the eemption -rom rea"ty
taes grante$ %y the Boar$ o- Assessment Appea"s o- Ce%u City to the Court o- 4a
Appea"s (C4A). 4he C4A $ismisse$ the #ase on the groun$ that the Boar$ o- Assessment
Appea"s is mere"y the instrumenta"ity o- the City o- Ce%u an$ the "atter, %eing a
governmenta" agen#y, is not among those who may appea" to the C4A %e#ause it is not a
?person, asso#iation or #orporation a$verse"y a,e#te$ %y a $e#ision or ru"ing o- the
Co""e#tor o- .nterna" /evenue, the Co""e#tor o- Customs or any provin#ia" or #ity Boar$ o-
Assessment Appea"s@ who may 2"e an appea" in the C4A.
#octrine: 4he City o- Ce%u #an appea" -rom the Boar$ o- Assessment Appea"s $e#ision.
4he City o- Ce%u #onstitutes a po"iti#a" %o$y #orporate #reate$ %y a spe#ia" #harter
(Commonwea"th A#t =o. )8), en$owe$ with the powers whi#h pertain to a muni#ipa"
#orporation. As su#h, it possesses the #apa#ity to sue an$ %e sue$.
Ca**e9a v. C" ?7@:HB
5acts: Ca""eJa, a #ivi" servi#e emp"oyee whose position was a%o"ishe$ %y the muni#ipa"
#oun#i" o- .riga -or "a#G o- -un$s, 2"e$ an a#tion -or man$amus against the ;uni#ipa"ity o-
.riga, whi#h was grante$. A #opy o- the $e#ision was given to the :rovin#ia" 'is#a"
representing .riga %ut the noti#e o- appea" an$ appea" %on$ was 2"e$ not %y the
:rovin#ia" 'is#a" %ut %y the muni#ipa" attorney. Ca""eJa argue$ that it was on"y the
:rovin#ia" 'is#a" who #ou"$ represent .riga.
#octrine: 4he muni#ipa" attorney o- a muni#ipa"ity is a "ega" oH#er o- the muni#ipa"ity
an$ thus, #an represent the same. +e#. 1, paragraph 1 (a) o- /epu%"i# A#t ((AB provi$es
that the muni#ipa"ity may #reate the oH#e o- ;uni#ipa" Attorney who sha"" a#t as the
"ega" #ounse" o- the muni#ipa"ity. .n a$$ition, the ;uni#ipa" Coun#i" o- .riga passe$
/eso"ution 1A whi#h provi$es that the ;uni#ipa" Attorney sha"" %e the #hie- "ega" a$viser
o- the muni#ipa"ity an$ has the $uty to represent the muni#ipa"ity or any muni#ipa"
oH#er who is a party in a #ase in his oH#ia" #apa#ity.
Province o- Ce4u v. I"C ?7@EHB
5acts: 4he oH#ers an$ mem%ers o- the Ce%u ;ayorEs League (in %eha"- o- their
respe#tive muni#ipa"ities), a"ong with some tapayers, hire$ a private attorney to sue -or
the nu""i2#ation o- the $onation ma$e %y 6i#e &ov. A"men$ras.
#octrine: 4he hiring o- the private attorney in this #ase is #a""e$ -or. A"though the ru"e is
that on"y the provin#ia" 2s#a" an$ the muni#ipa" attorney #an represent a provin#e or
muni#ipa"ity in "aw suits, an$ a"though private attorneys #annot #o""a%orate with the
2s#a" an$ muni#ipa" attorney un"ess there is %oar$ authori<ation, the muni#ipa"ity may
hire a private "awyer provi$e$ it %e epress"y "imite$ to situations where the provin#ia"
2s#a" is $is9ua"i2e$ to represent it. *ere, the :rovin#ia" Boar$ wou"$ never have given
authori<ation -or the hiring o- a private attorney. 'urthermore, even i- the provin#ia" 2s#a"
shou"$ si$e with the governor in the 2"ing o- the #ase in 9uestion, the provin#ia" %oar$,
whose mem%ers are $e-en$ants in this #ase, #an simp"y -rustrate his e,orts %y $ire#ting
him to $ismiss the #ase or %y re-using to appropriate -un$s -or the epenses o- the
"itigation. 4hus, this #ase -a""s un$er the situation where a private attorney may %e hire$
%y the muni#ipa"ity as the provin#ia" 2s#a" is $is9ua"i2e$ to represent it.
%unicipa*ity o- Pi*i**a, !iGa* v. C" ?7@@FB
5acts: :hi"ippine :etro"eum Corporation (::C) 9uestione$ the authority o- :rivate
Attorney ;en$io"a to represent the muni#ipa"ity o- :i"i""a in the #omputation o- ::C>s
%usiness ta.
#octrine: Atty. ;en$io"a #annot represent :i"i""a. 4he muni#ipa"ity>s authority to emp"oy
a private "awyer is epress"y "imite$ to situations where the provin#ia" 2s#a" is
$is9ua"i2e$ -rom representing it an$ -or su#h e#eption to app"y, the -a#t that the
provin#ia" 2s#a" was $is9ua"i2e$ to han$"e the muni#ipa"ity>s #ase must appear on
re#or$. .n this #ase, the 2s#a" was not $is9ua"i2e$ %ut mere"y re-use$ to represent the
muni#ipa"ity, whi#h re-usa" is not a "ega" Justi2#ation to emp"oy the servi#es o- a private
#ounse". 4he muni#ipa" #oun#i" shou"$ have re9ueste$ the +e#retary o- !usti#e to appoint
an a#ting provin#ia" 2s#a".
%) 4o a#9uire an$ se"" property
$er+ara v. O(4uds(an ?/00@B
5acts: 6ergara a""eges that the agreements %etween the ;ayor o- Ca"am%a (who was
authori<e$ %y /eso"ution 11) to negotiate an$ pur#hase a par#e" o- "an$ -or the new #ity
ha"") an$ :amana .n#. an$ :ru$entia" BanG are voi$ %e#ause they were not rati2e$ %y the
#ity #oun#i".
#octrine: /ati2#ation %y the #ity #oun#i" is not a #on$ition sine 9ua non -or the "o#a"
#hie- ee#utive to %e a%"e to enter into #ontra#ts on %eha"- o- the #ity. +e#. (( (#) o- the
Lo#a" &overnment Co$e on"y re9uires prior authori<ation -rom the City Coun#i" an$ in this
#ase, /eso"utions 11) an$ (80 were the City Coun#i">s stamp o- approva" an$ authority
-or the mayor to pur#hase the su%Je#t "ots. As su#h, the agreements, though not rati2e$
%y the #ity #oun#i", are va"i$
City o- Ca*oocan v. C" and otesco ?/00:B
5acts: 4he +angguniang :ang"ungso$ o- Ca"oo#an passe$ Cr$inan#e A8 whi#h
authori<e$ the ;ayor to negotiate an$ se"" the #ity>s patrimonia" property. ;ayor Asistio
an$ ;r. &o o- Ever &otes#o ee#ute$ a $ee$ o- a%so"ute sa"e over the property.
4herea-ter, the +angguniang :ang"ungso$ issue$ an or$inan#e amen$ing the previous
or$inan#e to #omp"y (an$ in#reasing the se""ing pri#e) to se#ure the Commission on
Au$it>s approva" o- the sa"e. 4he new mayor, ;ayor ;a"on<o, vetoe$ the amen$e$
or$inan#e, re-use$ to sign the amen$e$ $ee$ o- sa"e, an$ 2"e$ suit to enJoin the
registration o- what he $eeme$ was an anoma"ous sa"e an$ to annu" the $ee$ o-
a%so"ute sa"e an$ #an#e" the tit"e issue$ to &otes#o.
#octrine: +e#. B)) o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e gives the ;ayor the authority to 2"e
suits -or the re#overy o- -un$s an$ property -or the #ity even without prior authori<ation
-rom the +anggunian. 4his is supporte$ %y +e#. 9 o- the Ca"oo#an City Charter whi#h
provi$es that the mayor has the power to institute Ju$i#ia" pro#ee$ings to re#over
property an$ -un$s o- the #ity. *owever, sin#e the mayor is the proper party to 2"e su#h
suits, he shou"$ ne#essari"y %e the one to sign the #erti2#ation against -orumDshopping
an$ not the City Lega" CH#er who was mere"y the City>s #ounse" an$ not a party to the
#) 4o enter into #ontra#ts
(i) /e9uisites
$ice %ayor $icencio v. CO" C'air(an $i**ar, et a*. ?/07/B
5acts: 4he new 6i#e ;ayor, 6i#en#io, use$ Cr$inan#e 1)D(001 (authori<ing then 6i#e
;ayor Mam%ao to enter into #ontra#ts -or #onsu"tan#y servi#es) to a"so enter into a new
#ontra#t -or #onsu"tan#y servi#es
#octrine: 6i#e ;ayor 6i#en#io ha$ no authority to enter into new #onsu"tan#y #ontra#ts
using Cr$inan#e 1)D(001, as the sai$ Cr$inan#e is not a #ontinuing authority -or any
person who enters the CH#e o- the 6i#e ;ayor to enter into su%se9uent, a"%eit simi"ar,
#ontra#ts. +e#. B)A o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e provi$es that there is no inherent
authority on the part o- the #ity 6i#e ;ayor to enter into #ontra#ts on %eha"- o- the "o#a"
government unit, un"iGe that provi$e$ -or the #ity mayor.
(ii) 8"tra vires #ontra#ts
Coracay 5oundation, Inc. v. Province o- "=*an, et a*. ?/07/B
5acts: Bora#ay 'oun$ation, .n#. argues that the -avora%"e en$orsement o- the "o#a"
government units (L&8s) o- Barangay Cati#"an an$ ;a"ay ;uni#ipa"ity pursuant to the
#onsu"tation pro#e$ures as re9uire$ %y Lo#a" &overnment Co$e (L&C) was not o%taine$
%y the :rovin#e o- AG"an, an$ that there were no proper #onsu"tations entere$ into with
the #on#erne$ L&8s when the +angguniang Bayan o- Cati#"an issue$ a reso"ution stating
its strong opposition on the epansion o- the port -a#i"ities at Cati#"an.
#octrine: 4here was no proper, time"y, an$ suH#ient pu%"i# #onsu"tation -or the proJe#t.
+e#. 1A o- the L&C provi$es that it is the $uty o- L&8s to promote the peop"e>s right to a
%a"an#e$ e#o"ogy, an$ it is the $uty o- nationa" government agen#ies in the maintenan#e
o- e#o"ogi#a" %a"an#e to se#ure prior pu%"i# #onsu"tation an$ approva" o- the L&8s -or
these proJe#ts. As su#h, the proJe#t>s imp"ementation was i""ega".
7. Lia%i"ity o- L&8s
5i*invest Land Inc. v. 5*ood3afected Ho(eo,ners o- %eritvi**e "**iance ?/00HB
5acts: *omeowners o- ;eritvi""e 2"e$ a #omp"aint against 'i"invest Lan$, .n#. ($eve"oper
o- ;eritvi""e) %e#ause their "ots were a"ways Uoo$e$ $uring the typhoon season a""ege$"y
$ue to the "atter>s neg"igen#e.
#octrine: +e#. 17 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e maGes "o#a" government units
responsi%"e -or provi$ing %asi# servi#es an$ -a#i"ities (in#"u$ing those that $ea" with
$rainage, sewerage an$ Uoo$ #ontro"). As it is the =aga /iver whi#h overUows an$
#auses Uoo$ing, an$ as the sai$ river is pu%"i# property, it is the responsi%i"ity o- the
government, parti#u"ar"y the #ity government o- Las :iVas City, to $evise an$ imp"ement
Uoo$D#ontro" measures to a$$ress the pro%"em.
City o- %ani*a v. Teotico ?7@:EB
5acts: 4eoti#o 2"e$ an a#tion -or $amages against the City o- ;ani"a %e#ause he -e"" into
an un#overe$ manho"e an$ su,ere$ inJuries. 4he City o- ;ani"a averre$ that it is not
"ia%"e as +e#. B o- the Charter o- the City o- ;ani"a states that the #ity ?sha"" not %e "ia%"e
or he"$ -or $amages or inJuries to persons or property arising -rom...the neg"igen#e o-
sai$ ;ayor, ;uni#ipa" Boar$ or other en-or#ers@ whi"e en-or#ing or attempting to en-or#e
the provisions o- the #harter or any other "aw or or$inan#e. 4eoti#o argue$ that the #ity is
"ia%"e un$er Art. (189 o- the Civi" Co$e, whi#h ho"$s provin#es, #ities an$ muni#ipa"ities
"ia%"e -or $amages -or the $eath o- or inJuries su,ere$ %y any person $ue to the
$e-e#tive #on$ition o- roa$s, streets an$ other pu%"i# worGs un$er their #ontro" an$
#octrine: 4he app"i#a%"e provision is that o- Art. (189 o- the Civi" Co$e as it governs
"ia%i"ity $ue to ?$e-e#tive streets@, whi#h 4eoti#o a""ege$ to %e the #ause o- his inJuries.
+e#. B o- the City Charter is not $e#isive on the issue as it re-ers mere"y to "ia%i"ity arising
-rom neg"igen#e in genera", regar$"ess o- the o%Je#t thereo-, whi"e Art. (189 governs
"ia%i"ity $ue to ?$e-e#tive streets@ in parti#u"ar. Cn the a""egation o- the City o- ;ani"a
that it is not "ia%"e %e#ause the street where 4eoti#o was inJure$ was a nationa" highway,
the Court ru"e$ that un$er Art. (189 o- the Civi" Co$e, it is not ne#essary that the
$e-e#tive roa$s or streets %e"ong to the provin#e, #ity or muni#ipa"ity on whi#h
responsi%i"ity is p"a#e$. .t is enough that the sai$ provin#e, #ity or muni#ipa"ity have
either #ontro" or supervision over the sai$ street or roa$.
ui*atco v. City o- #a+upan ?7@E@B
5acts: &ui"at#o 2"e$ an a#tion -or $amages against the City o- Dagupan %e#ause she -e""
into an un#overe$ manho"e on a si$ewa"G on :ere< Bou"evar$, an$ su,ere$ inJuries. 4he
City o- Dagupan argue$ that :ere< Bou"evar$, where the $rainage ho"e is "o#ate$, is a
nationa" roa$ whi#h is not un$er the supervision or #ontro" o- the #ity.
#octrine: 4he City o- Dagupan is "ia%"e -or $amages. .t is not ne#essary -or the "ia%i"ity
un$er Art. (189 to atta#h that the $e-e#tive roa$s or streets %e"ong to the provin#e, #ity
or muni#ipa"ity -rom whi#h responsi%i"ity is ea#te$, %ut it is on"y re9uire$ that the
provin#e, #ity or muni#ipa"ity has either #ontro" or supervision over sai$ street or roa$.
4he City Charter #"ear"y in$i#ates that the #ity has supervision an$ #ontro" over the
si$ewa"G where the open $rainage ho"e is "o#ate$ as the sai$ #harter provi$es that the
"aying out, #onstru#tion an$ improvement o- streets, avenues an$ a""eys an$ si$ewa"Gs,
an$ regu"ation o- their use, may %e "egis"ate$ %y the ;uni#ipa" Boar$.
Pa*a-o) vs. Province o- I*ocos Norte ?7@AEB
5acts: 4he heirs o- :a"a-o 2"e$ an a#tion -or $amages against the :rovin#e o- ."o#os
=orte when :a"a-o $ie$ a-ter he was hit %y a tru#G %eing $riven %y a $river o- the
provin#ia" government whi"e the "atter was worGing in the highway #onstru#tion.
#octrine: 4he :rovin#e o- ."o#os =orte is not "ia%"e -or $amages as the #orporate "ia%i"ity
o- muni#ipa" #orporations on"y app"ies where the government is engage$ in proprietary
or %usiness -un#tions. 4o atta#h "ia%i"ity to the state -or the neg"igen#e o- its oH#er or
emp"oyee, the "atter must %e a#ting as a spe#ia" agent. .n the #ase at %ar, the :rovin#e
o- ."o#os =orte, through the $river o- the tru#G, was engage$ in a governmenta" -un#tion
an$ as su#h, #annot %e sue$ -or $amages.
%unicipa*ity o- San <uan, %etro %ani*a v. C" ?/00AB
5acts: Chan 2"e$ an a#tion -or $amages against the ;uni#ipa"ity o- +an !uan a-ter she
su,ere$ inJuries when the tire o- her #ar -e"" into a manho"e "e-t open $ue to the
e#avations at the #orner o- two roa$s in +an !uan.
#octrine: 4he ;uni#ipa"ity o- +an !uan is "ia%"e -or $amages, -or it is not ne#essary -or
the "ia%i"ity un$er Art. (189 to atta#h that the $e-e#tive roa$s or streets %e"ong to the
provin#e, #ity or muni#ipa"ity -rom whi#h responsi%i"ity is ea#te$. .t is on"y re9uire$ that
the provin#e, #ity or muni#ipa"ity have either #ontro" or supervision over sai$ street or
roa$. A"though it was the Department o- :u%"i# KorGs an$ *ighways that issue$ the
permit to un$ertaGe the e#avation, the ;uni#ipa"ity o- +an !uan is sti"" "ia%"e as it is
man$ate$ to eer#ise supervision an$ #ontro" over the p"a#e in 9uestion, as the
sangguniang %ayan o- muni#ipa"ities are man$ate$ %y the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e to
regu"ate ?the $ri""ing an$ e#avation o- the groun$ -or the "aying o- gas, water, sewer,
an$ other pipes, the %ui"$ing an$ repair o-_sewers, $rains,@ an$ it must a"so ?a$opt
measures to ensure pu%"i# sa-ety against open #ana"s, manho"es_an$ simi"ar ha<ar$s to
"i-e an$ property, an$ provi$e Just #ompensation or re"ie- -or persons su,ering -rom
%unicipa*ity o- Ti,i and San++unian+ Cayan o- Ti,i v. Cetito ?/070B
5acts: 4he +angguniang Bayan o- 4iwi (a muni#ipa"ity o- A"%ay) authori<e$ ;ayor Corra",
through a reso"ution, to hire a "awyer to represent 4iwi in the re#overy o- their right-u"
share in rea"ty taes to %e pai$ %y the =ationa" :ower Corporation to the provin#e o-
A"%ay. 4hus, ;ayor Corra" entere$ into a Contra#t o- Lega" servi#es with Atty. Betito an$
Atty. LawenGo.
#octrine: 4he Court he"$ that the ;uni#ipa"ity o- 4iwi is %oun$ %y the Contra#t o- Lega"
+ervi#es entere$ into %y ;ayor Corra" as the prior authori<ation o- the +angguniang
Bayan o- 4iwi (re9uire$ un$er +e#. BB o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e -or the ;ayor to %e
a%"e to #ontra#t on %eha"- o- the muni#ipa"ity) was grante$ %y the sai$ +anggunian. 4he
+angguniang Bayan>s rati2#ation o- the #ontra#t, however, is not ne#essary -or the
#ontra#t to %in$ 4iwi.
5a9ardo v. Hon. "*-redo Li( ?/00:B
5acts: 'aJar$o 2"e$ an a#tion -or $amages against ;ayor Lim an$ City A$ministrator
;ar<an -or not re"easing the #he#Gs -or the pur#hase o- 'aJar$o>s "ots.
#octrine: 4he Lo#a" &overnment Co$e re9uires the City A$ministrator to #ountersign
the #he#G payment. As su#h, the Ju$gment granting man$amus was $ire#te$ to whoever
was ho"$ing the CH#e o- City A$ministrator to re"ease the #he#Gs. ;ayor Lim was
a%so"ve$ o- any #ivi" "ia%i"ity an$ no $amages were awar$e$ to 'aJar$o.
8. +ett"ement o- %oun$ary $isputes
Ca*anGa v. PICOP ?/00@B
5acts: 4he :aper .n$ustries Corporation o- the :hi"ippines (:.CC:) #"aims that the "an$ it
o##upies W -or whi#h Ca"an<a se#ure$ a mining permit -rom Davao Crienta" W is situate$
in +urigao $e" +ur an$ not in Davao Crienta". Khen Ca"an<a 2"e$ a #ase in the /egiona"
4ria" Court (/4C), :.CC: averre$ that the /4C ha$ no Juris$i#tion over the $ispute sin#e
the area is %etween two muni#ipa"ities o- two $i,erent provin#es.
#octrine: 4he /4C has no origina" Juris$i#tion over the $ispute, as +e#. 118 o- the Lo#a"
&overnment Co$e (L&C) provi$es that %oun$ary $isputes invo"ving muni#ipa"ities or
#omponent #ities o- $i,erent provin#es sha"" %e Joint"y re-erre$ -or sett"ement to the
+anggunians o- the provin#es #on#erne$. Khi"e +e#. 119 o- the L&C gives a $issatis2e$
party an avenue to 9uestion the $e#ision o- the +anggunian to the /4C having
Juris$i#tion over the area, the /4C #annot eer#ise appe""ate Juris$i#tion over the #ase
sin#e there was no petition that was 2"e$ an$ $e#i$e$ %y the +angguniang :an"a"awigans
o- Davao Crienta" an$ +urigao $e" +ur.
City o- Pasi+ v. CO%ELEC and %unicipa*ity o- Cainta ?7@@@B
5acts: 4he City o- :asig wante$ to #reate two %arangays whi#h Cainta #"aims are the
su%Je#ts o- a territoria" $ispute in a pen$ing #ase %e-ore the /egiona" 4ria" Court o-
Antipo"o. Cainta wante$ to suspen$ or #an#e" the p"e%is#ites -or the #reation o- these two
#octrine: 4he p"e%is#ites must %e suspen$e$ as the %oun$ary $ispute %etween :asig
an$ Cainta must 2rst %e $e#i$e$ %e-ore p"e%is#ites may %e he"$, an$ the %oun$aries
must %e #"ear -or they $e2ne the "imits o- the territoria" Juris$i#tion o- a "o#a" government
Ianan+a v. %adrona ?/002B
5acts: Xananga move$ to $ismiss the #ase invo"ving a $ispute %etween the ;uni#ipa"ity
o- Xananga an$ Crmo# City, 2"e$ in the /egiona" 4ria" Court (/4C) o- Crmo#, -or "a#G o-
#octrine: +e#. 118 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, re9uiring that %oun$ary $isputes
invo"ving muni#ipa"ities or #omponent #ities o- $i,erent provin#es %e Joint"y re-erre$ -or
sett"ement to the sanggunians o- the provin#es #on#erne$, has no app"i#ation in this
#ase sin#e one party is an in$epen$ent #omponent #ity. +in#e there is no "ega" provision
spe#i2#a""y governing Juris$i#tion over %oun$ary $isputes %etween a muni#ipa"ity an$ an
in$epen$ent #omponent #ity, the genera" ru"es governing Juris$i#tion shou"$ then %e
use$ an$ as the /4Cs have genera" Juris$i#tion to a$Ju$i#ate a"" #ontroversies e#ept
those epress"y withhe"$ -rom their p"enary powers, the /4Cs have the power to hear
an$ reso"ve the $ispute in the #ase at %ar.
9. +u##ession o- e"e#tive oH#ia"s
Unda v. CO%ELEC ?7@@0B
5acts: 8n$a, the e"e#te$ 6i#e ;ayor, assume$ the position o- the $e#ease$ ;ayor
&ui"ing an$ was ma$e to su##ee$ &ui"ing as protestee in an e"e#tion protest 2"e$ %y
#octrine: 8n$a #an su%stitute &ui"ing as protestee in the e"e#tion protest 2"e$ %y
/angiris p"a#e. 4he Lo#a" &overnment Co$e states that the 6i#e ;ayor stan$s net in "ine
o- su##ession to the ;ayor in #ase o- a permanent va#an#y in the "atter>s positionN as
su#h, in this #ase, 8n$a as in#um%ent 6i#e ;ayor su##ee$e$ %y operation o- "aw to the
va#ate$ oH#e o- ;ayor an$ is entit"e$ to o##upy the same -or the unepire$ term o- the
$e#ease$ ;ayor. As the su##essor, he is the one $ire#t"y #on#erne$ in the -air an$
regu"ar #on$u#t o- the e"e#tion, whi#h maGes him the rea" party in interest in the e"e#tion
protest 2"e$ %y /angiris an$ in whi#h he must %e su%stitute$ as the protestee.
%aca*inca+ v. C'an+ ?7@@/B
5acts: 4he a#ting +e#retary o- 'inan#e issue$ an Cr$er o- :reventive +uspension against
;aGati ;uni#ipa" 4reasurer Chang. Chang #onten$s that a government oH#er is not
suspen$e$ unti" someone has assume$ the post an$ the oH#er su%Je#t o- the
suspension or$er has #ease$ per-orming his oH#ia" -un#tion.
#octrine: :reventive suspension un$er +e#. B1 o- the :resi$entia" De#ree 807 (Civi"
+ervi#e Law) $oes not provi$e -or the re9uirement o- $esignating a rep"a#ement -or the
preventive suspension to %e e,e#te$. 'urthermore, +e#. 1)A o- Batas :am%ansa 117
provi$es that in #ase o- suspension o- the muni#ipa" treasurer, the assistant muni#ipa"
treasurer or the treasury oH#ia" net in ranG sha"" automati#a""y assume the position. As
su#h, Chang>s preventive suspension %e#ame e,e#tive upon his re#eipt o- the or$er o-
preventive suspension, maGing the $esignation o- the oH#erDinD#harge to rep"a#e Chang
immateria" to the e,e#tivity o- his suspension.
Sandova* v. CO%ELEC ?7@@2B
5acts: +o#rates, e"e#te$ ;ayor o- :uerto :rin#esa, argue$ that the re#a"" reso"ution,
whi#h a""owe$ *age$orn to run in the re#a"" e"e#tion $espite the #onstitutiona" an$
statutory prohi%itions against a -ourth #onse#utive term -or e"e#tive "o#a" oH#ia"s, was
improper $ue to the a%sen#e o- noti#e to the :reparatory /e#a"" Assem%"y mem%ers.
#octrine: 4he re#a"" assem%"y was proper. *age$orn is not $is9ua"i2e$ -rom running in
the re#a"" e"e#tion as any su%se9uent e"e#tion, "iGe a re#a"" e"e#tion, is no "onger #overe$
%y the prohi%ition on serving -or more than 1 #onse#utive terms #ontaine$ in +e#. B1 o-
the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e. Any su%se9uent e"e#tion "iGe a re#a"" e"e#tion is no "onger
an imme$iate reDe"e#tion a-ter three #onse#utive terms an$ the intervening perio$
#onstitutes an invo"untary interruption in the #ontinuity o- servi#e.
%onte4on v. CO%ELEC ?/00EB
5acts: A-ter a :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against :oten#ioso on the groun$
that he has a"rea$y serve$ three terms as muni#ipa" #oun#i"or, :oten#ioso argue$ that he
is 9ua"i2e$ to run anew %e#ause his se#on$ term was interrupte$ when he su##ee$e$ as
6i#e ;ayor o- 4u%uran $ue to the retirement o- 6i#e ;ayor ;en$o<a.
#octrine: +e#. B1 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e provi$es that an e"e#tive "o#a" oH#ia"
#annot serve -or more than three #onse#utive terms, an$ that vo"untary renun#iation o-
oH#e -or any "ength o- time $oes not interrupt the #ontinuity o- servi#e. 'or an oH#ia" to
%e $is9ua"i2e$ -rom running %e#ause o- the threeDterm "imit, the oH#ia" must have %een
e"e#te$ -or three #onse#utive terms in the same "o#a" government post, an$ he must
have -u""y serve$ three #onse#utive terms. .n this #ase, there was an interruption in
:oten#ioso>s se#on$ term as muni#ipa" #oun#i"or as he su##ee$e$ the retire$ 6i#e ;ayor
;en$o<a. +u#h su##ession in "o#a" government oH#es is %y operation o- "aw an$ $oes
not #onstitute vo"untary renun#iation o- oH#e. 4hus, sin#e the su##ession $i$ not amount
to a vo"untary renun#iation o- oH#e (whi#h $oes not interrupt the #ontinuity o- servi#e),
:oten#ioso #ou"$ not %e sai$ to have -u""y serve$ his se#on$ term an$ as su#h, he is
entit"e$ to run -or another term as muni#ipa" #oun#i"or.
%endoGa v. 5a(i*ara and CO%ELEC ?/077B
5acts: A-ter a :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against ;en$o<a on the groun$ that
he ha$ a"rea$y serve$ three #onse#utive terms, ;en$o<a argue$ that the threeDterm
"imit on %arangay e"e#tive oH#ia"s in /epu%"i# A#t 91AB (An A#t :rovi$ing -or
+yn#hroni<e$ Barangay an$ +angguniang Xa%ataan E"e#tions) was passe$ %y Congress
on"y in (00( an$ shou"$ thus not #over the e"e#tions re#Gone$ -rom 199B, thus ren$ering
him 9ua"i2e$ to run -or a new term as Barangay Captain.
#octrine: ;en$o<a is $is9ua"i2e$ -rom running as the threeDterm "imit on %arangay
e"e#tive oH#ia"s has %een em%o$ie$ %y the Barangay Law (ena#te$ in 1988) even %e-ore
the 199B e"e#tions an$ was a$opte$ %y the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e. 4he term "imitation
app"ies to a"" "o#a" e"e#tive oH#ia"s without any e#"usion or 9ua"i2#ation.
%endoGa et a*. v. La)ina ?/002B
5acts: Laina tooG his oath o- oH#e an$ assume$ oH#e as Barangay Chairman. 'ermo, a
riva" #an$i$ate, 2"e$ an e"e#tion protest an$ was $e#"are$ %y the ;etropo"itan 4ria" Court
(;4C) as the winner, an$ it therea-ter grante$ 'ermo>s motion -or ee#ution pen$ing
appea", #ausing Laina to va#ate the position an$ re"in9uish it to 'ermo. +u%se9uent"y,
CC;ELEC annu""e$ the ;4C>s or$er granting ee#ution o- the $e#ision pen$ing appea"
an$ or$ere$ 'ermo to va#ate the oH#e o- Barangay Chairman. *e therea-ter reDtooG his
oath o- oH#e. ;en$o<a an$ other %arangay #oun#i"ors 2"e$ a #ase against Laina -or
maGing it appear in the payro"" that he an$ his appointees ren$ere$ servi#es %e-ore
renewing his oath o- oH#e an$ reassuming his oH#e.
#octrine: 4he reDtaGing o- an oath o- oH#e %y a $u"yDpro#"aime$ %ut su%se9uent"y
unseate$ "o#a" e"e#tive oH#ia" is not a #on$ition sine 9ua non to the va"i$ity o- his reD
assumption into his oH#e. Cn#e Laina was pro#"aime$ an$ $u"y sworn into oH#e the
2rst time, he %e#ame entit"e$ to assume oH#e an$ eer#ise its -un#tions. 4he pen$en#y
o- an e"e#tion protest is not suH#ient %asis to stop him -rom assuming oH#e or
$is#harging his -un#tions. Khen the CC;ELEC nu""i2e$ the writ o- ee#ution pen$ing
appea" issue$ %y the ;4C in -avor o- 'ermo, the ;4C>s $e#ision pro#"aiming 'ermo as
winner o- the e"e#tion was staye$ an$ the status 9uo W or when Laina was o##upying
the oH#e o- Barangay Captain W was restore$. As su#h, the reDtaGing o- his oath was a
mere -orma"ity, %e#ause through the stay o- the ;4C>s $e#ision, it was as i- the writ o-
ee#ution was not issue$ an$ he was not ouste$ -rom oH#e.
%ayor "4undo v. CO%ELEC ?/072B
5acts: A-ter a :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against A%un$o on the groun$ o- the
threeDterm "imit, A%un$o argue$ that his se#on$ term is not to %e #ounte$ in the threeD
term "imit. .n that e"e#tion, he was $e#"are$ as the $u"y e"e#te$ oH#ia" upon an e"e#tion
protest on"y a-ter two years -rom the year o- the e"e#tion an$ as su#h, the sai$ perio$
$uring whi#h he serve$ shou"$ not %e #onsi$ere$ as -u"" servi#e o- that parti#u"ar term.
#octrine: A%un$o is not $is9ua"i2e$ -rom running -or another term. 'or an oH#ia" to %e
$is9ua"i2e$, the oH#ia" #on#erne$ must have %een e"e#te$ -or three #onse#utive terms
in the same "o#a" government post an$ shou"$ have -u""y serve$ three #onse#utive
terms. .n this #ase, his opponent 4orres serve$ as ;ayor -or two years o- his se#on$ term
%e-ore he (A%un$o) was $e#"are$ the right-u" winner in the mayora"ty #ontest. 4his
perio$ shou"$ %e #onsi$ere$ an interruption, whi#h remove$ A%un$o>s #ase -rom the
am%it o- the threeDterm "imit.
10. Dis#ip"ine o- "o#a" oH#ia"s
a) E"e#tive oH#ia"s
(i) &roun$s
Sison v. Peop*e ?/070B
5acts: During a postDau$it investigation, it was -oun$ out that ;ayor +ison $i$ not
#on$u#t pu%"i# %i$$ing $uring his term. 4hus, 7 #ounts o- vio"ations o- +e#. 1(e) o-
/epu%"i# A#t 1019 (AntiD&ra-t an$ Corrupt :ra#ti#es A#t) were 2"e$ against him in the
#octrine: ;ayor +ison is gui"ty o- vio"ations o- +e#. 1(e) o- /epu%"i# A#t 1019 %e#ause
he $i$ not #on$u#t any pu%"i# %i$$ing an$ $i$ not -u"2" the re9uirements o- a persona"
#anvass. 4here was no showing that that the awar$ was $e#i$e$ %y the Committee on
Awar$s. +isonEs signing in a $ua" #apa#ity D as #hairman an$ mem%er (representing the
hea$ o- oH#e -or whose use the supp"ies were %eing pro#ure$) is prohi%ite$.
"(ora, <r. v. CO%ELEC ?/077B
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against Amora, a #an$i$ate -or ;ayor o-
Can$iJay, Boho", on the groun$ that his Certi2#ate o- Can$i$a#y (CCC) was $e-e#tive"y
notari<e$, as the CCC was not proper"y sworn to in a##or$an#e with the Cmni%us
E"e#tion Co$e as Amora on"y presente$ his Community 4a Certi2#ate to the notary
pu%"i# instea$ o- presenting #ompetent evi$en#e o- his i$entity.
#octrine: Amora shou"$ not %e $is9ua"i2e$ as +e#. B0 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e
$oes not spe#i-y that a $e-e#tive notari<ation is a groun$ -or the $is9ua"i2#ation o- a
#an$i$ate. 'urthermore, sin#e Amora an$ the =otary :u%"i# Gnew ea#h other, there was
no nee$ -or #ompetent evi$en#e o- i$entity, an$ the notary pu%"i# on"y nee$s to in$i#ate
that heRshe persona""y Gnows the #an$i$ate.
$a**es v. CO%ELEC ?/000B
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against Lope<, a #an$i$ate -or &overnor o-
Davao Crienta", on the groun$ that she was an Austra"ian #iti<en.
#octrine: Lope< is not $is9ua"i2e$. +e#. B0($) o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e uses the
term `$ua" #iti<enship> as a $is9ua"i2#ation, meaning $ua" a""egian#e. 'or #an$i$ates "iGe
Lope< with $ua" #iti<enship, it is enough that they e"e#t :hi"ippine #iti<enship upon the
2"ing o- their #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y to terminate their status as persons with $ua"
#iti<enship. As su#h, i- in the #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y, one $e#"ares that heRshe is a
'i"ipino #iti<en an$ that heRshe wi"" support an$ $e-en$ the Constitution o- the :hi"ippines
an$ wi"" maintain true -aith an$ a""egian#e thereto, su#h a $e#"aration, un$er oath,
operates as an e,e#tive renun#iation o- -oreign #iti<enship. .n this #ase, Lope< shou"$ not
%e $is9ua"i2e$ as the :hi"ippine "aw on #iti<enship a$heres to the prin#ip"e o- Jus
sanguinis. 4hereun$er, a #hi"$ -o""ows the nationa"ity or #iti<enship o- the parents
regar$"ess o- the p"a#e o- hisRher %irth. Lope<, is a 'i"ipino #iti<en, having %een %orn to a
'i"ipino -ather. A"so, the -a#t that Lope< was %orn in Austra"ia $i$ not amount to her
"osing her :hi"ippine #iti<enship. 'urthermore, the -a#t that Lope< was a ho"$er o- an
Austra"ian passport an$ ha$ an a"ien #erti2#ate o- registration $i$ not mean that she was
renoun#ing her 'i"ipino #iti<enship sin#e a renun#iation must %e epress to resu"t in the
"oss o- #iti<enship.
%oreno v. CO%ELEC ?/00:B
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against ;oreno, a #an$i$ate -or :unong
Barangay, on the groun$ that he was #onvi#te$ %y 2na" Ju$gment o- the #rime o-
Ar%itrary Detention. ;oreno argue$ that he was a"rea$y grante$ pro%ation thus he is not
$is9ua"i-e$ to run as the $is9ua"i2#ation un$er the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e (L&C) on"y
app"ies on"y to those who serve$ their senten#e.
#octrine: ;oreno shou"$ not %e $is9ua"i2e$ as +e#. B0(a) o- the L&C provi$es that
those who have %een senten#e$ %y 2na" Ju$gment -or an o,ense punisha%"e %y
imprisonment o- one year or more, within two years a-ter serving senten#e, are
$is9ua"i2e$ -rom running -or any e"e#tive "o#a" position. 4his provision, however, $oes
not spe#i2#a""y $is9ua"i-y pro%ationers -rom running -or a "o#a" e"e#tive oH#e.
!odri+ueG v. CO%ELEC ?7@@:B
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against /o$rigue<, a #an$i$ate -or
&overnor o- Lue<on :rovin#e, on the groun$ that he was a `-ugitive -rom Justi#e> %e#ause
he "e-t the 8nite$ +tates where a #harge has %een 2"e$ against him %e-ore the Los
Ange"es ;uni#ipa" Court. 8n$er +e#. B0(e) o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, E-ugitives -rom
Justi#eE are $is9ua"i2e$ -rom running -or any e"e#tive "o#a" position.
#octrine: /o$rigue< shou"$ %e not %e $is9ua"i2e$ an$ his pro#"amation as the winner o-
the gu%ernatoria" e"e#tions shou"$ not %e nu""i2e$ as he is not a -ugitive -rom Justi#e. A
-ugitive -rom Justi#e in#"u$es not on"y those who Uee a-ter #onvi#tion to avoi$
punishment, %ut "iGewise those who, a-ter %eing #harge$, Uee to avoi$ perse#ution.
/o$rigue< is not a -ugitive -rom Justi#e as his arriva" in the :hi"ippines -rom the 8nite$
+tates pre#e$e$ the 2"ing o- the -e"ony #omp"aint in the Los Ange"es Court an$ o- the
issuan#e o- the arrest warrant %y the same #ourt %y a"most 2ve months. 4here was thus
no intent to eva$e (whi#h is #ompe""ing -a#tor whi#h #auses one>s Uight -rom a parti#u"ar
Juris$i#tion) sin#e there #an on"y %e su#h when there is Gnow"e$ge %y the Ueeing su%Je#t
o- an a"rea$y institute$ in$i#tment or o- a promu"gate$ Ju$gment o- #onvi#tion.
%ercado v. %anGano ?7@@@B
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against ;an<ano, a #an$i$ate -or 6i#e
;ayor o- ;aGati City, on the groun$ that he is an Ameri#an #iti<en %ase$ on the re#or$ o-
the Bureau o- .mmigration, an$ that he misrepresente$ himse"- as a natura"D%orn 'i"ipino
#octrine: ;an<ano shou"$ not %e $is9ua"i2e$ %e#ause the ?$ua" #iti<enship@ meant in
+e#. B0 ($) o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e as a groun$ -or $is9ua"i2#ation, re-ers to ?$ua"
a""egian#e@. Dua" #iti<enship arises when, as a resu"t o- the #on#urrent app"i#ation o- the
$i,erent "aws o- two or more states, a person is simu"taneous"y #onsi$ere$ a nationa" %y
the sai$ states, whi"e $ua" a""egian#e, re-ers to the situation in whi#h a person
simu"taneous"y owes, %y some positive a#t, "oya"ty to two or more states. 'or #an$i$ates
with $ua" #iti<enship, it is enough that they e"e#t :hi"ippine #iti<enship upon the 2"ing o-
their #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y, to terminate their status as persons with $ua" #iti<enship.
;an<ano`s oath o- a""egian#e to the :hi"ippines, when #onsi$ere$ with the -a#t that he
has spent his youth an$ a$u"thoo$, re#eive$ his e$u#ation, pra#ti#e$ his pro-ession as an
artist, an$ taGen part in past e"e#tions in this #ountry, shows his e"e#tion o- :hi"ippine
"4e**a v. CO%ELEC ?7@@7B
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against A%e""a, a #an$i$ate -or &overnor o-
Leyte, on the groun$ o- a""ege$ -a"se statements in her #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y regar$ing
her resi$en#e7 she stipu"ate$ that she was a resi$ent o- the ;uni#ipa"ity o- Xananga
when in truth she was a resi$ent o- Crmo# City, a #omponent #ity o- the :rovin#e o-
Leyte whose #harter prohi%its her -rom voting -or any provin#ia" e"e#tive oH#ia"s an$
"iGewise running -or su#h positions.
#octrine: A%e""a shou"$ %e $is9ua"i2e$ as +e#. B((1) o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e
provi$es that those who are not 9ua"i2e$ voters registere$ as su#h in the %arangay,
muni#ipa"ity, #ity or provin#e where the person proposes to %e e"e#te$ are $is9ua"i2e$
-rom running. .t was proven that A%e""a "e-t her resi$en#e in Xananga in 197) to move to
Crmo# City with her hus%an$, an$ there was no proo- that she #an#e""e$ her voter>s
registration in Crmo# City an$ trans-erre$ registration in Xananga.
5riva*do v. CO%ELEC ?7@@:B
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against 'riva"$o, the new"y e"e#te$
&overnor o- +orsogon, on the groun$ that he was on"y repatriate$ as a #iti<en o- the
:hi"ippines on the $ay o- his oathDtaGing.
#octrine: 'riva"$o shou"$ %e $is9ua"i2e$. 4he Cmni%us E"e#tion Co$e says that the
per-e#tion o- 9ua"i2#ations must have %een on the $ay o- the e"e#tions an$ not upon
taGing his oath o- oH#e.
La4o, <r. v. CO%ELEC ?7@@/B
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against La%o !r., a #an$i$ate -or Baguio
City ;ayor, on the groun$ that he ma$e a -a"se representation when he state$ therein
that he is a Tnatura"D%ornT #iti<en o- the :hi"ippines.
#octrine: La%o shou"$ %e $is9ua"i2e$ as he -ai"e$ to prove that he has rea#9uire$ his
:hi"ippine #iti<enship %y a $ire#t a#t o- Congress, %y natura"i<ation, or %y repatriation.
:hi"ippine #iti<enship is an in$ispensa%"e re9uirement -or ho"$ing an e"e#tive oH#e, an$
even i- he was e"e#te$ %y the maJority o- the e"e#torate is o- no moment %e#ause the
9ua"i2#ations pres#ri%e$ -or e"e#tive oH#e #annot %e erase$ %y the e"e#torate a"one, -or
i- a person seeGs to serve in the /epu%"i# o- the :hi"ippines, he must owe his tota" "oya"ty
to this #ountry on"y, a%Juring an$ renoun#ing a"" -ea"ty an$ 2$e"ity to any other state.
4he #an$i$ate who got the se#on$ highest vote may not %e pro#"aime$ as governor
when the #an$i$ate -or su#h position was $is9ua"i2e$ un"ess the e"e#torate, -u""y aware
in -a#t an$ in "aw o- a #an$i$ateEs $is9ua"i2#ation so as to %ring su#h awareness within
the rea"m o- notoriety, wou"$ nonethe"ess #ast their votes in -avor o- the ine"igi%"e
<a*os9os v. CO%ELEC and Cardino ?/07/B
5acts: A :etition -or Can#e""ation o- his Certi2#ate o- Can$i$a#y (CCC) was 2"e$ against
!a"osJos, a #an$i$ate -or ;ayor o- Dapitan City, on the groun$ that he ma$e a -a"se
materia" representation in his CCC when he $e#"are$ un$er oath that he was e"igi%"e -or
the CH#e o- ;ayor7 !a"osJos was #onvi#te$ %y 2na" Ju$gment -or ro%%ery an$ senten#e$
to prision mayor.
#octrine: !a"osJos ma$e misrepresentations in his CCC, an$ there-ore the same was nu""
an$ voi$. +e#tion B0 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e provi$es that those who have
re#eive$ a senten#e o- prisian mayor %y 2na" Ju$gment are $is9ua"i2e$ -rom running -or
any e"e#tive "o#a" position, -or the pena"ty o- prisian mayor automati#a""y #arries with it,
%y operation o- "aw, the a##essory pena"ties o- temporary a%so"ute $is9ua"i2#ation
(whi#h $eprives one o- the right to vote an$ %eing e"e#te$ into oH#e $uring the meting
o- the pena"ty) an$ perpetua" spe#ia" $is9ua"i2#ation whi#h, upon the 2na"ity o- the
Ju$gment, wi"" automati#a""y ren$er him ine"igi%"e to run -or any e"e#tive pu%"i# oH#e
%ayor Ta*a+a v. CO%ELEC and "*ca*a ?/07/B
5acts: A :etition -or Can#e""ation o- his Certi2#ate o- Can$i$a#y (CCC) was 2"e$ against
4a"aga, a #an$i$ate -or ;ayor o- Lu#ena City, on the groun$ that he ma$e a -a"se
materia" representation in his CCC when he $e#"are$ un$er oath that he was e"igi%"e to
run -or the CH#e o- ;ayor $espite Gnowing that he ha$ %een e"e#te$ an$ ha$ serve$
three #onse#utive terms as ;ayor o- Lu#ena City. 4a"aga argue$ that the +angguniang
Bayan preventive"y suspen$e$ him -rom oH#e $uring his se#on$ an$ thir$ terms, so the
threeD"imit ru"e $i$ not app"y to him.
#octrine: 4a"aga $e"i%erate"y ma$e misrepresentations in his CCC, there-ore the same
was nu"" an$ voi$. 4he -a"se representation here must %e a $e"i%erate attempt to
mis"ea$, misin-orm, or hi$e a -a#t that wou"$ otherwise ren$er a #an$i$ate ine"igi%"e. 4o
prevent a #an$i$ate -rom running in an e"e#tora" ra#e, one may resort to either a petition
-or $is9ua"i2#ation un$er +e#. B0 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e (the e,e#t o- whi#h wi""
%e the prohi%ition o- the person -rom #ontinuing as a #an$i$ate) or to a petition to $eny
$ue #ourse to, or #an#e", a #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y groun$e$ on a statement o- a
materia" representation in the sai$ #erti2#ate that is -a"se (the e,e#t o- whi#h is the
#an#e""ation or $enia" o- $ue #ourse o- the person>s #erti2#ate, with the sai$ person not
treate$ as a #an$i$ate at a"" W as i- she never 2"e$ a CCC). A person whose CCC was
#an#e""e$ $oes not give rise to a va"i$ #an$i$a#y an$ there-ore #annot %e su%stitute$ %y
another person.
Cayat v. CO%ELEC ?/00HB
5acts: A :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation was 2"e$ against Cayat, a #an$i$ate -or ;ayor o-
Burguias Benguet, on the groun$ that he ma$e a misrepresentation that he was e"igi%"e
to run when in truth he ha$ %een #onvi#te$ %y 2na" Ju$gment o- an o,ense invo"ving
mora" turpitu$e, #onse9uent"y $is9ua"i-ying him -rom running.
#octrine: Cayat shou"$ %e $is9ua"i2e$ %e#ause +e#. B0(a)(1) o- the Lo#a" &overnment
CC$e provi$es that those who have re#eive$ a senten#e %y 2na" Ju$gment -or an o,ense
invo"ving mora" turpitu$e -or an o,ense punisha%"e %y one year or more o- imprisonment
within two years a-ter serving senten#e are $is9ua"i2e$ -rom running -or any e"e#tive
"o#a" position. ;ora" turpitu$e ha$ %een $e2ne$ as everything whi#h is $one #ontrary to
Justi#e, mo$esty, or goo$ mora"sN an a#t o- %aseness, vi"eness or $epravity in the private
an$ so#ia" $uties whi#h a man owes his -e""owmen, or to so#iety in genera", #ontrary to
Justi#e, honesty, mo$esty or goo$ mora"s, an$ -or whi#h the #rime o- a#ts o-
"as#iviousness #"ear"y invo"ves mora" turpitu$e. +e#. A o- /epu%"i# A#t AABA provi$es that
a #an$i$ate $is9ua"i2e$ %y 2na" Ju$gment %e-ore an e"e#tion #annot %e vote$ -or, an$
votes #ast -or him sha"" not %e #ounte$. Cayat was $is9ua"i2e$ twentyDthree $ays %e-ore
the e"e#tionsN thus he was "ega""y a nonDeistent #an$i$ate $uring the e"e#tions. 4he
#an$i$ate with the se#on$ highest num%er o- votes sha"" %e#ome the ;ayor.
Cautista v. CO%ELEC ?/002B
5acts: A :etition -or Can#e""ation o- his #erti2#ate o- #an$i$a#y was 2"e$ against
Bautista, a #an$i$ate -or :unong Barangay Barangay Lum%angan, on the groun$ that he
was not a registere$ voter in Lum%angan.
#octrine: Bautista is $is9ua"i2e$ as +e#. 19(a) o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e provi$es
that an e"e#tive "o#a" oH#ia" must not on"y %e a ?9ua"i2e$ e"e#tor@ or a ?9ua"i2e$ voter,@
he must a"so %e a ?registere$ voter where he inten$s to %e e"e#te$@. Bautista a$mitte$
in his aH$avit that he was not a registere$ voter o- Barangay Lum%angan, an$ his name
was stri#Gen o, the voterEs "ist an$ on#e ma$e aware o- su#h -a#t, he never $i$ anything
to register anew. As Bautista was on"y $is9ua"i2e$ a-ter the e"e#tions, the highest
ranGing +angguniang Barangay mem%er, or in the #ase o- his permanent $isa%i"ity, the
se#on$ highest ranGing +angguniang mem%er, sha"" %e#ome the :unong Barangay.
Cernardo, et a*. v. "4a*os, et a*. ?/00FB
5acts: 4he #harge against A%a"os !r., who ran -or ;ayor o- ;an$a"uyong City, o- voteD
%uying was $ismisse$ %y the Commission on E"e#tions $ue to insuH#ien#y o- evi$en#e.
#octrine: 4he #omp"ainant -ai"e$ to esta%"ish that they vio"ate$ the Cmni%us E"e#tion
A#t re-erring to e"e#tioneering %e#ause a"" the a#ts were #ommitte$ even %e-ore the start
o- the #ampaign perio$. As su#h, A%a"os, !r. is inno#ent.
%a.ui*in+ v. CO%ELEC ?/072B
5acts: 4here were three ;ayora"ty #an$i$ates in Lanao $e" =orte W Ba"ua, Arna$o an$
;a9ui"ing. Ba"ua 2"e$ a :etition -or Dis9ua"i2#ation with the Commission on E"e#tions
(CC;ELEC) against Arna$o, a $ua" #iti<en who app"ie$ -or repatriation, tooG his Cath o-
A""egian#e to the /epu%"i# o- the :hi"ippines in an AH$avit o- /enun#iation, %ut $espite
his oath, sti"" #ontinuous"y use$ his 8.+. :assport even a-ter 2"ing his Certi2#ate o-
Can$i$a#y (CCC). Arna$o su%se9uent"y won in the e"e#tions, %ut the CC;ELEC 'irst
Division $is9ua"i2e$ him %ut the CC;ELEC en %an# ru"e$ in his -avor an$ uphe"$ his
#octrine: 4he Court he"$ that Arna$o is $is9ua"i2e$ -rom running %e#ause whi"e he
satis2e$ the two re9uirements nee$e$ to 9ua"i-y to run -or a pu%"i# oH#e un$er /epu%"i#
A#t 9()) (i.e., taGing the Cath o- A""egian#e an$ renoun#ing his -oreign #iti<enship), his
use o- a -oreign passport a-ter renoun#ing his -oreign #iti<enship is a positive an$
vo"untary a#t o- representation as to one>s nationa"ity an$ #iti<enship. By representing
himse"- as an Ameri#an #iti<en, Arna$o vo"untari"y an$ e,e#tive"y reverte$ to his ear"ier
status as a $ua" #iti<en who is, un$er +e#. B0 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, $is9ua"i2e$
-rom running -or any "o#a" e"e#tive position. As Arna"$o is %arre$ -rom even %eing a
#an$i$ate, his CCC is ren$ere$ voi$ -rom the %eginning an$ the votes #ast in his -avor
shou"$ not have even %een #ounte$. ;a9ui"ing is thus the 9ua"i2e$ #an$i$ate who
o%taine$ the highest num%er o- votes, maGing him the winner o- the e"e#tions. 4he ru"e
o- su##ession un$er the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e wi"" thus not app"y.
(ii) !uris$i#tion
O(4uds(an v. !odri+ueG ?/070B
5acts: :unong Barangay /o$rigue< argue$ that the +angguniang Bayan an$ not the
Cm%u$sman shou"$ eer#ise Juris$i#tion over the #omp"aint 2"e$ against him -or a%use
o- authority, $ishonesty, oppression, mis#on$u#t in oH#e, an$ neg"e#t o- $uty.
#octrine: A"though +e#. A1 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e provi$es that the
+angguniang Bayan has $is#ip"inary authority over any e"e#tive %arangay oH#ia", the
Cm%u$sman has #on#urrent Juris$i#tion with the +angguniang Bayan over a$ministrative
#ases against e"e#tive %arangay oH#ia"s o##upying positions %e"ow sa"ary gra$e (7, su#h
as the position o- :unong Barangay /o$rigue<. Even i- they 2"e$ in the Cm%u$sman an$
the +angguniang Bayan i$enti#a" #omp"aints against /o$rigue<, they $i$ not vio"ate the
ru"e against -orum shopping %e#ause their #omp"aint was in the nature o- an
a$ministrative #ase. .n a$ministrative #ases invo"ving the #on#urrent Juris$i#tion o- two
or more $is#ip"ining authorities, the %o$y in whi#h the #omp"aint is 2"e$ 2rst, an$ whi#h
2rst opts to taGe #ogni<an#e o- the #ase, a#9uires Juris$i#tion to the e#"usion o- other
tri%una"s eer#ising #on#urrent Juris$i#tion. .n this #ase, sin#e the #omp"aint was 2"e$
2rst with the Cm%u$sman, an$ the Cm%u$sman opte$ to assume Juris$i#tion over the
#omp"aint, the Cm%u$sman>s eer#ise o- Juris$i#tion is to the e#"usion o- the
+angguniang Bayan eer#ising #on#urrent Juris$i#tion.
La)ina, Sr. v. O(4uds(an ?/00AB
5acts: A #omp"aint -or grave mis#on$u#t was 2"e$ against Barangay Chairman Laina,
-or an a""ege$ attempte$ rape. 4he Department o- .nterior an$ Lo#a" &overnment (D.L&)
re-erre$ the #omp"aint to the Lue<on City Coun#i", whi"e a simi"ar #omp"aint was 2"e$
with the Cm%u$sman. Laina argue$ that the respon$ents (the Cm%u$sman, the D.L&
+e#retary an$ the City ;ayor o- Lue<on City) shou"$ have $ismisse$ the #ases against
him on the groun$ o- -orumDshopping.
#octrine: 'irst"y, the ru"e on -orumDshopping app"ies on"y to Ju$i#ia" #ases or
pro#ee$ings an$ not to a$ministrative #ases. +e#on$"y, the Cm%u$sman an$ the Lue<on
City Coun#i" have #on#urrent Juris$i#tion over a$ministrative #ases against e"e#tive
oH#ia"s "iGe Laina. 4hir$"y, Laina is estoppe$ -rom 9uestioning the Juris$i#tion o- the
Cm%u$sman as the re#or$s show that Laina parti#ipate$ in the pro#ee$ings %y 2"ing his
#ounterDaH$avit with supporting evi$en#e. *e a"so $i$ not in-orm the Cm%u$sman o- the
eisten#e o- the other a$ministrative #omp"aint o- whi#h he is presuma%"y aware at the
time the pro#ee$ings in the Cm%u$sman were ongoing. :arti#ipation in the
a$ministrative pro#ee$ings without raising any o%Je#tion thereto %ars the parties -rom
raising any Juris$i#tiona" in2rmity a-ter an a$verse $e#ision is ren$ere$ against them.
Espiritu v. %e*+ar ?7@@/B
5acts: A preventive suspension was impose$ %y the :rovin#ia" &overnor on ;ayor
;e"gar o- =auJan, Crienta" ;in$oro a-ter a #omp"aint -or grave mis#on$u#t -or a""ege$
assau"t an$ use o- physi#a" vio"en#e was 2"e$ against him in the Department o- .nterior
an$ Lo#a" &overnment (D.L&), an$ a simi"ar #omp"aint 2"e$ with the +angguniang
:an"a"awigan o- Crienta" ;in$oro.
#octrine: 4he Court he"$ that, per +e#. A1 o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, the :rovin#ia"
&overnor has the authority to suspen$ ;e"gar. 4he :rovin#ia" &overnor o- Crienta"
;in$oro is authori<e$ %y "aw to preventive"y suspen$ ;e"gar at any time a-ter the issues
ha$ %een Joine$ an$ any o- the -o""owing groun$s enumerate$ in +e#. A1 o- the L&C were
shown to eist7 1) when there is reasona%"e groun$ to %e"ieve that the respon$ent has
#ommitte$ the a#t or a#ts #omp"aine$ o-, () when the evi$en#e o- #u"pa%i"ity is strong, 1)
Khen the gravity o- the o,ense so warrants, or B) when the #ontinuan#e in oH#e o- the
respon$ent #ou"$ inUuen#e the witnesses or pose a threat to the sa-ety an$ integrity o-
the re#or$s an$ other evi$en#e.
(iii) :reventive suspension
Cunye v. Escarea* ?7@@2B
5acts: 4he +an$igan%ayan p"a#e$ ;ayor Bunye et a". un$er suspension -or vio"ation o-
/epu%"i# A#t (/A) 1019 (AntiD&ra-t an$ Corrupt :ra#ti#es A#t). Bunye, et a". argue$ that
the suspension -or vio"ation o- /A 1019 partaGes o- a pena"ty even %e-ore a Ju$gment o-
#onvi#tion is rea#he$, an$ is thus vio"ative o- her #onstitutiona" right to %e presume$
#octrine: 4he suspension is man$atory un$er /A 1019. +e#tion 11 o- /A 1019 provi$es
that the suspension o- a pu%"i# oH#er upon the 2"ing o- a va"i$ in-ormation is man$atory.
:reventive suspension is not vio"ative o- the Constitution as it is not a pena"ty.
anGon v. C" ?7@@7B
5acts: ;ayor &an<on, who was given a A0D$ay preventive suspension an$ three more
suspension or$ers $ue to the 2n$ing o- pro%a%"e #ause in the ten a$ministrative
#omp"aints that he -a#e$, #"aims that the :resi$ent an$ his agents (in this #ase, the
Department o- .nterior an$ Lo#a" &overnment) no "onger have the power to suspen$ a
"o#a" oH#ia" %e#ause the phrase ?as may %e provi$e$ %y "aw@ (in re"ation to the eer#ise
%y the :resi$ent o- the power o- suspension an$Ror remova" over "o#a" oH#ia"s) has %een
remove$ in the 1987 Constitution.
#octrine: 4he $e"etion o- the phrase `as may %e provi$e$ %y "aw> $i$ not $ivest the
:resi$ent o- the power to investigate, $is#ip"ine, or remove "o#a" oH#ia"s as the :resi$ent
#an sti"" suspen$ a "o#a" oH#ia" %ut, su#h must %e #onsistent with "aw. 4hus, Congress
maintains its #ontro" over muni#ipa" #orporations, a"though it may $e"egate su#h power
to the :resi$ent. *owever, on"y one suspension or$er shou"$ have %een impose$ in this
#ase as ten suspension or$ers wou"$ prevent the mayor -rom per-orming his -un#tions.
4he suspension is not meant to serve as a pena"ty %ut mere"y to prevent the a##use$
-rom inUuen#ing the #ourse o- the investigation.
%ondano v. Si*vosa ?7@AAB
5acts: ;ayor ;on$ano, a##use$ o- rape an$ #on#u%inage, 9uestions his suspension
-rom oH#e %y the :rovin#ia" &overnor as in$orse$ %y the Assistant Ee#utive +e#retary
pursuant to a #omp"aint 2"e$ %e-ore the :resi$entia" Comp"aints an$ A#tion Committee.
#octrine: 4he investigation an$ suspension were i""ega" %e#ause, a"though provin#ia"
supervision over muni#ipa" oH#ia"s %e"ongs to the :rovin#ia" &overnor an$ he may
su%mit written #harges %e-ore the :rovin#ia" Boar$ an$ suspen$ the oH#ia", the #harges
in this #ase are not ma"-easan#es #ontemp"ate$ un$er +e#. (188 o- the /evise$
A$ministrative Co$e. 4he #harges may %e #onsi$ere$ as invo"ving mora" turpitu$e, %ut
%e-ore the :rovin#ia" Boar$R&overnor may -orma""y #harge an$ suspen$ the petitioner,
there must 2rst %e a #onvi#tion whi#h was "a#Ging in this #ase.
He4ron v. !eyes ?7@AEB
5acts: ;ayor *e%ron, #harge$ with oppression, grave a%use o- authority an$ serious
mis#on$u#t, was suspen$e$ in$e2nite"y %y the CH#e o- the :resi$ent whi"e the #ase was
un$er investigation.
#octrine: 4he suspension was i""ega" %e#ause the :resi$ent has no origina" power to
suspen$ a "o#a" oH#ia". 4he Ee#utive must o%serve the man$atory pro#e$ure -or
$is#ip"inary a#tions over muni#ipa" oH#ia"s to %e eer#ise$ %y the :rovin#ia" Boar$
provi$e$ in +e#s. (188 to (191 o- the /evise$ A$ministrative Co$e an$ the =ationa"
&overnment may #on$u#t an investigation on"y as a means to as#ertain whether or not
the :rovin#ia" %oar$ shou"$ taGe a#tion.
%iranda v. Sandi+an4ayan ?/00AB
5acts: ;ayor ;iran$o, who was p"a#e$ un$er preventive suspension %y the Cm%u$sman
-or A months -or vio"ating /epu%"i# A#t A711 (Co$e o- Con$u#t an$ Ethi#a" +tan$ar$s -or
:u%"i# CH#ia"s an$ Emp"oyees), argue$ that %ase$ on +e#tion A1(%) o- the Lo#a"
&overnmen Co$e (L&C), "o#a" e"e#tive oH#ia"s #ou"$ not %e preventive"y suspen$e$ -or a
perio$ %eyon$ A0 $ays.
#octrine: 4he Cm%u$sman may suspen$ a "o#a" e"e#tive oH#ia" -or not more than 90
$ays. A$ministrative #omp"aints #ommen#e$ un$er the Cm%u$sman Law are $istin#t
-rom those initiate$ un$er the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e, as +e#tion A1 o- the L&C $oes
not govern preventive suspensions impose$ %y the Cm%u$sman, whi#h is a
#onstitutiona""y #reate$ oH#e an$ in$epen$ent -rom the Ee#utive %ran#h o-
governmentN the Cm%u$sman>s power o- preventive suspension is governe$ %y /epu%"i#
A#t =o. A770.
Co*asti+ v. Sandi+an4ayan ?7@@FB
5acts: &overnor Bo"astig, who was p"a#e$ un$er preventive suspension -or 90 $ays %y
the +an$igan%ayan -or vio"ating /epu%"i# A#t 1019 (AntiD&ra-t an$ Corrupt :ra#ti#es A#t),
argue$ that there #an on"y %e preventive suspension when it is shown that the
suspension or$er prevents the a##use$ -rom using his oH#e to inUuen#e potentia"
witnesses or tamper with re#or$s whi#h may %e vita" in the prose#ution o- the #ase
against him
#octrine: +e#. 11 o- /epu%"i# A#t 1019 provi$es that it is man$atory -or the
+an$igan%ayan to suspen$ any pu%"i# oH#er against whom a va"i$ in-ormation #harging
vio"ation o- that "aw. 4he $uration o- preventive suspension wi"" vary to the etent that it
is #ontingent on the time it taGes the #ourt to $e#i$e the #ase %ut not on a##ount o- any
$is#retion "o$ge$ in the #ourt, taGing into a##ount the pro%a%i"ity that the a##use$ may
use his oH#e to hamper his prose#ution.
(iv) /emova"
SC o- Caran+ay #on %ariano %arcos v. Punon+ Caran+ay Severino %artineG
5acts: 4he +angguniang Bayan pena"i<e$ Barangay Captain ;artine< %y removing him
-rom oH#e %e#ause o- an a$ministrative #harge o- Dishonesty, ;is#on$u#t in CH#e an$
6io"ation o- the AntiD&ra-t an$ Corrupt :ra#ti#es A#t 2"e$ against the Barangay Captain.
#octrine: 4he +angguniang Bayan #an not remove ;artine< -rom oH#e. +e#. A0 o- the
Lo#a" &overnment Co$e provi$es that the power to remove e"e#tive "o#a" oH#ia"s -rom
oH#e is "o$ge$ with the #ourts.
(v) A$ministrative appea"
Catu v. !e**osa ?/00EB
5acts: /e""osa, the :unong Barangay, represente$ one o- the parties invo"ve$ in a
#omp"aint against the tenants o- the %ui"$ing owne$ %y the Catus a-ter the #on#i"iation
meeting that /e""osa arrange$ -ai"e$.
#octrine: /e""osa may appear as #ounse" o- two o- the parties su%Je#t to authori<ation
-rom the Department o- .nterior an$ Lo#a" &overnment. A"though +e#tion 90 o- /epu%"i#
A#t 71A0 (4he Lo#a" &overnment Co$e) provi$es that "o#a" oH#ia"s, governors, #ity
mayors an$ muni#ipa" mayors are prohi%ite$ -rom pra#ti#ing their pro-ession or engaging
in any o##upation other than the eer#ise o- their -un#tions as "o#a" #hie- ee#utives,
punong %arangays are not mentione$ in this prohi%ition in the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e.
4here-ore, /e""osa as :unong Barangay was not -or%i$$en to pra#ti#e his pro-ession.
*owever, he vio"ate$ the /evise$ Civi" +ervi#e /u"es, parti#u"ar"y +e#. 1( whi#h prohi%its
oH#ers or emp"oyees -rom $ire#t"y engaging in any private %usiness, vo#ation or
pro-ession without written permission -rom the hea$ o- the $epartment. As punong
%arangay, /e""osa shou"$ have o%taine$ prior written permission -rom the +e#retary o-
.nterior an$ Lo#a" &overnment %e-ore entering his appearan#e as #ounse" o- two o- the
!epu4*ic v. !a(4uyon+ ?/070B
5acts: Atty. /i#har$ /am%uyong, then in#um%ent 6i#e ;ayor o- .pi", appeare$ as #ounse"
o- Chua in a #ase 2"e$ -or #o""e#tion o- a sum o- moneyR$amages against the =ationa"
:ower Corporation (=:C).
#octrine: /am%uyong may not appear as #ounse" o- Chua. +e#tion ((10) o- the Lo#a"
&overnment Co$e (L&C) provi$es that =:C is a government instrumenta"ity, an$ +e#.
90(%)(1) o- the L&C provi$es that sanggunian mem%ers are prohi%ite$ to appear as
#ounse" %e-ore any #ourt wherein any oH#e, agen#y or instrumenta"ity o- the
government is the a$verse party an$ %eing a government owne$ an$ #ontro""e$
#orporation (&CCC), =:C -a""s is within the term `instrumenta"ity>.
Peop*e v. Sandi+an4ayan ?/00EB
5acts: ;ayor 6i""apan$o was #harge$ with vio"ation o- Art. (BB o- the /evise$ :ena"
Co$e (whi#h provi$es that any pu%"i# oH#er who sha"" Gnowing"y nominate or appoint to
any pu%"i# oH#e any person "a#Ging the "ega" 9ua"i2#ations sha"" %e pena"i<e$) when he
hire$ 4iape as ;uni#ipa" A$ministrative an$ Deve"opment :"anning Consu"tant in the
CH#e o- the ;uni#ipa" ;ayor, when it has not yet %een more than a year sin#e 4iape "ost
the e"e#tions.
#octrine: 4iape is ine"igi%"e to assume the position as +e#. A, Art. .3 o- the 1987
Constitution an$ +e#. 9B(%) o- the Lo#a" &overnment Co$e o- 1991 prohi%its "osing
#an$i$ates within one year a-ter su#h e"e#tion to %e appointe$ to any oH#e in the
government or any governmentDowne$ or #ontro""e$ #orporation or in any o- their
su%si$iaries. A "osing #an$i$ate has to wait one year %e-ore assuming any appointe$
Sa*es v. Carreon, <r. ?/00HB
5acts: 4he new"y e"e#te$ ;ayor Carreon, !r. revoGe$ a"" 81 appointments ma$e %y then
Dapitan City ;ayor /ui<, in #omp"ian#e with the Civi" +ervi#e Commission (C+C)
;emoran$um Cir#u"ar imposing a %an on issuing appointments in the #ivi" servi#e $uring
the e"e#tion perio$, arguing that the 9uestione$ appointments were not on"y Tissue$ in
%u"GT %ut that there was no urgent nee$ to 2"" those positions.
#octrine: A"" 81 appointments are voi$. 4he C+C is re9uire$ to pu%"ish the "ist o- va#ant
positions an$ su#h pu%"i#ation sha"" %e poste$ %y the #hie- personne" or a$ministrative
oH#er o- a"" "o#a" government units in the $esignate$ p"a#es. 4he va#ant positions may
on"y %e 2""e$ %y the appointing authority a-ter they have %een reporte$ to the C+C as
va#ant, an$ on"y a-ter pu%"i#ation. .n this #ase, the pu%"i#ation o- va#an#ies was ma$e
even %e-ore the positions invo"ve$ a#tua""y %e#ame va#ant.
8uiro+ v. "u(entado ?/00EB
5acts: Boho" :rovin#ia" &overnor /e"ampagos> appointment o- Luirog as :rovin#ia"
&overnment Department *ea$ o- the CH#e o- the :rovin#ia" Agri#u"ture was oppose$ on
the groun$ that Luirog was part o- the %u"G o- mi$night appointments ma$e %y &overnor
/e"ampagos %e-ore the en$ o- this term.
#octrine: Luirog>s appointment was va"i$. 4he appointment o- Luirog #annot %e
#ategori<e$ as a mi$night appointment as Luirog ha$ %een $is#harging an$ per-orming
the $uties #on#omitant with the su%Je#t position -or a year prior to her permanent
appointment thereto.
NaGareo v. City o- #u(a+uete ?/00@B
5acts: 4he new"y e"e#te$ Dumaguete City ;ayor :er$i#es announ#e$ that he wou"$ not
honor the appointments ma$e %y -ormer ;ayor /emo""o, who promote$ 1) an$
regu"ari<e$ another 7B #ity ha"" emp"oyees.
#octrine: 4he +upreme Court he"$ that a"" the promotions an$ regu"ari<ations were
voi$. A"though not a"" Emass appointmentsE are prohi%ite$ %y the Civi" +ervi#e
Commission, it must %e shown that the appointments have un$ergone the regu"ar
s#reening pro#ess, that the appointee is 9ua"i2e$, that there is a nee$ to 2"" up the
va#an#y imme$iate"y, an$ that the appointments are not in %u"G. 4he va"i$ity o- an
appointment issue$ imme$iate"y %e-ore an$ a-ter e"e#tions %y an outgoing "o#a" #hie-
ee#utive is to %e $etermine$ on the %asis o- the nature, #hara#ter, an$ merit o- the
in$ivi$ua" appointment an$ the parti#u"ar #ir#umstan#es surroun$ing the same. .n this
#ase, there was no evi$en#e to show any $e"i%eration on the 9ua"i2#ations o- the
appointe$ #ity ha"" emp"oyees, nor any in$i#ation o- an urgent nee$ -or the issuan#e o-
su#h appointments.
%ontuerto v. Ty ?/00EB
5acts: 4he +angguniang Bayan re9ueste$ the Civi" +ervi#e Commission to revoGe the
appointment o- ;ontuerto as Bu$get CH#er as it was not with the #on#urren#e o- the
+angguniang Bayan.
#octrine: ;ontuerto>s appointment was inva"i$. +e#. BB1(a) an$ ($) o- the Lo#a"
&overnment Co$e provi$es that the hea$ o- a $epartment or oH#e in the muni#ipa"
government, su#h as the ;uni#ipa" Bu$get CH#er, sha"" %e appointe$ %y the mayor with
the #on#urren#e o- the maJority o- a"" +angguniang Bayan mem%ers su%Je#t to #ivi"
servi#e "aw, ru"es an$ regu"ations.
%ayor To*entino v. CO%ELEC ?/070B
5acts: E"e#tion protests were 2"e$ against the pro#"amation o- 4o"entino an$ $e Castro
as $u"y e"e#te$ ;ayor an$ 6i#eD;ayor, respe#tive"y. .n "ight o- the issuan#es o- the
Commission on E"e#tions or$ering the revision o- -ortyD-our %a""ot %oes without 2rst
reso"ving whether siteen o- the sai$ -ortyD-our %a""ot %oes, whi#h were segregate$ or
set asi$e, shou"$ %e in#"u$e$ in the revision, an$ without reso"ving how the revision
(eamination o- %a""ots whi#h resu"ts -rom a genera" averment o- -rau$ or irregu"arities in
the #ounting o- votes) pro#ee$ings wou"$ %e #on$u#te$, 4o"entino an$ $e Castro argue$
that they were $enie$ their right to $ue pro#ess.
#octrine: 4o"entino an$ $e Castro were not $enie$ their right to $ue pro#ess, as the
re9uirements -or pro#e$ura" $ue pro#ess enumerate$ in Air ;ani"a .n# v. Ba"at%at7 1)
the right to noti#e, %e it a#tua" or #onstru#tive, o- the institution o- the pro#ee$ings that
may a,e#t a person>s "ega" right, () the right to a reasona%"e opportunity to appear an$
$e-en$ his rights an$ to intro$u#e witnesses an$ re"evant evi$en#e in his -avor, 1) the
right to a tri%una" so #onstitute$ as to give him reasona%"e assuran#e o- honesty an$
impartia"ity, an$ one o- #ompetent Juris$i#tion, an$ B) the right to a 2n$ing or $e#ision o-
that tri%una" supporte$ %y su%stantia" evi$en#e presente$ at the hearing or at "east
as#ertaine$ in the re#or$s or $is#"ose$ to the parties, were satis2e$ when the parties
were a,or$e$ -air an$ reasona%"e opportunity to ep"ain their si$e o- the #ontroversy at
han$. 4he CC;ELEC ha$ re9uire$ 4o"entino to provi$e the names o- his revisors (who wi""
raise o%Je#tions, #"aim the votes -or him, or #ontest votes in -avor o- his opponent) an$
he has not a""ege$ %eing $eprive$ o- this opportunity. 4he opportunity $uring the revision
stage to raise a"" o%Je#tions, present his evi$en#e an$ witnesses an$ 2"e his
memoran$um %e-ore the #ase wou"$ %e su%mitte$ -or reso"ution, -u""y meet the
$eman$s o- $ue pro#ess.

"cuGar v. <aro*an and Hon. "presa ?/070B
5acts: A#u<ar, who was $ismisse$ -rom the :hi"ippine =ationa" :o"i#e -or an
a$ministrative #ase -or having an i""i#it re"ationship with a minor argue$ that he was
$enie$ $ue pro#ess %e#ause the :eop"e>s Law En-or#ement Boar$ (:LEB)>s $e#ision was
rea#he$ a""ege$"y without giving him an opportunity to %e hear$.
#octrine: A#u<ar was not $enie$ $ue pro#ess in an a$ministrative #ontet, as $ue
pro#ess $oes not re9uire tria"Dtype pro#ee$ings simi"ar to those in #ourts o- Justi#e. .n
a$ministrative pro#ee$ings, pro#e$ura" $ue pro#ess has %een re#ogni<e$ to in#"u$e5 1)
the right to a#tua" or #onstru#tive noti#e o- the institution o- pro#ee$ings whi#h may
a,e#t a respon$ent>s "ega" rights, () a rea" opportunity to %e hear$ persona""y or with the
assistan#e o- #ounse", to present witnesses an$ evi$en#e in one>s -avor, an$ to $e-en$
one>s rights, 1) a tri%una" veste$ with #ompetent Juris$i#tion an$ so #onstitute$ as to
a,or$ a person #harge$ a$ministrative"y a reasona%"e guarantee o- honesty as we"" as
impartia"ity, an$ B) a 2n$ing %y sai$ tri%una" whi#h is supporte$ %y su%stantia" evi$en#e
su%mitte$ -or #onsi$eration $uring the hearing or #ontaine$ in the re#or$s or ma$e
Gnown to the parties a,e#te$. A#u<ar was noti2e$ o- the #omp"aint against him, he was
a%"e to su%mit his #ounterDaH$avit an$ the aH$avits o- his witnesses, an$ he atten$e$
hearings with his #ounse".
(vi) Do#trine o- #on$onation
%) Appointive oH#ia"s
#e $i**a et a*. v. T'e City o- Caco*od ?7@@0B
5acts: 4he City o- Ba#o"o$ argues that the .ntegrate$ =ationa" :o"i#e (.=:) Dire#tor
&enera">s a#t o- re"ieving Lt. Co". :"otena as Ba#o"o$ City .=: +tation Comman$er an$
assigning him to the :hi"ippine Consta%u"ary (:C) :rovin#ia" *ea$9uarters in Ba#o"o$ City
is inva"i$ an$ i""ega" %e#ause Ee#utive Cr$ers (EC) 10(7 an$ 10(8 provi$e$ that there
ha$ to %e prior re#ommen$ation o-, or #onsu"tation with the "o#a" #hie- ee#utive whi#h is
the City ;ayor o- Ba#o"o$ %e-ore any re"ie- is $one.
#octrine5 ECs 101( an$ 10(7 $i$ not remove a$ministrative supervision an$ #ontro"
(i.e., the power to a"ter or mo$i-y or nu""i-y or set asi$e what a su%or$inate oH#er has
$one in the per-orman#e o- his $uties an$ to su%stitute the Ju$gment o- the -ormer -or
that o- the "atter) over po"i#e units -rom the .=: #hie-. 4he "o#a" ee#utives have genera"
supervision (i.e., the power to see to it that units or e"ements o- the .=: per-orm their
$uties proper"y a##or$ing to eisting "aws an$ ru"es) an$ operationa" supervision (i.e.,
the same as genera" supervision, with the a$$e$ power to $ep"oy or emp"oy su#h units
or e"ements in #oor$ination with the :rovin#ia" or Distri#t :o"i#e +uperinten$ent, +tation
Comman$er or CH#erDinDCharge) over "o#a" po"i#e units, %ut no power o- a$ministrative
supervision or #ontro" over them. As su#h, un$er eisting "aws, the power to re"ieve or
reassign a #ity .=: +tation Comman$er is "o$ge$ with the .=: Dire#tor &enera" an$
#onse9uent"y, the .=: Dire#tor &enera">s a#t o- re"ieving Lt. Co". :"otena as Ba#o"o$ .=:
+tation Comman$er an$ assigning him to the :C :rovin#ia" *ea$9uarters in Ba#o"o$ City
is va"i$ an$ "ega".
11. /e#a""
1(. 4erm "imits
Carpio v. E)ecutive Secretary ?7@@/B
5acts: Carpio #"aims that there was a mani-est $erogation o- the power o- #ontro" o- the
=ationa" :o"i#e Commission (=A:CLCC;) over the :hi"ippine =ationa" :o"i#e (:=:) when
/epu%"i# A#t A97) veste$ the power to #hoose the :=: :rovin#ia" Dire#tor an$ the Chie-s
o- :o"i#e in the &overnors an$ ;ayors, respe#tive"y, the power o- ?operationa"
supervision an$ #ontro"@ over po"i#e units in #ity an$ muni#ipa" mayors, parti#ipation in
appointments to the positions o- +enior +uperinten$ent to Deputy Dire#torD&enera" as
we"" as the a$ministration o- 9ua"i-ying entran#e eaminations in the Civi" +ervi#e
Commission, an$ $is#ip"inary powers over :=: mem%ers in the :eop"e>s Law
En-or#ement Boar$s an$ #ity an$ muni#ipa" mayors.
#octrine: 4here is no usurpation o- the power o- #ontro" o- the =A:CLCC;. 8n$er +e#.
)1 o- /epu%"i# ACt A97), -u"" #ontro" remains with the =ationa" :o"i#e Commission, an$
un$er this provision, "o#a" ee#utives are on"y a#ting as representatives o- the
=A:CLCC;N 4hey wi"" #hoose the oH#ers #on#erne$ -rom a "ist o- e"igi%"es to %e
re#ommen$e$ %y :=: oH#ia"s.
I+nacio v. Canate, <r. ?7@EHB
5acts: .gna#io, then :resi$ent o- the Xatipunang :an"ungso$ ng mga Barangay (X:B)
an$ a mem%er o- the +angguniang :an"ungso$ or City Coun#i", argue$ that Banate, his
appointe$ rep"a#ement in the X:B, is not 9ua"i2e$ to rep"a#e him %e#ause Banate is not
an oH#er, mu#h "ess :resi$ent o- the Xatipunan an$ has not %een $u"y e"e#te$ -or any
sai$ positions.
#octrine: Banate, !r., not %eing a Barangay Captain an$ never having %een e"e#te$
presi$ent o- the asso#iation o- %arangay #oun#i"s, #annot %e appointe$ a mem%er o- the
+angguniang :an"ungso$ as an un9ua"i2e$ person #annot %e appointe$ a mem%er even
in an a#ting #apa#ity. +e# 1, par. 1 o- Batas :am%ansa )1 provi$es that one has to %e a
%arangay #hairman an$ presi$ent o- the %aranga#y #oun#i"s to %e 9ua"i2e$. +in#e the
appointment o- .gna#io>s su##essor (Banate) is inva"i$, .gna#io>s tenure #ou"$ not %e
terminate$ on the %asis o- su#h appointment.
a*arosa v. $a*encia ?7@@2B
5acts: Lasay, the in#um%ent Barangay Captain o- %arangay &ima"oto o- the muni#ipa"ity
o- +orsogon, assai"s that &a"arosa, the in#um%ent presi$ent o- the Xatipunang Bayan or
Asso#iation o- Barangay Coun#i"s (ABC) o- the muni#ipa"ity o- +orsogon, an$ an
appointe$ mem%er o- the +anggunian Bayan o- +orsogon, shou"$ %e rep"a#e$ sin#e the
terms o- oH#e o- the +angguniang Bayan o- +orsogon has a"rea$y en$e$.
#octrine: &a"arosaEs term as eDoH#io mem%er o- +angguniang Bayan en$s with the
en$ o- the term o- the "atter. *e #an #ontinue to serve as a mem%er o- the +angguniang
Bayan %eyon$ 10 !une 199( (the $ate when the term o- oH#e o- the +angguniang Bayan
o- +orsogon epire$) %ut on"y through ho"$ing over authority as there is no "aw whi#h
prohi%its them -rom ho"$ing over as mem%ers o- the +angguniang Bayan i- there has yet
to %e a ree"e#tion o- Barangay Captain. 4he ho"$Dover authority o- ABC presi$ents is a"so
re#ogni<e$. 4hus, whi"e his term o- oH#e has epire$, &a"arosa #an stay on as mem%er
o- the +angguniang Bayan unti" the oH#ers o- the Liga are e"e#te$.

National Patrion(
!e+a*ian #octrine
La Buga"DB>Laan 4ri%a" Asso#iation v. /amos ((00B)
4he La Buga"DB>"aan 4ri%a" Asso#iation #ha""enge$ the issuan#e o- mining permits an$
other measures a""owing -or the ep"oration, $eve"opment o- natura" resour#es. 4he
Court he"$ that the mining permits shou"$ no "onger %e issue$, app"ying the the /ega"ian
4he /ega"ian Do#trine, whi#h $e#"ares a"" natura" resour#es o- the :hi"ippines, in#"u$ing
minera" "an$s an$ minera"s, to %e property %e"onging to the +tate, eten$s not on"y to
"an$ %ut a"so to Ta"" natura" wea"th that may %e -oun$ in the %owe"s o- the earth.T +pain,
in parti#u"ar, re#ogni<e$ the uni9ue va"ue o- natura" resour#es, viewing them, espe#ia""y
minera"s, as an a%un$ant sour#e o- revenue to 2nan#e its wars against other nations.
Nationa*ist and CitiGens'ip !e.uire(ent Provisions
E#U o- Natura* !esources
5ranc'ises, "ut'ority, and Certifcates o- Pu4*ic Uti*ities
"c.uisition O,ners'ip and Trans-er o- Pu4*ic and Private Lands
Practice o- Pro-essions
Or+aniGation and !e+u*ation o- Corporations, Private and Pu4*ic
%onopo*ies, !estraint o- Trade and Un-air Co(petition
National -cono( and Patrion(
4ana$a v. Angara (1997)
+enate /eso"ution =o. 97, whi#h rati2e$ the Kor"$ 4ra$e Crgani<ation Agreement, was
#ha""enge$, on the groun$ that it vio"ates Arti#"e .., +e#tion 19 an$ Arti#"e 3.., +e#tions 10
an$ 1( o- the 1987 Constitution (em%o$ying the ?'i"ipino 'irst@ po"i#y).
4he +C uphe"$ the K4C agreement. Khi"e the Constitution has a %ias towar$s 'i"ipino
goo$s, servi#es, "a%or, an$ enterprises, there is a"so a nee$ -or some $egree o- e9ua"ity
an$ re#ipro#ity in the #ountry>s %usiness $ea"ings with the rest o- the wor"$. 4he -ramers
$i$ not inten$ to a$opt an iso"ationist po"i#y. A ?se"-Dre"iant an$ in$epen$ent nationa"
e#onomy@ #annot %e interprete$ to mean a %ar on -oreign investments, goo$s, an$
servi#es. .t is not ?e#onomi# se#"usion@, nor is it ?men$i#an#y in the internationa"
#ommunity.@ Khat the Constitution sha"" $o is prote#t 'i"ipino enterprises against un-air
-oreign #ompetition.
Nat#ral Re!o#rce!
La Buga" B>"aan 4ri%a" Ass>n v. /amos ((00B), supra.
.ssue5 Khat is the proper interpretation o- the phrase ?agreements invo"ving either
te#hni#a" or 2nan#ia" assistan#e@ in Art. 3.., +e#tion ((B) o- the Constitutionb
*e"$5 4he ep"oration, $eve"opment an$ uti"i<ation (ED8) o- natura" resour#es may %e
un$ertaGen in the -o""owing ways5 1) the +tate %y itse"- $ire#t"y an$ so"e"y, () %y #oD
pro$u#tion, Joint venture or pro$u#tion sharing agreements with 'i"ipino #iti<ens or
#orporations, 1) sma""Ds#a"e uti"i<ation a""owe$ %y "aw in -avor o- 'i"ipino #iti<ens, an$, ))
"argeDs#a"e ED8 o- minera"s, petro"eum an$ other minera" oi"s via agreements with
-oreignDowne$ #orporations invo"ving either te#hni#a" or 2nan#ia" assistan#e a##or$ing to
the genera" terms an$ #on$itions provi$e$ %y "aw.
4he use o- the wor$ ?invo"ving@ signi2es the possi%i"ity o- the in#"usion o- other -orms o-
assistan#e or a#tivities having to $o with, otherwise re"ate$ to or #ompati%"e with
2nan#ia" or te#hni#a" assistan#e. +ervi#e #ontra#ts were not %anne$ un$er the 1987
Agrarian Re+or
Ur"an Land Re+or and Ho#!ing
OrganiDation and Reg#lation o+ Pri'ate Cor)oration!
O)eration o+ P#"lic Utilitie!
On Ma!! Media and Ad'erti!ing Ind#!tr(
Practice o+ Pro+e!!ion!
State O)eration o+ Pri'ate -nter)ri!e!
Agan v. :iat#o ((00B)
4he #onsortium that eventua""y %e#ame :.A4CC was awar$e$ the =A.A ... termina"
proJe#t. As a #onse9uen#e, it entere$ into a ?Con#ession Agreement -or the Bui"$D
CperateDan$D4rans-er Arrangement o- the =A.A :assenger 4ermina" ...@ (1997 Con#ession
Agreement). 4he &overnment grante$ :.A4CC the -ran#hise to operate an$ maintain the
sai$ termina" $uring the #on#ession perio$ an$ to #o""e#t the -ees, renta"s an$ other
#harges in a##or$an#e with the rates or s#he$u"es stipu"ate$ in the 1997 Con#ession
Agreement. 4he Agreement provi$e$ that the #on#ession perio$ sha"" %e -or twentyD2ve
(()) years #ommen#ing -rom the inDservi#e $ate, an$ may %e renewe$ at the option o-
the &overnment -or a perio$ not e#ee$ing twentyD2ve (()) years. At the en$ o- the
#on#ession perio$, :.A4CC sha"" trans-er the $eve"opment -a#i"ity to ;.AA.
;eanwhi"e, the ;.AA whi#h was #harge$ with the maintenan#e an$ operation o- the =A.A
4ermina"s . an$ .., ha$ eisting #on#ession #ontra#ts with various servi#e provi$ers to
o,er internationa" air"ine airport servi#es. 4his "e$ the emp"oyees o- the servi#e provi$ers
to 2"e a petition -or prohi%ition. +evera" emp"oyees o- ;.AA "iGewise 2"e$ a petition
assai"ing the "ega"ity o- the various agreements.
Cn the issue o- whether or not the +tate #an temporari"y taGe over a %usiness a,e#te$
with pu%"i# interest, the +C he"$ in this #ase that it #ou"$ not. :.A4CC #ou"$ not, %y mere
#ontra#tua" stipu"ation, #ontravene the Constitutiona" provision on temporary
government taGeover an$ o%"igate the government to pay ?reasona%"e #ost -or the use o-
the 4ermina" an$Ror 4ermina" Comp"e.@
Arti#"e 3.., +e#tion 17 o- the 1987 Constitution provi$es that in times o- nationa"
emergen#y, when the pu%"i# interest so re9uires, the +tate may, $uring the emergen#y
an$ un$er reasona%"e terms pres#ri%e$ %y it, temporari"y taGe over or $ire#t the
operation o- any private"y owne$ pu%"i# uti"ity or %usiness a,e#te$ with pu%"i# interest.
4he nationa" emergen#y #ontemp"ate$ in that provision was $e2ne$ to in#"u$e threat
-rom eterna" aggression, #a"amities or nationa" $isasters, %ut not stri,es ?un"ess it is o-
su#h proportion that it wou"$ para"y<e government servi#e.@ 4he $uration o- the
emergen#y is the $etermining -a#tor as to how "ong the temporary taGeover o- the
government wi"" "ast.
Mono)olie!/ Co"ination!/ and Un+air Co)etition
=EA v. ;en$o<a (198))
4he .B: Crienta" ;in$oro Chapter oppose$ the in#rease$ e"e#tri# rates %eing #harge$ %y
C/;ECC in a##or$an#e with the =EA>s approve$ in#rease in rates, on the groun$ that it
$i$ so without a pu%"i# hearing. 4he C'. issue$ a restraining or$er that prevente$
C/;ECC -rom #harging the rates.
4he +upreme Court he"$ that the C'. grave"y a%use$ its $is#retion an$ set the or$er
asi$e.%e#ause the #onsumers are members o- the #ooperative C/;ECC, whi#h is a nonD
pro2t organi<ation. 4he #onsumers are a"rea$y represente$ %y the Boar$ o- Dire#tors
whom they ha$ e"e#te$. 4he ne#essity o- a pu%"i# hearing is "ost.
Mone(/ Ban$ing/ and Credit
Co#nication and In+oration in Nation-B#ilding
A#tono( o+ Local Go'ernent!
Recognition o+ Rig1t! o+ Indigeno#! C#lt#ral Co#nitie!
Hone!t P#"lic Ser'ice and F#ll P#"lic *i!clo!#re
6a"monte v. Be"monte (1989)

6a"monte wante$ Be"monte to give him a "ist o- names o- the opposition mem%ers o- the
Batasang :am%ansa who were a%"e to se#ure a :( mi""ion "oan on guaranty o- .me"$a
;ar#os -rom the &+.+. &+.+ re-use$ on the groun$ o- #on2$entia"ity. 6a"monte, et a".,
2"e$ a petition -or man$amus.
4he +C he"$ that the right to a##ess the re#or$s $oes not in#"u$e the right to #ompe"
#usto$ians o- oH#ia" re#or$s to prepare "ists, a%stra#ts, summaries an$ the "iGe. 4he &+.+
is a trustee o- #ontri%utions -rom the government an$ the a$ministrator o- insuran#e
programs -or the %ene2t o- the "atter. .ts -un$s assume a pu%"i# #hara#ter. Consi$ering
the nature o- its -un$s, the &+.+ is epe#te$ to manage its resour#es with utmost
pru$en#e an$ in stri#t #omp"ian#e with "aw. 4he pu%"i# nature o- the -un$s an$ the pu%"i#
oH#e o- the a""ege$ %orrowers maGe the in-ormation sought #"ear"y a matter o- pu%"i#
interest an$ #on#ern.
Chave< v. :u%"i# Estates Authority ((00()
:EA is the #entra" imp"ementing agen#y -or re#"amation proJe#ts in the #ountry. .t tooG
over the "easing an$ se""ing -un#tions o- the DE=/ as -ar as re#"aime$ -oreshore "an$s
are #on#erne$. :EA entere$ into a !oint 6enture Agreement (!6A) with A;A/. to re#"aim
portions o- ;ani"a Bay. Despite a +enate investigation report, the Lega" 4asG 'or#e
appointe$ %y the :resi$ent uphe"$ the !6A. Chave< 2"e$ a petition -or man$amus an$
asGe$ that :EA pu%"i#"y $is#"ose the terms o- any renegotiation o- the !6A.
4he +C he"$ that the right to in-ormation in#"u$es oH#ia" in-ormation on onDgoing
negotiations %e-ore a 2na" #ontra#t. 4he in-ormation, however, must #onstitute $e2nite
propositions %y the government an$ shou"$ not #over re#ogni<e$ e#eptions "iGe
privi"ege$ in-ormation, mi"itary an$ $ip"omati# se#rets, an$ simi"ar matters a,e#ting
nationa" se#urity an$ pu%"i# or$er.
:"ease note that there are a num%er o- #ases that #ome up -re9uent"y in the stu$y
o- internationa" "aw %e#ause they are ri#h with in-ormation an$ he"p-u"
ep"anations on $i,erent aspe#ts o- internationa" "aw (e.g. .ort" Sea %ase!
.icara&ua v. Anited States). 'or the purpose o- this re-eren#e materia", these #ases
have %een $isti""e$ to provi$e on"y the very %asi# $o#trines re"evant to the su%Je#t
%eing $is#usse$ an$ ne#essary to have a #omprehensive un$erstan$ing o-
internationa" "aw. A greater appre#iation o- the tea#hings o- these #ases #an on"y
%e rea#he$ %y rea$ing the #ases in -u"".
". Internationa* La, and Nationa* La,
.nternationa" Law (.L) is a %o$y o- prin#ip"es, norms, an$ pro#esses whi#h regu"ates
the re"ations o- states an$ other internationa" persons, an$ governs their #on$u#t
a,e#ting the interests o- the internationa" #ommunity o- states as a who"e.
.L is #hara#teri<e$ as a #ontinuing pro#ess o- authoritative $e#isions. .t is a system
o- normative #on$u#t7#on$u#t whi#h is regar$e$ %y ea#h a#tor, an$ %y the group
as a who"e, as %eing o%"igatory. (Bi&&ins, ?:ro%"ems an$ :ro#ess@, 199B)
4he $eve"opment o- .L -o""ows the a#tua" use o- ru"es $es#ri%e$ as ru"es o- .L %y
governments. A"" norma" governments emp"oy eperts to provi$e routine an$ other
a$vi#e on matters o- .L an$ #onstant"y $e2ne their re"ations with other states in
terms o- .L. &overnments an$ their oH#ia"s routine"y use ru"es whi#h they have -or
a "ong time #a""e$ ?the "aw o- nations@ or ?internationa" "aw.@ /e-eren#e %y
governments to internationa" "aw has %een part o- the norma" pro#ess o- $e#isionD
maGing. (-ro)nlie! ?:rin#ip"es o- :u%"i# .nternationa" Law@, 1998 E$ition)
.nternationa" "aw is that "aw whi#h $ea"s with the #on$u#t o- states an$ o-
internationa" organi<ations an$ with their re"ations inter se, as we"" as with some o-
their re"ations with persons, whether natura" or Juri$i#a". (?/estatement o- 'oreign
/e"ations Law o- the 8nite$ +tates@)
Ta4*e 7. Co(parison o- Internationa* La, and Nationa*N%unicipa* La, (Base$ on
the $is#ussion in -ernas, ?.ntro$u#tion to :u%"i# .nternationa" Law@)
Internationa* Nationa*
Source 'oun$ in treaties an$
#ustoms grown among
:ro$u#t o- "o#a" #ustom
or o- "egis"ation
!e*ations !e+u*ated /egu"ates re"ations
%etween states
/egu"ates re"ations
%etween in$ivi$ua"
persons un$er the state
Su4stance A "aw %etween
sovereign states
A "aw o- a sovereign
over in$ivi$ua"s
Base$ on eisting treaties, when there is a #onUi#t %etween internationa" an$
nationa" "aw, the ru"e provi$e$ in internationa" "aw must prevai"5
"rtic*e /H o- t'e $ienna Convention on t'e La, o- Treaties
A party may not invoGe the provisions o- its interna" "aw as Justi2#ation -or its -ai"ure to
per-orm a treaty.
"rtic*e 72 o- t'e #ec*aration o- !i+'ts and #uties o- States ?7@F@B
Every +tate has the $uty to #arry out in goo$ -aith its o%"igations arising -rom treaties
an$ other sour#es o- internationa" "aw, an$ it may not invoGe provisions in its #onstitution
or its "aws as an e#use -or -ai"ure to per-orm this $uty.
*owever, $omesti# "aw sti"" has an impa#t on internationa" "aw. As wi"" %e $is#usse$
-urther un$er ?+our#es o- .nternationa" Law@, $omesti# "aw #an %e a sour#e o-
internationa" "aw i- it propoun$s a ru"e or #ustom genera""y a##epte$ %y $omesti#
"ega" systems.
C. Sources o- Internationa* La,
"rtic*e 2E o- t'e Statute o- t'e Internationa* Court o- <ustice ?IC<B
1. 4he Court, whose -un#tion is to $e#i$e in a##or$an#e with internationa" "aw su#h
$isputes as are su%mitte$ to it, sha"" app"y5
a. internationa* conventions, whether genera" or parti#u"ar, esta%"ishing ru"es
epress"y re#ogni<e$ %y the #ontesting statesN
%. internationa* custo(, as evi$en#e o- a genera" pra#ti#e a##epte$ as "awN
#. t'e +enera* princip*es o- *a, re#ogni<e$ %y #ivi"i<e$ nationsN an$
$. su%Je#t to the provisions o- Arti#"e )9, 9udicia* decisions and t'e teac'in+s
o- t'e (ost 'i+'*y .ua*ifed pu4*icists o- t'e various nations, as
su%si$iary means -or the $etermination o- the ru"es o- "aw.
(. 4his provision sha"" not preJu$i#e the power o- the Court to $e#i$e a #ase e( ae5uo
et bono, i- the parties agree thereto.
.n #ertain #ases, the .C! wi"" ren$er a $e#ision on a $ispute without a#tua""y app"ying any
o- the -oregoing sour#es o- internationa" "aw. 4his happens when the Court $e#"ares that
?there is nothing on whi#h to give Ju$gment@, su#h as when the o%Je#t o- the #"aim has
N#clear Te!t Ca!e! 4Ne% Eealand '. France/ A#!tralia '. France/ 56;89
'ran#e was #on$u#ting atmospheri# nu#"ear tests over the +outh :a#i2#, prompting
#omp"aints -rom Austra"ia an$ =ew Yea"an$. 4he Court ru"e$ that sin#e 'ran#e, through
its :resi$ent an$ ;inister o- De-ense, ha$ ma$e severa" pu%"i# statements that the
testing wou"$ #ease, the o%Je#t o- the $ispute #ease$ to eist. Khen it is the intention o-
a state maGing a $e#"aration that it shou"$ %e %oun$ a##or$ing to its terms, that
intention #on-ers on the $e#"aration the #hara#ter o- a "ega" un$ertaGing, the state %eing
"ega""y re9uire$ to -o""ow a #ourse o- #on$u#t #onsistent with its $e#"aration.
7. Internationa* Conventions W re-er to "awDmaGing treaties an$ other simi"ar sour#es.
Treaties #reate "ega" o%"igations, the nonDo%servan#e o- whi#h %y in$ivi$ua" states wi""
not $isso"ve the o%"igations.
NoteO ?E)ceptionB
"rtic*e A2 o- t'e 7@:@ $ienna Convention on Treaties
PTreaties conLictin+ ,it' a pere(ptory nor( o- +enera* internationa* *a,Q ?3#!
A treaty is voi$ i-, at the time o- its #on#"usion, it #onUi#ts with a peremptory norm o-
genera" internationa" "aw. 'or the purposes o- the present Convention, a peremptory
norm o- genera" internationa" "aw is a norm a##epte$ an$ re#ogni<e$ %y the internationa"
#ommunity o- +tates as a who"e as a norm -rom whi#h no $erogation is permitte$ an$
whi#h #an %e mo$i2e$ on"y %y a su%se9uent norm o- genera" internationa" "aw having
the same #hara#ter.
4he *ague Convention o- 1899 an$ 1907 on the Law o- Kar an$ =eutra"ity
4he &eneva :roto#o" o- 19() o- :rohi%ite$ Keapons
/. Internationa* Custo( ?or Custo(ary La,B W +tates #reate "aw %y what they $o in
pra#ti#e or %y their #on$u#t, %e"ieving that their pra#ti#e or #on$u#t is o%"igatory. .n
or$er -or #ustomary "aw to -orm, +tates must a#t with the %e"ie- that the pra#ti#e is
re9uire$ %y "aw, an$ not %e#ause o- #ourtesy or po"iti#a" epe$ien#y. (1a&allona)
E*e(ents o- Custo(ary La,
a. 8ni-ormity, #onsisten#y, an$ genera"ity o- pra#ti#e W #omp"ete uni-ormity,
#onsisten#y, an$ genera"ity is not re9uire$. /ather, it must %e esta%"ishe$ %y a
party re"ying on this #ustom that this #ustom has %een esta%"ishe$ an$ is %in$ing
on the other party. (See Asylum %ase and %olombia v. Peru in case list belo)<
Evi$en#e o- uni-orm, #onsistent, an$ genera" state pra#ti#e may %e esta%"ishe$ in
numerous ways, e.g. the presentation o- %i"atera" treaties, #on#"usions o-
internationa" #on-eren#es, an$ reso"utions o- the 8nite$ =ations &enera" Assem%"y.
%. /pinio juris et necessitatis W the %e"ie- on the part o- +tates that a parti#u"ar
#ustom or #on$u#t is o%"igatory
c /n duration of practice W Duration is not ne#essari"y an e"ement -or the esta%"ishment
o- #ustomary "aw. (See .ort" Sea %ase belo)< *owever, it may %e use$ as evi$en#e o-
uni-orm, #onsistent, an$ genera" pra#ti#e %y +tates.
NoteO ?E)ceptionB
Khi"e a #ustom is #oming to %e esta%"ishe$, the emerging #ustom wi"" not %e %in$ing
upon a state that is a persistent objector. Evi$en#e o- the state>s o%Je#tion to the
pra#ti#e must %e #"ear an$ #onsistent. (See .ort" Sea %ase belo)<
F#roda '. ,alandoni 45686/ P1ili))ine ca!e9
Xuro$a was #harge$ with war #rimes -o""owing the !apanese C##upation. Xuro$a argue$
that sin#e the :hi"ippines was not a signatory to the *ague Convention on /u"es an$
/egu"ations #overing Lan$ Kar-are, the #rimes he was #harge$ with were not %ase$ on
"aw. 4he +upreme Court ru"e$ that the ru"es an$ regu"ations o- the *ague an$ &eneva
Conventions -orm part o- an$ are who""y %ase$ on the genera""y a##epte$ prin#ip"es o-
internationa" "aw, hen#e these ru"es %e#ame part o- :hi"ippine "aw $espite the
:hi"ippines> status as nonDsignatory to the re"evant Conventions.
Ca!e Concerning t1e Militar( and Parailitar( Acti'itie! in and Again!t
Nicarag#a 4GNicarag#a '. United State!H/ 567>/ International Co#rt o+ ,#!tice9
=i#aragua institute$ pro#ee$ings against the 8nite$ +tates in re"ation to mi"itary an$
parami"itary a#tivities in an$ against =i#aragua. .n response to =i#aragua>s invo#ation o-
the #ustomary prohi%ition on the use o- -or#e, the 8nite$ +tates argue$ that the
#ustomary e#eption to the prohi%ition is the right to in$ivi$ua" an$ #o""e#tive se"-D
$e-ense. 4he .C! 2rst ma$e a #"ear pronoun#ement as to the prohi%ition on the use o-
-or#e as a we""Desta%"ishe$ ru"e in #ustomary .L (sin#e %oth =i#aragua an$ the 8nite$
+tates pra#ti#e$ and $isp"aye$ %e"ie- in its status as "aw) %e-ore a#Gnow"e$ging that
there was an e#eption to this genera" ru"e.
Nort1 Sea Continental S1el+ Ca!e! 456>69
&ermany, DenmarG, an$ the =ether"an$s were in $ispute over the $e"imitation o- the
#ontinenta" she"- they share$. DenmarG an$ the =ether"an$s argue$ that the use o- the
e9ui$istan#e prin#ip"e in $e"imitation was a prin#ip"e o- #ustomary or genera" .L, %in$ing
on &ermany. 4he Court ru"e$ that &ermany was not %oun$ to use the e9ui$istan#e
prin#ip"e %e#ause this prin#ip"e was not a prin#ip"e o- #ustomary "aw. Khi"e the Court
a#Gnow"e$ge$ that a #ustomary ru"e #ou"$ evo"ve in a re"ative"y short perio$ o- time,
what was materia" was whether there was etensive an$ su%stantia""y uni-orm state
pra#ti#e parti#u"ar"y among states whose interests were spe#ia""y a,e#te$. 4here was no
evi$en#e that the e9ui$istan#e prin#ip"e was #onsistent"y use$ to $e"ineate the
#ontinenta" she"- o- states in $ispute over it. Cn the #ontrary, &ermany ha$ persistent"y
o%Je#te$ to the use o- the e9ui$istan#e prin#ip"e.
A!(l# Ca!e 4Colo"ia '. Per#/ 56=?/ International Co#rt o+ ,#!tice9
Co"om%ia uni"atera""y grante$ a :eruvian re%e" asy"um in the Co"om%ian em%assy in :eru.
.n $e-ense o- its a#tion, Co"om%ia argue$ that $ip"omati# asy"um (where the re-ugee is in
the territory o- the state where the o,ense was #ommitte$) was a prin#ip"e o- #ustomary
"aw an$ presente$ numerous treaties an$ #onventions on etra$ition as evi$en#e. Khi"e
the Court a#Gnow"e$ge$ the #onventions, it ru"e$ that $ue to the "imite$ num%er o-
states whi#h ha$ rati2e$ the #onventions, $ip"omati# asy"um was not yet a prin#ip"e o-
#ustomary "aw.
Legalit( o+ t1e U!e "( a State o+ N#clear 0ea)on! in Ared ConIict 4Ad'i!or(
O)inion o+ t1e IC,/ 566>9
4he 9uestion pose$ to the Court %y the 8nite$ =ations &enera" Assem%"y was5 ?.s the
threat or use o- nu#"ear weapons in any #ir#umstan#e permitte$ un$er .Lb@ 4he Court
ru"e$ that there was no ru"e in #ustomary .L whi#h permits or prohi%its the threat or use
o- nu#"ear weapons. 4he Court note$ that the mem%ers o- the internationa" #ommunity
were $ivi$e$ on the matter o- nu#"ear weapons, maGing it $iH#u"t to $etermine uni-orm
pra#ti#e or even opinio juris. .nstea$ the Court he"$ that the use o- nu#"ear weapons
shou"$ %e su%Je#t to the same ru"es an$ restraints as other weapons (e.g. ne#essity an$
proportiona"ity un$er internationa" humanitarian "aw), regar$"ess o- the uni9ue nature o-
nu#"ear weapons.
T1e Ca!e o+ t1e Pa@#ete Ha"ana 4Aerican Ca!e/ 56??9
During the +panishDAmeri#an Kar, two +panish 2shing vesse"s were sei<e$ %y the
Ameri#an navy whi"e they were 2shing o, the #oast o- Cu%a. 4he 2shermen were treate$
as prisoners o- war an$ their #argo sei<e$. 4he Court ru"e$ that whi"e there was no
spe#i2# "aw, statute, or treaty eempting 2shing %oats -rom #apture $uring wartime, it
was an an#ient ru"e o- #ustom that nations were to "eave 2shing vesse"s a"one. By tra#ing
the origins o- the #ustom, the Court -oun$ that it was a #ustom %etween #ivi"i<e$ nations
to "eave 2shing vesse"s a"one even $uring wartime, an$ this #ustom ha$ ripene$ into a
ru"e o- internationa" "aw.
T1e Ca!e Concerning t1e Rig1t o+ Pa!!age O'er Indian Territor( 4GPort#gal '.
IndiaH/ 56>?9
:ortuga" #"aime$ a right o- passage %etween its territory o- Damao to its "an$"o#Ge$
territories o- Da$ra an$ =agarDAve"i, %oth o- whi#h were surroun$e$ %y .n$ian territory.
4he Court he"$ that :ortuga" #ou"$ #"aim a right o- passage %ase$ on "ongDstan$ing "o#a"
#ustom %etween .n$ia an$ :ortuga" themse"ves. A #ustomary ru"e may $eve"op to %in$
two states an$ impose mutua" rights an$ o%"igations, provi$e$ that it is shown this was a
"ongDhe"$ pra#ti#e %etween the two states an$ a##epte$ %y them as regu"ating their
Salonga '.'e Secretar( 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ :??69
Danie" +mith was move$ -rom the ;aGati City !ai" to a $etention #e"" in the 8+ Em%assy.
4he Court he"$ that it was a #ustomary ru"e that -oreign arme$ -or#es a""owe$ to enter a
state>s territory are immune -rom "o#a" Juris$i#tion, e#ept to the etent agree$ upon.
4he 6'A, whi#h was the re"evant agreement, provi$e$ that whi"e +mith #ou"$ %e in 8+
#usto$y pen$ing tria", in the event o- a #onvi#tion he shou"$ %e $etaine$ %y :hi"ippine
2. enera* Princip*es o- La, W whi"e genera" prin#ip"es o- "aw may in#"u$e ru"es o-
#ustomary "aw, they are primari"y ru"es that have %e#ome so we""Desta%"ishe$ an$
a##epte$ that they are no "onger $ire#t"y asso#iate$ with state pra#ti#e.
:rin#ip"e o- #onsent
:rin#ip"e o- re#ipro#ity
:rin#ip"e o- e9ua"ity o- states
:rin#ip"e o- 2na"ity o- awar$s an$ sett"ements
:rin#ip"e o- the "ega" va"i$ity o- agreements
:rin#ip"e o- goo$ -aith
:rin#ip"e o- $omesti# Juris$i#tion
Pro!ec#tor '. Tadic 4ICTA/ 566=9
4a$i# was #harge$ %e-ore the .C4M -or war #rimes he was a""ege$ to have #ommitte$ in
Bosnia. *e argue$ that the 4ri%una" was not esta%"ishe$ a##or$ing to "aw an$ there-ore
"a#Ge$ Juris$i#tion, an$ that it was a genera" prin#ip"e o- "aw that the #harges %rought
against him shou"$ on"y %e $etermine$ %y a tri%una" esta%"ishe$ %y "aw. 4he Court ru"e$
that the tri%una" was esta%"ishe$ %y "aw an$ reaHrme$ the 4ri%una">s Juris$i#tion %ase$
on the genera" prin#ip"e o- la competence de la competence ('ren#h) or ,ompeten8+
,ompeten8 (&erman). 4he power o- a tri%una" to $etermine its Juris$i#tion over a $ispute
is a maJor part o- the in#i$enta" or inherent Juris$i#tion o- any Ju$i#ia" or ar%itra" tri%una".
.t is a ne#essary #omponent in the eer#ise o- the Ju$i#ia" -un#tion an$ $oes not nee$ to
%e epress"y provi$e$ -or in the #onstitutive $o#uments o- tri%una"s.
Ca!e Concerning Prea1 Vi1ear Te)le 4Ca"odia '. T1ailand/ IC,/ 56>:9
4he temp"e o- :reah 6ihear sat on the %or$er o- Cam%o$ia an$ 4hai"an$. 4he
$emar#ation o- the Cam%o$iaD4hai"an$ %or$er was, %y agreement, to -o""ow the natura"
water"ine %ut the maps $rawn up were not in #omp"ian#e with the agreement an$ the
temp"e was marGe$ as %eing on Cam%o$ian soi". +evera" $e#a$es passe$ %e-ore 4hai"an$
9uestione$ the maps, an$ the Court ru"e$ that %ase$ on its %ehavior 4hai"an$ was
$eeme$ to have a##epte$ the maps (in so many wor$s, the prin#ip"e o- estoppe").
Cor+# C1annel Ca!e 4IC,/ 56869
British warships sai"e$ through A"%anian waters in the =orth Cor-u, hitting severa" mines
that ha$ %een "ai$ in the water. 4he Court ru"e$ that the A"%anian authorities ha$ an
o%"igation to noti-y the British warships a%out the eisten#e o- mine2e"$s in A"%anian
waters. 4his o%"igation was not an#hore$ on the *ague Convention o- 1907, %ut on
genera" an$ we""Dre#ogni<e$ prin#ip"es o- internationa" "aw5 e"ementary #onsi$erations o-
humanity (espe#ia""y in times o- pea#e, not Just war), -ree$om o- maritime
#ommuni#ation, an$ the o%"igation o- every state to ensure that its territory wi"" not %e
use$ in a manner that wi"" vio"ate the rights o- other states.
C1orDo% Factor( Ca!e 4Peranent Co#rt o+ International ,#!tice/ 56:79
&ermany #"aime$ reparations -rom :o"an$ -or the "atter>s taGeover o- a nitrate -a#tory in
Chor<ow. 4he Court ru"e$ that it is a genera" prin#ip"e o- internationa" "aw (?an$ even a
genera" #on#eption o- "aw@) that any %rea#h o- a right or o%"igation invo"ves an o%"igation
to maGe reparation. /eparation must wipe out a"" the #onse9uen#es o- the i""ega" a#t an$
must restore the vi#tim to the state he wou"$ have %een i- not -or the i""ega" a#t. .- this is
not possi%"e, then the vi#tim must %e #ompensate$ in an amount #orrespon$ing to the
va"ue whi#h restitution wou"$ %ear.
Barcelona Traction/ Lig1t/ and Po%er Co)an( Ca!e 4IC,/ 56;?9
4he #ompany in this #ase was a Cana$ian #ompany in +pain whi#h eventua""y went
%anGrupt. Be"gium initiate$ pro#ee$ings %e-ore the .C! on %eha"- o- Be"gian shareho"$ers
o- the #ompany, who were suppose$"y preJu$i#e$ %y the %anGrupt#y pro#ee$ings in
+pain. 4he Court ep"aine$ that it is to ru"es genera""y a##epte$ %y muni#ipa" systems,
an$ not to the muni#ipa" "aw o- a parti#u"ar state, that internationa" "aw re-ers. 4he Court
ru"e$ that it was a genera" prin#ip"e o- internationa" "aw that i- an i""ega" a#t is #ommitte$
against a #ompany, it is the #ountry o- whi#h the #ompany is a nationa" that #an seeG
prote#tion or re$ress (in this #ase, Cana$a). =o ru"e o- internationa" "aw #on-ers this right
to the #ountry o- whi#h a shareho"$er is a nationa".
T-JACO '. Li"(a 456;79
Li%ya sought to nationa"i<e a"" the rights, interests, an$ properties o- 4E3ACC, arguing
that muni#ipa" an$ not internationa" "aw shou"$ govern the pro#ess. Both parties #ite$ 8=
&enera" Assem%"y /eso"utions as %ases -or their arguments. 4he Court ru"e$ that 8=
&enera" Assem%"y /eso"utions are not %in$ing $e#"arations o- genera" prin#ip"es o-
internationa" "aw, an$ -or su#h reso"utions to %e %in$ing they must %e a##epte$ %y the
mem%ers o- the 8=, in parti#u"ar those mem%er states that are spe#ia""y a,e#te$ %y the
reso"ution (e.g. $eve"oping #ountries).
BP -.)loration '. Li"(a 456;<9
B: an$ Li%ya were in $isagreement as to whi#h "aw shou"$ govern their $ispute5
internationa" "aw a"one, or Li%yan "awb Base$ on the #on#ession agreement entere$ into
%y B: an$ Li%ya, the Court ru"e$ that Li%yan "aw wou"$ %e app"ie$ inso-ar as Li%yan "aw
#orrespon$e$ to prin#ip"es o- internationa" "aw. Cn"y when there were no prin#ip"es o-
Li%yan "aw #ommon with internationa" "aw wou"$ the genera" prin#ip"es o- internationa"
"aw %e app"ie$. .n other wor$s, when Li%yan "aw is in #onUi#t with internationa" "aw, then
genera" prin#ip"es o- "aw must %e app"ie$.
Sa#di Ara"ia '. Ara"ian Aerican Oil Co)an( 456><9
4he parties were in #onUi#t over the terms o- two agreements -or the eport an$ sa"e o-
oi". 4he Court ru"e$ in -avor o- A/A;CC>s #"aim as 2rst #on#essionaire, $e#"aring that the
prin#ip"e o- respe#t -or a#9uire$ rights is one o- the -un$amenta" prin#ip"es %oth o- pu%"i#
internationa" "aw an$ o- muni#ipa" "aw o- most #ivi"i<e$ states.
F. <udicia* #ecisions and t'e Teac'in+s o- t'e %ost Hi+'*y 8ua*ifed Pu4*icists W
it is important to stress that these are subsidiary sour#es -or the $etermination o- the
ru"es o- "aw. 8"timate"y, the tri%una" %e-ore whi#h these sour#es are presente$ must
$etermine the va"ue an$ persuasiveness o- the materia" presente$.
<udicia* #ecisions
a. De#isions o- internationa" tri%una"s (e.g. the .nternationa" Court o- !usti#e, the
respe#tive regiona" human rights #ourts su#h as the .nterDAmeri#an Court o-
*uman /ights)
%. De#isions o- ad "oc internationa" tri%una"s W these $i,er -rom other internationa"
tri%una"s in that they are esta%"ishe$ %y a num%er o- states -or a spe#ia" purpose.
Due to the spe#ia" nature o- these tri%una"s, they are o-ten a sour#e o- va"ua%"e
pronoun#ements on high"y spe#i2# issues. An eamp"e o- an ad "oc internationa"
tri%una" wou"$ %e the .nternationa" Crimina" 4ri%una" -or the 'ormer Mugos"avia,
-rom whi#h a great num%er o- vita" $o#trines o- internationa" humanitarian "aw
have emerge$.
#. De#isions o- nationa" an$ muni#ipa" #ourts
&ritin+s o- t'e %ost Hi+'*y 8ua*ifed Pu4*icists
Again, the $etermination o- whether a pu%"i#ist is in$ee$ the ?most high"y 9ua"i2e$@ is
u"timate"y up to the $is#retion o- the tri%una" %e-ore whi#h the pu%"i#ist>s worG is
presente$. 4here are #ertain materia"s, however, that have %een #onsi$ere$ at "east as
authoritative as the writings o- the most high"y 9ua"i2e$ pu%"i#ists, i.e. the Dra-t Arti#"es
on +tate /esponsi%i"ity prepare$ %y the .nternationa" Law Commission an$ the reports
an$ reso"utions o- the .nstitute o- .nternationa" Law an$ other epert %o$ies.
Medellin '. Te.a! 4Aerican Ca!e/ :??79
;e$e""in an$ his gangDmates were senten#e$ to $eath -or the rapeRs"ay o- two "itt"e gir"s.
*e argue$ that he ha$ a right un$er the 6ienna Convention an$ #ustomary "aw to a
review an$ re#onsi$eration o- his senten#e, among his evi$en#e a $e#"aration o-
:resi$ent Bush that the 8+ wou"$ #omp"y with its o%"igations un$er the .C! $e#ision in
Avena. 4he Court ru"e$ that the Avena $e#ision was not en-or#ea%"e as $omesti# "aw. As
provi$e$ in Arti#"e 9B o- the 8= Charter, $e#isions o- the .C! on"y ep"i#it"y %in$s states
whi#h are a party to the #ase. Even an un$ertaGing to #omp"y with the $e#ision is not an
a#Gnow"e$gment that an .C! $e#ision wi"" have imme$iate "ega" e,e#t in the #ourts o- 8=
mem%ers, %ut a #ommitment on the part o- 8= mem%ers to taGe -uture a#tions o-
#omp"ian#e through their po"iti#a" %ran#hes.
C. I(portant Concepts
Cther than the %asi# out"ine o- internationa" "aw an$ its sour#es provi$e$ a%ove, there
are a -ew -un$amenta" #on#epts that must %e high"ighte$ in or$er to so"i$i-y one>s
un$erstan$ing o- internationa" "aw.
7. O4*i+ations erga one!
Barcelona Traction/ Lig1t/ and Po%er Co)an( Ca!e 4!#)ra9
An o%"igation er&a omnes is an o%"igation o- every state towar$s the internationa"
#ommunity as a who"e. .t is an o%"igation whi#h is the #on#ern o- a"" states. .n view o- the
importan#e o- the rights invo"ve$ in this Gin$ o- o%"igation, a"" states #an %e he"$ to have
a "ega" interest in their prote#tion.
T1e Ca!e Concerning -a!t Tior 4GPort#gal '. A#!traliaH/ IC, Ca!e/ 566=9
:ortuga" institute$ pro#ee$ings against Austra"ia over the "atter>s #ontinuing negotiations
with .n$onesia in re"ation to the $e"imitation o- the #ontinenta" she"- %etween Austra"ia
an$ East 4imor. :ortuga" a""ege$ that Austra"ia ha$ vio"ate$ the right o- the peop"e o-
East 4imor to se"-D$etermination, as we"" as :ortuga">s right as the a$ministering power.
Khi"e the Court re-use$ to ru"e on the #ase %e#ause .n$onesia was not a party, it agree$
that the right o- peop"es to se"-D$etermination has an er&a omnes #hara#ter. *owever,
simp"y %e#ause a right invoGe$ is o- an er&a omnes #hara#ter $oes not mean that the
Court #an a#9uire Juris$i#tion over a state whi#h has not #onsente$ to the Court>s
Juris$i#tion in a #ase. /egar$"ess o- the #hara#ter o- the right invoGe$, the Court #annot
eva"uate the "aw-u"ness o- the #on$u#t o- a state whi#h is not a party to the #ase.
:. ,#! cogen!
Cus co&ens, as $is#usse$ in Arti#"e )1 o- the 19A9 6ienna Convention on the Law o-
4reaties (see above<, is an a%so"ute ru"e o- internationa" "aw. .t is a genera" prin#ip"e o-
"aw that has %e#ome so 2rm"y esta%"ishe$ an$ re#ogni<e$ %y the internationa"
#ommunity o- states as a who"e that $erogation is simp"y not permitte$. .t #an %e
mo$i2e$ on"y %y a su%se9uent norm o- genera" internationa" "aw having the same
#hara#ter. 4here is no #onsensus as to the #riteria whi#h wou"$ ena%"e one to i$enti-y
whi#h genera" prin#ip"es o- "aw have %e#ome peremptory norms. 'or instan#e, some
important provisions o- human rights treaties (e.g. $ue pro#ess) have not %een #"ear"y
esta%"ishe$ to %e jus co&ens. (Aust! ?*an$%ooG o- .nternationa" Law@, (010)
*(amples of accepted Jus #ogens norms:
:rohi%ition on geno#i$e
:rohi%ition on s"avery
:rohi%ition on ra#ia" $is#rimination
:rohi%ition on torture an$ #rimes against humanity
:rohi%ition on the use o- -or#e
-. Parte Pinoc1et 4IC, Ca!e/ 56669
:ino#het was the -ormer hea$ o- state o- Chi"e a##use$ with, among others, the #rime o-
torture. +pain sought his etra$ition whi"e he was in Lon$on -or me$i#a" treatment. .n
$enying his immunity -or the #rime o- torture, the Court ep"aine$ that the ru"e o-
internationa" "aw prohi%iting torture has the #hara#ter o- jus co&ens or a peremptory
norm. 4he vio"ation o- a jus co&ens norm #annot %e su%Je#t to any Gin$ o- immunityN the
universa" Juris$i#tion grante$ over those who vio"ate the ru"e against torture is Justi2e$
%y its jus co&ens nature.
<. -. ae@#o et "ono
Arti#"e 18 o- the +tatute o- the .nternationa" Court o- !usti#e (.C!)
1. 4he Court, whose -un#tion is to $e#i$e in a##or$an#e with internationa" "aw su#h
$isputes as are su%mitte$ to it, sha"" app"y5
a. internationa" #onventions, whether genera" or parti#u"ar, esta%"ishing ru"es
epress"y re#ogni<e$ %y the #ontesting statesN
%. internationa" #ustom, as evi$en#e o- a genera" pra#ti#e a##epte$ as "awN
#. the genera" prin#ip"es o- "aw re#ogni<e$ %y #ivi"i<e$ nationsN an$
$. su%Je#t to the provisions o- Arti#"e )9, Ju$i#ia" $e#isions an$ the tea#hings o- the
most high"y 9ua"i2e$ pu%"i#ists o- the various nations, as su%si$iary means -or
the $etermination o- the ru"es o- "aw.
/. T'is provision s'a** not pre9udice t'e po,er o- t'e Court to decide a case
e. ae@#o et "ono, i- t'e parties a+ree t'ereto.
*( ae5uo et bono is a Latin phrase that rough"y trans"ates to ?what is -air an$ Just@ an$ is
very simi"ar to the #on#ept o- e9uity. As provi$e$ in Arti#"e 18(() o- the .C! +tatute, i- the
parties agree to it, then the Court may $e#i$e a #ase without a$hering to the eisting
ru"es o- internationa" "aw an$ reso"ve the $ispute a##or$ing to what is -air an$ Just un$er
the #ir#umstan#es.
#. Su49ects o- Internationa* La,
Ta4*e /. Enu(eration o- Su49ects in Internationa* La,
Esta4*is'ed Le+a* Persons
1. +tates
(. :o"iti#a" entities "ega""y
proimate to states (e.g. the
-ormer 'ree City o- Dan<ig)
1. Con$ominium W the Joint
eer#ise o- state power within a
parti#u"ar territory %y means o-
an autonomous "o#a"
a$ministration a#ting as an
Specia* Types o- Persona*ities
1. =onDse"-Dgoverning peop"es
(. =ationa" "i%eration movements
1. +tates in statu nascendi W the
#ontinuity o- the po"iti#a" entity
o- the state, in #ertain #ases, in
or$er to give e,e#t to a#ts
$one %e-ore in$epen$en#e
B. Lega" #onstru#tions W the
opposite o- d1 a%ove, when
agent o- the states
B. .nternationa"i<e$ territories W a
spe#ia" status #reate$ %y
mu"ti"atera" treaties an$
prote#te$ %y an internationa"
). 8= a$ministration o- territories
imme$iate"y prior to
in$epen$en#e (e.g. 8=
4ransitiona" A$ministration o-
East 4imor)
A. .nternationa" organi<ations
7. Agen#ies o- states W entities
a#ting as agents o- states with
$e"egate$ powers (e.g. an
ar%itra" tri%una")
#a""e$ -or a state>s "ega" entity
may %e proJe#te$ in #ertain
#ases even though the state
has po"iti#a""y #ease$ to eist
). Be""igerentRinsurgent
#ommunities W paraDstata"
entities re#ogni<e$ as
possessing a $e2nite i- "imite$
-orm o- internationa"
A. Entities sui &eneris W e.g. the
*o"y +ee an$ the 6ati#an
7. .n$ivi$ua"s
Barcelona Traction Ca!e 4!#)ra9
Even in muni#ipa" "aw, there is a #"ear $istin#tion %etween the rights o- a #ompany an$
those o- a shareho"$er. Cn"y the #ompany, whi#h has a $istin#t an$ separate "ega"
persona"ity -rom its shareho"$ers, may maGe a #"aim -or #ompensation. A wrong $one to
the #ompany $oes in -a#t preJu$i#e its shareho"$ers, %ut this $oes not mean that %oth
the #ompany an$ shareho"$ers are entit"e$ to maGe #"aims -or #ompensation.
Re)aration! +or In3#rie! S#&ered in t1e Ser'ice o+ t1e UN 4IC, Ad'i!or(
O)inion/ 56869
4he 8= &enera" Assem%"y asGe$ the .C! severa" 9uestions re"ating to whether the 8=
#ou"$ %ring #"aims -or reparations -or itse"- an$ in %eha"- o- its agents. 4he Court ru"e$
that the 8= was an internationa" person su%Je#t o- internationa" "aw an$ #apa%"e o-
possessing internationa" rights an$ $uties, as we"" as the #orrespon$ing #apa#ity to
prote#t its rights %y %ringing internationa" #"aims. 4he #ompeten#e to %ring an
internationa" #"aim is the #apa#ity to resort to the #ustomary metho$s re#ogni<e$ %y
internationa" "aw -or the esta%"ishment, presentation, an$ sett"ement o- #"aims.
Ma'roati! Ca!e 4Peranent Co#rt o+ International ,#!tice/ 56:89
;avrommatis was a &reeG nationa" em%roi"e$ in $isputes with &reat Britain over
#on#essions awar$e$ to him in BritishD#ontro""e$ :a"estine. Khen &ree#e %rought Britain
%e-ore the Court, the Court tooG #ogni<an#e o- the #ase, 2n$ing that there was in -a#t a
$ispute %etween two states5 Britain an$ &ree#e. 4he "atter was #"aiming in$emnity
%e#ause Britain ha$ a#te$ in %rea#h o- its o%"igations to one o- &ree#e>s su%Je#ts. A state
is entit"e$ to prote#t its su%Je#ts when they are inJure$ %y a#ts o- another state whi#h are
#ontrary to internationa" "aw.
"rtic*e 7 o- t'e %ontevideo Convention on t'e !i+'ts and #uties o- States
4he state as a person o- internationa" "aw shou"$ possess the -o""owing 9ua"i2#ations5
1. A permanent popu*ationN
(. A $e2ne$ territoryN
1. overn(entN an$
B. Capacity to enter into re*ations with other states.
7. Territory W argua%"y the most important 9ua"i2#ation. 4here must %e a reasona%"y
sta%"e %asis -or a po"iti#a" #ommunity in #ontro" o- a spe#i2# area. Khi"e #"ear"y
$emar#ate$ %or$ers are not ne#essary, there must %e an area #"ear"y marGe$ as a p"a#e
where a po"iti#a" #ommunity is esta%"ishe$.
+overeignty in the re"ation %etween states signi2es in$epen$en#e. .n$epen$en#e in
regar$ to a portion o- the g"o%e is the right to eer#ise therein, to the e#"usion o- any
other state, the -un#tions o- a state. .t is the prin#ip"e o- e#"usive #ompeten#e o- the
state with regar$ to its own territory. (#sland of Palmas %ase<
Su((ary o- %odes o- "c.uirin+ Territoria* Soverei+nty ?Cro,n*ieB
1. Dis#overy an$ e,e#tive o##upation W a-ter $is#overing territory, there must %e
e,e#tive o##upation, i.e. an intention to a#t as a sovereign over that territory
(animus occupandi< as we"" as the #ontinuous $isp"ay o- su#h authority
(. Cession W the trans-er o- territory -rom one state to another %y agreement, usua""y
treaty. 4he va"i$ity o- the #ession $epen$s on the va"i$ity o- the tit"e o- the #e$ing
1. :res#ription W o##upation whi#h must %e7
a. 8n$er the tit"e o- sovereigntyN
%. :ea#e-u" an$ uninterrupte$N
#. :u%"i#N an$
$. En$ure -or a "ength o- time
B. A##ession or a##retion W the natura" pro#ess o- "an$ trans-er resu"ting in an
in#rease o- territory
I!land o+ Pala! Ca!e 4PCI,/ 56<:9
4he Dut#h an$ the Ameri#ans were in $ispute over the is"an$5 the Dut#h #"aime$ that the
Dut#h East .n$ies Company possesse$ an$ eer#ise$ rights o- sovereignty through
agreements ma$e with the nativesN the Ameri#ans #"aime$ that they ha$ a#9uire$ their
rights through the +panish, who suppose$"y $is#overe$ the is"an$ aroun$ the same time
that they -oun$ the rest o- the :hi"ippines. 4he Court -avore$ the Dut#h %ase$ on the
evi$en#e presente$, emphasi<ing that it was not on"y $is#overy o- the is"an$ that
esta%"ishe$ sovereignty, %ut e,e#tive o##upation through the $isp"ay o- state authority.
-a!tern Greenland Ca!e 4PCI,/ 56<<9
=orway an$ DenmarG were in $ispute over the territory o- Eastern &reen"an$. Both si$es
ha$ e9ua" amounts o- evi$en#e with varying su%stan#e to prove their #"aim, %ut tipping it
in DenmarG>s -avor was pu%"i# a#9uies#en#e %y the =orwegian ;inister o- 'oreign A,airs
as to DenmarG>s sovereignty over the territory. Khi"e a#9uies#en#e is not a means o-
gaining tit"e, it strengthene$ DenmarG>s #"aim. A$$itiona""y, whi"e =orway was in
#onstant o##upation o- the area in $ispute, there was no eer#ise o- state authority. Khat
was materia" to the Court was not Just physi#a" possession, %ut the intent to eer#ise
state authority over an area.
Min@#ier! and -cre1o! Ca!e 4GUnited Fingdo '. FranceH/ IC,/ 56=59
4he 8X an$ 'ran#e were in $ispute over two groups o- ro#Gy is"an$s, %oth #iting an#ient
tit"e, treaties, an$ suppose$"y sovereign a#ts. 4he Court ru"e$ in -avor o- the 8X %e#ause
it prove$ the eer#ise o- Juris$i#tion, "o#a" a$ministration, an$ "egis"ation over the
is"an$s. 4he eer#ise o- or$inary "o#a" a$ministration ("i#ensing, #ustoms, or$inary #ourt
-un#tions, the registry o- $ee$s, et#.) was %etter proo- o- sovereignty than any an#ient
tit"e or treaty, in the Court>s view.
Ca!e Concerning So'ereignt( o'er P#la# Ligitan and P#la# Si)adan
4GIndone!ia '. Mala(!iaH/ IC,/ :??:9
.n$onesia an$ ;a"aysia were in $ispute over two is"an$s, %oth #iting treaties, #o"onia"
e6ectivites! an$ tit"e %y su##ession. 4he .C! ru"e$ in ;a"aysia>s -avor %e#ause o- its ?a#ts
o- a$ministration@ over the is"an$s (e.g. its regu"ation on the gathering o- turt"e eggs an$
$e#"aration o- a %ir$ san#tuary).
-ritrea '. Aeen 4IC,/ 56679
Eritrea an$ Memen were in $ispute over numerous is"an$s, #iting histori# tit"e (on the part
o- Memen) an$ e,e#tive o##upation -or over a hun$re$ years (on the part o- Eritrea). 4he
Court $i$ not awar$ a"" the is"an$s to one #"aimant, instea$ $etermining the ownership o-
ea#h is"an$ or is"an$ group in$ivi$ua""y. C- note in this #ase is the Court>s use o- the
:orti#o Do#trine5 .s"an$s nearest to #oasta" states (parti#u"ar"y those within the state>s
territoria" sea) %e"ong to su#h states.
Li"(a '. C1ad 4IC,/ 56689
Li%ya an$ Cha$ were em%roi"e$ in a $ispute over %oun$aries. Cha$ was #iting a treaty
entere$ into %etween Li%ya an$ 'ran#e, when 'ran#e was sti"" Cha$>s #o"onia" ru"er. 4he
Court ru"e$ in Cha$>s -avor, propoun$ing the theory o- autoD"imitation5 in or$er to
prevent #onUi#t an$ insta%i"ity, a %oun$ary esta%"ishe$ %y a treaty %e#omes permanent,
though the treaty itse"- is not ne#essari"y permanent.
Anglo-Nor%egian Fi!1erie! Ca!e 4GUnited Fingdo '. Nor%a(H/ IC,/ 56;=9
A-ter $rawing its own %ase"ines, =orway issue$ a $e#ree $e"ineating its e#"usive 2shery
<ones, prompting protest -rom the 8X. 4he Court "ai$ $own the -un$amenta"
#onsi$erations in the $rawing o- %ase"ines an$ the $etermination o- territoria" waters5 (1)
the %ase"ines must not $epart to any appre#ia%"e etent -rom the genera" $ire#tion o- the
#oast %e#ause it is "an$ whi#h #on-ers upon the #oasta" state the right to the waters o,
its #oastN (() the seas "ying within the %ase"ine must %e #"ose"y "inGe$ to the "an$ $omain
to %e su%Je#t to the regime o- interna" watersN an$ (1) the e#onomi# interest pe#u"iar to
the region, as evi$en#e$ %y "ong usage.
0e!tern Sa1ara Ca!e 4IC,/ 56;=9
;oro##o an$ ;auritania %oth ma$e #"aims to the e,e#t that they ha$ "ega" ties to the
Kestern +ahara. +pain argue$ that the Kestern +ahara was terra nullius at the time,
hen#e its o##upation thereo- was not to the preJu$i#e o- any re#ogni<e$ +tate. 4he Court
ru"e$ that the Kestern +ahara was not terra nullius (or ?a territory %e"onging to no one@)
over whi#h sovereignty may %e a#9uire$ through o##upation. +tate pra#ti#e is to the
e,e#t that a territory inha%ite$ %y tri%es with a so#ioDpo"iti#a" organi<ation (e.g. the
Be$ouins) is not terra nullius. But neither #an there %e reversion o- tit"e to either ;oro##o
or ;auritania, sin#e neither were a%"e to prove "ega" ties that $emonstrate$ either
state>s #ontro" over the region.
-l Sal'ador '. Hond#ra! %it1 Nicarag#a Inter'ening 4IC,/ 566:9
'o""owing the #o""apse o- +panish ru"e over Centra" Ameri#a, severa" states sought to
have their %oun$aries $etermine$ %y the Court. 4he Court $i$ not re"y on the ru"e o-
e,e#tive o##upation, sin#e a-ter a"" on"y one #o"onia" power #ontro""e$ the area an$
mere"y esta%"ishe$ a$ministrative %oun$aries. .nstea$, the Court app"ie$ the prin#ip"e o-
uti possidetis juris5 previous #o"onia" %oun$aries are #ontinua""y a$opte$, an$ the
su##ee$ing state must respe#t the %oun$aries set -orth %y the outgoing #o"onia" powers.
Cli))erton I!land Ar"itration 4France '. Me.ico/ 56<59
'ran#e $e#"are$ sovereignty over C"ipperton .s"an$ a-ter 'ran#e>s navy 2rst "an$e$ on the
uninha%ite$ is"an$ in 18)8. 4he Court ru"e$ that 'ran#e ha$ su##ess-u""y a#9uire$ tit"e
over what was terra nullius through o##upation. .t a"so e"a%orate$ that #ontinue$
physi#a" o##upation o- territory is not ne#essary where5 (1) the territory is terra nullius at
the time the o##upying state arrives thereN an$ (() taGing o- possession an$ intent to
possess is shown %y a pu%"i# $e#"aration o- sovereignty.
/. Popu*ation W together with territory, popu"ation provi$es the physi#a" evi$en#e -or
the eisten#e o- a state. ?As an e"ement o- a state, `peop"e> simp"y means a #ommunity
o- persons suH#ient in num%er an$ #apa%"e o- maintaining the permanent eisten#e o-
the #ommunity an$ he"$ together %y a #ommon %on$ o- "aw. .t is o- no "ega"
#onse9uen#e i- they possess $iverse ra#ia", #u"tura", or e#onomi# interests. =or is a
minimum popu"ation re9uire$.@ (-ernas<
2. overn(ent W the eisten#e o- an e,e#tive government with #entra"i<e$ "egis"ative
an$ a$ministrative organs is the %est evi$en#e o- a sta%"e po"iti#a" #ommunity. 4hat
%eing sai$, no spe#i2# -orm o- government has %een re9uire$ in internationa" "aw.
'urthermore, states have %een #onsi$ere$ to #ontinue to eist in the a%sen#e o- an
e,e#tive government7su#h as when states are ro#Ge$ %y vio"ent interna" upheava"s or
$uring the o##upation %y a -oreign power.
F. Capacity to enter into re*ations ,it' ot'er states W this 9ua"i2#ation is atta#he$
to the #on#ept o- in$epen$en#e, as we"" as an imp"ie$ re9uirement5 re#ognition o-
statehoo$ %y other states. A-ter a"", i- other states $o not re#ogni<e one to %e a -e""ow
state, re"ations are not possi%"e. *owever, it has %een argue$ that a new state a#9uires
"ega" persona"ity pure"y %y its own a#ts in a#hieving the o%Je#tive 9ua"i2#ations o-
statehoo$, rather than through re#ognition %y other states. .- re#ognition were ma$e a
re9uirement o- statehoo$, some states #ou"$ not %e #onsi$ere$ su#h on a##ount o- the
re-usa" %y some other states to re#ogni<e their in$epen$en#e (e.&. 4aiwan an$ Xosovo).

An internationa" organi<ation is an organi<ation that is set up %y treaty among two or
more states. +in#e the #onstitutive $o#ument o- internationa" organi<ation is a treaty,
on"y states are mem%ers o- internationa" organi<ations. (-ernas<
An important -eature o- internationa" organi<ations is they o-ten enJoy immunities an$
privi"eges in or$er to -a#i"itate the e,e#tive eer#ise o- their -un#tions. 4heir powers an$
privi"eges are in turn Gept in #he#G %y the treaties that #reate$ them.
*(amples of #nternational /r&ani8ations:
Anited .ations
#nternational %ourt of Custice
Legalit( o+ t1e U!e "( a State o+ N#clear 0ea)on! in Ared ConIict 4!#)ra9
.nternationa" organi<ations are su%Je#ts o- internationa" "aw whi#h $o not, un"iGe +tates,
possess a genera" #ompeten#e. .nternationa" organi<ations are governe$ %y the prin#ip"e
o- spe#ia"ity, i.e. they are investe$ %y the +tates whi#h #reate them with powers, the
"imits o- whi#h are a -un#tion o- the #ommon interests whose promotion those +tates
entrust to them. 4he powers #on-erre$ on internationa" organi<ations are norma""y the
su%Je#t o- an epress statement in their #onstituent instruments. =everthe"ess, the
ne#essities o- internationa" "i-e may point to the nee$ -or organi<ations to possess
su%si$iary (or ?imp"ie$@) powers not epress"y provi$e$ -or in their %asi# instruments.
International Cat1olic Migration Coi!!ion '. Calle3a 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ 566?/
G.R. No. 7=;=?9
4his invo"ve$ two #onso"i$ate$ #ases5 #%1% v. %alleja an$ Dapisanan n& m&a
1an&&a&a)a v. #nternational Rice Researc" #nstitute =#RR#<. .n the #ase o- .C;C, the
Court aHrme$ the immunity o- .C;C as a spe#ia"i<e$ agen#y un$er the Charter o- the
8nite$ =ations. Kith respe#t to .//., the Court note$ that whi"e it was not an
internationa" organi<ation %e#ause it was the pro$u#t o- a ;CA %etween the :hi"ippines
an$ two private organi<ations, the promu"gation o- a :resi$entia" De#ree grante$ .//. the
privi"eges an$ immunities o- an internationa" organi<ation. 4he Court ep"aine$ that the
o%Je#tive o- granting immunity to internationa" organi<ations is to avoi$ the $anger o-
partia"ity an$ inter-eren#e %y the host #ountry in their interna" worGings.
0orld Healt1 OrganiDation '. A@#ino 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ G.R. No. L-<=5<5/ 56;:9
A Ju$ge issue$ a sear#h warrant -or the persona" e,e#ts o- an oH#ia" o- the K*C. .n
9uashing the warrant, the Court ep"aine$ that $ip"omati# immunity is essentia""y a
po"iti#a" 9uestion an$ #ourts shou"$ re-use to "ooG %eyon$ a $etermination %y the
ee#utive %ran#h o- the government. Khere the p"ea o- $ip"omati# immunity is
re#ogni<e$ an$ aHrme$ %y the ee#utive %ran#h, the Ju$i#ia" $epartment must -o""ow
the a#tion o- the po"iti#a" %ran#h an$ shou"$ not em%arrass the "atter %y assuming
antagonisti# Juris$i#tion.
*e)artent o+ Foreign A&air! '. National La"or Relation! Board 4P1ili))ine
Ca!e/ G.R. No. 55<565/ 566>9
An i""ega" $ismissa" #ase was 2"e$ against the Asian Deve"opment BanG. .n upho"$ing the
ADB>s immunity, the Court #ite$ severa" provisions o- the ADB>s Charter granting it
?immunity -rom "ega" pro#ess o- every -orm@. .t a"so repeate$ the $o#trine in the ear"ier
#ase o- 3B/ v. A5uino an$ pointe$ out that the Charter o- the ADB was a treaty that the
:hi"ippines was a party to. .n entering into that treaty, the po"iti#a" %ran#hes o- the
:hi"ippine government eten$e$ immunities to the ADB whi#h #ou"$ not %e ignore$ %y
the Ju$i#ia" $epartment.
,e&re( Liang 4H#e Feng9 '. Peo)le 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ G.R. No. 5:=7>=/ :??59
Liang was #harge$ with grave ora" $e-amation. Khi"e Liang, an e#onomist, was an agent
o- an internationa" organi<ation, the immunity grante$ to oH#ers an$ sta, o- the ADB
was not a%so"ute. 4he immunity is "imite$ to a#ts per-orme$ in an oH#ia" #apa#ity an$
$oes not #over the #ommission o- a #rime7s"an$er or ora" $e-amation are not a#ts that
#an %e #onsi$ere$ as ones per-orme$ in oH#ia" #apa#ity.
2. IN#I$I#U"LS
.n the ear"y $ays o- internationa" "aw, in$ivi$ua"s were o%Je#ts, or at %est
%ene2#iaries o- internationa" "aw, e#"usive"y un$er the #ontro" o- states. (-ernas)
4he internationa" "ega" status o- in$ivi$ua"s is uni9ue5 it is "opsi$e$ %e#ause as -ar
as their internationa" o%"igations are #on#erne$, they are re9uire$ to respe#t
#ertain -un$amenta" va"ues an$ may %e punishe$ as in$ivi$ua"s -or -ai"ure to $o so.
*owever, when their in$ivi$ua" rights are vio"ate$, they $o not a"ways have the
right to %ring their #ases %e-ore internationa" %o$ies an$ instea$ have to re"y on
their own states to %ring the #ases on their %eha"-. 4he on"y e#eption is when a
treaty that their state has entere$ into or a reso"ution that an internationa"
organi<ation has a$opte$ envisages the right o- the in$ivi$ua" to %ring a #ase to an
internationa" %o$y on his own %eha"-. (%assese! ?.nternationa" Law@, (001N -ernas)
.nternationa" Crimina" Law #an tra#e its %eginnings to the en$ o- Kor"$ Kar ..,
when the wor"$ was #on-ronte$ with the rea"ity that $uring the war mi""ions o-
#rimes ha$ %een #ommitte$ %y in$ivi$ua"s. 4he horror o- the +e#on$ Kor"$ Kar
%rought a%out the i$ea that in #ertain #ases, some a#ts are so horri2# that
#ompensation -rom the state wi"" not suH#e, an$ the in$ivi$ua" $ire#t"y
responsi%"e must %e punishe$. 4he ear"iest #ourts -or internationa" #rimina" "aw
were the =urem%erg 4ri%una" an$ 4oGyo Kar Crimes 4ri%una".
4he &eneva Conventions o- 19B9 an$ the 1978 A$$itiona" :roto#o"s to the
&eneva Conventions were the net step in the $eve"opment o- internationa"
#rimina" "aw, though the parti#u"ar -o#us o- these #onventions an$ proto#o"s
were #rimes #ommitte$ in the #ontet o- an arme$ #onUi#t.
4he Mugos"avia Kar Crimes 4ri%una" (1991) an$ /wan$a Kar Crimes 4ri%una"
(199B) were spe#ia" tri%una"s un$er the 8nite$ =ations +e#urity Coun#i". Again,
the -o#us o- these %o$ies was the punishment o- #rimes #ommitte$ in the
#ontet o- an arme$ #onUi#t. *owever, these a$ ho# tri%una"s %rought %a#G an
i$ea that the 8= ha$ %een #ontemp"ating sin#e its #reation5 the ne#essity -or a
permanent #ourt to $ea" with #ases o- internationa" #rimina" "aw.
4he /ome +tatute on the .nternationa" Crimina" Court was a$opte$ %y the 8= in
T1e Fo#r Mo!t Serio#! International Crie! 4a! )ro'ided in t1e Roe Stat#te9
1. &eno#i$e
(. Crimes against humanity
1. Kar #rimes
B. 4he #rime o- aggression
4he prin#ip"e o- complementarity app"ies with respe#t to Juris$i#tion5 muni#ipa"
#ourts o- states party to the +tatute sti"" have the primary $uty to prose#ute
internationa" #rimes #ommitte$ %y their nationa"s or #ommitte$ in their territory.
4he .nternationa" Crimina" Court (.CC) wi"" on"y have Juris$i#tion i- the state is
unwi""ing or genuine"y una%"e to prose#ute the internationa" #rime.
E. #ip*o(atic and Consu*ar La,
4he $ienna Convention on #ip*o(atic !e*ations (19A1) is the #o$i2#ation o- ru"es o-
internationa" "aw parti#u"ar"y app"i#a%"e to the po"iti#a" re"ations o- states. Dip"omati#
re"ations %etween states are entere$ into %y mutua" #onsent.
4he $ienna Convention on Consu*ar !e*ations (19A7) is the #o$i2#ation o- ru"es o-
internationa" "aw parti#u"ar"y app"i#a%"e to #onsu"ar re"ations. Khi"e #onsu"ar re"ations
%etween states are a"so entere$ into %y mutua" #onsent, #onsu"ar re"ations are more
spe#i2# than $ip"omati# re"ations. Consu"s atten$ to a$ministrative an$ e#onomi#
matters %etween the sen$ing an$ re#eiving states. .t is #"ari2e$ in Arti#"e 1(() o- the
6ienna Convention on Dip"omati# /e"ations that a $ip"omati# mission may sti"" per-orm
#onsu"ar -un#tions.
Ta4*e 2. Co(parison o- t'e t,o $ienna Conventions
Cn Dip"omati# /e"ations Cn Consu"ar /e"ations
5unctions Arti#"e 15
1. /epresenting the
sen$ing state (++) in the
re#eiving state (/+).
(. :rote#ting the interests
o- the ++ an$ its nationa"s
in the /+.
1. =egotiating with the
government o- the /+.
B. As#ertaining %y a"" "aw-u"
means the #on$itions an$
$eve"opments in the /+
an$ reporting su#h to the
). :romoting -rien$"y
re"ations %etween the ++
an$ /+, as we"" as
$eve"oping their e#onomi#,
#u"tura", an$ s#ienti2#
Arti#"e ) (summari<e$,
trimme$ $own -rom -u""
1. :rote#ting the interests
o- the ++ an$ its nationa"s
(%oth in$ivi$ua" an$ %o$ies
(. 'urthering the
$eve"opment o-
#ommer#ia", e#onomi#,
#u"tura", an$ s#ienti2#
re"ations, as we"" as
promoting -rien$"y
1. As#ertaining %y a"" "aw-u"
means the #on$itions an$
$eve"opments in the /+>
#ommer#ia", e#onomi#,
#u"tura", an$ s#ienti2# "i-e,
an$ reporting to persons
B. .ssuing passports an$
trave" $o#uments to ++
nationa"sN issuing visas an$
other $o#uments to persons
wishing to trave" to the ++.
). Assisting nationa"s o- the
A. A#ting as notary, #ivi"
registrar, in simi"ar
#apa#ities, an$ per-orming
#ertain -un#tions o-
a$ministrative nature not
#ontrary to /+ "aws.
7. 'o""owing /+ pro#e$ura"
"aws, representing or
arranging -or the
representation o- ++
nationa"s %e-ore /+
tri%una"s an$ authorities.
8. 4ransmitting Ju$i#ia" an$
etraDJu$i#ia" $o#uments.
9. Eer#ising rights o-
supervision an$ inspe#tion
in respe#t o- ++ vesse"s,
air#ra-t, an$ #rew.
10. :er-orming other
-un#tions entruste$ to a
#onsu"ar post %y the ++, not
prohi%ite$ %y /+ "aws or not
o%Je#te$ to %y the /+.
Heads Arti#"e 1B5 C"asses o- *ea$s
1. Am%assa$ors or nun#ios
(. Envoys, ministers, an$
1. Charges $es a,aires
*(cept as concerns
precedence =i.e. seniority<
and eti5uette! t"ere s"all
be no di6erentiation
bet)een "eads of mission
by reason of t"eir class
Arti#"e 95 C"asses o- *ea$s
1. Consu"sDgenera"
(. Consu"s
1. 6i#eD#onsu"s
B. Consu"ar agents
Persona non
Arti#"e 95
1. 4he /+ may, at any time
an$ without having to
ep"ain its $e#ision, noti-y
the ++ that the hea$ o- the
mission, any mem%er o- the
$ip"omati# sta,, or mem%er
o- the mission is persona
non grata or not
a##epta%"e. 4he ++ sha""
either re#a"" or terminate
the person>s -un#tions with
the mission. 4he
$e#"aration o- a person to
Arti#"e (15
1. 4he /+ may, at any time
an$ without ep"anation,
noti-y the ++ that a
#onsu"ar oH#er or any
mem%er o- the #onsu"ar
sta, is persona non grata or
not a##epta%"e. 4he ++ sha""
either re#a"" the person or
terminate his -un#tions with
the #onsu"ar post.
(. .- the ++ re-uses or -ai"s
within a reasona%"e time to
#arry out its o%"igation to
%e persona non grata or not
a##epta%"e may #ome
%e-ore his arriva" in the /+>
(. .- the ++ re-uses or -ai"s
within a reasona%"e perio$
to #arry out its o%"igation to
re#a"" or terminate the
person>s -un#tions, the /+
may re-use to re#ogni<e the
person as a mem%er o- the
re#a""Rterminate -un#tions,
the /+ may either with$raw
the e(e5uatur (the
$e#"aration ma$e %y the /+
re#ogni<ing the #onsu" o-
the ++ an$ authori<ing him
to per-orm his -un#tion in
the /+. 4here is no
pres#ri%e$ -orm -or an
1. A person appointe$ as a
mem%er o- the #onsu"ar
post may %e $e#"are$
una##epta%"e, without
ep"anation, %e-ore arriving
in the territory o- the /+ or
%e-ore %eginning his $uties.
4he ++ sha"" with$raw his
End o- 5unction Arti#"e B15
1. 8pon noti2#ation %y the
++ to the /+ that the
-un#tions o- the $ip"omati#
agent have #ome to an
(. 8pon noti2#ation %y the
/+ to the ++ that it re-uses
to re#ogni<e the $ip"omati#
agent as a mem%er o- the
Arti#"e ()5
1. 8pon noti2#ation %y the
++ to the /+ that the
-un#tions o- a mem%er o-
the #onsu"ar post have
#ome to an en$.
(. 8pon with$rawa" o- the
1. =oti2#ation %y the /+ to
the ++ that the /+ has
#ease$ to #onsi$er the
mem%er o- the #onsu"ar
sta, as a mem%er o- the
#onsu"ar sta,.
Invio*a4i*ity o-
Arti#"e (95 4he person o- a
$ip"omati# agent sha"" %e
invio"a%"e. *e sha"" not %e
"ia%"e to any -orm o- arrest
or $etention. 4he /+ sha""
treat him with $ue respe#t
an$ sha"" taGe a""
appropriate steps to
prevent any atta#G on his
person, -ree$om, or $ignity.
Arti#"e B05 4he /+ sha""
treat #onsu"ar oH#ers with
$ue respe#t an$ sha"" taGe
a"" appropriate steps to
prevent any atta#G on their
person, -ree$om, or $ignity.
Arti#"e B15
1. Consu"ar oH#ers sha""
not %e "ia%"e to arrest or
$etention pen$ing tria"
e(cept in the #ase o- a
grave #rime an$ pursuant
to a $e#ision %y the
#ompetent Ju$i#ia"
(. Consu"ar oH#ers sha""
not %e #ommitte$ to prison
or "ia%"e to any other -orm
o- restri#tion on their
persona" -ree$om save in
ee#ution o- a Ju$i#ia"
$e#ision o- 2na" e,e#t
(same e#eption as d1
1. .- #rimina" pro#ee$ings
are institute$ against a
#onsu"ar oH#er, he must
appear %e-ore the
#ompetent authorities. 4he
pro#ee$ings sha"" %e
#on$u#te$ with the respe#t
$ue him %y reason o- his
oH#ia" position an$ (e#ept
in #ases o- grave #rime) in a
manner whi#h wi"" hamper
the eer#ise o- oH#ia"
-un#tions as "itt"e as
possi%"e. .n #ases o- grave
#rime, when it %e#omes
ne#essary to $etain a
#onsu"ar oH#er, the
pro#ee$ings against him
sha"" %e institute$ with
minimum $e"ay.
Invio*a4i*ity o-
Arti#"e ((5
1. 4he premises o- the
mission sha"" %e invio"a%"e.
4he agents o- the /+ may
not enter without the
#onsent o- the hea$ o- the
(. 4he /+ is un$er a spe#ia"
$uty to taGe a"" appropriate
steps to prote#t the
premises o- the mission
against any intrusion or
$amage, an$ to prevent
any $istur%an#e o- the
mission or impairment o- its
1. :remises o- the mission,
-urnishings, an$ other
property thereon, in#"u$ing
the means o- transport o-
Arti#"e 115
1. Consu"ar premises sha""
%e invio"a%"e to the etent
provi$e$ in this arti#"e.
(. 4he /+ authorities sha""
not enter that part o- the
#onsu"ar premises whi#h is
use$ e#"usive"y -or the
purpose o- the worG o- the
#onsu"ar post e#ept with
the #onsent o- the hea$ o-
the #onsu"ar post or o- his
$esignee, or o- the hea$ o-
the $ip"omati# mission.
+u#h #onsent may %e
assume$ in #ases o- 2re or
other $isaster re9uiring
prompt prote#tive a#tion.
1. 4he /+ is un$er a spe#ia"
$uty to taGe a"" appropriate
the mission, sha"" %e
immune -rom sear#h,
re9uisition, atta#hment, or
Arti#"e 105
1. 4he private resi$en#e o-
a $ip"omati# agent sha""
enJoy the same invio"a%i"ity
an$ prote#tion as the
premises o- the mission.
(. *is papers,
#orrespon$en#e, an$
(e#ept as provi$e$ in
Arti#"e 11 %e"ow) property
sha"" a"so %e invio"a%"e.
steps to prote#t the
#onsu"ar premises against
any intrusion or $amage
an$ to prevent any
$istur%an#e o- the pea#e o-
the #onsu"ar post or
impairment o- its $ignity.
B. Consu"ar premises,
-urnishings, property o- the
#onsu"ar post, an$ its
means o- transport sha"" %e
immune -rom any -orm o-
re9uisition -or purposes o-
nationa" $e-ense or pu%"i#
uti"ity. .- epropriation is
ne#essary -or su#h
purposes, a"" possi%"e steps
sha"" %e taGen to avoi$
impe$ing per-orman#e o-
#onsu"ar -un#tions an$
prompt, a$e9uate, an$
e,e#tive #ompensation
sha"" %e pai$ to the ++.
I((unity -ro(
Arti#"e 115
1. A $ip"omati# agent sha""
enJoy immunity -rom the
#rimina" Juris$i#tion o- the
/+. *e sha"" a"so enJoy
immunity -rom its #ivi" an$
a$ministrative Juris$i#tion.
(. A $ip"omati# agent is not
o%"ige$ to give evi$en#e as
a witness.
1. =o measures o-
ee#ution may %e taGen in
respe#t o- a $ip"omati#
Arti#"e B15
1. Consu"ar oH#ers an$
#onsu"ar emp"oyees sha""
not %e amena%"e to the
Juris$i#tion o- the Ju$i#ia" or
a$ministrative authorities o-
the /+ in respe#t o- a#ts
per-orme$ in the eer#ise o-
#onsu"ar -un#tions.
E)ceptions to
I((unity -ro(
Arti#"e 115 A $ip"omati#
agent is not immune -rom
#ivi" an$ a$ministrative
Juris$i#tion in #ases o-7
1. A rea" a#tion re"ating to
private immova%"e property
situate$ in /+ territory,
un"ess (e#eption to the
e#eption) he ho"$s it on
%eha"- o- the ++ -or
purposes o- the mission.
(. An a#tion re"ating to
Arti#"e B15
4he immunity provi$e$
sha"" not app"y in respe#t o-
a #ivi" a#tion either7
1. Arising out o- a #ontra#t
#on#"u$e$ %y a #onsu"ar
oH#er or a #onsu"ar
emp"oyee in whi#h he $i$
not #ontra#t epress"y or
imp"ie$"y as an agent o- the
++N or
(. By a thir$ party -or
su##ession in whi#h the
$ip"omati# agent is
invo"ve$ as ee#utor,
a$ministrator, heir, or
"egatee as a private person
an$ not on %eha"- o- the ++.
1. An a#tion re"ating to any
pro-essiona" or #ommer#ia"
a#tivity eer#ise$ %y the
$ip"omati# agent in the /+
outsi$e his oH#ia" -un#tions
c;easures o- ee#ution
may %e taGen in respe#t o-
a $ip"omati# agent in the
three #ases "iste$ a%ove,
provi$e$ that su#h
measures #an %e taGen
without in-ringing upon the
invio"a%i"ity o- his person or
$amage arising -rom an
a##i$ent in the /+ #ause$
%y a vehi#"e, vesse", or
&aiver o-
Arti#"e 1(5
1. 4he immunity -rom
Juris$i#tion o- $ip"omati#
agents may %e waive$ %y
the ++.
(. Kaiver must a"ways %e
1. .nitiation o- pro#ee$ings
%y a $ip"omati# agent sha""
pre#"u$e him -rom invoGing
immunity -rom Juris$i#tion
in respe#t o- any #ounterD
#"aim $ire#t"y #onne#te$
with the prin#ipa" #"aim.
B. Kaiver o- immunity -rom
Juris$i#tion in respe#t o-
#ivi" or a$ministrative
pro#ee$ings sha"" not %e
he"$ to imp"y waiver o-
immunity in respe#t o- the
ee#ution o- the Ju$gment,
-or whi#h a separate waiver
sha"" %e ne#essary.
Arti#"e B)5
1. 4he ++ may waive the
privi"eges or immunities
provi$e$ -or a mem%er o-
the #onsu"ar post.
(. 4he waiver sha"" in a""
#ases %e epress, e#ept as
provi$e$ un$er this Arti#"e,
an$ sha"" %e #ommuni#ate$
to the /+ in writing.
1. 4he initiation o-
pro#ee$ings %y a #onsu"ar
oH#er or a #onsu"ar
emp"oyee in a matter where
he might enJoy immunity
sha"" pre#"u$e him -rom
invoGing immunity -rom
Juris$i#tion in respe#t o- any
#ounterD#"aim $ire#t"y
#onne#te$ with the
prin#ipa" #"aim.
B. 4he waiver o- immunity
-rom Juris$i#tion -or the
purpose o- #ivi" or
a$ministrative pro#ee$ings
sha"" not %e $eeme$ to
imp"y the waiver o-
immunity -rom the
measures o- ee#ution
resu"ting -rom the Ju$i#ia"
$e#ision (in whi#h #ase a
separate waiver sha"" %e
O4*i+ations o-
Arti#"e B15
1. Kithout preJu$i#e to their
privi"eges an$ immunities,
it is the $uty o- a"" persons
enJoying su#h privi"eges
an$ immunities to respe#t
the /+> "aws an$ not to
inter-ere in the interna"
a,airs o- that state.
(. A"" oH#ia" %usiness with
the /+ entruste$ to the
mission %y the ++ sha"" %e
#on$u#te$ with or through
the ;inistry o- 'oreign
A,airs o- the /+ or su#h
other ministry as may %e
1. :remises o- the mission
must not %e use$ in any
manner in#ompati%"e with
the -un#tions o- the mission
un$er this Convention,
ru"es o- genera" .L, or
spe#ia" agreements
%etween the /+ an$ ++.
Arti#"e ))5
1. Kithout preJu$i#e to their
privi"eges an$ immunities,
it is the $uty o- a"" persons
enJoying su#h privi"eges
an$ immunities to respe#t
the /+> "aws an$ not to
inter-ere in the interna"
a,airs o- that state.
4he #onsu"ar premises sha""
not %e use$ in any manner
in#ompati%"e with the
eer#ise o- #onsu"ar
-un#tions. 4his provision
sha"" not e#"u$e the
possi%i"ity o- oH#es o- other
institutions or agen#ies
%eing insta""e$ in part o- the
%ui"$ing in whi#h the
#onsu"ar premises are
situate$, provi$e$ that the
premises assigne$ to them
are separate -rom those
use$ %y the #onsu"ar post.
+ai$ oH#es are not
#onsi$ere$ to -orm part o-
the #onsu"ar premises.
Ce+innin+ and
End o-
I((unities and
Arti#"e 195
1. .mmunities an$
privi"eges are enJoye$ -rom
the moment the agent
enters the /+> territory on
pro#ee$ing to taGe up his
(. .- he is a"rea$y in the /+>
territory, immunities an$
privi"eges are enJoye$
when his appointment is
noti2e$ to the ;inistry o-
'oreign A,airs.
1. Khen the agent>s
-un#tions have #ome to an
en$, the immunities an$
privi"eges he enJoys sha""
norma""y #ease the moment
Arti#"e )15
1. .mmunities an$
privi"eges are enJoye$ -rom
the moment the mem%er o-
the #onsu"ar post enters the
/+> territory on pro#ee$ing
to taGe up his post.
(. .- he is a"rea$y in the
#ountry, immunities an$
privi"eges are enJoye$ when
he enters on his $uties with
the #onsu"ar post.
1. Khen the -un#tions o-
the mem%er o- the #onsu"ar
post have #ome to an en$,
immunities an$ privi"eges
sha"" #ease the moment he
"eaves the /+ or on the
he "eaves the #ountry or on
epiry o- a reasona%"e
perio$ to $o so (in the
meantime, they su%sist,
even $uring an arme$
B. Kith respe#t to a#ts
per-orme$ %y an agent in
the eer#ise o- his -un#tions
as a mem%er o- the
mission, immunity sha""
epiry o- a reasona%"e
perio$ to $o so, whi#hever
is sooner (%ut sha"" su%sist
unti" that time, even $uring
an arme$ #onUi#t).
B. Kith respe#t to a#ts
per-orme$ %y a #onsu"ar
oH#er or a #onsu"ar
emp"oyee in the eer#ise o-
his -un#tions, immunity
sha"" #ontinue to su%sist
without "imitation o- time.
5. Treaties
4he "aw on treaties is -oun$ in the 6ienna Convention o- the Law o- 4reaties
"rtic*e /, $ienna Convention on t'e La, o- Treaties
A treaty is an internationa" agreement #on#"u$e$ %etween +tates in written -orm an$
governe$ %y internationa" "aw, whether em%o$ie$ in a sing"e instrument or in two or
more re"ate$ instruments an$ whatever its parti#u"ar $esignation.
Su((ary o- Essentia* Princip*es in t'e $ienna Convention on t'e La, o-
Consent to %e %oun$ %y a treaty may %e epresse$ %y signature, e#hange o-
instruments #onstituting a treaty, rati2#ation, a##eptan#e, approva", or
a##ession, or %y any other means i- so agree$ (Arti#"e 11)
Summary of steps to ma,e a treaty bindin& upon a state =as provided in t"e >ienna
%onvention on t"e La) of 2reaties<:
1. =egotiation
(. &iving o- #onsent to %e %oun$5
a. +igning o- treaty
%. E#hange o- instruments with the epress provision that in $oing so the
e#hanging parties %e#ome %oun$
#. /ati2#ationRa##eptan#eRapprova" W pro#ess o- rati2#ation varies with ea#h +tate.
At a"" times the instrument whi#h is proo- o- the rati2#ation must %e $eposite$
with the %o$y spe#i2e$ as $epositary or, i- not spe#i2e$, the 8= +e#retary
&enera". 4he e,e#t o- nonD$eposit is that the treaty #annot %e en-or#e$ against
the state %y any 8= agen#y
ERatication in t"e P"ilippines5 +e#tion (1 o- Arti#"e 6.. o- the Constitution provi$es that
no treaty or internationa" agreement sha"" %e va"i$ an$ e,e#tive un"ess #on#urre$ in %y
at "east twoDthir$s o- a"" the ;em%ers o- the +enate
Every state whi#h has signe$ or otherwise epresse$ its #onsent to %e %oun$ %y
a treaty has the o%"igation not to $e-eat the o%Je#t an$ purpose o- a treaty prior
to its entry into -or#e (Arti#"e 18)
Pacta sunt servanda is the prin#ip"e that every treaty in -or#e is %in$ing upon
the parties to it an$ must %e per-orme$ %y them in goo$ -aith (Arti#"e (A)
+tates may, when signing, rati-ying, a##epting, approving, or a##e$ing to a
treaty, -ormu"ate a reservation unless7
(a)the reservation is prohi%ite$ %y the treatyN
(%)the treaty provi$es on"y spe#i2e$ reservationsN or
(#) the reservation is in#ompati%"e with the o%Je#t an$ purpose o- the treaty
(Arti#"e 19)
4reaties enter into -or#e in a manner an$ $ate agree$ upon %y the parties. .- there
is no provision as to howRwhen, the treaty enters into -or#e as soon as #onsent to
%e %oun$ has %een given. (Arti#"e (B) ;ost mu"ti"atera" treaties #ontain provisions
saying how many states must signRrati-y the treaty %e-ore it enters into -or#e. 'or
eamp"e, the 6ienna Convention on the Law o- 4reaties was 2rst signe$ in 19A9 %ut
on"y entere$ into -or#e in 1980 %e#ause that was on"y when the re9uire$ num%er
o- states -or it to enter into -or#e was rea#he$.
4reaties may %e inva"i$ate$ on the -o""owing groun$s5
1. Error (Arti#"e B8)
(. 'rau$ (Arti#"e B9)
1. Corruption o- a representative o- a state (Arti#"e )0)
B. Coer#ion o- a representative o- a state (Arti#"e )1)
). Coer#ion o- a state %y use o- -or#e (Arti#"e )()
A. 6io"ation o- jus co&ens (Arti#"e )1)
7. 6io"ations o- the restri#tions impose$ on the authority o- representatives o- a
+tate (Arti#"e B7)
4reaties may %e terminate$ or suspen$e$ outright"y on the -o""owing groun$s5
1. ;ateria" %rea#h (Arti#"e A0)
(. +upervening impossi%i"ity o- per-orman#e (Arti#"e A1)
1. Rebus sic stantibus, or the -un$amenta" #hange o- #ir#umstan#es (Arti#"e A()
Li '.'e Secretar( 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ :??:9
:ursuant to the 6isiting 'or#es Agreement an$ the ;utua" De-ense 4reaty entere$ into
%etween the :hi"ippines an$ the 8nite$ +tates, 8+ mi"itary personne" tooG part in
Ba"iGatan eer#ises. 4he Court saw the wor$ ?a#tivities@ in the 6'A as an intentiona""y
%roa$ phraseo"ogy that ver%a"i<e$ the parties> intentions. .n so ru"ing, the Court app"ie$
Arti#"es 11 an$ 1( o- the 6ienna Convention on the Law o- 4reaties, whi#h provi$e the
stan$ar$ ru"es -or interpretation, e.g. (1) p"ain meaningN (() goo$ -aithN an$ (1)
eamination o- preparatory worG -or the agreement.
Pientel '.'e Secretar( 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ :??=9
4he petitioners wante$ to #ompe" the D'A to transmit the signe$ #opy o- the /ome
+tatute to the +enate -or rati2#ation. 4he Court ep"aine$ that the power to rati-y is
veste$ in the :resi$ent, su%Je#t to the #on#urren#e o- the +enate. 4he Court "ai$ $own its
own enumeration o- the treatyDmaGing pro#ess5
(1)=egotiation %y the hea$ o- state or his authori<e$ representativesN
(()+igning as a means o- authenti#ating the instrument an$ sym%o"i<ing the goo$
-aith o- the partiesN
(1)/ati2#ation as the -orma" a#t %y whi#h a state #on2rms an$ a##epts the provisions
o- a treaty #on#"u$e$ %y its representativesN an$
(B)E#hange o- the instruments o- rati2#ation.
Ba(an M#na '.'e Secretar( 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ :?559
4he :hi"ippines signe$ the /ome +tatute %ut $i$ not rati-y it. A-ter signing, the
:hi"ippines entere$ into a Bi"atera" Agreement with the 8nite$ +tates where it agree$
that it wou"$ not surren$er any 8+ nationa" to an internationa" tri%una" without the
#onsent o- the 8+. 4he petitioners #"aime$ that this agreement was in vio"ation o-
spe#i2# provisions o- the /ome +tatute. 4he Court $istinguishe$ %etween a signatory
state an$ a stateDparty5 the -ormer is on"y o%"ige$ to re-rain -rom a#ts whi#h wou"$
$e-eat the o%Je#t an$ purpose o- the treaty sin#e it has yet to rati-yN the "atter, having
rati2e$, is "ega""y o%"ige$ to -o""ow a"" the provisions o- the treaty in goo$ -aith.
Ba(an '. Eaora 4:???9 and Nicola! '. Ro#lo/ Salonga et al. '.'e
Secretar( 4:??69 K P1ili))ine Ca!e! %it1 t1e !ae i!!#e
.n %oth these #ases, the petitioners #ha""enge$ the #onstitutiona"ity o- the 6'A an$
assai"e$ its status as a treaty %in$ing the :hi"ippines, sin#e the 8+ +enate $i$ not rati-y
it. .n %oth #ases, the Court he"$ that the 6'A was #onstitutiona". .n the (000 #ase, it he"$
that ee#utive agreements were %in$ing as treaties, regar$"ess o- #on#urren#e %y
Congress. .n the (009 #ase, the Court ru"e$ that the 6'A was the imp"ementing
agreement to the main /:D8+ ;utua" De-ense 4reaty an$ there was no nee$ to su%mit it
to the 8+ +enate -or #onsent.
Medellin '. Te.a! 4Aerican Ca!e/ :??79
;e$e""in invoGe$ his right un$er internationa" "aw to the review an$ re#onsi$eration o-
his $eath senten#e. 4he Court ep"aine$ that whi"e treaties may #omprise internationa"
#ommitments, they are not $omesti# "aw un"ess Congress has either ena#te$
imp"ementing statutes or the treaty itse"- #onveys an intention that it %e se"-Dee#uting
an$ is rati2e$ on these terms.
. Nationa*ity and State*essness
=ationa"ity is the "ega" %on$ %etween a person an$ a state. .t is a re"ationship that
gives rise to materia" rights an$ o%"igations on the part o- the in$ivi$ua" an$ the
state #on#erne$. .t is a mutua" re"ationship %etween state an$ in$ivi$ua". (3eis!
?=ationa"ity an$ +tate"essness@)
"rtic*e 7 o- t'e Convention !e*atin+ to t'e Status o- State*ess Persons
A state"ess person is a person who is not #onsi$ere$ a nationa" %y any state un$er the
operation o- its "aw.
Notte"o1 Ca!e 4Liec1ten!tein '. G#ateala/ IC, Ca!e/ 56==9
=otte%ohm was etra$ite$ to the 8nite$ +tates with the he"p o- the &uatema"an
government, who #onsi$ere$ him to %e a &erman who ha$ never a#9uire$ #iti<enship
-rom Lie#htenstein. 4he Court agree$ with &uatema"a an$ ep"aine$ that nationa"ity is a
"ega" %on$ having as its %asis a so#ia" -a#t o- atta#hment, a genuine #onne#tion o-
eisten#e, interests, an$ sentiments, together with re#ipro#a" rights an$ $uties. .t is the
Juri$i#a" epression o- the -a#t that the in$ivi$ua" upon whom it is #on-erre$ is more
#"ose"y #onne#te$ with the popu"ation o- the state #on-erring nationa"ity than with that o-
any other state.
Foo$ooritc1$in '. Solicitor General 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ 56879
At war with /ussia>s #ommunist government, XooGoorit#hGin Ue$ to the :hi"ippines an$
2"e$ a petition -or natura"i<ation a-ter () years o- "iving in the #ountry. 4he +o"i#itor
&enera" oppose$ on the groun$ that he ha$ -ai"e$ to show that he ha$ "ost his /ussian
#iti<enship un$er /ussian "aws. 4he Court ru"e$ in -avor o- XooGoorit#hGin, 2n$ing that he
was a state"ess re-ugee who ha$ "ost a"" %on$s o- atta#hment to his -ormer -ather"an$,
with whi#h he ha$ %een at war prior to his arriva" in the #ountry.
H. State !esponsi4i*ity
4he $o#trine o- state responsi%i"ity is simp"y that i- a state vio"ates a #ustomary ru"e o-
internationa" "aw or a treaty o%"igation, it #ommits an ?internationa""y wrong-u" a#t@ -or
whi#h the +tate must %e he"$ responsi%"e.
4he .nternationa" Law Commission>s Dra-t Arti#"es on +tate /esponsi%i"ity is instru#tive as
to ,'en t'ere is state responsi4i*ity.
"rtic*e 7 o- t'e ILC #ra-t "rtic*es. Re!)on!i"ilit( o+ a State +or it!
internationall( %rong+#l act!
Every internationa""y wrong-u" a#t o- a +tate entai"s the internationa" responsi%i"ity o-
that +tate.
"rtic*e / o- t'e ILC #ra-t "rtic*es. -leent! o+ an internationall( %rong+#l act
o+ a State
4here is an internationa""y wrong-u" a#t o- a +tate when #on$u#t #onsisting o- an a#tion
or omission5
(a) .s attri%uta%"e to the +tate un$er internationa" "awN an$
(%) Constitutes a %rea#h o- an internationa" o%"igation o- the +tate.
"rtic*e 2. C1aracteriDation o+ an act o+ a State a! internationall( %rong+#l
4he #hara#teri<ation o- an a#t o- a +tate as internationa""y wrong-u" is governe$ %y
internationa" "aw. +u#h #hara#teri<ation is not a,e#te$ %y the #hara#teri<ation o- the
same a#t as "aw-u" %y interna" "aw.
.n genera", there must %e ?7B an a#t or omission attri%uta%"e to the stateN an$ ?/B a
%rea#h o- an internationa" o%"igation (-rom any sour#e o- internationa" "aw).
4he .LC Dra-t Arti#"es a"so provi$e -or the stan$ar$ o- strict *ia4i*ity, i.e. intent, -au"t, or
neg"igen#e is not re9uire$ -or a +tate to %e he"$ responsi%"e as "ong as %rea#h o-
internationa" "aw is shown. .ntent, -au"t, or neg"igen#e are on"y materia" in $etermining
the amount o- reparations to %e ma$e.
'ina""y, the .LC Dra-t Arti#"es provi$es -or the #onse9uen#es o- state responsi%i"ity5
"rtic*e 20 o- t'e ILC #ra-t "rtic*es. Ce!!ation and non-re)etition
4he +tate responsi%"e -or the internationa""y wrong-u" a#t is un$er an o%"igation to5
(a) Cease that a#t, i- it is #ontinuingN an$
(%) C,er appropriate assuran#es an$ guarantees o- nonDrepetition, i- #ir#umstan#es so
Legal Con!e@#ence! o+ t1e Con!tr#ction o+ a 0all in t1e Occ#)ied Pale!tinian
Territor( 4IC, Ad'i!or( O)inion9
4he .C! opine$ that the #onstru#tion o- a wa"" %y .srae", the o##upying power in the
:a"estinian 4erritory, resu"te$ in de facto anneation whi#h is #ontrary to internationa"
"aw, in parti#u"ar the 8= Charter on the 8se o- 'or#e an$ internationa" humanitarian "aw.
4he Court then enumerate$ the "ega" #onse9uen#es o- an internationa""y wrong-u" a#t5
(1) -u"" reparation -or the inJury #ause$ %y the internationa""y wrong-u" a#t (inJury may
#onsist o- materia" or mora" $amage)N (() the responsi%"e state is un$er $uty to per-orm
the o%"igation %rea#he$N an$ (1) #essation o- the wrong-u" a#t i- it is sti"" #ontinuing, as
we"" as the o,ering o- assuran#es an$ guarantees o- nonDrepetition, i- #ir#umstan#es so
Act! o+ State Organ!
4he a#ts o- organs or oH#ia"s o- a state are attri%ute$ to that state as its own a#ts in
$etermining its responsi%i"ity -or internationa""y wrong-u" #on$u#t.
"rtic*e F o- t'e ILC #ra-t "rtic*es. Cond#ct o+ organ! o+ a State
1. 4he #on$u#t o- any +tate organ sha"" %e #onsi$ere$ an a#t o- that +tate un$er
internationa" "aw, whether the organ eer#ises "egis"ative, ee#utive, Ju$i#ia", or any
other -un#tions, whatever position it ho"$s in the organi<ation o- the +tate, an$ whatever
its #hara#ter as an organ o- the #entra" &overnment or o- a territoria" unit o- the +tate.
(. An organ in#"u$es any person or entity whi#h has that status in a##or$an#e with the
interna" "aw o- the +tate.
"rtic*e H o- t'e ILC #ra-t "rtic*es. -.ce!! o+ a#t1orit( or contra'ention o+
4he #on$u#t o- an organ o- a +tate or o- a person or entity empowere$ to eer#ise
e"ements o- the governmenta" authority sha"" %e #onsi$ere$ an a#t o- the +tate un$er
internationa" "aw i- the organ, person, or entity a#ts in that #apa#ity, even i- it e#ee$s its
authority or #ontravenes instru#tions.
Union Bridge Co)an( Clai 4GUS '. Great BritainH/ 56:89
*arrison, the storeGeeper o- the Cape &overnment /ai"ways at :ort E"i<a%eth an$ agent
o- the British government, move$ 8nion Bri$ge materia" -rom :ort E"i<a%eth to the
.mperia" ;i"itary /ai"ways on instru#tions he re#eive$. 4he Court ru"e$ that the
#onsignment o- the materia" was a wrong-u" inter-eren#e with property, an$ sin#e
*arrison #ommitte$ the a#t un$er instru#tions, su#h instru#tions 2e$ "ia%i"ity on the
British government. 4his "ia%i"ity was not a,e#te$ %y the -a#t that the a#t was $one
un$er a mistaGe an$ without intention to appropriate the materia".
Ao#an! Clai 4GUS '. Me.icoH/ 56:>9
A mo% Gi""e$ three Ameri#an nationa"s an$ the ;ei#an po"i#e>s attempt to 9ue"" the mo%
un$er the "o#a" mayor>s instru#tions "e$ to the opening o- 2re an$ more Gi""ings. 4he
Court he"$ ;ei#o "ia%"e -or the a#ts o- its po"i#e, ru"ing that a wrong-u" a#t o- an oH#ia"
a#ting in the $is#harge o- his $uties #an %e attri%uta%"e to the government an$ the state
#an %e he"$ "ia%"e. 4he Court re-use$ to #onsi$er the po"i#e>s a#ts as %eing $one in the
po"i#e>s private #apa#ity, sin#e at the time o- #ommission o- su#h a#ts they were on $uty
an$ un$er the imme$iate supervision an$ in the presen#e o- a #omman$ing oH#er.
Act! o+ Pri'ate Indi'id#al!
7. InstructionsNContro*
Arti#"e 8 o- the .LC Dra-t Arti#"es. Cond#ct directed or controlled "( a State
4he #on$u#t o- a person or a group o- persons sha"" %e #onsi$ere$ an a#t o- a +tate
un$er internationa" "aw i- the person or group o- persons is in -a#t a#ting on the
instru#tions o-, or un$er the #ontro" o- that +tate in #arrying out the #on$u#t.
Nicarag#a '. United State! 4!#)ra9
4he Court he"$ the #on$u#t o- the re%e"s (the contras< to %e attri%uta%"e to the 8nite$
+tates an$ ru"e$ that the "atter were responsi%"e -or the %rea#hes o- internationa"
humanitarian "aw #ommitte$ %y the contras. .n parti#u"ar, the Court note$ that the 8+
eer#ise$ e,e#tive #ontro" over the re%e"s, sin#e it provi$e$ p"anning, $ire#tion, an$
support to the contras.
Ea2ro Clai 4GGreat Britain '. United State!H/ 56:=9
4he Faro was a private ship #ommissione$ %y the 8+ mi"itary an$ #rewe$ %y Chinese
so"$iers who pro#ee$e$ to "oot houses in Cavite $uring the +panishDAmeri#an Kar whi"e
they were on shore "eave. 4he Court he"$ the 8+ "ia%"e -or the who"e $amage #ause$, as
the Chinese Crew was shown to have parti#ipate$ to a su%stantia" etent an$ the part
#hargea%"e to unGnown wrong$oers #ou"$ not %e i$enti2e$. 4he Court $isa""owe$ the
#"aim -or "ega" interest, however, sin#e the 8+ $i$ not eer#ise e,e#tive #ontro" over the
Chinese #rew at the time when the rea" $amage tooG p"a#e.
/. !atifcation
Arti#"e 11 o- the .LC Dra-t Arti#"es. Cond#ct ac$no%ledged and ado)ted "( a State
a! it! o%n
Con$u#t whi#h is not attri%uta%"e to a +tate un$er the pre#e$ing arti#"es sha""
neverthe"ess %e #onsi$ere$ an a#t o- that +tate un$er internationa" "aw i- an$ to the
etent that the +tate a#Gnow"e$ges an$ a$opts the #on$u#t in 9uestion as its own.
United State! '. Iran 4IC, Ca!e/ 567<9
(As portraye$ in the 2"m Ar&o) 4he 8nite$ +tates Em%assy an$ its sta, in .ran were
sei<e$ %y protesters without any intervention -rom .ranian authorities. Later on, the
Ayato""ah ma$e statements supporting the a#tions o- the protesters. 4he Court ep"aine$
that the initia" taGeover o- the em%assy was not attri%uta%"e to the state. Attri%ution
wou"$ %e present on"y when it is esta%"ishe$ that the a#ts were #arrie$ out in response to
spe#i2# instru#tions -rom a #omponent organ o- the +tate. *owever, the statements o-
support an$ en#ouragement o- the #ontinuing $etention o- hostages ma$e the mi"itants>
a#ts the a#ts o- the .ranian +tate.
Rain"o% 0arrior Ar"itration 4567?9
'ren#h agents $estroye$ the Rainbo) 3arrior! a &reenpea#e .nternationa" 6esse", whi"e it
was in har%or in =ew Yea"an$, prompting =Y to prose#ute two #apture$ 'ren#h agents
un$er the Dire#torate &enera" o- Eterna" +e#urity. A #ommuni9ue -rom the :rime
;inister o- 'ran#e #on2rme$ that the agents were a#ting un$er the 'ren#h government>s
instru#tions. 4he Court went on to $etermine the etent o- #ompensation that 'ran#e
wou"$ pay on a##ount o- its internationa" responsi%i"ity.
2. Conduct o- insurrectiona* (ove(ent
Arti#"e 10 o- the .LC Dra-t Arti#"es. Cond#ct o+ an in!#rrectional or ot1er o'eent
1. 4he #on$u#t o- an insurre#tiona" movement whi#h %e#omes the new
&overnment o- the +tate sha"" %e #onsi$ere$ an a#t o- that +tate un$er
internationa" "aw.
(. 4he #on$u#t o- a movement, insurre#tiona" or other, whi#h su##ee$s in
esta%"ishing a new +tate in part o- the territory o- a preDeisting +tate or in a
territory un$er its a$ministration, sha"" %e #onsi$ere$ an a#t o- the new +tate
un$er internationa" "aw.
1. 4his arti#"e is without preJu$i#e to the attri%ution to a +tate o- any other
#on$u#t, however re"ate$ to that o- the movement #on#erne$, whi#h is to %e
#onsi$ere$ an a#t o- that +tate %y virtue o- Arti#"es B to 9.
Boli'ar Rail%a( Co)an( Clai 4GGreat Britain '. VeneD#elaH/ 56?<9
A-ter the revo"ution in 6ene<ue"a that %rought Castro into power, Bo"ivar 2"e$ #"aims
against 6ene<ue"a an$ Castro in respe#t o- o%"igations in#urre$ %y %oth the o"$ an$ new
governments. 4he Court a""owe$ the #"aims, ep"aining that responsi%i"ity was a""owe$ in
this #ase %e#ause what is invo"ve$ is the same nation. =ations $o not $ie when there is a
#hange o- governmentN these #hanges are %ut epressions o- a #hange o- nationa" wi"".
4he nation is responsi%"e -or the $e%ts #ontra#te$ %y its titu"ar government unti" the
o%"igation is $is#harge$. 4he nation is responsi%"e -or the o%"igations o- a su##ess-u"
revo"ution -rom its %eginning, sin#e su#h revo"ution represents ab initio a #hanging
nationa" wi"", #rysta"i<ing in the 2na""y su##ess-u" resu"t.
F. Co*or o- "ut'ority
Arti#"e 9 o- the .LC Dra-t Arti#"es. Cond#ct carried o#t in t1e a"!ence o+ or de+a#lt
o+ oBcial a#t1oritie!
4he #on$u#t o- a person or group o- persons sha"" %e #onsi$ere$ an a#t o- a +tate un$er
internationa" "aw i- the person or group o- persons is in -a#t eer#ising e"ements o- the
governmenta" authority in the a%sen#e or $e-au"t o- the oH#ia" authorities an$ in
#ir#umstan#es su#h as to #a"" -or the eer#ise o- those e"ements o- authority.
A. E(po,ered 4y *a, to e)ercise aut'ority
Arti#"e ) o- the .LC Dra-t Arti#"es. Cond#ct o+ )er!on! or entitie! e.erci!ing
eleent! o+ go'ernental a#t1orit(
4he #on$u#t o- a person or entity whi#h is not an organ o- the +tate un$er Arti#"e B %ut
whi#h is empowere$ %y the "aw o- that +tate to eer#ise e"ements o- the governmenta"
authority sha"" %e #onsi$ere$ an a#t o- the +tate un$er internationa" "aw, provi$e$ the
person or entity is a#ting that #apa#ity in the parti#u"ar instan#e.
I. <urisdiction o- States
7. Territoria*ity Princip*e
4he -un$amenta" sour#e o- Juris$i#tion is sovereignty over territory. A state has a%so"ute,
%ut not ne#essari"y e#"usive, power to pres#ri%e, a$Ju$i#ate, an$ en-or#e ru"es -or
#on$u#t that o##urs within its territory. 4his is why the $etermination o- territoria"
%oun$aries are so important. (-ernas<
Trail Selter Ca!e 4Ar"itration "et%een US and Canada/ 56<7 K 56859
4he 8+ %rought Cana$a to ar%itration over -umes $is#harge$ -rom the sme"ter o- the
Conso"i$ate$ ;ining an$ +me"ting Company in 4rai", British Co"um%ia. 4he Court
reiterate$ the ?e,e#ts $o#trine@, where a state a"so has Juris$i#tion over a#ts o##urring
outsi$e its territory when the e,e#ts o- the a#ts are -e"t within it. 4his $o#trine has two
-a#ets5 (1) t"e subjective territorial principle! where there is Juris$i#tion to prose#ute an$
punish a #rime #ommitte$ within the state %ut #omp"ete$ or #onsummate$ a%roa$N an$
(() t"e objective territorial principle where there is Juris$i#tion to prose#ute an$ punish a
#rime #ommen#e$ outsi$e the state %ut #onsummate$ within its territory.
/. Nationa*ity Princip*e and State*essness
4he nationa"ity prin#ip"e provi$es that every state has Juris$i#tion over its nationa"s even
when those nationa"s are outsi$e the state. (-ernas<
+tate"ess persons are those who $o not have a nationa"ity. 4hey are either de jure or de
facto state"ess. Ge jure state"ess persons are those who have "ost their nationa"ity, i-
they ha$ one, an$ have not a#9uire$ a new one. Ge facto state"ess persons are those
who have a nationa"ity %ut to whom prote#tion is $enie$ %y their state when out o- the
state. 4his is the situation o- many re-ugees. (-ernas<
Blac$er '. United State! 4Aerican Ca!e/ 56<:9
B"a#Gmer was an Ameri#an "iving in 'ran#e who was a$Ju$ge$ gui"ty o- #ontempt -or
-ai"ure to respon$ to su%poenas serve$ upon him in 'ran#e. 4he Court ru"e$ that whi"e he
may have remove$ his resi$en#e to 'ran#e, it was un$ispute$ that he #ontinue$ to %e a
#iti<en o- the 8nite$ +tates. As su#h, he owe$ a""egian#e to the 8+ an$ the 8+ retaine$
authority over him, hen#e he was %oun$ %y its "aws even though he was a resi$ent
2. Protective Princip*e
A state may eer#ise Juris$i#tion over #on$u#t outsi$e its territory that threatens its
se#urity as "ong as that #on$u#t is genera""y re#ogni<e$ as #rimina" %y states in the
internationa" #ommunity. (Restatement H:2I3J<
,o(ce '. *irector o+ P#"lic Pro!ec#tion! 4Ho#!e o+ Lord!/ 568>9
?Lor$ *aw *aw@ was an Ameri#an #iti<en who he"$ a British passport unti" 19B0. During
Kor"$ Kar .., he %roa$#ast messages -rom &ermany trying to #onvin#e the A""ies to
surren$er. *e was #onvi#te$ o- treason in the 8X %e#ause ?no prin#ip"e o- #omity
$eman$s that a state shou"$ ignore the #rime o- treason #ommitte$ against it outsi$e its
territory. A proper regar$ -or the state>s se#urity re9uires that a"" those who #ommit
treasons, whether #ommit it within or without the rea"m, shou"$ %e amena%"e to its
United State! '. A#ni! 4Aerican Ca!e/ 56779
Munis was one o- the hiJa#Gers a%oar$ a !or$anian p"ane that ha$ three Ameri#an
nationa"s. 4he 8nite$ +tates wante$ to prose#ute him an$ invoGe$ the prote#tive
prin#ip"e. 4he Court ep"aine$ that the prote#tive prin#ip"e has %een stri#t"y #onstrue$ to
en#ompass on"y those o,enses posing a $ire#t, spe#i2# threat to nationa" se#urity. .n this
#ase, the hiJa#Gers never ma$e any $eman$s on the 8+ government nor $ire#t"y
threatene$ its se#urity. .n -a#t, ?it was a"most happenstan#e that three Ameri#an
nationa"s were on %oar$ the air#ra-t.@
F. Universa*ity Princip*e
4he universa"ity prin#ip"e re#ogni<es that #ertain a#tivities, universa""y $angerous to
states an$ their su%Je#ts, re9uire authority in a"" #ommunity mem%ers to punish su#h
a#ts wherever they may o##ur, even a%sent a "inG %etween the state an$ the parties or
the a#ts in 9uestion. 4his prin#ip"e starte$ with pira#y %ut has now epan$e$ to
en#ompass geno#i$e, #rimes against humanity, war #rimes, an$ terrorism. (-ernas<
Filartiga '. Pena-Irala 4Aerican Ca!e/ 567?9
4his was a wrong-u" $eath a#tion %rought un$er the Ameri#an A"ien 4orts +tatute
#harging :enaD.ra"a, then the .nspe#torD&enera" o- the po"i#e in :araguay, o- torturing to
$eath a teenage :araguayan. 4he Court he"$ that $e"i%erate torture un$er the #o"or o-
oH#ia" authority vio"ate$ #ustomary internationa" "aw, regar$"ess o- the nationa"ity o- the
-ic1ann '. Attorne(-General o+ I!rael 4I!raeli Ca!e/ 56>:9
Ei#hmann was a highDranGing ++ oH#er who p"aye$ a #entra" part in the imp"ementation
o- ?4he 'ina" +o"ution@ that saw the perse#ution o- mi""ions o- !ews in Europe $uring
Kor"$ Kar ... *e es#ape$ to Argentina a-ter the war an$ was Gi$nappe$ %y .srae"i agents
in 19A0 so he #ou"$ -a#e tria" in .srae" un$er the "atter>s $omesti# "aw. 4he Court
ep"aine$ that the #rimes #reate$ %y the =a<i Co""a%orators Law a"ways %ore the stamps
o- internationa" #rimes, %anne$ %y internationa" "aw an$ entai"ing in$ivi$ua" #rimina"
"ia%i"ity. .t is the universa" #hara#ter o- these #rimes that vests in ea#h +tate the power to
try an$ punish any who assiste$ in the #ommission o- su#h #rimes. !uris$i#tion was
automati#a""y veste$ in the +tate o- .srae" upon its esta%"ishment in 19B8 as a sovereign
+tate. .t was immateria" that the #rimes in 9uestion were #ommitte$ when the +tate o-
.srae" $i$ not eist.
A. Passive Persona*ity Princip*e
4he passive persona"ity prin#ip"e asserts that a state may app"y "aw7parti#u"ar"y
#rimina" "aw7to an a#t #ommitte$ outsi$e its territory %y a person not its nationa" where
the vi#tim o- the a#t was its nationa". 4he prin#ip"e has not %een or$inari"y a##epte$ -or
or$inary torts or #rimes, %ut it is in#reasing"y a##epte$ as app"ie$ to terrorist an$ other
organi<e$ atta#Gs on a state>s nationa"s %y reason o- their nationa"ity, or to assassination
o- a state>s $ip"omati# representatives or other oH#ia"s. (%omment on Section H:2 of t"e
2"ird Restatement<
United State! '. A#ni! 4!#)ra9
Citing the 4hir$ /estatement, the Court ru"e$ that the passive persona"ity prin#ip"e (as
we"" as the universa"ity prin#ip"e) were suH#ient groun$s to esta%"ish Juris$i#tion over a
hiJa#Ger o- a p"ane #ontaining three Ameri#an nationa"s. A##or$ing to the Court, not on"y
was the 8+ a#ting on %eha"- o- the wor"$ #ommunity to punish the #ommission o- #rimes
that threaten the very -oun$ations o- wor"$ or$er, %ut the 8+ has its own interest in
prote#ting its nationa"s.
:. ConLicts o- <urisdiction
+in#e there are various a##epte$ prin#ip"es -or assuming Juris$i#tion, more than one
state may have a va"i$ #"aim to Juris$i#tion. Ameri#an #ourts have attempte$ to $eve"op
three sophisti#ate$ mo$es o- reso"ving #onUi#t o- Juris$i#tion (-ernas<:
a. Ba"an#ing 4est W when the answer to the three 9uestions %e"ow is ME+, the #ourt
wi"" assume Juris$i#tion5
i. .s there an a#tua" or inten$e$ e,e#t on the stateb
ii. .s the e,e#t suH#ient"y "arge to present a #ogni<a%"e inJury to the stateb
iii. Are the interest o-, an$ "inG to, the state suH#ient"y strong (vis+K+vis those o-
other nations) to Justi-y an assertion o- etraor$inary authorityb
%. .nternationa" Comity W even when a state has %asis -or eer#ising Juris$i#tion, it wi""
re-rain -rom $oing so i- its eer#ise wi"" %e unreasona%"e. 8nreasona%"eness is
$etermine$ %y eva"uating various -a#tors, su#h as7
i. 4he "inG o- the a#tivity to the territory o- the regu"ating stateN
ii. 4he #onne#tion (e.g. nationa"ity, resi$en#e, or e#onomi# a#tivity) %etween
the regu"ating state an$ the person prin#ipa""y responsi%"e -or the a#tivity to
%e regu"ate$N
iii. 4he #hara#ter o- the a#tivity to %e regu"ate$N
iv. 4he eisten#e o- Justi2e$ epe#tations that might %e prote#te$ or hurt %y the
regu"ationN or
v. 4he "iGe"ihoo$ o- #onUi#t with regu"ation %y another state
#. Forum non conveniens W ?.- in the who"e #ir#umstan#es o- the #ase it %e $is#overe$
that there is a rea" un-airness to one o- the suitors in permitting the #hoi#e o- a
-orum whi#h is not the natura" or proper -orum, either on the groun$ o-
#onvenien#e o- tria" or the resi$en#e or $omi#i"e o- the parties or o- its %eing the
locus contractus! or locus solutionis, then the $o#trine o- forum non conveniens is
proper"y app"ie$.@ 4here are pu%"i# an$ private interest -a#tors that the #ourt must
i. :rivate interest -a#tors5 a##ess to sour#es o- proo-, avai"a%i"ity o- #ompu"sory
pro#ess -or unwi""ing witnesses, an$ other persona" pro%"ems whi#h maGe
tria" easy, epe$itious, an$ inepensive
ii. :u%"i# interest -a#tors5 #ongestion, $esire to sett"e "o#a" #ontroversies at
home, an$ having the #ase trie$ in a -orum at home with the app"i#a%"e "aw
<. Treat(ent o- "*iens
Etra$ition is the surren$er o- an in$ivi$ua" %y the state within whose territory he is
-oun$ to the state un$er whose "aws he is a""ege$ to have #ommitte$ a #rime or to have
%een #onvi#te$ o- a #rime. .t is a pro#ess that is governe$ %y treaty. 4he "ega" right to
$eman$ etra$ition an$ the #orre"ative $uty to surren$er a -ugitive eist on"y when
#reate$ %y treaty. (-ernas<
Etra$ition is the remova" o- an a##use$ -rom the :hi"ippines with the o%Je#t o- p"a#ing
him at the $isposa" o- -oreign authorities to ena%"e the re9uesting state to ho"$ him in
#onne#tion with any #rimina" investigation $ire#te$ against him or the ee#ution o- a
pena"ty impose$ on him un$er the pena" or #rimina" "aw o- the re9uesting state or
government. (@A.S. v. Pur&anan9! belo)<
5unda(enta* Princip*es (-rom -ernas<
1. =o state is o%"ige$ to etra$ite un"ess there is a treatyN
(. Di,eren#es in "ega" system #an %e an o%sta#"e to interpretation o- what the #rime
isN an$
1. /e"igious an$ po"iti#a" o,enses are not etra$ita%"e
Fer '. Illinoi! 4Aerican Ca!e/ 567>9
Xer was Gi$nappe$ -rom :eru an$ %rought to CooG County to -a#e "ar#eny an$
em%e<<"ement #harges. Xer #"aime$ that the etra$ition treaty %etween .""inois an$ :eru
was vio"ate$. 4he Court ru"e$ that there was no prohi%ition on a%$u#tion in the treaty.
'urthermore, any irregu"arity in the manner o- o%taining #usto$y $oes not a,e#t
Juris$i#tion. 'or#i%"e a%$u#tion is no suH#ient reason why a party shou"$ not answer
when %rought within the Juris$i#tion o- the #ourt whi#h has a right to try him.
United State! '. Al'areD-Mac1ain 4Aerican Ca!e/ 566:9
;a#hain was a%$u#te$ -rom ;ei#o an$ %rought to 4eas, where he was #harge$ with
the Gi""ing o- a 8+ Drug En-or#ement Agen#y agent. *e argue$ that the a%$u#tion was in
vio"ation o- the 8+D;ei#an Etra$ition 4reaty. 4he Court ru"e$ that the terms o- the
treaty $i$ not #ontain any prohi%ition against a%$u#tion, in essen#e reiterating the ru"ing
in Der v. #llinois.
United State! '. ,#dge P#rganan 4GMar$ ,ieneD Ca!eH/ P1ili))ine Ca!e/ :??:9
.n 1999, the 8nite$ +tates sent a note ver%a"e to the :hi"ippine government re9uesting
the etra$ition o- ;arG !imene< -or various #rimes (among them ta evasion, #onspira#y
to $e-rau$ the 8+ government, an$ i""ega" e"e#tion #ontri%utions). 8"timate"y the Court
$ire#te$ the /4C to #on$u#t etra$ition pro#ee$ings in #omp"ian#e with the treaty
%etween the 8+ an$ the :hi"ippines, as we"" as the :hi"ippine Etra$ition Law.
Proceeding +or -.tradition =based on t"e 1ar, Cimene8 %ases! t"e *(tradition 2reaty!
and t"e *(tradition La)! P.G. 1?:;<
1. 4here is an e)tradition re.uest ma$e %y the -oreign $ip"omat o- the re9uesting
state a$$resse$ to the +e#retary o- 'oreign A,airs whi#h #ontains the #opy o- the
#rimina" #harge, re#ita" o- the a#ts -or whi#h etra$ition is re9ueste$, the tet o-
the app"i#a%"e "aw, an$ other supporting $o#uments. .t is the tasG o- the ee#utive
to eva"uate the suH#ien#y o- the re9uest.
(. 8pon 2n$ing that the re9uest is suH#ient, the D'A sha"" $e"iver it to the +e#retary
o- !usti#e who sha"" imme$iate"y $esignate an$ authori<e the "awyer to han$"e the
#ase. An e)tradition petition sha"" %e 2"e$ with the appropriate /4C. 4he Ju$ge
sha"" summon the person to %e etra$ite$ an$ may immediately issue a warrant o-
arrest in or$er to %ring him %e-ore the #ourt.
1. 4he e)tradition 'earin+ sha"" not %e in#onsistent with summary pro#ee$ings
(sin#e etra$ition pro#ee$ings are summary in nature). 8pon re#eipt o- the
petition, the Ju$ge sha"" maGe a prima -a#ie 2n$ing as to whether the petition is
suH#ient in -orm an$ su%stan#e, whether it #omp"ies with the Etra$ition 4reaty
an$ Law, an$ whether the person sought is etra$ita%"e. .n the #ourse o- the
pro#ee$ings, the Ju$ge wi"" $etermine whether the person is etra$ita%"e an$ i- the
o,ense -or whi#h etra$ition is re9ueste$ is a po"iti#a" one.
B. 4he /4C>s $e#ision may %e appea*ed to t'e Court o- "ppea*s within ten $ays.
4he CA $e#ision sha"" %e 2na" an$ ee#utory.
). 4he $e#ision (o- the /4C or CA, as the #ase may %e) sha"" %e -orwar$e$ to the D'A
through the DC!.
A. 4he in$ivi$ua" to %e etra$ite$ is p"a#e$ at the $isposa" o- the authorities o- the
re9uesting state, whi#h sha"" shou"$er the #osts an$ epenses o- the pro#ee$ings.
Ta4*e F. E)tradition and deportation distin+uis'ed
E)tradition #eportation
4he remova" o- an a##use$ -rom the
:hi"ippines with the o%Je#t o- p"a#ing
him at the $isposa" o- -oreign
Epu"sion o- an unwante$ or
un$esira%"e a"ien
Cn"y avai"a%"e i- there is a treaty
%etween the state maGing the
re9uest an$ the state %eing
A pure"y uni"atera" a#t an$ eer#ise o-
Done in the interest o- the state
maGing the re9uest
Done in the interest o- the #ountry o-
I. Internationa* Hu(an !i+'ts La, ?IH!LB
*uman rights are rights he"$ simp"y %y virtue o- %eing a human %eing. 4hey are part an$
par#e" o- the integrity an$ $ignity o- the human %eing. 4hey #annot %e given or
with$rawn at wi"" %y any $omesti# "ega" system. A"though human rights are most
e,e#tive"y imp"emente$ %y the $omesti# "ega" system, that system is not the sour#e o-
the rights. *uman rights "aw is $i,erent -rom internationa" human rights "aw in genera" in
that o%"igations are owe$ $ire#t"y to in$ivi$ua"s an$ not to the nationa" government o- an
in$ivi$ua". .t provi$es -or in$ivi$ua"s to have a##ess to tri%una"s an$ -or the e,e#tive
guarantee o- the o%"igations owe$ to them on a##ount o- their human rights. (Bi&&ins<
7. T'e Universa* #ec*aration o- Hu(an !i+'ts
4he emergen#e o- an internationa" %i"" o- human rights was prompte$ %y the atro#ities
#ommitte$ in Kor"$ Kar .. that so"i$i2e$ the view that the way nations treat peop"e
un$er their Juris$i#tion is no "onger Just a $omesti# #on#ern %ut a"so one that #a""s -or the
attention o- the internationa" #ommunity. (-ernas<
4he 8niversa" De#"aration o- *uman /ights was a$opte$ an$ pro#"aime$ %y the 8=
&enera" Assem%"y on 10 De#em%er 19B8. .t is not %in$ing upon states in the sense o- a
"aw or treaty, %ut it provi$es a #ommon stan$ar$ -or internationa" human rights.
/. T'e Internationa* Covenant on Civi* and Po*itica* !i+'ts
4he .CC:/ was a$opte$ %y the 8= &enera" Assem%"y on 1A De#em%er 19AA. .t taGes the
#ommon stan$ar$ provi$e$ -or in the 8D*/ an$ maGes it %in$ing on a"" states party to it.
4he su%stantive rights in the .CC:/ are provi$e$ in Arti#"es 1 an$ A to (7. .t is o- note
that the 2rst su%stantive right provi$e$ -or is se"-D$etermination.
"rtic*e 7 o- t'e ICCP!
1. A"" peop"es have the right o- se"-D$etermination. By virtue o- that right they
-ree"y $etermine their po"iti#a" status an$ -ree"y pursue their e#onomi#, so#ia",
an$ #u"tura" $eve"opment.
(. A"" peop"es have the right, -or their own en$s, to -ree"y $ispose o- their natura"
wea"th an$ resour#es without preJu$i#e to any o%"igations arising out o-
internationa" e#onomi# #ooperation, %ase$ upon the prin#ip"e o- mutua" %ene2t,
an$ internationa" "aw. .n no #ase may a peop"e %e $eprive$ o- its own means o-
Non-*eroga"le Rig1t!
=ot a"" rights un$er the .CC:/ are nonD$eroga%"e. As provi$e$ in Arti#"e B o- the .CC:/, in
a time o- pu%"i# emergen#y whi#h threatens the "i-e o- the nation an$ the eisten#e o-
whi#h is oH#ia""y pro#"aime$, the +tates :arties to the Covenant may taGe measures
$erogating -rom their o%"igations un$er the .CC:/ to the etent stri#t"y re9uire$ %y the
eigen#ies o- the situation, provi$e$ that su#h measures are not in#onsistent with their
other o%"igations un$er internationa" "aw an$ $o not invo"ve $is#rimination so"e"y on the
groun$ o- ra#e, #o"or, se, "anguage, re"igion, or so#ia" origin.
4he -o""owing rights are nonD$eroga%"e, meaning even in times o- pu%"i# emergen#y
+tates :arties are %oun$ to their o%"igations un$er the .CC:/5
1. /ight to "i-e (Arti#"e A)
(. 'ree$om -rom torture an$ other inhuman punishment (Arti#"e 7)
1. 'ree$om -rom ens"avement or servitu$e (Arti#"e 8)
B. :rote#tion -rom imprisonment -or ina%i"ity to -u"2"" #ontra#tua" o%"igations
(Arti#"e 11)
). :rote#tion -rom e( post facto "aws (Arti#"e 1))
A. /ight to re#ognition everywhere as a person %e-ore the "aw (Arti#"e 1A)
7. 'ree$om o- thought, #ons#ien#e, an$ re"igion (Arti#"e 18)
O)tional Protocol! to t1e ICCPR
1. 4he 'irst Cptiona" :roto#o" is a separate treaty whi#h ena%"es private parties
(i.e. in$ivi$ua"s) who are vi#tims o- human rights vio"ations to 2"e #omp"aints
$ire#t"y with the *uman /ights Committee #reate$ %y the Covenant. *owever,
#omp"aints may on"y %e 2"e$ against +tates :arties to the .CC:/.
(. 4he +e#on$ Cptiona" :roto#o" was aime$ at the a%o"ition o- the $eath pena"ty.
2. T'e Internationa* Covenant on Econo(ic, Socia*, and Cu*tura* !i+'ts
4he .CE+C/ was a$opte$ on the same $ay as the .CC:/. 4he nee$ -or two separate
treaties was %oth i$eo"ogi#a" an$ pra#ti#a". .$eo"ogi#a""y, the #ontest was %etween
Kestern #ountries on the one han$, whi#h argue$ that their governments wou"$ have
$iH#u"ty a##epting e#onomi# an$ #u"tura" rights %eyon$ those provi$e$ in their
respe#tive Constitutions an$ $omesti# "aws. Cn the other han$, so#ia"ist an$ $eve"oping
#ountries argue$ that the a%sen#e o- e#onomi#, so#ia", an$ #u"tura" guarantees wou"$
ren$er #ivi" an$ po"iti#a" rights meaning"ess. 4he pra#ti#a" #onsi$eration was the notion
that #ivi" an$ po"iti#a" rights #ou"$ %e imp"emente$ imme$iate"y, whereas so#ia" an$
#u"tura" rights #ou"$ on"y %e $one gra$ua""y an$ $epen$ent"y on $eve"opment #on$itions.
4he rights spe#i2# to the .CE+C/ are ?so#ia" we"-are rights state$ in $etai"@ (-ernas<!
1. /ight to worG (Arti#"e A)
(. /ight to -avora%"e #on$itions o- worG (Arti#"e 7)
1. /ight to -orm -ree tra$e unions (Arti#"e 8)
B. /ight to so#ia" se#urity an$ insuran#e (Arti#"e 9)
). /ight to spe#ia" assistan#e -or -ami"ies (Arti#"e 10)
A. /ight to a$e9uate stan$ar$ o- "iving (Arti#"e 11)
7. /ight to the highest stan$ar$ o- physi#a" an$ menta" hea"th (Arti#"e 1()
8. /ight to e$u#ation in#"u$ing #ompu"sory primary e$u#ation (Arti#"es 11 an$ 1B)
9. /ight to the enJoyment o- #u"tura" an$ s#ienti2# %ene2ts an$ internationa"
#onta#ts (Arti#"e 1))
Liit! on t1e rig1t! )ro'ided in t1e IC-SCR
Arti#"e B o- the .CE+C/
4he +tate may su%Je#t su#h rights on"y to su#h "imitations as are $etermine$ %y "aw on"y
inso-ar as this may %e #ompati%"e with the nature o- these rights an$ so"e"y -or the
purpose o- promoting the genera" we"-are in a $emo#rati# so#iety.
L. Internationa* Hu(anitarian La, ?IHLB and Neutra*ity
.nternationa" humanitarian "aw (.*L) is the "aw o- war or the "aw o- arme$ #onUi#t. .t
seeGs to prote#t those most vu"nera%"e in times o- arme$ #onUi#t (e.g. #ivi"ians, the
woun$e$ an$ si#G, prisoners o- war, women an$ #hi"$ren) an$ tries to #onstrain the
#on$u#t o- mi"itary operations in a humanitarian -ashion. (S"a)! @#nternational La)9<
Khi"e states have a"ways sought to regu"ate the #on$u#t o- war-are, .*L as un$erstoo$
to$ay was the pro$u#t o- the e,orts o- *enry Dunant, a +wiss %usinessman who was
horri2e$ %y what he witnesse$ at the Batt"e o- +o"-erino. *e wrote a %ooG %ase$ on his
eperien#e (A 1emory of Solferino< an$ inspire$ the #reation o- the .nternationa" /e$
Cross in 18A1.
Priar( !o#rce! o+ IHL
1. 4he &eneva Conventions o- 19B95
&eneva . W Koun$e$ an$ +i#G on the Batt"e2e"$
&eneva .. W Koun$e$, +i#G, an$ +hipwre#Ge$ at +ea
&eneva ... W :risoners o- Kar
&eneva .6 W Civi"ians
(. A$$itiona" :roto#o"s to the &eneva Conventions5
:roto#o" . W .nternationa" Arme$ ConUi#ts
:roto#o" .. W =onD.nternationa" Arme$ ConUi#ts
1. 4he *ague Conventions on the ;eans an$ ;etho$s o- Kar-are
B. .*/L
4he :hi"ippines in (009 ena#te$ /.A. 98)1, or the :hi"ippine A#t on Crimes Against
.nternationa" *umanitarian Law, &eno#i$e, an$ Cther Crimes Against *umanity. .n
it, the :hi"ippines a$opte$ the genera""y a##epte$ prin#ip"es o- internationa"
humanitarian "aw, in#"u$ing the *ague Conventions an$ &eneva Conventions, as
part o- the "aw o- the "an$.
,#! in "ello c+. ,#! ad "ell# =Bi&&ins<
.*L is jus in bello! the "aw o- arme$ #onUi#t. .t is operative on"y un$er spe#i2#
#ir#umstan#es, i.e. the eisten#e o- an internationa" or nonDinternationa" arme$ #onUi#t,
an$ #an %e -oun$ in #ustomary an$ #onventiona" "aw (most o- whi#h has %een em%o$ie$
in the *ague an$ &eneva Conventions). .t is the set o- "aws that #ome into e,e#t on#e a
war has %egun.
Cus ad bellum is the "aw on the use o- arme$ -or#e an$ is governe$ %y provisions in the
8= Charter. .t is the "aw that $e2nes the "egitimate reasons a state may use -or#e an$
engage in war an$ -o#uses on what #riteria ren$ers a war Just. As a genera" ru"e, a""
mem%ers o- the 8= must re-rain -rom the threat or use o- -or#e against any state (as
provi$e$ in Arti#"e ( o- the 8= Charter). *owever, a state may use -or#e when (a) the
+e#urity Coun#i" has authori<e$ #o""e#tive a#tion to maintain or en-or#e internationa"
pea#e an$ se#urity (un$er Arti#"e )1 o- the 8= Charter)N or (%) an arme$ atta#G o##urs
against a state (Arti#"e B( o- the 8= Charter).
Ta4*e A. IH!L and IHL distin+uis'ed
Ori+in ;o$ern ((0
Century) An#ient (peop"e have
a"ways sought to govern
the #on$u#t o- war-are)
Structure 1. :rovi$es on"y minimum
(. +tate sovereignty is
re#ogni<e$ an$ states are
given "eeway in en-or#ing
human rights
=onD$eroga%"e #o$e o-
Period App"i#a%"e at a"" times App"i#a%"e on"y in times o-
arme$ #onUi#t
Su49ects :rimari"y #on#erns states
in their $ea"ings with
Covers the #on$u#t o-
+tate an$ nonDstate a#tors
:o"iti#a", e#onomi#, an$
#u"tura" rights
1. Limits the su,ering o-
those not a#tive"y
parti#ipating in the arme$
(. Limits the means an$
metho$s o- war-are
7. Cate+ories o- ar(ed conLicts
a. .nternationa" arme$ #onUi#t
Common Arti#"e ( o- the &eneva Conventions
An internationa" arme$ #onUi#t is one in whi#h at "east two +tates are invo"ve$. .t
in#"u$es a"" #ases o- $e#"are$ war or o- any other arme$ #onUi#t whi#h may arise
%etween two or more states whi#h are parties to the Conventions, even i- the state o-
war is not re#ogni<e$ %y one o- them, an$ a"" #ases o- partia" or tota" o##upation o- the
territory o- a +tate :arty, even i- the sai$ o##upation meets with no arme$ resistan#e.
4he operative ru"es #overing an internationa" arme$ #onUi#t are -oun$ in the &eneva
Conventions an$ A$$itiona" :roto#o" ..
%. =onD.nternationa" (re-erre$ to some as ?interna"@) arme$ #onUi#t
=onDinternationa" arme$ #onUi#ts are those whi#h o##ur in the territory o- a sing"e +tate
%etween its organi<e$ arme$ -or#es an$ $issi$ents, or %etween arme$ groups against
one another.
=onDinternationa" arme$ #onUi#ts are governe$ %y Common Arti#"e 1 o- the &eneva
Conventions an$ %y A$$itiona" :roto#o" ...
#. Kar o- nationa" "i%eration
4his is not a separate #ategory o- arme$ #onUi#t. A war o- nationa" "i%eration is stri#t"y
#"assi2e$ as an internationa" arme$ #onUi#t an$ is proper"y $e2ne$ in A$$itiona" :roto#o"
. to the &eneva Conventions.
Arti#"e 1(B) o- A$$itiona" :roto#o" . to the &eneva Conventions
An arme$ #onUi#t may %e o- su#h nature in whi#h peop"es are 2ghting against #o"onia"
$omination an$ a"ien o##upation an$ against ra#ist regimes in the eer#ise o- their right
o- se"-D$etermination, as enshrine$ in the 8= Charter an$ the De#"aration o- :rin#ip"es o-
.nternationa" Law #on#erning -rien$"y re"ations an$ #ooperation among +tates in
a##or$an#e with the 8= Charter.
Pro!ec#tor '. Tadic 4A))eal! ,#dgent/ 5666/ International Criinal Tri"#nal
+or t1e Forer A#go!la'ia9
4a$i# was a BosnianD+er% who was #onvi#te$ o- 9 out o- 11 #ounts o- war #rimes -or his
#on$u#t in severa" #on#entration #amps in BosniaD*er<egovina. .n or$er to #onvi#t him
with war #rime, the Court ha$ to ep"ain why 4a$i#>s #on$u#t was #overe$ %y the "aw o-
war. An arme$ #onUi#t eists whenever there is a resort to arme$ -or#e %etween +tates
or protra#te$ arme$ vio"en#e %etween governmenta" authorities an$ organi<e$ arme$
groups, or %etween su#h groups within a +tate. 4he -ormer re-ers to an internationa"
arme$ #onUi#t, the "atter to nonDinternationa" arme$ #onUi#ts. .t is a"so possi%"e -or a
nonDinternationa" arme$ #onUi#t to %e trans-orme$ into an internationa" arme$ #onUi#t
when another state intervenes in the #onUi#t %y sen$ing troops or when some o- the
parti#ipants to an interna" arme$ #onUi#t a#t on %eha"- o- another state.
Pro!ec#tor '. Lia3 4A))eal! ,#dgent/ International Criinal Tri"#nal +or t1e
Forer A#go!la'ia/ :??=9
LimaJ an$ his #oDa##use$ where #harge$ with war #rimes -or their a#ts in a prison #amp.
'o""owing the gui$e"ines in 2adic! the Court -urther 9ua"i2e$ that the #riteria use$ to
$etermine the eisten#e o- a nonDinternationa" arme$ #onUi#t are (1) the intensity o- the
#onUi#t an$ (() the organi<ation o- the parties. 4hese #riteria are use$ to $istinguish
arme$ #onUi#t -rom %an$itry, unorgani<e$ an$ shortD"ive$ insurre#tions, or terrorist
a#tivities whi#h are not su%Je#t to .*L.
/. Core internationa* o4*i+ations o- states under IHL
:arties to an arme$ #onUi#t sha"" respe#t an$ ensure respe#t -or internationa"
humanitarian "aw (Common Arti#"e 1 o- the &eneva Conventions)
Legalit( o+ t1e T1reat or U!e o+ N#clear 0ea)on! 4!#)ra9
.n sear#hing -or a #ustomary ru"e spe#i2#a""y pros#ri%ing the threat or use o- nu#"ear
weapons per se, the Court esta%"ishe$ the #ar$ina" prin#ip"es #ontaine$ in .*L5
1. +tates must never maGe #ivi"ians the o%Je#t o- atta#G an$ must #onse9uent"y
never use weapons that are in#apa%"e o- $istinguishing %etween #ivi"ian an$
mi"itary targets
(. .t is prohi%ite$ to #ause unne#essary su,ering to #om%atants, hen#e it is a"so
prohi%ite$ to use weapons that wou"$ #ause them su#h unne#essary harm or
use"ess"y aggravate their su,ering. +tates $o not have un"imite$ -ree$om o-
#hoi#e o- means in the weapons they use
2. Princip*es o- IHL
a. 4he :rin#ip"e o- Distin#tion
Arti#"e B8 o- A$$itiona" :roto#o" .
4he parties to the #onUi#t must at a"" times $istinguish %etween the #ivi"ian popu"ation
an$ #om%atants an$ %etween #ivi"ian o%Je#ts an$ mi"itary o%Je#tives an$ a##or$ing"y
sha"" $ire#t their operations on"y against mi"itary o%Je#tives.
%. 4he :rin#ip"e o- =e#essity
Arti#"e )7(1) o- A$$itiona" :roto#o" .
Khen a #hoi#e is possi%"e %etween severa" mi"itary o%Je#tives -or o%taining a simi"ar
mi"itary a$vantage, the o%Je#tive to %e se"e#te$ sha"" %e the atta#G whi#h may %e
epe#te$ to #ause the "east $anger to #ivi"ian "ives an$ to #ivi"ian o%Je#ts.
#. 4he :rin#ip"e o- :roportiona"ity
Arti#"e )1(B) o- A$$itiona" :roto#o" .
.n$is#riminate atta#Gs are prohi%ite$.
Arti#"e )1())(%)
Among others, the -o""owing are #onsi$ere$ to %e in$is#riminate atta#Gs5

(%) an atta#G whi#h may %e epe#te$ to #ause in#i$enta" "oss o- #ivi"ian "i-e, inJury to
#ivi"ians, $amage to #ivi"ian o%Je#ts, or a #om%ination thereo-, whi#h wou"$ %e e#essive
in re"ation to the #on#rete an$ $ire#t mi"itary a$vantage anti#ipate$.
$. 4he :rin#ip"e o- :re#aution
Arti#"e )7(1) o- A$$itiona" :roto#o" .
.n the #on$u#t o- mi"itary operations, #onstant #are sha"" %e taGen to spare the #ivi"ian
popu"ation, #ivi"ians, an$ #ivi"ian o%Je#ts.
Pro!ec#tor '. Fordic L Cer$eD 4A))eal! ,#dgent/ ICTA/ :??59
Xor$i# was #onvi#te$ -or war #rimes #ommitte$ against the Bosnian ;us"im popu"ation
$uring the BosnianDCroat Kar. .n ru"ing against his $e-ense o- mi"itary ne#essity an$
#onse9uent #ivi"ian #asua"ties, the Court ep"aine$ that internationa" #ustomary "aw
re#ogni<es that #o""atera" $amage is not un"aw-u" per se, provi$e$ that the prin#ip"es o-
$istin#tion an$ proportiona"ity are respe#te$.
Pro!ec#tor '. Galic 4Trial ,#dgent/ ICTA/ :??<9
&a"i# was #onvi#te$ o- #rimes against humanity -or a#ts $uring the +iege o- +araJevo in
the Kar in Bosnia an$ *er<egovina. *is many a#ts in#"u$e$ intentiona""y "aun#hing
atta#Gs to sprea$ terror among the #ivi"ian popu"ation, whi#h he $e-en$e$ as an a#t o-
mi"itary ne#essity. 4he Court #onvi#te$ him, ep"aining that i- e#essive #asua"ties are
epe#te$ to resu"t, the atta#G shou"$ not %e pursue$. 4he test -or proportiona"ity is
whether a reasona%"y we""Din-orme$ person in the #ir#umstan#es o- the a#tua"
perpetrator, maGing reasona%"e use o- the in-ormation avai"a%"e to him or her, #ou"$
have epe#te$ e#essive #ivi"ian #asua"ties to resu"t -rom the atta#G.
Treatent o+ Ci'ilian!
Arti#"e )0 o- A$$itiona" :roto#o" .
A #ivi"ian is any person who $oes not %e"ong to an arme$ -or#e an$ who is not a
#om%atant. .n #ase o- $ou%t as to whether a person is a #ivi"ian, that person sha"" %e
#onsi$ere$ to %e a #ivi"ian.
Arti#"e )1 o- A$$itiona" :roto#o" .
4he #ivi"ian popu"ation an$ in$ivi$ua" #ivi"ians sha"" enJoy genera" prote#tion against
$angers arising -rom mi"itary operations. 4o give e,e#t to this prote#tion, the -o""owing
ru"es, whi#h are a$$itiona" to the other app"i#a%"e ru"es o- .nternationa" Law, sha"" %e
o%serve$ in a"" #ir#umstan#es5
1. 4he #ivi"ian popu"ation as we"" as in$ivi$ua" #ivi"ians sha"" not %e the o%Je#t o-
atta#G. A#ts or threats o- vio"en#e, the primary purpose o- whi#h is to sprea$
terror among the #ivi"ian popu"ation, are prohi%ite$.
(. Atta#Gs against the #ivi"ian popu"ation or #ivi"ians %y way o- reprisa"s are
Treatent o+ Pri!oner! o+ 0ar
As provi$e$ in Arti#"e B o- &eneva ..., prisoners o- war are5
1. ;em%ers o- the arme$ -or#es o- a party to the #onUi#t, in#"u$ing mi"itia or
vo"unteer #orps
(. ;i"itia or vo"unteer #orps operating in or outsi$e their own territory, even i- su#h
territory is o##upie$, provi$e$ that (a) they are %eing #omman$e$ %y a person
responsi%"e -or his su%or$inatesN (%) they have a 2e$ $istin#tive sign
re#ogni<a%"e at a $istan#eN (#) they #arry arms open"yN an$ ($) they #on$u#t
operations in a##or$an#e with the "aws an$ #ustoms o- war
1. ;em%ers o- regu"ar arme$ -or#es who pro-ess a""egian#e to a government or
authority not re#ogni<e$ %y the Detaining :ower
B. Civi"ians who a##ompany the arme$ -or#es, provi$e$ that they have re#eive$
authori<ation -rom the arme$ -or#es whi#h they a##ompany
). ;em%ers o- #rews o- mer#hant marines an$ the #rews o- #ivi" air#ra-t o- the
parties to the #onUi#t
A. .nha%itants o- a nonDo##upie$ territory who on the approa#h o- the enemy
spontaneous"y taGe up arms to resist the inva$ing -or#es, without having ha$
time to -orm themse"ves into regu"ar arme$ units, provi$e$ they #arry arms
open"y an$ respe#t the "aws an$ #ustoms o- war
7. :ersons %e"onging to the arme$ -or#es o- the o##upie$ territory
As provi$e$ in &eneva ..., prisoners o- war are entit"e$ to severa" %asi# prote#tions5
Arti#"e 1(
:risoners o- war may on"y %e trans-erre$ %y the Detaining :ower to a :ower whi#h is a"so
a party to &eneva Convention ....
Arti#"e 11
:risoners o- war must at a"" times %e humane"y treate$. =o prisoner o- war may %e
su%Je#te$ to physi#a" muti"ation or to me$i#a" or s#ienti2# eperiments o- any Gin$ whi#h
are not Justi2e$ %y the me$i#a", $enta", or hospita" treatment o- the prisoner #on#erne$
an$ #arrie$ out in his interest. 4hey must at a"" times %e prote#te$, parti#u"ar"y against
a#ts o- vio"en#e or intimi$ation, or insu"ts an$ pu%"i# #uriosity. ;easures o- reprisa"s
against prisoners o- war are prohi%ite$.
Arti#"e 1)
:risoners o- war sha"" %e -ree o- #harge -or their maintenan#e an$ -or me$i#a" attention
re9uire$ %y their state o- hea"th.
Arti#"e 1B.
Komen sha"" %e treate$ with a"" regar$ $ue to their se an$ sha"" in a"" #ases %ene2t %y
treatment as -avora%"e as grante$ to men.
(A"so see Arti#"e 7) o- :roto#o" .5
Komen sha"" %e he"$ in 9uarters separate$ -rom men>s 9uarters. 4hey sha"" %e un$er
imme$iate supervision o- women. =everthe"ess, in #ases where -ami"ies are $etaine$ or
interne$, they sha"", whenever possi%"e, %e he"$ in the same p"a#e an$ a##ommo$ate$
as -ami"y units.)
F. La, on neutra*ity
As provi$e$ in the *ague Convention /espe#ting the /ights an$ Duties o- =eutra"
:owers, the "aw on neutra"ity is as -o""ows5
1. 4he territory o- the neutra" power is invio"a%"e
(. Be""igerents are -or%i$$en to move troops or munitions o- war an$ supp"ies
a#ross the territory o- a neutra" power
1. A neutra" power is -or%i$$en to a""ow %e""igerents to use its territory -or moving
troops, esta%"ishing #ommuni#ation -a#i"ities, or -orming #orps o- #om%atants
B. 4roops o- %e""igerent armies re#eive$ %y a neutra" power in its territory sha"" %e
interne$ away -rom the theatre o- war
). 4he neutra" power may supp"y %e""igerents with -oo$, #"othing, or re"ie- as
re9uire$ %y humanity
A. .- the neutra" power re#eives es#ape$ prisoners o- war, it sha"" "eave them at
"i%erty. .t may assign them a p"a#e o- resi$en#e i- it a""ows them to remain in its
7. 4he neutra" power may authori<e the passage into its territory o- the si#G an$
woun$e$ i- the means o- transport %ringing them $oes not #arry personne" or
materia"s o- war.
%. T'e La, o- t'e Sea
4he 8nite$ =ations Convention on the Law o- the +ea (8=CLC+) is a %o$y o- treaty ru"es
an$ #ustomary norms governing the uses o- the sea, the ep"oitation o- its resour#es,
an$ the eer#ise o- Juris$i#tion over maritime regimes. .t is the %ran#h o- pu%"i#
internationa" "aw whi#h regu"ates the re"ations o- states with respe#t to the uses o- the
o#eans. (1a&allona<
A vita" -eature o- maritime "aw is the 4ase*ine, or the "ine -rom whi#h the %rea$th o- the
territoria" sea an$ other maritime <ones is measure$. 4here are ?norma" %ase"ines@ -or
most #oasta" states an$ %ase"ines -or a $i,erent #ategory o- states (i.e. ar#hipe"agi#
states). 4he norma" %ase"ine is ?the "owDwater "ine a"ong the #oast as marGe$ on "argeD
s#a"e #harts oH#ia""y re#ogni<e$ %y the #oasta" state.@ (Arti#"e ) o- the 8=CLC+)
Anglo-Nor%egian Fi!1erie! Ca!e 4!#)ra9
.n or$er to $etermine the ?"owDwater "ine@, what is -o""owe$ is the mean %etween the two
ti$es, or the "owDwater marG as oppose$ to the highDwater marG.
Interna* &aters
"rtic*e E o- t'e UNCLOS
Katers on the "an$war$ si$e o- the %ase"ine o- the territoria" sea -orm part o- the interna"
waters o- the +tate.
*(amples: Bays, estuaries, ports, rivers, #ana"s, "aGes, an$ in"an$ seas
.n the #ase o- ar#hipe"agi# states, waters "an$war$ o- the %ase"ine7other than rivers,
%ays, an$ "aGes7are #onsi$ere$ arc"ipela&ic waters (not interna" waters) su%Je#t to a
$i,erent maritime regime.
A state has sovereignty over its interna" waters. As a genera" ru"e, there-ore, no other
states may enJoy the right o- inno#ent passage. *owever, there are e#eptions to this
ru"e5 (1) there is a treaty granting the rightN (() a ship is in $istress an$ there is a risG
pose$ against the "ives o- those on %oar$N an$ (1) a-ter %ase"ines are $rawn interna"
waters en#ompass what were either territoria" waters or straits use$ -or internationa"
Innocent Pa!!age
"rtic*e 7E o- t'e UNCLOS: :assage means the navigation through the territoria" sea
-or the purpose o- #rossing that sea without entering interna" waters or o- pro#ee$ing to
or -rom interna" waters. .t may in#"u$e temporary stoppages, %ut on"y i- they are
in#i$enta" to or$inary navigation or ne#essitate$ %y $istress or -or#e maJeure.
"rtic*e 7@ o- t'e UNCLOS: :assage is inno#ent so "ong as it is not preJu$i#ia" to the
pea#e, goo$ or$er, or se#urity o- the #oasta" state. +u#h passage sha"" taGe p"a#e in
#on-ormity with this Convention an$ with other ru"es o- internationa" "aw.
Nicarag#a '. United State! 4!#)ra9
4he "aying o- mines in =i#aragua>s ports was one o- the groun$s -or the 8+> o%"igation to
pay #ompensation. A state>s sovereignty eten$s to interna" waters an$ airspa#e, an$
the state>s "aws app"y over su#h areas. 4he "aying o- mines a"so hampere$ the state>s
right to -ree$om o- navigation7not Just o- =i#araguan ships, %ut -oreign ships.
Sa#di Ara"ia '. ARAMCO 4!#)ra9
4he ports o- every state must %e open to -oreign mer#hant vesse"s an$ #an on"y %e
#"ose$ when the vita" interests o- the state so re9uire.
Magallona et al. '.'e Secretar( 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ :?559
4he petitioners assai"e$ the #onstitutiona"ity o- /.A. 9)(( (the Base"ine Law), a""eging
that it re$u#e$ :hi"ippine territory, opene$ :hi"ippine waters "an$war$ o- the %oun$aries
$rawn up in the 4reaty o- :aris to passage %y a"" vesse"s an$ air#ra-t, an$ #onse9uent"y
un$ermine$ :hi"ippine sovereignty an$ nationa" se#urity. 4he Court uphe"$ the "aw>s
#onstitutiona"ity, 2n$ing that the $rawing o- the %ase"ines -rom the ar#hipe"ago>s
outermost is"an$s an$ $rying ree-s was mere"y in #omp"ian#e with the :hi"ippines>
o%"igations un$er 8=CLC+. As to the #onversion o- interna" waters to ar#hipe"agi# waters,
the Court emphasi<e$ that the :hi"ippines wou"$ sti"" eer#ise sovereignty over
ar#hipe"agi# waters7su%Je#t on"y to the right o- inno#ent passage an$ the right o-
passage through sea "anes.
T'e Territoria* Sea
"rtic*e /?7B o- t'e UNCLOS
A #oasta" state>s sovereignty eten$s %eyon$ its "an$ territory an$ interna" waters to an
a$Ja#ent %e"t o- sea Gnown as the territoria" sea, a"though sometimes re-erre$ to as
?territoria" waters.@ +overeignty eten$s a"so to the %e$ an$ su%soi" o- the territoria" sea
an$ the air spa#e a%ove it.
"rtic*e 2 o- t'e UNCLOS
Every state has the right to esta%"ish the %rea$th o- its territoria" sea up to a "imit not
e#ee$ing 1( nauti#a" mi"es, measure$ -rom %ase"ines $etermine$ in a##or$an#e with
this Convention.
"rtic*e 7H o- t'e UNCLOS
+hips o- a"" states, whether #oasta" or "an$"o#Ge$, enJoy the right o- inno#ent passage
through the territoria" sea.
4he provision $oes not $istinguish %etween mer#hant ships or warships, meaning even
warships enJoy the right o- inno#ent passage through the territoria" sea. As $e2ne$ in
Arti#"e (9 o- the 8=CLC+, a warship is ?a ship %e"onging to the arme$ -or#es o- a state,
%earing the eterna" marGs $istinguishing su#h ships o- its nationa"ity, un$er the
#omman$ o- an oH#er $u"y #ommissione$ %y the government o- the state an$ whose
name appears in the appropriate servi#e "ist or its e9uiva"ent, an$ manne$ %y a #rew
whi#h is un$er the regu"ar arme$ -or#es $is#ip"ine.@
O"ligation! o+ a !tate )ertaining to it! territorial !ea 4Article :? K := o+
1. :rote#t navigationa" ai$s, #a%"es, an$ pipe"ines
(. Conserve marine "iving resour#es
1. Cvera"" environmenta" prote#tion an$ s#ienti2# resear#h
B. :reventing the in-ringement o- #ustoms, 2s#a", immigration, an$ sanitary "aws
). Ensuring the sa-ety o- navigation
A. 4aGe the ne#essary steps to prevent passage whi#h is not inno#ent
3"en passa&e ceases to be innocent =Article 1;I2J of t"e A.%L/S<
a. Any threat or use o- -or#e against the sovereignty, territoria" integrity, or
po"iti#a" in$epen$en#e o- the #oasta" state
%. Any other vio"ation o- the prin#ip"es o- internationa" "aw em%o$ie$ in the 8=
#. Any a#t aime$ at #o""e#ting in-ormation to the preJu$i#e o- the $e-ense or
se#urity o- the #oasta" state
$. Any a#t o- propagan$a aime$ at a,e#ting the $e-ense or se#urity o- the #oasta"
e. 4he "aun#hing, "an$ing, or taGing on %oar$ o- any air#ra-t or mi"itary $evi#e
-. 4he "oa$ing or un"oa$ing o- any #ommo$ity, #urren#y, or person #ontrary to the
#ustoms, 2s#a", immigration, an$ sanitary regu"ations o- the #oasta" state
g. Any a#t o- wi""-u" or serious po""ution #ontrary to this Convention
h. Any 2shing a#tivities
i. 4he #arrying out o- resear#h or survey a#tivities
J. Any a#t aime$ at inter-ering with any #ommuni#ation systems, -a#i"ities, or
insta""ations o- the #oasta" state
G. Any other a#tivity not having $ire#t %earing on passage
7. 4he #oasta" state sha"" not impose re9uirements on -oreign ships whi#h have the
e,e#t o- $enying or impairing the right o- inno#ent passage
8. 4he #oasta" state sha"" not $is#riminate against ships o- any state, or against ships
#arrying #argo to an$ -rom or on %eha"- o- any state
9. 4he #oasta" state sha"" warn a"" ships o- any Gnown $anger to navigation within the
territoria" sea
Rig1t! o+ a !tate )ertaining to it! territorial !ea
.n genera", a state enJoys -u"" sovereign rights an$ Juris$i#tiona" #ontro" over its territoria"
sea. .n parti#u"ar7
1. Eer#ise o- #rimina" Juris$i#tion
As a ru"e, a #oasta" state #annot eer#ise #rimina" Juris$i#tion on a -oreign ship (or its
passengers) passing through the territoria" sea. *owever, there are e#eptions (as
provi$e$ in Arti#"e (7 o- the 8=CLC+)5
a. 4he #onse9uen#es o- the #rime eten$ to the #oasta" state
%. 4he #rime $istur%s the pea#e o- the #ountry or the goo$ or$er o- the territoria"
#. 4he assistan#e o- the "o#a" authorities has %een re9ueste$ %y the master o- the
ship or %y a $ip"omati# agent or #onsu"ar oH#er o- the Uag state
$. +u#h measures as are ne#essary -or the suppression o- i""i#it traH# in nar#oti#
$rugs or psy#hotropi# su%stan#es
(. Eer#ise o- #ivi" Juris$i#tion
As a ru"e, a #oasta" state #annot eer#ise #ivi" Juris$i#tion over a -oreign ship (or its
passengers) passing through the territoria" sea. *owever, there are e#eptions (as
provi$e$ in Arti#"e (8 o- the 8=CLC+)5
a. Khen the ship itse"- has assume$ o%"igations or in#urre$ "ia%i"ities in the #ourse
o- its voyage through the #oasta" state
%. .- #ivi" pro#ee$ings are #ommen#e$ or #on#"u$e$ against a -oreign ship in
interna" waters, the #oasta" state may su%se9uent"y "evy an ee#ution against
or arrest the -oreign ship even i- it has a"rea$y "e-t interna" waters an$ rea#he$
the territoria" sea
T1e G#l+ o+ Sidra Incident! 45676/ )#"li!1ed in t1e Italian Aear"oo$ o+
International La%9
Li%ya shot $own Ameri#an air#ra-ts that were a""ege$"y #on$u#ting mi"itary eer#ises
over the &u"- o- +i$ra. Li%ya #"aime$ to %e prote#ting its interna" waters, as the &u"- o-
+i$ra was not part o- the territoria" sea %ut was a ?histori# %ay.@ 4he notion that waters
may %e #onsi$ere$ histori#a""y su%Je#t to the sovereignty o- one state is ?a re"i# o- an
o"$er an$ o%so"ete regime.@ Khi"e the internationa" #ommunity might %e wi""ing to
#onsi$er eisting #"aims un$er high"y e#eptiona" #ir#umstan#es, etravagant #"aims
en#roa#hing upon the #ommon $omain o- the internationa" #ommunity (i.e. the high
seas) have a"ways %een reJe#te$.
Anglo-Nor%egian Fi!1erie! Ca!e 4!#)ra9
'or the purpose o- measuring the %rea$th o- the territoria" sea, it is the "owDwater marG,
or the mean %etween the high an$ "ow ti$es, whi#h has %een genera""y use$ as the
starting point %y states.
-l Sal'ador '. Hond#ra! %it1 Nicarag#a Inter'ening 4!#)ra9
A"so in $ispute in this #ase was the sovereignty over the &u"- o- 'onse#a, whi#h "ay
%etween the three states. 4he Court ru"e$ that the &u"- was e,e#tive"y a ?#"ose$ sea@
%e"onging #ommuna""y to a"" three states with the e#eption o- ea#h state>s uni"atera""yD
$e#"are$ threeDmi"e <one. A-ter the states a#hieve$ in$epen$en#e in 18(1, the waters
remaine$ un$ivi$e$. 4he Court #onse9uent"y he"$ that the &u"- o- 'onse#a were ?histori#
waters@, an$ the three states su##ee$e$ to #ommuna" sovereignty over it.
A straight is a natura""yD-orme$, narrow waterway that #onne#ts two "arger %o$ies o-
"rtic*e 2F o- t'e UNCLOS ?T'e *e+a* status o- ,aters -or(in+ straits used -or
internationa* navi+ationB
4he regime o- passage through straits use$ -or internationa" navigation esta%"ishe$ in
this Convention sha"" not in other respe#ts a,e#t the "ega" status o- the waters -orming
su#h straits or the eer#ise %y the states %or$ering the straits o- their sovereignty or
Juris$i#tion over su#h waters an$ their air spa#e, sea%e$, an$ su%soi".
O"ligation! o+ !tate! "ordering !trait!
1. /espe#t the right to transit passage
2"e ri&"t to transit passa&e is the right to eer#ise -ree$om o- navigation an$ overUight
so"e"y -or the purpose o- #ontinuous an$ epe$itious transit through the straits use$ -or
internationa" navigation (e.g. %etween two areas o- the high seas). A"" ships an$ air#ra-t
enJoy the right o- transit passage. (Arti#"e 18 o- the 8=CLC+)
4he wor$ing o- the right to transit passage is important. .t is the right to eer#ise
-ree$om o- navigation an$ overUight solely for t"e purpose o- #ontinuous an$
epe$itious transit. .- the ship or air#ra-t $oes not a#t in a##or$an#e with this right (e.g.
the ship $rops an#hor in the strait -or reasons other than $istress or -or#e maJeure) the
passage wi"" #ease to %e su%Je#t to the regime o- passage through straits an$ wi"" instea$
%e su%Je#t to the regime o- the territoria" sea or EEY, as the #ase may %e. (Arti#"e 19P1Q
P#Q o- the 8=CLC+)
4here sha"" %e no suspension o- the right to transit passage. (Arti#"e BB o- the 8=CLC+) .n
regu"ating the right to transit passage, states may on"y pass "aws an$ regu"ations whi#h
(a) $o not $is#riminate among -oreign shipsN (%) $o not have the e,e#t o- $enying,
hampering, or impairing the right to transit passageN an$ (#) are given $ue pu%"i#ity.
(Arti#"e 18 o- the 8=CLC+)
3"at states may re&ulate in relation to t"e ri&"t to transit passa&e =Article H2I1J of t"e
a. 4he sa-ety o- navigation an$ regu"ation o- maritime traH#
%. 4he prevention, re$u#tion, an$ #ontro" o- po""ution
#. 4he prevention o- 2shing (in#"u$ing the stowage o- 2shing gear)
$. 4he "oa$ing or un"oa$ing o- any #ommo$ity, #urren#y, or person in
#ontravention o- #ustoms, 2s#a", immigration, or sanitary "aws
3"en t"e ri&"t to transit passa&e does not apply =Articles 3?! 3L! and HM of t"e A.%L/S<
a. 4he strait has a high seas or an EEY route through it whi#h is o- simi"ar
%. 4he strait is -orme$ %y an is"an$ o- a state %or$ering the strait an$ its
#. 4he strait #onne#ts part o- the high seas or an EEY with the territoria" sea o-
a thir$ state
$. 4he "ega" regime o- the strait is governe$ %y a "ongDstan$ing treaty
.n (a) to (#) a%ove, the regime o- inno#ent passage sha"" app"y.
(. &ive appropriate pu%"i#ity to any $anger to navigation or overUight within or over
the strait o- whi#h the state has Gnow"e$ge. (Arti#"e BB o- the 8=CLC+)
O"ligation! o+ !1i)! and aircra+t in tran!it )a!!age 4Article <7 o+ t1e UNCLOS9
1. :ro#ee$ without $e"ay through or over the strait
(. /e-rain -rom any threat or use o- -or#e against the sovereignty, territoria" integrity,
or po"iti#a" in$epen$en#e o- states %or$ering the strait, or in any other manner in
vio"ation o- the prin#ip"es o- internationa" "aw em%o$ie$ in the Charter o- the
8nite$ =ations
1. /e-rain -rom any a#tivities other than those in#i$ent to their norma" mo$es o-
#ontinuous an$ epe$itious transit un"ess ren$ere$ ne#essary %y -or#e maJeure or
%y $istress
B. +hips shou"$ #omp"y with genera""y a##epte$ internationa" regu"ations, pro#e$ures,
an$ pra#ti#es -or sa-ety at sea an$ the prevention, re$u#tion, an$ #ontro" o-
po""ution -rom ships
). Air#ra-t must at a"" times monitor the ra$io -re9uen#y assigne$ %y the #ompetent
internationa""y $esignate$ air traH# #ontro" authority or the appropriate
internationa" $istress ra$io -re9uen#y
A. Civi"ian air#ra-t must o%serve the /u"es o- Air esta%"ishe$ %y the .nternationa" Civi"
Aviation Crgani<ationN state air#ra-t must taGe a"" sa-ety measures an$ must at a""
times operate with $ue regar$ -or the sa-ety o- navigation
Cor+# C1annel Ca!e 4!#)ra9
.n times o- pea#e, states have a right to sen$ their warships through straits use$ -or
internationa" navigation %etween two parts o- the high seas without the previous
authori<ation o- the #oasta" state. *owever, the Court a"so emphasi<e$ that su#h
passage must %e inno#ent (not yet transit passage, sin#e this #ase pre$ates the
8=CLC+). 4he reason that near"y unrestri#te$ passage through straits is grante$ is
%e#ause they are o-ten use-u" routes -or internationa" maritime traH#.
"rc'ipe*a+ic &aters
"rtic*e F: o- t'e UNCLOS
An ar#hipe"ago is a group o- is"an$s, in#"u$ing parts o- is"an$s, inter#onne#ting waters,
an$ other natura" -eatures whi#h are so #"ose"y interre"ate$ that su#h is"an$s, waters,
an$ natura" -eatures -orm an intrinsi# geographi#a", e#onomi#, an$ po"iti#a" entity, or
whi#h histori#a""y have %een regar$e$ as su#h. An ar#hipe"agi# state is a state ma$e up
who""y o- one or more ar#hipe"agos an$ may in#"u$e other is"an$s.
S)ecial circ#!tance! relating to "a!eline! o+ arc1i)elago!
A"" waters en#"ose$ %y the ar#hipe"agi# %ase"ines are ar#hipe"agi# waters, regar$"ess o-
their $epth or $istan#e -rom the #oast. As provi$e$ in Arti#"e B9 o- the 8=CLC+, the
sovereignty o- the ar#hipe"agi# state eten$s to ar#hipe"agi# waters, as we"" as to the
airspa#e o- the ar#hipe"agi# waters, the sea%e$ an$ su%soi", an$ the resour#es #ontaine$
therein. By virtue o- their geographi#a" -ormation, there are spe#ia" ru"es -or the $rawing
o- %ase"ines o- ar#hipe"agi# states (provi$e$ in Arti#"es B7 an$ B8 o- the 8=CLC+).
4he %rea$th o- the territoria" sea, #ontiguous <one, #ontinenta" she"-, an$ the
e#"usive e#onomi# <one (EEY) is measure$ -rom the straight ar#hipe"agi#
+traight ar#hipe"agi# %ase"ines Join the outermost points o- the outermost
is"an$s an$ $rying ree-s o- the ar#hipe"ago, provi$e$ that within su#h %ase"ines
are in#"u$e$ the main is"an$s.
4he $rawing o- ar#hipe"agi# %ase"ines sha"" not $epart to any appre#ia%"e etent
-rom the genera" #on2guration o- the ar#hipe"ago.
Ar#hipe"agi# %ase"ines sha"" not %e $rawn -rom "owDti$e e"evations un"ess
"ighthouses or simi"ar insta""ations whi#h are permanent"y a%ove sea "eve" have
%een %ui"t upon them.
4he system o- ar#hipe"agi# %ase"ines sha"" not %e app"ie$ %y an ar#hipe"agi#
state in su#h a manner as to #ut o, the territoria" sea o- another state -rom the
high seas or the EEY.
O"ligation! o+ an arc1i)elagic !tate %it1 re!)ect to arc1i)elagic %ater!
1. /espe#t the right o- inno#ent passage
(. /e#ogni<e tra$itiona" 2shing rights an$ other "egitimate a#tivities o- the
imme$iate"y a$Ja#ent neigh%oring states (Arti#"e )1P1Q o- the 8=CLC+)
1. /espe#t eisting su%marine #a%"es "ai$ %y other states an$ passing through its
waters, permitting the maintenan#e an$ rep"a#ement o- su#h #a%"es upon %eing
noti2e$ o- their "o#ation an$ the intention to repair or rep"a#e them (Arti#"e )1P(Q
o- the 8=CLC+)
B. /espe#t the right o- ar#hipe"agi# sea "anes passage (Arti#"e )1P(Q o- the 8=CLC+)
Arc"ipela&ic sea lanes passa&e is the right o- -oreign ships an$ air#ra-t to have
#ontinuous, epe$itious, an$ uno%stru#te$ passage in sea "anes an$ air routes through
or over the ar#hipe"agi# waters an$ the a$Ja#ent territoria" sea o- the ar#hipe"agi# state
in transit %etween one part o- the high seas an$ another, or in transit %etween one part
o- an EEY an$ another. (Arti#"e )1P1Q an$ P1Q o- the 8=CLC+) 4hese sea "anes an$ air
routes in#"u$e a"" norma" passage routes use$ -or internationa" navigation or overUight
through or over ar#hipe"agi# waters. (Arti#"e )1PBQ o- the 8=CLC+) All ships an$ air#ra-t
(mi"itary or mer#hant) are entit"e$ to the right o- ar#hipe"agi# sea "anes passage. (Arti#"e
)1P(Q o- the 8=CLC+) LiGe transit passage, ar#hipe"agi# sea "anes passage #annot %e
T'e Conti+uous Kone
4he #ontiguous <one is the maritime <one a$Ja#ent to the territoria" sea. .t may not
eten$ %eyon$ (B nauti#a" mi"es -rom the %ase"ines -rom whi#h the %rea$th o- the
territoria" sea is measure$. 4he #oasta" state $oes not have sovereignty over the
#ontiguous <one %ut it may eer#ise prote#tive Juris$i#tion in the #ontiguous <one un$er
spe#i2# #ir#umstan#es (Arti#"e 11 o- the 8=CLC+)5
1. 4he #oasta" state may eer#ise the #ontro" ne#essary to prevent in-ringement o- its
#ustoms, 2s#a", immigration, an$ sanitary "aws an$ regu"ations within its territory
or territoria" seaN an$
(. 4he #oasta" state may eer#ise the #ontro" ne#essary to punish in-ringement o-
#ustoms, 2s#a", immigration, an$ sanitary "aws an$ regu"ations #ommitte$ within
its territory an$ territoria" sea.
4he #oasta" state may on"y un$ertaGe hot pursuit o- a -oreign ship in the #ontiguous <one
i- there has %een a vio"ation o- the rights -or the prote#tion o- whi#h the #ontiguous <one
was esta%"ishe$. (Arti#"e 111P1Q o- the 8=CLC+)
.n a"" other respe#ts, the #ontiguous <one is an area that enJoys the -ree$om o- the high
T'e Continenta* S'e*-
"rtic*e H:?7B o- t'e UNCLOS
4he #ontinenta" she"- #omprises the sea%e$ an$ su%soi" o- the su%marine areas that
eten$ %eyon$ the territoria" sea o- a #oasta" state throughout the natura" pro"ongation
o- the "an$ territory to either7
(a)the outer e$ge o- the #ontinenta" margin (the su%merge$ pro"ongation o- the "an$
mass o- the #oasta" state)N or
(%)(00 nauti#a" mi"es -rom the %ase"ines -rom whi#h the %rea$th o- the territoria" sea
is measure$, whi#hever is the greater.
Rig1t! o+ coa!tal !tate! o'er t1e continental !1el+ 4Article ;; o+ t1e UNCLOS9
1. 4he #oasta" state eer#ises e(clusive sovereign rights over the #ontinenta" she"- -or
the purpose o- ep"oring it an$ ep"oiting its natura" resour#es (i.e. minera" an$
nonD"iving resour#es o- the sea%e$ an$ su%soi", together with "iving organisms
%e"onging to a se$entary spe#ies). =o other state may ep"ore an$ ep"oit without
the epress #onsent o- the #oasta" state, an$ i- the #oasta" state $e#i$es not to
un$ertaGe any su#h a#tivities, no one e"se may $o so.
(. 4he rights o- the #oasta" state over the #ontinenta" she"- $o not $epen$ on
o##upation or on any epress pro#"amation.
Nort1 Sea Continental S1el+ Ca!e 4!#)ra9
4he rights o- the #oasta" state in respe#t o- the area o- #ontinenta" she"- #onstituting a
natura" pro"ongation o- its "an$ territory un$er the sea eists ipso facto an$ ab initio, %y
virtue o- its sovereignty over the "an$. 4hat right is inherent. =o spe#ia" "ega" a#ts nee$
%e per-orme$.
Li"(a '. Malta 4IC, Ca!e/ 567=9
4he #ase sprang -rom a $ispute %etween Li%ya an$ ;a"ta over the $e"imitation o- the
#ontinenta" she"- %etween them. 4he Court an$ the parties agree$ that the $ivision must
%e governe$ %y a num%er o- e9uita%"e prin#ip"es, among them5 (1) there is to %e no
9uestion o- re-ashioning geographyN (() nonDen#roa#hment %y one party on areas
appertaining to the otherN (1) respe#t $ue to a"" re"evant #ir#umstan#esN an$ (B) ?e9uity
$oes not ne#essari"y imp"y e9ua"ity@ an$ there #an %e no 9uestion o- $istri%utive Justi#e.
T#ni!ia '. Li"(a 4IC, Ca!e/ 567:9
4he parties signe$ a spe#ia" agreement re9uesting the Court to ren$er its Ju$gment o-
the ru"es an$ prin#ip"es o- internationa" "aw whi#h may %e app"ie$ in the $e"imitation o-
the #ontinenta" she"- %etween them. 4he Court ep"aine$ that when the area to %e
$e"imite$ is a sing"e #ontinenta" she"- whi#h is the natura" pro"ongation o- %oth states,
the prin#ip"e o- $e"imiting the #ontinenta" she"- %ase$ on the natura" pro"ongation $oes
not app"y.
Aegean Sea Continental S1el+ Ca!e 4GGreece '. T#r$e(H/ IC, Ca!e/ 56;79
4he re"evant 9uestion in this #ase re"ates to whether #ertain is"an$s un$er &reeG
sovereignty were entit"e$ to a #ontinenta" she"- o- their own, ena%"ing &ree#e to #a"" -or
the %oun$ary to %e $rawn %etween those is"an$s an$ the 4urGish Coast. 4urGey argue$
that the is"an$s in 9uestion were mere protu%eran#es o- the 4urGish #ontinenta" she"- an$
were not entit"e$ to a #ontinenta" she"- o- their own. 4hough u"timate"y the Court ru"e$
that it ha$ no Juris$i#tion over the $ispute, it $i$ reaHrm the prin#ip"e that ?the "an$
$ominates the sea@ an$ it is %y virtue o- the #oasta" state>s sovereignty over the "an$
that rights o- ep"oration an$ ep"oitation in the #ontinenta" she"- #an atta#h to it.
Anglo-Frenc1 Ca!e 4GUnited Fingdo '. FranceH/ IC, Ca!e/ 56;69
4he Court was asGe$ to 2 the %oun$aries %etween parties> #ontinenta" she"- in the
Eng"ish Channe". 4he Court ep"aine$ at "ength that the appropriateness o- any metho$
-or e,e#ting an e9uita%"e $e"imitation in any given #ase is a"ways a -un#tion or reUe#tion
o- the geographi#a" an$ other re"evant #ir#umstan#es o- the #ase.
Ca!e Concerning *eliitation Bet%een Greenland and ,an Ma(en 4G*enar$ '.
Nor%a(H/ IC, Ca!e/ 566<9
DenmarG an$ =orway were arguing, among other things, over the $ivision o- their rights
over the #ontinenta" she"-. App"ying Arti#"e A o- the 19)8 &eneva Convention on the
Continenta" +he"-, the Court ep"aine$ that where the same #ontinenta" she"- is a$Ja#ent
to the territories o- two or more states whose #oasts are opposite ea#h other, the
%oun$ary o- the #ontinenta" she"- appertaining to su#h states sha"" %e $etermine$ %y
agreement %etween them. .n the a%sen#e o- agreement, an$ un"ess another %oun$ary is
Justi2e$ %y spe#ia" #ir#umstan#es, the %oun$ary sha"" %e the me$ian "ine %etween the
#oasts. 4he app"i#ation o- the provision $i$ not e#"u$e the app"i#ation o- #ustomary "aw.
.nternationa" "aw $oes not pres#ri%e the a$option o- a sing"e metho$ -or the $e"imitation
o- the maritime spa#es. 6arying systems o- $e"imitation may %e use$ -or various parts o-
the #oast.
"rtic*e H: o- t'e UNCLOS, Para+rap's F and :. -.tended continental !1el+
4he #oasta" state is a""owe$ to #"aim a #ontinenta" she"- o- up to (00 nauti#a" mi"es -rom
the %ase"inesN however, i- the outer margin eten$s %eyon$ (00 nauti#a" mi"es -rom the
%ase"ines, then the outer "imit o- the #ontinenta" she"- sha"" not e#ee$ 1)0 nauti#a"
mi"es -rom the %ase"ines.
T'e E)c*usive Econo(ic Kone
"rtic*e AA o- t'e UNCLOS
4he e#"usive e#onomi# <one is an area %eyon$ an$ a$Ja#ent to the territoria" sea,
su%Je#t to the spe#i2# "ega" regime esta%"ishe$ in this :art, un$er whi#h the rights an$
Juris$i#tion o- the #oasta" state an$ the rights an$ -ree$oms o- other +tates are governe$
%y the re"evant provisions o- this Convention.
"rtic*e A: o- t'e UNCLOS
1. .n the EEY, the #oasta" state has5
(a) sovereign rights -or the purpose o- ep"oring an$ ep"oiting, #onserving an$
managing the natura" resour#es, whether "iving or nonD"iving, o- the waters superJa#ent
to the sea%e$ an$ o- the sea%e$ an$ its su%soi", an$ with regar$ to other a#tivities -or
the e#onomi# ep"oitation an$ ep"oration o- the <one, su#h as the pro$u#tion o- energy
-rom the water, #urrents, an$ win$sN
(%) Juris$i#tion as provi$e$ -or in the re"evant provisions o- this Convention with regar$ to
(i) the esta%"ishment an$ use o- arti2#ia" is"an$s, insta""ations, an$ stru#turesN (ii) marine
s#ienti2# resear#hN an$ (iii) the prote#tion an$ preservation o- the marine environmentN
(#) other rights an$ $uties provi$e$ -or in this Convention.
(. .n eer#ising its rights an$ per-orming its $uties un$er this Convention in the EEY, the
#oasta" state sha"" have $ue regar$ -or the rights an$ $uties o- other states an$ sha"" a#t
in a manner #ompati%"e with the provisions o- this Convention.
"rtic*e AH o- t'e UNCLOS
4he EEY sha"" not eten$ %eyon$ (00 nauti#a" mi"es -rom the %ase"ines -rom whi#h the
%rea$th o- the territoria" sea is measure$.
"rtic*e AE o- t'e UNCLOS
1. .n the EEY, a"" states, whether #oasta" or "an$"o#Ge$, enJoy, su%Je#t to the re"evant
provisions o- this Convention, the -ree$oms re-erre$ to in Arti#"e 87 o- navigation an$
overUight an$ o- the "aying o- su%marine #a%"es an$ pipe"ines, an$ other internationa""y
"aw-u" uses o- the sea re"ate$ to these -ree$oms, su#h as those asso#iate$ with the
operation o- ships, air#ra-t, an$ su%marine #a%"es an$ pipe"ines, an$ #ompati%"e with the
other provisions o- this Convention.
MMV Saiga 4GSt. Vincent and t1e Grenadine! '. G#ineaH/ IC, Ca!e/ 56669
4he 1N> Sai&a was an oi" tanGer Uying the Uag o- +t. 6in#ent an$ the &rena$ines that
was supp"ying oi" to 2shing vesse"s "i#ense$ %y &uinea to 2sh in its EEY. 4he Sai&a was
arreste$ %y &uinean patro" %oats -or i""ega""y importing gas into the #ustoms ra$ius o-
&uinea. 4he Court ru"e$ that in the EEY, #ustoms "aws an$ regu"ations are on"y
app"i#a%"e with regar$ to arti2#ia" is"an$s, insta""ations, an$ stru#tures7not over the
waters o- the EEY. 4o permit &uinea to eten$ its Juris$i#tion over the waters o- the EEY
wou"$ #urtai" the rights o- other states an$ any a#tivities within the EEY.
4he $e"imitation o- the over"apping EEY %etween a$Ja#ent states is $etermine$ %y
agreement. (-ernas<
T'e Hi+' Seas
4he high seas are a"" parts o- the sea that are not in#"u$e$ in the EEY, the territoria" sea,
the interna" waters o- a state, or in the ar#hipe"agi# waters o- an ar#hipe"agi# +tate.
(Arti#"e 8A o- the 8=CLC+)
4he high seas are open to a"" +tates, whi#h enJoy the -o""owing -ree$oms (Arti#"e 87 o-
the 8=CLC+)5
1. 'ree$om o- navigation
(. 'ree$om o- overUight
1. 'ree$om to "ay su%marine #a%"es an$ pipe"ines
B. 'ree$om to #onstru#t arti2#ia" is"an$s an$ other insta""ations permitte$ un$er
internationa" "aw
). 'ree$om o- 2shing
A. 'ree$om o- s#ienti2# resear#h
Internationa* Tri4una* -or t'e La, o- t'e Sea ?ITLOSB
:ea#e-u" sett"ement o- $isputes is #ompu"sory un$er the 8=CLC+. .- %i"atera" sett"ement
-ai"s, Arti#"e (8) o- the 8=CLC+ re9uires su%mission o- the $ispute -or #ompu"sory
sett"ement in one o- the tri%una"s #"othe$ with Juris$i#tion. 4he a"ternatives are the
.nternationa" 4ri%una" -or the Law o- the +ea, the .C!, or an ar%itra" tri%una" #onstitute$
un$er the Convention. (-ernas<
"rtic*e /7, ITLOS Statute
4he Juris$i#tion o- the .4LC+ #omprises a"" $isputes an$ a"" app"i#ations su%mitte$ to it in
a##or$an#e with the 8=CLC+. .t a"so in#"u$es a"" matters spe#i2#a""y provi$e$ -or in any
agreement whi#h #on-ers Juris$i#tion on the 4ri%una".
N. %adrid Protoco* and t'e Paris Convention -or t'e Protection o- Industria*
Madrid Protocol
As ep"aine$ %y the Kor"$ .nte""e#tua" :roperty Crgani<ation (K.:C), the ;a$ri$
:roto#o" is a more Uei%"e up$ate o- the ;a$ri$ Agreement Con#erning the
.nternationa" /egu"ation o- ;arGs (2rst #on#"u$e$ in 1891)
4he ?;a$ri$ +ystem@ (as the :roto#o" an$ Agreement are re-erre$ to) maGes it
possi%"e to prote#t a tra$emarG in a "arge num%er o- #ountries %y o%taining an
internationa" registration that has e,e#t in ea#h o- the $esignate$ #ontra#ting
An app"i#ation -or internationa" registration may on"y %e 2"e$ %y a natura" person
or "ega" entity having a #onne#tion (through esta%"ishment, $omi#i"e, or
nationa"ity) to a #ontra#ting party to either the :roto#o" or Agreement
A tra$emarG may on"y %e the su%Je#t o- an internationa" app"i#ation i- it has
a"rea$y %een registere$ with the tra$emarG oH#e o- the #ontra#ting party to whi#h
the app"i#ant is #onne#te$
.nternationa" app"i#ations are presente$ to the .nternationa" Bureau o- the K.:C
through the interme$iary o- the oH#e o- origin
Pari! Con'ention +or t1e Protection o+ Ind#!trial Pro)ert( 4-!!ential
"rtic*e 7
(1) 4he #ountries to whi#h this Convention app"ies #onstitute a 8nion -or the proe#tion o-
in$ustria" property.
(() 4he prote#tion o- in$ustria" property has as its o%Je#t patents, uti"ity mo$e"s,
in$ustria" $esigns, tra$emarGs, servi#e marGs, tra$e names, in$i#ations o- sour#e or
appe""ations o- origin, an$ the repression o- un-air #ompetition.
(1) .n$ustria" property sha"" %e un$erstoo$ in the %roa$est sense an$ sha"" app"y not on"y
to in$ustry an$ #ommer#e proper, %ut "iGewise to agri#u"tura" an$ etra#tive in$ustries
an$ to a"" manu-a#ture$ or natura" pro$u#ts, -or eamp"e wines, grain, to%a##o "ea-, -ruit,
#att"e, minera"s, minera" waters, %eer, Uowers, an$ Uour.
(B) :atents sha"" in#"u$e the various Gin$s o- in$ustria" patents re#ogni<e$ %y the "aws o-
the #ountries o- the 8nion, su#h as patents o- importation, patents o- improvement,
patents o- #erti2#ates o- a$$ition, et#.
"rtic*e /
(1) =ationa"s o- any #ountry o- the 8nion sha"", as regar$s the prote#tion o- in$ustria"
property, enJoy in a"" the other #ountries o- the 8nion the a$vantages that their
respe#tive "aws now grant, or may herea-ter grant, to nationa"sN a"" without preJu$i#e to
the rights spe#ia""y provi$e$ -or %y this Convention. Conse9uent"y, they sha"" have the
same prote#tion as the "atter, an$ the same "ega" reme$y against any in-ringement o-
their rights, provi$e$ that the #on$itions an$ -orma"ities impose$ upon nationa"s are
#omp"ie$ with.
(() *owever, no re9uirement as to $omi#i"e or esta%"ishment in the #ountry where
prote#tion is #"aime$ may %e impose$ upon nationa"s o- #ountries o- the 8nion -or the
enJoyment o- any in$ustria" property rights.
(1) 4he provisions o- the "aws o- ea#h o- the #ountries o- the 8nion re"ating to Ju$i#ia" an$
a$ministrative pro#e$ure an$ to Juris$i#tion, an$ to the $esignation o- an a$$ress -or
servi#e or the appointment o- an agent, whi#h may %e re9uire$ %y the "aws on in$ustria"
property are epress"y reserve$.
"rtic*e 2
=ationa"s o- #ountries outsi$e the 8nion who are $omi#i"e$ or who have rea" an$
e,e#tive in$ustria" or #ommer#ia" esta%"ishments in the territory o- one o- the #ountries
o- the 8nion sha"" %e treate$ in the same manner as nationa"s o- the #ountries o- the
O. Internationa* Environ(enta* La,
4he #on#ern o- environmenta" prote#tion is not Just a%out the atmosphere, the sea,
the "an$, Uora, an$ -auna. .t is a"so a%out the preservation o- the #u"tura" heritage
o- manGin$ as -oun$ in ar#haeo"ogi#a" an$ artisti# remains. (-ernas)
Environmenta" "aw #ases o-ten have a human rights aspe#t as we"", emphasi<ing
the importan#e o- environmenta" "aw %oth on the $omesti# an$ the internationa"
2e"$s. (Ganube Gam %aseO /posa v. Factoran! Cr.! belo)<
*an#"e *a Ca!e 4GH#ngar( '. Slo'a$iaH/ IC, Ca!e/ 56679
*ungary an$ then C<e#hos"ovaGia entere$ into a treaty to #onstru#t $ams whi#h
*ungary "ater stoppe$ $ue to environmenta" #on#erns. Khi"e the Court ru"e$ that
*ungary>s noti#e o- termination was premature, it a"so ep"aine$ that the prote#tion o-
the environment is an important part o- human rights, sin#e a hea"thy environment is a
#on$ition sine 5ua non -or numerous rights, e.g. the right to hea"th, the right to "i-e.
O)o!a '. Factoran/ ,r. 4P1ili))ine Ca!e/ 566<9
4he petitioners were minors asGing the +upreme Court to or$er the +e#retary o- =atura"
/esour#es to #an#e" a"" eisting tim%er "i#ense agreements on the groun$ o-
?intergenerationa" prote#tion@, suing on %eha"- o- their generation an$ those yet to %e
%orn. 4he Court re#ogni<e$ their right to %ring the #ase. 4he #ase emphasi<e$ that
prote#tion o- the environment invo"ves a vita" human rights aspe#t.
4he +to#Gho"m De#"aration o- 197( was -ormu"ate$ $uring a 8= Con-eren#e on the
*uman Environment atten$e$ %y 111 states.
:rin#ip"e (1 o- the +to#Gho"m De#"aration
+tates have, in a##or$an#e with the Charter o- the 8nite$ =ations an$ the
prin#ip"es o- internationa" "aw, the sovereign right to ep"oit their own resour#es
pursuant to their own environmenta" po"i#ies, an$ the responsi%i"ity to ensure that
a#tivities within their Juris$i#tion or #ontro" $o not #ause $amage to the
environment o- other +tates or o- areas %eyon$ the "imits o- nationa" Juris$i#tion.
:rin#ip"e (1 o- the +to#Gho"m De#"aration is a #o$i2#ation o- a stan$ing ru"e o-
internationa" "aw
Trail Selter Ca!e 4!#)ra9
4he ar%itra" tri%una" ru"e$ that no state has the right to use or permit the use o- its
territory in su#h a manner as to #ause inJury %y -umes in or to the territory o- another or
the properties or persons therein.
P. Internationa* Econo(ic La,
.nternationa" e#onomi# "aw is the #omp"e regu"atory -rameworG Uowing -rom $i,erent
sour#es o- "aw governing internationa" e#onomi# re"ations an$ transD%oun$ary e#onomi#
#on$u#t %y +tates, internationa" organi<ations, an$ private a#tors. .n the interest o-
tangi%"e #ontours, this notion is #on2ne$ to the regu"ation o- #rossD%or$er transa#tions in
goo$s an$ #apita" an$ the internationa" prote#tion o- inte""e#tua" property. (Berde&en!
@1a( Planc, *ncyclopedia of Public #nternational La)<
Area! o+ International -conoic La% 4+ro Herdegen9
1. .nternationa" tra$e "aw W the internationa" regu"ation o- the e#hange o- goo$s an$
servi#es a#ross %or$ersN it is pre$ominant"y %ase$ on the re#ipro#a" #hara#ter o-
the respe#tive rights an$ o%"igations o- a"" parties an$ #onsi$ere$ to a#hieve
mutua" %ene2ts -or a"" o- them
(. .nternationa" antiDtrust an$ #ompetition "aw W governs the interp"ay o- $omesti#
#ompetition (antitrust) ru"es #on#erning the issue o- un$ertaGingsN it governs the
"egitimate rea#h o- nationa" #ompetition "aws as to their etraterritoria" e,e#ts
1. .nternationa" investment "aw W #overs the promotion o- -oreign investments an$
their prote#tion against inter-eren#es %y the host +tateN attra#ting -oreign
investments %y esta%"ishing a -avora%"e investment #"imate is now re#ogni<e$ as a
#ornerstone o- e#onomi# $eve"opment
B. .nternationa" monetary "aw W $ea"s with monetary re"ationsN a maJor weaGness o-
the a#tua" monetary system "ies in the "a#G o- a tru"y e,e#tive #ontro" o- rate

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