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Science 8: Operation!


You are a doctor, with a specialty in the ___________________ system.

You have a patient who needs surgery on their heart, lungs, kidneys and stomach.

You are in a heated debate with the other doctors working on the patient and need to state why your body
system should have priority of being fixed over the other body systems.

You must submit a paper to your hospital's Chief of Surgery, Dr. Mullins, explaining why your patient's organ
(heart, lungs, kidneys or stomach) should get priority. Your paper must explain how this organ is essential to
keeping the circulatory, respiratory, excretory, or digestive systems functioning properly and how this system is
essential to keeping your patient alive.

In order to save this patient, your papers must be in by Wednesday, November 12. You will also be having a
class wide discussion on this date, so be prepared to defend your position.

Your paper should be about 1 page typed. It must include the following items, check them off to be sure that
you have everything done before you hand it in.
Done? Item
Diagram of major organs
involved in the system
Explanation of how your organ is
important for the system to work
Explanation of how your system
is important for the body to work
Criteria Exceptional (4) Good (3) Minimal (2) Not There Yet
(redo and resubmit)

The diagram includes
all organs involved in
the system. It is clearly
labeled and colour is
used to help make
organs distinguished
from one another.
The diagram includes
all the organs involved
in the system. It is
labeled and colour is
The diagram is missing
at least one of the major
organs involved in the
system. It is labeled,
but there may be
mistakes or unclear.
There is no diagram
The diagram is missing
many organs and/or not
Explanation of
how your organ is
important for the
system to work
The paper clearly states
the function of the
organ and how its
function helps the organ
system to work.
The paper states the
function of the organ
and how its function
helps the organ system
work. There may be
one or two minor errors
or omissions.
The paper attempts to
state the function of the
organ and how its
function helps the organ
system work. There
may be a few errors or
The paper does not
attempt to state the
function of the organ
within the system
There are many errors
and omissions.
Explanation of
how your system is
important for the
body to work
The paper clearly
explains how the
system is important for
the human body.
The paper explains how
the system is important
for the human body.
There may be one or
two minor errors or
The paper attempts to
explain how the system
is important for the
human body to work,
but there may be a few
errors or omissions.
There has been no
attempt to explain how
the system is important
to the body.
There are many errors
or omission.
After the project:

The class will be split into groups of 4, with one doctor from each specialty in a group.

Each doctor will have a chance to explain to the other doctors the importance of the body system they have

Once all the doctors have spoken, everyone will have a chance to decide what should be operated on first.
If there are differing opinions doctors will have a chance to debate with each other until all the doctors can
reach an agreement on which organ should be operated on first.

At the end of this class, you will write a paragraph that states which organ you have decided should be operated
on first, and a justification of your decision. You are allowed to change your mind from your original organ.

End of Debate Reflection Assessment:

Criteria Exceptional (4) Good (3) Minimal (2) Not There Yet
(redo and resubmit)
End of debate

Your paragraph clearly
states your opinion on
which organ should be
operated on first. The
choice has been
justified with an
explanation of why you
chose what you did,
based on scientific fact.
Your paragraph states
your opinion on which
organ should be
operated on first. The
choice has been
justified with an
explanation of why you
chose what you did,
based on scientific fact.
However there may be
minor errors or
omission in the
Your paragraph
attempts to state your
opinion on which organ
should be operated on
first. The choice has
been somewhat
justified with an
explanation based on
scientific fact.
However, there are a
few errors or omission.
The paragraph was not


The decision was not
justified based on any
scientific fact.

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